Who You Are Is Who You Attract

The Law of Magnetism

Definition of the Law

Effective leaders are always on the look for good people. In fact, even when they’re not actively hiring, most leaders carry around a mental list of skills, personality traits, character qualities, and attributes that they would like future hires to possess. Once you know who you want, how do you go about finding that kind of person? How do you attract good candidates? The answer to these questions are obvious. If you want awesome team members around you, then you have to become awesome yourself. You must demonstrate the qualities that you are seeking! There are many things that we could write out on our wish-list of qualities that we are seeking in our team members. Here are a few of the more important qualities that start with you as the team leader.

Positive Attitude – Rarely have I ever seen positive people being attracted to a negative work environment. People who view life as a series of opportunities and exciting challenges do not want to work for leaders who talk about how bad things are all of the time. The good news is that attitude is a choice! When you as a leader choose to focus on the growth potential of your own environment, you create a culture that positive people want to be part of. YUES, everything rises and falls on leadership.

Trustworthiness – This attribute is perhaps a little more subtle. Most of us do not consider ourselves to be untrustworthy. Trustworthiness is more than just not lying. To be worthy of trust, as a leader you must be willing to tell the WHOLE TRUTH, keep you commitments, and acknowledge reality.. If you want to attract followers who are trustworthy stay real, stay grounded. Only make commitments that you fully ae able to keep. Do not ignore troublesome issues.

Work Ethic – Do you want team members who are willing to work hard – then work hard! Do not expect punctuality and promptness when you are late and do your job half-hearted. Hard workers look for an environment where everyone is pulling their own weight.

Follow Leaders Stronger Than Ourselves

The Law of Respect

Definition of The Law

There are only a few situations in which people willingly follow a leader they consider weaker than themselves. Perhaps they respect the leaders reputation or past accomplishments. They might have respect for the chain of command. However, their willingness to follow won’t last forever.. Either they will follow unwillingly or stop following all together. People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves.

What makes strong leaders stand out to everyone else? What causes one person to respect and follow another? Consider the following five factors.

Natural Leadership Ability – Some people just have a greater capacity in this area versus other people. All leaders are not created equal. Some leaders just naturally standout in a crowd. So that we are clear, talent alone is not enough.

Respect For Others – Some leaders feel their role as a leader is to dictate to the group every detail. Many followers are not going to pay attention to this version of leadership. Leaders that people want to follow start by showing respect to others.

Courage – We will follow a person in the group that will take a stand for something.When you speak with courage and conviction, you gain respect from others in the group. When these types of leaders lead the charge, people will follow.

Success – It is hard to argue with a good track record. When you exhibit success or expertise in an area, others tend to follow. We want to be part of another’s success.

Loyalty – We live in an era of free agency, change, and transition – dedication is an asset. People will stay with you when you demonstrate that you can stick to a job even in hard times.

Do not overestimate the fact that you need to grow as a leader. People will not stay with you if there leadership capacity is greater than yours, especially if you are not growing. How do you fix this gap? Increase your own capacity to meet and exceed others around you. Why is this important? People will follow others that are stronger.

Leadership Tune Up – One Dream

Tune Up Complete! Let’s GO!

The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team” – Phil Jackson

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships– Micahel Jordon

In the end, a Spartan’s true strength is the warrior next to him. So give respect and honor to him and it will be returned to you” – Leonidas

Grab your journal and get ready to respond to these ten (10) reflection questions.

  1. How am I contributing to the strength of the team? How does the strength of the dream strengthen me?
  2. On a scale of 1-10, how would I rate my loyalty to the team? Why did I select this number?
  3. In what ways am I showing respect to my fellow leaders?
  4. If necessary am I willing to give my time and energy to assist the team members of another leader in our organization?
  5. How can I help my star players perform more like team players?
  6. What are the potential causes that stop team performance?
  7. Why do I have difficulty in setting aside my agenda for the good of the team?
  8. What do I need to do to help my team perform like super-stars?
  9. Am I secure enough to praise the efforts of other team members?
  10. Are my skills, talents, and tools adequate to meet the challenges of today?



“The essence of this strategy is to lock yourself into a virtuous path. You recognize that you will face terrible temptations to stray from the path, and that your willpower will weaken. So you make it impossible – or somehow unthinkably disgraceful or sinful – to leave the path…. If you do not want to gamble at a Casino, you would be better off not going to a Casino and walking past the tables while expecting your friends to stop you from gambling.”

