“….and be found in him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith.”
What Is It?
IMPUTATION The act of reckoning a legal debit or credit to an account. The term was used in Graeco-Roman legal language and was understood in secular commerce as “enter into the books” (Balz and Schneider, 355). The concept is also used in a religious sense in the Old and New Testament. Protestant Christians recognize imputation in three doctrinal areas: original sin, atonement, and justification [The Lexham Bible Dictionary].
The act of reckoning a legal debit or credit to an account. The term was used in Graeco-Roman legal language and was understood in secular commerce as “enter into the books”. The concept is also used in a religious sense in the Old and New Testament. Also: Impute [Logos Fact-book Search].
Imputation & Sin – In Leviticus 17:4, the guilt of bloodshed is reckoned to the guilty man’s account. Second Samuel 19:19 describes a penitent Shimei throwing himself on the mercy of King David, begging him not to “count” his sin against him. In Psalm 32:2, David considers a person blessed if the Lord does not impute his own iniquity against him.
Imputation & Atonement – Leviticus 7:18 teaches that a person’s sins could be charged to the account of an animal that was properly sacrificed burned; then that person’s account received a credit. Isaiah 53:6–12 records that people’s sins would be placed on the suffering servant for him to bear. Jesus’ atoning work on the cross fulfilled these precursors, with the result that the sin, guilt, and condemnation of believers is transferred from their account to His.
Imputation & Justification – In exchange for the human sins that have been imputed to Jesus’ account, Jesus’ righteousness is imputed to the accounts all who believe in Him as Savior. In Protestant theology, this act is called justification; it is accomplished by God’s grace and is not based on any goodness or worthiness of the believer (Rom 3:24; Titus 3:7)
Take your study deeper. Journal your THANKFULNESS because Christ’s shed-blood has erased your guilt!
1Miller, J. E. (2016). Imputation. In J. D. Barry, D. Bomar, D. R. Brown, R. Klippenstein, D. Mangum, C. Sinclair Wolcott, L. Wentz, E. Ritzema, & W. Widder (Eds.), The Lexham Bible Dictionary. Lexham Press.] ↩︎
Understanding that so few leaders finish well and the insights to hedge this reality is what this post is about.
In comparative studies of those leaders that have finished well what are the insights that can be learned. To begin, listen to the writer of Hebrews 13:7-8 NLT; “Remember your leaders who taught you the word of God. Think of all the good that has come from their lives, and follow the example of their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” [Tyndale House Publishers. (2015). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (Heb 13:7–8). Tyndale House Publishers.}
Here are five (5) insights that can be learned and implemented from leaders who have finished well.
#1 – Perspective – We need to have a lifetime perspective on ministry. Effective ministers view present ministry in terms of a lifetime perspective. That perspective is gained from the Hebrews 13:7-8 passage.
#2 – Renewal – Special moments of intimacy with God, Challenges from God, new vision from God and affirmation from God both in personhood and ministry will occur repeatedly to a growing leader.
#3 – Disciplines – Leaders need discipline of all kinds – especially spiritual discipline. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 NLT; Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified. [Tyndale House Publishers. (2015). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (1 Co 9:24–27). Tyndale House Publishers.]
#4 – Learning Posture – The single most important antidote to plateauing is a well-developed learning posture. Such a posture is also one of the major ways through which God gives vision.
#5 – Mentoring – Leaders who finish will have 10-15 significant people of which the leader has made a significant deposit of development and growth in not only knowledge, but in power.
Take your study deeper. Do these five (5) insights challenge your current way of thinking and influencing? Journal what God is saying to you at this moment. What is your first step to change your current posture of learning and influencing?
In a high-level overview of what Biblical leadership entails, there are four (4) key observations that emerge.
Observation #1 – Few Leaders finish well
Observation #2 – Leadership is difficult
Observation #3 – God’s enabling presence is the essential ingredient of successful leadership
Observation #4 – Spiritual leadership can make a difference
In this post we will look at the remains three (3) of six (6) Barriers to Finishing Well. Dr. Robert Clinton from Fuller Theological Seminary having studied over 1300 cases of leadership with approximately 50 Bible Leaders and 100+ historical leaders and the rest being contemporary; his research focused on the WHAT and WHY of leaders not finishing well. It is not some mysterious covert work. In fact there are items that are knowable. Consider Proverbs 22:3 (NLT); A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. [Tyndale House Publishers. (2015). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (Pr 22:3). Tyndale House Publishers.]
Barriers con’t
#4 – Sex – Illicit Relationships. Illicit sexual relationship have been a major downfall both in Biblical and western cultures. Joseph’s classic integrity check with respect to sexual sin is the ideal model that leaders should follow.
Example: David’s sin with Bathsheba was pivotal from which his leadership never fully recovered.
#5 – Family – Critical Issues – Problems between spouses, children, can and will destroy ministry. Biblical family values are to be pursued and lived out.
Example: David’s family. Ammon and Tamar. Absalom’s revenge.
#6 – Plateauing. Leaders who are competent will tend to plateau. However, your strength as a competent leader is also your weakness. They can continue ministry without there being a reality of Spirit empowered renewing.
Example: David in the latter part of his reign just before Absalom’s revolt.
Take your study deeper. What have you learned from the Six Barriers to Finishing Well? What changes do you need to implement
In a high-level overview of what Biblical leadership entails, there are four (4) key observations that emerge.
Observation #1 – Few Leaders finish well
Observation #2 – Leadership is difficult
Observation #3 – God’s enabling presence is the essential ingredient of successful leadership
Observation #4 – Spiritual leadership can make a difference
In this post we will look at six (6) Barriers to Finishing Well. Dr. Robert Clinton from Fuller Theological Seminary having studied over 1300 cases of leadership with approximately 50 Bible Leaders and 100+ historical leaders and the rest being contemporary; his research focused on the WHAT and WHY of leaders not finishing well. It is not some mysterious covert work. In fact there are items that are knowable. Consider Proverbs 22:3 (NLT); A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. [Tyndale House Publishers. (2015). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (Pr 22:3). Tyndale House Publishers.]
Here are the first of three Barriers to Finishing Well
#1 – Finances – Their Use & Abuse. Leaders who hold power positions that allow for decisions to be made regularly regarding finances can in fact encourage bad practices and wrongful use. Impropriety is the resulting behavior.
Example: Gideon’s golden ephod; Ananias & Sapphire
#2 – Power – Its Abuse. Leadership at times require the use of various power bases in order to accomplish goals. There is a strong tendency for abuse to feel you are untouchable as a leader.
Example: Uzziah’ usurping of priestly privilege.
#3 – Pride – Which Leads to Downfall. Pride is the inappropriate self-centeredness that can and will lead to a downfall. Never forget where ministerial authority originates – GOD ALONE!
Example: David’s unauthorized numbering of his army and resources.
Take your study deeper. What is God saying to you regarding these first three barriers to effective ministry?
Continuing with the Characteristics of finishing well as a leader from our previous post…..
#4 – Truth is lived out in their lives so that convictions and promises of God are seen to be real
Example: see Joshua 23:14 where at the close of his speech Joshua declares God’s promises have never failed him. Paul in the N.T. weaves in many truths to Timothy in his two letters – see Acts27:22-25.
#5 – They Leave behind one or more ultimate contributions. Consider the following:
Saint A model life that others desire to emulate
Stylistic Practitioners A ministry model that others desire to emulate
Mentor Extensive personal ministry: end product changed lives
Public Speaking Extensive public ministry: end product changed lives
Pioneers Start new works: end product is new churches, new movement, new works for God
Crusaders Those who correct wrongs: end product, changed institutions, societies which reflect justice, fairness
Artists Those who introduce creative ways of doing things
Founder Pioneers who start new christian organizations
Stabilizers Those who can work within churches, organizations to
keep them alive and consistent – revitalization
Researchers Those who discover why things operate the way they do
efficiency in christian work
Writers Those who capture ideas in writing to assist others
Promoters Those who motivate and inspire
Example: Daniel embodies saint, mentor, writing, stabilizer. Paul embodies saint, mentor, crusader, writer, promoter
#6 – They walk with a growing awareness of a sense of destiny and see some or all of it fulfilled
Definition: A sense of destiny is an inner conviction arising from experience or a series of experiences in which there is a growing sense that God has his hand on a leader in a special way
Take your study deeper. How do these las three characteristics impact you?
In a high-level overview of what Biblical leadership entails, there are four (4) key observations that emerge.
Observation #1 – Few Leaders finish well
Observation #2 – Leadership is difficult
Observation #3 – God’s enabling presence is the essential ingredient of successful leadership
Observation #4 – Spiritual leadership can make a difference
Because these observations are not just limited to Spiritual Leadership, it is equally true of any contemporary leader. That being said, I would offer characteristics of leaders that finish well with biblical illustrations. In the next post there will be additional characteristics.
#1 – They maintain a personal vibrant relationship with God right up to the very end.
Example: Daniel in the O.T. and Peter, Paul, and John
#2 – They maintain a learning posture and can learn from various kinds of sources – life especially.
Example: Daniel is the classic O.T. leader – see Daniel 9; reveals Daniel’s confession of how Israel has acted wickedly and Gabriel’s visit about the 70 weeks. Peter in the N.T. – see 2 Peter 3:18 grow in grace and knowledge of God. Paul in the N.T. – see 2 Timothy 4:13 – Paul’s final instruction to bring the books and parchments (for learning purposes).
#3 – They manifest Christ-likeness as evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit in their lives
Example: Daniel in the O.T. shows us how to appeal unto authorities when challenged to go against their faith. Paul in the N.T. shows us how the roughness of his personality was transformed into tenderness – read about three runaway slave in Philemon and his care for him.
Take your study deeper. Journal your thoughts on how to improve your spiritual leading.
Dr. J. Robert Clinton, Professor of Leadership at the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, has made great contributions to the study of Biblical leaders that finish well and also the barriers of finishing well. Dr. John Maxwell has stated that everything he has ever learned about Leadership originated in his study of the Bible.
As we enter 2024, prognosticators suggest this year will be a year of social chaos and conflict that potentially will scar the American landscape permanently. The vacuum of quality leaders in all areas of our nation is creating a phenomenal pressure on leaders to finish well. I want to be clear, finishing well as a leader is not an impossibility. At the same time Finishing Well is not a passive exercise – deliberate focus is required.
Dr. Clinton’s studies on Biblical Leadership has revealed the following observations from scripture.
Few Leaders finish well
Leadership is difficult
God’s enabling presence is the essential ingredient of successful leadership
Spiritual leadership can make a difference
These observations cross-over into contemporary leadership in society. Pause for just a minute to realize these four observations started in the context of the Bible. Research reveals there are approximately 800+ leaders mentioned in the scriptures. Yet, many do not finish well at the end of their tenure. What can be learned from this fact? What does a successful leadership conclusion look like? Why are there only a few that finish well? I will explore this in upcoming posts.
Take your study deeper. What are your thoughts about finishing well as a leader? Do you recognize the correlation between a national vacuum of leadership and what effective biblical leadership looks like?
To continue the discussion regarding the Holy Spirit Praxis, consider a case study from scripture that begins in Acts 1:8; “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all of Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Luke is careful to order this narrative to show movement in three societal spheres; Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the end of the earth.
Hit a hard pause at this moment! The Gospel of the Messiah had become lost in religion and had to break out of religion in order to accomplish God’s plan of redemption to “whosever will…” This narrative now moves to Acts 10, 11, and 15, this is the story of the conversion of Cornelius. There are five distinct elements to this story. Consider…
Acts 10:1-2; “At Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion of what was known as the Italian Cohort, a devout man who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously to the people, and continually prayed to God.”
Peter is now being challenged to act in a manner entirely foreign to his concept of mission. Consider the mission in Acts 10:11-48.
Cornelius’ conversion and yet on another level Peter and his whole community were also being transformed.
Peter’s report to the council in Jerusalem. He clearly had stepped well outside the framework of acceptable Jewish behavior in Acts 11:1-16
The Jerusalem Council’s watershed moment. Acts 15:1-35. The Gentiles were included into the church of Jesus Christ. Suddenly, the Messiah’s message went beyond the bounds of Jewishness.
Study the Praxis Model of the Holy Spirit below. The Word and Spirit Define this model by Peter Roennfeldt in his writing of: Holy Spirit Praxis: “A Frame For Contextualization.”
Take your study deeper. What is the Holy Spirit saying to you and the church today given our political, social, and religious climate in our nation. What change is the Holy Spirit attempting to work through you or challenging to return to biblical anchor points?
We have examined a number of biblical facts regarding the Holy Spirit according to John The Baptist, grammatical insights, and The Day of Pentecost. Now it is time to look at the Praxis of The Holy Spirit. Praxis by definition is the process in which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, realized, applied, or put into practice as a new norm. This is a 16th century term that originates in Greek Culture and later became influenced in Medieval Latin culture. Notice the Illustration below by Peter Roennfeldt in his writing of: Holy Spirit Praxis: “A Frame For Contextualization.”
Words Have Meaning
2024 – A Year of Holy Spirit Empowerment
Holy Spirit Praxis
We have examined a number of biblical facts regarding the Holy Spirit according to John The Baptist, grammatical insights, and The Day of Pentecost. Now it is time to look at the Praxis of The Holy Spirit. Praxis by definition is the process in which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, realized, applied, or put into practice as a new norm. This is a 16th century term that originates in Greek Culture and later became influenced in Medieval Latin culture. Notice the Illustration below by Peter Roennfeldt in his writing of: Holy Spirit Praxis: “A Frame For Contextualization.”
Take your study deeper. What actions have you taken while remaining to biblical mandates that have resulted in new behaviors and comprehensions?
In my previous post I realize that I left much to be discussed regarding the ignition point of the Holy Spirit coming to the first century church. However, I am not ignorant of the discussion in various theological circles. I do want to focus more upon what God did and not so much on detailed grammatical arguments.
Let’s remind ourselves that Christ was preparing to leave the Disciples and reiterated John the Baptist’s words that he baptized with water, but one is coming that will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire. Step number one is to see God’s very presence came to indwell the church corporately and Christians individually. His presence is what draws us into the very life of the triune God.
What was promised was not merely spiritual gifts and spiritual fruit, he came at Pentecost to dwell within us. John 14:23(ESV), “Jesus answered him, ‘if anyone love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” Do not miss that fact, God’s presence trumps all discussion.
Now turn your attention to Acts 2 where we read Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost that resulted in 3,000 converts. While there are many points of theology proper that Peter addressed, we have to return to the ultimate reason for the Spirit’s indwelling – God’s very presence by means of the Holy Spirit indwells the church and individuals. Notice the question of the audience at the end of Peter’s sermon; “…Brothers, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37ESV). Answer: Repent, Be Baptized, Receive The Holy Spirit.” This process opens the gateway for God’s abiding presence to begin in the actual lives of people. RECONCILED INTIMACY takes the place of Temple worship. The church is now the “Living Temple”, a spiritual house that testifies of God’s presence.
Take your study deeper. Is God’s presence needed among the churches and worshippers today? Do we realize that His presence among us now is to equip and facility the Second Coming of the Messiah?
The Ignition Point of the Holy Spirit – Acts 2:1-13
In my previous post we focused upon the “Three-fold” ministry of the Holy Spirit. “….He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgement…”
In this post I want to look at the literal “ignition point” of the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:1-13. To begin, we need to remember the words of John The Baptist in Matthew 3:11 and Luke 3:16 where they reported thane is coming afterwards that would baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Let’s consider some knowable truths about this event.
Day of Pentecost – This is an actual day of celebration that Hellenistic Jews used to commemorate the “Fest of of Weeks”. Pentecost literally means “fiftieth” so this celebration was 50 days after the passover celebration. No doubt Jesus took full advantage of the images of this festival. Jesus Christ is the first fruits from the dead (Acts 26:23; 1 Cor. 15:20–23), having been the first to be raised from the dead. He spent forty days on earth (Acts 1:3) and then ascended. On the fiftieth day, Pentecost, the Spirit of God came precisely as Jesus had predicted, coinciding with the great national harvest celebration. [Swindoll, C. R. (2016). Acts (p. 35). Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.]
120 in Attendance – This group was awaiting something they had never witnessed, or heard of, or even remotely understand its full impact on their lives personally and the church corporately. They were in full obedience to what Christ had commanded.
Notice the “abruptness” – one minute calm and normalcy and the next minute an audible strong rushing wind entered the place where they were seated. Do not miss the volatility of this moment. “Unbelievable” would be a word we would use in our culture.
“Divided Tongues as of fire” appeared visually – Do not miss a key word, “hekaston” every person/each person received this experience. Notice the comments from Charles Swindoll; Luke describes the energy as coming from “tongues” (plural) like fire, a blazing substance dividing and distributing itself into one stream per individual. Unlike a lightning strike, the flames came to rest on each person. I suggest the image remained in place long enough for each person to look around and see that everyone in the group received the same flaming power, the same gift of the Holy Spirit. Each received the same empowerment. No one was left out. [Swindoll, C. R. (2016). Acts (p. 36). Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.]
Speaking in tongues – the glossais – Notice the worshippers heard something, saw something, and now they said something. Just as they had been promised by John the Baptizer, their water baptism had been followed by their baptism with/in the Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16).
The Result – First there was bewilderment by the on-lookers. Second the people heard (auditory) their own languages/dialects being spoke.
Take your study deeper. Before our Western mindset kicks in language structures and meanings, pause an allow the event that God did sink into your spirit being. To more fully know God Jewish culture says you observe what did first before language construction. Question; Do we need a might move of God today? Your answer reveals the level of urgency regarding making Christ known for such a time as this!
In our previous post I mentioned that John 16:7-8 was the key passage in this Farewell Address of Jesus. Keep in mind that Jesus is comforting the disciples because of the sorrow that had filled their hearts. Listen again to this key passage.
“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if do not go away, the Helper (“paraclete” – Advocate, Encourager) will not come. But if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment…” Jn 16:7-8 ESV.
Consider the three-fold ministry that is listed in this passage. “When he comes he will convict the world concerning….”
SIN- Hamartia – 178x
Refers to one’s inability or unwillingness to do as God commands, resulting in guilt before Him. Jesus died to pay the penalty of sin for the whole world, but only those who believe in Him have appropriated His sacrifice and, therefore, stand guiltless before the Father. Those who do not believe in Christ remain in their sin and must answer for their choices (16:9).
RIGHTEOUSNESS – Dikaiosyne – 95x
Refers to one’s legal standing before God as “not guilty.” In this context, Jesus relates the issue of righteousness to His “going to the Father.” Throughout His ministry, Jesus claimed oneness with the Father, for which the world (the religious leaders) accused Him of sin, deceit, and blasphemy (5:18; 7:12; 9:16, 24; 10:33). His going to the Father is the ultimate vindication of Christ’s righteousness over that of the world. The Holy Spirit will confront humanity with the righteousness of the Son (16:10).There
JUDGMENT – Krisis – 49x
Refers to one’s life and character being sifted in order to determine one’s moral worth. Jesus stated repeatedly that He did not come for the purpose of judging, but that individuals would reveal themselves by their response to truth incarnate (3:17–18; 5:22–23; 12:48). By virtue of Christ’s vindication, Satan has been sifted and found wanting. The Holy Spirit will confront humanity concerning its choice for Satan instead of the Son (16:11). [Swindoll, C. R. (2018). John (p. 306). Tyndale House Publishers.]
Take your study deeper. How has this three-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit impacted your life?
This describes what the Holy Spirit has been sent to earth to accomplish in the lives of those who, by the Spirit’s power, have embraced God as their Father and Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity, whose identity and work are revealed especially by Jesus in his farewell discourses to his disciples (John 14–17). Jesus said that after his departure he would send his followers the Holy Spirit, another “Comforter” who would be with them always and lead them into all truth (John 15:26). The Holy Spirit would come to convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment – in other words, to proclaim the gospel of Christ and its fulfillment (John 16:8).
The fulfillment of the sending of the Spirit took place fifty days after Jesus’ resurrection and ten days after his ascension into heaven. The Spirit came in the form of “tongues of fire” that rested on the heads of the disciples who had assembled in Jerusalem in order to wait for him, as Jesus had instructed them to do. Once they were filled with the indwelling Spirit, the disciples were able to go out and preach boldly the message of salvation that they had received in Christ, and the Spirit enabled them to win thousands of converts to the new faith.
[ Bray, G. (2018). The Mission of the Spirit. In M. Ward, J. Parks, B. Ellis, & T. Hains (Eds.), Lexham Survey of Theology. Lexham Press.]
Opening Observations – John 14-17
These chapters comprise the “Farewell Address” of Jesus to His Disciples.
A cursory review of chapters 14-16 reveals the plural use of the word “You” was used 107x. Chapter 17 shows a transition from the plural to the singular form of “you”.
Jesus is preparing to leave His Disciples. He stretches himself to them with the use of terms of endearment. He is comforting them!
The shift in chapter 17, Jesus is now endearing himself to the Father as He prays for the Disciples and the coming of the Holy Spirit Comforter.
KEY PASSAGE: “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if do not go away, the Helper (“paraclete” – Advocate, Encourager) will not come. But if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment…” Jn 16:7-8 ESV.
Take your study deeper. What observations do you see regarding the Holy Spirit?
In my previous post we looked at a comparative chart of basic similarities and differences of text. I also drew your attention to who the audience the author was attempting to reach and impact.
I want to draw your attention to key words in these five passages of scripture -Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:3; Acts 1:4b-5. Again, without making any Theological interpretation or application I want key words to speak for themselves in the context they are being used.
FIrst notice the term “baptize” as it pertains to water. As used in all five passages the term is a verb indicating an act of immersion with water as the agency being used. This act can imply cleansing, ceremonial, and/or and initiatory rite. From Matthew we learn this immersion was resulting from a change of mind or state of being (Repentance – “metanoia” a state of having been changed or a change of mind). From these insights we learn that waters of baptism is an outward expression of an inward change of heart and testimony.
Notice also the same word is used regarding Holy Spirit baptism. In this case baptism is still an implied immersion. It is at this point the debate can enlarge itself by the use of “meta – with” or “en – in”. Is it baptism with or in water and The Holy Spirit? I respect the differences are subtle, but I would argue they are important. “With” something implies the use of or means of. “In” something implies more than means but speaks to manner of – Ie. Immersion into an agency of.
For purposes of this post I will appeal to the Nestle-Aland 27th edition as a starting point. This Greek text of the New Testament shows that “en – in” is what is being used and not “meta – with.” I will leave my discussion there for the time being(6199 occurrences in the N.T.). I do not have a ThD Degree that requires the mastery of four (4) languages. I do believe whole-heartedly that “words have meaning” when used in sentences to communicate truth.
Matthew and Luke give us an additional descriptor of the Holy Spirit as the agency by which this happens, now both add in the use of “puri – fire” (Occurs 68x in N.T.). Rather it points to the purifying effect of the Messiah’s work, making effective that return to the holiness of the people of God which John’s water-baptism could only symbolize.
In my previous post I showed all four Gospel writers reported John the Baptist’s words of being baptized (with water) but that you would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Also I included Jesus’ words just prior to His ascension in Acts 1:4b-5 affirming the same testimony.
Without imposing Theological interpretation or application to these five (5) passages of scripture it is always helpful to understand the similarities and differences. Study the comparative chart below while keeping an eye upon who the audience is to help shape understanding of some unique differences.
Similarities & Differences
Matthew 3:11
Mark 1:8
Luke 3:16
John 1:33
Acts 1:4b-5
Baptize With Water
Baptize with Water for Repentance
John baptized with water
Baptize with The Holy Spirit
Baptize with Holy Spirit & Fire
See the Spirit descend & remain
Scripture Comparison
Who was the audience the author intended to reach?
Matthew – The Jews who were looking for a Royal Savior
Mark – The Romans who were more interested in power and strength
Luke – Theophilus – Gentiles who were the common people looking for Christ’s help
John – A general audience, more evangelistic in nature intended on a larger audience
Acts – Theophilus – a larger general population reporting a historical account
Take your study deeper. What are your observations? What have you learned without making a Theological interpretation or application?
As we begin 2024 there are many questions that consume our minds. These questions range from; “What is happening to our nation?” – to “Why are food prices sky-rocketing?” – to “Why has our education system become so infected with the ‘woke-mind-virus’?” – to “Is our church making disciples?”
The list of questions could fill pages. These questions are not for dramatic effect, but actual questions that I have heard repeatedly. No matter the political landscape or cost of living, there is a general sense in people’s heart that 2024 is shaping up to be a very traumatic year on many levels. So what do we do?
I am beginning my writing and posting for 2024 by taking a fresh look at the Holy Spirit. I will begin by taking a high level view of the fore-telling of the Holy Spirit’s arrival. Specifically, I want to draw your attention to five (5) key passages that refer to John The Baptist’s statement and Christ’s reference to this as well. Here are the five passages from the English Standard Version of the Bible..
Matthew 3:11
“I baptize you with water for repentance, But he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”
Mark 1:8
“I have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”
Luke 3:16
“John answered them all, saying, I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”
John 1:33
“I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me, He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 1:4b-5
“……you heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”
Take your study deeper. What terms are repeated in all five (5) passages? What is different about each passage?
This is the last trend forecasted for 2023. Take a minute to review previous posts and give serious reflection about what was forecasted and what still remains unfulfilled.
Pastoral Burnout Will Stabilize As Pastors Embrace Their New Church
Pastors, embracing the congregation you have instead of wishing for the church you used to have or wishing for the church you hope to have will provide much-needed relief.
Since 2020, the last three years have been insanely difficult for pastors and church leaders. Barna Research Group is reporting the major disruptive events from 2020 is subsiding and creating some space for pastors to heal emotionally and spiritually. While this trending is slight, it is however in the right direction.
As a practitioner of Leadership Development and having wrote my Dissertation on Peer To Peer Ministerial Discipleship I would contend that we have a very long way to go. While there is a slight percentage drop of ministers contemplating leaving the ministry (39% in September 2022 – only 11% in 2017), the daunting task in front of church leaders is still over-whelming at times. Consider the infographic below.
What are your observations as a lay-attendee? What stirs your heart and soul in this discussion?
Trend #7 is very sobering for any non-profit work that relies heavily on volunteers.
The Volunteer Crisis Will Move From Acute to Chronic
Wise church leaders will stop making the volunteer ask about what they want FROM volunteers and make it about what they want FOR them instead. So many church leaders struggled to recruit volunteers as churches re-opened post-COVID. In 2023 and beyond that challenge will move from acute to a chronic crisis. Consider a few factors that will make this more difficult.
First, the return to church meant different people returned to church, and much slower than expected(Click the link for a great article)
More significantly, as Trend #1 outlined, Boomers are aging out and are the least likely group to return to church. This makes the volunteer backbone of most churches and nonprofit organizations less robust than it used to be. That will only get more challenging as boomers continue to age.
Plus, the next generations (primarily Millennials and GenZ) attend church less often and have more options on the weekend. And that makes getting them to commit harder.
The volunteer crisis is a vision crisis. A vision requires that you recapture the Biblical sense that volunteering is more about the growth of the individual than the needs of the church will help to solve this crisis.
The truth of the matter is that when people feel seen and appreciated and when they realize that serving in the church is one of the next expressions of their spiritual gifts, they will sign up faster and stay long.
The crisis is very real at the end of 2023. Effective solutions and messaging is woefully lacking.
In this post we will look at trend #6 that was forecasted for 2023. As we look at what was forecasted and now look at the end of 2023, are we seeing these claims being fulfilled or not.
Content Curation Will Matter as Much as Content Creation
As more pastors are discovering every year, it’s almost impossible to produce top-tier messages week after week that can compete with the best that’s available on the internet. This is not a pressure any previous generation of pastors dealt with, honestly, it’s unsustainable!
Faced with the reality of an open internet and feeling the pressure to perform week after week, far too many pastors have succumbed to “plagiarism,” which is a terrible practice for several reasons. Intellectual dishonesty would be at the top of the list!
Curation is taking relevant articles, Vlogs, and Videos from the internet to more fully express your thoughts for your news letters (Ie. 5-Bullet Friday, On The Rise). You voice is still being heard weekly by communicating what you trust and do not trust on the Internet.
As I have reflected on this 6th trend for 2023 there are some observations that I would offer.
In my 49th year as an ordained minister I have never felt the pressure to compete with other Pastors.
My felt pressure was always upon myself to accurately represent God’s word in context and application. Plagiarism is a dangerous and lazy practice for sermon preparation. This leads to intellectual dishonesty!
Curated articles, videos, and vlogs can be a way of enhancing your sermon notes handouts. This can give additional voice to the main idea of your sermon. Choose wisely!!
What are your observations about modern day preaching of the Gospel?
The Purpose of The Weekend Sermon Will Shift From an Attraction to An Anchor
In this fifth trend that was forecasted for 2023, sermons will no longer become an attractional display, but more of an anchor. We have observed exceptional preachers in every generation. With the accelerated growth of online content, the average preacher will quickly learn that sermons are not the draw they once used to be. Instead preaching will become more of an anchor!
When you listen to church messaging, it is as though nothing has changed. Communication sounds something like these phrases:
Join us for our new series Sunday at 9 &11.
Don’t miss last Sunday’s message. Available online and on-demand.
I can’t wait to share a brand new message with you.
The problem with this approach is that people have access to literally thousands of sermons and teachings. It would be helpful to focus more on the real reasons that people gather: community, Kids and Teens ministry, connections, life-on-life connections that simply do not work online.
Have you noticed how many churches are preaching virtually on the same topics at the same time? Have you noticed that much modern day preaching is still attempting to carve out a niche space that separates them from others? Have you noticed that every other church seems to talk about Kingdom Builders, Growth Track, Red Tents, Discover purpose, etc.?
Isn’t it time that solid exegetical sermons find their way back into our worship experiences?
Prior to 2023 here is the fourth trend that was being forecasted.
Churches That Embrace Online Ministry Will Start Seeing Results
Lifeway Research stated that pre-2020 only 27% of churches offered online streaming. Post 2020 92% of churches offer live streaming. Interestingly enough, many churches throttled back their live-streaming presence post-Covid. Here are three pre-2023 reasons not to throttle back your digital footprint.
Online church is the BIGGEST front door in history. Pre-dating Covid your churches front door was not the actual front door to gain access into your church.
Online church is a powerful side door. Your churches digital presence make it possible for people who aren’t attending on Sunday to access your church anyway and anytime.
Online church has not been the backdoor. Given all the disruption that has taken place, the rise of digital options that have been available for years, anyone who saw church online as an easy out is already gone.
Digital church is not the enemy of in-person attendance, but it is the greatest ally.
As you read these Year in review posts of trends that were being forecasted for 2023, what are your thoughts regarding this fourth trend?
As you read these posts, keep in mind the eight (8) forecasts were wrote prior to 2023. Now that we are at the end of 2023, we can look to see if these have come to pass.
The Line Between Digital and In-Person Will Continue To Blur
Take notice Millennials and Gen-z move in-through-and-around a hybrid form of church that older Gen-X and Boomers find it difficult. A fantastic online presence drives demand for in-person experiences because the line between what happens online and in real life continues to get thinner every year.
The younger generations find it easy to navigate between the digital and in-person world. While not endorsing business/secular strategies, but only to illustrate the power of an awesome on-line presence consider Taylor Swift’s Midnights album release. It set new records for streaming on Spotify and sold over 500,000 copies. Further demonstrating that online experiences drives in-person commitment Swift’s Eras Tour shut down Ticketmaster sales (here’s Ticketmaster’s explanation of what happened).
Small church leaders are not exempt from this reality. Think Media Sean Connell states: “Don’t overestimate any one post, but don’t underestimate the commitment to consistent posting.”
The church is not in the business of religious entertainment. In the words of a well known evangelist (Mario Murillo); “Skinny jeans, big screens, and smoke machines are not a strategy for the Great Commission.” Our first business is to “Preach the Word”. If the power of spoken words is insufficient to draw man-kind to the gospel, then entertainment gimmickry will not help us.
As we approach 2024, we are witnessing a growing unrest within our nation. What are your thoughts on reaching the younger generations with an eternal message of hope ad peace?
In my previous post I mentioned that first trend of eight that were forecasted entering 2023. This post will focus on the second forecasted trend.
Trend #2 -Open Pastors Will Reach Open Generations
Coming into 2023, Barna Research showed that while Gen-Z is the most unchurched generation, it is also the most open generation to spirituality. Study the infographic by Barna Group Research below.
This info-graphic clearly shows that Gen’s believes there is a supernatural or spiritual side to life, but doesn’t believe that any one faith system works for them. The good news is that 59% of Gen-Z are more open to an encounter with God now than before the 2020 disruption.
A spiritually open generation is a reachable generation. Church leaders who are open to change, who are ready for real dialogue, and who are ready to listen to a new generation will find themselves in the best position to reach Gen-Z.
Is this statement true for you? If not, then why not? Keep in mind, this information was forecasted entering 2023.
As we look back on Church development in 2023 there were eight (8) trends that were forecasted based upon research from Barna Research and Carey Nieuwhof. Barna Research has been active for their entire history as a research group in tracking the patterns of church growth strategy and attendee’s mindset. Nieuwhof has a track record of offering forecasts dating back as far as 2016.
It must be stated that 2020 was a very disruptive year in religious practice. What we seem to be missing is that 2020 has not necessarily caused the disruptive practices in church today (Ie. Church attendance), it has however, revealed and accelerated what was already becoming true. This truth is hard to see when the measurement of success has been brick and mortar along with social-gospel agendas. We see ourselves as successful because of dollars in the plate and people in the seats. The disruptive chaos may have subsided a bit in 2023. This is a great time to address the underlying crisis that has been happening in the church for decades. The decline of church!.
The Boomer Church Will Decline and Eventually Disappear
At the start of 2023 the oldest Boomer turned 77 and the youngest will celebrate their 59th birthdays. Born between 1946 and 1964, Boomers have been the center of the megachurch movement. The aging Boomers is and will continue to impact church trends in a big way. Since 2020, 16% of Boomers have quite attending church. Boomers simply do not track with church if they are not in the building. Millennials and Gen-X are quite comfortable with the hybrid church. This trend that was forecasted early in 2023 will impact the church in three (3) ways: Attendance, Volunteering, and Giving. These three impacts should be seen as natural for an aging generation. Since there are fewer Boomers that are leaving portions of estate wealth to the church, will this stretch financial operations while attempting to lead a church building with fewer and fewer people?
How has this 2023 trend impacted your church? What trends are you beginning to see in Attendance, Volunteering, and Giving? How can we move the “Brick and Mortar/Social Gospel” strategy to more of a “Great Commission” strategy of making Disciples (Life on Life Relationships)?
Now that we are on this side of the so-called pandemic, religious leaders are asking some very hard questions on where we go from here. Truthfully, attempting to measure our purpose and mission by pre-pandemic metrics does not make sense any longer. Please do not misunderstand my comment. I am not saying that our pre-pandemic efforts had zero impact. Let’s face the fact that we all have been traumatized on several levels and we are trying to make sense of what it is that we see now the fog is lifting. What I can say is that things appear vastly different today.
How do we assess the health of our church? Barna Research has been an invaluable resource for those leaders who desire to present a passionate vision that is spirit led and data informed. While the religious landscape appears vastly different there are metrics that remain true even though we are shell shocked by the rapid change of our world and nation. Here is a set of metrics that is worth the time and effort to engage for clarity and the rediscovery of purposeful community mission.
Metrics for Flourishing Churches
These metrics are meaningful to worshippers that attend our churches and activities. As you examine this set of metrics you will notice the absence of program driven agendas and the focal point of celebration – “Look at what we have accomplished!” Rather, this metric set is all about formation of the worshipper and the team members that serve the church. It answers the three crucial questions of a post-pandemic society; Do you know me? Can you help me? Can I trust you?
While we are all rubbing our eyes in disbelief at the accelerated changes in our nation and churches, perhaps we should realize the amazing opportunity being presented. Re-evaluate our Biblical mandate of spiritual formation of Christlikeness in the lives of worshippers that call our church home should become the front and central passion. The pandemic has not caused our concerns, rather, it has revealed what was occurring previously. Utilize this metric set as a focal point of evaluation for our current agenda and our preferred agenda for tomorrow’s worshippers.
What are your coping mechanisms for seasons of high stress? What is your overall mental, emotional, and physical health strategy? If resilience is the ability to bounce back, to persevere, how do you do that? These are powerful questions for the modern-day faith leader to ponder. Allow me to add an additional layer of complexity to this blog article. Consider the following two quotes that may appear to be contradictory, yet both are true at the same time.
Leadership is not getting what you want – it is replicating who you are – John Maxwell
We are not the churches we lead or the sermons we preach. We are beloved children of God -Glenn Packiam
Let’s begin with Dr. Packiam’s statement. He is suggesting that our primary starting presupposition is that of recognizing and living in the reality of being a child of God. From this context we lead others based upon the daily realization of Heaven’s impact upon my living first. We do not force people into our plans and dreams, we lead people based upon our relationship and daily walk with Christ Jesus. From Dr. Packiam’s position, Dr. John Maxwell’s position is also true. Dr. Maxwell is leaving open the idea that no matter your starting presupposition you ultimately get who you are not what you desire.
What we know for a fact, the resent two years have been the most challenging years of faith leadership ever recorded in history. These challenges have flushed out the starting presuppositions of church leaders and congregations. What we have come to realize during our pandemic season is that Biblical discipleship is not near as strong and resilient as we might have supposed. This will be an upcoming blog article. However, what I can say is that resilient leadership is required NOW to discover a fresh articulation of Vision, Mission, and Measurement of what matters most beyond the pandemic.
Let’s consider some hard truths about Pastoral support systems that are now evident thanks to the Barna Research Group (The State of Your Church report). Consider the following:
83% of ministers can recall a specific time in which they knew they were called into vocational ministry.
38% of ministers have seriously considered leaving their vocational calling in the last 10 months.
38% of ministers talk with someone about their mental and emotional state of being.
24% of ministers meet with a Mentor
12% of ministers meet with a Counselor
Pastoral Ministry is relational work that often involves an “illusion of intimacy”. Think about it – Ministers are usually present in people’s deepest moments of joy and deepest moments of sorrow. We are not there as a Sunday afternoon buddy watching football together. There is an inconsistency of intimacy. This inconsistency can and will take its’ toll upon the heart and life of ministers. Ministers call upon deep and real emotions in the circumstance that requires it which in turn is exhausting and usually our tank is empty for any other relationship.
Resilience is formed in the context of right relationships. Cultivating these relationships requires that we move beyond the illusion of intimacy and taking the time, according to Dr. Packiam to seek out a constellation of lives that can help us navigate the storms of ministerial life. He continues by stating that We need sages to advise us, leaders to direct us or hold us accountable, peers to remind us that we aren’t alone, healers to dress our wounds and companions who carry us when we can’t carry on.
So that we are not tempted to think that resilient leadership is easy or there are quick fixes allow me to close with the research of Professor Jeffery Hall at the University of Kansas. In a ground-breaking study Dr. Hall wrote in the The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships in 2018 the following: it takes “between 40 and 60 hours to form a casual friendship, 80–100 hours to transition to becoming a friend and more than 200 hours together to become good friends.” According to Hall’s study, the hours spent at work together don’t count as much. However, we need lasting and meaningful relationships if we are going to last in the ministry and remain fully human. Cultivating these relationships will take time! It is worth taking the time!
As the church emerges from the Fog of Covid, what exactly are we looking at? Barna Research recently released the state of your church webcast in which 5 crucial questions were asked about the state of the North American church.[1]
What is the state of your church?
How thriving is it? Think of “thriving” as the organizational dynamics of the church. How well is that going?
How are people doing in your church? Are they flourishing or not?
How are you doing? What’s the state of your heart?
And, perhaps as crucial, how do you know? What means do you employ to measure what matters in ministry?
Perhaps for the very first time in modern church history, churches are being faced with the challenge to figure out their unique DNA as a church. This means that using someone’s model will no longer sustain my church for the longer arch of time. Simply because they succeeded does not equal, I will succeed post covid. Borrowing from Frederick Buechner’s Venn diagram for determining personal calling and vocation, today’s churches need to merge their great, driving passion (the Great Commission) with the world’s great need (finding deep satisfaction and rest for our souls).In this intersection, you’ll be able to see more clearly what your calling is as a church. When you’re clear on your calling as a church, you can start to define and refine the data you’ll look for as indicators that people’s lives are being transformed.[2]
So, what is required for church leaders to renew their church in such complex and quite troubling days? Barna Research Group suggest 5 shifts in our thinking should occur to truly arrive at an accurate understanding of the state of each church. There are no cookie-cutter short cuts any longer. Each church must stand on their own merits. Consider these 5 shifts.[3]
A renewed Church requires Christian leaders who honestly and objectively evaluate the impact they are making. The stakes are high. Jesus warned that it would be better to be weighted down at the bottom of the sea than to mislead people. Ministry models and impacts should be evaluated with this same intensity. Fir example research clearly shows that two in three young adults raised as Christians walk away from their faith as they move into adulthood. This massive dropout problem will require more careful consideration than simple platitudes.
A renewed Church needs leaders who are in tune with the flourishing of the people they are serving and discipling. The New Testament description of being a Shepherd places a high value on knowing people. The question becomes; How well do you know the people you are serving? What tools are being used to obtain this information.
A renewed Church requires contributors and participants in gospel mission, not just consumers of gospel content. This is perhaps the key shift that should occur for faith leaders. For example, research indicates that 96% of church leaders say they desire to have lay driven ministries in their church. Yet only 9% of church leaders say they have an effective strategy on how to develop people’s giftedness for ministry.
A renewed Church needs leaders who are self-aware about the condition of their hearts before the Lord. Scriptures contain numerous illustrations of God’s interest and care for our heart-health as one of the more compelling parts of our witness. Leaders have a greater responsibility to lead from a healthy-heart position than others. WHY? You have an opportunity to lead a host of other people for eternity’s sake.
A renewed Church demands that we rely more on the Lord’s power and presence than on our strategy or smarts. Our strategic efforts should be vessels they Holy Spirit can use to being people into the presence and power of a Holy God. The real question is, does our strategic models accomplish this?
[1] David Kinnaman. A Vision For A Renewed Church. The State of Your Church Report. copy-rite 2022.
Dr. Packiam writes about the late Rabbi Jonathon Sacks who went in for a Medical Check-up after being named Chief Rabbi in the British Commonwealth. Part of the exam involved a treadmill. As the doctor kept increasing the pace Sack’s was curious about the end goal. He asked his doctor “What are we testing? How fast I can go or how long?” The doctor responded with “Neither”
The doctor would inform his curious patient that he was being evaluated to see how quickly his pulse would return to normal after coming off the treadmill. This is one of the key markers of health: the rate of recovery. The goal of a stress test is to see how someone deals with it.
Wisdom For The Weary
Sometimes leadership can feel like more than a human can humanly bear. Rabbi Sacks suggested to review the lives of what we might call Biblical Giants, Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, and Jonah. These all prayed that God take their life rather than to continue their task.
If you are struggling with mental and emotional health, understand it is OK to step away from ministry to heal. When you cannot bounce back or carry on understand this is not a flaw of Christian character. The wound is perhaps deeper than you realized.
If I am speaking to you, please seek a counselor. If married take time away in a guided retreat. Ask for a sabbatical. Understand it is not your Christian duty to soldier-on; it is your Christ-like calling to be whole.
What is Differentiation?
There is a life beyond “the ministry.” There is a world beyond the church. There is a “YOU” beyond your vocation. This is called differentiation. This is the ability to know the difference between you or your church or non-profit enterprise. Differentiation is usually applied to a relationship between a couple. If one side is swallowed up other or the two have become inextricably tangled and lost in each other, this is called enmeshment. This leads to a detachment in which one refuses to be affected or moved by another. Differentiation is being close to another person while remaining yourself.
A healthy differentiation allows us to love our churches, to care for our people, to find joy in exercising our gifts for the glory of God and the good of others and to know that the ministry is not our identity. We are not the churches we lead or the sermons we preach. We are beloved children of God.
Inconsistent intimacy takes a toll. It requires what sociologist Arlie Hochschild referred to as “surface acting”—where we change the emotion that we display—or, more often, “deep acting”—where we summon up the actual feelings from within. Work in service industries, like being a flight attendant (whom Hochschild studied) or waiting tables or dealing with customers, requires surface acting. But empathy work, like counseling or ministry, requires deep acting. We must meet people where they are emotionally. By the time we’re done for the day, we may not have much left for other relationships.
A second challenge for pastors is the time it takes to cultivate relationships. Friendships are usually formed in leisure hours. In two groundbreaking studies from the University of Kansas published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships in 2018, communication studies professor Jeffrey Hall found that it takes “between 40 and 60 hours to form a casual friendship, 80–100 hours to transition being a friend and more than 200 hours together to become good friends.” According to Hall’s study, the hours spent at work together don’t count as much. There’s no getting around it, however. We need meaningful friendships if we’re going to last in ministry and if we’re going to stay fully human, and cultivating those friendships takes time.[1]
In 2 Corinthians 7 of the Bible, Paul the Apostle seems to allude to an amalgamation of people that supported and cared for him. This would suggest that you and I need a constellation of lives to help us navigate life’s storms and ministry responsibilities. We need a collection of sages to advise us, leaders to direct us and hold us accountable, peers to remind us that are not alone, healers to dress our wounds, and companions to carry us when we are not able to carry on. Resilience is reinforced by right relationships. Ministry is illusionary in terms of deep relationships. Take the time to cultivate your constellation of people that will help you navigate life and ministry.
[1] John Packiam. Start By Cultivating Resilient Leaders. The State of The Church Research by Barna.org. ACCESSED 8 March 2022.
