How To Make Time Where There Is No Time


Ralph Waldo Emerson stated once the only things that can grow are the things we give attention to. Real life is lived in the present moment. While it is necessary to plan ahead with visionary thoughts and dreams, truly the only thing that can be impacted is the present moment of life. We can either create and live life by design or accept life by default! God’s gift to us is more talent than you can use in a lifetime. your gift to God is to use as much of that talent in your lifetime.

4 Steps To Make Time Where There Is No Time 

  1. Take Inventory of Your Time.  Create a tracking worksheet to capture everything you are doing. You will discover more time to work with by knowing how to make adjustments.
  2. Get Creative. Where in your schedule are the auto-pilot activities? These are the activities that do not require serious conscious awareness in order to perform them (shopping, standing in lines, travel time, etc). You will discover there is at least 45-60 minutes of everyday that you are doing auto-pilot activities. Start listening to good podcasts, training materials, audio books and perhaps turn your car into a mobile university of learning.
  3. Exercise The Law of Priority. This is one of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell that states, activity is not progress or accomplishment. Recognize that faith, family and career come before hobbies, Facebook, and television. Do what is required and not so much of what is desired! GET CLARITY! What gives the greatest return and brings the greatest reward?
  4. Exercise The Law of Sacrifice. This also is another John Maxwell law that recognizes leaders must give to go up! Sacrifice is a constant in leadership. It is an ongoing process and not a one time payment. There is no success without sacrifice. Many people think that leadership brings freedom and that the perks, power, and prestige are the trophies at the top. The reality is that leadership requires sacrifice – no matter the profession!

I would love to hear your suggestions on how to make time when there is not enough of it . Leave a comment below and I will respond to you.Slide2

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