Pre-commitment is mainly an offensive weapon! Do not take your credit card to the department store. Plan your meals by the week so that you will not determine what you will when it is past dinnertime with nothing prepared. Stop buying junk food in small packages – keep it out of the kitchen all together. Planning to have children – starting a savings fund of about $10,000 to ease the financial burden of having a child.

Play more OFFENSE and stop claiming about your failures to everyone around you!

Leadership Navigation

Anyone Can Steer The Ship, It Takes A Leader To Chart The Course

Imagine leaving for a vacation with a destination in mind but no idea of how to get there. If the trip is short, you can probably guess and stumble your way from here to there. However, if the trip is unknown and the terrain is all new, you might stumble your way to the edge of the cliff. Great Leaders study the maps before embarking on any journey. They chart the course of travel. They have a clear image of the trip in their mind. They see the trip! Preparation is KEY!

The preparation begins with a look backwards to draw on past experiences and lessons learned from other trips taken. Lessons of success and failure are applied to the current trip being studied. Times of failure are loaded with insights on how to change future trips.

Evaluating the current conditions are the next step of preparation. Knowing your current location and conditions seems obvious, yet, it is often overlooked before embarking on a new journey. What is the current conditions of our Team, what resources are missing, what are the conditions surrounding this trip that could cause failure at the starting line?

Great Leaders will next, dig deep into themselves to study the journey of others who have attempted a similar path. they consult with other leaders and coaches. They strive to see reality with as much clarity as possible. You cannot minimize obstacles, or rationalize away challenges and still lead effectively. If you do not begin with your eyes wide open, you will get blindsided. Leaders who are good navigators can take their Teams just about anywhere.

CASE STUDY: Joshua 8:1-19, 28 (The Bible)


The nation of Israel first attempted to conquer AI failed because of one member that disobeyed God. How did this set back impact Joshua’s leadership?

How much of the strategy for conquering AI was given by God and how much was contributed by Joshua? Explain?

10 Ways To Handle Criticism

  • Understand the difference between constructive and destructive criticism (who benefits)
  • Don’t take yourself to seriously (take God very seriously)
  • Look beyond the criticism to see the critic (do you have respect for him? what is her need?)
  • Guard your own attitude toward the critic (don’t get defensive; stay objective)
  • Recognize that good people get criticized (don’t beat yourself up)
  • Keep yourself physically and spiritually in shape ( weariness distorts your perspective)
  • Don’t see only the critic, see the crowd (is the criticism widespread)
  • Wait for time to prove the critic wrong (be mature enough to be patient)
  • Associate with people of faith (spend your optional time with optimists)
  • Concentrate on your mission; change your mistakes (focus on the big picture)

Latent Potential

James Clear’s new book, Atomic Habits, suggests that mastery requires patience. The San Antonio Spurs has a quote in their locker room from Jacob Riis that reads; “When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it – but all that had gone before.

In our last blog article I discussed the power of tiny habit that bring big results. The problem is that it takes time for little things to add up to those BIG moments that we all seek. The gap between our effort and the results is called Latent Potential. This is the hallmark of any compounding process. The most powerful outcomes are delayed!

Our digital world has conditioned us to seek instant gratification on almost everything in life. When we do not achieve it, we are led to believe that something is wrong with the method and we need a new method. The outcome almost never leads to the goals we desire. Have you ever given up on latent potential before you get to see the true value of what you were building?
The purpose of setting goals is to win the game. The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game. True long-term thinking is goal-less thinking. It is not about a single accomplishment. It is about the cycle of endless refinement to continuous improvement. Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.

Get Rid of Your A.D.D.

Addiction To Digital Devices

Having the ability to shine the spotlight of our attention is pretty much the secret sauce of awesome. Yet, It’s so elusive that even one of the world’s leading scientists who STUDIES mindfulness struggles with his own splintered attention.

In The Art of Connection, author Michael Gelb tells us about a talk Richie Davidson once gave in which he said: “I think if we’re all honest about it, we all suffer from attention deficit disorder.”

He continues by saying: “… and it’s in part attributable to the kind of exposure we have to digital devices.”