[1] Carse, James. Finite and Infinite Games. Free Press, 2013.
[1] Simon Sinek, The Infinite Game (Penguin Random House LLC Ó 2019), pp28-49.
[1] In chapter six pages 91-102 of The Infinite Game, there is a great discussion of the currencies of Resources and Will. How do you apply these concepts to the Spiritual Leader? What assets could be considered as Resources? What exactly is Will as it pertains to Faith initiatives?
[1] In Chapter 10 of The Infinite Game, there is a good discussion of Existential Flexibility – p.181ff.
As we face the beginning of 2022, we are staring at irrelevance in all 8 streams of Influence in every society and nation on the planet. That is a huge statement to be making. However, if we simply focus on the current trends over the last 20 months, it is not hard to see irrelevance in all major streams of influence within every society. Allow me to mention these 8 streams of influence:
It seems that every stream of influence is pushing a moral/cultural agenda that no one is buying. We have lost common-sense because or wokeness and political correctness. Left is right and down is up! That said, this is not the worst thing to be focusing our attention. What could be worse you ask?
I do not see a concern that is sufficient for transformation and rehabilitation to occur. Currently, we are not even concerned at all about selling what the public is not buying. We are not concerned about being relevant!
So, allow me to personalize this Podcast by asking a piercing question – Are you relevant in your community & industry? Are you hanging with people that have a bigger vision? Is the room that you are in stretching you or suppressing you?
I want to give you 4 questions that will challenge your thinking about the people that you are currently allowing to influence your life.
The People Influencing Your Life Today…………
Are They Grounded? – As you consider who these influencers are in your life are they solid? Do they have their feet on the ground? Are they flighty? Are they leading with integrity?
Just remember that you can only grow based upon the foundation that has been dug and poured. Small-minded thinking, dreaming, acting, and influencing will not build lasting significance.
Are They Growing? – Growth is not automatic! Intentionality is required. Aging is automatic – Growth is optional! Do your current influencers have a dream of being an Infinite-Minded Leader? In other words they are more interested in developing people who will take the dream far beyond your life-span. Trophies do not matter – Legacy is what matters! If these influencers do not have this type of mindset, you may be allowing and idol instead of a mentor to influence you.
Are They Grateful? – If the individuals that are influencing your life act without gratefulness – find somebody new to influence your life. You cannot go through life with an ungrateful attitude! Gratefulness celebrates “WE” and not “me.” Grateful leaders will hold you accountable for an attitude of gratefulness.
Are They Generous? – Generous Leaders are not worried about if your success goes beyond theirs. They embrace this types of wins in other people. If those who are your influencers teach raw competitiveness and winning at all cost, remember this; A competitive spirit will always cause you to shortchange someone.
In such turbulent times we need Transformational Influencers that will impact others so they can impact their sphere of influence. We need these types of leaders to influence our speech, thought patterns, and actions in such a way that we become a positive transformational person for others.
The 8 streams of influence in every society is in desperate need of transformational leadership. WHY? Relevance is at stake! Without Relevance the 8 streams of influence are at great risk in holding our community together.
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Here are six qualities of Transcendent Leaders according to Dr. Gregory Stebbins.
ACCEPTANCE – Unconditional acceptance is not acquiescing. Culture wars occur when arguments are reduced to right Vs. wrong over value differences. Simply embrace the value differences but stay committed to cultural values.
REVERENCE – This is simply a state of AWE for another “SELF”. When you embrace another “SELF” you are reaching deep within you and becoming aware of higher creative purposes and skills that has been given to each of us.
PRESENCE – Wisdom guides us to stay present when we interact with our stakeholders. Practicing unconditional positive-regard strengthens our capacity to connect with others and yourself in new and fresh ways. Presence requires discipline.
COURAGE – it takes great courage not to label people as good Vs. bad. Instead see people with a potential of growth. Transcendent leaders will facilitate opening the process within and between stakeholders. This lessens your need for autocratic control.
GRATITUDE – Operating from a consciousness of service, transcendent leaders being the wisdom of showing appreciation for ”SELF” and all stakeholders. The essence of gratitude comes from GRACE. Leading and living from a context of graciousness increases optimism and compassion with the organization.
HIGHEST GOOD – One of the major challenges of Transcendent Leadership to operate from a consciousness of “highest good of all concerned.” The key issue is to define who the stakeholders are. How you define stakeholder will force you to redefine traditionally held beliefs and practices.
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YES we have moved from 3-n-10 to 2-n-5 pastors are giving serious consideration of leaving the ministry completely. This is a vocational exodus! When you consider there are approximately 350,000 protestant churches in America with 38% considering leaving, this will become a crisis of spiritual leadership within our nation. This is 133,000 Pastors considering their departure today. To give a perspective on this number consider there are approximately 35,000 McDonalds in America. The possibility of spiritual leadership loss in American is greater than the iconic McDonalds fast food chain.
Let’s examine some of the underlying points of data and discussion.
•We must reach back to 9/11 to see demographics at this level where people are considering leaving their current career.
•Understand, this is not a FAITH EXIT. It is however a career exit•Bi-vocational ministry has real potential for the future. There are huge pressures being exerted on pastor’s families and futures. This could be a beginning of significant changes in shaping what church looks like and how it will be conducted in the future.
•Currently, Pastoral Ministry is VERY HARD work with only ½ or less return for such incredible effort being exerted. Hard work with ½ return creates frustration.
•Pastors that are under the age of 45 have a 46% likelihood of quitting. Pastors over the age of 45 are 36% more likely to quit the ministry.
•When it comes to “Well-Being” there are six categories: Relational, Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Vocational, and Financial well-being. One-third of all ministers stated they were below average to poor in these six essentials of Well-Being.
•Only one-n-three pastors say they are healthy in terms of Well-Being matrix.
•Healthy Pastors are defined as those who selected “Excellent” or “Good” as their response to the Well-Being matrix.
•Overall, the Pastors that are contemplating quitting are less healthy in all the well-being categories compared to Pastors who not contemplating quitting.
•We need to be careful about allowing correlation to be a means to causation.
•The warning bells started sounding in the 2017 State of the Pastors study.
•After 18 months of the pandemic, along with congregational divisions, financial strain an alarming number of pastors are seriously leaving the vocational ministry for other pursuits in life.
David Kinnaman, President of Barna Research states that now more than ever, the church needs resilient leaders who are humble, agile, rooted in prayer and those who are committed to being healthy as an essential aspect of effective leadership.
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Napoleon Bonaparte stated that Leaders are dealers in hope. So how do we inspire those who need to inspire? Inspiration is more than words on a wall. We begin by reconnecting people around the purpose of the organization. PURPOSE is timeless! VISION is time balanced/seasonal!
2022 must be a year that we as leader embrace the true definition of leadership: Leadership is not being in charge, it is caring for those in your charge,
While it is true that leaders spend exorbitant amounts of time to enact the latest and greatest strategy. The downside to always chasing the trends is the very people we need to become our torch bearers for this new vision are being ignored. The primary thought to keep from ignoring people is to make sure we are developing people around our purpose first! Visionary strategies have a limited shelf life. Significance is where the real excitement is at.
Let’s focus upon the 4 Needs of Followers if we are to become the Inspirational Leaders for 2022.
Trust – Trust is an outgrowth of honesty, integrity and being a believable leader! Nobody desires to follow dishonesty and fabrications of reality. People desire honesty now more than ever. It feels at times that we have become a nation of lies and manipulated news. As a nation we have become tired and frustrated. We are searching for honest leaders that lead with integrity. Followers are looking for a person that inspires and that we can aspire to become.
Compassion – Coming out of the pandemic we all are asking 3 very important questions: (1) Do you know me? (2) Can you help me? (3) Can I trust you? If the answer is yes then our need for emotional connection will be satisfied. Pre-pandemic there was a crisis of loneliness. We are more disconnected socially now than ever.
Stability – As a leader in this pandemic world with its multiple agendas, we need to demonstrate Calm, Clarity, and Purpose in the face of chaos! As a leader, when you are stable, you are in position to inspire others, Communicate clearly, and to effect change in your orbit.
Hope – Hope in this sense is not pie in the sky statements about I think – I feel. Rather it is more about declaring I see a way forward and I can see good times just ahead.
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The Law of Legacy is about your Life Sentence.” When you figure this out, this will become you’re the north star for your life. You now have direction that determines the legacy that you will leave behind.
All of the success that you have obtained up to this point will mean absolutely nothing if you do not leave something behind. A Leaders lasting value is measured by succession.
Every person will leave a legacy. For some it will be positive for others it will be negative. The choice is yours right now! Intentionality is required to make a lasting legacy.
Let’s exam 4 facets of establishing a lasting legacy.
Declare It – Most people accept their lives instead of leading their lives and calling it fate! So many leaders are swept along by the currents of life and trends without ever checking to see if they are in the correct channel. By taking some time to reflect upon the legacy you desire to leave behind will give you the best possible chance to leave a legacy worth remembering. It will greatly improve your chance to make it a reality.
Live It Out – In order for your legacy to actually happen in the future, it must begin right now today and it begins with you. You have to become the leader of yourself. Wisdom comes from experience. You cannot pass on knowledge and wisdom you do not have have. You must create now what you want others to sustain.
Prepare Your Successor – Effective Leaders work to develop other leaders. The only time that you have to do that is now. Let’s face the truth – when you are no longer the leader, someone will take your spot. Why not groom someone to succeed you. The more a potential leader stays within your orbit the more they will learn and the more likely they will continue the legacy that has begun in you.
Don’t Forget To Pass The Baton – The most important aspect of a relay race is the hand-off. This is the point that a runner hands the baton to the next runner. In a relay race you have the fastest runners – record setters in their own right. But if you do not pass off the baton effectively you will loose the race. If you pass the baton to early or hold on to it too long – a bad exchange will weaken or irrevocably damage your legacy
Where are you in the process of Legacy building?•Developing your own skills and credibility as a leader•Attracting and influencing leaders•Selecting a successor•Developing and grooming a successor•Empowering and releasing a successor
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The Enron scandal of the early 2000’s awakened a great need for business ethics. What came out of that awakening was a realization there is no such thing as business ethics. There is only ethics!. So what is the foundation of ethics? Could it be that the Golden Rule is the foundation of all ethics? After all in all major religions of the world there is a narration that discusses treating others as you desired to be treated. The verbiage may be different, but the essence is the same.
John Maxwell coined the statement that “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” However, do you know what two things are responsible for making leadership rise? The first is competence. No one wants to follow and incompetent leader. The second is values. Values defined is simply principles that guide our decisions and behaviors. When the value system is good, it only brings benefits and never harm to yourself or others.
I want to give you 4 more Qualifiers that comprise Good Values
Good Values Establish Trust – To thrive in this upside-down world, trust must be the foundation. A movement can only move at the speed of trust because of the inherent trust in the collaboration process. Consider these three facets of positive relationships. (1) Generosity – giving up resources for the whole, (2) Humility – giving up your won importance, position and power, & (3) Integrity – Truthfulness so that others can depend on your character. Think about these facets this way……
Generosity is the fuel for transformation. It is the opposite of selfishness. Proverbs declares; a generous person will prosper, whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Humility is the spirit of transformation. It is the opposite of Pride. Proverbs states when pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
Integrity is the strength of transformation. It is the opposite of deceit. Again Proverbs states the integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.
Good Values Are Better Lived Than Spoken – Consider the following values statement of a famous corporation. Respect – we treat others like we want to be treated. Integrity – we work with our customers with openness, honesty, and sincerity. Communication – we have an obligation to communicate, talk and above all to listen. Excellence – we are satisfied with nothing less than our best. Who is this famous corporation – ENRON! Here is the truth of the matter; For leadership to be good and lasting, it must be preceded by good living. Good living comes from good values!
If there is a disconnect between what you say is important and what you do, then teaching values is worthless. So is rhetoric. The actions you and I take is what gives us real credibility.
Good Values Change Your World – The largest bank of Guatemala, Bantrab in 2014 began to take seriously the idea of good values can change your world. They used Transformation Tables (Discussion groups) to teach and advance good values to 2,792 employees. The impact was a 3% growth initially and they would go on to become one of the nations top 3% performers. This company model would expand to their clients and customers, impacting over 1500 clients/companies that is changing a nation.
Good Values Make You More Valuable – Here is the truth of the matter; Organizations don’t transform, people do! Good values will help you gage your emotions, vision, attitude, speech, desires, and life direction.
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The Enron scandal of the early 2000’s awakened a great need for business ethics. What came out of that awakening was a realization there is no such thing as business ethics. There is only ethics!. So what is the foundation of ethics? Could it be that the Golden Rule is the foundation of all ethics? After all in all major religions of the world there is a narration that discusses treating others as you desired to be treated. The verbiage may be different, but the essence is the same.
John Maxwell coined the statement that “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” However, do you know what two things are responsible for making leadership rise? The first is competence. No one wants to follow and incompetent leader. The second is values. Values defined is simply principles that guide our decisions and behaviors. When the value system is good, it only brings benefits and never harm to yourself or others.
I want to give you 8 Qualifiers that comprise Good Values. This is 2-part Podcast Series
Good Values Make Positive Change Possible – Take notice of the list of values in the table below. Ask yourself, which of these values would you like to apply to your life right now?
Choice is the difference maker when it comes to values. Choosing makes change possible!
Personal Growth
Work Ethic
Good Values Always Value People – You might ask, how will I know if a value is good or not? There is one and only one standard that must be met. Values must value people all of the time in all situations. There are no shortcuts, no rationalizations, no exceptions. If a value values people, then it is positive and worth embracing. If it devalues people in any way, it is not a good value.
Millard Fuller, Founder of Habitat For Humanity stated; “For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based upon people’s love and concern for each other.”
Valuing people must be the cornerstone of your company enterprise. Become a Leader, Company, and non-profit that values people who values others and adds value to them.
Good Values Must Be Personal – In his book, Awaken The Leader Within, Bill Perkins describes the difference between practices, principles, and values (pp. 35-36). He states “a practice is an activity or action that may work in one situation but not necessarily in another. Unlike a practice, a value applies to every situation. Values are different from principles. A principle is an external truth that is as reliable as a physical law such as the Law of Gravity…..While we may acknowledge the reliability of many principles, we only internalize those we deem important. When this happens, the principle has become a value that serves as an internal map we use to direct our lives. A value, then, is an internalized principle that guides our decisions.”
If you desire to change your world, community, or family, you must internalize good values yourself before you will be able to change anything outside of yourself.
Good Values Create Stability – The old adage is true; an empty bag will not stand up straight. Without good values a person is empty and weak. Americans tend to believe that a good job, financial stability, education, and technology will create the strength to hold up culture. Let’s consider the story of Palo Alto, California. This is the seat of Silicon Valley with higher-than-average income, lower than average unemployment, and 4x higher than the national average of teen suicide.
What we know to be true is that Good Values provide structure and meaning so that people live more healthy and stable lives. Transformed people transform communities. Positive transformation comes from living out what never changes in a time when everything around you seems to be changing.
Stephen Covey wrote once there are no shortcuts, but there is a pathway. That path is based upon principles revered throughout history. Meaningful living is not based upon speed or efficiency. Meaningful living is more of a matter good values. If your values are good, your life will be stable.
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To start this discussion, there is a fundamental desire in each person to be part of something that is bigger than themselves. People desire to leave a positive legacy for others to learn and follow. Even our English word, Religion comes from the Latin word “ligare” means to link our lives with something that is bigger than ourselves. Yes, even in the basic concepts of faith we learn there is a desire to connect with larger causes, reaching beyond ourselves.
To answer the question why people rally around various causes, let’s consider three key thoughts.
People seek connections with other people – Generally speaking people desire a sense of community which simply starts with people getting together. Connecting centers around d shared purposes. Accomplishment of tasks and goals is the bond that keeps people together. Having a sense of purpose creates an extra level of connection that can lead us to make a movement.
From late 2019 to the present the world is being awakened to a consciousness of being connected of the lack of connection. Global citizens are asking quietly 3 key questions: (1) Do you know me? (2) Can you help me (3) Can I trust you? I would suggest now more than ever, people are awakening to a desire to make a difference and realigning their life and resources in order to accomplish this sense of connected purpose.
People are seeking participation of something bigger than themselves – Busyness is not satisfying! Now more than ever we are searching for that which is meaningful. A life of purpose is satisfying! It is immensely more gratifying to connect to larger causes. Ultimately, we ae looking to connect to a cause that allows us to express our deepest desires and highest aspirations. Said another way, people want to create memories by participating in something that is memorable.
If you question if this statement is true, then ask yourself why people would be willing to wear different color bracelets identifying a cause, or wear something pink to identify with Breast Cancer Awareness, or to participate in the Ice-Bucket Challenge? When enough people sharing the same values follow their desires to make a difference and do it together, a movement is born.
People want to receive value from giving – Many times we focus on the the “cause” itself and feel that is the sufficient reason why so many people are joining. However, we cannot discount the fact that many times people desire to feel their effort was meaningful and worth their investment. It is a “feel-good” emotional driver. That said, the ultimate return for people is this: Give enough to others long enough and we receive more than we gave. Love people deeply enough and love return many times over. Lift people high enough and we get lifted even higher. Consider the following progression of adding value that was birthed by John Maxwell.
Desire – “I want to add value to others.”
Question – “How can I add value to others?”
Community – “I know people who add value to others.”
Observation – “I see how they add value to others.”
Joining – “Can I help you add value to others?”
Equipping – “I know how to add value to others.”
Action – “I am adding value to others!”
Feedback – They tell me I am adding value to them.”
Fulfillment – “I am content when I am adding value to others.”
Motivation – “I want to keep adding value to others.”
Sharing – “Let’s add value to each other.”
Growing – “Let’s find others to add value to.”
Changing – “Adding value to others is changing me.”
Receiving – “Those who I added value to have multiplied value back to me!”
Life Mantra – I want to make a difference, with people who make a difference, while doing something that makes a difference, for such a time as this!
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Is this a leader that you would follow and espouse their ideology? Consider this leaders work-ethic; Was evicted because of excessive alcoholism, tobacco use, never exercised, suffered from warts, and boils due to a lack of proper hygiene, his body odor was atrocious. The apartment was completely broke, smashed, spilled, busted, falling apart from toys to chairs, plates cups, and tables.[1] His wife thought of suicide daily and his two daughters fulfilled their mothers desire with both committing suicide – one at 43 and the other at 66. The leadership principles espoused by this individual would have a near 50% approval rating in America in 2020. 40% of Americans, 47% of Millennials, and 49% of Gen-Z’s would state this ideology is not only believable but should be advanced. Who is this individual you asked? His name is Karl Marx!
Erwin Lutzer writes in his book We Will Not Be Silenced, discusses the type of Marxism that we face currently called Cultural Marxism. This is not being imposed on the battlefields, instead, it is a form of Marxism that wins the hearts and minds of people incrementally by the gradual transformation of our culture. Bombarded with exaggerated and illusionary promises, people accept it because they want to, they welcome its benefits. It promises hope and change, income equality, racial harmony, and justice based upon secular values rather than Judeo-Christian morality.[2]
Biblically speaking, “The whole world marveled…and gave allegiance to the beast…And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation. And all the people who belong to this world worshipped the beast” (Revelation 13:3,7-8 NLT). “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the traditions of men, according to basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8). Since the Bible pre-dates Marxism, it would be safe to say the interpretation of scripture theologically, apologetically, and linguistically communicates to us a period will arise in which there will be efforts made to control and equalize all things for the global population. This has been fore-told ancient history. History is filled with illustrations of socialism even to our current day. There is more of an alignment of the present-day trajectory of socialism and biblical prophecy than at any other time. Argue against it if you will, but there is no denying of ancient fore-telling and current events of social cultural Marxism and the end of days than right now!
The real argument is no longer about political parties, we are in a war for the heart and spirit of nations. This is about control, submission, and dominance. The New Testament Gospel book of Mark 13 is loaded with last days prophetic imagery. Read it if you dare! Open your mind to ancient wisdom. Socialism is not new but ancient going all the way back to Noah and the post-flood era of history. Today’s leadership strategy calls for an infinite mindset. We are not leading for short-term accomplishments. We lead from a legacy viewpoint. I lead today so that my work and mission survive well beyond my tenure and accolades. This style of leadership gives purpose, reason, and hope for those currently and future members who join your team. Lead from a position of strength and a compelling vision for a brighter tomorrow.
In tough times all great leaders stretch in the direction of a challenge. On the other hand, followers shrink from or in the opposite direction of a challenge. Realize this truth, you are not made in a crisis, you are revealed by it. When squeezed oranges and lemons reveal their nature. Human beings when squeezed by the pressures of our day reveal what is on the inside – negative or positive.
This is going to be a 2-part Podcast with this one being the second. We will look at principles that I have learned from a variety of authors, speakers and teachers. In full disclosure, I must admit my profound privilege to be a founding member of the John Maxwell Company. My learning has been accelerated by a factor of 10x.
Let’s dive into Part 2.
Learn From Bad Experiences – Peter Drucker is credited with saying a crisis must never be experienced for the second time. Famous Chef Wolfgang Puck stated that he learned more from the one restaurant that failed than from all the ones that did. It has been said that experience is the best teacher. I would modify that by saying that evaluated experience is the best teacher.
Value Teamwork – It is true in any endeavor that as the challenge escalates, the need for Teamwork elevates in relation to the challenge. The true measure of a successful; leader is getting people to work hard together. Team leaders believe they do not have all the answers, they believe they do not need to make all the decisions. They do believe they cannot succeed without the combined contributions of all other team members.
Give Hope – It has been said the first and last task of a leader is to keep hope alive – the hope that we will be able to find our way through difficult days. Hope is the foundation of change! Understand the difference between Optimism and Hope. Optimism is a passive belief that things will get better. Hope is an active belief that together we can make things better.
Make It Happen – Modern leaders are measured by the size of the problem they are willing to tackle. Get out of the comfort zone of familiarity and dare to step into the challenge zone of doing something you have never attempted. Risk is required! Charles Parnell stated that far too many people are having what is called “near-life experiences.” They always hedge the bet and never dare anything of worth.
Watch Their Attitude – It is amazing to me after 40+ years in leadership how people still do not realize that attitude is a choice. You cannot always stop what happens to you, but you can make a choice of what happens in you. Attitude isn’t everything, it’s just the main thing that determines how we are going to handle problems. Your attitude is what will separate you as a successful leader from being an unsuccessful leader.
As a final word, TRUST GOD! All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen!
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June 24, 2021, at 1:25am Champlain Towers South collapsed. Three-thousand miles away in San Francisco the story of Millennial Tower fully breaks into the news. Currently the luxury tower has sank over 10 inches and is leaning over 8 inches. How do these two stories relate a prophetic word about the end of times from a Biblical perspective?
The Champlain Towers South collapsed suddenly in the early hours of the morning with many people in bed and sleeping without a thought of impending destruction. The photos and stories that emerged were gut wrenching to see and reflect upon. The Millennial Tower in San Francisco represents early warning signs that were being ignored going back as far as 2016 and has gradually progressed to the current dilemma. What do these illustrations mean to us from a biblical view? To offer a simple statement, scriptures are quite clear that sudden destruction is preceded by a gradual erosion of moral underpinnings of any society. Are we watching a dismantling of America?
How are we to frame the current national trends biblically? Does the Bible speak to the rising voices of socialism, globalism, pandemics, corruption, and a falling away from the Christian faith? Consider the following passages of scripture as a cursory starting point.
“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:37
“All the world marveled and followed the beast.” Revelation 13:3
“There will be…. pestilences…. in various places” Matthew 24:7
“No one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or name of the beast. Revelation 13:7
“That Day will not come unless the falling away comes first.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3
“Evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.”2 Timothy 3:13
“Many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”Matthew 24: 10-12
“Behold the days are coming, says the Lord God, That I will send a famine on the land.” Amos 8:11
“This gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14
Today should not catch us unaware or unprepared. It is quite obvious the Bible has never been silent about what we are experiencing today. Become a prophetic voice and “forth-tell” God’s plan for such a time as this. YES, this is a dress rehearsal for the coming of Christ!
In tough times all great leaders stretch in the direction of a challenge. On the other hand, followers shrink from or in the opposite direction of a challenge. Realize this truth, you are not made in a crisis, you are revealed by it. When squeezed oranges and lemons reveal their nature. Human beings when squeezed by the pressures of our day reveal what is on the inside – negative or positive.
This is going to be a 2-part Podcast with this one being the first. We will look at principles that I have learned from a variety of authors, speakers and teachers. In full disclosure, I must admit my profound privilege to be a founding member of the John Maxwell Company. My learning has been accelerated by a factor of 10x.
Let’s dive into part 1.
During Tough Times, Leaders ……
Face Reality
The first responsibility of a leader during a crisis is define reality. Peter Drucker stated that times of turbulence are dangerous times, but the greatest danger is a temptation to deny reality as a leader. Why is it hard to face reality? Here are some possible reasons. (1) Leaders tend to surround themselves with people who are like them (2) Leaders have selective hearing 0 hearing only what you want to hear (3) Leaders engage in wishful thinking (4) Fear of contrary viewpoints.
Simply stated, facing reality is to see things as they are, not as they were, or we wished they were.
See The Big Picture
It has been stated that vision is the world’s most desperate need. There are no hopeless situations, only people who think hopelessly. Andy Stanley suggests that uncertainity is not an indication of poor leadership. It is the opposite – it indicates a need for leadership because there is always an element of uncertainity. A leader’s temptation is to think that if I were truly a good leader, I would know exactly what to do. Realize this truth, Leaders can afford to be uncertain, but we cannot afford to be unclear. People will not follow fuzzy leadership!
Make Good Choices
Consider the choices you should have made prior to tough times. (1) Settle your values – Who I am (2) Mission – What I do (3) Responsibilities – What must I do (4) Potential Problems – What should I do.
Consider choices that you make during tough times. Peter Drucker offers some excellent wisdom here. (1) Courageous Decisions – What must be done? (2) Priority Decisions – What must be done first? Drucker suggests first things first and last things not at all (3) Change Decisions – What must be done differently? (4) Creative Decisions – What are my options? (5) Support Decisions – Who can help me?
In any decision-making process there is a finite number of options, usually not more than five. They include (1) Keeping things the way they are; and (5) Changing everything in a dramatic way. Which only leaves you three options – Pick one!
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It is obvious there are a lot of changes in our world. But do we simply shrug our shoulders as if that is all there is to be said? What are we missing? What if I told you that what is missing is as old as civilization itself. Since the Garden with Adam and Eve there has been a struggle between forces of Good and Forces of Evil. This is a major starting presupposition that we seemingly are uneasy to talk about. “We are so enlightened these day” we say to ourselves. Yet the belly of civilization has true pure unadulterated evil at its core.
We are attempting to rewrite the Law of Noncontradiction which says that something cannot be true and false at the same time in the same way. This is a way to think about reality. However, this does not suggest that people cannot have differing emotions about an experience. Differing emotions does not settle a matter, this is part of subjective reality. What is true for you may not be true for me. Subjective Reality cannot stand under its own weight because of the constant changing emotional state of people over time.
Leading in difficult times will be emotional. Your decisions as a leader must remain objective. Simply because of the outcry of the many does not give authority that something subjective is now objective. Instead, it affirms more that which is subjective shifts with time because of inconsistency.
Great leaders STRETCH toward a challenge. Followers SHRINK from a challenge.
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It goes without saying, but saying it is important – One is too small a number to achieve greatness. Individually, we can make a change in our world. But if that work increases, you will need others to keep the momentum moving. That is when transformation begins. Entrepreneur and LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman states, No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you are playing a solo game, you will always lose out to a team. If you are ready to play on a transformational team, then follow these simple truths.
We Is More Important Me
Pastor Chuck Swindoll wrote a number of years ago that no one person is a chain. Each one is a link. Take away one link and the chain is broken. No one person is a team. Each are players. In short, we need each other. It has been said that TEAM stands for Together-Everyone-Accomplishes-More. As soon as you decide that you want to make a difference, you now must conclude to make a difference with people.
Who Is More Important Than How
We must take our passion to make a difference with people to another level. Not just any person, but people who also want to make a difference. Who is far more important than how when it comes to transformation. If in fact making a difference is the goal, then logically everyone must work in the same direction for the same goal. Who should you team up with to transform your world? Start by locating people that are already in process with what you envision. Also it may be helpful for you to start gathering people from your own network of people then expand it beyond as needed.
Stanley Milgram in the 1960’s developed the “six-degrees” of separation between any two people that desire to connect for a cause. With social media that has been refined to 3.2 degrees of separation. Think about that fact. You are closer to key people than you realize!
What Unites Us Is Greater Than What Divides Us
One of the key questions when aligning yourself with others is “Do we have a values match?” When your values match each other, you will experience alignment, unity, and effectiveness. Otherwise, you will end in frustration and conflict. Benjamin Franklin, at the signing of the Constitution stated, “We must all hang together, or we will hang separately.” They shared a common bond for Liberty – that is what held them together. John F. Kennedy stated, “Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring the problems which divide us.”
What I Have Is More Important Than What I Lack
Leverage the strengths you already have, to benefit others. Poet Markham states; There is a destiny that makes us brothers; None goes his way alone: All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.
All individuals have a place in which their contribution is maximized. You have a unique role to take and unique contributions to make if you can discover them.
Collaboration Is More Important Than Cooperation
As a nation we are currently in a season of hostility, division, and partisanship. People would rather draw lines and throw stones than engage in conversation and try to find solutions. Simple cooperation is nothing more than unity for the sake of unity. Collaboration is unity for the sake of a shared vision. Cooperation says “Let’s get along or else nothing will get done!” Collaboration says “Let’s work together because this has to be done!” This is far more than a political wish list agenda or social re-engineering or Corporate take-over.
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When it comes to changing our world, the first person transformed is the change agent and then it expands. This does not happen unless it starts within an individual. Let’s examine 4 key truths on becoming a change agent for such a time as this!
Change Begins with Caring: I Want To Make A Difference
JFK stated that everyone has a change-the-world speech inside them. When you tell someone they can become a change agent, that sounds in intimidating. Truthfully, it is as simple as a desire to make a difference – it is humble at the outset. The question for each of is, Do I want to make a difference in my world? The statement attributed to JFK was in his launch of the Peace Corps. He went on to personally state that I believe you have a change-the-world speech inside of you You just need to nurture it.
Change Stands Up for A Cause: Doing Something That Makes A Difference
As that seed grows in you, it becomes more defined. What you need to do becomes clearer. You begin to connect with a cause that is from the heart. You begin to take action that makes a difference. Many of these early step will be small steps. Do not shun the ancient writing that says, “Do not despise these small beginnings.” Small actions made consistently, leads to BIG things. What are some small things you can do that will make a big impact?
Change Spreads From Me To We: With People Who Want To Make A Difference
As you work to make a difference and witness the change occurring this leads to a new beginning. This in turn cause you to become attractional to others who want to make a difference. You become the example for others to do the same thing in their life. Your efforts grow from ME to WE.
Change Stands Up for A Cause: Doing Something That Makes A Difference
As that seed grows in you, it becomes more defined. What you need to do becomes clearer. You begin to connect with a cause that is from the heart. You begin to take action that makes a difference. Many of these early step will be small steps. Do not shun the ancient writing that says, “Do not despise these small beginnings.” Small actions made consistently, leads to BIG things. What are some small things you can do that will make a big impact?
Change Spreads From Me To We: With People Who Want To Make A Difference
As you work to make a difference and witness the change occurring this leads to a new beginning. This in turn cause you to become attractional to others who want to make a difference. You become the example for others to do the same thing in their life. Your efforts grow from ME to WE.
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In a crisis, there are 4 things that Leaders must do.
Do The Right Thing – When faced with a crisis just do the right thing. Crisis never leaves us the same – a crisis always moves us in one direction or the other. The real question is, Is this crisis moving me forward or backward? At the outset of any crisis, we experience momentary set-backs. This is a result of the negative pressure and emotions that we initially feel. The danger is that if we stay in our negative emotional state, we invariably will do the wrong things.
Be careful about making major decisions in the deep valleys of life. You have the best perspective when you are on the mountain top. Substitute negative EMOTION with positive MOTION. How do we get on track? You will always do right when you do right by the people. If you put yourself ahead of others to capitalize on them – you do not serve people well and you will jeopardize your org.
Stay Focused – What does a crisis do? It causes distractions. A distraction id the opposite of Traction. A crisis will cause you to focus get off the correct path and get on the wrong path. Traction is nothing more than moving toward something.
That said Tony Robins stated once that what you focus upon EXPANDS. If your focus is upon HOPE, you will most likely move versus not moving if your focus is on fear. The only way for tomorrow to become clear is to keep moving in the direction of what you already know is true. I had a wise professor once that stated often, “Do not doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light!”
Help Others – In a crisis the first response is usually to help ourselves. Break out of that mold and be the FIRST to offer help to others. This will set you apart from all others. Be the best by going above and beyond expectations. Ask yourself this question; “Am I the type of leader that I would follow?” Do I care for people, am I helping others, am I trust-worthy?
Learn to be the voice of security, kindness, and responsiveness. In a crisis your team members need to hear the following;
I value you
I believe in you
I need you
I want more for you
Make Lemonade – Albert Einstein once stated, In the middle of the difficulty lies the opportunity. Understand that opportunities are always surrounded by problems. You must get through the difficulties in order to get to the opportunities. We often argue the point that a crisis is demanding, and we are short on time. Truthfully, we have more time now than ever because technology. The question is what am I doing with my time? Since time is something that you do not create and therefore cannot manage it, understand this truth TODAY MATTERS! You do not succeed in a day, but daily you succeed. This is more the manage of life instead of time. You are the most difficult person your will ever lead.
When a crisis subsides, there is usually a crisis after the crisis. Many times, it is a personal crisis. Difficult seasons are revealers of character. Robert Schuller wrote a book entitled, Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do.
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In the previous blog article, I mentioned the process that leads to revival and a national awakening. In this article I want to address our own personal revival that can become the catalyst for larger accomplishments. To begin this discussion, we need to examine some scriptural illustrations of Jesus as a guide for today’s need.
Jesus’ Habit of Withdrawing
Mark 1:12,13, 35-37 – Jesus begins his ministry with 40 days in the wilderness (12,13) and then early in the darkness of morning, Jesus finds a solitary place. Notice the Disciples remarks; “…Everyone is looking for you!” It seems logical that if Jesus, part of the Trinity pulled away for prayer that we should be pulled away from our screens to spend some one-on-one time with the Creator.
Mark 6:45-50 – Between the feeding of the 5,000 and Jesus walking on water, He went to the mountainside to pray. Let’s state the facts of observation, The miracles that were being performed were not like anything people had previously witnessed. Yet, the Savior of the world maintained a foundation of prayer and intimacy with His Father.
Luke 5:12-16 – Jesus heals the leprous man. The report of this miracle brought the crowds to Jesus, yet during opportunity Jesus does not allow fame to take precedence over His prayer life.
Where Is Revival Located?
Pastor Jon Tyson of the Church For The City in New York suggests a five part response that is confirmed by other scholars.
Prepare and Embrace the Crystallization of Discontent – This is the moment the battered spouse decides to leave. It is the moment you wake up to the realization, I am in a cult. It is the moment the addict realizes a need for help and sets his/her purpose on change.With the foundations of our civilization shaking, right now is a moment in history to realize my religious systems and methodologies are broken. I need transformation. Reformed and reborn for such a time as this.
Be Willing to See Your Personal Inadequacies – This part of the journey is painful. However, this is one of the great things God can do for us, awakening a consciousness of our unpreparedness. It is easier to maintain surface happiness when we believe we have arrived.
Seek God in New Ways – If you are not experiencing the crystallization of discontent or seeing your own inadequacies, try seeking God in new ways. Start by practicing spiritual disciplines you have never attempted. Dallas Willard is a great author that has wrote numerous books on spiritual disciplines. His classic The Spirit of The Disciplines is an excellent resource. Another book of Willard is Renovation of The Heart. Seeing God in new ways can enlighten your spirit-man by given fresh insight to old revelations or even new revelations.
Rededicate Yourself to A Life of Prayer – One of the most effective ways to stir revival is to dedicate ourselves to a life of prayer. Pastor Tyson’s church in New York City invests a quarter million dollars to support their prayer endeavors. What would it look like if we invested at a higher level in renewing prayer in our life? How would that stir hunger in your life? How would it change your life rhythms?
Reorient Your Life Around A Desire for Personal Revival – The simple truth of the matter is that unless you make some changes in our life and dig into a new desire for God, we probably will not experience the inner renewal and revival that we desire to see in the lives of people around us.
I want to begin by stating that as spiritual leaders in America, the message of the cross has been entrusted to you for such a time as this. With all of our human failures and mistakes, God has chosen you to play the long game. Rest, vacation, sabbatical or whatever you need to do – stay in the long game. This is our most important hour.
Regarding the digital space, I want to offer the following observations.•2-in-5 practicing Christians now believe that it is inappropriate to share their faith with the idea of persuading someone to forsake their faith to join yours.•50% of believing Millennials state that you should not share your faith. That same 50% also believes that accepting Jesus Christ is the greatest thing that could happen to anyone.•There is a real tension and yet there is cognitive dissonance. These stats from Barna Research point to an abject failure of discipleship in the church. We are not helping people to discern this modern era.
Currently, there is a real tension in the digital space. There is also a real cognitive dissonance in this space. Think about the stats that I just referenced. To me this represents an abject failure in our discipleship training and equipping. We are not preparing people to operate in this new digital era.
Truthfully, everyone is being evangelized or evangelizing around a set of beliefs and habits. Our world is not neutral!
Consider that Google has hired Child Psychologists to figure out the attention span of young children and what grabs the young minds of our children to keep them engaged in an online platform. We are living in a world where cohesion and contested spaces exist together.
The million-dollar question: What is the Church supposed to do?
Perhaps it is time to start asking a different question sequence that provokes deep thought and reflection Vs. winning a debate to prove our correctness. It is time to move in the direction of “FORMATION!” In this arena we ask the following…
Who are you becoming as a result of what you are doing? This question provokes thought in the area of life rhythms, my actions, and am I becoming a better disciple that impacts my world? This one question gets at the heart of an Apologetic shift that needs to occur. We have understood traditional apologetics exists to make Christianity reasonable and logical. The shift should now move to Cultural Apologetics in which we make Jesus beautiful. In making Christ beautiful we are creating a tension for people – We help them see what they are missing out on.
Let’s face the facts, Christianity has become a consumption based religious system and not so much an activist approach to reaching our world. Activism is needed because this is not the first time our nation has been involved in crazy making. Consider the Jesus Cultural Movement of the 1960’s. This was a Revival movement born out of the Hippie Culture that went global. To appreciate this fact, consider the following timeline of historical events that were taking place.
1960’s Historical Timeline of the Hippie Counter Culture Jesus Movement
Consider the following assassinations of this time-period: MIK, Malcolm X, Black Panther Leaders in Chicago, JFK, Robert Kennedy.
Consider the corruption of our government with Watergate and the Nixon Presidency
Consider that Race relations were broken, Politics was broken, our Nation was broken – We were in search of something good.
Consider the birth of the Jesus Movement that started a rebirth of the Kingdom of God among us as a nation. This movement was noted by the “Coffee House Movement” throughout the country. I am old enough to remember going to some of those coffee houses. Believe it or not much of the modern church as it has been understood by the Boomers and Elders was a by-product of the Jesus Movement. Under the surface, the real key was going to where the lost were – It started by going to the Hippie camps of California. Out of this the Calvary Chapel movement emerged in the 70’s.
Therefore, we need to engage the narrative – telling a 1,000 ways that Jesus makes us better. Our modern counterculture is telling their side of the narrative by telling a 1000 ways why their far-fetched narratives are normal. This is done by algorithms. This allows a few to appear as the majority in our nation. This is how the redefinition of family has been altered and certain credit cards will allow for sexual-self-identification to put on a person’s card. Engaging the narrative of our time is vital because of several societal theories that all begin with an incorrect beginning premise. “In the beginning, God…..” is the key missing premise that must be acknowledged. This why formation has become far more significant than winning debates over correctness. Communicate a 1000 ways that Jesus makes us better.
In closing, consider the Overton Window to better understand why this shift is vital now.
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Please God, we pray, make a difference in the lives of the people around me, draw them to yourself, Jesus! (Common Prayer)
The next natural step is to start asking ourselves how we can make this happen. What are the things that we can do? What should we say? What books can we give them? What inspiring videos do they need to see? What meme or truth-telling photo can I share on Facebook or Instagram?
Is it wrong to pray for and desire that many to come to Christ? NO! That is a good desire. But what is at the heart in our hope for the many to come to Christ? Is it an empty auditorium? Is it shrinking offerings? Is it to appease my lack of response, “…here am I, send me…” Hoping for many isn’t a wrong desire. It is, however, a wrong beginning point. What God wants even more that for us to hope for the many is for us to HUNGER for Him!
Our desire for revival must begin with the cry, “Revive Me!” YES, I am well aware we are in a post-Christian era. The tendency would be to think that no one is interested in spiritual discussions. That is far from the truth. It is reported that 47% of non-Christians and lapsed Christians have unanswered spiritual questions. Consider that 39% of this same group say they are seeking something spiritually better.[1] Millennial non-Christians report being twice as likely than older non-Christians to learn about Christian faith and its impact on their lives[2].
Let’s examine closer at how revival actually is awakened within us. Evaluate these 4 actionable steps to see where you find yourself
Regeneration – This arrives in the form of conviction in which we see our need for God, Jesus, and the Cross. We become new creatures in Christ. Think of it as a personal revival in which we are awakened to spiritual truth. It begins with the cry of “Revive me!”
Restoration – Because of God’s unfailing kindness to restore us and bring us to Himself, He begins a work of restoration by replacing what was lost because of sin. Perhaps it is finances, family, or health. What a beautiful thing restoration can be in the life of the one receiving and those observing.
Reformation – This is a time of struggle and engagement with God not like anything previously experienced. This is when we really begin to die to the flesh and put on the spirit and armor of God. This is a season of incredible spiritual growth and maturity.
Renewal – This is a season we walk more in the spiritual realm and not by human leadership techniques. This is a legitimate working of the Holy Spirit not experienced previously. This is a fresh season of God’s energy flowing through our lives personally and the church corporately. Have you ever reached this season?
AWAKENING – This is a time in which God transforms entire cultures, cities, and nations.[3]
What I have listed is in a prioritized order. This means that you cannot jump to nations awakening until you first consider the previous four actions that precedes it. We all desire to see this magnitude of awakening in our families, cities, and nations. We desire to see churches filled and hearts in untold numbers running to the Mercy Seat – repenting and turning to Jesus.
There are 4 basic needs that your team needs to hear you express
I Value You
These three words are words that enlarge us. Show and Tell people that you value them – make people feel BIGGER! Kevin Myers has stated that we should desire more FOR our people than what we expect FROM them. When we value people with enlarging words, people move toward us. They become attracted to our vision versus moving away from us. Believe in people, value people, and love people unconditionally. It is a wonderful thing when people love the leader, but it is more wonderful when the leader loves and values other above themselves.
I Believe In You
These four words are words of encouragement. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe stated; If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be. As Leaders it is our responsibility to believe in our people and let them feel and know that fact. As Leaders we are dispensable and yet our team to us is indispensable.
I Need You
These three words are empowering words. Let your team know that youhave to have them on your team. Be intentional at this point. Stop hedging the bet as if you are waiting on them to make a mistake – youopportunity to pounce on them. Your team needs to hear you state that without them you cannot accomplish what we are accomplishing together – Demonstrate their worth to you.
I Want More For You
These five words are enriching words. We should in fact want more for our team than what they presently are experiencing. It is said by secular historians that John Wesley in the late 1700’s was the last transformational leader of his time. He wanted more for his country. How does your current leadership demonstrate that attitude to others?
In closing
Do I connect with people?
Do I energize people?
Do I provide clarity?
Am I Authentic?
How do I make others feel?
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Author and Pastor Tim Keller stated recently this is the first time in the history of the church where we have had to navigate a post-Christian culture. The Christian church has enjoyed operating in a pre-Christian or even a Christian context. However, Western civilizations have generations that are growing up in a post-Christian environment where then memory of past importance has faded and dulled our faith. Have we become inoculated to the things of Christ in our communities? Add moral controversies around Christian churches and it is no wonder our culture is headed in the opposite direction. Pastor John Mark Comer is calling this the post everything era – hence the title of this article.
Pastor Jon Comer states we are experiencing Post Christianity, Post Family, Post Technology, and Post Super-Size Anything. Through the assistance of the Barna research efforts in their work, Reviving Evangelism, we come to learn the following:
Our post-Christian culture is looking for meaningful dialogue about spiritual things
Our post-family culture is looking for a place where they can belong
Our post-technology culture is seeking out genuine interactions
So, the million-dollar question is, How do we function and survive in this post-everything culture? There is an interesting narrative in the Bible, Luke 5:1-11 where Jesus speaks to tired fishermen that has come up empty-handed from an all-night fishing expedition. Jesus asked Simon to push the boat out into the deep and drop the nets for a catch. Take notice of Simon’s response; “…Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets….” The catch was enormous! What are some observations that should be made?
Known fishing techniques had been applied all night and the results were ZERO!
Jesus takes our endeavors, even the all-nighter’s, to illustrate important truths.
Jesus challenges Simon to push the boat out to deep water and drop the nets for a catch. Jesus tests our willingness to listen to Him or hold on to our methodology.
Simon’s response was somewhat tempered by first reminding Christ, we have already done that all night with no results. YET, because you say so I will do that.
