World Champion Training Camp

What Would Your World Look Like If That Was The Standard?

Do you remember the movie, Searching For Bobby Fisher that featured a young prodigy? Josh Waitzkin was that young kid. He conquered the chess world as a kid, but ran into a major defeat at the world championships years later. It was this loose that taught him the most about loving the game or performing for others. Josh would turn his focus to Tai-Chi and has since become a world class champion in this field. He has written about this learning experience in his best-selling book, “The Art of Learning; An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance.” On his web site he offers personal coaching, one-on-one. He suggests that you need not apply if you are unwilling to step into a world class training camp.

Think about this statement for a moment; World Class Training Camp! What if you decided to step into a world class training camp for yourself? What would it look like? To start with with you need to decide if you only want to become DECENT or GOOD or GREAT or AMONG THE BEST, or THE BEST at what you do! If you only desire to become DECENT at your life, you probably could sit on a couch and eat Cheetos for a month or so after having lost your job. But if you desire to become the Best Version of YOU, then you keep moving forward to a goal of becoming the BEST version of yourself as the Almighty Creator has made you, in spite of your loss. In order to go where God has ordered your steps, you cannot stay where you are, you must leave something behind. What are you willing to stop doing in order to start your World Champion Training Camp?

Leadership Axiom: Know thyself in order to grow thyself. Self-awareness is a key step forward into your world class training. Executive Coaching is essential in this journey.


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