Adding: “Device dependence is highly reinforcing, so it becomes like a drug. And in fact it co-opts the same brain systems that are indicated in addiction.”

Gelb concludes by saying: “In other words, ADD (attention deficit disorder) is getting worse because of ADD (addiction to digital devices).” 

Got a little ADD? Welcome to the common humanity party. Secondly make the connection between your two A.D.D.s: Your Attention Deficit Disorder is, to a large extent, caused by your Addiction to Digital Devices.

Here is a helpful little math equation from author and Coach Brian Johnson. A.D.D. – A.D.D. = You(to the power of “0”). As in, Attention Deficit Disorder minus Addiction to Digital Devices equals you to O power, where, of course, O = Optimization.

What is one small thing that you can do today to begin this journey of breaking addictions to digital technologies so that the best version of you can be seen by the world?

Wealth Thru Profound Service

Do Your Want To Make More Money?

The sub-title question; “Do You Want To Make More Money?sounds like a question that is asked on a late-night infomercial on how to become an overnight millionaire.  Author Steve Chandler in his book Wealth WARRIOR, asks the same question, Do You Want To Make More Money?. However in his book he answers the question with two profound words, SERVE MORE!“To understand why you are not making the money you want to make, I first want to see where you are not serving. That will give us our turnaround strategy. Businesses fail because they don’t serve. Individuals too.” It’s easy to blame the bad economy or bad upbringing (or bad whatever) for our challenges making money. But, the fact is, it’s never any of those things. It’s about one thing: Our failure to serve.

Discovering how to give back into the community we live and the people we serve is what separates any business from just being ordinary. The concept of business coupled with community purpose can teach individuals great insights on leading. There are three components that drives success; Passion Mindset, Craftsman Mindset, and Servant Mindset. Cal Newport’s book So Good They Can’t Ignore You, is the basis of the three mindset categories.The key questions are questions that I have learned and ask each leader that I coach. The answers will determine the greatness of success in your life.

Passion Mindset

I think that if we want to actualize our potential (in creativity, enjoyment and wealth) we need to truly LOVE what we do. My standard? You love it so much you’d pay to do it. That’s a Passion Mindset.

Craftsman Mindset

If we want to actualize our potential (in creativity, enjoyment and wealth), we need to be ALL IN committed to mastering our craft and doing GREAT work. Enter: The Craftsman Mindset. The Key Question: What are you doing to develop yourself?

Servant Mindset

It’s not enough to Love it and strive to be Great at it, we need to find a way to share our Passion and Craft with the world. And, we need to do the often hard work of figuring out how to truly create value by giving people what they really want and are willing to pay for. Enter: The Servant Mindset. The Key Question: What are you doing to develop others?

How can you apply this information? In each category write out one action step you can do today that will improve your Passion, Craftsman, and Servant’s mindset. Go ahead – do it NOW!

100 Second Workout For Your Mind

Improve Your Mental Toughness

Jason Selk is one of the world’s leading peak performance and mental toughness coaches. He won a World Series ring as the director of mental training for the St. Louis Cardinals and he’s written a number of great books we’ve covered including Executive Toughness and 10-Minute Toughness.

In Organize Tomorrow Today he tells us that our MIND needs to be trained just like our bodies. And, just as our physical fitness begins to deteriorate within seventy-two hours of our last workout, so does our mental toughness. Therefore, he says, we need to make sure we never miss more than two days of training our bodies OR our minds.

He offers a super-quick and equally powerful 5-step, 100-second mental toughness workout. Here’s a quick look.

1. Take a nice, deep Centering Breath. In for 6. Hold for 2. Out for 7. Ahhhh… A strong mind is a calm mind and there’s no (!) better way to calm down than through a centering breath like this.

2. Silently say your Identity Statement. Come up with a simple mantra that captures who you aspire to be. A pro athlete’s example he shares: “I am more mentally and physically prepared than the competition. I am a dominant Major League pitcher.” (A version I like to use? “I am making a difference with people who make a difference.”Or “I am turning PRO Today and leaving the Amateur Life Behind.”)

3. Walk thru your Personal Highlight Reel. Quickly replay three things that were awesome over the last twenty-four hours and see three things that WILL be awesome over the next twenty-four (in about thirty seconds total).

4. Repeat your Identity Statement.

5. Take another nice Centering Breath.

Voilà! You’re mentally tougher.