Results do not come by our initiatives, they come by Divine obedience
At times our methods may not be wholly wrong, our timing is what is wrong. Do we hear the words of Christ, cast down your net again, he who has ears to hear, Follow me, etc.!
What is Christ asking of us in our post-everything era? Is our response because you say so?
Do you remember as a child that has a sense of “I can’t wait for…?” That sense of anticipation, excitement, and urgency is off the charts for a child. What about we adults – what are we anticipating? What is urgent in our lives? Let’s examine some aspects of urgency and how it works in us.
Urgency Starts Within
If reluctant people had an anthem song it would be, “I shall not be, I shall not be moved!” What if that was turned around to say, “I shall not be stopped!” Have you ever noticed that people who accomplish things are driven by a sense of urgency? Change begins on the inside. We need to tap our desires from within and allow them to become urgent.
Urgency requires both urgency and patience. Urgency drives us into action and yet patience causes us to wait to see the results.
Urgency Feeds Desire
When you harness your hope and tap into a sense of urgency for change, it only increases your desire to see change come about. Unless you have a sense of urgency, desire will fade quickly. The people who change the world are those who want to and don’t wait to! Ralph Waldo Emerson stated one stated that which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not because the nature of the thing itself has changed, but our power to do is increased.
Urgency Inspires Courage
Yesterday is not ours to recover. Tomorrow is ours to win or lose. It takes courage to belief the best is yet to come. Courageous faith is what will help us to win our tomorrow’s. In Berne’ Brown’s book Dare To Lead; a question was asked of senior leaders; What, if anything, about the way people are leading today needs to change in order for leaders to be successful…..” The one repeating response was; We need braver leaders and more courageous cultures.”
Urgency Calls For Action
Malcolm Gladwell stated the most successful entrepreneurs not only have courage and imagination, but they also have a sense of urgency. These type of leaders have a burning sense to get something done and are not willing to wait. In short, these leaders create transformation – action now is the battle cry.
It does not matter how old you are. It does not matter what you have or have not accomplished. It is never too late to change your world!
We can make excuses, or we can make changes, but we cannot do both!
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KEY THOUGHT: Millennials read the language of physical space as a communication of culture!
The real challenge for churches today is that facilities cannot simply be functional, but they must be culturally experienced. The real question: “How does our facility facilitate active community?” Does our facility take into consideration for the way people usually interact? Consider these practical approaches.
Consider how to provide what technology cannot. Millennials can get the very best sermon teaching from the best facilitators on their phone 24/7. How do you compete with technology like that? It starts by providing people with things that technology cannot give them. It starts by embracing the notion this generation craves community and collaboration. Does your church facilitate this type of space? Does our space communicate the shopping mall experience – Go and touch what you are interested in and then leave.
To facilitate space that communicates culture we need only study the shopping mall of yester-year. The food courts were not designed to offer nutrition, they existed for low price and take-away food. Department stores offered opportunities to touch what you were interested in and its quality. However, technology has been a major disrupter of that habit. Malls in an effort to gain people traffic back into the mall started offering better food options, larger seating spaces, and live music experiences. Technology cannot do that. Think about church spaces such as foyers, café space, and gathering points that can better foster connection and community. It is time to see these spaces as important as the sanctuary itself.
It is time to really invest in coffee that is better than your K-cup experience. If your Coffee experience is nothing more than free coffee, you are behind the Millennials and Gen-Z’s. If your churches coffee is not better than what you can make at home, it is time for a major change. Starbucks was the early adopter of community spaces that offers a great coffee experience, not the other way around. Flexible work schedules allow for people to work at a coffee shop. Do not miss the point of the space being designed for community and collaboration first. After that fact, take the coffee experience to new levels of awesomeness.
Your church culture tells a story – the story of who you are. Culture is an investment. Is there a need in your story for a better space and cup of coffee?
Question: Why is it so difficult to reproduce quality leaders? Could it be there are insecurities in current leaders. If they raise up quality leaders, they might take our place, They will become better than me.
Leaders reproduce who they are, not what they want. Are we inadvertently reproducing leaders that have a fortress mentality? Learn to be a river and not a reservoir.
Perhaps our vision is too small to see the value of reproducing quality leaders. In the condition we find our world currently we need a larger vision of preproducing leaders. There truly is a leadership vacuum. The leadership models that are currently on display do not inspire people to be like them. We are a mad group of people looking for someone to inject quality leadership for the greater good of humanity.
Let’s dive into the 5 qualities of reproducing leaders. Take good notes, develop an intentional action plan to change. If you aim at nothing you are destined to hit it every single time.
Reproducing Leaders have a heart for the culture
A reproducing leader is the culture carrier! The culture is first owned by the leader and then associates. What is Culture? The culture of any organization is the shared values, actions, and missional purpose for existence of an org. It stands to reason the culture is visible and actionable. What are the values you espouse? As a Leader are you a super-server of others? Ultimately the culture is a set of shared ideas that is being placed on display for all to see and connect with.
Reproducing Leaders have a “Potential Radar”
If you possess a preferred vision for the future, then you must believe your team has the potential to get you there. Set people’s skills FREE! Reward progress. Be on the alert for progress in the lives of your team – polish and refine that progress and motivate them for greatness.
Reproducing Leaders have a heart for Legacy
Have a heart for the infinite and not the finite! This is not about being first, biggest, or exclusive. This is about positioning your org to outlast your life span. Others will accomplish greater feats than you. With this mindset you are released to assist others in the journey of Legacy by removing yourself out of the picture. Pause and ask yourself this question; If I am truly to become an infinite minded leader, what do I need to change in my leadership style?
Reproducing Leaders have a confident competency
Do not try to live with confidence unless it is undergirded by competency! Right or Wrong social media gives us access to world class leaders and their content, do not become a copy-cat as though you have paid that price to achieve that level of thinking and acting. Leaders are REQUIRED to continually grow, live out excellence, keep improving, keep inspiring others. Know that you have so much in you that life will not be long enough to get it out.
Reproducing Leaders have a generous voice
Your words is what backs up your true actions and intentions. Here are 4 voices of great leadership….
•Gifted Voice – Generosity with your words of adoration for your team
•Character Voice – Demonstrate an alignment in your life – congruence speaks louder than words only
•Experience Voice – Share what you have learned on your journey of Leading
•Heart Voice – Dare to express a loving affection for your Team
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KEY THOUGHT: Discipleship is not about growing a big church. It is about growing big people!
The generational trends says that Millennials are biblically illiterate, but they are passionate about learning. This generation is passionate about acquiring new knowledge and a desire to learn things at a deep level rather than skimming the top of issues. The challenge in discipling this generation is to build depth in a shallow culture. Teaching at them will not work. Go to where they are – that will work! Understand their emptiness is a result from a secularized materialistic world. This has led to a hunger for more and many are unable to go further than a search for experiences.
So, what are practical strategies and approaches for this generation? Start with the leaders heart by being a Shepherd and not a star. Everything about the pastoral role is about leading with a shepherds heart. The Shepherd exists for the sheep; the sheep do not exist for the Shepherd.
Our discipleship strategy must go deeper than what we currently offer. Our prevailing culture is that we are image-driven. The culture has neglected the inner voice that cries for more. As leaders you must be aware of what you are doing to attract people. That will be the thing that you must do to retain people.
We must provide Bible teaching and doctrinal studies. It may seem overly simplistic, but we must face the fact there is a generation that is not grounded with common bible knowledge. There is a fundamental need to teach bible basics and fundamental doctrine. In a superficial culture, depth is attractive!
Provide content driven courses and lessons to help them learn. This generation has a tremendous appetite for learning. Why not make the church the center of that learning journey?
Before we get into these 7 actions, we need to consider what a sustained successful leader looks like. Here is a quick hit list of thoughts.
•Sustained Successful Leaders are attractional – you are drawn in
•The more that I see, the more I want to see
•Other people think more of them than they think of themselves
•They desire to learn more than they can teach
•They see possibilities instead of problems
•They lift more than they let down
In short these are the types of leaders that we desire to be with and to become. These leaders make me better and in turn I can make my part of the world better.
7 Action Steps
They put relationships FIRST
Relationships are nurtured and highly valued. These leaders realize that ONE is too small of a number to achieve success. It remains a leadership law – Help others succeed and they will in turn help you succeed. These leaders know they are dispensable while their team is indispensable. Add value to others and they will add multiplied value to their world. That is multiplied leadership!
They know that significance matters
What happens around you is success. What happens in you is significance! This is a journey of transforming your perspective from finite to infinite. Significance is when you realize your calling and life mission is bigger than your ability to achieve in your lifetime. Success is allowing others to grow larger than you.
They use HUMOR
Do not take yourself so seriously – learn to laugh at yourself. Others have been laughing already. Learn to laugh again, it is healthier!
They lead from their strengths
Question: What sets you apart from being average? Stay in your strength Zone. Stop working on your weaknesses. Invest in your strengths, establish a growth plan that intentionally moves you forward to your hope and dreams.
They manage negative thinking
Learn to focus on what you can control! There is so much you cannot control currently in your life – Covid-19, economy, employee shortage, retirement, etc.. Understand this too shall pass. Compartmentalize your life – stay present and grounded in what matters the most in life.
They make their own luck
A solid work ethic is necessary, show up first and be the last to leave in important assignments and projects. Understand that anything worthwhile is uphill. Effort must be exerted, and time must be invested. I know that we say , we do not believe in luck, but I would suggest a different type of luck – WHO-LUCK! Who do you know that is doing leadership at a higher level than yourself? Who can take you to the next level of leading? Who are the leaders you are being influenced by – get to know those people and read their content.
They manage their energy
Optimize your energy not your time! Know when to take a break and change the setting.
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Key thought: Millennials are time-poor and need to see value.
Today’s demands of a 24/7 world keep Millennials busier than any generation prior. Text Messages, Emails, Phone Calls that pour into their inbox as they tend to their jobs, children, and homes. Scheduling conflicts force prioritization! With so little time available to this generation, they want to know the time they invest is worthwhile.
The challenge for the church world is to rethink calendars, programs, and schedules all need to be reinvented for this new Millennial world. A great place to start is to look at your current calendar of events and ask this question; Why do we do it this way? Is it still effective? Is this the best way? Be brave enough to stop programs that are not fruitful. The things you do well – do them very well. When you consolidate this will enable you to put more quality into the meetings and events that you plan.
Practical Strategies
Make weekly Sunday attendance a unique value proposition. Question: What do today’s Millennials get by attending your live worship service that they can’t get online?
Stay in a perpetual “Beta-Mode”. The only way the church world can survive is by regularly reviewing what is working and what is not working. Change what needs to be changed.
Do not allow your discipleship strategy to just grow a big church. Discipleship is about growing BIG PEOPLE! Also realize that Millennials tend to look for quick solutions to an eternal concern. Discipleship must be deeply relational and taking people deep in spiritual truths. Your discipleship strategy consisting of going deep in order to grow tall is of more importance now than ever.
It has been said that we must travel on the inside first before we travel on the outside. Why? The journey of growth and success is first an internal one. The person you lead is yourself! Can we really lead effectively without self-discipline.
This podcast will examine national Israel’s inability to possess a promised land according to the Biblical narrative Numbers 33:1-49. In this narration we see that Israel became a nation of drifters for 40 years in the desert wilderness. No land to call home and they traveled on rocky land called the Negev – ”Rocky land.”
They could have made this trip within 2 weeks, yet it turned into 40 years. The real reason boils down to preparation. The nation was simply not ready to step into their future blessing.
How about yourself today? How is your self-discipline? “Plato once stated the first and best victory is to conquer the self.” Here are 5 actionable steps that anyone can take to become a person that is disciplined and ready.
Develop & Follow Your Priorities – Let’s face it – all leaders are pressed for time. However, successful leaders have a plan. If you can determine what is really a priority and then release everything else – It will be easier to follow through on what is important.
Make A Disciplined Lifestyle Your Goal – To be successful self-discipline cannot become a one-time event. It must become a life-style. Develop systems & routines for crucial areas of long-term growth and success goals.
Challenge Your Excuses – Can you name several excuses why you cannot be a self-disciplined person? If you can, then realize these have become barriers to your success. All excuses need to be challenged if your desire is to go to the next level.
Remove Rewards – Take away the rewards until the goals has been met. Mike Delany stated once that businesses need to differentiate between shirkers and workers. You do not reward both groups of people equally.
Stay Focused on Results – Anytime that you focus on the difficulty of work you are likely to become discouraged.
Dan Cathy of Chik-fil-A stated that if you get better, your customers will demand that you get bigger. The old adage is true – Get Good First!
If your actions challenge people to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are a transformational leader that is capable of changing a nation – for such a time as this!
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John Maxwell made famous the phrase, Become a ladder builder instead of a ladder climber. The concept of ladder climbing is not a concept that Millennials gravitate toward. There is too much association to climbing the corporate ladder. This association is brought on by the imagery of the organizational chart that resemble climbing a corporate infrastructure.
The modern challenge for churches is to recognize two key salient truths; (1) By 2030 the workforce will be comprised of 75% Millennials and (2) churches will be forced to move in the direction of Circles of Collaboration that evolve from hierarchical organizational systems. Circle-style of organization shows teams within teams with define leadership and specific outcomes. How do we do this? Here are 4 key thoughts.
Become a listening organization – listening is the best to reach millennials who want to be involved and be heard. Millennials want to devote themselves to a cause.
Create an environment of training and mentoring – Millennials are hungry; they want to learn. It is widely report that Millennials top two things that make an organization attractive are (1) Employer makes clear the pathway of career progression and (2) Excellent Training/Development programs.
Define the difference between Management and Leadership. Consider this.
Management = Systems
Leadership = Relationships
Don’t lead through systems. Systems are about processes, not people
Don’t manage through relationships. Relationships are about people, not processes
Skip level communication – Org charts are helpful for management, but they do not dictate how a leader relates and communicates.
If you require that all communication travel through tightly structured conduits that push bit size pieces of information up and down the ladder, you are missing one of the greatest strengths Millennials bring with them – there ability to generate ideas that are productive and useful to the organization. Get into the habit of disrespecting the Org Chart – rather op for collaborative circles of communication at the grass roots level.
When your value system is clear, it is not hard to make life decisions. A clear and concise value system brings an alignment to your living. The hypocrisy currently on display is why there is an agreement that good leadership is absent. When you live out good values, you elevate the value of others. Genuine care and concern demonstrated through collaboration groups is where Millennials and Gen-Z’s excel. These generations are going to redefine power and authority.
If you currently hold a leadership position or are a contributing Team Member here is a 4-fold challenge for you. (1) Know the values of your life (2) Consistently live out those values (3) Communicate your values (4) Get buy-in from those in your circle.
You cannot have a Team without the same values! Teamwork is what makes the Dream work! Let’s explore a winning value system that makes you valuable. Here are 10 winning values.
We Value People – We are valuable people that values other people. Are we “People Drive or Money Driven?”
Live Intentionally – It has been said that that most people simply accept their lives, they do not lead their life! John Maxwell’s book, Intentional Living is a great place to start in terms of taking charge of your life. Make a difference in your world.
Exceed Expectations – Go above and beyond what people anticipate. Have a servant’s heart. It is not possible to give your best tomorrow if you have not given your best today.
Personal Growth – Leadership is not grown in a day, but it is grown daily! Tomorrow’s beginning is today’s learning. Develop a personal growth plan. If you cannot articulate this plan in writing, you are only day-dreaming.
Positive Attitude – Here are 3 truths about attitude. (1) Attitude is the difference maker for any team or project (2) Attitude is a choice – stop blaming others and your circumstances (3) Attitudes need constant work
Consistency – Mediocre/average people are inconsistent. Consistency is what will compound your return on your time investment.
Equip People – Use your talents to help others. Before this can happen answer the question; What am I doing to grow myself? This naturally flows out to the question; What am I doing to intentionally help others?
Lead By Example – People do what people see. Do not become a tour guide to destinations you have never visited.
Be A Catalyst For Transformation – Transformational leadership influences how other s think, act and speak. As a leader and influencer, you must change first.
Ultimately this hit list of values is about flourishing not just existing. Human Flourishing has 5 facets that all add to you becoming a valuable person.
Faith – What is it that you believe to be true?
Relationships – Who are the influencers in your life and how are you influencing?
Vocation – Do you see your vocation as an extension of ministry or is it just a paycheck. How meaningful is your work?
Finances – Budgets, Benevolence, Future
Health – Take inventory of your health habits. There is a cost for your choices.
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Generational Trend: Millennials follow relationship not authority!
Millennials no longer respond to power and authority in and of itself. The days of ”because I said so” and “do as I say, not as I do” are vanishing. Authoritative power does not connect – relationships do! Power as we have understood it is decaying. Power does not buy what it used to in the past. Being in charge is not what it used to be.
John Maxwell’s book “The 5 Levels of Leadership” was obviously ahead of its time. Maxwell relegates Position/Authority at the bottom of his list of five. Notice the following.
Millennials resist most traditional structures because they were raised in a learning environment that embraced collaboration!
Ask yourself this key question: How would I lead if I had no organizational authority?
Leadership is not being in charge, but rather caring for those under your charge – Simon Sinek
Hope is the antidote to fear. It gives us enough belief that good things can happen in the future. Hope can help us get through tough times and lead us to a more fulfilling life. Hope is much more than an emotion. It is actually a resourceful tool that is available and abundant. We just need to learn how to create and share it with others.
To obtain hope, you need momentum. It is helpful to name the core beliefs that undergirds on how to hope. Not just knowing the core beliefs but, how they work together is even more important. Rick Snyder first proposed the idea of hopes three-part process that carries us to a better future. These three parts are presented as a set of learnable skills. Let’s examine these.
We all seek out and identify an idea of where we want to go and what we desire to accomplish, who we want to become – whether tomorrow or over a lifetime. Many life goals are vague and fleeting and soon forgotten. Other goals are actively sharpened and modified over time. Hope is built from the goals that matter the most to us – we keep coming back to them time and time again. These types of goals fill our mind with pictures of the future.
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1.
The word agency is short-hand for our perceived ability to shape our lives day by day. As agents we know that we can make things happen or stop them from happening. We take the responsibility for moving forward toward our goals. In time we develop the necessary ability for the necessary motivation to stay the task. We build our capacity for persistence and long-term effort. Agency makes us the authors of our lives.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me – Philippians 4:13
We seek out multiple pathways to our goals, pick the most important routes for our situation and monitor our progress over time. These are the plans that carry us forward. We remain in touch and aware of obstacles that can arise at any time. So, we remain curious and open to finding better paths to our desired future.
For now, see these elements as a continuous feedback loop. Each element can set the others into motion. Each interacts with the others in ways that can reinforce, modify, or diminish them. When each of these elements are strong, they form a cycle that enhances our hope. When even one element is weak hope diminishes until we intervene to strengthen the element that is undeveloped or failing.
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Millennials are the most technologically savvy generation. This generation is truly Digital Natives. They are immersed in a world of wearable devises streaming music, videos, and online communities. After all, they created much of the technology that we now use daily. This generation is creating virtual reality apps, engineering AI, and redefining how we work and play.
This generation has lost the boundaries between online and offline. Both realities exist simultaneously. There offline presence is a byproduct of their online activity. They assume that your online presence matches your offline presence. To illustrate the seamless nature of online/offline worlds consider the following.
In 2018 NBS Stars Lebron James and Stephen Curry started a 4th professional league – NBA2K. This basketball game is not played on the hardwood, but rather on the Play Station. Players are drafted and signed to real teams that compete virtually. More than 1.6 million e-sport enthusiasts devote 10 per week or more to the basketball e-league.
As the church world laments and resists changes in technology, the NBA seems to find additional revenue streams. This begs the question, “Are sporting organizations more prophetic and optimistic than Christian leaders and churches?
The challenge for churches is to understand that technology is a language not a tool! Therefore, religious online services are not to be viewed as “add-on’s” but to allow them to become authentic communities. This generation is not interested in watching church services. They have and are leaving the church because it is being seen as irrelevant. A serious investment into authentic online expressions that allow the online/offline world to flow seamlessly.Isn’t interesting that Scriptures tells us to GO into all the world….! Technology allows the church to do this in new ways with Digital Natives that understand the rules of engagement in the social media world. For the church to embrace and use technology effectively we are going to need to change the paradigm of authority and move more toward collaboration. Pastor Windle of Australia stated Millennials do not want a “cool church” where modern productions are a thin veneer plastered over and old Baby-Boomer culture. They seek something they can relate to.”
Hope is like oxygen it is a requirement for living! You cannot live without HOPE! Author Dr. Shane Lopez writes; I have convincing evidence that hopeful thoughts and behavior propel us toward well-being and success; hope underlies purpose driven action. It shows up in everything from going to school to leading an organization and communities. It correlates positively with health and even longevity and it does not depend on the level of our income or IQ (Making Hope Happen p.11).
On June 6, 1966 President Kennedy spoke at Cape Town University in what has become known as the “Ripples of Hope” speech to the student body. In this speech he referenced currents of change through education could be a means to improve not only our lives, but those of everyone around us.
The simple truth is that…
Hope Matters
Hope is a choice
Hope can be learned
Hope can be shared with others
When was the first time you came to the realization the present and the future are connected through our behavior. Hope is an active skill set that takes us from where we are to where we desire to go. It simply is the realization that we can get from here to there. “Here” is the present and in some sense, it is the least desirable against our imagined future. “There” is the target of our longing. You are the one that is moving from the present to your future. We expect something from the future and also from ourselves.
In our minds, our beliefs firm up links between ourselves and the future, priming people for hope. We accomplish this by setting high expectations about the future (tempered by reality) and then acting on them.
The hopeful among us share core beliefs that set them apart from everyone else. There are 4 core beliefs that should be considered.
The first of these 4 core beliefs on looking for hope in our futures starts with
The Future Will Be Better Than The Present
This first belief comes natural to us. Gallup polls have consistently shown that people are believe they will become better in time. Regardless of age, people generally believe that tomorrow holds promise things will be better.
I Have The Power To Make It So
To declare that I have the power to make the future better than the present requires us to see ourselves as lead actors in our life story. Add to this faith in God and now you realize you are acting according to God’s designed purpose in your life. This way of thinking about the future differs from “wishful thinking” and the various “positive thinking guru’s.” Your actions in conjunction with Divine Designed capabilities is what rearranges your tomorrows.
There Are Many Paths To My Goals
There will always be obstacles in our life that force different choices and pathways to conquer obstacles between us our preferred future. We hold to the belief that obtaining some wins in life, we can see the link between between my actions and positive outcomes. The pathway forward is never a straight line and never a single line to our tomorrows,
No Path Is Free From Obstacles
Resourcefulness is the key! There are multiple strategies to move toward your goals. Resourcefulness suggests that if one pathway closes, another pathway can be cleared. As a result of resourcefulness, you gain momentum and staying power.
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I am not confused about who I am and my generational order. I am a Baby Boomer! I grew up with a strong ambition and work ethos. I argued with my dad about, “What do you mean that I am too young to work?” I passed the PGA qualifying school to become a Caddy at age 14. I was disassembling small engines completely and rebuilding them at 15. I started a lawn service at 15 before there were string trimmers for edging and only walk behind lawn mowers. Zero Turn Radius anything was not born yet. Yes, I was quite clear on my generational pecking order and ambition.
Millennials and Gen Z’s have only known a digital world. Therefore, they start from a very different place than all other generations. Millennials came of age as they crossed over from the 20th to the 21st Century. They have witnessed the advent of computers and the Internet. Gen Z’s on the other hand have only known social media, Uber, Cellular devices and wearable technology. Because of modern medicine’s ability to extend the average lifespan we now are witnessing 5 generations at the same time. In the corporate world and non-profit world, we are generationally illiterate.
Covid is not causing the mass exodus away from structured religion. This has been taking place for several years now. We are slow in acknowledging this radical shift of what and how church will be conducted in the coming years. The prevailing model of church will be disrupted to a much greater degree than what we are presently seeing. A protectionist mindset will not delay nor prevent the loss of Millennials from the church.
It is being projected that in 9 short years – 2030 that 75% of the workforce will be comprised of Millennials. The key question is will 75% of the church be comprised of Millennials? It is no longer viable to say of your church, “At least we have timeless principles ….” because soon enough you will look around your church and say, “…and we have no-one under 40.”
Generational transitions are part of the Biblical narrative. Consider Ecclesiastes 1:4 NKJV “One generation passes away, and another generation comes; But the earth abides forever.” Our present culture is like an afternoon shadow. Will the church be left behind or will we understand the “times and seasons” and harness the endless opportunities this new generation brings?
Millennials are talented, creative, and collaborators. They are driven by a sense of significance. They are world-changers and hard workers. This generation carries the fingerprint of God!
In the coming articles I will speak to the Innovative ways the church can embrace this generation and harness their energy to a bright tomorrow.
There has been much written about post-pandemic leadership models, effective post-pandemic leadership strategies, and post-pandemic efforts to return to pre-pandemic days. Little to nothing is being said about those who follow our leadership. What do they need? How do we keep our workforce engaged?
John Maxwell has masterfully taught that leaders should never ask for a hand until they have touched a heart! Simon Sinek stated a similar truth; “Leadership is not about being in charge but caring for those under your charge! Both axioms are true at the same time because the starting premise is not the level of productivity that you can get from a follower, rather, it is the genuine care for those under your charge. In other words, you treat them as human beings not human doings!
In this podcast I am going to discuss the 4 Needs of Followers. Before I can do this, we must revisit the chaos of 2020 to understand why this podcast is of such value. Consider the follow chart.
Abnormal Grieving Process
Social Distancing
Mask Mandates
Shelter in Place
E-Learning for our children
Offices closed until further announcement
Worship Centers Shut Down
No Graduation Ceremonies
2020 Abnormalities
YES, our world has been turned on its head! Attempting to return to what we thought we had, is not an effective leadership strategy. All of us collectively have been impacted and stunned by this time period in history. As stated in our previous episode, PURPOSE is a timeless quality and is not disrupted by difficult epics and seasons. Vision on the other hand has time-limitations that are necessary to adapt and change in various seasons.
I want to give you 4 truisms that are not disrupted by epics and seasons of change – they are timeless and always relevant.
TURST – Honest leaders with integrity are always believable and they are in demand. History has recorded periods and epics of fraud and cheating. Yet honesty always shines through the darkness and reveals itself no matter what attempts to repress and tamp down its voice.
COMPASSION – This is a humanitarian issue – Do you know me as a human? This is the single greatest question that has quietly emerged as a result of the pandemic. Do you care about me? Can you help me? Realize people do not quit companies, they quit people!
STABILITY – Your followers need to see a sense of calm, clarity and purposeful resolve in the face of chaos. Are you providing this to your followers? Your stability as a leader is determined by higher purposes that keeps you anchored in the face of chaos.
HOPE – Do your followers see you leading from a posture that points the way forward to better days? Dr Shane Lopez defines Hope as; “the belief that the future will be better than the present, along with the belief that you have the power to make it so.” He goes on to say; “Hope is the leading indicator of success in relationships, academics, career, and business—as well as of a healthier, happier life.”
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Napoleon Bonaparte once stated that “Leaders are dealers in HOPE!” If you are a leader, how do you inspire hope in a chaotic world? Better yet, If you are a person that Trains the Trainer, how do you inspire those who need to inspire?
Mark Cibort, President of Reaktor, North America wrote in INC Magazine an article entitled “5 Ways COVID Has Changed Leadership Forever.” this article was published one year ago. Here is what He stated;
1.Weaponizing Fear Is Over – Leaders that have grown accustomed to using FEAR as a motivational tactic will fail and fail hard. People are not buying the Fear angle for motivation.
2.Learn To Ask For Advise – Instead of asking yourself, Do I get permission or forgiveness; stop and consider a 3rd option. Ask for advise. Asking for advise can give you a larger prevue of your environment and circumstances.
3.Shared Values Beat Mission Statements – Shared Values inspire accountability much more than a mission statement can.
4.Move Decision Making Authority Down The Org Chart – As a leader you must let go of CONTROL and take on the role of SERVITUDE.
5.Everything Is Hyper-Global – This is no longer about my little community, but it is much more global than ever.
With these five insights, I want to narrow the list down even further, I want to offer three key abilities of Post-COVID Leaders that is provided by Gallup Research. This is about facing the reality of today instead of looking backward and attempting to create a pre-COVID world that simply does not exist.
INSPIRE OTHERS – It is one thing to be inspired but quite another to inspire others. Possessing an abundance of energy is required to inspire and be inspired. This begins with a disciplined and healthy lifestyle. The old adage is true; “Know thyself in order to grow thyself!” Simply stated if you are not in touch with your habits and disciplines, honestly it is not going to go well for you to inspire others. From this self-care position a post-COVID inspirational leader is a person that literally acts upon their inspiration.
COMMUICATES CLEARLY – Crisp, Concise, and Clear communication is required in a post pandemic world. The million-dollar question is how do we inspire those who need to inspire? I think it would be safe to say that inspiration in seasons of chaos is more than words on a wall. Vision statements are fine in seasons of calm and prosperity. In chaos an organization’s purpose is what will allow inspirational leaders to lead effectively.
LEAD CHANGE – I think it is safe to say there is a vacuum of qualified inspirational leaders. Since we are more globally connected than ever before our methods of business operations have been severely disrupted. Leading Change is not just a mantra but a skill that is desperately needed. Leading change requires revisiting our PURPOSE – this is the reason for exitance. Our purpose is timeless. Our vision is time-balanced. In seasons of chaos our vision does not make sense in the same way it did in seasons of calm. Purpose, however, in seasons of chaos is informed to a point that methodologies are reshaped, refined and more determined for such a time as this.
The global pandemic of 2020 to the present has been a significant disruption. The metrics previously used to measure success was for a pre-pandemic era. Many are coming out bigger and stronger. Others have closed their doors. In closing, 2021 should be declared as the year of RECOGNITION of those under your charge!
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The old adage is true; “What got you here, will not get you there!” You must maintain a sense of Hunger for personal growth; Live out true humility in front of your team; demonstrate what servant leadership looks – that requires a different intelligence.
In order to set up the most dangerous thought a leader could ever have, I want to set the stage by discussing momentum’s impact upon Servant Leadership and Selfish Leadership. This most dangerous thought can occur from either context. Below is a comparison chart between Servant and Selfish Leadership.
Using the chart comparison, we need to understand that the 2-word most dangerous thought of leadership can occur in either column
Here is the Most Dangerous Leadership Thought……….
“I Deserve……”
Why are these 2 words so dangerous?•You can slip into a sense of entitlement because you have given so very much•You turn the shear pain of leadership at times into your own personal sacrifice that you desire others to take notice of•Your contributions become only motivators to get what you want in return•Leadership can become a subtle misguided tool to achieve and get rewarded•What is overlooked – Servant Leadership does not look for anything in return nor does it feel entitled.
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Not all leadership is great leadership! There are certain qualities that true leaders cannot afford to go without. Here are some of those qualities.
HUMMILITY – C S Lewis accurately describes humility when he said that humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. Recognize God’s giftedness in you and God’s calling upon. To do otherwise is like a song that ignores the composer. Jim Collins in Good To Great, suggests that humility is the key differentiator between good leadership and great leadership. If you are struggling with EGO, become less impressed with yourself and more impressed with your Team.
INTEGRITY – Basically the meaning is who you are on the outside matches who you are on the inside. Normal does not test your integrity. Look at your most recent crisis to see how you handled it – that will reveal your level of integrity.
PASSIONATE FAITH – A passionate faith is the hallmark of biblical leadership. I must acknowledge that passion is the most difficult component to master – it fades with time and is hard to maintain. Your team will only be as passionate as you are about the mission of the team.
EMOTIONAL HEALTH – You may be part of a larger enterprise and you may not know everyone’s name. One thing is for sure, your emotional health will impact every single person whether you know them of not. If you are unhealthy at the top, eventually people will be unhealthy at the bottom.
TRUSTWORTHINESS – One of the key results of COVID is that people are quietly asking 3 questions: Do you know me? Can you help me? Can I trust you? A negative response to any combination or all three and your team members will leave. People do not quit companies – they quit people!
TEACHABILITY – Effective Biblical Leadership begins with a teachable spirit and a learner’s heart! If you are the “Know it all” people will not follow your leadership. In fact, they checked out a long time ago – you simply have not awakened yourself to reality.
In closing, GREAT leaders will touch a heart before they ask for a hand!
TEACHABILITY – Effective Biblical Leadership begins with a teachable spirit and a learner’s heart! If you are the “Know it all” people will not follow your leadership. In fact, they checked out a long time ago – you simply have not awakened yourself to reality.
In closing, GREAT leaders will touch a heart before they ask for a hand!
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Jesus’ words in John 5:19 is our beginning point to understand a biblical cadence. Note his words; “…..the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what He sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does…the Son does likewise…”
The key take away from this passage is that God is active and the Son, Jesus Christ is getting into the flow of God’s work. The million-dollar question is; What is God doing in my life, church, community, and state that I need to get into that flow? So, what does the activity of God look like as we emerge from this so-called pandemic? The landscape is different, and the cadence of life has a different sound to it. This year, 2021 is being described as a tsunami of grief. The ungrieved losses are many coming out of 2020. The upside-down manner in memorializing family members in 2020 has left a massive impact upon our soul. Churches that no longer look and feel like the pre-pandemic days has shocked leaders and attendees.
The reality of losses from 2020 cannot be resolved with Christianized language or church speak. Ungrieved losses has a sound thatuncensored and more primal. Anguish is a term that comes to mind whenattempting to wrestle with loss on this level. I want to give you a paradigm of Biblical Leadership that demonstrates a true cadence of leading. There are 4 facets to this cadence.
#1 – AWAKENING: There is a tension between 2 forms of awakening. 1) There is an awakening the pandemic is ending and now we can get back to pre-pandemic normalcy. 2) There is an awakening of re-setting or re-starting over because the leadership landscape is so vastly different than pre-pandemic days. The first form is filled with anguish because because the cadence of what we had is not present. The second form recognizes the sound of a new cadence and cries out for insight to get into a new flow of life.
#2 – ABIDING – The mere suggestion of ABIDING denotes forbearance and patience. However, if our leading is to create the past this will lead to frustration. If we embrace a new cadence because of the pandemic, we will look for God’s activity and then abide in this reality while awaiting the rightmoment to get involved in a new flow of activity. Patience andperseverance are only shaped and matured in seasons of suffering.
#3 – ANNOINTING – Patience and perseverance are precursors to a new anointing. Biblical anointing represents being commissioned and protected for a new cadence never heard and experienced. Once anointing is embraced, we now can lead into a new rhythmic flow into a new tomorrow with confidence that the Almighty is on our side. I had a wise professor that repeated a mantra often; “Do not doubt in the darkness what God has shown you in the light!” This mantra was a revealer of what in fact God was showing me in the light – eternal Biblical principles not ”lights, camera, action!” The anointing is an outflow of abiding.
#4 – AUTHORITY: This term has been severely abused. The abuse stems from measuring the wrong trends and outcomes. If we believe the sheer force of mechanical methodology determines merit, then we are seriously out of step with the cadence of daily life. There is KEY leadership maxim that states; “Do not ask for a hand until you touch a heart! People are asking 1) Do you know me? 2) Can you help me? & 3) Can I trust you? If the answer is NO to any one or combination ofquestions, you will lose the very people you are attempting to influence on behalf of your enterprise. Said another way; Leadership is not being in CHARGE, it is caring for the people in your CHARGE!
•Am I truly experiencing an awakening or a longing for yester-year?
•What is my level of hope, trust, and security?
•What is the basis of my life call?
•Whose authority am I standing upon?
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Let’s pause for just a minute. If 4-in-5 Spiritual Leaders are stating it is difficult to invest in spiritual development and if running on fumes is the new normal; what is the person seated in the auditorium receiving for their spiritual development?
As if the opening statement is not bad enough, 39% of Pastor’s are questioning their role and function in these troubled days. Only 6% of spiritual leaders have a clear vision for the next 5 years. Personally, I believe the real problem lies within our perception. Our MISSION is not broken – our methods are! Truthfully, we are all wounded healers!CHAOS can be the center of great innovation. If you doubt this fact, you need only to read the book, Some Kind of Crazy. An unforgettable story, in the tradition of Hillbilly Folklore and Education, that reveals how a careful look at a broken past can open a path to profound healing and a satisfying future.
Author Terry Wardle grew up in the Appalachian coalfields of southwestern Pennsylvania, part of a hardscrabble family of coal miners whose cast of characters included a hot-tempered grandfather with a penchant for blowing up houses, a distant and disapproving father, and a mother who disciplined him with harsh words and threats of hellfire.
I believe that Spiritual Leaders are living at the confluence of 3 realities.1.A Convoluted development from their past – You must spend time in learning your family of origin. Your past is the driver of your present when you leave it to chance.2.Congenital Brokenness or engrained development or habits of living that are inbred that are denying you of leadership victory.3.Confluence of congregational expectations – these are not real and absolutely must be kept in check. You are not all things to all people.
Wounds in our inner being can create false beliefs, false beliefs create emotional upheaval that creates dysfunction. So, the million-dollar question is; What is ungrieved loss? Truthfully, every loss in life should be given its season for appropriate grief work.
You need only study Psalm 109 – which is a brutal Psalm of suffering and agony. There are 29 verses of anguish before you get to the doxology of worship. Could it be that our journey of brokenness has skipped the confrontation of dysfunction and wounds and we want to go straight to the doxology of praise and worship? Truly we hold a tension between suffering and joy!
Every loss has a loss within a loss. Question: what is the ungrieved loss in my life Lord? That question must be met head on before we get to the doxology.
In these difficult times we need to understand that optimism is only an idea that things will get better. Hope, however, says that God can break into our suffering at any moment. Daniel Segal suggests in his paradigm of suffering that we are to be flexible, adaptive, possess a coherence of what was, is, and will be.
It is only when we learn to pause during suffering that we can discern what the Holy Spirit is doing NOW, not what is next!
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44% of Americans state that Churches should be the center of counseling within the community.
74% of nonpracticing Christians 3 out of 4 people stated they would reengage the church if they offered sermon teaching content and mental tools and resources
Statistics are strongly suggesting that people do not want to engage Faith that is only true – they also want it to be good for humankind. Churches have a wide-open door to present more than a gospel message, but the benefit of a faith journey.
50% of Christians do not see their church showing up in the community to address mental health awareness and offering resources. Counseling centers are at the fore-front.
6% of nonbelievers say that the church cares about me or offers emotional and mental health assistance.
Key Question: What is emotional/spiritual health?1.Awareness of what is going on the inside2.Knowing my family of origin – culture impacts who I am today3.Where are you in comprehension of biblical grief and loss – Study the Lamentation Psalms and the bible book of lamentations
A key thought to consider if your life is over-worked and underdeveloped? Are you out of control? Are you doing more publicly than what your inner-life can sustain? Simply bearing fruit does not necessarily equate to being emotionally well.
Is your prayer life always getting something from God versus being alone with God? Are we developed in an Americanized Jesus instead the formation of Christ in me? Formation in Christ is more than programs
What is the difference between between a Crucified Jesus vs. an Americanized Jesus? There are 4 responses to this question based upon the book of Matthew that Jesus had to constantly teach the Disciples to not become and perform in these 4 arenas.
Be Popular – Jesus did not have a popular ministry compared to the religious structure of the day. The Apostle Peter wanted to erect memorials – Jesus rejected this popularity.
Be Great – Many biblical scholars point out that Jesus absolutely fought against “GREATNESS-ism”
Be Successful – Jesus wanted to be among the people
Avoid Suffering and Pain at all costs – How many of our prayer meetings is about redemption from pain and suffering. It is time to embrace pain and suffering as part of the life experience by looking to Jesus himself for guidance on how to get through – not around it!
What are the quality markers of success?
Am I relaxing in Jesus – Christlikeness is the core?
Being with Jesus and relaxing in self – is that sufficient to sustain what I am doing?
A full room of people does not equal spiritual flourishing
People’s loss needs to be validated and affirmed – not ignored!
Revelation of God only comes from the deep well of suffering and loss
The degree that we are able to to grieve our losses is the degree of our compassion for other people.
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I suppose it goes without saying, but 2020 has proven to be very difficult in non-profit enterprises. The isolation, social distancing, and learning to speak into a camera, Questioning if anyone would return to church, have all served to be an extraordinary year filled with pressure. Tim Keller in a recent interview with Barna Research Group shared his journey of a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer last August. His story is a crisis within a crisis. His wife one day, “How are you feeling?” Keller’s response was, “At least I am not pastoring presently!” From the lips of a dying Pastor, his assessment of how he is doing in the death journey is to declare, at least I am not pastoring. Does that give you a snapshot of the difficulty?
Barna Research has been diligent in their research in 2020. Ever since week #1 of the pandemic to the present there have been thousands surveyed to assess the weekly impact of what was happening. The results through this journey have been shocking to say the least. Here are some glimpses regarding mental health.
The stats regarding mental health during 2020 are eye-opening.
73% of faith leaders state they feel isolated
63% of faith leaders feel lonely
59% of faith leaders feel depressed (47% in 2018)
Here is perhaps the most eye-opening information. When researchers began to ask why this happening – 39% of faith leaders have stated they never have talked to anyone about their own mental health. 75% have never talked to a counselor. SHOCKING!
What is it about the structures of non –profit leadership that allows these stats to go virtually untouched or noticed. Is it time to re-evaluate the very structure of faith leadership and our expectations of it? Should we question the idea of a Lead Minister becoming the CEO of a Church Corporation, be the chief spokesperson, Head of the Elder Board, and be the primary vision caster? Who holds these types of leaders accountable, Truthfully?
Julie Wilson and Kayla Stoecklein are two single parent Pastor’s Wives whose husbands both committed suicide while leading their congregations. Recently in a Barna Podcast these two ladies share their stories of what it felt like and how they had to pick up the broken pieces of life. Here is the link to that podcast: https://churchpulseweekly.org/2021/05/wilson-and-stoecklein/
These Minister’s wives offer some very keen observations that is worth reviewing. Both Husbands were pastoring very successful churches at an early age. Both stated that success can be just as a great of a burden and failures. The pressure to keep raising the bar of excellence can become crippling.
I found it interesting when they discussed that Spousal impact is far greater than realized in the moment. Becoming Co-burdened can crush you as a spouse. What happens is that you adapt the atmosphere of the home and children based upon the mood of your spouse when they arrive home. You walk on egg-shells.
Both acknowledged that leadership without true accountability can become fatal in the long run. In other words, is there not someone that will say, “You need time off, you are not well emotionally and mentally, and you cannot get in the pulpit today. That is a BOLD statement to be making! Yet, there is truth in these thoughts. Perhaps we need to structure time away from the office as part of the expectation of performance coupled with mental health check-ups. Time off – Rest – Sabbaticals all should be part of the modern era of ministry. Do we actually allow our ministers to be truly human?
Form more information about the work and ministry of these two Pastor’s wives post suicide their websites are listed below. In the words of Kayla; When my husband took his last breath, I took my first into a new life I never dreamed would happen.
The key question that demands an answer is how do we captivate people’s heart? There are three things that I would offer to answer this question.
Be Authentic – Pay The Price – It will be significant – Give Value to others.
Leadership is not about being in charge. It is more about caring for those in your charge!
Let’s consider 4 aspects of Leading with Moral Authority.
COMPITENCE – this is the ability to lead well. This is the CORE of leadership! You do not have authority over others until you have earned it.
COURAGE – this is the ability to move forward in the face of fear. Consider the Special Olympics Motto: “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”
Courage will cause you to get up tomorrow and try again. Courage will help you as a leader to find your voice.
CONSISTENCY – This means that you will absolutely strive to do well all the time not just some of the time. This mind-set establishes your trust-worthiness! Consistency demonstrates your growth-mind-set. Consistency communicates that I am relevant!
Your consistency mostly communicates what you want from others. Consistency will compound over time.
CHARTER – this more about being bigger on the inside than on the outside. Here are two key questions:1.What do you want to do with your leadership?2.Do you have it in you to do something BIG?
If living in the arena of Moral Authority is really your goal, then allow me to leave you with 5 key statements.
1.Put People First – ALWAYS!
2.Live to make a difference – not money!
3.Present the best version of yourself to the world Nothing less!
4.Express gratitude often – reject entitlement!
5.Be willing to be misunderstood and lonely for the right reasons!
COVID Leadership Detox
At Shepherds we are offering church leadership teams an opportunity to experience a COVID Leadership Detox. It is painfully obvious that we all are coming out of this pandemic a bit shaky and wobblily. This is a 90-minute virtual experience that is rooted in reacquainting ourselves with our core values. We have been shaken by COVID. It is time to reconnect ourselves and our teams with our Core Values.
We are going to examine 3 Beliefs that will make a difference in your leadership ability.
Perspective, specifically, how to have a belief perspective.
Consider some ways to win with people.•Do for others what they cannot do for themselves•Encourage other peoples dreams•Give people a reputation to uphold•Compliment others in front of their peers•Let people know that you need them on the team•Follow the 30 second rule: in the first 30 seconds say something that encourages or uplifts a person.
When we allow these action steps to get into our deepest self, it changes perspective from leading to see what I can get others to accomplish for me; to, Am I am offering a compelling vision that others will follow and commit too.
If you are in a position in which you get to go first and inspire others, make sure your perspective of leadership is well grounded. Have a mind-set of “How can I” rather than “Can I?” Hold tightly to a Victors Mind-set Vs. a victim minis-set.
A Belief Perspective Has An Impact On Others
Your belief system goes before others. A belief system of YES makes you attractive to others. These leaders are often described as encouraging, passionate, belief-magnets, people of yes.
Possess a belief in yourself and then others; people are attracted to others who believe in them. Voice that belief in others often. Help others to win by helping them see their potential instead of their mistakes. Be committed seeing other succeed.
Success Requires Belief IN Yourself First
You must know yourself in order to grow yourself! Who are you at the core of your being? If you cannot answer this question – How will you lead others effectively.
Listen, it is an absolute waste of time to evaluate yourself and your worth by counting on the opinion of people in the stands. You will never get ahead of this argument.
Get in the habit of never leaving something, instead try going toward something.
COVID Leadership Detox
At Shepherds we are offering church leadership teams an opportunity to experience a COVID Leadership Detox. It is painfully obvious that we all are coming out of this pandemic a bit shaky and wobblily. This is a 90-minute virtual experience that is rooted in reacquainting ourselves with our core values. We have been shaken by COVID. It is time to reconnect ourselves and our teams with our Core Values.
It is hard to believe on one hand that one year has passed since our COVID lock-down and social distancing lifestyle started. On the other hand, it has felt like 2020 would never end.
So, what has changed in this unforgettable year? There are several data points to examine and some questions to ask ourselves as leaders. To start with churches are now seeing approximately 65% of pre-covid attendance returning. This percentage must be guarded, because geographical location and local politics is playing a large role in governing local assemblies. Approximately 35% of people are still connecting with online church services.
The reality pre-covid was that Millennial’s were exiting American worship centers and opting for multiple ways to experience faith expressions – I.e.Podcasts, online sermons/teaching, and specialized religious content sites.
The truth about COVID is that 1-n-5 people have bailed out of churches in 2020. This single data point should cause all to reconsider how we are doing groups, discipleship, and building community. There must be a transformation! This is a key thought that I will re-visit again later in this podcast.
Consider the following data points church activity and spiritual leaders…..
•29% of Pastors have or are considering leaving their calling•1-n-5 Pastors are very concerned about their retirement or even if they can retire
•1-n-6 churches and church leaders are not prepared for an emergency
•The IDOL of church attendance has been exposed. Truthfully, we were never in charge and never in control in the way we thought about our personal significance.
•There has been an erosion of confidence among spiritual leaders – second guessing themselves and their ability to lead at all.
•The addiction to control as a leader has been exposed. The rate of change has exposed this idol. It is amazing at the shallowness of relationships – we are not as deep as we think.
•We are all facing the challenge of relationship gaps. Life on life must berebuilt. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks in his book, Judaism’s Life-Changing Ideas, writes about how churches see themselves in the marketplace of thought. First of all we must embrace the notion that church is nothing more than a place to consume spiritual content – It is a place to belong! Sack’s writes that churches see themselves either State Drive (Central governance) or Marketplace (Latest attractional bling). He argues that church should be none of that – It should be about sacred space that is transformational – life on life!
•The data is showing that online services are here to stay. Weacknowledge that online church is necessary, is not sufficient! Nothingtakes the place of presence.
•At the same time church is not in the convening business alone 1.7x per month. We are more than sermons – we are learning – living community that seeks transformation. We are not consumers!•Online Church is not merely the measurement of algorithms, but we must understand there are people on the other side of the screen.
COVID Leadership Detox
At Shepherds we are offering church leadership teams an opportunity to experience a COVID Leadership Detox. It is painfully obvious that we all are coming out of this pandemic a bit shaky and wobblily. This is a 90-minute virtual experience that is rooted in reacquainting ourselves with our core values. We have been shaken by COVID. It is time to reconnect ourselves and our teams with our Core Values.
If you have not read any of Tim Keller’s work, you are missing out on some of the deepest reflective writing ever published. Pastor Keller started Redeemer Presbyterian in New York with just a hand full of people and it grew into 5,000 adult worshippers weekly. He retired from his position 3 years ago. During COVID in May 2020 he was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. So, during a global crisis Tim Keller is faced with his own personal crisis. It was during this time that he completed his latest book; Hope In Times of Fear. A book about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Recently Tim Keller was featured on the Church Pulse Weekly Podcast in an interview that focused upon leadership in the face of a crisis and a crisis within a crisis. I want to share some high-level insights from Pastor Keller that I believe to be of great value for our current situation.
While dealing with a pandemic crisis and yet receiving his own devastating medical report, He shares key leadership insights.
Keller stated that two words were impressed within his heart that has become game changers for his stage of life – those words are Sanctification and Focus.
Sanctification is about a personal spiritual journey that transforms you for purposes of a higher calling. Pastor Keller stated that his pace and rhythm of life was being too absorbed into actions that were not taking him to his higher calling as a spiritual leader. He states that a personal health crisis can become clarifying to see what is important.
As Spiritual Leaders, if our goal is to return to what existed pre-covid, perhaps we are positioning ourselves for disappointment. That world by all indication does not exist in the same way post-covid. Perhaps the clarifying moment should be upon a higher calling and heavenly purposes. Perhaps our calling should be in new directions and purposes that now we can pivot whereas before we could not.
To awaken us to the need to pivot in our faith work consider how Church attenders are now classified for research purposes. Practicing Christiansare those individuals that attend church monthly – this “more committed group” comprises of about 25% or 63.5 million people. On the other hand, consider that Churched Adults are those who have attended at least one service in the last six months – this group is comprised of about 49% or 124.4 million people. If this is what church attendance has now become, may I suggest that something is very wrong with a sanctified calling to ministry. David Kinnaman suggests the more that you are in contact with other worshippers physically, the more likely your will feel your church worship experience is meaningful and life altering.
Focus is the second word that Pastor Keller stated how impactful this was. In the face of a crisis within a crisis this pastor discovers how out of focus his ministry had become. To him this meant that business had overtaken significance!
When your leadership is more about business versus significance, you are scattered in your work. You are not centered and ground in what will last instead of what will thrill. It has been stated that a crisis is a revealer of chaos, lack of purpose, and a lack of clarity. The question becomes as you allow these truths to settle within you, In what ways is my leadership out of focus? What needs to change in my daily habit? Is my sermonic presentations transformative or informative? What does this matter?
The two largest segments of population the churched world is not reaching Millennials and Gen-Z’s. These two demographics were checking out of organized church pre-pandemic. Our mobile world is robbing us of true meaningful community.
Pastor Keller’s observation of his crisis within a crisis has challenged my thinking. I am working out this transformation even as I am recording this podcast.
COVID Leadership Detox
At Shepherds we are offering church leadership teams an opportunity to experience a COVID Leadership Detox. It is painfully obvious that we all are coming out of this pandemic a bit shaky and wobblily. This is a 90-minute virtual experience that is rooted in reacquainting ourselves with our core values. We have been shaken by COVID. It is time to reconnect ourselves and our teams with our Core Values.
It is painfully obvious that every person has something in their life that is causing grief in this COVID journey. Stop for a moment to think of all the ways that people have lost something in the past year.
Birth shared with family & friends
Vacations that never took place
Daily workflow
Loss of Community
Virtual only meetings
Grief is a natural occurrence when we lose something of significance to us. Something that is taken away from us without fully understanding in the moment.
Here are a few general insights about grief….
•There is no success without growth. There is no growth without change. There is no change with loss. There is no loss without pain.
•There is no expiration date on grief – Grief takes time.
•Loss of a child or spouse is at the top of the Holman’s Stress Scale
•Grief is not something that you get over – rather you get through it and the only way to do that is to FEEL YOUR GRIEF!
•Do not stuff your emotions! In healthy ways express your pain!
•Journal your thoughts so that you can remember key ideas and expressions for future reference.
•Realize the concept of recognizing deep pain – say fewer words. Basically show up and shut up!
•Do not second guess yourself – “If I had only……”
Depending on who you read, there are various descriptions of the phases of grief. Understand that phases are not meant to be in consecutive order. It is however to be understood that grief is an emotional journey that at times is radical and the frequency is intense. Other times the experience is more flat-line and not as intense. Here is a suggested framework for understanding loss.
Shock – we are always shocked by loss even if we know that it is going to occur. We cannot stop the shock of the moment. Loss is abrupt and sudden. It has a finality quality to it.
Sorrow – Once the shock begins to subside there is a strong sense of sorrow and sadness that settles on us. There is no stopping this fact.
Struggle – In this facet of grief we ask the “WHY” questions. Your emotions change dramatically and suddenly and often during this facet. It is physically and certainly emotionally draining.
Surrender – This is an opportunity to realize there is a creator God that is far bigger than our comprehension and understanding. This is a moment of surrender to a higher being and power than we can grasp.
Sanctification – This is all about personal change. Sudden and dramatic lose will cause you to reflect upon the pathway of your own life. What do I need to change in my behavior and habit?
Service – Unless we harness this raw emotion into positive service to others then we are prone to staying stuck in our sense of lose. The living must continue to live with purpose.
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Why is it important to find a place of Peaceful Presence in the face of a Chaotic World? Because we live in a world of “quick-fix leadership.” There is a need for decisiveness and clarity while living in a world that inhibits decisiveness and clarity. Peaceful Presence is needed for anyone who has questioned data over maturity, technique over stamina, and empathy over personal responsibility.
When you allow these opening statements to sink deep within your being, you will discover that your leadership will go cross-current with every other leader. True leadership is a form of suffering! There is a desperate need for modern leadership to understand their context that gives meaningful purpose to their work. Instead, we seem bent upon mimicking the successes of others without understanding if their ideas will make sense in our context. By default, success is now determined by how well we mimic another’s model for business and faith.
Consider these data points:•1-in-5 Pastors in America believe their community sees them as a trustworthy leader.•1-in-3 Pastors believe they are a trustworthy presence on political issues
Post-COVID, we are getting ready to face a tsunami of grief because of what COVID has done to our life rhythms. If our leadership is to become decisive, clear, built for stamina, and exemplifies personal responsibility we must become keenly aware of personal burn-out. Psychologists say that you have 15% of control of your life you think you have! The question becomes; What life do you think that you have?
Consider the definition of “Burn-Out.” Burn Out = High Responsibility + Low Control + Low Reward. In other words, you live with a “Holy Uncertainity.”
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
The Barna Group has been quite involved in data collection during the pandemic shut-down. They has gathered data in real time from over 10,000 pastors and congregations over the last year. We are going to examine 3 key data sets of information to give a snapshot of one year later of our COVID journey.
The first data set is about; Satisfaction with Social Life, Well-Being & Work-Life Balance Has Waned During the Pandemic. Take notice of the graphic in the show-notes.
Looking ahead, Americans are divided on the timeline for complete economic recovery. As of October 2020, one in three U.S. adults (32%) believed the economy will recover in one year, while two in five (40%) assumed it will take at least two or more years. Optimism is somewhat higher among practicing Christians; more than one-third (35%) thinks the economy will recover by October 2021.
We all have been impacted deeper and to a greater extent than what we might be prepared to accept. Significant emotional impact upon human beings can be a slow process of initial shock to recovery. Ultimately the Faith Community can best serve their towns by offering opportunities for people to connect with others in a caring and supportive function. People are subconsciously asking “Does anyone really know me?”
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
“God loves to give us more grace. He opposes the prideful, but he gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6
“. . . Humbly accept God’s Word planted in your heart. It is able to save your souls.” James1:21
“Every morning thank God for his love and every evening thank him for his faithfulness.” Psalm 92:2
“Carefully consider how you live. Live wisely, not foolishly. Make the most of your time because these are difficult, evil days.” Ephesians 5:15-16
Jesus: “Your eye is the lamp of your body. If your vision is good, your whole being will be full of light. But if you’re focused on the bad, your life will be full of darkness!” Matthew 6:22-23
“Keep me from paying attention to what is worthless.” Psalm 119:37 (TEV)
“Speak encouraging words to each another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, with no one left out, and no one left behind. I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it!” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (The Message)
“Share each other’s troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 (NLT)
“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, so that you may be healed.” James 5:16 (KJV)
“Our plans often fail because we don’t seek advice. But listening to good counsel will bring success.” Proverbs 15:22
“There is safety in seeking multiple counsel.” Proverbs 11:14
“Even young people become exhausted and give up too soon. But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar like eagles. They’ll keep running and NOT grow weary. They’ll walk and not grow weak.” Isaiah 40:30-31
“The religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to care for orphans or widows who need help in their distress and to keep yourself uncorrupted by the world.” James 1:27
“The generous prosper and are satisfied; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25 (NLT)
(From Abraham’s example) “We see that his faith and his actions worked together. His faith was made complete by what he did.” James 2:22
The ultimate communication skill is the ability to INSPIRE others! – Jim Rohm
Lead by example, this is how leaders make vision and values tangible. This is how they provide evidence they are personally committed. This is what people look for and are willing to follow. – Kouzes & Posner
The are 4 key questions that you must answer as a leader if you intend to inspire anyone.
What Do I Want Them To See?
Great leaders lead by example, inspiring others to do the same by leading and adding value to the lives of others. Leadership is visual – people do what people see. Inspiration is contagious. Anticipation of the value that I will impart is the key to inspiration. I want people to see:
A Leader
An Inspired Leader who loves what they are doing
An Example – Learn the difference between significance of “me-centric” Vs. Others-centric
How Do I Want Them To Feel?
VALUED – People always remember how you made them feel – Valued no matter the circumstances – If you want to be successful value people first.
INSPIRED – Inspiration is contagious. Realizing the people are more important than myself is a key distinction of successful leaders.
People do what people see =- Becoming interested in other people makes you invaluable.
Charisma Vs. Inspiration – Charismatic leadership many times is “ME-CENTRIC”. Inspiration is more about “OTHERS-FOCUSED.”
What Do I Want Them To Know?
Everything rises and falls on Leadership. Your Leadership should offer lift! Help people see their possibilities instead of your accomplishments. Lead others to shift from who they are to who they can become.
What Do I Want Them To Do?
Your guiding mantra should be I want to make a difference with people just like who are making a difference, while trying to do something that makes a difference. All of it in a context for such a time as this.
Lead others by example
Live a significant life
Add values to the lives of others
Your teaching should impart a life-style of significance. The pressure is on your presentation and message! Make sure you have something to say that is life-changing!
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It is one thing to think big picture thinking is important. It’s another to actually think BIG! When you get into the presence of a big picture thinker, they will not belittle you for your small thoughts. They will make you a bigger thinker! A great book suggestion is David Schwartz; The Magic of Thinking Big.
Leaders that see more and before everyone else is a big picture leader. Big picture leaders do not think in scarcity, they think in abundance. This means there is always an answer and more than one answer.
If you desire for your Team or organization to become big picture thinkers, set the expectations on the front end. Here are 5 expectations that you might want to consider.
It’s not about me, it’s not about you, it is about the big picture.
Growth is expected.
Value People.
Be responsible every time.
There will be tough conversations.
Successful People Question The Acceptance of Popular Thinking
Successful people do not buy into average thinking, beliefs, or influence of others. Your mission as a leader simply cannot be just like everyone else who chooses to copy another’s success. When you do that, you are imposing someone else’s ideas onto your geographical location.
Popular thinking states that experience is the best teacher. Actually, evaluated experience is the best teacher! Sadly, most people simply accept their lives instead of leading their lives, and yet they call it fate. There are three (3) things required on this level of thinking; Conviction, I will stand out; Courage – I will stand up; Confidence – I will stand alone. It is one thing to teach leadership, it is another thing to teach transformation so that others can develop. Success is not something that you see, it is more about moving in the direction of success.
Successful People Encourage Shared Thinking
The quicker you can take a thought and expose it to others, the quicker it will become better. This requires that you look at your team and ask them to make you better and make your ideas better. The opposite of shared thinking is selfish thinking where you desire to keep all of the information to yourself.
If you dare to sit down with the good thinkers on your Team and ask them how you can be better, they will always make you better. When you ask questions:•You encourage creativity and ideation•You improve the idea•You give others a sense of ownership or the outcome
Suggested reading on the subject of Thinking:
How To Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
The Magic of Thinking Big – David Schwartz
Thinking For A Change – John Maxwell
Jump Start Your Thinking – 90 Day Journal – John Maxwell
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Before we get into the 5 aspects of taking your leadership decision making to the next level, I want to review what I believe are 5 Decisions that every Leader must make.
1.Personal Decision – I will intentionally grow every day
2.Ministry Decision – I will attempt things so big that if accomplished only God will get the credit. Jerry Falwell made this statement years ago when just beginning to build Thomas Road Baptist. Later building Liberty Baptist University.
3.Partnership Decision – Partner with people who share your heart and vision. Keep in mind that as you help others succeed, they will help you succeed.
4.Relationship Decision – Those closest to me will love and respect me the most..
5.Leadership Decision – I will add value to leaders who multiply value to others.
Take Your Decision Making To The Next Level
ACTION – Decisions are not made unless you act. Without action you just have good intentions. ILL. 5 frogs sitting on a log – 4 decide to jump off the log – how many are left? 5 frogs are left – simply making a decision does not mean that you will act.
TIMING – 5 statements
•Every decision has a timing factor that either makes it great or not•It is not just what you do but when you do it
•“Peak-To-Peak Principle – Robert Schuller•Make your decisions at the top of a peak in your life
•Low valley decisions will give a negative return
•Making decisions too quickly may be made when you are emotionally depleted
•When family and friends are involved in your decision you tend to make decisions too slowly
MANAGEMENT – The management of a decision is more important than making the decision. Also, the later in life that you make big decisions the harder it is to manage them. In the book, Today Matters, author John Maxwell discusses 12 daily habits that are helpful in managing decisions.
ACCEPTANCE – No matter what good decision that you make, you need to the acceptance of other people. Take your decision from “me” to “we.” In order for a decision to be a great decision there must be shared thinking and sustained thinking. We tend to overestimate smart thinking versus shared sustained thinking.
LEADERSHIFT – Adjust, be flexible, continue your growth journey. Some decisions may require you to step back before you go forward.
Decisions need to be made on principle not on a moment!!!
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
When the culture of your Team is weak, you must bring in an abundance of heavy, precise rules, processes and systems. But a strong culture allows autonomy, empowerment, and development among your people. A strong culture equals TRUST. A weak culture equals DISTRUST!
The ultimate question is “How do we build a strong culture in our Team? Understand that a great team has many voices, but it only has one heart and one vision. Consider these 3 thoughts ….
•Vision goes from ME to WE
•People do what people see.
•Leadership is highly visual. There is no such thing as an unseen an unheard Leader!
Culture is about having in place a strong team cycle. A journey is simply passing various markers without ever considering if we should stop or turn around. A cycle on the other hand is a repeatable process that adds strength over time. Consider these 5 aspects of a strong Team cycle.
Believe Abundantly – This means there is an abundance of belief in People, Product, & Purpose (Why we do what we do). Think about it this way – when was the last time you expressed belief in your team? In a culture that believes abundantly, the leaders believes in the people, the people believe in each other, each person believes in themselves and the people places belief in their leader.
Appreciate Consistently – Silent gratitude doesn’t work. Coach John. Wooden stated, “The person who scores the bucket has 10 hands!”. Consider using the book “25 Ways To Win With People” by John Maxwell. Teach a chapter each week and then challenge your team to practice what you taught and then report back next for week’s meeting.
Develop Intentionally – If you are going to have a strong team culture you need to develop them intentionally all the time. Give your team members a standard to uphold. The highest calling of any leader is to develop their team. First, you must be intentional about your own growth! Give others a reputation to aspire to!
Listen Actively – People must be in an environment where they are heard. As a leader if you are not listening to your team, eventually your team members will not have anything to say. How do you do this? Ask them questions – what can I do for you? Support your team members. Let your team know you believe in them. When you do these things, you will bring our the best in your team members.
Live Repeatedly – Vision that is not repeated is soon forgotten. Vision leaks! Keep the culture in the eyes and hands of the Team.
KEY THOUGHT: This is a Cycle that is to be repeated, not a journey!
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In order to live a life that is all in you need to think like a winner! One of the key differences between people who win in life and those who whine in life is those who win are all in! Those who whine in life are not committed. Understand this leadership fact; “Everything worthwhile is uphill!”
If you are going to live all in, let me say now, that it takes incredible motivation! A tremendous amount of energy is needed to keep your team motivated. There are always team members who are unmotivated.
Here are 4 key aspects of “All In” leaders that keep their team and themselves motivated:
They love their people
The love their work
They love winning
They love success of the people around them
You need motivation to begin, but HABITS will keep you in the game! Consider these truths.
•Healthy habits are a result of the right mindset.Understand that everything worthwhile is uphill and you must give your best everyday.
•You do not choose your future, rather, you choose your habits. It is your habits that determines your future.
•When you are all in you demonstrate commitment .
•You cannot challenge people to follow you when you are not moving.
•Would my peers describe me as “ALL IN”?
Question: How do you stay in once you get in?
•Understand the 100% principle everyday – What you don’t do today is lost forever – John Wooden. You do not give 60% today with the thought I will make up the difference tomorrow. It never works that way in life. We only have 100% possibility daily not 140%!
•Give your best effort to your highest priorities – You must be 100% at key times of each day.
•Share with others what you are doing – make a verbal public declaration to others about what you are doing.
•If you are doing the right thing, your “all in” should increase!
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Winston Churchill masterfully led the United Kingdom during the difficulties of WWII. He brought in a political adversary, Clement Attlee into strategic meetings in London. The crisis facing Britain required extraordinary talent not just people that you agree with. Churchill invited diversity into the planning and embraced the new strategy that made a difference. Why don’t we see this type of leadership more often in our modern time? Perhaps leaders fail to deal with personal discomfort, and they have a difficult time overcoming common barriers to diversity.
This Podcast will focus on 6 Barriers to Diversity
Fear of Conflict
Patrick Lencioni stated that all great relationships that last over time require productive conflict in order to grow. Unfortunately, conflict is seen as TABOO in the business world. Notice the comparison chart.
Unhealthy Vs. Healthy Conflict
Insufficient Personal Network
Most leaders enjoy spending time with others that are just like them. This does not open the door for diverse thought, ideas, opinions, and strategies to impact our leadership. Do your closest friends vote like you do, listen to the same music, and look like you? If so, you need to spend some time expanding your network.
Unwillingness To Deal With Prejudice
Opening yourself to diversity will expand your thoughts and your leadership ability. There is to our world beside vanilla ice-cream. It has been stated the world is like a hand and the people are its’ fingers. If you despise or hate one group of people you lose a finger. Also, you lessen your grip on the world.
Some leaders are so confident in their own genius that they cannot imagine other people adding value to their work. This breeds Uniformity! If you dismiss the ideas of others not like you, you will never reach your potential and never understand why.
Personal Insecurities
Insecurities is a very complex issue that may require a Mentor/Coach to help you. One of the best antidotes for personal insecurity is to think about helping other people and putting them first. If your insecurities are driven by other’s strengths or differences – start working on them or you and your team will suffer.
Failing To Be Inclusive
The biggest discussion to have in this point is about including Millennials into your leadership team. They believe that everyone should be at the table of discussion. This can cause real tension for you as a leader if you are not prepared to deal with this matter realistically. Face the fact that by 2025 75% of the workforce will be made up of Millennials. Currently they feel less included and connected with the people in the workplace than other generations. Stop thinking of diversity as gender, age, and race and start thinking about personality, values, and abilities. This is exactly how Millennials see their world.
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•Belgium and German Colonialists favored the Tutsi Tribe over the Hutu Tribe. In turn this set up Tribal tension in the country.
•The Hutu revolution in 1959 forced over 300,000 Tutsi’s to flee. This would open the door for the Hutu’s to gain power by 1973 by means of a military coup which opened the door for a Hutu Leader.
•Racial and Tribal tensions only escalated. April 6, 1994 after the Hutu Leaders plane was shot down leaving no survivors, the Rwanda Genocide began.
•6 Men, Women, and Children were being killed every 10 minutes ending in close to one million killed in 100 days.
•The history of Rwanda leading up the fateful day of April 6, 1994 was filled with numerous warning signs. Tribal hatred was becoming part of the everyday dialogue and rhythm of life.
•At one point in this building hatred the length of one’s nose was used to determine whether you were a Tutsi of Hutu and if you had 10 head of cattle.
•Surrounding governments and agencies from Rwanda were fully aware of the growing hatred and tension, yet never expressed concerns.
•What is the pathway for healing and restoration for such a nation? Forgiveness is the only true pathway to rebuild after nearly one million people were killed.
•The John Maxwell Company has been invited into Rwanda to work with all levels of authority by establishing Servant Leadership, a message of openness, forgiveness, care, and adding value to other human beings.
•It is now required of graduating children to participate in a summer program of working with other Tribes to see their humanity, listen to their ideas and work together for solutions before you will be allowed higher education or career. Never allow hatred of the past to rob our future!
If we do not learn from history, we are destined to repeat it again. The question for modern day leaders in the non-profit, corporate, and civil arenas is, What areas in our organizations allows for indiscriminate prejudice to be tolerated? As Leaders, we have a responsibility to call our misguided notion of uniformity and allow diversity on our Teams. This is to include not only ethnic diversity but diversity of thought and strategy to move your organizations vision forward.
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EXPANDER – They love action, thrive in chaos, and are out their 100% of the time.
CONTAINERS – They are detailed oriented, Like to keep on top of things, they do not like chaos, they love to create systems.
As a Leader, do not make everyone around you like yourself. If you are an Expander, Find a Container. If you are a Container, Find an Expander!
As you grow your enterprise, grow your circles of influence. These circles of influence will be uniquely different. Develop a Outer Circle and Inner Circle. How do we understand their unique function?
Outer Circle
•Consists of Expanders. These individuals will only be with you for a season.
•They can help with vision and perspective. They are your fresh eyes that ask “WHY” on everything. Sometimes you cannot see the picture because you are in the frame.
•They complement the weaknesses of Containers•The complement the strengths of Expanders
ILL. – George Barna told a group of leaders in 1999 that people will primarily consume content online within 10 years. Now that we are in 2021, I would say that Barna hit the mark as an Expander.
Inner Circle
•Made of Containers. These people are with you for the long haul.
•They can help in the day-to-day operation and implementation.
•Can complement the weaknesses of Expanders.
•Complements the strengths of Containers.
KEY THOUGHT: Expanders and Containers are not enough individually. Together they complement each other so that expansion of the enterprise occurs. Heathy tension is a good thing on diverse teams!
What are some lessons that both Expanders and Containers need to learn?•Containers and Expanders should both be appreciated
•Containers and Expanders should serve each other
•Containers and Expanders truly need each other
•The differences between Containers and Expanders should create a healthy tension. You cannot charge ahead full force without someone getting your attention to ask serious questions at this moment. Is this the right thing to do and it is this best price to pay?
•The differences between Containers and Expanders need to complement each other. Only then can you move from Uniformity to Diversity
Here is quick exercise that I did monthly with each of my Team Members. This exercise accomplished a number things; staying on track with the overall vision, encouraging diversity, recognizing accomplishment, and mutual support to each other. Perhaps this could help your Team and your leadership.
1.What progress have you made on the goals previously discussed?
2.What is causing you the biggest problem right now?
3.What are you planning/dreaming that we have not discussed?
4.What decisions are you waiting on me to make so that you can move forward?
5.Rank your personal happiness – 1=Very depressed 100=Extreme Joy
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While leading the church at Thessalonica, Paul gives us 4 Metaphors that can be used to gain a clearer perspective of what Leadership should look like and its impact upon the Leadership vacuum that is exists.
STEWARD – 1 Thessalonians 2:4; “But just as we have been approvedby God to be entrusted with the Gospel so we speak not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts.” Paul suggests that leadership is born from something that is bigger than ourselves and our immediate gratification. This Stewarding concept is more of an infinite-minded approach to leadership. This would imply the end goal is not winners and losers. Rather it is about the perpetuation of our work beyond the scope of our life. The metrics are not what we have done and how much we have made. Rather what decisions have been made that will allow our idea and initiatives to live well past my life span. For this to even have a chance, you must focus on people and their success.
MOTHER – 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8; “But we were gentle among you like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. So being affectionatelydesirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God, but also our own selves because you had become very dear to us.” Do you hear the words of endearment in Paul’s expression? What we can learn about leadership from the metaphor of motherhood is that leadership carries a basic instinct of care for others first. It is not about the words of endearment so much as it is demonstrating the care for others by means of our actions. More now than ever, people are asking 3 key questions from their leaders: Do you know me? Can you help me? Can I trust you? A negative response to any of these 3 questions will result in the departure of that team member. If leadership does not reveal a tender concern for others, that environment becomes toxic and unproductive.
FATHER – 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12; “For you know how like a Father with his children we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.” Paul instructs more from a fatherly metaphor at this point. Fathers are to be the care-takers of the family name and family industry that marks the family signet. Through the fatherhood role we learn work ethic and discipline. It is not about getting just a paycheck but about building, creating something of value and worth for others. There is discipline and encouragement wrapped up the life work we choose. Do your work with integrity and honor for the family name.
Herald – 1 Thessalonians 2:13; “And we also thank God constantly for this that when you received the word of God that you received from us you accepted it not as the word of men, but as what it really is, the word of God which is at work in you believers.” The Herald metaphor of Paul at this point is more about accuracy of speech and reporting. If there was ever a day that accuracy of speech and reporting was needed it is NOW! Unfortunately, what we are witnessing in far too many places of leadership is manipulation of the narratives to persuade in a different manner and outcome. Truth is stubborn – it always surfaces so the public can see clearly. If our message as leaders is massaged in a manner to convince people of our products and purpose that cannot support its own weight, we become hucksters and shysters. Our mission must be pure, and our products must be accurately presented. History is filled with leaders that attempted to manipulate the masses. Historical outcomes have not been kind to these leaders.
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In his 1948 book, The Seven Storey Mountain: An Autobiography of Faith, author Thomas Merton recounts a conversation with a Hindu man who was living a monastic lifestyle. The Hindu discussed the minimal impact of Christian missionaries in that region. There were many reasons, but Merton recounts one particular reason, “The Hindus are not looking for us to send men who would build schools and hospitals, although these were badly needed at the time and were very useful. The Hindu continued; the locals want to know if you have any “saints” that you can send us!” (p. 197). Keep in mind the context is 1948, however, there is something about that statement that draws us into reflection about being Jesus in a COVID world.
The Hindu’s question is really a question that speaks to the real priority of the call of God. Engaging in our world begins not with activity, but with a life in God. A deeply formed missional life is first about who we are becoming before what we are doing. Let’s face the truth, a vaccine is not going to cure hatred, racial prejudice, and sin.
Currently 50% of faith leaders find it difficult to have a devotional life. Only 21% of faith leaders are satisfied with the time they spend on themselves. 52% of faith leaders practice weekly solitude. 55% of faith leaders read their bible weekly including sermon preparation. The Psalmist 27:4 (ESV) states; One thing of the Lord I have asked, that I will seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. That I may gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple. There are two key terms to examine.
GAZE – This term occurs 51x in the Old Testament. The primary meaning of the word is to fix your line of sight upon God and also to attune your ears to the prophecy regarding God.
INQUIRE – This term occurs only 7x in the Old Testament. The dominate aspect of this term is diligently go after understanding and comprehension of God.
Spiritual and intellectual formation are tied together in the Psalmists words. Being precedes doing! Our world is upside down in ways that we could not have imagined 24-months ago. We are very distracted and disengaged currently. We need only look at the disciples in John 20. Christ was crucified and the disciples had failed. Despondent and discouraged, Jesus showed up and showed them his hands and side and stated; “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me even so I am sending you. And when He had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit…..” Instead of Jesus pointing out their mistakes, He instead sends them on a mission.
The words of the Hindu in 1948 ring true today, “Do you have any saints that you can send to us?” Our COVID world is not looking for a program to attend, they are searching for someone who can connect them to the spiritual longing of their heart and a Jesus they seek!
Barna Group is a premier research company that has been involved in studying trends in the faith community for many years. They have been able to add the prior 20 years of research to the impact of our COVID journey to give us a powerful image of trends. Understand that data trends in your location may be different from the national snapshot. The important thing to remember is this is not a race for first place in returning to what we had pre-covid. We are attempting to understand trends over the long view of life and the possible outcomes of what we all have experienced.
Tony Morgan has contributed much to the national discussion on church trends as we move through this pandemic. The culmination of his research coupled with the Barna Group I want to give 7 trends that have emerged in the national dialogue about church direction into 2021.
•From Analogue To Digital – This trend is to move away from facility only church option. The digital age is upon us in full force, Most church attenders engage the digital world as part of their family routine for work and home. It is time for the church to offer a digital presence beside merely streaming a facility-based style service.
•From Teaching To Equipping – For so many years church presentations centered around a teaching lesson with a challenge to alter a life-style behavior. The need to EQUIP has grown large in recent months. Equipping is more about skill development than random lessons. The goal is to equip church attendees to become self-feeders. This allows the ability to thrive instead of just surviving. This moves people from becoming consumers of religious goods and services to qualified leaders that are fully capable of standing alone.
•From Gathering To Connection – This pandemic has awakened a strong need for connection that is more than just acquaintances. We are searching for meaningful relationships. We are searching for more than attending religious events.
•From Global To Local – Do not misinterpret this trend. It is not suggesting that global initiatives are no longer of importance. It is suggesting that local initiatives have taken on a strongerfocus. Being quarantined has created a renewed sense of what is missing within the local community. It has also awakened the church to have an even greater voice within the community they exist. When life slows down for whatever reason we tend to see our local community and its needs more clearly.
•From Spending To Generosity – This is more about investing in equipping leaders versus the headcount of staff in each organization. It is reported that declining church’s have 35% more staff than is necessary. Instead adding salaries, invest in equipping others to be self-feeders.
•From Complexity To Simplicity – Busyness is not necessarily making you more like Jesus. The greater the complexity the more it reveals your decline as an organization. Agility is to be preferred!
•From Counting Attendance To Measuring Engagement – Measuring viewership is the incorrect metric. The correct metric is to make disciples. Leaders should be developing leaders. Engagement is more than viewership.
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The Harvard Business School says that a team is a small number of people with complimentary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, an approach for which they hold each other mutually accountable.
What a leader does not inspect, the team member will not respect!
For a group of people to come together as a team to accomplish their goal, they need to move from great potential to great performance. High performance expectations are constantly the best indicators of successful teams – Clay Carr
3 Reasons why people do not do what they are supposed to do•TRAINING – We have not adequately trained our Team••CAPACITY – They do not have the ability To Perform At This Level••ATTITUDE – A company is known by the company they keep
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
This is what the company does – CORPORTATE Picture
This is what you do – PERSONAL Picture
This is what we do together – TEAM Picture
This is why we do it – BIG Picture
Help the Team Know Why What They Do Is Important
Tell Them Company Stories So They Can See The Big Picture
Give Them Exposure So They Can See The Big Picture
Connect Them With Results So They Can See The Big Picture
Express To Them Gratefulness So They Can See The Big Picture
Let your Team know that you value them until you know that they know you value them!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
We all deal with the impact of expectations in 3 dimensions:
•Expectations that we have for ourselves
•Expectations we have of others
•Expectations that others have of us
Have an understanding so that you do not have a misunderstanding! – Charles Blair
The 2 words, information and communication are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things! – Sydney Harris
INFORMATION is getting out
COMMUNICATION is getting through
Clarify Your Expectations NOW!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Explicitly name the fundamental assumptions you had about your industry, geography, customers, partners, funding sources, and your team one year ago, and contrast them with new ones. Use these questions as a prompt:
What was possible that may not be possible for some time?
What was global or national that may need to be local for an extended time?
What seemed important that may feel superfluous now?
What was undervalued that may hold greater value now?
What “margin” or “lack of margin” was built into organizational or industry norms?
Modify your expectations! If you were anticipating 3-6 months, plan for 9 months to one year. Perhaps you need to decrease your budget more than anticipated. New hires may be postponed. New construction will be delayed. Answering these types of questions about the next year of operations and physical gatherings you are arriving at design insights that you will now incorporate even if your situation proves to be a minimal interruption. As you clarify your assumptions and move them to design and implementation consider the following.
What role must our organization play locally nationally, or globally?
What relationships of trust can be built on and strengthened in the next few weeks or months?
What are our greatest assets assuming this pandemic and economic disruption continues for an extended period of time?
What will be the long-term changes in society that I would like to be part of bringing about through our organization?
You need both divergence and convergence when it comes to developing new ideas in your organization. Too much divergence creates and endless stream of ideas that make it hard to prioritize and to understand what is most important or urgent. Too much convergence eliminates ideas with an authoritarian approach. This does not give the team members an opportunity to show their possibility.
Do not go it alone! I would encourage communication between the funders, stakeholders and shareholders all of whom have reason they have chosen to partner with you in the first place. COMMUNICATE! COMMUNICATE! COMMUNICATE!
•Tolerance of each other’s weaknesses (We all have them)
•Encouragement toward each other’s success (We all need it
)•Acknowledgement that each of us have something to offer
•Mindfulness that we need each other•
Tolerance, Encouragement, Acknowledgement, and Mindfulness all require MATURITY!
Teamwork is not a performance; It is a REQUIREMENT!
The true measure of a successful Leader is not getting people to work!
The true measure of a successful Leader is not getting people to work hard!
The true measure of a successful Leader is getting people to work hard together!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
How agile is your team? How fast is your team? Blizzard Leadership conditions reveals the ability to pivot to new innovations and adapt to rapid changing conditions. As a leader scramble the assignments and teammates to optimize around prototype workflows. Base these changes on passion over position and do not assume that rank correlates to authority. If your team is committed and understands your situation.
Even in a willing and high-functioning team, this kind of redeployment will create stress. Your most important steps to manage this stress are to:
Celebrate agility, experimentation, and essentialism over perfection.
Make it clear what existing tasks, projects, and workstreams are suspended; conscientious workers will not easily lay down their current responsibilities unless you give them explicit permission.
It’s possible that only you can see across teams, so they will rely on you to adjust cross-team priorities as new insights emerge. Consider deputizing someone as an interim chief of staff to help you integrate work across interim streams.
Identify where you or other executives are a bottleneck to innovation and pace to market, and free people to experiment with less interaction where possible.
Understand that blizzard leadership conditions are a great time to assess your team buy using a chosen tool such as DISC or Enneagram. Your team has been thrust into a war-like environment and it is important to know the skills of your team such as “self-initiative.” Raise up the most agile of your team members during this time.
In the midst of such rapid innovation and re-organizing, don’t forget to take the time to ask your team how that you can pray and serve them. In addition, you can lead your team in prayers of lament. The truth of the matter is that you and your team have lost something that was familiar but has changed and does not exist any long. That is cause for lament. What you have lost is control! Prayers of lament is not only remembering what is lost, but it is also about moving forward and embracing innovation.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The mere possession of a dream is not the same as living it
Rule #1 – Take one more step; Rule #2 – When you can’t take one more step refer to Rule #1
Does your dream make you stronger or weaker? The majority of men are bundles of beginnings – Emerson
Recognize that quitting is more about who you are that where you ae
The only guarantee of failure is to stop trying
To move closer to your dream, improve your vocabulary and self-talk speech
To move closer to your dream, recognize that waiting for everything to be right is wrong
To move closer to your dream, change your thinking from scarcity to abundance
Will you change your thinking? Are you convinced you can’t succeed?
Will you change your perspective? The biggest dreams are not accomplished in a week
Will you change your work habits? What are five things that you can do daily that will move you in the direction of your dreams. TODAY MATTERS!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
If you can manage cash well enough to maintain a strong team, and you can learn at a faster rate than ever, you are likely to “find the new business” that will advance your mission and serve your stakeholders for the long term – Andy Crouch Praxis Journal
Pause for just a moment and consider the things that you did quickly to cope with the Blizzard that we all have been thrust into. Do you remember those changes from March 2020? Those innovations have a short shelf life. The Blizzard conditions taught us to be socially distant, sanitize our hands more than ever, quarantine ourselves, and wear masks. Beyond the political debate, just pause for a moment and consider how these new concepts have thrust us into new ways of acting, thinking, and behaving. We look at our most trusted friendships differently now, almost with suspicion. Here is a key thought, what you are doing now as a leader for your organization in order to engage each other and remain socially distant will be short-lived in the big scheme of life. However, your missional purpose is what lives on well beyond your life span, that is what you protect.
Since you have been thrust into this season uninvited, what can you reinvent and innovate that will allow you to excel past previous victories? Prototype everything – programs, services, goods, delivery methods, structures, and messages. Your organization is much more forgiving at the present. That will not last forever, you will need to demonstrate innovation and methods that makes the most sense in your community context. Organization ABC that copies Organization XYZ on the other side of the country will not make sense any longer. This blizzard has awakened people’s sense of awareness of their immediate world – Does anyone care about me? In isolation people are more aware of their true friendships versus acquaintances. Understanding this aspect of the blizzard will cause innovation to emerge to demonstrate authentic love and genuine care for God’s creation. This will give way to lasting innovation that will become strategy at a later date.Situations are changing more rapidly than previous years of leadership experience. This is why that innovation should look at 10-14-day trends instead strategic ideas that are 90-120-day trends.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
One of the HUGE AH-HA moments of 2020 was facing the reality that our COVID shut-down caused everyone to become a “Start-Up”, even if it was momentary. We were jolted by the prospect of doing business in a cultural environment that did not exist any longer. Simply to use the word SHOCKING is a true understatement. As we begin the journey into a new reality and a new year 2021 consider the following 3 definitions and 4 key insights that should be part of your leadership experience right now.
Key Definitions•Blizzard – You can’t go out; zero visibility and hostile conditions. You need to shelter.•Winter – You can go out but not for long. Wear protective clothing and check the weather forecast for storms. A need for survival!•Ice Age – Things do not grow in the way they used to grow. Discover new ways to live and thrive. Need to adapt and rebuild.
4 Key Insights
•If you have not come to grips with this reality you are behind the learning curve – COVID-19 should be treated as a Cultural Blizzard, winter, and beginning of a little ice-age. What we are experiencing is a once in a lifetime event. This is going to impact your organization for years to come. Everything you do, plan, and dream will be measured from this moment not what we had. COVID is the new ground zero of metrics. The natural tendency is to attempt any pathway that can get us back to where we were. This, however, ignores the sobering reality of change to such an extent that it will not allow a return to old norms. Simply stated, we have lost control and we are not calling the shots any longer! This once in a life-time event forces us to forge new methods, message, budgets, missional purposes, and systems.
•In mid-March of 2020, all churches and non-profit enterprises were effectively out of business in that the under-lying assumptions for their existence is no longer true. Understand that growth can become blinding in that you strategize and align resources to perpetuate your success trajectory. We have equated success and God’s blessing on doing the right things. Understand this is true in part but not the whole. To bring this fact into focus answer this question; “What was your founding purpose?” “Are you still on that trajectory of purpose today?” The prioritization of your founding purpose began with a call to a community. Use this disruption as a time to evaluate your function and footprint in the community you were called to reach. From that you can move toward to the uttermost part of the world. Your community is your foundational landing pad in times of uncertainity.
•It is time for a new “playbook” that honors your missional purpose and the community you serve. Make the most of your organization’s assets – namely the personnel, financial capital, social capital, to develop strategies that lean more on relationships and trust instead of programs for attractional value. The Kingdom of God is being faced with 3 keys questions of its leaders; Do you know me? Can you help me? Can I trust you? The foundation of questions is that people are looking for genuine community in which people actually know my name.•Currently the creative potential for hope is unparalleled. We are being given an amazing gift of a clean slate to start over. Paradoxically, we cannot achieve the full force of this new potential until we are given a chance for lament. We need to grieve over what we have lost – because it is real, and we all are attempting to find our way right now. Once lament has been engaged, leadership requires personal assurance and guidance that where we go one, we go all!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
One of the most loving and important things that you can do right now in this COVID journey is to CONSERVE CASH! We have all heard it said that cash is king. During this blizzard leadership condition without cash you do not have a missional purpose and you are not going to survive. Cash gives you options on how to support and develop people over time. If you don’t conserve now you will go out of business and not be able to help anyone inside or outside your organization.
Whatever was valuable yesterday but is not valuable today should be pruned as quickly as possible. This includes new hires. If you can’t commit financially and you are not sure what they are capable of, drop that plan immediately. All contracts should be negotiated. All outside contracted work should be brought in house as much as possible.
The painful reality is that a combination of headcount, salary packages, and benefits will need to be made in order to survive as an organization. I personally know of leaders and pastors that are facing this reality even as I write this article. To those staff that remain your message and instructions to them should be that of “New Beginnings.” As of today, this is a new organization that will be moving in a new direction – the past is the past. To those who may be leaving, move quickly as possible while attempting redemptive support for those who leave in this economy.
Additionally, I would suggest that you, your executive team, and Board members become very finance centric. Maintain a cash surplus, know what that number is and fight for it. Maintain clear comprehension on the cash flow for the next 30-60-120 days is going to be. When deciding on what to spend – do not spend at all if possible. What you will learn from this action is that your decisions will become better and more in alignment with your missional purposes.
Keep all financial commitments if possible. At any point those commitments threaten the stability of the organization, then an immediate conversation should happen between all parties being impacted. Understand very clearly your needs and constraints and the needs and constraints of others. Use these occasions to forge empathy and courage. New solutions can be forged in this conversation context that will honor the original commitment.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
So that we do not miss the obvious, as a Faith Leader and Entrepreneur I bear the image of God in the context of leadership. This COVID journey is part of our story, my story. Honestly you and I have been training for this moment for years and perhaps decades. Every morning that you rise, do so with thankfulness and gratitude that you get to use your gifts and talents for the purpose and cause of God’s people.
Your role is to safe-guard and protect your organization and/or church, not to preserve it. By preserve I am implying that the goal is to keep as much of the function, operations, team and funding models. Instead “protect” your organization by creating as much capacity as you can. This implies new funding models, operations, teams, that all help you fulfill your mission next month, quarter, year, and beyond. There are two schools of thought; change as little as possible or change as much as necessary so that your missional purpose can be advanced.
Make sure that you give GRACE to yourself first. It is likely that you and your leadership team are going to make mistakes in a blizzard season. I am sure that at this point of our COVID journey that you have under-estimated your interpretation of the facts. Give extra grace for those who are exploiting, making mistakes, doing the wrong things at the wrong times.
In a blizzard condition you are responsible for your response period. You can only make the wisest decision based upon what you know in the moment. Here are the most important things you must know; your identity in Christ, your organizations assets and mission, and the needs of the stakeholders. Simon Sinek’s leadership maxim is important at this point, “Leadership is not about being in charge, it is about caring for people in your charge!”
Andy Crouch states that because this season is a marathon conducted in sprints, you need habits and practices that sustain your reliance upon God and not yourself. Every day will bring new information and unforeseen challenges, and you’ll often be fighting through low reserves of physical and emotional energy. Yes, it is true your tank will be empty at multiple occasions in this blizzard. Do not panic! In the words of my Theology Professor Dr. Wes Gerig; do not doubt in the darkness what God has previously shown you in the light! In apparent seasons of God’s silence stay true to what God has already stated and performed in your life.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Always remember that Striving and Struggle precede Success – even in the dictionary
Dreams are personal and so are the sacrifices
Most people are unwilling to answer the cost question: Am I willing to pay the price for my dream
Every journey toward a dream is personal and so is the price that must be paid for it
At some point you have to shift from being a believer of the dream to a buyer of the dream. Dreams do not come true until someone pays for it
The Dream is free, but the journey isn’t
The price for your dream must be paid sooner than you think – Dream believers are in abundance; dream buyers are rare
The price of your dream will be higher than you expected
The price must be paid more than once
It is possible to pay too much for the dream
Pay the price of criticism from people who matter
Pay the price for overcoming your fears
Pay the price of hard work
It is hard to be 100% better than your competition, but I can be 1% better in 100 ways – Rich Melman
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I remember clearly my thoughts at the moment of the Corona Virus shutdown in Mid-March 2020. I literally jumped from my recliner at the announcement that everything, but essential industry would remain open. Churches went dark overnight without a single question being raised. Now what do we do? I knew in an instant the COVID journey would be more than an interruption, rather, it would be a serious disruption! Now that we are in January 2021 and looking back I seriously under-estimated my original feeling and assumptions. We lived through and continue to live in a BLIZZARD!
Using the winter motif allow me to define some terms for better communication on how to lead in blizzard conditions. Here are three terms:
Blizzard: You can’t go out — zero visibility and hostile conditions. Need to shelter.
Winter: You can go out, but not for long. Wear protective clothing and check the forecast for storms. Need to survive.
Ice Age: Things don’t grow the way they used to — but we’re finding new ways to live and even to thrive. Need to adapt and rebuild.
In mid-March 2020 with the realization there would be shut-downs, the thought of survival immediately came to the fore-front of our thinking. Organizations, Schools, Churches, Travel, and Food Service all began to imagine what is it going to take to survive these blizzard-like conditions? By mid-April 2020 it was understood that 10% of organizations would be unaffected; 10% would see this time as an unprecedented opportunity; the remaining 80% realized their operating playbook and strategy does not translate during these blizzard social conditions.
Some of the most trusted faith leaders and content creators in mid-April last year stated three key steps to survive that are more true now in 2021 than when fist spoken.
Sustain your core mission in a time of scarcity
Prototype everything for a different reality and future
Compound the trust and reputation of your organization
Out of this foundation for Redemptive Leadership to be significant there are three questions that demand a response. These questions emerged 45 days after the shutdown in 2020 and they still demand a response in 2021.
Where do we have newly unlocked freedom to be creative?
Where are these newly possible opportunities to restorebroken norms, flawed assumptions, hurting people, and inefficient channels?
Where can we as leaders and organizations take risks, even sacrificial ones, for the sake of others?[i]
[i] The Praxis Journal has been an invaluable resource during 2020. There content can be accessed at journal.praxislabs.org. I would especially draw your attention to Andy Crouch as a significant contributor to Praxis Journal.
It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you can do alone – Andrew Carnegie
You are going to work with other people, learn the art of Teamwork. Unless you are going to work in a vacuum!
Your dream should be a compelling vision you see in your heart that’s too big to accomplish without the help of other people
Develop your DREAM TEAM!
Dare to focus on your significance and not your success
Respond to others ideas with respect not contempt
Expect the best
Affirm others talents and abilities
Maximize learning and growth opportunities to improve the dream and the team
Take time to give honest feedback to the Team
Encourage others unconditionally so that everyone can persevere
Accept only excellence since mediocrity kills dreams
Make the most of your mistakes and failures
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
We need to look for ways to be an active force in our own lives
Begin designing a life of substance and truly begin to live out your dreams – Les Brown
Develop a strategy to reach your dreams – If you don’t know where you are going any road will take you there
There is no magic power in having a dream. You can’t just wait for it. You have to work for it
Understand your current position – Where am I presently on the road toward accomplishment?
Understand your future position – Where do I want to be? You cannot begin to achieve your best unless you set some aim in life?
Define all of the all of the choices to be made between where you are and where you are going. Learn the art of “bit size pieces” of accomplishment
Daily work toward your dreams – Persistence is the name of any game you seek to win
Successful Generals make plans to fit circumstances but do not try to create circumstances to fit plans – George Patton
However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results
Remove all nonessentials – Do you understand the cost of your dream? In order to go where you are being called you must leave something behind
Embrace all of your challenges. It has been said those who lose visualize the penalties of failure and those who win visualize the rewards of success
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you – Steve Jobs
The Passion question – Does my dream compel me to follow it?
Passion is a critical element for anyone who wants to achieve a dream.
Passion is the starting point for all achievement
Passion pulls us up enabling us to overcome adversity
Passion pushes us out – giving us initiative
Passion positions us to have the greatest odds for success
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful – Albert Schweitzer
Where are you between these two points on the passion scale
I would rather have a root canal without anesthesia or
My passion is so hot that it sets other people on fire
Consider your natural temperament
Keep your eyes on what is most important to you
Overcome the fear of being different from others
Resist the apathy that comes with aging
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Peter Marshall stated, give us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for
Michael Hyatt stated if you have a clear vision, you will eventually attract the right strategy. If you don’t have a clear vision, no strategy will save you
Ben Stein suggests the indispensable first step to getting the things that you want out of life is to decide what you want out of life
Do you clearly see your dream?
A clear and compelling dream has rescued many organizations
Dreams have given meaning and significance to many individuals
Significance only comes when the dreams is crystal clear
If your dream is not defined – do not pursue it
A clear dream doesn’t become clear without effort
A clear dream affirms your purpose
A clear dream determines your priorities
A clear dream gives direction and motivation to the team
Followers will not give their best to something they do not understand
Nobody becomes motivated by something they kind of sort of believe in
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
T.S. Eliot stated; Whatever you think be sure it what you think; Whatever you want be sure that it is what you want; Whatever you feel make sure it is what you feel
You cannot achieve a dream that you do not own
When the dream is right for the person and the person is right for the dream, the two cannot be separated from each other
Stop offering excuses!
Excuse #1 – Dreams don’t come true for ordinary people
Excuse #2 – If the dream isn’t big enough it’s not worth pursuing
Excuse #3 – Now is not the right time to pursue my dream
Peral Buck states the young do not have enough to be prudent and therefore they attempt the impossible and achieve it
Be willing to bet on yourself – you will never succeed if you do not believe in yourself
Lead your life instead of just accepting it and calling it fate
Love what you do and do what you love
Don’t compare yourself and your dream to others
Believe in your vision for the future even when others don’t understand you
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
If you possess a fixed mindset, then putting yourself in a growth environment will help you change, grow, and adapt
If you possess a growth mindset, then a growth environment will accelerate your development and increase your capacity at a higher rate
As a leader, study the characteristics of growth environments of other leaders to create a better growth environment for yourself and your team
Realize others are ahead of you – Learn from them
You are continually challenged – Life does not wait on the timid or bashful
Your focus must be forward at all times
Your environment must be affirming
Get out of your comfort zone and into your strength zone
Wake up daily excited – New Challenges
Failure is not your enemy
How many of the characteristics mentioned do you possess?
Whom have you chosen to mentor your life? If you have not chosen, NOW is a good time
What is your life direction and how will you get there?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Your faith choice if essential in reaching your fullest potential
The faithful practice and participation in your faith declaration will cause you to grow according to Divine Design and purposes
When your spiritual potential increases every other part of your life increases as well
Based upon the Bible Book Ephesians 3:14-20 ……
I pray that you will know God
I pray that you will experience God’s love
I pray that you will allow God to do great things in your life
Make room for God – God can
Do anything
He is bigger than I am
Do what I cannot do in my strength
Up to this very day have you ever thought about God?
When you read that God loves you no matter what and that you can do nothing to make God love you more than He already does – how does this make you feel?
What action do you need to take in response to God’s invitation to you?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Not everyone is a natural risk-taker. Are you facing a risky challenge at this moment?
Do you desire to do something significant and yet sense something big and risky on the horizon?
What does it feel like to be on the edge of risk and significance?
Reality is your friend during high risk times of your life – stay grounded first
You must learn to become comfortable outside of your comfort zone. Risk is rarely comfortable!
Take the focus off of the man in the mirror. You cannot worry about what others are going to think or fell about your choices. You cannot be afraid of looking bad.
Good Leadership gives you a greater chance for success
The bigger the risk the more help you will need from others
How good are you at facing reality and assessing the odds when you prepare to take a risk?
When preparing to take a big risk how much consideration do you give to leadership and formation of a team?
Have you learned to deal with discomfort when getting outside your comfort zone?
Have you learned to function in spite of your fear?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Regrets are a part of our life. We can’t live without regrets, but we can learn through them.
Understand that it is never too late to take a step in the right direction.
There are 4 key regrets that I want to remove from my life.
Spending Too Little Time With The Right People
Nothing is more ill-fitting than spending time with the wrong person.
•Spend time with people who make your life richer.
•The right people…
• Love me no matter what, despite my flaws, unconditionally
•Add value to me. They make me better.•Continually grow. It makes me more determined to improve myself.
•Walk my journey with me. They know what’s important to me and we travel together.
•Are excited about life.
•Refuel me. They give me energy and inspire me.
Not saying what you need to say.
•The regret is not saying what you want to say, it’s saying what you need to say.
•Ask: How do I need to use my voice?
•Gift voice: what I do well. We all have one. How do you know? It’s in an area where you have intuition and timing.
•Character voice: standing up for what I believe. Not allowing other people to decide for me.
•Experience voice: what I know and what I’ve learned.
•Heart voice: what I feel. This one can cause regret more than others. It’s important to let the people you love know what you feel and what they mean to you.
•Dream voice: where I’m going, my calling.
•Question Voice: what I don’t know or understand. Having the courage to ask for help. Gives me more growth and more joy than anything else.
I make visual and verbal commitments. Tell others what you plan to do so they can hold you ac-countable. You’ll be more accountable if you can see it or you say it.Control your agenda so you can create margins for thinking and doing more than others can do. I control my agenda. You either keep your own calendar, set your own goals and remove distractions. Get in an environment or use your distraction-free time to get your most important things done.I set timelines. I block my time so the major tasks get done or others will set it for you.I evaluate my calendar. I evaluate it based on my actions not intentions.I review my actions and I ask, am I making progress.
Not allowing others to control your destiny.§“I cannot and will not recant anything…”—Martin Luther
Average people want you to stay average. People cannot give what they do not have. If they aren’t fueling you, they have nothing to give and if you hang with them, you’ll run on empty too. You become like the five people you spend the most time with and the books you read. Emotionally dysfunctional people should not control you. Have the courage to speak up and take control of your life.
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
No single change you make in your life will have a greater positive impact on yourself and others than making a choice to improve your attitude!
Your attitude is one of the most pliable parts of who you are
When I am in need of an attitude adjustment – practice self-talk
When something happens to you recognize that it is external
Remain Humble – It is easier to face life’s difficulties with a spirit of humility
Be Teachable – Teachability is an attitude of wanting to learn from every experience and every person
Become Resilient – As much as possible do not let negative experiences take hold of you
Keep Perspective – If you live in negativity it is hard to maintain positive perspective on life
Are you paying attention to your self-talk? What does it sound like?
What score would you place on the following areas of life – Humility, Teachability, Resilience, Perspective?
With so much evidence on the power of positivity, why do people still engage in negativity?
Encourage others to be more positive
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
When you step back and examine the long arch of time from the beginning of man to the Theocratic Kingdom of God at the Second Coming of Christ; Democracy is only a small blip on the radar of time and eternity. The Old Testament writer, Daniel had a perspective that can teach us how to survive the uncertainty of our day. Daniel wrote, “… the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will and sets over it the lowliest of men.” (Daniel 4:17b ESV). You cannot read the prophetic literature of scripture and miss that in the last days there will be a rise of totalitarian systems that will dominate the last days. We can only conclude that democracy will be diminished in the face of God’s prophecy. We can also say that Democracy is a fallen and limited system of governance.
Let’s be clear that God is the one who appoints or dismisses Political/National authorities. Dick Brogdon founder of Live Dead Missions states in his August 11 devotion book entitled Joy, It may seem that elections and coups result from the work of people and people do play a part, but the Bible is clear that God appoints both good and bad leaders for His own purposes. From a scriptural standpoint the old leadership axiom is true, we get the leaders we deserve! Leaders almost always reflect the culture and context from which they emerge.
God will select the lowliest to lead greatness. The world selects leaders according to componence. God selects leaders according to character. He takes great pleasure in selecting the humble and lowly to bring Glory to himself. Listen to the words of a humble teenage girl who so many years ago said; “He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts;he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate…” (Luke 1:51-52 ESV Mary’s Song – The Magnificat vv.46-55).
“Mary smiles at her baby while kneeling next to a manger”
Look At The Star – It Says, “God Wants Me To Find Him” – Matthew 2:9-10
“ After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold the star that they had seen when it rose went before them and came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.”
God is not playing the childhood game of “hide and seek!”
“…Where is he who is born King of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and we have come to worship him.” V.2
Where would I have been if I had not found the star? When you follow God you do not need a crowbar to be pried loose or a cattle-prod to be motivated!
When you find God you will find your purpose. God has provided a travel guide for you – your star of Bethlehem!
God wants you to be a star for others – you are to be a star to lead others to Jesus. Your void and emptiness will never be filled without God!
Look At The Stable – It Says, “God Wants Me To Know Him” – Luke 2:1-7
Men of nobility found him. Shepherds found him. God wants us to find him. He provides celestial phenomena or angels singing in the heavens for the shepherds – bottom line – God wants us to find him.
When you stop long enough to think about it, the only people that Jesus had problems with were religious people.
Religious people always know how the church is to be run and how the preacher is to perform.
Until we become broken over barren altars and fruitless church activity we should not talk.
Look at God – He passed up good people to get to bad people. He passed up well people to get to crippled people.
His love is a “HESED” unconditional love for us.
God says; “I do not want to do thrones – I want to do ‘cow-sheds!’”
Look At The Manger – It Says, “God Wants Me To Be Blessed By Him” Luke 2:7
The manger was most likely hewn out of stone and not wood. This represents longevity, free from rot and serious erosion, a symbol of blessing because food is provided there.
Jesus is the Bread of Life and Living Water
Here is the real meaning: God takes the extraordinary and places it in the ordinary because He wants to be accessible.
We will never surprise God by our behavior.
Religious people are always disappointed in God’s unconditional love.
This is an IQ TEST: “Why would you not want a God who wants you to find Him, know Him, and bless you?”
The greatest way for you to upgrade your life is to become intentional with it
When you increase your intentionality, everything about your life will begin to change
Significance is all about adding value to others. That is an uphill journey!
Our natural inclination is to think about ourselves first
Selfishness is a downhill habit. Significance is an uphill trait
Every Day Value People
Every Day Think of Ways To Value To People
Every Day Look For Ways To Add Value To People
Every Day Do Things That Add Value To People
Every Day Encourage Others To Add Value to People
How do you most enjoy adding value to people?
How will you add value to people in the next 24 hours?
Who specifically can you encourage to add value to people?
What specifically can you can you do to encourage people?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Deep Change That Required New Ways of Behaving – Luke 2:1-20
This whole Christmas story is one that forces us to behave in different ways. Society then and society now was ingrained in certain religious patterns and ways of performing. Then God sends Jesus to work not only within the religious order but also most definitely to work outside the norm.
For example take note of some of the issues that force new behavior:
Joseph taking Mary unto himself even though she was pregnant while betrothed but not yet married. Joseph believed the messenger of God and he changed his behavior.
Consider King Herod who was perhaps threatened by the inquiry of the Magi regarding Christ. Herod wanted the Magi to report back to him (Matthew 2:1-20) so he could worship. Yet the angel told the Magi differently – Herod wanted to kill the child and Egypt would be the temporary safe-haven for them.
Consider Simeion’s behavior being that of anticipation to see the Christ child through the “Holy Spirit’s report”
Consider the prophetess Anna who prayed and asked continually at the Temple for the coming of Christ child
Consider the whole religious system of religion/government that would be radically altered because of Christ. Their behavior was not that of change but vengeance, because of change (i.e. Slavery was abolished because of Christianity)
Deep Change That Causes Surrender of Self-Control – Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 1: 2:1-20
Take note of the illustrations of surrendering self-control just in the birth narrative alone saying nothing about his life.
Joseph – what a social dilemma, engaged yet Mary is pregnant. Joseph surrenders self-control on the basis of the angel’s visit in a dream = Matthew 1.
Mary – visitation of the angel to tell of her coming son/Savior via the agency of the Holy Spirit. Note her gladness before and after the news. She surrendered; the abortion clinic was not optional.
Magi – these were astrologers that knew something big was about to happen by the mere alignment of the stars. They surrendered control and traveled based on astrology first (Matthew 2:1).
Simeon – surrendered control based upon the Holy Spirit’s presence upon him that told him he would live to see the Messiah (Luke 2:25).
Anna the prophetess – she would be considered a modern day religious feminist radical because of her cultural praying and fasting in the Temple – she believed God’s redemptive plan for the people (Luke 2:36).
Deep Change Is Irreversible – Luke 2:1-20
Author Robert Quinn suggests that significant change, once we are committed, should be irreversible. If changes are always incremental then there will always be a way to go back to the old patterns and habits.
Consider the irreversible change of all the characters in the birth narrative. In every case there was no return – wholesale commitment to what physical science suggested (Magi) or to what angels were reporting – but there was no returning to the old life style patterns.
Most profound of all is the birth narrative is God himself. He stepped into his own creation order without a “PLAN B.”
When you actually think about it, God is asking a wholesale change in lifestyle, wholesale commitment and there is no “Plan B.”
What will you do about Christ? The stable in Bethlehem changes the world then, now, and into this new millennium. How will it change your life – how has it changed your life?
You need Jesus today! There are no other options and choices.
Successful people are highly disciplined in doing their most important work. They are self-disciplined
Most rewards in life involve being willing to do what the majority of people are unwilling to do
Success does not come looking for us. Great things are not accomplished accidently
Self-discipline is what makes most things possible. Everything worthwhile is UPHILL
Know what is important
Get rid of excuses
Take action before you feel like it
Do not let distractions distract you
Pay attention to time
Self-discipline is where time and priorities meet
What excuses have become a normal part of your life?
What percentage of time do you actually follow through?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
INTRO: What would your reaction be to an angelic visitation? Would it be like Mary’s who offered six lessons on praise?
Scripture: Luke 1:46-56
The Testimony – Mary gives thanks to God for six things – 1:46-56
God’s Condescension – God Took Notice of Her – vv.46-48
The reality of God noticing and bestowing favor upon her caused Mary to state two definitive comments
My soul glorifies
My Spirit rejoices
God’s Holiness – God has done great things for her – v.49
Holiness allows for greatness – unholiness brings destruction doesn’t it?
God’s holiness here is more than His moral perfection. Rather it refers to His acts of righteousness and justice by which He fulfills His covenant with His people. In other words: GOD IS ABLE!
God’s name is a name of action – right action. His holiness brings rewards to the humble and judgment to the haughty. Take note of Psalm 111:9 9; He sent redemption to his people; he has commanded his covenant forever. Holy and awesome is his name!
God’s Mercy – His mercy goes on from generation to generation – v.50
Mary sees herself not as the only person to be blessed. Rather God’s mercy is available to all generations far beyond my life.
Psalm 103:17-19: But(AC) the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on(AD) those who fear him, and his righteousness to(AE) children’s children, 18to those who(AF) keep his covenant and(AG) remember to do his commandments. 19The LORD has(AH) established his throne in the heavens, and his(AI) kingdom rules over all.
God’s Power – God does tremendous things with His power – v.51
God has performed mighty deeds with His arm
God has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts [literally the heart is being referenced]
Luke did not see God’s power merely as political power. He saw it as a contrast between the humble poor and the haughty rich [Ref Luke 6:2-26 – Read]
God’s Sovereignty – God humbles the proud and exalts the lowly – vv.52-53
God brought down the rulers from their thrones
God exalted the lowly
God filled the hungry with good things
God sent the rich away empty
God’s Faithfulness – God has kept all His promises to Israel – vv.54-55
God did not forget what He promised – He remembered Abraham and all that was said.
God has not forgotten in this modern time – He will bring about all that He promised in His Word.
Three Lessons From Luke
The humble are exalted and the arrogant are brought low
God fulfills all prophecy and all promises
Mary understood the significance of the Christ child being greater than Elizabeth’s child. Prioritize Christ at the top of your understanding.
What is it like to live on the other side of “NO”?
It is limiting – It takes you away from opportunities
It is easy – When you say NO nothing else is required of you
It is comforting – It is familiar – you are not risking anything
It is deceiving – It appears to be safer when it is not
It is crowded – It is where average people hand out
Abundance people possess high belief in themselves
Abundance people understand the power of perspective
Abundance people are generous to others
When faced with an opportunity, are you naturally a YES person or a NO person?
Belief in abundance begins with a belief in yourself. How do you rate your self worth?
What are you currently looking at in your life that you say, “There is no way?”
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Beliefs ebb and flow with time and experience – Values remain constant and sure
Values are what shapes character and character provides the foundation of success
Strengthening your Values System is life changing
Good Character is a choice you can make every day
Good Character speaks louder than words
Good Character provides consistency in all aspects of your life
Good Character is tested in times of trouble
Good Character takes the high road of life
Good Character delivers on its promise
If you cannot articulate your values in writing you are daydreaming – WRITE THEM DOWN!
How consistent are you in living out your values?
Do your values and character choices come into alignment?
When dealing with others do you take the Low Road, Middle Road, or High Road?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Have you given any thought about writing you life sentence. This is a legacy exercise that summarizes your life work that you want to leave behind. In the words of that great theologian Tim McGraw; “I went sky diving; I went rocky mountain climbing; I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fumanchu. And I loved deeper, and I spoke sweeter, And I gave forgiveness I’d been denying.” And he said, “Someday I hope you get the chance To live like you were dying.” (Song: Live Like You Were Dying).
Sociologist, Anthony Campolo talks about a study in which fifty people over the age of ninety-five were asked one question: If you could live your life over again, what would you do differently?” The question was open-ended, and people’s answers were varied. However, THREE themes consistently emerged:
I would reflect more
I would take more risks
I would do more things that would live on after I am dead
In the book Tuesday’s With Morrie, there are some perspectives on writing a life sentence.
Life is Brief – Billy Graham once stated that we cannot fully appreciate life until we understand that one day it will be taken from us.
Life is Difficult – The difficult thing about life is that it is daily!
Life is A Book – I highly encourage you to purchase the book; The Greatest Story Ever Told. You will be shocked to discover the pages are blank. You see, your life is a book and the greatest story that can be told is about your life. Start writing!
Life Compounds – There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make, makes you.
Priorities For Our Life Sentence
Today, Live Life Fully – Make your life a mission not an intermission.
Today, Live Thankfully – Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it is still a gift.
Today, Live Faithfully
Today, Live Thoughtfully
When you are eighty, sitting on that porch rocking, and looking back on your life, how will you feel? You won’t have to answer to anybody but yourself…not your parents or your spouse or your business associates. What did you do with this gift of living? It will be an important question to you then. So you should make it an important question now.
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Taking responsibility is the first step in maximizing your potential
Responsibility is the most important choice that you make in your life
Overcome the tendency to blame circumstances and people for failures
Taking responsibility is tied to increasing your success
Responsibility creates the foundation for your success
Responsibility will put you in control of your life
Responsibility sets the course of your daily activity
Responsibility prepares you for action
Responsibility makes your habits serve you
Responsibility earns you respect and authority
Have you connected the idea of taking responsibility and increasing your potential?
Do you think becoming more responsible could help you in your personal life and career?
On a scale of 1-10 would you rate yourself when it comes be prepared to take action?
What habits will change when you decide to become more responsible?
How do you daily manage the decision to be more responsible?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The opening words in the Old Testament Bible book of Hosea, the writer identifies himself as Hosea Son of Beeri. Unfortunately, we do not know any additional facts about the author. While there are some Jewish traditions that attempt to add clarification, we are reasonably confident the time period of this writing was a collapsing of Israel as a nation in 722BC. Recently in my morning devotional practice I literally froze as I read Hosea 4:4-6. Notice his words;
Yet let no one contend, and let none accuse, for with you is my contention, O priest.[a] 5 You shall stumble by day; the prophet also shall stumble with you by night; and I will destroy your mother. 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.
Keep in mind that national Israel was divided – Israel to the north and Judah to the south. This was chaotic to say the least and about to get worse by 722BC. The Assyrian invaders would take Israel into captivity. Hosea 4:4-6 states God’s lawsuit against a Spirit of Whoredom in Israel’s worship practices. He specifically targets the Priests – “… for with you is my contention, O Priest”. The result of the judgment is “You shall stumble by day”. For Priests to stumble in the daytime is to lack situational awareness. It is to carry on priestly function that is not targeted for such a time as this.
Hosea then unpacks a linguistic feature that is called Lex Talionis – This for That! Notice Hosea’s two illustrations of this feature. 1). People are destroyed for lack of knowledge – you (Priests) have rejected knowledge – I reject you from being Priest. 2). You (Priests) have forgotten the law of your God – I will forget your children. Could it be that stumbling in the daytime is the result of not pursuing the Truth of God’s Word. There is an extreme difference from speaking a truth versus The Truth! If God forgets the children of Spiritual leaders who have forgotten His law, are we setting up ancestral conflict and struggle?
These words are the result of my recent devotional practice. I only share these thoughts to provoke thought within myself as a Baby-Boomer to other Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millennial colleagues. In case you have missed it, our nation is on fire! National Leaders are dealing hope based upon politics. As spiritual leaders we are dealing in hope based upon God’s eternal Law. National Leaders are peddling hope based upon Constitution and Law. Make no mistake these are important foundations for our Constitutional Republic to survive. However as Spiritual Leaders we are peddling Absolute Truth that is knowable based upon scripture. Scripture is our ultimate mediator. While many things are true, all truth is not to be treated equally. For example, sugar is sweet, and Jesus is Lord. Both are true but not equally true. With a nation on fire silly sermon series are not what is needed. As I see it, a fresh prophetic message on the second coming of Christ and the making of disciples would be more appropriate! Hosea’s words reveal God’s litigation against the Priest. May we not stumble in the daytime and forget God’s Law.
Learn to communicate to your Team that you VALUE them
Do you have a clue what the value that your Team places upon themselves?
Lead your Team in a Growth Environment – Growth is required here!
Demonstrate that change is necessary for growth – You change first!
How connected are you to your Team?
Demonstrate transparency before challenging your Team
Put other people ahead of yourself
Learn to measure your success by what you give and not what you gain
As challenges escalate Teamwork must elevate
How are you increasing your leadership capacity? Can you list the priorities of life that allow this increase?
How well do you connect with people?
How well do you challenge people?
What changes do you need to make to put others ahead of yourself?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
How intentional are you about the production of possibilities and solutions?
NEWS FLASH: Everything worthwhile, everything you want, everything you desire to achieve, everything you want to receive is all UPHILL!
Do you have uphill dreams but are living a downhill lifestyle?
A downhill lifestyle is marked by unintentionality, complacency, and excuses.
Uphill is hard and requires intentionality and consistency
Do you have vision enough to accomplish what you want?
Start working before you know how to accomplish your dreams
Learn to Fail Fast, Fail First, and Fail Often
Stay focused on your goals longer than any other person
Take inventory of your skills and resources – what areas need improvement? What areas need resourced?
Stop doing what you are not great at doing
Do you live in the past, always analyzing the present, or acting to improve tomorrow?
What does the future look like for you?
What downhill habits are you involved in this moment that requires a HARD STOP?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
It is said that we all are born with creativity. However, we lose that creativity as we grow up
GOOD NEWS, we all can rekindle the creativity that is within us
We can cultivate new pathways of creativity
You must believe there is always an answer
You must believe there is always more than one answer
Believe that everything and everyone can get better
Questions help you to be more creative
Become comfortable letting go of what you embraced yesterday
When it comes to problems, challenges and obstacles, do you believe there is always a solution? Why or Why not?
Do you find it easy or difficult to let go of past successes or ideas?
Can you put together a creative team around you? Do you just retreat to think?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
If your relationships are bad, learn to build better relationships
Increase your relational potential
Learn to place a higher value on people
Demonstrate care for people daily
Make yourself more valuable in your relationships
Focus your relationships on benefiting others, not yourself
Be a consistent friend in your relationships
Unconditionally love people
Create memories for people
When you interact with people, where is your focus? Are you thinking how can I help or what can I get?
Can you name consistent friends in your life? Who would not be consistent friends?
Who do you need in your life to increase your capacity?
How would you facilitate connections that you need?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Few people realize that success is within their reach right now! The secret of success is determined by your daily agenda. Most people overestimate today and underestimate tomorrow.
My success agenda is determined by the daily decisions I make and the daily disciplines I practice. You do not make decisions because they are easy. You do not make decisions because they are cheap. You do not make decisions because they are popular. You make decisions because they are right!
Here are 5 Decisions and Disciplines to practice daily.
1.Responsibility – I have decided to accept responsibility and be responsible daily.
2.Values – I have decided to embrace and practice right values. A practice is an activity that may work in some situations but not all. A value applies to all situations.
Principles are important because they function like a map allowing us to make
wise decisions. If we ignore them or deny their reliability, we become like travelers refusing to use a road map because we don’t think it’s accurate. While we may acknowledge the reliability of many principles, we only internalize those we deem important. When that happens, the principle has become a value that serves as an internal map that we use to direct our lives. A value, then, is an internalized principle that guides our decisions.
3.Improvement – I have decided to grow and improve daily. “When you cease to be better, you cease to be good. When you stop growing, you cease to be useful – a weed in the garden of prosperity … We are what we are today because we were what we were yesterday. And our thoughts today will determine our actions tomorrow.” ―George Knox, on Leadership
4.Health – I have decided to practice good health daily. According to Duke Medical Center, men who are in poor health are 4x more likely to die of a heart-attack than men who are physically fit. People who cannot find time for recreation are obligated sooner or later to find time for illness.
5.Relationships – I have decided to invest in healthy relationships. There is a Law of Relationship that says every person is merely four people away from any other human on earth. Think of it! This simply means that you know Bill, who knows Judy, who knows Charles, who knows anyone else you would ever want to know. You are already networked with the entire world. Reciprocity Rule of Human Behavior: Over time, people come to share, reciprocally, similar attitudes toward each other.
Almost all our sorrows spring out of relationships with the wrong people.
Every day of his adult life, Ben Franklin set aside the time to examine two
The morning question was, “What good shall I do today?”
The evening question was, “What good have I done today?”
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You must increase your thinking potential for increased success
Success requires action, but action has its limitations
Great lives are created by taking good actions on great ideas
Value your thinking
Clarify your thinking
Capture your thinking
Evaluate your thinking
Verbalize your thoughts
Own your thoughts
Do you have a system of capturing your thoughts?
Who in your inner circle can help you improve your ideas?
Do you have a greater bias toward action or thinking?
What would happen if you could harness action and thinking?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Emotional potential is the ability to handle adversity, failure, criticism, change and pressure in positive ways
Most people do not see themselves as they really are
Most people do not want to solve their problems, they just want someone to listen to them talk
Some people are not emotionally strong and therefore are not able to handle life’s pressures
Strong people are proactive in dealing with their emotions
Strong people do not waste time feeling sorry for themselves
Strong people do not allow others to control their relationships
Strong people do not waste energy on things they cannot control
Strong people do not keep making the same mistakes
Strong people do not allow the highs and lows to control their lives
Have you considered yourself to be emotionally strong or weak? Why?
Which of the previous practices of emotionally strong people are you best at doing?
Which of the previous practices of emotionally strong people are difficult for you? Why?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
No one will argue the fact our world is upside-down! This upside-down world has been thrust upon us. We did not get a vote in the matter. No one asked our permission to start this crazy making. Social Distance, Shutter in Place, Coronavirus, Mask Mandates, Necessary Workers, Pandemic, Election Fraud, and Political Corruption are all terms and concepts that are now familiar expressions in our daily communication. This upside-down world is revealing the need for the sound of Leadership that speaks with Spiritual Authority.
Max Weber gives us a matrix in which to think about the voice of Leadership Authority. He suggests the following ………..
When you consider communication voice in a national crisis or seasons of peace you hear the following ……..
Traditional – The Kings says so – little or no outside opportunities for debate
Legal – The elected individual; Government, Corporate, or Denominational; communicates vertically because of the elected position that is held. Change is brought about via elections. This function operates within a prescribed legal documentation that grants authority and function.
Charismatic – These captivating personalities are your modern-day YouTubers. They gain massive following because of their compelling personality and story they share. These individuals speak horizontally; person-to-person, outside the boundaries of governing documents that may otherwise give them their voice.
There is one concern regarding Max Weber’s matrix – TRANSFOMATION! In times of national peace or crisis, transformation is limited to the system of authority, time, and geographical boundaries. The weight of limited transformation is most severely felt in times of national or global crisis. There is an additional type of authority that is needed – SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY!
The voice of Spiritual Authority is first represented by the Old Testament character of Moses. He ascended up the mountain with the smoke, lightening, thunder, and trumpet blasts. Moses returned with a fresh Word from God to a troubled nation (Exodus 34:29-35 ESV). Immediately the people notice his countenance shown to the point he had to wear a face mask. The New Testament character to illustrate Spiritual Authority is the Apostle Paul. In the Bible book of 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 (ESV) Paul states; And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. 2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3 And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, 4 and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5 so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
How do we apply the function of Spiritual Authority? First of all, this authority is for those who have dared to acknowledge God’s calling upon their life no matter what their trade or craft may be. The voice of this authority is first vertical – I must go to Him! Once a fresh message is received that is Biblically sound and eternally focused, our message then must be horizontal – reaching people with a message of hope in the face of a crisis. Understand that I am not suggesting a hyper-spiritual experience! I am suggesting that God’s message in us will sound different than the current series or methodology that everyone is using. While our nation is on fire, our message cannot be lofty speech and worldly wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that our faith will not rest in the wisdom of men, but the power of God!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Your days on earth are numbered – FOCUS is required!
Focus your energy by using the 3 R’s
REQUIREMENT – what you have to do
RETURN – what you do well
REWARD – what you love to do
Answer these 5 questions for greater energy
When am I fully charged?
What wears me down?
How accessible are my energy pluses?
When do I need to be full of energy?
Where is the space for the unexpected?
Become aware of activities, people, tasks, and places that drain your energy
Become aware of the activities, people, tasks, and places that give me greater energy
What are the areas of your life that you are maximizing your energy?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
What is limiting you from reaching your potential? What is getting in the way?
If I do what I have always done, I will get what I have always gotten
Change does not have to be drastic to be effective
Change is necessary to reach your potential
Understand that your potential is not predetermined and set in stone
You can become aware of the possibilities that can make you a better person
Look for what you need to know
Discovering what you need to know
Focus on what you need to know
Act upon what you need to do
You can remove the CAPS on your capacity
Understand there ae some CAPS on your life you cannot change or remove: Birth and Life Experiences
Understand there are caps you can remove
Caps that other people place on you
Caps we place upon ourself
Always looking for approval
What is your strategy for developing a greater self-awareness?
What are the Birth and Life Caps that you cannot change?
What are the Caps that others have placed you that you can remove?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
“I certainly don’t want to be remembered for trophies and national championships. I hope people will remember me as one who was kind and considerate of others.” John Wooden UCLA Bruins Coach
Who will attend your funeral?
What will they say?
How would you summarize your life?
Choose today the legacy you want to leave others. Have you thought about what you want to leave behind?
Live today they legacy you want to leave.
Appreciate today the value of a good legacy.
What kind of bridge are you building for others to walk on?
How important has a legacy been to you? Are you motivated?
What exactly is your legacy?
Answer these 3 questions
What are my responsibilities? What you should do.
What are my abilities? What you can do.
What are my opportunities? What you could do.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The three most difficult words to pronounce are I Was Wrong!
There are three things people can do when they make mistakes. (1) They can resolve that they will never make another, which is fine, but impractical. (2) They may let their mistakes make cowards of them, which is foolish. )3) They can make up their minds that they will learn from their mistakes, and so profit by the experience, that when the situation comes again, they will know just how to meet it.
Today’s leaders’ top ten mistakes:
1) The Top-Down Attitude
2) Putting Paperwork Before People-work
3) The Absence of Affirmation
4) No Room for Mavericks
5) Failure to Delegate Well
6) Dictatorship in Decision Making
7) Communication Lines Confused
8) Failure to Cast Clear Mission and Vision
9) Success Without Successors
10)Failure to Focus on the Future
Hans Finzel, “The Top Ten Mistakes that Leaders Make”
I want to give you 9 insights on how to make the most of our mistakes.
Stop Fearing Mistakes – “The greatest mistake one can make in life is to continually fear that you will make one.” ~ Elbert Hubbard
Don’t Make The Biggest Mistake of All by Doing Nothing – “You miss 100% of the shots you never take. ~ Wayne Gretzky
Learn From The Mistakes of Others – To impress others, tell them about your successes and how you achieved them. To impact others, tell them about your mistakes and how you fixed them.
Focus On Progress Not Mistakes – “He who makes no mistakes makes no progress.” ~ Teddy Roosevelt
Focus on The Future – It is better to make new mistakes than repeat old ones.
Do Not Make The Same Mistake Twice – “When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it: 1) admit it; 2) learn from it; and 3) don’t repeat it.” ~ Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant
Remember that the size of the person, not the size of his mistakes, determines success or failure – We must be big enough to admit our mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.
Evaluate Your Mistakes and Respond Accordingly – Forget your mistakes but remember what they taught you.
Use your Mistakes To Take You To A Higher Level – Our attitude toward our mistakes will determine our altitude after our mistakes
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He who asks is a fool for minutes, but he who never asks is a fool forever! – Chinese Proverb
When you know the right questions to ask and the right people to go to, you will get the right answers to your questions.
Do you have the confidence to ask questions?
What is your growth plan? Are you willing to invest into yourself?
Are you genuinely interested in others? What would others say is your motive in business?
Am I doing what I love and love what I am doing? This a passion question.
Am I investing time with the right people? This is a coaching question.
Are you staying in your strengths zone? What pulls you away from your strengths?
Are you pleasing God with your life? This is a faith question.
Is your ego getting in the way of your growth?
How open am I to questions that expose my ignorance and inexperience?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
As a leader, you will never get ahead until your people are behind you. When I look back at all the people who have helped me along over the years, I realize they fall into two main groups: mentors and supporters.
Interesting Thoughts About Mentors
Some helped me who never knew me – books others have written; information others have written about them; and their ideas.
Some who knew me never knew they helped me – those who have modeled principles of leadership.
Some knew me and knew they helped me – those people were intentional in their assistance.
My dreams are always bigger than myself. I can either give up or get help
People appreciate working for someone who appreciate them
What is your response to each person that has played a role in making you a better leader?
Who supports you?
Time Relievers – people who save me time.
Gift Complementors – people who do things I am not gifted to do.
Team Players – people who add value to me and my team.
Creative Thinkers – people who solve problems and give me options.
Door Closers – people who complete assignments with excellence.
People Developers – people who develop and raise up other leaders and producers.
Servant Leaders – people who lead with the right attitude.
Mind Stretchers – people who expand my thinking and my spirit.
Relational Networkers – people who bring other people into my life who add value to me.
Spiritual Mentors – people who encourage me in my faith walk.
How Do you Say THANK-YOU?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Not everyone is going to take the journey with you
Not everyone should take the journey with you
Not everyone can take the journey with you
Are you forcing your Team to get on the train without understanding?
At times as leaders we can wait for people we should not be waiting on
At times leaders can feel guilty for losing a key player – What are some potential reasons that people would leave?
Learn to appreciate those people who are with you even if they are there for a short time.
When a key person leaves your team what is the strategy for replacement?
What is your personal reaction when people leave your team?
Are you waiting too long for people to go to the next level?
Where are your key players coming from?
Everyone you meet is a potential team player
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The greatest detriment to tomorrow’s success is today’s success! – Rick Warren
Max DePree states by avoiding risk, we risk what is important in life – namely our growth, potential, and contribution to life.
The higher you go the harder it is to make trade-offs.
Many climb the mountain of their potential and then stop.
Many will come to a point they will not give up something to go to the next level of receiving.
What is your next level of growth worth to you?
What are you willing to trade?
Affirmation for Accomplishment
Security for Significance
Immediate Pleasure for Personal Gain
Quantity of Life for Quality of Life
Acceptable for Excellence
First-half for Second-half
Learn to travel light – learn to off-load before you re-load
We resist moving from our Comfort Zone to new levels
If becoming a better leader is the goal – get ready to make some serious trades
Do you have what it takes to keep making trades?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
“When we talk about how good we are, we emotionally disqualify the people around us.” John Maxwell
People are impressed with success but impacted by our failures.
• If we’re going to lead well, we must talk about success as well as failure.•Makes the leader reachable.•Makes those learning teachable.
How to get a great ROF: Return on Failure1.What would you attempt to do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?•This question removes the fear of failure. It gets you going.•The problem with just this question is you will eventually fail.• It sets you up for success and provides a positive attitude but doesn’t prevent failure.•It gets you going.2.What would you attempt to do if you knew you WOULD fail, but you knew
you would learn, grow, and get better?
How to Flip Your Flops, Failures and Fumbles1.Optimism: believe there is always an answers, there is always a benefiting each situation2.Responsibility: Changing your response by taking responsibility for a failure, then learning and improving because of it. If you don’t feel responsible for the failure, you won’t feel the need to learn and improve from it.3.Humility: Having a teachable spirit and accepting feedback from others4.Collaboration: Learn to share your mistakes and learn from those around you.5.Resilience: Say good-bye to yesterday6.Initiative: Act and face your fears
Now it is your turn•Of the six items that we just discussed, which ones are you good at and how can you improve even more?•Where am I weak and how can I improve?
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Influence exists to speak up for those who do not have influence
Influence exists to speak to those who do have influence
Influence exists to be passed on to others
Have you gained the influence of another and failed to build upon it?
If you borrow the influence of another, what do you expect to come with that influence?
You cannot build upon influence you do not have!
Are there people you need to speak up for?
Where do you need to increase your level of influence with others?
Take inventory of the influence you already have
Insight: What do you know
Ability: What you can do
Character: Who you are
Passion: What you feel
Confidence: How you make others feel
Charisma: How you connect
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The Robert Schuller Question: “What would you attempt to do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?”
The John Maxwell Question: “What have you learned from your failure?”
The Roadmap For Learning
Humility – The Spirit of Learning
Reality – The Foundation of Learning
Responsibility – The First Step of Learning
Improvement – The Focus of Learning
Hope – The Motivation of Learning
Teachability – The Teachability of Learning
Adversity – The Catalyst of Learning
Problems – The Opportunity for Learning
Bad Experiences – The Perspective of Learning
Change – The Price of Learning
Maturity – The Value of Learning
Improvement – The Focus of Learning
Improving yourself is the first step to improving everything else. It is the capacity to develop and improve that distinguishes leaders from followers. Improvement forces us out of our Comfort Zone – it requires a temporary surrender of security. Improvement is a daily exercise.
Teachability – The Attitude of Learning
The most important skill to acquire is learning how to learn. That skill begins with a teachable attitude.
The DNA of A Teachable Person
It all starts with a beginner’s mindset. How do you maintain a beginner’s mindset. It is a three-fold process: (1) Everyone has something to teach me (2) Everyday I have something to learn (3) Every time I learn something I benefit.
Problems Are The Opportunity For Learning
Do not wait for a problem to solve itself. Do not aggravate the problem. Communicate constantly and consistently. People respond to problems by often isolating from one another and communicating to one another.
Winning Isn’t Everything But Learning Is
Learning often decreases when winning increases. First-place is not an easy place to remain. WHY? “Been there – Done that!” The Entitlement Mindset. Playing to not loose.
There are two zones you need to be aware of:
(1) Your Strength Zone — what you do well, and
(2) Your Comfort Zone — what you feel comfortable doing.
To lessen your failure rate and be more successful you need to find the right combination of zones.
• If you’re…Outside of your Strength Zone and Outside of your
Comfort Zone = Bad and impossible to Win.
• If you’re…Outside of your Strength Zone and Inside of your
Comfort Zone = Bad and at best Average.
• If you’re…Inside of your Strength Zone and Inside of your
Comfort Zone = Good but not Great.
• If you’re…Inside of your Strength Zone and Outside of your
Comfort Zone = Great and continual Winning.
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
“There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So, keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make, makes you.” – John Wooden
My choices reveal who I am
Many choices in life are not easy
The choices I made changed who I was
Choosing Your Choices
Choice #1 – My standards for myself will be higher than what others may set for me
Choice #2 – Helping people is more important that making them happy
Choice #3 – My focus will be on the present
Write down and review major choices that have changed you.
What key choices have you made or will make that has changed you?
Are you prepared to make difficult choices?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Meetings usually fail for 2 reasons: The leader does not have a clear agenda; The people attending have their own agenda.
The meeting before the meeting is where you get buy-in
The meeting before the meeting helps people with perspective
The meeting before the meeting increases your influence
The meeting before the meeting develops trust
The meeting before the meeting keeps you from getting blindsided
If you cannot have the meeting before the meeting, don’t have the meeting
If the meeting before the meeting did not go well, don’t have the meeting
If the meeting before the meeting goes well, have the meeting
Structure the meeting around these 3 items: Information Items, Study Items, Action Items
Do your meetings have structure?
Have you connected with key influencers?
What is your plan for the next big change?
Plan your meetings according to levels of influence: Top Influencers, Top Positional Leaders; 20% of a Department; Meet with everyone
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Everyday we have opportunities to write new experiences on our pages
Some people leave their notebook closed most of their life
Others fill their pages and never take the time for reflection
Experience teaches nothing, but evaluated experience teaches everything
Do you know people who have lots of knowledge but little understanding?
We all experience more than we understand
Our attitude toward unpleasant and unplanned experiences determines our growth
A lack of experience is costly
Experience is costly
Not learning from experiences is more costly
How often do you pause to reflect on your experiences?
How do you record what you have learned?
How do you evaluate your year?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
All organizations have an influx and outflow of people that works similar to that of a revolving door.
People come in through that door because they have a reason they want to be part of that company.
But when they exit the company through that door, chances are they all have something in common. Their desire for “greener pastures” is often motivated by the need to get away from someone.
Some people cannot get along with anyone. Wherever they go, trouble goes with them.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go. Some cause happiness whenever they go.” Oscar Wilde
As leaders, we’d like to think that when people leave, it has little to do with
us. But the reality is that we are often the reason. Some sources estimate that as many as 65 percent of people leaving companies do so because of their managers.
There are 4 types of people who leave
People quit people who devalue them. If we don’t respect someone, can we treat them with respect?
People quit people who are untrustworthy. Here are 5 ways Leaders the trust of their people:
Acting inconsistently in what they say and do.
Seeking personal gain above shared gain.
Withholding information.
Lying or telling half-truths.
Being close-minded.
People quit people who are incompetent
People quit people who are insecure
Take responsibility on how you treat others
When people leave me, I do an exit interview
Place HIGH VALUE on the people working with you
I put credibility at the top of my Leadership list
As you study these 3 graphs allow your inner voice to speak ideas and strategies on moving your ministry goals forward to reach the Millennials and Gen-Z’s.
Resource: Technology Promises Connection, but Gen-Z Sees A Paradox. https://www.barna.com/research/teens-devices-connection/ ACCESSED 22 November 2020.
When people are faced with this kind of leadership weakness, they can run from it, or they can try to overcome it.
What is your current goal as a leader?
I can’t lead people if I need people! This statement is worthy of your reflection.
Every leader will face tough times. Your decisions are marked by these three things:
The tough call demands risk
A tough call brings with it an inner battle
A tough call will distinguish you as a leader
If you aren’t willing to take care of the little difficulties, don’t expect to be able to rise up to meet the big ones.
No matter how tough it gets, a real leader will keep on leading and never give up.
If you keep doing the right thing, you will continue to gain greater responsibility.
Have you made the tough calls in the past?
Are you prepared to win the battle within?
Are you playing it too safe as a leader?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
“Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at its testing point.” — C.S. Lewis
7 Key Benefits of Courage
Courage enables you to maximize the potential of yourself and others. It has been said that life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. The Law of Expansion says that Growth Always Increases Your Capacity. Leadership has at its center the requirement of courage. You cannot be a leader unless you find a way of developing and generating courage in yourself and then “encouraging” others.
Courage sustains you to live a life of few regrets. Our lives begin to end the day we remain silent about things that really matter.” — Martin Luther King
Courage allows you to climb as you step up the ladder of life. It has been said that courage is a muscle that is strengthened by use.
Courage encourages you during uncertain times. The Special Olympic Prayer says; “Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.
Courage propels you to reinvent yourself as often as needed. Courage can be viewed as the power to leave the familiar.
Courage sustains you long enough to win. “If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say, ‘I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.’” — Ann Landers.
Courage advances your voice. People do not follow titles, they follow courage – William Brown. Respect on difficult ground. JFK once stated, “The stories of past courage…can teach, they can offer hope, they can provide inspiration. But they cannot supply courage itself. For this each man must look into his own soul.”
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
The Challenge Zone: “I attempt to do what I haven’t done before.”
The Comfort Zone: “I do what I already know I can do.”
The Coasting Zone: “I don’t even do what I’ve done before.”
One of the great dangers of life is believing that you have arrived.
Whether you are trying to cross over into the ranks of continual learners, or you are trying to build an organization that possesses a growth environment, the secret to success can be found in the people who surround you.
People’s attitudes and actions rub off on one another.
Small people will try to put the same limits on you that they have put on themselves.
Remember, a growth environment is one in which:
Others are ahead of them (this means you are growing).
They are continually challenged.
The focus is forward (on the future, not past mistakes).
The atmosphere is affirming.
They are often out of their comfort zone (but not their strength zone).
They wake up excited (they are excited about coming to work).
Failure is not their enemy (they are allowed to take risks).
Others are growing (you must place a high value on growth for everyone).
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
In case you missed it, we are shifting or have shifted in some cases to a network world. To use a historical illustration, think about the Catholic Church and The Reformation with Martin Luther. The 95 Thesis nailed to the front door of the church at Wittenberg, Germany started a decentralization of power and authority away from an institutional church to the people. Today, technology coupled with our pandemic disruptions, social racism, economic pressure, and election outcomes is all serving to defuse the authority of the church once again either in how we consume religious practices and content to how people are interacting with faith and belief in a digital world.
Our ability for global travel coupled with the Internet 2.0 is radically changing the volume of content that is available. Pastors, you do know that Gen-xer’s, Millennials and Gen-z’s are fact-checking your sermons in real-time for accuracy and who else has spoken on this sermon series? This reality was unheard of fifteen years ago but is now part of the worship experience in churches.
Consider Sociologist Max Weber’s three types of authority[1]. There is a Traditional Authority that is more of a Monarchy type of authority. This is followed by Legal Authority that includes Presidents, Congress, and big denominations. Finally, there is Charismatic Authority which focuses on the Charisma of a personality and their ability to attract followers outside of formal authoritative structures. Technology is allowing everyone to become a commentator and pundit. Our current President demonstrates the power of circumventing normal news channels to get a message to the masses via Charisma. The vertical authority of Legal Institutions is being eroded by the power of horizontal conversations of charismatic voices on the Web.
The unique challenge of Pastoral Ministry today is that Boomers and Gen-xer’s are leading Teams that are comprised of Millennials and Gen-zer’s. That is a difficult mix to say the least. So, what can be done to lead in an era of Social Tribalism? I believe that Sociologist Max Weber is missing a fourth level of authority – Spiritual Authority! Spiritual Authority is simply God grabbing our heart and shaping the passion of our voice and the sound of words in our content. Regurgitating everyone else’s content is not Spiritual Authority. The Apostle Paul gives clarity to Spiritual Authority in the Bible book, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 ESV; And I, when I came to you, brothers,[a] did not come proclaiming to you the testimony[b] of God with lofty speech or wisdom. 2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3 And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling,4 and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5 so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men[c] but in the power of God; 4:20 ESV; For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power.
You may become drawn toward Charismatic Authority, but your spiritual transformation will only come through Spiritual Authority. There is something powerful about leaders who press in toward God and seek His presence through brokenness and tears, emerging with new authority that is not ours!
Is it possible that our pandemic shutdown and social distancing has opened up people to various new authorities? Are we beginning to watch the decentralization of all things BIG to all things TRIBAL which is more small community connected? How are spiritual leaders supposed to lead in the face of rapid changes culturally? Here is what I know, severe crisis and disruptions cause people to respond when confronted with pressure they did not create. Modern Evangelism has been defined as, watching people move from one idol to another idol because of crisis pressure and then stand in that gap with spiritual authority.
Joel 2:15-17 (ESV) is a right now present word for our COVID world! “Blow the trumpet in Zion; consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly; 16 gather the people. Consecrate the congregation; assemble the elders; gather the children, even nursing infants. Let the bridegroom leave his room, and the bride her chamber. 17 Between the vestibule and the altar let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep and say, “Spare your people, O Lord, and make not your heritage a reproach, a byword among the nations.[a] Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?’” Today is a day of great HOPE and FAITH in Christ Jesus!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Time cannot be managed. It cannot be controlled in any way.
Twenty-four hours is the best any of us is going to get.
Nothing separates successful people from unsuccessful people more than how they use their time.
Are you getting the best use of your time?
Good Leaders cannot be bad self-managers! WHY?
They undervalue their uniqueness by doing what others want them to do.
They ruin their effectiveness by doing unimportant things.
They reduce their potential by doing things without a coach or training.
Those who do it well do things that:
Advance their overall purpose in life – this helps them grow.
Underscore their values – this brings them fulfillments.
Maximize their strengths – this makes them effective.
Increase their happiness – this gives them better health.
Equip and coach others – these compounds their productivity.
Add value to others – this increases their influence.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Taking responsibility is the first step in maximizing your potential
Responsibility is the most important choice that you make in your life
Overcome the tendency to blame circumstances and people for failures
Taking responsibility is tied to increasing your success
Responsibility creates the foundation for your success
Responsibility will put you in control of your life
Responsibility sets the course of your daily activity
Responsibility prepares you for action
Responsibility makes your habits serve you
Responsibility earns you respect and authority
Have you connected the idea of taking responsibility and increasing your potential?
Do you think becoming more responsible could help you in your personal life and career?
On a scale of 1-10 would you rate yourself when it comes be prepared to take action?
What habits will change when you decide to become more responsible?
How do you daily manage the decision to be more responsible?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
When you are young and Idealistic, you feel that you can lead better than many who have come before you. IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS! Consider….
I gave little thought to what might go wrong.
I assumed that the “right way” would be mistake-free.
I did not acknowledge mistakes I made to myself or others.
I was not learning from my mistakes.
I was not helping others by teaching lessons learned from my mistakes.
If you want to learn to fail successfully and handle the mistakes you do make with maximum profit, then you need to do the following five things:
Admit and own your mistakes and weaknesses
Accept mistakes as the price of progress
Insist on learning from mistakes
Ask yourself and others, “What are we missing here?”
Give the people around you, permission to push back
What is your attitude toward mistakes?
Are you owning up to your mistakes?
Are you getting the best ideas from your subordinates?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
80 percent of traffic jams occur on 20 percent of the roads.
80 percent of classroom participation comes from 20 percent of students.
80 percent of time you wear 20 percent of your clothes.
80 percent of the profits come from only 20 percent of the customers.
80 percent of problems are generated by 20 percent of the employees.
80 percent of sales are generated by 20 percent of the salespeople.
80 percent of all decisions can be made on 20 percent of the information.
I determine not to know everything!
I determine to not know everything first!
I determine to let someone represent me!
I determine to stay with my strengths and not my weaknesses!
I determine to take charge of what took my time and energy!
Take a look at your calendar and to-do lists from last month. For every
block of time, determine how your activities could be categorized according
to the following list:
Something I was told in school that I ought to do.
Something other people want me to do.
Something I see other successful people doing.
Something I know I should be doing.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Three reasons you do not send your ducks to eagle school:
1. If you send ducks to eagle school, you will frustrate the ducks. What happens when you move people out of their strength zone in regard to comfort, strength, or effectiveness?
2. If you send ducks to eagle school, you will frustrate the eagles. Think about your followers. Have you noticed those that stand out? Why do they stand out?
3. If you send your ducks to eagle school, you will frustrate yourself. Have you ever led people who never did rise up and fulfill your expectations?
How do you develop good leaders?
How do you find potentially good leaders?
Know what potential good leaders look like.
1. As a leader, it is your responsibility to know what you’re looking for. What type of leader do you look for?
2. You need to know what qualities and characteristics are present in leaders who are successful in your industry. Have you studied successful leaders in your industry? What did you find?
Good leaders and potential leaders display the following characteristics:
Adaptability – Quickly adjusts to change.
Discernment – Understand the real issues.
Perspective – Sees beyond their own vantage point.
Communication – Links to all levels of the organization.
Security – Does not find identity in position.
Servanthood – Does whatever it takes.
Resourcefulness – Finds creative ways to make things happen.
Maturity – Puts the Team before Self.
Endurance – Remains consistent in character and competence over the
long haul.Countability – Can be counted on when it counts.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Many leaders never achieve their potential because they are “blown up” by
problems they never see coming. Because of the fear and anxiety of this pandemic year that many leaders have experienced it is worth our time to examine some leadership landmines. Keep in mind the mental – emotional health of spiritual leaders is 10x greater this year than any other year in history in which tracking data has been gathered.
Seasons of crisis can produce fear and anxiety in the hearts of leaders. When our vision becomes obscure due to crisis management, we can miss some obvious landmines that can blow up our leadership effectiveness. While we could create quite a list of potential landmines, in this podcast we will examine three landmines.
Landmine #1 – TODAY’S SUCCESS
What got you here will not keep you here! Yesterday ended at midnight! The wrong question to be asking is “Does this job have a future?” The correct question to ask is “Do I have a future?” If what you did 5 years ago still satisfies you – you have no future. So how do we avoid this landmine?
You must recognize this landmine. Joe Frazier once stated the punch that knocks you out is the one you did not see coming.
2. Keep growing personally. Growth = Change!
3. Continually as, is there a better way?
4. Be willing to seek out and pay for outside Coaching. You cannot obtain a proper perspective until you get out of the frame. Do not assume that you have the clearest perspective and vision on your leadership.
5. Don’t protect the past. Do not build a memorial to it. Recognize that it is OK to be embarrassed by your past because today you have grown beyond your past. None of us were that good in our past.
6. Build on your success do not sit on it. Keep people around you who not impressed with you. This provokes you to excel unless you see these people as a threat.
Landmine #2 – Loosing Touch With Your People
An isolated leader is an ineffective leader! How do we avoid Loosing Touch With People?
Recognize this landmine. Success leads to withdrawal – “I don’t need to see the people. Failure leads to withdrawal – “I don’t want to see the people.”
2. Value People – they are your only appreciable asset!
3. Avoid Positional Thinking – Do not fall into the positional trap!
4. Love the people you lead – people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!
5. Understand that you are in the people business6.Understand and live into the Law of Significance. This law states that one is too small of a number to achieve greatness!
Landmine #3 – Betrayal of Trust
Warren Bennis claims that trust is one of six basic ingredients of leadership.
“Integrity is the basis of trust, which is not so much an ingredient of
leadership as it is a product. It is the one quality that cannot be acquired,
but must be earned. It is given by coworkers and followers, and without it,
the leader cannot function.” Trust is the foundation upon which relationships
in every setting are built.
Receiving Trust from others is the result of
Value character more than success.
2. Focus on shared goals more than personal agendas
3. Do the right thing regardless of personal risk
4. Be accountable to others5.Follow the Golden Rule
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
1. When leaders are healthy, people they lead tend to be healthy.
2. When leaders are unhealthy, so are their followers.
3. People may teach what they know, but they reproduce what they are.
4. The best leaders are highly intentional about developing their people.
If you want to know how you’re doing as a leader, do it by asking the
following four questions:
Are the people following?
All leaders have two common characteristics:
first, they are going somewhere;
second, they are able to persuade other people to go with them.
Are the people changing? In what way are you always present to help facilitate the change process for your followers?
Are the people growing? In what ways is growth a reflection of the leader?
Are People Succeeding? Leaders may impress others when they succeed, but others are impacted when the Team succeeds.
Take a look at the principles for people development and
rate yourself for each item on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high):
High valuation of people – this is an attitude issue.
High commitment to people – this is a time issue.
High integrity with people – this is a character issue.
High standard for people – this is a goal-setting issue.
High influence over people – this is a leadership issue.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I have not met anyone that disagrees 2020 has been an unwelcome guest in our lives. Our daily- weekly rhythms have been disrupted. We have learned new concepts – Social Distance, Shelter-in-Place, Essential Workers, ZOOM, etc. We have witnessed the hypocrisy of social mandates that have allowed Liquor Stores to remain open while churches were shut down; Allow limited seating at eateries with masks yet allow social protesting without masks; allow Grandpa to take his last breath without the presence of a loving family. Yes, 2020 will leave several emotional scars on our lives for the remainder of our days.
There are so many Leadership insights that I could highlight from 35 weeks of COVID-19 Pandemic. I will limit my insights to a handful of lessons learned. Here is my selection.
Leading Beyond The Blizzard
Seven days after our national shut-down Andy Crouch of Praxis Journal wrote (March 20, 2020) COVID-19 is not just something to “get through” for a few days, weeks, or months. Instead COVID-19 should be treated as an economic and cultural blizzard, winter, and beginning of a new “little ice-age” – a once in a lifetime change that is likely to affect our lives and organizations for years. What is amazing this article was wrote while everyone else was declaring that we would be back in our churches in a couple of weeks.
Mental-Emotional Health
Overnight families were faced with managing parenting, house cleaning, work-at-home schedules, e-learning for the children, etc. Pastors were forced into the Digital Church Production mode, online giving, ZOOM small groups, and facilities with no one present. These unique pressures have sky-rocketed mental/emotional health issues. Currently Ministers are facing emotional health concerns that are 10x greater than any other point in history. Family counseling is desperately needed. Leadership Coaching is at an all-time high, yet there is a serious reluctance on the part of ministers because of looking weak. Innovation in “Family Ministry” is needed where weekend marriage retreats fall woefully short.
Traffic Light Habits
David Ferguson wrote about three types of people that have been created in the COVID-19 journey. He uses the traffic light analogy. RED LIGHT people are very cautious, stay distant from others, and shelter-in-place. YELLOW LIGHT people will venture out with caution and concern. GREEN LIGHT people are “peddle-to-the-metal” types that question if all of this is even real. He goes on to write that what started out as a medical concern has now turned into habit forming behavior. Red Light people now prefer to stay at home and work, exercise at home, and watch church services on their schedule. Yellow Light people enjoy the small group watch party idea of community and relationship building over the large crowds. Green light people are ready to get back into large crowds as though nothing has happened. Ferguson’s analogy has become a great way to under why the “PHYGITALCHURCH” (Physical-Digital) will now be part of the faith expression of people moving forward. The average church on campus is averaging 50% of pre-COVID attendance nationally. Church is no longer a one-size fits all approach.
Learned Helplessness
Dr. Henry Cloud states that any crisis thrust upon us that we do not create can lead us to a loss of control. When the reality of this fact is not dealt with, Cloud suggests our daily habits become a pattern of “Learned Helplessness.” We stop responding at all and simply check out on our future by drifting into passivity. We wait for the “old normal” to return so we can restart our living once again. Unfortunately, we lose when attempting to either wait for or recreate the past.
One Solution For Our Future – REPENTANCE!
There are two Old Testament Characters that instruct us for such a time as this. First of Moses demonstrates leaving the people in the valley while ascended the Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. Upon his return from the Mount Sinai, Exodus 34:29-35 gives us the account of the people’s reaction; “…. his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord…. they were afraid to come near to him…” Exodus 24:29-30. In the face of significant crisis and the loss of national identity, Moses demonstrates for us the need to be in God’s presence to such an extent that it is obvious to the worshippers that the man or woman of God has been in the presence of God and is now speaking a fresh word from Heaven.
The Second Old Testament character that speaks to our need is King Josiah. 2 Kings 22-23 gives us the narrative of the King thoroughly destroying any and all symbols of idol worship and evil that had been performed in the Temple of God. Even to the burning of the bones of dead false prophets so there would no marker to ever return back to their memory or recall. As you read 2 Kings 22-23 you cannot help but notice the extensive work of repentance and removal of all things that have dishonored the Lord. What is most striking about King Josiah’s story is the Lord’s response in 2 Kings 22:20; Therefore, I will allow you to die and be buried in peace. You will not have to witness all the disaster I will bring on this place…” God honored the repentance but did not stop the coming destruction. Are we at such a crossroads in America?
2. Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it were.
3. Be candid with everyone.
4. Don’t manage, lead.
5. Change before you have to.
6. If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.
“A time of turbulence is a dangerous time, but its greatest danger is a temptation to
deny reality.” – Peter Drucker
Questions to ask to help you define reality:
1. What is reality in this situation? Do other agree with my assessment?
2. Can I identify each issue? Can I break down reality to better understand it?
3. Can the issues be fixed? Separate the solvable from the unsolvable.
4. What are the options? Establish a game plan.
5. Am I willing to follow the game plan? My commitment as a leader is
1. Admit my weakness. You can’t define reality if you won’t face reality.
Have you come to terms with your weakness?
2. Embrace realistic people.
Do you have members on your team that complete you?
3. Ask for honesty from others. Are you secure enough to ask for honesty? Are you secure enough to respond to it without defense?
4. Invite “fresh eyes” to check me out. Have you asked or paid outside consultants to come in, observe, and tell you what they see?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
No matter if you’re just starting out or if you are at the peak of your career, the more you work in your strength zone, the more successful you will be.
What is SUCCESS? Knowing your purpose in life, Growing to your maximum potential, and Sowing seedsthat benefit others.
To be successful, discover and develop the strength zone of your Team
1. Study and know the people on your team. How have you determined your people’s strengths and weaknesses? Do they have potential room for growth?
2. Communicate to individuals how they fit on the team. What are the strengths that they bring to the table?
3. Communicate to all team members how each player fits on the team. Which team member needs to hear how they bring value to the team?
4. Emphasize completing one another above competing with one another. How do you know when competition has gone too far?
Have you identified your strength zone?
How specific can you get?
Is your job utilizing your strengths?
Are you leading Team Members in their strength zone?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Understanding people precedes leading them. If you want to be more effective in leading people, what steps can you take to understand them first?
Listening is the best way to understand. Are you an active listener?
Listening can keep problems from escalating. If you are not an active listener how will you obtain the facts that you need for resolutions?
Listening enables trust. “Listening builds trust, the foundation of all lasting relationships.” – Brian Tracy
Listening improves every organization. Is it possible to be a good leader without being a good listener?
Give yourself a listening audit. The next few times you are in meetings, ask
your assistant or a colleague to track how many minutes you spend speaking and how many minutes you spend listening.
Who doesn’t feel listened to in my organization?
The next time you have a conversation with people you work or live with, stop everything you’re doing, give them your undivided attention, and look them in the eye as they speak. Ask if you’ve neglected to listen in the past, and then let them talk.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
What in the world is “Phygital” church you ask? Thank you 2020 pandemic for shoving in our face the longing to be in church physically and yet digitally was our only form of worship for months. Welcome to the new Physical-Digital Church – Phygital! Our national pandemic journey has made the use of technology prominent. ZOOM Conference calls are king! Live streaming has taken on a new significance, and socially distancing ourselves in our churches is just weird. After all, we are social and relational animals.
Beyond hybrid terminology what is really at stake in 2020. My answer to this question has remained the same for over 30 years of my gospel ministry – Make Disciples! While it remains true that certain platforms are to be preferred over others, the mandate of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 has not changed. It simply demands a response from churches and their leadership teams. Conducting physical and digital services is not the gold standard of measurements. Developing people into Christlikeness is the gold standard of measurement.Consider the following infographic that asks during this pandemic have you or your household been engaged with church in 13 categories. 43% responded NONE![1]
When you factor into this narrative another sub-classification that has emerged during the pandemic; New Dropouts, you begin to sense the novelty of conducting physical socially distant live services and streaming platforms is not the measurement in and of itself. As of mid-September 1 in 5 regular worshippers (pre-pandemic category) have not connected with church on any platform.
It appears there are three key actionable steps that should be taken immediately.
The 1 in 5 dropout group is the churches most important missional outreach presently. We need to connect and engage with this demographic. They were attending, but the pandemic has been so disruptive they have not been able to re-engage church and life in the same way.
Rethinking our discipleship strategy is of the utmost importance. Programs and bling will not make disciples that are capable of withstanding our present day. Strong in faith and able to “self-feed” from scripture is our best hope.
The Phygital church is not going away. Citizens in the digital realm are actually in Digital Babylon and they need someone to reach them. Native Content development and creativity is desperately needed.
To impress a sense of urgency, consider this infographic in closing[2]
[1] Barna & Stadia Research, Six Questions About The Future of The Hybrid Church Experience. (Barna Group Digital Format Ó2020). P. 9.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
“I never did a day’s work in my life. It was all fun!” – Thomas Edison
What was a significant event that you were able to turn into an unforgettable one?
Passion is an incredible asset for any person, but especially for leaders.
What does a leader need to succeed?
Where is your passion leading you?
Pursuing your passion makes all of the difference in the world.
Passion fills you with energy and desire.
Passion will give you the will to win.
The greatest job is one where the line between work and play is blurred.
How much passion do you have for your current work?
90% or above: You are in your sweet spot – celebrate!
75%-89%: Make minor adjustments to align with your passion.
50%-74%: You need to make major adjustments.
49% or less: You need a job or career change.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Bad situations in life needs good leadership. For some leaders a crisis will put them on the top. For some leaders, a crisis will topple them.
Here are 7 Leadership Practices in Times of Crisis
Stand Up and Be Seen
During a crisis leaders serve as a repository of people’s fears and they absorb their uncertainties. A crisis is not the time to lock yourself in a Board Room and engage strategy sessions. You need to be seen by the people.
Embrace Brutal Optimism
“Churchill paradox.” On the one hand was the Prime Minister’s
grim promise of “blood, toil, tears, and sweat” in the near term.
On the other was his upbeat certainty that England would prevail
“however long and hard the road may be.”
Stick To The Facts
A leaders is a symbol as a matter of fact not by choice. John Gardner stated once that if your actions undermine your words, you will create problems that no amount of jawboning can fix. Be slow to speak but always speak accurately!
Tell A Story In A Statement
Consider these Presidential statements:•”I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” Abraham Lincoln•”In a time of domestic crisis, men of goodwill and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics.” John F. Kennedy•”The most fortunate of us all in our journey through life frequently meet with calamities and misfortunes which greatly afflict us. To fortify our minds against the attacks of these calamities and misfortunes should be one of the principal studies and endeavors of our lives.” Thomas Jefferson
Bottom Line Comes Second
We shouldn’t have to tell you what comes first. The most important
thing is to have people know that they’re secure and cared about – that
they’re not just cogs (Dee Soder). Because many workers feel a company reveals its true colors during a crisis, companies that come off as insensitive, or grudging, run the risk of alienating employees permanently.
Link The Ordinary To The Extraordinary
When a Crisis occurs, Leaders must Stabilize, Organize and Mobilize.
Do Not Overreach
So you’ve done everything right, you’ve earned your leadership merit
badge, and now your people are giving you a standing ovation. Next piece
of advice: They’re not really cheering for you. They’re cheering for
themselves – and for the group’s ability to unite and persevere under
threat. Lose sight of that, and you violate the delicate compact between
leaders and led.
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
“I never did a day’s work in my life. It was all fun!” – Thomas Edison
What was a significant event that you were able to turn into an unforgettable one?
Passion is an incredible asset for any person, but especially for leaders.
What does a leader need to succeed?
Where is your passion leading you?
Pursuing your passion makes all of the difference in the world.
Passion fills you with energy and desire.
Passion will give you the will to win.
The greatest job is one where the line between work and play is blurred.
How much passion do you have for your current work?
90% or above: You are in your sweet spot – celebrate!
75%-89%: Make minor adjustments to align with your passion.
50%-74%: You need to make major adjustments.
49% or less: You need a job or career change.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
“In every age, there comes a time when a leader must come forward to meet the needs of the hour. Therefore, there is no potential leader who does not have an opportunity to make a positive difference in society. Tragically, there are times when a leader does not rise to the hour.” – Winston Churchill.
Defining moments show us who we really are! Have you ever surprised yourself by your reaction in a defining moment?
Defining moments declare to others who we really are! Can you name a situation that your decisions had a dramatic impact on others?
Defining moments will define who we will become! What changes have you gone through that has stayed with you?
Some defining moments are groundbreakers. Defining moments are intersections that give us an opportunity to turn, change direction, and seek a new destination.
Some defining moments are heartbreakers. Have you experienced a heart-breaking moment? How did the experience define you?
Some defining moments are cloud breakers. In strategizing with others, have you taken an idea, seized it and had success?
Leaders become better leaders when they experience a defining moment
and respond to it correctly.
How are you managing your decisions? Create a list of choices you will make based on your values and priorities. Post your list where you will see it every morning. Review the list daily for a month and manage your moment-to-moment decisions based on your choices.How prepared are you for the future defining moments? Think about how you will make the most of these opportunities.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
“If we are honest with ourselves, we’ll admit that the toughest person to
lead is ourselves.” John Maxwell
We don’t see ourselves as we see others. If you don’t look at yourself realistically, how will you understand where your personal difficulties lie?
We are harder on others than we are on ourselves. Do you let yourself off the hook after a difficult time?
Learn Followership – Only a leader who has followed well knows how to lead others well.
Leaders who have not followed well, tend to be: (1) Prideful; (2) Unrealistic; (3) Rigid; (4) Autocratic.
Develop Self-Discipline How have you developed self-discipline?
Practice Patience. – When we are foolish, we want to conquer the world. When we are wise,
we want to conquer ourselves.
Seek Accountability – People who lead themselves well know a secret; they can’t trust
themselves. How do you define accountability for yourself? For others?
How clearly do you see yourself?
Where do you need to grow?
How well do you take advise?
Ask five to ten friends, colleagues, and family members to evaluate you. Each of the following is worth the number beside it. Average the numbers together – 4 or below requires you to improve:
1. You don’t want advice.
2. You don’t object to advice.
3. You welcome advice.
4. You actively seek advice.
5. You often follow the advice given to you.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Loneliness is not a positional issue; it is a personality issue. What types of persons tend to hold on to a positional level?
What kind of leader would everyone behind and the journey alone? ANSWER: a selfish one!
Lifting people to a NEW LEVEL is required for effective leadership. How does a leader lift people to a higher level?
Understand that no one ever got to the top by going alone
When is the last time you ask for help?
In order for you to make it to the top, it is essential that you take others with you!
Taking others to the top with you is more rewarding than arriving alone! What are you willing to risk getting others to the top?
When leading a TEAM most of your time is not at the TOP! As a leader are you below, in between, or above your team?
STATEMENT: As a leader who takes a relational approach you will never be lonely! Why or Why not?
As a leader you must realize the downsides to success and failure. Success can be dangerous. How do you respond to either success or failure?
Remember as a leader, you are in the people business. If you do not value others, how will you ever get to the top?
Understand the Law of Significance – Do you have employees or Teammates?Loneliness on the part of the leader is a choice. Do you choose to go it alone or with other people?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
What is your underlying desire in life – Self Fulfillment or Self Development?
Are your best efforts on making you feel good or making others successful?
Are you in bad business relationships or friendships? Make serious changes within the context of these relationships or consider new options
Are you a Go-Getter or GO-GIVER?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Definition of CRISIS: A crisis is an intense time of difficulty requiring a decision that will be a turning point.
“All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time.” — John Kenneth Galbraith
There are two (2) key thoughts to cover in this Podcast
A Crisis Reveals What Is Inside of You•Choices make us – A crisis reveals us•Believe in yourself – You will become on the outside what you believe on the inside•Watch your attitude – During tough times, your attitude is what separates successful people from those who fail•It has been said that “Life asks a question of every leader that gauges their effectiveness and wisdom: ‘What have you been through?’” Show me your scars!
It Is Our Decisions and Not Our Conditions That Determines The Quality of Life•There are three (3) key decisions that you make prior to a crisis: Values, Mission, & Responsibility.•Courageous Decisions – What Must Be Done •Good Leaders make things happen in good times•Great Leaders make things happen in bad times•The Law of Countability suggests that Teammates Must Be Able To Count On Each Other. “People Can Usually Trace Their Success and Failures To the Relationships in Their Lives.”•Priority Decisions: What Must Be Done First•Peter Drucker stated once that first things are always first and second things are not at all.•Have faith in God for the things that you cannot control•Stay focused on these four (4) realities: By God’s Appointment; In His Keeping; Under His Training; For His Name.
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Stop thinking more work and start thinking what works
Stop thinking “Can I?” Start thinking “How can I”
Stop limiting yourself to one option. Start looking for several options
Stop doing what you have always done. Start doing what should be done for growth
Stop doing what is expected. Start doing more than expected
Stop doing important things occasionally. Start doing important things daily
Measure Your Capacity
Your impact is a direct function of your capacity
There is nothing in your past that determines your future – Your capacity must grow
The limitations of your capacity are the difference between where you are and where you want to be
Have you made the transition from “I can’t” or “Can I?” to How can I?
It is time to start doing some dreaming by asking ….
If I knew I could not fail, what would I attempt?
If I had no limitations, what would I do?
If money were not an issue, what would I be doing presently?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Who should I follow? Consider these suggestions ….
Someone who has a worthy example to follow
Are they available and accessible?
Do they have proven success?
Do they possess wisdom?
Do they provide friendship and encouragement?
Are they making a difference in people’s lives?
To Grow – Get A Coach! Here are some characteristics of a good Coach ….
Care for the people they coach
Observe their attitudes, behaviors, and performance
Communicates and gives feedback about your performance
Helps you improve your life and performance
For real growth to occur in your life, find a coach.
Before you meet with this coach, have 5 good questions prepared in advance. Do not show up to your first meeting empty handed.
Have a list of areas that you would like to improve and/or grow into
Digital technology allows for long-distance coaching that is quite effective.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
How do you cultivate curiosity? It comes from a desire to learn.
Have a beginner’s mindset – keep learning fresh and exciting
Make WHY your favorite word
Have conversations with other curious people
Learn something new everyday
Participate in the fruit of failure
Make life an adventure
Do not place limits on your capacity
The cure for boredom is curiosity
Do you believe that you can become curious?
Have you made WHY your favorite word?
Do you possess a beginner’s mindset?
Do you know other curious people?
Are you enjoying life?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The hardest part of stealing second base is taking your foot off first base!
QUESTION: What will it take to get you to go to the next level of your life?
What do you need to give up to go to the next level?
What will you have to give up?
Not being willing to give up something is the key reason that people never reach their fullest potential
The truth about trade-off’s
Unsuccessful people make bad trade-off’s
Average people make few trade-off’s
Successful people make good trade-off’s
Trade-off’s will force us to make difficult personal changes
The loss of the trade-off is usually felt before the gain is achieved
Most trade-off’s can be made at any time – good health, education
Some trade-off’s only come once in life – pay attention to these opportunities!
Start Trading Up
Financial security for potential tomorrow
Give up immediate gratification for personal growth
Be willing to give up the fast life for the good life
Willing to give up addition for multiplication
Overcome growing pains
As important as it is to know what you are willing to give up, it is equally important to know what you are not willing to give up. Can you write out your non-negotiables? Do you know what your next level is? What will it cost you to get there?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Growth Stops When you Lose The Tension Between Where You Are and Where You Could Be!
Mediocrity Is Not A Worthy Goal!
Here are your Warmup Stretches:
GOD’S gift to us: Potential. Our gift to Him: Develop It!
There are many times that life will stretch you – Prepare for it!
What needs stretched right now in your life?
It Is Easy To Be Average!
Are you settling for status quo? Abraham Maslow stated If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy the rest of your life.
James Allen stated that you cannot travel within until you stand without.
Remember you are exactly where you should be given everything that you have done to get here.
It is never too late to become what you could have been.
Rabi Naham stated that if you won’t be better tomorrow than today, then what do you need tomorrow for?
What areas of your life have you settled in and stopped stretching?
Can you define your potential? If not perhaps you need to seek out a coach to assist in the discovery of your potential.
Are you happy with just being average?Establish a balance between your potential and present place so that stretching is both possible and challenging.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
We are now into Week #32 of our COVID journey. Pause for just a minute to realize what has happened in 2020. Who would have thought we all would be facing the circumstances of what this pandemic has done to our national way of living. Yet, here we are traveling through new territory – masks, social distancing, quarantined, work from home, partial use of our church buildings. WOW! What a change of life-style.
The national data at week 32 is telling an interesting story and enforcing what was already true pre-covid. So here is the current snapshot. Regarding church gathering physically or digitally here are the numbers:
52% want physical gathering
9% want digital only church
35% want a hybrid – both physical and digital gathering for church
When you look at these numbers we are clearly divided, almost equally (52% – 44%) on physical versus digital church. These numbers would have been unheard of pre-covid.
Here is where the data information is even more compelling when you consider the Millennials and Gen-Z’s.
37% want physical gathering
13% want digital only
40% want both digital and physical options
This represents a 53% to 37% leaning more in the direction of digital over physical. However, it is not until you dive deeper in understanding the Millennials and Gen-Z’s that the real narrative emerges.
Digital Babylon represents the world these generations have been raised in and influenced greatly. Of those 18-29 years old that have had a certain level of exposure to church are broke out into 4 categories.
Prodigals (Ex-Christians) 22% – Do not currently identify as Christian even though they once did identify.
Nomads (Unchurched) 30% – Those who identify as Christian but have not attended church in the past month.
Habitual Churchgoers 38% – Those who describe themselves as Christian and have attended church at least once in the last month.
Resilient Disciples 10% – Identify as Christian, attend church at least once monthly and engage with their church other than attendance at services; firmly believe the bible; committed to Jesus personally and believe he arose from the dead; express a desire for society to come to faith in Christ. (Faith For Exiles – David Kinnaman/Mark Matlock)
Keep in mind these categories are those who were either raised or had close contact with the church in their formattable years. Here are some KEY TAKE AWAYS.
•The tension between digital versus physical gathering exists because the 18-29-year old’s want personal engagement over being counted as a number for church attendance.
•This generation represents 72.1 million – this is the greatest mission the church has ever seen. This generation is shifting the narrative from just content and its presentation to relational connection.
•There is a shift from information over-load to personal engagement – human to human. It is almost as if we are moving away from information everywhere and easy everywhere to knowing and being know as a human being.
•“Native Content” creation is the newest challenge. Live-streaming physical facility content will not reach this generation. Native Content represents a conversational presentation that allows for a dialogue over a monologue.
This challenge is what energizes me and gets me up in the morning. We can pivot faster and more radically now than anytime in church history.
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
We are human BEINGS not human DOINGS! Be aware of ambition without guidance. Your character is your guidance system – keep close check on your character. 99% of leadership failures are failures of character.
HONESTY is the top trait that is universally acknowledged and accepted!
Focus on being better on the inside than on the outside – Character matters!
The inside influences the outside
Inside victories precede outside victories
Out inside development is totally within our control
I will follow the Golden Rule – People Matter
I will only teach what I believe – Passion Matters
I will value humility above all virtues – Perspective Matters
I will strive to finish well – Faithfulness Matters
The old adage of life says; He was born mud but died marble! How do you live this truth out?
Assess where you have placed most of your learning energy up to this point in life. Is more INSIDE or OUTSIDE?
How much time do you spend on the inside? How much time on the outside?
Emergencies do not develop character – They reveal character!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Pain comes from multiple areas (Incompetence, Disappointment, Conflict, Change, Bad Health, etc.)
“It’s Your Life – You Choose”
Choose a positive life stance
What are your life assumptions and presuppositions about life, people, and experiences?
With a positive life stance, good will become better and bad will not be as bad.
A positive life stance WILL find positive lessons in every experience.
Understand the need to embrace bad experiences. We all will face difficulties, but we will not all learn from them. In life there are winners and learners.
Take responsibility for your life
Are you a victim or victor?
Make good changes after bad experiences especially if you exercised bad judgement.
No matter what happens to us our attitude will put us on a chosen pathway.
Remember, personal change requires action. Decide now to take action, attitude and altitude when the next painful experience arrives. In your life.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Do you know what you need to improve? – REFLECTION NEEDED!
Do you know how you are supposed to improve?
Do you know WHY you desire to keep improving?
Do you know when that you are supposed to improve? Be aware of the “someday-maybe’s!”
GROWTH is an amazing process of life! Consider the following comparison
Consistency is a muscle to be exercised! When you model consistency and motivation in front of your team you equip them mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to follow your example.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The idea of Annual Budget Projections is being put on hold by numerous Pastors. The truth of the matter is that churches should operate from a “3-Month Rolling Budget.” This means you keep and eye on the Long View Numbers, but you are only operating from a 90-day window. In other words, only the basics and bank the rest.
We are at week #31 in this COVID journey! Pastors were asked about their awareness of their congregants needs. This was broken out in 6 categories. Notice the info graphic.
When you look at this info graphic you realize that church leaders are more aware of the physical condition of their congregants than their financial well being (have they lost a job, are they struggling financially during COVID, etc.). The majority of Pastors in recent surveys stated they “somewhat understand their congregants.”
The million-dollar question is how do you lead a church without a clear comprehension of congregant needs or even know them? Now more than ever church leaders must figure out how to gain an understanding of people’s needs. Stop guessing and start leading from a position that is data informed.
In terms of church finances note the following:
17% – Higher in Giving
56% – Same
43% – Income Exceeding Expenses
8% – Not meeting expenses (1 in 12 churches)
There is a very real sense of hesitation in church finances currently. When you stop to think about it, we do not have a planning mechanism for uncertainty. This makes connecting with people even more important.
Lean financial seasons reveals operational stress that already existed – It does not cause it! Currently churches should be operating from a 3-month rolling budget. This does not mean there should be long-view numbers to anticipate. Rather it is about operating within what matters most in the next 90 days and then bank the rest. Currently anything beyond 90-days is unclear.
This pandemic has revealed that we are not in charge! If there was a time in which churches should be thinking about unconventional streams of revenue it is now. Before, we operated Christian Schools and Day-Cares. Is it time to rethink our physical space of our churches. Our current building were designed for a form of religion that currently does not exist.
In terms of financial reserves it is now being suggested to have at least 6 months of operational cash. While that seems extreme, I personally feel that it would unwise to even dare to operate without a 2-month reserve.
What is most important?
Engagement with people is more important than attendance to our church services!
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Have you noticed? It feels like we are living in Babylon! We are living in a modern-day pandemic that has radically altered our weekly rhythms. Life feels off-balance. What did Daniel and Ezekiel feel?
The importance of making Disciples for Christ could not be more urgent and more pressing than NOW! To impress a sense of urgency upon our work at this moment consider the millennials; 18-29 years of age. This group comprises 72.1 million (according to the 2019 statistics on US Population). This generation is being referred to as Digital Babylon! They are more digitally connected than any generation and yet the most distant generation when it comes to faith in Christ. They are the modern-day Exiles. Consider the faith practices of a segment of this generation that grew up in church.
Prodigals – 22% no longer are attached to church on any level. They have walked away.
Nomads – 30% still believe in God but not presently practicing their faith within a church community.
Habitual Churchgoers – 38% will attend church 1-2 times/month.
Resilient Disciples – 10% are faithful in all aspects of discipleship, testimony, and evangelism.
This is the generation that we will hand over the reins of spiritual leadership. There is no more compelling sense of urgency than NOW to turn our churches into disciple-making churches that are led by discipled pastors.
What can we learn from the Exilic Prophets – Ezekiel and Daniel? Here are six insights.
Exiles live for the sake of others
Exiles take epic risks for the sake of what is right
Exiles make prayer a mission
Exiles live by the mandate of faithfulness and holiness
God is at work for good, even in exile
Exiles find their home in God himself, not institutions
These exilic prophets teach us to expect the course of World History interfacing with us personally and our faith traditions spiritually. Go and make disciples…. even in EXILE!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Learn to say; “Time Out!” There is POWER in the PAUSE. Consider …..
Reflection turns experience into insight
Everyone needs a time and place to pause
Pausing with intention expands your thinking
Good questions are at the heart of reflection
By asking the right questions you will always get at the right answers in life! Consider the following questions to gain a greater sense of your own awareness ……
What is my biggest asset?
What is my biggest liability?
What is my highest high?
What is my lowest low?
What is my is my most worthwhile emotion?
What is my least worthwhile emotion?
Make it your TOP priority to schedule a time and place for personal reflection
Remember, hoping your way to reflection is not a strategy
Remind everyone that “We all walk with the limp we got” and that personal growth and change starts with personal awareness that is found in personal reflection and pausing.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Self-Image is the single most significant indicator to a person’s behavior
People are never able to outperform their self-image
Understand the difference of placing too high of importance upon other people’s perception versus our own perception
If you place to small a value on yourself, rest assured the world will not raise the price
Make the turn toward positive change.
Guard your self-talk
Stop comparing yourself to other people
Move beyond your self-limiting beliefs
It is hard to feel bad about yourself when you are doing good for others
Do the right thing even if it is the hard thing
Embrace a positive view on life based upon what you value
When you live out of a context of positivity, you show others a way in which to live positively. This is empowering for others.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Do you have a sense of direction? To answer this question, you must know who you are!
You must become aware of your own identity
The best tool that I am aware of for this type of discovery is the Birkman Questionnaire. I will put a link in the notes for a FREE SAMPLE REPORT. This report is based upon Psalm 139:14 – We are Fearfully and Wonderfully made….
By learning your identity, you are able to Live and Lead on the basis of your strengths and a bright vision for tomorrow versus living and leading from your weaknesses and the past.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
It is hard to over-exaggerate the importance of this first factor. Evidence of good communication, especially between a church’s leadership and congregation, is the single biggest factor in a smooth leadership transition. The inverse is also true!
This trend persists regardless of the events that precipitate a transition. Even when a leader is leaving under scandalous circumstances, communication is vitally important to communicate reality, but also to protect against damaging communication that can enflame.
Target Unity
This factor is a combination of perceived strengths or weaknessesbetween a congregation and the church leadership, unity within the congregation itself, and among the governing body of elders, board members, staff, and admins.
Negative emotions accompany a lack of unity. Worry, doubt, and confusion creep into the congregational narrative.
Church attendees who experience a difficult transition tend to feel worry,regret, nostalgia, and confusion. These same attendees struggle to rebound or renew their energy post-transition. Many will see increases in their negative emotions and feelings.
On the other hand, church attendees and staff who have a sense of “we are all in this together,” are much more likely to feel hopeful.
If You Can, Plan
The reasons for a pastoral transition affects the experience, emotions, and perceived outcomes of a transition. Planned departures go more smoothly, while forced or unplanned transitions are worse on multiple outcomes. Having just stated this fact research reveals that attendees and staff are split on whether there was a succession plan in place before the transition started. It appears that only one-half of churches have a clear plan and that these plans are known by the staff. A make-it-up-as-we-go type of plan has the least chance for a smooth transition.
Aim For A Graceful Exit
Regardless of the reason for a pastors transition out of their full-time role; they undergo a dramatic life shift. The outgoing pastor is at the center of succession in more ways than one, and not always for the best. Just over 50% of pastors say the transition was hard on their family and that staff pastor relationships weakened during the transition. When transitions are gradual and not sudden, the transition experience seems to have a more positive impact.
The most positive outcome in transitions is when the outgoing andincoming pastors overlap. This is only likely when churches have a succession plan in place.
Keep Asking WHY
It is important to be aware of the motivations behind a successionprocess, not just the out-front decisions. Leadership rationale is quitedifferent than attendees. Succession plans that are based upon money and/or growth is likely to take longer, have more negative side impacts, and a higher staff turn-over.
Concerns over money is not the best rallying-cry for the incoming pastor. Also pastoral transitions has repercussions that are significant enough to caution teams to be very intentional and prayerful about setting long-term goals for their own transitions.
Pastors and leaders cannot afford to delay thinking about their transitions plans. Each transition is as unique as the leader and the congregation.Planning early and thoroughly is vitally important. Communication cannotbe over-stated – it is the heart-beat of healthy transitions.
Now is the time to assess communication strengths and weaknesses, to broaden and hone inadequate skills, and to deepen relational roots so the you thrive together in every season to come.
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
What does a thriving church look like in an upside world?
Barna Research has measured Flourishing Church characteristics for years. They possess years of research data to give us a snapshot of growing and thriving church communities. This data is not based upon programmatic consideration. So many times, we base success in church upon the shoulders of programs, models, and verbiage. The short version is “Do what I am doing and get what I have obtained. This is never totally true for every church. There are cultural, geographical, and ethnic influences that denies a cookie-cutter method to growing churches.
This “easy-method” approach keeps us from understanding the deeper principles of scripture and life generally speaking. Barna Research has assembled 15 dimensions of thriving churches that are worth the consideration. The expression of these dimensions allows for cultural, geographical, and ethnic influences to shape the expression and manifestation of these dimensions. At the heart there should be an obedience to the principle not the expression. This gives opportunity to lead from a position of data-driven decisions instead of the latest trends and methods. Consider the following infographic.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Here is a quick history lesson on Alexander Graham Bell. In 1872, Bell opened the School of Vocal Physiology and Mechanics of Speech in Boston, where deaf people were taught to speak. At age 26, the budding inventor became Professor of Vocal Physiology and Elocution at the Boston University School of Oratory, even though he didn’t have a university degree. While teaching, Bell met Mabel Hubbard, a deaf student. The couple married on July 11, 1877. They went on to have four children, including two sons who died as infants. On March 7, 1876 Bell was granted his patent for the telephone.[1]
Most people know that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. However, did you know
Bell refused to have a phone in his study, fearing it would distract his scientific work!
Isn’t that amazing! How is it that inventors of these amazing tools limit their use and accessibility into their work and family life. History also records that Steve Jobs would not allow his children to have “easy anytime access” to the iPad. Bill Gates limited the use of the computer in his children’s formative years of life.
There is something to be said about the tools and devises that we so easily allow to enter our daily lives without questioning their true role and purpose. I can say by experience that interruptions are the kiss of death to productivity and creativity. Our best work never occurs when we allow easy access at any time – any place of glowing rectangles to interrupt God’s true work for our lives.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Productivity can be boiled down to one word—FOCUS. There are two types of focus you need to master productivity. First, the ability to manage distractions so that you can focus moment-to-moment on the task at hand, and second, the skill of focusing on what’s truly important to you in the big picture, so you don’t waste your day on stupid stuff. ~ Mel Robbins
Author Mel Robbins suggests that managing distractions is a lot like you following through on your health goals. You are never going to feel like conquering your health goals, but you have to get yourself up and get the body in motion.
Even though you know you should turn off pop-up alerts, silence your phone, and stop checking email every five minutes, this knowledge doesn’t change your behavior. I could bury you with research about how bad this is, but it wouldn’t change your behavior. It does start with a decision that distractions are BAD! Distractions of any sort is the kiss of death to productivity. It is now a fact that open office concepts are destructive to productive focus in corporations.
You know that you should turn off push notifications, pop-up alerts, silence your phone, and stop checking your email every 5-minutes. Knowing that you should do something is not going to change your behavior toward productivity and focused work.
Nothing changes until you change! Push notifications are not more important than focused work!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Paul’s absolute focus gave him an absolute willingness to let go of nice things that did not matter. Notice what he was willing to discard: Heritage (v.5), Lineage (v.5), Former legalism (v.5), His past zeal (v.6), Self-righteousness (v.6). Not only did Paul discard things that he once counted as gain, but he counted everything as garbage for the sake of obtaining Christ.
Leaders who have made an impact upon this world have had this same laser focus. Impacting leaders are not attempting to build large churches without a massive community impact. If community transformation is our goal then consider what the following leaders gave up.
Abraham left his homeland, wealth and friends for a new land because he focused upon an unseen kingdom.
Joseph had strength to endure hardship and prison because his dream focused on the greatness of God.
Moses could turn his back on Egypt because focused on God’s plan.
Stephen preached an unpopular message and died a martyr because of his focus.
Paul gave everything up and declared, “This one thing I do…”
Jesus told Martha, “Only one thing is necessary…”
Paul exemplifies an everyday focus that leaders should possess in these uncertain days. How about you? Start here:
Work on yourself
Work on your priorities
Work on your strengths
Work with your colleagues
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
It has been said that leadership is influence, nothing more and nothing less. Lord Montgomery implies this when he wrote that leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose, and the character, which inspires confidence.
If you and I were to write a list of qualities or characteristics usually found among natural born leaders, our list might look something like this:
So here is the million-dollar question: “Are these qualities necessary in spiritual leaders?Before you answer too quickly, I would refer you to some biblical illustrations that would have done quite poorly on a natural leadership test. The truth of the matter is that God chooses people that we would have looked over.
Consider the withdrawn, fearful, and doubting Moses (Exodus 3:10-4:14). Consider the uncultured, negative, ill prepared, unwanted dogmatic, clumsy fig-picker Amos! (Amos 7:10-17). Do not overlook the impulsive, shortsighted, boastful Apostle Peter who suffered from foot-in-mouth disease often.
Stop and consider a little phrase in the Old Testament that reads, “The eyes of the Lord move to and fro…” God is searching for men and women whose hearts are open to His touch. Beyond that fact I do not read about a list of characteristics. Consider the 400 indebted and unorganized malcontents that surrounded David in the cave of Adullam (1 Samuel 22:1-2). Many of these men would become the elite fighting soldiers for David.
If this fact were not true, let me assure you that if adults had written off a strong willed, aggressive hothead teenager – you would not be reading this blog post.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The Apostle Paul openly communicated his priorities. He clearly states that all past trophies and culture was counted as rubbish so that he could gain Christ.. Paul wanted to know Christ, experience His power, share in and complete his sufferings, and ultimately be conformed to His death (vv.10-11). Paul lived this way for the purpose of attaining the resurrection.
Paul narrowed the focus of his attention to the essentials. You could say that he was a man on a mission. How did He narrow his focus so precisely? What was his secret?
He discerned what hindered him. Paul had to let go of all things he once cherished, considering them distractions to God’s grace – vv.7,8
He discovered what he wanted. Paul wanted God’s righteousness, not his own version of it. Christ became his solitary pursuit in life – vv.9-11
He determined how to get it. Paul with single-minded passion, forgot the past and pursued the prize of his calling – vv.12-14
What about you? Have you narrowed your focus in life? What is the one thing that you desire in your Christian life? Can you list your priorities on one hand? What are you pursuing?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Here are my Top 5 Growth Strategies that will not cost you a single penny. As a Faith Leader, move beyond the notion that greatness always costs a lot of money. Mentally you become stuck when you believe that money is the end of all things. Money will cause you to overlook the basics of leadership. Here are my Top 5 Growth Strategies:
Smile More – Stop looking like you just sucked a lemon
Encourage People To Love Your Mission, Not Your Methods – Skinny Jeans, Big Screens, Smoke Machines, Growth Tracks are not your reason for existence
Make Your Vision Bigger Than Yourself – If you can accomplish your vision today, it is not big enough
Show More Passion – As a Faith Leader you have the most amazing mission on the plant, with a willing generation in front you that desires to connect to something bigger than themselves. Act like you are passionate about this fact.
Treat Your Volunteers Better – You have an amazing army at your fingertips. There are non-currency methods that communicates your genuine appreciation for their work.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
There are a number of people mentioned in the Bible that were “Nobodies”, they. Never became famous. Yet, they are written on the pages of scripture. Since we know that all scripture is God-breathed, we know there is something to learn from obscure personalities.
Epaphroditus is such a personality that is mentioned in Paul’s writing as a prisoner. The comments that give us a glimpse of who this man was and what his impact upon Paul. What we can state is no memorials were ever erected in his honor that we are aware of from history. He was in a sense a nobody that became somebody to the Apostle Paul. We know that he journeyed from Philippi to Rome to be with Paul and to minister to him. Epaphroditus would be the person to carry this prison letter back to the church at Philippi.
It should be noted that Epaphroditus was a key personality that ministered to Paul during his imprisonment. There are people that God sends our way to minister during our difficult days. So, what does Paul say about this obscure person named Epaphroditus? Notice the following:
A People Lover – Paul calls him a minister. He feels distressed that the Philippians might be worried about him when he became sick – vv.25-26
A Risk Taker – Paul calls him a fellow solider. He keeps risking his life when most would have pampered themselves – vv.25,30
A Tireless Worker – Paul calls him a fellow worker. We know very little about his illness, except it being tied to his hard work – vv.25,27
A Servant Leader – Paul calls him a messenger. Paul tells the church to give him a hero’s welcome. Epaphroditus both led and served as he became a spokesman for the church – vv.25,29
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
There are four critical aspects of the Law of Sacrifice[1]:
There is no success without sacrifice
Leaders are often asked to give up more than others
You must keep giving up in order to stay up
The higher the level of leadership the higher the sacrifice
The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 2:6-8 of Christ’s sacrifice in becoming a servant on our behalf. Christ, the ultimate leader made the ultimate sacrifice. He left the glories of heaven and the highest position in heaven, not only to join His creation, but to take on the lowest form of creation.
Jesus stepped through six-levels as He moved downward toward us. He demonstrates the Law of Sacrifice to us. Notice these six levels in Philippians 2:6-8: “…who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man. He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of a cross.”[2]
He gave up His divine form – v.6
He emptied Himself of any rights – v.7
He became a man – v.7
He became a servant – v.7
He was obedient to the point of death – v.8
He died a terrible kind of death – v.8
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
[1] John Maxwell. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (Thomas Nelson: Nashville Ó 2007) Pp.219-230.
[2] Scripture taken from the New King James Version Ó 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
How big is this Relational Health Crisis? In 2019 54% of all practicing Christians stated
they have at least one relational issue that is impacting relational connectivity. Consider also that 34% of practicing Christians were experiencing Anxiety or Depression in 2019. Since our COVID shutdown, these numbers have the potential of increasing exponentially.
Church leaders report the following as of August 17th, 2020: 28% emotional, 35% spiritual, 27% relational. Currently, one-in-five spiritual leaders rank their mental and emotional health as below average. (Restoring Relationships Report – Barna Research 2020). Add to this discussion that practicing Christians are very likely to contact their spiritual leader for assistance in emotional relational issues by a factor of 1-in-3 will reach out to a pastor or priest.
Yes this is a serious crisis!
Consider that 89% of spiritual leaders state they “Somewhat” understand the emotional/relational health of their attendees. Yet at the same time only 39% of these leaders have addressed this topic in their sermon/teaching schedule. There is a disconnect between knowing there is a real issue and then failing to act upon this need with real and lasting actionable steps that will help people.
It is interesting that research shows that one-half of all adults and one half of adult practicing Christians state that very close family members or friends are where they most likely will turn for assistance.
The emotional wellness, spiritual wellness, and relational wellness of people will not be fully understood for 2-3 years post-pandemic. The data is still shifting quickly week by week. Here ae some key positive take-aways from the current data trends.
•People’s longing for transformation is an opportunity to bring good news where people want to hear it: where they’re hurting and most in need of healing.
•Single people who belong to a faith community have consistently higher rates of relational and emotional satisfaction than other singles.
•More than half of all U.S. adults (58%) and practicing Christians (54%) say they have at least one relational or emotional / mental health issue that impacts their most important relationships. If you desire to be relevant speak to the hurting, they are in every row of seats in your church
•Anxiety and depression are the most commonly experienced challenges to relational satisfaction, with more than one-third of all adults and practicing Christians saying one or the other (or both) make an impact on their close relationships.
•People who seek out spiritual help for their relational and emotional issues are more likely than others to report satisfaction with their life and relationships.
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Instead of awaiting his trial, The Apostle Paul used his circumstances to advance the cross. Notice his words in Philippians 1:12 – But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel[1].
As a leader Paul never drifted from his mission. He determined to leave a mark wherever he traveled. George Washington Carver is reported to have stated that no person has any right to come into this world and go out of it without leaving behind distinct and legitimate reasons for having passed through it.
How did Paul’s sense of purpose keep him in the battle even though he was imprisoned? What did he learn that we should learn during difficult circumstances? Consider the following:
A purpose will motivate you.
A purpose will keep your priorities straight.
A purpose will develop your potential.
A purpose will give you power to live in the present.
A purpose will help you evaluate your progress
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
From the context of prison, the Apostle Paul speaks of his passion and love for the congregation of Philippi. Let this sink into your spirit for just a moment – passionate desire and prison! These concepts are necessarily thought of at the same time and location.
In the Bible book of Philippians 1:3-11, Paul expresses true sincere encouragement. Notice the comparison of Paul’s passion for these people and his words of encouragement.
What lesson can be concluded by examining Paul’s passion and words of encouragement for the church at Philippi?
#1 – Paul does not express worn-out generic phrases of encouragement. His words are from the heart and specific to the needs of the people.
#2 – While a prisoner, Paul encourages others that God will complete what has been started in your life calling.
#3 – While in prison, Paul’s words are public declarations for all to hear and read.
#4 – Paul’s words are specific and directed to the church at Philippi. Specific and targeted words that would make a difference.
#5 – As a leader your difficult days should not prohibit you expressing your love and appreciation to your congregation and your team specifically. Let people hear your passion, care, and encouragement.
The Apostle Paul’s Leadership Lessons To The Church At Philippi
The Biblical letter from the Apostle Paul to the Philippians was wrote from prison and carries the theme “JOY”. Let that sink into your mind – Prison, Joy! How are these two realities connected to teach us leadership behaviors?
As a high elevation view I would offer 5 leaderships lessons that can be learned as you read this biblical letter.
Leaders either surrender to a cause or they surrender to their circumstances.
Only secure leaders will stoop and stretch themselves to lend a helping hand.
A leader’s attitude at the beginning of a task will affect the outcome more than anything else.
Leaders can do anything, but they cannot do everything.
One cannot be a great leader without being a great servant.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Your family is where you are making lasting memories that will matter for time and eternity. Your ministry profession is rewarding, but not at the sacrifice of your family. Learn the difference from being engaged in ministry and being controlled by it. When your current ministry assignment has ended, another will take your place and a new chapter will be wrote by a new leader. Learn to accept now the fact you will not always be the up-front speaker and people will no longer call you. SO, what really matters in life? Charles Swindoll offered some piercing words recently in his blog writings that are worth sharing. This really spoke to me.
Let’s state the obvious!
You still have a family!
They still long to have lunch with you.
They still love to get a phone call.
They want to know wisdom from you outside the pulpit.
They still yearn to have an arm around their shoulders.
They still want you to make time to sit on the back porch and kick back and listen.
They want you to attend their ball games and go to their performance and see you relax . . . really relax!
They still want to know that you can do more in your spare time than study.
And they really want to hear you laugh!
They are the ones you will leave in your legacy—the only ones who have your blood and your name. They need you. They want you.[I]
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Ghostwriter and contributing editor for Inc. Magazine, Jeff Haden has written a number of articles on how CEO’s and other department Supervisors are to relate to employees and vice-versa. This has provoked thought on faith-based initiatives and how Pastors should relate to those they are attempting to lead. While there are similarities there are many subtleties in applications. The relationship within for-profit corporations is based upon performance – paycheck rewards. In non-profits the relationship is far more communal/relational and not paycheck rewards driven. There are ten things that faith-based leaders should provide for those serving them.
Churches are not manufacturing facilities in that we are producing shapes, colors, and designs. We are shaping people for Eternal Kingdom purposes. Therefore, engagement and satisfaction is based upon ownership. Do your leaders own the vision? Have they bought into you as a leader first? When that happens, leaders will obtain a sense of satisfaction that will be based upon their freedom to be responsible for the outcomes. Autonomy and independence plus freedom breeds’ innovation and dreams.
Clear Expectations
The old adage is true: If you do not know where you are going, then any road will take you there! The one true litmus test of casting clear vision and expectations is the ability to write it down on paper. If it cannot clearly be communicated in writing, then we are daydreaming. In the book, The Advantage, the author obsesses over the fact that communication must be ridiculously redundant. When in doubt communicate!
Purposeful Goals
While the corporate world is controlled by the bottom-line, non-profits should be controlled by a higher purpose. The leaders we train need to know their effort serves greater purposes than “branding/marketing” agendas. To leave a footprint in life is a great accomplishment. Legacy building starts today!
A True Sense of Purpose
The Latin meaning for our word “religion” is ligare’. This implies my effort to link back to a creator or that, which is bigger than myself. Vision needs to be tied to a greater community good. We are not just in the Brand Building business – we are in the Influence Building business. The highways and hedges mentality is worthy of time and resources to implement community-influencing strategies.
Provide Significant Input
The pathway to exchange ideas should be wide-open, accessible and honored. Pastor honor those who offer suggestions about the work they are involved in. Understand they are thinking about the what and where we are doing and headed. Those ideas that seem to be in left field are great teaching moments to assist those people through a “critical thinking” process, helping hem to evaluate their ideas differently. This is serving them and adding value to them. The absolute last thing you would do is to criticize their idea. They will shut down immediately.
Pastor you need to understand that people volunteer for more reasons than being rewarded. They want to follow someone they admire and can trust and in turn know they are admired and trust is reciprocated. Connections are made on a personal basis not just a professional basis. Ask them about their family, children, or hobbies, this will build rapport. Relate to them as human beings and not just workers.
As Pastor, people are looking for consistency in conduct, policy, and behavior. They will take tough-mindedness if it is consistent. The more that workers understand why decisions are made the less likely they will consider they are being treated unfairly or assume favoritism.
Private Criticism
No one is perfect – no even pastors! We all need constructive criticism, not public rebuke. Good feedback is always done privately and with dignity. Always have in mind the other person’s growth and influence capability; this will keep personal attacks to a minimum.
Public Praise
Everyone does something that is praise-worthy from time to time. Show appreciation and recognition. Catch people in the act of kindness. The “Five-Minute Manager” book that came out years ago suggested that five minutes be taken to start each day to either call, email, or send a personal note of thanks and appreciation for a job well done. Small acts of appreciation pay large dividends.
Preferred Future
Every area of work within life should have an opportunity of advancement. Pastor, develop the people around you. You cannot influence a community if you cannot influence your closest workers and allies. Invest in other people’s success. Resource them and give opportunities for learning. Don’t go to seminars by yourself; take others with you on the learning journey.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
When life pushes you over, stand up and push back even harder. Where there is a fork in the road and choices to make, make the ones your future self will thank you for. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13.
Today, start…
1. Choosing to be YOU. – Wearing a mask wears you out. Faking it is fatiguing. The most exhausting activity is pretending to be who you know you aren’t. No matter how loud their opinions are, they do not choose who YOU are. Choose yourself even if nobody else is choosing you.
2. Being positive. – You can’t live a positive life with a negative attitude. Heaven on Earth is a choice we must make, not a place we must find. Let every day be a dream you can touch. Let every day be a love you can feel. Let every day be a reason to live. Life is too short to be anything but positive.
3. Letting go. – The only thing that makes it a big part of your life is that you keep thinking about it. The biggest step in changing the world around you is to change the world within you. Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Just live in the present, concentrate on the things you can control, and take one small step at a time. Live fully in the present! Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord – Acts 3:19 NIV
4. Picking yourself back up. – Where you are in life is temporary; where you end up in life is permanent; how you get from here to there is entirely up to you. So don’t give up. Sometimes when things go wrong it’s because they would have turned out worse if they had gone right. Be careful what you seek in life! Be glad some things do not work out and that God has saved you from yourself.
5. Taking action. – The happiest and most successful people are usually those who have broken the chains of procrastination, who find satisfaction in doing the job at hand. They’re full of eagerness, passion, and productivity. You can be too. Remember, success in real estate is about location, location, location. Success in life is about action, action, action.[i]
[i] The genesis of this article came from authors Marc and Cheryl Chernoff.
We are 29 weeks into our COVID journey and there are some data points that are solidifying. Notice the following:•Church Attendance Pre-COVID – 52% lower; 32% equal; 17%increasing•Giving Pre-COVID – 27% dn.; 56% same; 17% increased•Projected Overall Post-COVID – 51% decrease; 27% same; 17% growth
What can be stated about these data points? While growth is occurring it is not as a rapid as pre-COVID days. Many churches have plateaued sooner and more suddenly; Struggling churches are experiencing a more rapid decline likened unto a death spiral.
It is now being projected that 1-6 churches are expected to close their doors in the next 18 months.
Consider also that 65% of churches are open now with pre-cautions in place. This data point does not mean these churches are meeting weekly. In fact 54% of churches are offering weekly service on campus. 13% of churches have concluded they will wait until 2021 to fully re-open. That said there seems to be a move to fully re-open during the Christmas season. This number will most likely change. It is also interesting to note that now generally speaking churches have lost trust in their elected officials’ ability to remain as the NorthStar on how a church should operate and when.
The Mental Health issues cannot be overlooked or overstated as a key concern during this COVID shutdown. The health of you and a leader and the health of your staff pastors will determine the health of you church. There is a lot a stake to simply ignore this issue.
There are encouraging signs on the horizon for the church. There is a growing need for “Spiritual Transcendency” coupled with a need for smaller group settings. The “micro-church” is an idea come of age. The micro-church concept is more about the house-church or smaller congregation church size. Smaller yet functioning as a church.
Currently there are three basic groups of people engaging with church. The traffic light motif is used to describe them.
The Traffic Light motif gives us a way to describe what will become innovation for churches. “Fluidity” will most likely become the popular way of describing how churches function and connect with people who call your church home! In other words there will be people attending live services, or attending watch parties with discussions on how to apply the sermon that day, or stay at home and watch the service online. People will flow in and out of these versions of participating in church post-COVID.
The key is in developing a multiplication mindset – “We are glad you joined our church and we cannot wait to see you leave and start a new work with other people!” It is a celebration of multiplying. The mantra is; Growing churches of the future will engage a multiplication capacity instead of a seating capacity!
Instead of cursing the darkness of what has been lost – speak to the light of what we get to do!
Churches that have already embraced the Multiplication Capacity thinking are experiencing what I would call a modern day revival!
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Dissonance in its original musical sense, describes an unpleasant harsh sound. Dissonance refers to a lack of harmony. Dissonant leadership produces groups that feel emotionally discordant; in which people have a sense of being continually off-key. Anger, fear, apathy, or even sullen silences are signals of dissonance at work. This type of emotional energy at work in the leadership team produces an emotional toxicity. Dissonance dispirits people, burns them out, and sends people packing for greener pastures. The real unfortunate outcome of a dissonant environment is that you tend to bring home unhealthy emotional toxicity which poisons the very safe place that you most need.
Resonance musically creates a pleasant environment that all can appreciate. Harmony prevails! There are two primary categories associated with resonant leadership: Personal Competence focuses upon the management of ourselves and Social Competence focuses upon the management of relationships. Resonant leaders possess self-awareness and self management as part of their personal competence. Take notice of the following:
Able to read one’s emotional signals and recognize their impact upon a group
Involved in self-assessment and psycho-metrics
Self confidence – possessing a sound sense of one’s self worth
Able to keep disruptive emotions and impulses under control
Able to display honesty and integrity
Able to adapt to changing situations or overcoming obstacles
Ready to seize upon opportunities
Seeing the upside of life
Regarding social competencies of the resonant leader take note of the social awareness and relationship management skills:
Social Awareness
Sensing other’s emotions, understanding their perspectives and taking active interest in their concerns
Keeping emotionally aware of the work environment around them
Servicing others needs over their own needs
Relationship Management
Motivating others to excel
Being a person of influence
Developing others’ competencies through feedback and guidance
Being a change catalyst – leading in new directions
Maintaining a web of healthy relationships
Promotes TEAM-WORK!
The choice could not be clearer for ministers. Dissonance crashes the existing culture. Resonance assists people in feeling great about the change that is occurring and assists them in their development to become effective participants in reaching our world for the Glory of Christ.
In her book The 5 Second Rule, Mel Robbins writes; “To play any game, you have to start. To win, you’ll need to keep going. If you want to make your dreams come true, get ready for the long game. Life is not a one-and-done sort of deal. You’ve got to work for what you want. Do you know the game Angry Birds? Rovio, the brand that created the game, launched 51 unsuccessful games before they developed Angry Birds. How about The Avengers star Mark Ruffalo? Do you know how many auditions he did before he landed his first role? Almost 600! Even Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times. My favorite vacuum cleaner is Dyson. And there’s no wonder why it doesn’t suck at sucking up the dirt. James Dyson created 5,127 prototypes! What? And this last one will blow your mind. Picasso created nearly 100 masterpieces in his lifetime. But what most people don’t know is that he created a total of more than 50,000 works of art.
Did you see that last number? 50,000. That’s two pieces of art a day. Success is a numbers game. And, you’re not going to win it if you keep telling yourself to wait. The more often that you choose courage, the more likely you’ll succeed.”[1]
In playing the long game of life it has been stated that you can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you cannot have booth. So, what is courage? Aristotle suggested that courage is the virtuous activity of the soul versus the courage in acting out some foolish dare in life. I am not referring to the superhuman strength in saving the world every day. I am suggesting that real courage is about teaching your children right from wrong, loving your family deeply, helping a work colleague, and caring for your neighbor. If you possess the courage to begin life’s journey, then you already possess the courage to win the long game of life.
What is at the end? Legacy!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Acknowledgement of the past does not equal solutions for the future
When you stop and really think about the summer of 2020, it is breath taking. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Jacob Blake, NBA, WNBA, MLB, Soccer, Symbols, flags, hashtags, Religious leaders, Government Leaders, Businesses, and top-selling books have all invited a deep and public examination of their actions. You might assume all of these events have served to increase awareness of racial injustice and the motivation to address the problems in America. According to Barna Research the story is not so straight-forward. Current research in a joint effort between Dynata and Barna reveal there are signs of clarification regarding racial injustice. However, this does not mean that people actually see the issue or their role in providing a solution with greater urgency. This is especially true in the church world. Study the Info-graphic below and you will see that motivation to address injustices has declined within the past year.
What is the answer? I am still of the opinion the Mercy Pathway is the solution. It is not a short-cut but more of a long view. Biblical Mercy begins in the heart of every person – All lives are created by God. The family unit must instill the principles of Biblical Mercy in the fabric of the family unit – teaching respect for God’s creative design in each person. The Place of Worship has a responsibility to instill Biblical Mercy throughout their teachings and then putting this into community action as a Church. Let the world see Mercy lived out in the community of faith!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
We were told by Virologists of the Coronavirus task force in mid-March that we should expect to expect COVID to last through July-August timeframe. Well, here we are in late September and we are not clear when all changes in our lifestyle will “go back to the way it was. No one seems to know how much further we will travel in our new daily habits.
Ironically, Andy Crouch and his team wrote about the winter motif as a way of thinking about the impacts of Covid-19. He suggested a blizzard may be difficult, but that it is not long term. “This will be over in a few days or a couple of weeks”, we said. A winter season last usually lasts 3-5 months of the year. We know that springtime is coming, and it will be sunny and warm again. However, an ice-age does not necessarily imply hundreds of years, It can be 16-19 months to 30-50 years. Andy Crouch suggested March 20th, this pandemic was going to reassembly an ice-age.
Regardless of how long all of the impacts of layered disruptions last, how are faith leaders to make sense of this radical change and then how are they going to lead a new version of the faith community? One of the exilic Psalms can help us in getting through a prolong national crisis. God’s people are in Babylon. When you read Psalm 137 you hear the people lament over being tormented by their captors to sing songs from their homeland. Notice v.4. – “How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land? That is a statement of despair! The emotion of v.4 sums up our emotions today! How can we carry on in the face of so many layers of disruption in our church efforts?
We must reach back into scriptures to find our footing and solid marching orders. “Go into all of the world…..” is still a biblical mandate that must be followed. Do not allow yourself to become paralyzed because of all the social unrest. Stay focused on what matters biblically. There are three keys which will bring success in this endeavor:
Clear endorsement and vision by Senior Church Leadership
A clear pathway that disciples can follow and feel they are growing as Christ-followers
A metric assessment to measure the progress of the strategy
Do not become prey to the notion of building a large church without massive community impact. Make disciples first, community impact will follow.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The Earth is Being Prepared For The Last Great Revival
Repent therefore and turn back that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord and that He may send the Christ, appointed for you, Jesus. Acts 3:19-20 ESV.
A Sovereign God acts sovereignly. Notice that nothing can be done against the truth, but that all things work together for His truth. He raises up Kings and brings down Kings. He raises up nations and brings down nations. YES, the earth has been in preparation for a great season of revival before the end of times and the second return of Jesus Christ.
History past assists in understanding history future. When we look back and study great revivals we notice general characteristics of those moves of God. Dr. Carolyn Tenant in a lecture (June 9, 2015) at the Theological Seminary for the Assembly of God in Springfield, Missouri gave nine characteristics of revivals past. They are listed below.
Occurred in times of moral decline
Began in the heart of a consecrated servant
Rested on the Word of God
Resulted in a return to worship of God
Witnessed the destruction of idols
Recorded separation from sin
Had people returning to obey God’s laws
Experienced a restoration of joy and gladness
Was followed by a period of national prosperity
We are witnessing a level of moral decay that we have not experienced in this generation. There is a spiritual restlessness that is stirring in the hearts of worshippers. This will drive a new sound of worship coupled with a manifest presence of God that has not been heard since the late 1960’s.
The earth is being prepared – the real question, are you being prepared?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The “Call of God” to pastoral ministry has taken a huge hit in the last 28 weeks of COVID. This results in a huge impact in churches. 58% of pastors state they feel confident their church will survive 12 months from now. You might say, at least this is a majority! However, this is not all that reassuring since 1-in-3 churches will close their doors in the next 3 years.
Notice the sample of data points at week #28 of our COVID journey: •1-in-5 churches have stated they will not reopen until sometime between Easter and early summer 2021.•81% of Ministers are very concerned about the use of screens and the impact upon our younger generations.•14% of Ministers state they have a definite plan in place to equip families and our younger generations in the unhealthy use of screens.•We are learning the church is good at ministry in Acute situations. However, we are learning that we do not perform well in Chronic situations. This is a matter of short-term versus long-term needs.
Regarding the comparison of Acute Vs. Chronic Jeremiah and Ezekiel spoke to their history and cultural genocide. Babylon was a long-haul journey before they ever were able to return home.
What is Culture? Culture is what we do in terms of daily rhythms and social interactions that we never think about. It infers familiarity without a second thought. Cultural Genocide is the disruption of these daily rhythms and social norms that causes us to think about our next move and emotional reaction.
I would refer to the prophets, Jeremiah and Ezekiel to help us with some comprehension about the long-haul nature of a national crisis. Without going into a deep dive of study for both prophets, let me state they spoke to their history and the cultural genocide among God’s people.
When we consider that the Ministerial Calling is under attack today, there are some factors that need to be considered in this moment. Barna Research has previously reported that 60+% of ministers today feel their number one role is to be the primary developer of content to be presented. The “Shepherding” functions are in greater demand now than content development and speaking. However, public speaking is challenging when talking to a camera and empty room. This is the perfect storm that is brewing!
Consider Jeremiah as the weeping prophet, weeping for the nation because of their sin. Jeremiah warned that Babylon was being used by God to judge national Israel – don’t resist he says! Jeremiah was ostracized for this type of speaking. No trophy given for that presentation.
One of the great challenges of leadership today is the “Shrinking Circles of Trust!” Trust is perhaps our greatest need. Who do you trust enough to care for you? Who do you trust enough to have conflict with and remain in relationship? How do we build trust in a shrinking world (I.e.. Social Distancing). It seems that we are having conflict about people instead of with people. There is a huge difference in those conversations.
COVID is pushing our junk into the open for everyone to look at. During these 28 weeks to date there have been leaders that have morally fallen and ruined Christian Universities, marriages ended in divorce, and suicides. We cannot deny COVID will have long term impacts upon the faith community. Denying this is behave as like King Zedekiah – He dismissed Jeremiah’s message from God and then Jeremiah was thrown out of the temple as well. There are no trophies being handed in the ministry – this is a tough hour to stand and declare, “Thus says the Lord!”
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Six years ago, there was a declaration that 2014 was to be a year of revival and the prophetic. A lot has happened in our world since that time. Revival has not been at the fore-front in the last six years. A national crying out to the Lord is not about unlocking Heaven’s treasure box. It is more about humanity crying out to God for help that man cannot generate and provide. Our COVID Journey has turned everything upside down and right-side up – we are confused at times as to the nature of our country. Christ made it clear that His house was to be a house of prayer if it is going to be anything. So, what are the signs of Revival that were mentioned six years ago.[1]
A Work of God – Spiritual awakening is a work of God. Spiritually dormant Christians cannot resuscitate themselves! Those in a coma cannot push the button beside their hospital bed to alert the nurse’s station of their dire condition. They cannot give themselves medicine or go for a walk to get some fresh air. God is the Creator and sustainer of life. Only He can dispense it. Even when people begin to sense their need for revival and they start meeting with others to pray for it, they are simply responding to a divine initiative, convicting them of their sin and prompting them to return to God.
Place of Repentance – Spiritual awakening involves returning to God. God urged His people through the prophet Malachi: “. . . Return to Me, and I will return to you” (Mal. 3:7).
Holiness – True revival always leads to holiness. You cannot continue to practice sin and simultaneously experience spiritual renewal. In Isaiah chapter 1, God rejected His peoples’ worship when they entered the place of worship with sin-filled lives (Isa. 1:1-20).
Filled With The Holy Spirit – In times of revival, people are filled with the Holy Spirit. Preaching becomes powerful when anointed by the Spirit. The congregation can sing the same songs, yet now they are invigorated by the Spirit and the times of corporate worship are characterized by the joy and presence of God’s Spirit.
Willing Obedience – Revivals stimulate obedience to whatever God requires.
Love Relationship – Revival brings God’s people back into a LOVE relationship with Him. Our sin represents a renunciation of God and a violation of our LOVE relationship with God.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
No one will argue that 2020 has been a year of layered disruptions that has altered our normal rhythms for years to come. Our cultural norms are in the way of the current pandemic dialogue. Who would have believed that all centers of worship would go dark overnight? Who would have believed that home-life rhythms of parents would take on the role of Schoolmaster, Digital Career, and keep the normal atmosphere of home life alive? Who would have believed that End of Life Celebrations would be limited to a handful of people and live streamed to others that are not permitted to attend because of COVID restrictions? Who would have believed that COVID-19 does not impact peaceful protests that has caused an estimated $6 billion in community damage while churches are still being forced to either stay shut-down or meet with severe restrictions because of the fear of churches becoming “super-spreaders” of the coronavirus? Who would believe that protests over wrongful death would morph into the deliberate death of those we ask to protect our communities?
To a pathogen, one crowd is very much like any other, no matter how righteous the cause or how justified the protest. If a handful of people protesting lockdowns were a cause for concern, the much larger protests sweeping America—with exponentially more potential vectors of transmission—should have been met with the offer of safer options for making one’s voice heard. African Americans have already suffered disproportionately from Covid-19; failing to protect them by implicitly encouraging large public gatherings is a display of cynical disregard for black lives.[1]
It is interesting how history past proves the future. The German Jewish poet Heinrich Heine wrote in 1821; “Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.” More than a century later in 1933, Heine’s books would be burned in Berlin’s Opernplatz, presaging the murder of six million Jews in a vicious calculated campaign of genocide.[2]
“Cultural Genocide” as a conversation descriptor for current activity has been revived by numerous authors and faith leaders. In an article in 2018 by Facinghistory.org it was stated that cultural genocide involves the eradication and destruction of cultural artifacts, such as books, artworks, and structures, as well as the suppression of cultural activities that do not conform to the destroyer’s notion of what is appropriate.[3]
YES, cultural norms will change! Biblically speaking, church culture must change because of the spirit of antichrist that is so obvious in our world now. We see its manifestations more clearly. You cannot read the Bible books of Daniel and Revelation without understanding that days of devastation will come. Yet our hope is not in cultural institutions, but in an eternal message of hope in Christ Jesus. This is a battle between good and evil, heaven and hell, Christ and Satan. Do not weep over lost cultural institutions, rather weep over the spiritual lostness of mankind!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
In my morning devotions in the Bible Book of Acts I ran a search on the Cultural Indwelling of Spirit. I was amazed when my Logos Bible software yielded a response of 5, 824 results in 120 resources (Multiple Translations). What does this mean and how are we to apply this amount of data? At a basic conclusion it can be stated the indwelling presence of the Spirit is embedded into the Biblical life and times of people. It was understood that SPIRIT and spirit (Holy Spirit vs. divination) can indwell humans. I have been trained to observe the frequency of or lack of word usage or phrases as this adds to the overall meaning and trajectory of the authors message.
This search as it pertains to the Book of Acts is important to understanding the birth of the church in Acts. Christ’s words are riveting in chapter 1:4-8. This is the last words of Christ as He was ascending into Heaven. Literally, gravity released its grip and Christ was taken up in a cloud out of their sight. Christ’s instruction was, do not leave Jerusalem until you are baptized with the Holy Spirit and a result of this fact, you will receive power. This is the ignition point of the New Testament Church. The function of the Church was going to be different from the religious systems that had dominated national Israel even to the utter-most reaches of civilization.
While scripture gives numerous references to spiritual indwelling, Pentecost was going to be different from cultural understanding. Christ’s words were clear, “…He ordered them to not depart Jerusalem, but wait for the promise…” The nation was experiencing layered disruptions; Religious power systems were uprooted, Rome had conquered, and Christ had descended back to Heaven. The Disciples were now alone in one sense, but now they were going to wait for the abiding Holy Spirit presence. What was the impact? Here are 17 references of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in Acts – 1:8; 2:2-4, 17-18, 33, 38; 4:31; 5:15-16; 7:54-56; 8: 15-17; 9:17-19; 10:38, 44-47; 11:15-17; 13:9; 15:8-9; 16:16-18; 19:2-7.
It is safe to say the New Testament church grew while making a massive impact upon the communities where the Gospel was being preached. Our COVID world is a great opportunity for a fresh presence of the Holy Spirit to realign our missional purpose; “….All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18b-20 NIV.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
To play any game in life you must first decide to play – you START! If accomplishing life-long dreams is your goal you must keep playing the game. It is all about the Long Game! While we only have one life, life itself is not a one and done deal. You must become disciplined for the Long Game while living.
Think about some of these stats. Rovio, the brand that created “Angry Birds” launched 51 unsuccessful prototypes before this game became a success. Mark Ruffalo the star of Avengers went through 600+ auditions before he got his first role. Mr. October, Reggie Jackson struck 2,597 times. James Dyson inventor of the Dyson Vacuum Cleaner created 5,127 prototypes before success.
Do you get the BIG IDEA? To win at anything in life you must stay in the game. It has been said that you can work for 25 years and become an overnight success. There is a lot of wisdom in this idea. In the game of life, you “…can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you cannot have them both” (Berne Brown).
Aristotle exclaimed that COURAGE is the #1 virtue of the inner man. Everyday Courage! The kind of courage required to notice an instinct to act on a valued goal and then ACTUALLY DO THE THING YOU KNOW YOUR BEST SELF WOULD LOVE TO DO! (Brian Johnson). In fact, if you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed!
Oh, by the way, Picasso created some 100 masterpieces in his lifetime. Did you know that he actually created more than 50,000 pieces of art. That comes out to 2 pieces of art created daily in his lifetime.
Play the LONG GAME coupled with everyday COURAGE!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I have followed the life and ministry of Gordon MacDonald for years. I recently came across an interview of Gordon by Carey Nieuwhof. Here are 15 leadership insights from the vantage point of being 80 years of age. I will post the link for this interview below.
Put the people you value most into your calendar first.
Pastors, your family is the Lord’s work. Live like it.
Never stop learning and growing!
If you want to do what you’re called to do, you need to keep growing.
Be more a priest and less a preacher to people.
A preacher is a one-way conversation, but a priest is a dialogue. Be more like a priest to the people in your life.
The time will come when you will have to relinquish titles and privileges and slip into obscurity. Ultimately the obscurity of death.
What kind of an old person do you want to be? Plan for it.
Prepare yourself for those occasions. When, you like most people, you will suffer, fail, fall into doubt, face conflict and experience loss.
Disappointments and doubts will come into your life. Sometimes Satan wins a battle, but he will never win the war.
Be trustworthy and dependable. A person who keeps his or her word. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Your integrity relies upon it.
Be a spiritual mother or father to teachable people who may someday inherit your responsibilities.
The next generation needs what you have to offer. Don’t withhold it.
Live modestly, stay free of debt. Be generous, develop a financial strategy for your future, and be wary of those who try to buy your favor.
The way you handle your money is one of the ways your congregation judges you.
Expect to reorder your internal life once every 7-10 years.
Life goes through basic definitional changes in 10-year increments. The way you think about life will need to change with these things.
Receive compliments, criticism, and counsel with humility and appreciation. Avoid whining, complaining, self-pity. Assume that there is at least a grain of truth in the thing’s critics say about you and your work.
Always in a conversation, look for the grain of truth. Everybody has something God has planted in them for you.
Stay alert for the evils and temptations embedded in institutional life.
Every relationship has its flaws. And good leadership is “assuming that there are flaws in this organization, and I must always be aware of when they might show themselves and what I as a leader would do to bring it under control.”
Be quick to say with sincerity, “Thank you.” “Well done.” “I’m sorry.” “I forgive you.” And, “How can I help?”
These are the five inner core transactions in all relationships. None of them can be missing if you would like to have a healthy relationship. Always look for the thing you can find in another person that’s worth praising.
Always maintain a relationship with one or two mentors who can aid you in hearing God’s voice.
Over the course of a lifetime, aim to have had over 100 mentors that have left their wisdom with you.
Master the art of asking the penetrating questions that open someone’s heart.
You know that you are asking penetrating questions when you get responses like: “Boy, you really ask good questions.” “Wow. Nobody’s ever asked me that before.” Or, “I’ve never thought about that.”
When you get those kinds of responses, this person is welcoming you to a place that’s near to their heart.
Retreat to the cross regularly. Express your appreciations. Name your sins. Pray for the world. Listen to God’s call to do things that are bigger than you.
This point eclipses all other points on this list.
COVID will not propel spiritual growth – When we started this journey the majority of Faith Leaders felt the COVID experience in our nation would turn people’s hearts toward spiritual renewal and revival. The data has dropped from 50% believing it would cause a renewal to presently there are only a few that still hold to that belief. WOW! This is shocking in terms of the radical shift of perspective. I am not attempting to cast judgement in any direction. I am simply saying this dramatic shift indicates the influence of our national mindset as a result of the pandemic. Do we need a spiritual awakening? YES, a thousand times over!
Struggle Between “Re-opening Vs Gov’t Restrictions – Pastors are struggling with the tension of obeying Civic Leaders by Social Distancing, Masks and Sanitizer Stations. 9 of 10 Pastors agree that the church should be lead by example. However, the tension 6 of 10 pastors say they should do what is right for their church despite restrictions. It is obvious this is a real tug of war that is taking place. The most glaring case would be Grace Community Church, Pastor John MacArthur and the city leaders of Sun Valley California. You can read an official position paper from the church leadership and Elders. I believe that part of this type of struggle has been set up because of the intellectual dishonesty of our national news outlets and media stations.
Emotional Well-Being of Pastors – On the dashboard of metric measurements, the emotional condition of Ministers is a FLASHING RED-LIGHT! Data suggests that 1 in 5 ministers are below average to poor in terms of emotional well being. This is 10x worse of a report that only 10 years ago. Ministers are struggling emotionally.
Winners & Losers – In terms of technology pivoting it is obvious that some churches have done this very well while others are still struggling with this medium. However, in terms of winners and losers we need to pay attention to our youngest of ministers that have only been in ministry 5 years or less. This group is in a severe crisis of belief and conviction on whether to stay or leave the ministry. In fact there are some reports of leaving.
What are some leadership principles that can be drawn from these themes?
First and foremost CLARITY is needed in the face of a crisis. A crisis generates uncertainty meaning you must break from routines – they are non-existent in times of crisis,
Secondly, bringing clarity in a crisis disruption means that new strategies must emerge – you need to point in a new direction. Do not point backward to what we had and are now missing. Face the future with confidence, excitement and energy.
Thirdly, let old models die. They are problematic to sustain in a crisis because you are always in a posture of looking backward and not to the future. Sustain a marriage with the mission and not the model.
Fourthly, Seek insurgency, meaning look for new innovations never attempted. Isn’t this what we ask of our missionaries – invade a culture with a methodology that works in context.
Fifth, redefine what a WIN looks like. In a crisis disruption a win is not necessarily campus specific – rather it may be environment specific! Askwhat ideas do our schools need? Do we need a pantry ministry? What should we be doing to help Family Systems? Parenting? Marriages?
Sixth, Lead with “Humanity” instead of acting like a Manager! People need humans in seasons of brokenness, not business principles and strategies. Be Human when you show up in another person’s life!
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I want to be clear at the outset, I have had my dark days in ministry. I have been called about everything in the book and some words that had syllable combinations that I did not know you do that in the English language. Yes, the foundations of my character and life’s work has been attacked by people who profess the same Lord I serve. These experiences were all pre-COVID. For ministers that are still in the trenches on the frontline attempting to become videographers, IT experts, looking into a camera instead of people’s faces, while portraying they have it all together and exclaiming “I have it all together”. I give you permission to say; It’s just hard!
YES, it is hard! You did not go Seminary and learn the functions and tools of operating in this environment. You and every other minister were not prepared either. I recall a statement from Chuck Swindoll in the earliest days of my ministry and the beginning days of Insight For Living radio program, Swindoll made this claim; “If you want to be relevant, speak to the hurting, there on every pew in the church. We are broken people ministering to the broken. That is hard many days without the added burden of layered disruptions.
So, what is the solution? Answer: I really do not know! But here is what I do know – you are not alone!. Christianity Today recently wrote an article about ministerial grief in a pandemic. This is worth the time to read. This is a season for us to remain human not super-saints. The human touch may feel like the old “dial-up” technology of yester-year, but it is however, what we are called to do. So, here is what I know.
It is OK to not have the answers. No one does.
It is OK to stumble clumsily through your video transitions.
It is OK to wish you were more prepared.
It is OK if people leave the church. We are a sending movement not a keeping movement.
It is OK to run out of energy during the week. Take time to rest!
It is OK to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and charge hard into the game. This may not be that time – listen to your body rhythms and your breathing. Basic health care will keep your heart rate down and oxygen levels up.
It is OK to GRIEVE. Grief is the off ramp on the highway of life. Make sure that you help people embrace this fact. Always show them the on-ramp!Today and every day PRAY for your spiritual leaders! Call them by name! Engage some “dial-up” ministry – call them or send a hand-written note of encouragement.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Societies Current Hatred Is Against Godliness, Not Government
“Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand” Joel 2:1
This is a tale of two cemeteries. In the north of London at Highgate Cemetery there are fifty-three thousand graves. One wo which is a monument to Karl Marx (1818-1883). In the south of London is West Norwood Cemetery there are forty-two thousand. One of which is Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892). The Apostle of Evil and the Prince of Preachers both lived in the same city at the same time. This is a story of Christianity versus Marxism.
England was already a combustible atmosphere. England was at the apex of all their accomplishments. The sun never set on Britain; their territory was global. Britain was in the midst of the Industrial Revolution. The urban poor crowded the slums populated the novels of Charles Dickens. Child labor laws were in their infancy. Black factory smoke choked the air and coal dust filled lungs.
It was into this point of history that Marx unleashed his Des Kapital. This work was about the evils of capitalism and how there should be an even distribution of wealth. It is interesting to note that history shows Marx receiving large contributions from the very capitalist he criticized. The same can be said of the BLM Movement with nearly $2 billion pledged by Corporate America. Marx’s love of Freedom of Speech not only went to the extent of slandering the Jews and other capitalists but fought back against Freedom of Speech when his life and works were criticized. This bold speech did not hide the redefining of the nuclear family. Abolishing the family and religion are all open declarations of the Communist Manifesto (1848).
Enter Charles Spurgeon! His message of anti-hatred, human dignity, and salvation found expression into Spurgeon’s preaching. At the age of 20 he became Pastor of the New Park Street Chapel in south London. A letter in The Times, reported what would become normative for the next 30 years of his ministry; “Fancy a congregation consisting of 10,000 souls, streaming into the hall, mounting the galleries…. Mr. Spurgeon ascended his tribune. To the hum, and rush, and trampling of men, succeeded a low, concentrated thrill and murmur, of devotion, which seemed to run at once, like an electric current, through the breast of every one present, and by this magnetic chain the preacher held us fast bound for about two hours. It is not my purpose to give a summary of his discourse. It is enough to say of his voice, that its power and volume are sufficient to reach everyone in that vast assembly; of his language that it is neither high-flown nor homely; of his style, that it is at times familiar, at times declamatory, but always happy, and often eloquent; of his doctrine, that neither the ‘Calvinist’ nor the ‘Baptist’ appears in the forefront of the battle which is waged by Mr. Spurgeon with relentless animosity, and with Gospel weapons, against irreligion, cant, hypocrisy, pride, and those secret bosom-sins which so easily beset a man in daily life; and to sum up all in a word, it is enough to say of the man himself, that he impresses you with a perfect conviction of his sincerity.”
What an amazing comparison of two men in the same city at the same point of history. Marxism never became fully established in Britain. It is stated the Gospel message of Christ as preached by Spurgeon played a significant role. This raises the question for our time in history – Who are the fiery Gospel Preachers and Prayer Warriors that will dare to speak to darkness with a message of eternal light? Where are the praying saints that will do warfare behind closed doors and enter the heavenly realm to war against forces that are purely evil? Constructing large religious movements without massive social impact cannot survive the coming judgement of the Lord. The distinction between GOOD and EVIL has never been clearer. The political altar is not where we bow as Christ followers. We bow in the Manifest Presence of Christ and His glory!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Look at these seven sentences we hear in churches today. We could have never predicted them.
“We need to decide if we are going to require masks in church.” If I had heard this sentence would be common in churches, I probably would have wondered if we are having mandatory costume parties in 2020. With the different masks used today, maybe we are.
“We can’t take the offering anymore.” Really? I think many leaders would have freaked out if they heard financial support would become dependent on digital giving. Probably many more would have been surprised how many members were willing to move to digital giving.
“We can no longer have the stand and greet time.” This issue was contentious in many churches before 2020. While many churches held tenaciously to this tradition, it was fading overall. But, imagine if we outright banned it in churches. That has happened for the most part. In case you’re wondering, I’m really okay with this development.
“We need to measure our streaming views over 30 seconds.” For sure, a few churches were doing live streaming services prior to 2020, but they were a distinct minority in number. I don’t think any of us anticipated that streaming views would become a common church metric.
“We need to arrange our worship center seating to accommodate social distancing.” Prior to 2020, I would have thought social distancing was only something we introverts practiced. Now it is something church leaders plan on a regular basis.
“We need to move all of our small groups to meet on Zoom.” If most church members had heard this statement in 2019, they may have wondered if small groups would be in some drug-induced state. Zoom? What is that?
“We will no longer visit church members in the hospital.” This development in 2020 is painful both to those confined to the hospital and to those in the church who really want to care for these members. It is indeed one of the tragedies of the pandemic.
NOTE: The genesis of this article is from ChurchAnswers.com by Thomas Rainer.
Digital Technology allows us to carry the WORLD in our pocket. With the world in our pocket, problems are all but inescapable. How can the church come along side of the children and the parents who raise them to promote the wise use of technology in an age in which the most essential of tasks are done via digital technology?
It has been stated that COVID-19 pushed the world into the digital age over-night. The truth be known we were already in the digital age – COVID simply amplified and accelerated this reality. Research has shown there are a number of trends that are affecting engaged Christian families and their relationship to the changing landscape of technology, including where parents say they are struggling the most right now. It should be noted that children are struggling with the same pressures and struggles. Technology has robbed the childhood years of the safety from the pressures of this world.
Pre-pandemic the average engaged Christian family stated they spent 10 hrs./week in family conversation and play; 8hrs using media for entertainment; 3hrs/week reading books, extracurricular or church attendance, 2hrs/week searching for information; 1 hr./week social media. These hours are below the national report.
Regardless of the hours spent, what are parents’ perceptions as to the cause or triggers of digital usage? Examine the infographic below for current insights.
Not all screen time should be cause for concern; media-engaged children are more likely than others to engage the Bible through some kind of digital technology, whether by app (37% weekly vs. 27% less engaged children), audio (27% weekly vs. 17%) or video (27% weekly vs. 21%). These data point to opportunities for greater biblical engagement among media-engaged kids and media-stressed parents.
Generally speaking, parents of media-engaged children lean more heavily on the Church to provide them with stability and resources for their child’s spiritual growth—in fact, 58% of highly engaged Christian parents choose a church with their kids in mind. The Church can be a sorely needed guide for parenting children well when it comes to technology—especially now, during the screen-heavy environment surrounding the current health crisis.[1]
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
There are no guarantees that a COVID vaccine will be effective or even when it will hit the market. There are some states that are mired in chaos and daily “freak-out” events that are severely impacting the mental/emotional health of citizens. People are searching for a way out! How do I get out of unemployment, How do I get out of hopelessness, frustration, and this malaise that has gripped our country?
No one is sure at the moment if we are at the half-way point of this pandemic. We will come through this season of history. Leader, if you have a mission and message, it probably time to evaluate your mission and message. We all are going to arrive at a very different place, and it will feel quite differently when we arrive.
Those leaders who understand the mental emotional state of people and are willing to adapt in this recovery journey will capture the ear of a listening audience. Empathetic care will get the public’s attention. Those leaders who believe that just getting back to pre-COVID mission and message are risking irrelevance.
Prepare yourself now to lead people post-COVID. It is a new world!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
In the previous blog article, Spiritual Exiles, I wrote about the discovery of David Kinnaman, President of Barna, the four categories describing the twenty-somethings. Resilient Exiles is the one group that is staying with the church while others have left organized church. Researchers have done a deep dive into the question; Why have these 10% stayed with the church while others are or have left. The data reveals real promise in leading the current church into the future by taking the time to listen and learn from the twenty-somethings.
Meaningful relationships are what builds resilient disciples. This is key to evaluating current church methodology and allowing the current church leaders to make data informed decisions. Simply stated, what is the church doing to facilitate these types of relationships. Consider the info graph below.
It is time to rediscover meaningful relationships within the church. Mistrust and isolation cut at the heart of human and Christian community. The Church can and should provide answers to the deepest questions of humanity and through Jesus. In this case, our search for relational intimacy and supportive, others-oriented community is found in the Church.
In exile, the Church can provide answers to a relationally hurting society. The Christian community today has an amazing opportunity to address the epidemic of isolation by going on the offensive against “Digital Babylon.” In comparing resilient disciples to the other young adults who grew up as Christians, it’s striking to see that being a resilient disciple correlates to overall relational well-being. These findings affirm that the Church can help fill a massive gap in our society: the desire to be loved, to be acknowledged for more than what we produce and to be known. But how can the Church do this?
While the current moment adds to the complexity of cultivating long-lasting relationships within the Church, it also underlines the need for these connections. To assess how your church is actively promoting strong relationships, sit down with your staff and ask: How can we equip our leadership team and congregants alike to support the relational well-being of others, especially young people? How do we encourage congregants to make meaningful connections with others? What measures are in place for us to identify and assist those who are struggling to forge new friendships?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I want to start this Podcast with some data points for context. Pre-COVID 3 of 5 Youth were walking away from the church. This is a fact that many did not even realize. Many leaders were tone deaf because of their own echo chamber – Everything is OK here!
Millennials and Gen-Zers live a boundary-driven world. They have broader associations and world views. These two segments of our population average 3,000 hours per year in front of a screen. Compare this with 300 hours per year the average church attendee spends in front of screen. I believe it is safe to say that our two youngest generations currently are living in “Digital Babylon.”
The real challenge for church leaders is balancing a “Dial-up Ministry” while living in a digital world? Simply broadcasting facility-based worship services into a digital world does not necessarily mean that we are connecting with citizens of this Digital Babylon.
The real challenge is developing “Native Digital Content.” I am not pretending to have the answers on this issue. I am in the process of learning like everyone else. What I can say is that it is different. In communicating Biblical content we must understand that Adults and Youth are equally illiterate. The messaging method is different between these age groups.
Consider that your brain processes printed words on a page at a rate of 100 bits/second. Your brain processes pictures at a rate of 1 billion bi/second. The old adage that a picture is worth a 1000 words should be modified to 10 million. I use this illustration to say that successful digital methods must be more than content consumption – It must be visually engaging.
We can compete with the idols of our time by producing better books, movies, and content – Mark Batterson. Michael Angelo stated, “Criticize by creating!”
I personally sense the church is being called out and away from false ideologies, idols, assumptions, narratives, identity, and securities. It appears the faith community has been living with an anticipation of Acts 2:47 – “… the Lord added daily such as were being saved.” We have glossed over the previous verse that discusses the daily activity of prayers, breaking bread, and favor with the community. Why are we looking for daily blessings when we only meet once a week?
Is this a time for an awakening of attempting to bless a city instead of building a church. DO NOT BECOME DISCOURAGED! Let’s understand that a crisis clarifies Mission and Values. Change is accelerated in the context of a crisis. I am excited about leading a REVIVAL instead of building a church. The evil that we are witnessing is an APOLOGETIC – Evil is real, Enemies exist – but GOD is bigger!
My prayer is to be awake for the signs of REVIVAL in my city!
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Over the last 10 years of research tracking the faith expression of 20-sometings, it has been revealed there are 4 categories that aid in comprehension of the lifestyle and faith expressions of this young generation. The commonality of these 4 groups is they all have similar church upbringing experiences yet, have perceptions of life, faith, and relationships. Notice this description below.
Prodigals, or ex-Christians, do not identify themselves as Christian despite having attended a Protestant or Catholic church as a child or teen, or having considered themselves to be Christian at some time.
Nomads, or lapsed Christians, identify themselves as Christian but have not attended church during the past month. The vast majority of nomads haven’t been involved with a faith community for six months or more.
Habitual churchgoers describe themselves as Christian and have attended church at least once in the past month, yet do not have foundational core beliefs or behaviors associated with being an intentional, engaged disciple.
Resilient disciples are Christians who (1) attend church at least monthly and engage with their church more than just attending worship services; (2) trust firmly in the authority of the Bible; (3) are committed to Jesus personally and affirm he was crucified and raised from the dead to conquer sin and death; and (4) express desire to transform the broader society as an outcome of their faith.
I will explore these categories in more depth in the next blog article.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
*Only 10% of Twenty Christian Somethings Have Resilient Faith. ACCESSED 6 September 2020. https://www.barna.com/research/of-the-four-exile-groups-only-10-are-resilient-disciples/
Destroying Businesses, Taking of Life, Destroying Dignities Are Not Solutions
The paradigms of everything we have held as near and dear to our hearts are all upside down. We all are attempting to find our stance as humans in a crazy world. What started out as a biological pandemic has now turned into destruction of cities, lives taken, radical disruption of community norms, and the hijacking of national narratives. We are not living in an environment that brings positive solutions to the fore-front. With a fevered, frothing energy running across our nation, are we in any position to appropriately discuss whose lives really matter?
For myself personally, I refuse to allow the national craziness to prohibit my desire to learn and grow my awareness. First and foremost, I am continually looking through the lens of scripture. This gives me an eternal perspective. I attempt to read and learn from others so that my thoughts can be enlarged, and my character continually shaped into the image of Christ. Because so much has been made about the book White Fragility, I decided to read it with a hope that I could expand my comprehension about racism. The author, Robin Diangelo is a white female PhD in Cultural Diversity.
Dr. Diangelo gives an interesting opening description of herself that causes me to ask, Could this become a beginning point for a positive dialogue on racism? She writes; “I am a white American raised in the United States. I have a white frame of reference and a white worldview, and I move through the world with a white experience. My experience is not a universal human experience. It is a particularly white experience in a society in which race matters profoundly; a society that is deeply separate and unequal by race…..” I have added the underlining for emphasis. If you insert your race in place of “white” references we all can at least begin with a confession that we all are uniquely and wonderfully created. This is a small but significant acknowledgement. The denial of a race can lead to disastrous conclusions. Hitler’s Arianism and the Jewish race being seen as sub-par led to an attempt at extermination.
Billy Graham personifies what I am suggesting in an article; Footprints of Consciousness. The article states; “From the time he became a Christian, Billy Graham said, “I could not understand segregation in the church.” By 1952, he felt compelled to take what was considered at the time a dramatic stand. He was scheduled to hold a Crusade in Jackson, Mississippi, and the seating had been arranged to accommodate a segregated audience. Ropes were erected to keep blacks and whites apart. When Graham arrived at the meeting, he personally went over and pulled the ropes down and refused to let them be put back up.”
While cities are burning, today is a great day for a Biblical worldview of humanity to emerge!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
What is “Soul Force” you ask? It is the core energy that manifests itself daily in your life work and passions. This begs the question; “What are you passionate about?” What motivates you to get up and start your day? What is it that you do that you cannot believe they pay you to do this? That is “Soul Force” energy.
If Soul Force could be placed into a math equation it would be SOUL FORCE = (Energy x Focus x W.I.N.) Consistency (What’s Important Now = W.I.N.). Consider the fact passionate energetic work requires ENERGY first. Secondly, you must bring a FOCUS to your work. Thirdly, you must prioritize what is important versus what is urgent. Once these things are in alignment you can use the “Exponential Qualifier” that will either reveal your true Soul Force or the lack of Soul Force.
If you could somehow get you Energy level to 100 x Focus at 100 x W.I.N. to 100 = that would be 1,000,000. Not bad! However, the Exponential Qualifier must be added. What if that was 100. You need a science calculator, but the answer is infinity. YES, the answer is that you would have infinite Soul Force. That level of passionate effort looks amazing, yet it is not practical for humans to show up daily with that level of passion yet alone attempt sustainability.
Let’s make this equation more practical. Consider that your Energy, Focus, and W.I.N. is only at 10 (10 x10 x10) = 1000. Add to this equation that your consistency is at 100 – always showing up day after day without fail, always trying, what would the answer be in our equation?
1(300 “0’s”) = (10 x 10 x 10) 100. That is crazy – 300 zeros? YES! The power of simple daily habits done consistency every day yields unbelievable results over the course of your lifetime. What is the point of these thoughts? Start with small daily habits and do them every day. My daily “5” habits are: Bible, Prayer, Reading, Writing, Exercise. Leave a comment below and share your daily habits.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
We are 20 weeks into our national pandemic. We have witnessed our nation shut-down almost everything, schools pivoted to online education over-night, and we have learned new terms and phrases – “Essential Workers Vs. Non-essential Workers”; “Social Distancing?” We are watching our nation struggle to re-emerge into a fully functioning nation at all levels.
Not everything is opening and returning to pre-COVID experiences. For example, Barna Research is reporting that only 50% of churches in America have opened with pre-cautions being put into place. Some of these churches have opened, shut-down, and re-opened due to a COVID outbreak. Other churches are planning their re-open between November 2020 – June 2021. Major Corporations in America are opting to re-open their offices in 2021. Some companies are giving their employees the option to furlough their return to office-based work until August 2021. We can definitely state that our national “re-open” process is revealing a different view of our nation than what we remembered.
Reading the Bible Book of Acts in the New Testament, I was struck by a passage that I have often read over the years. Acts 2:47 states; “…. And the Lord added to their numbers daily those who were being saved.”(Emphasis added). I can’t imagine any Pastor not being excited about this prospect of a growing and thriving church. However, there is a concern that I have noticed.
This concern I have noticed has been revealed by the condition of our national pandemic. There is a large chorus of voices that desire to get back to the way we were doing church. My concern is this; “What do we do with a desire for Christ’s blessings daily upon a church that only meets once weekly?” Acts 2:46-47a states; “Every day they continued to meet in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts (47) praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people…” (Emphasis added).
How do we apply these two verses of the Bible post-COVID? I believe there are 2 important truths to reflect on and consider how these 2 truths will impact the future image of a de-centralized church;
We cannot go to church if in fact we are the church.
Is Christ calling us to build a facility-based church or are we impact a city (the favor of all the people v.47a).
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
This book concludes in a difficult manner. Rather than “happy ever after” the last chapter reflects the condition of the people 13 years after the wall had been concluded. What was their condition? They had drifted away from the covenant they made in chapter 9 of Nehemiah.
Nehemiah returns as an older man to set things right – his actions were drastic. This example shows us that in the life of faith there are things worth fighting for in the community of faith.
In vvs. 14,22,29,30 we find the translation of the Hebrew word “Remember.” Asking God to remember is not as though God had forgotten. This is more of an acknowledgement of desire to do what is right and to honor God in their actions. Nehemiah personified then Hebrew word, hesed – faithfulness to God’s call and love for God.
Nehemiah noticed their desecration of the Sabbath by means of all of the merchandizing that was taking place. “Now you are bringing more wrath on Israel by profaning the Sabbath.” V.18.
Things of high value must be ingrained by disciplined habits over time. Hitting the pause button can be dangerous in the undermining of important values.
Discipleship is a journey not a destination. We are always becoming a disciple versus I have become a disciple.
Desiring to please God through our living requires a bold stance that may appear offensive to others. Sabbath rest means that you stop work and rest. Draw yourself into his presence through prayer and worship. Sabbath is meant to be a time for refreshing.
Hesed for the most part is always used as a description of God’s love for us. We are not able to fully grasp the meaning of that love by means of the English language. However, in this chapter hesed is used to describe Nehemiah’s work. Remember his first prayer in chapter 1:4-11 – he was deeply moved at the report of Jerusalem’s condition. He accepted the call to be used of God to restore the integrity of the city. He illustrates a type of unconditional and unfailing love for God’s city and people.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
This prayer is the longest recorded prayer in scripture. It is a corporate prayer of repentance. Upon completion of the wall the people gather together for worship and hear the reading of the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible).
The Word of God was taught by Ezra and other leaders for an entire day. Afterwards they came back for more. Conviction resulted in the hearts of the hearers and they realized that God had been faithful to them, but they had not been faithful to God.
There are 4 key observations about this prayer.
Notice the ways they address God and give Him praise.
They acknowledge God’s faithfulness even when they were unfaithful.
Notice the ways they acknowledge their sin and evil in the sight of God.
Notice the ways people demonstrate repentance with commitment to obedience.
This long prayer is an expression of their desire to return and repent to their God.
A crisis forces realignment and repentance. Erosion is very slow and almost unnoticed until a crisis hits and reveals the drift.
The grammatical-historical interpretation of scripture is still the preferred method of interpretation. This allows biblical applications to be applied to people’s everyday problems, giving hope for a better day. Notice how this truth brought a nation to repentance before God.
Once you discover that you have lost your value system and moral compass, that is the time to call it for what it is – SIN. Don’t stop at this point, recommit to the tried and true values that you previously built your life upon.
Return to thankfulness! Self-reliance is blinding and causes you to stay in an echo chamber. We all need to hear the hard truth to bring us back to a proper focus of what we are doing and for whom we are worshipping.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
In seasons of national crisis or even deep personal crisis learn to observe the progression of conflict. I discussed this list in the previous prayer of Nehemiah 6:9. It is worth repeating. Notice this progression…..
Ridicule 4:1-6
Conspiracy 4:7-9
Discouragement 4:10
Intimidation 4:11-13
Internal Strife 5:1-19
Trickery 5:1-4
Slander 6:5-9
Treachery 6:10-14
Seasons of intense crisis can become personal and nasty – it is not uncommon to face a strategy that attempts to discredit your ministry and life work.
This level of ugliness requires laser focus upon the mandate of God – stay true to the call of God and the purposes of God no matter what others say.
Stop attempting to manufacture the outcomes and trust God for all outcomes.
The worst attacks will come from other religious leaders – Prophetess Noadiah and the other Prophets.
Vengeance always to God! That means you will take some cheap shots and sucker punches. Your role is to remain sure to God’s call. Your work is not just this moment. It is collected moments of life by other people who sacrificed to make your moment possible.
The COVID journey is not fun, it is ugly and nasty in the national narrative. Civil liberties are being trampled and people’s dreams are being crushed and destroyed. Victory is not declared by advancing destruction.
What has God called you to do with your life? Are you doing that? How are you growing yourself to higher levels within the confines of that calling?
When is the last time the manifest presence of God broke into your plans, middle of the night, your dreams, your agenda?
Your most intense battle will come from your peers and comrades in the faith. Count on it!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
We will take a look at five trends—illuminated by decades’ worth of Barna research, including studies conducted during the COVID-19 response—about engaging with and discipling the next generation.
The Church Must Help Younger Generations Navigate Screen Time – Reports confirm that Millennials and Gen Z’s are spending an increased mount of time in front of screens during this pandemic. Barna’s own research shows the majority of pastors (85%) is concerned about this shift—but a similar percentage (86%) says that, despite the signs of more screen time, their church does not yet have a plan in place to teach on wise tech usage. Take a look at the info graphic in the show notes.
The Church Must Integrate Its Response to Injustice Into Student Ministry– Teens and young adults are willing to listen to stories of injustice and hopeful to be a positive change in the world. But they are also looking to the Church to answer some of their questions. They believe that slavery still impacts America and that the church should take a major role in providing answers. Arrabon is an excellent web-site for solid resources in guiding discussions regarding race relationships. Click on the link.
The Church Must Address Issues of Loneliness and Anxiety in Young Adults – The 18-35 year old’s are the most digitally connected and yet are prone to severe bouts of anxiety and depression. Notice the info-graphic of data on this point. As of late May this year, 1 in 3 millennials stated they were in need of food and supplies. Just let that sink in for just a moment. By the same margin they also needed financial assistance and emotional support.
The Church Must Support and Encourage Resilient Disciples to Grow Their Faith – Historically, Gen Z and Millennials are less likely than older generations to be connected to a church. Gen Z’s are less likely to connect with church than any previous generation. The drop-out rate for 18-25 years of age has jumped from 59% to 64% in the last decade. There is only 10% of twenty-somethings that have remained. This is the target group in which pastors and leaders can learn the most on discipleship strategies.
The Church Must Reframe the Notion of Outreach and Faith-Sharing with the Next Gen – Church leaders should not assume this Next Gen group readily embraces how missions operates and is funded. One of the key conversations that should e taking place is the importance of global outreach and why it should exist. Leaders, You must reframe the dialogue to teach what is old to you and those your audience has never heard it the first time. To underscore the need for this type of conversation 47% of Millennials believe that Evangelism is wrong. This fact highlights the importance of missional discussions to discuss why evangelism is a worthy cause and why we should engage it.
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In seasons of national crisis or even deep personal crisis learn to observe the progression of conflict. Notice this progression…..
Ridicule 4:1-6
Conspiracy 4:7-9
Discouragement 4:10
Intimidation 4:11-13
Internal Strife 5:1-19
Trickery 5:1-4
Slander 6:5-9
Treachery 6:10-14
Crisis reveals a leader it does not make the leader. You must stay focused on the voice of God and the purposes of God. Build the city – Build the People!
As you near the conclusion of one goal the battles intensify. Nehemiah was getting close to the completion of the walls. The enemy’s darkest strategies surface when their grip on power is being ripped away from them. Desperation sets in.
Near the conclusion of the wall psychological intimidation was in full force. FEAR in the face of crisis is the greatest weapon used to derail God’s agenda.
In the face of national or personal crisis the enemy’s tactics is always multi-faceted. The battles are never short in terms of time. Prepare yourself for a longer battle and journey through the darkness.
What has COVID revealed to you about your own leadership strengths and weaknesses? What is God saying to you about your own personal development and growth journey?
Have you noticed the layered disruptions in your life? Notice how disruptions come in a variety of ways and the frequency of their occurrences should be noted. You defeat this layered attack through PRAYER and staying FOCUSED upon God’s agenda.
Take inventory of your fear level – where are you on a scale of 1-10. Take corrective measures through triplet prayer partnerships – “A three-fold cord is not easily broken…”
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
In vv.14-19 we learn that Nehemiah had been appointed as Governor and that he would be in Jerusalem 12 years (Neh.2).
Nehemiah’s responsibility would encompass entertaining Dignitaries from other parts of the Persian Empire. That was expensive. This was to be provided for from the taxes of the people.
Nehemiah chose to demonstrate leadership by going first and further than was expected by others. He was known for his generosity.
It is interesting to notice the trajectory of Nehemiah’s journey up to this point. We have moved from the initial report of Jerusalem’s destruction to days of prayer and fasting to permission granted, to building the walls and battling enemies to generosity as a Governor. The journey of life is never single-faceted, rather it is goal oriented with multiple goals in between.
Nehemiah’s prayer in v.19 is not self-centered as some would suggest. It is more about a remembrance of the covenant relationship. It is about a plea for God to be at work as Nehemiah strives to honor God with his life and actions
When a major crisis hits our life either through personal attacks or national attacks. The impact of such events is never short-term. There is a lasting impact upon leaders. Your mission will be altered, are you willing to adapt? Are you living with the “long-view” in mind?
Do not underestimate your current role (Nehemiah was a cupbearer). Promotions sometimes come at odd times and unique ways. Never lose sight of key leadership maxims; Leaders are servants; Leaders go first and go further than others.
Even in the face of national crisis you can be known as a generous person. A crisis is no excuse for selfishness. Demonstrate servant leadership at every opportunity.
Our current national crisis is a significant disruption that has altered our work life, home life, our children’s education life, and church life habits. A crisis causes you to change your life trajectory. Life is never single-focused. It is however fluid and always in motion.
National disruption requires bold prayers. Nehemiah demonstrates this by appealing to his covenant relationship with God. Our prayers should be an appeal for God’s activity while we work honorably to advance His name.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
This 3rd prayer marks a transition from “ME” to “WE.” This rebuilding campaign was now a national program and no longer just about Nehemiah.
Sanballat and Tobiah were the principle agitators during the construction project. Not everyone can get on board for restoration.
As long as known agitators of the gospel plan succeeds, the work of the gospel will be hindered.
Old Testament prayers can be confrontational. Notice the words of this prayer; “…we are despised, turn back their taunt upon their head…give them up to be plundered…” There is a time and place for confrontational warfare prayer
This 3rd prayer is a plea for God to be at work while we work honorably to advance your name and Kingdom.
The shift from “ME” to “WE” (vv.1,4,6) should not be over-looked. The old adage is true; “He who thinks he is leading, and no one follows, is only taking a long slow walk by yourself.” God’s work must be inclusive.
There will be enemies of true biblical Kingdom initiatives. Bold Prayers required! Call them out! Let them know you see their destructive plan. Pray Gods judgement in holding them accountable.
If bold prayers are not offered and Kingdom enemies prosper – God’s work will be hindered. There are forces in our nation that does not care who is hurt and damaged in the process of achieving selfish goals.
No matter where your attack comes from or who the enemy is – WORK HONORABLY! GLORIFY GOD!
The result: the walls were connected and raised half-way to completion.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Nehemiah’s report of his response to the broken walls and burned gates in Jerusalem was not a quick prayer and done! Note his words; “…I sat down and wept and mourned for days, and I continued fasting and praying before the God of Heaven.” (v.4b ESV)
There are seasons of prayer that time and energy is required. Not just for the sake of praying, but rather events are so deeply impactful that time and energy is required because an answer is needed. Feel the weight of this prayer; “….let your ear be attentive and your eyes open…” (v.6a ESV).In others words the weight of the report about Jerusalem was so heavy that Nehemiah wanted to make sure that God was paying attention.
Nehemiah confesses national sin of the people but specifically states “…I and my father’s house have sinned…” (v.6b ESV). Jerusalem was experiencing national shame and disgrace because of disobedience before God.
Notice that Nehemiah prays from a position of Biblical record and just emotional panic. He makes the record of God’s command with Moses part of his prayer vv.8-10a. “God you said…….Now hear my prayer as your servant” This is praying from a position of strength.
Jerusalem’s dilemma is a lot like the COVID disruption that we are experiencing. It was sudden, thorough and traumatizing. Interestingly enough the range of emotions among faith leaders is exhaustion, stress, compassion fatigue, anger, discouragement. Behind closed doors you can hear the cries of stunned faith leaders and congregants.
As of this writing we are 16 weeks into our national pandemic. We have faced reality this is more than a few days of distraction; we are faced with a disruption of our national norms. How would you summarize your prayers? Are they in a biblical context? Are we praying from a position our sacred traditions and methodologies?
Because we are experiencing layered disruption on top of disruption at some point the weight of the burden will bring us all to repentance individually and nationally. It is not always about the sin we commit rather it is the sin of our silence of making Christ fully known.
Our prayer today is much like Moses standing on the shore of the Red Sea. Trembling he holds up the staff of God and declares “MOVE FORWARD”! We are currently gripped in the fear of “what-if” scenarios. Stand and declare that I am moving forward into an uncertain future with the confidence that Hell’s Gates will not ever prevail against the Church.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Then the King said to me, ‘What are you requesting?’ So, I prayed to the God of Heaven. Nehemiah 2:4 ESV.
Nehemiah finds himself before the King performing his tasks as cupbearer. His countenance was such the King noticed how he appeared, “Why is your face sad, seeing you are not sick? This is nothing but sadness of heart.” Nehemiah 2:2.
Nehemiah responds with words of honor in a moment of being afraid, “Let the King live forever…” v.3 He then describes the heaviness of his heart because the city of his home, the graves of his ancestry were in ruins and the gates were burned. A national crisis such as captivity will crush your heart and spirit.
The King asks a question, “What are you requesting?” So, I prayed to the God of Heaven.” Since this book is a first-hand account of Nehemiah, he does not tell us exactly what he prayed and the details of what he was feeling in this moment.
Nehemiah requests to return to Judah to rebuild the city.
This conversation continues with the King desiring to know how long you will be gone and when will you return. Nehemiah obviously, provides a response and also offers a request for building materials the ability to travel through other regions safely. The conclusion, “And the King granted me what I asked, for the good hand of my God was upon me.”
This is the shortest of Nehemiah’s prayers in that his countenance was being called out by the King. In a split-second Nehemiah prayed. The magnitude of this reference can only be understood in the context of days of prayer and fasting that previously had occurred in Chapter one.
Nehemiah’s response should be viewed in the fact he had already wrestled with Judah’s sin that put the nation in this position in the first place. Yet, he was willing to be used to restore and rebuild the city. No small request! As you read Nehemiah’s prayer in chapter one we realize that repentance must come before empowerment.
A concise response can only be offered when a thorough evaluation and honest appraisal of responsibility is dealt with. The political debate is not my motivation, we are all in this moment of crisis no matter how we got here. I am not declaring that COVID is a response of divine judgement because of national sin. However, I am declaring this intersection of historical events should at the very least cause us to pause and evaluate the trajectory of what we have called Christianity.
The song “The Heart of Worship” dates back to the late 1990’s that came out of a season of apathy in the Soul Survivor church of Watford, England. Matt Redmon was the Praise and Worship director. Reminding his church family to be producers in worship, not just consumers, the pastor, Mike Pilavachi, asked, “When you come through the doors on a Sunday, what are you bringing as your offering to God?” In the midst of awkward silence with no instruments and sound systems, over the coming weeks the church began to find their voice of worship. The song, The Heart of Worship, came out of this awkward moment and has now gone global.
Could we include “Discipleship” into this time of national reflection? As we come out from our global pandemic, our goal as a faith community is not be “FIRST” in terms of returning back 100% to what we had prior. Our prayer should focus more upon our gospel mandate of reaching the lost, discipling the saved – “rinse/repeat!”
We are at a cross-roads moment of BIG “C” vs. little “c” – Kingdom of God vs. local church! Reopening our churches and businesses is proving to be far more difficult than imagined. Pastor’s emotionally are a mix of moderate optimism and discouragement and anger. You do not get a trophy for being 1st to reopen 100%.
Do not build massive movements without massive impact.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The book of Nehemiah can be divided into four segments:
Nehemiah 1-3: Upon hearing of Jerusalem’s plight Nehemiah confesses his people’s sin and then requests permission from King Artaxerxes to rebuild and repair Jerusalem.
Learning About the wall – 1:1-3
Lamenting Over The Wall – 1:4-11
The Request 2:1-10
The Review 2:11-20
The Repairs 3:1-32
Nehemiah 4-6: The enemies threaten the rebuilding of Jerusalem – Nehemiah’s plan
The Trouble 4:1-6:14
The Triumph 6:15-19
Nehemiah 7-10: Census; Reading God’s Words
The City of God 7:1-3
The People of God 7:4-65
The Word of God 8:1-12
The Festival of God 8:13-18
The Confession to God 9:1-38
The Vow to God – 10:1-39
Nehemiah 11:1-36: People return; Priests and Levites return; Walls dedicated; Reform
The Resettling of the cities 11:1-36
The Priests and Levites return 12:1-26
The rejoicing of the people 12:27-47
The Reforms of Nehemiah 13:1-31
Observations & Application
The Book is by the name sake of the book, Nehemiah. This is a 1st person narration of events not a narrative being told as a story. This book is not really about Nehemiah so much as it is about the people of God, their sin, restoration, and reform.
COVID-19 is a 1st person narrative for all of us – we are experiencing this together. The emotional psychological toll is real and quite heavy. This started out as a simple distraction and now has turned into a very serious disruption of everything we have held as important and meaningful.
Nehemiah was moved to prayer and weeping for days. Not because of what they had and lost it, rather their sins were great, and Nehemiah understood the Biblical record of what was agreed upon and how they failed in national obedience.
COVID-19 has been sudden and shocking as we are living through this disruption of our sacred norms. So that I am not misunderstood, I am not calling COVID-19 our national punishment for sins committed. I am saying this season is thrust upon us and should be used to evaluate its impact upon how we have performed church and what must change moving forward. I believe we should repent where needed. Pre-COVID the reality was that faithful attendance was 1.7x per month. That is hardly making a real difference for time and eternity. The axiom is true; What gets reported gets rewarded! Is it time to reevaluate what is being measured and counted as success?
Nehemiah will teach us thoughts of managing a crisis and coming through this season spiritually stronger and prepared. We will examine Nehemiah’s prayers and what they teach about responding to a national crisis.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
How are you doing at week #18 of our COVID journey? I trust that you have a support network of close friends and other leaders. I have prayed for you today!
Our COVID journey is turning out to be far more than anyone could have imagined. There are 60% of churches in America that are now open with precautions in place. Re-opening is proving to be far more complex than anticipated. There are many factors that are contributing to this fact of which in my opinion is the intellectual dishonesty of our national reporting about the corona virus. This has left people confused as they attempt to navigate their lives through this national fog. It seems the real culprit is that we struggle to make “data informed” decisions over “emotionally charged” decisions based upon speculations.
That being said 18% of Pastors stated they will not reopen until next year. Again, some churches have re-opened and then shut down because of virus outbreaks within the church and then re-opened a 2nd time. Again, because of disinformation and uncertainty some have declared they will just wait it out until 2021.
Church attendance continues to struggle in that we are measuring current trends against pre-COVID attendance. Currently 43% of churches stated they are down; 30% stated they are the same as pre-COVID; and 27% stated they are up. As I mentioned in a previous podcast and blog articles that I have prepared the question has been discussed if attendance is the correct metric to measure Kingdom work?
What we can state clearly is that connecting with people is more important now than ever before. SPIRITUAL – EMOTIONAL connection is more important than ever before. This level of human connection is the top priority as we move through this pandemic. The current data for Pastors & Leaders is revealing, showing that spiritual/emotional health is severely lacking. Only 12% state their emotional wellness is excellent; 13% state their relational wellness is excellent; 18% state their mental clarity makes it easy to grow and learn during this pandemic. What is the bottom-line concern with this data?
Leaders are leading from an empty tank!
It seems that everyone is in a near state of “melt-down”!
Small Group Ministry is absolutely KEY right now! It is at this granular level that real relational/spiritual ministry will occur. Therefore, investing in leadership development is at a premium. Do not become afraid to set large goals in front of people, especially our students. Large goal thinking communicates more than survival, it communicates conquering!
Speaking of communication, here a few thoughts.
•Communication is not digital or analog (Cards & letters) – it is both/and
•Don’t engage in emotional manipulation – 50% of millennials have not engaged in any form of church during this pandemic because of manipulation
•Be aware of the MILLSTONE EFFECT for misleading people
•Clear and concise communication with parents about student ministry is at a PREMIUM
•Use technology to communicate by showing up when and how people are using it – not when you think they should use it
•Beware of the idol of a 1hr/week facility-based service as the only way to communicate Christ’s gospel message.
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“This what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel says: In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15). Did you know that you are allowed to rest?
The weekly data of church leaders during our national pandemic has revealed that exhaustion, depression, and discouragement has crept into the hearts and minds of our spiritual leaders. PRAY for them – this is not the time to criticize! Leaders have acknowledged they are working harder now than pre-COVID. We must confess that we have worshipped at the altar of technology believing it has brought convenience, simplification, and made life over-all easier. Technology has caused our lives to become ragged, frazzled, and dissatisfied. This has resulted in emotional exhaustion, psychologically overworked, and spiritually malnourished.
The answer is to over-come this nonsense by living in the four movements of Sabbath rest. Formation only occurs in repetition. So, this exercise is not a one and done exercise. It is a lifestyle that must be enforced no matter what happens around us. Consider these four Sabbath movements.
Resist Work – Simply stated – STOP WORKING! Sabbath rest is when you stop acting as if you are god and open yourself to the comprehension that God is God.
Resting & Restoration – It is not until you stop your work and allow Christ the Shepherd to do His work of restoration in us. Your soul is rarely nourished through entertainment. Stop acting like you are on a mission. Rest your mind, emotions, will, body, and intellectual thirst.
Remember Your Identity – It is too easy to distort our identity in the workplace. One of the unique features of the DISC Profile Assessment is that it shows you three graphs: who you are at work, home, and your true self. It is not until you truly rest that that you realize you need God more now than ever. He alone is transcendent. Think about the Apostle John’s transition from being a Son of Thunder to a lover of Christ with his head on the chest of Jesus. His identity shifted.
Reveling in God’s Goodness – John Ortberg suggested that we need to arrange our life so that sin no longer looks good to us. We tend to fall into a trap that our faith is only about self-denial. At some point we need to feast in the goodness of God
Sabbath cannot save your soul, but it may very well save your life! (Swoboda – Subversive Sabbath).
Author G.K. Beale stated once that we resemble what we revere, either for ruin or restoration. Jonah 2:8 echoes this thought by saying those who worship worthless idols forfeit the mercy that could be theirs. Early church historical documents report that idols are the fruit of a disordered life where we allow an inordinate and immoderate setting of our minds upon other things beyond our devotion to Christ.
1 John 2:15-17 constructs the idea of Heart Idols and Cultural Idols. A Heart Idol would be things that we elevate to pseudo divinity in our hearts. Cultural Idols are things in the world that seizes our affection and devotion.
The real problem with deception is that you do not know you are being deceived. It feels right to you. Idols function like spiritual forgeries that imitate Godly character but actually it distorts that character. The study of theology is not for seminarians but everyday worshippers. We need to know the God of the Bible so that we can identify idols that attempt to lure us away from true worship. DISTORTION and DESTRUCTION should be of concern to every Christ follower. Christianity is not just thinking differently but behaving differently (Romans 1:21). Romans 1:18 is perhaps a splash of cold water needed today; “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness.”
How do we respond to idolatry the correct way? Philip wrote in 1985 in his book, Church; Why Bother stating that the church exists primarily not to provide entertainment or build self-esteem or to facilitate friendships but to worship God; if it fails in that it fails. The ultimate goal of worship he suggests is get worshippers in touch with God. God is not interested solely in our behavior. Moralism suggests that behavior is foremost. Secularism thinks that character traits are foremost. But God wants our hearts!Psalm 139:23-24 states; “Search me God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive ways in me, and lead me in the way of everlasting.” True Christian worship is one of the primary arenas in which we participate in the practices that shape who we are. When we seek the Kingdom of God first of all, love him with our whole heart, and prize our loyalty to him, a watching world will be compelled to ask about the difference they see in our lives. The power of true worship is greater than all of the forces arrayed against us at this moment of history. True worship outlasted the Reich in the 1930’s and it will outlast COVID-19.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
In a New York Times article 2015 entitled, The Googling of God by Davidowitz gave some interesting Google Search stats. Porn searches were up 83% that year and heroin searches were up 32%. “Love thy neighbor” was the top search with the word neighbor in the search phrase. This was followed by a very close second place phrase, “neighbor porn.” The top phrase with God in it was “God of War” a video game.
It feels that 2020 is the apex of a difficult decade 2011-2020. The church that Jesus founded on the basis of compassion and grace has at times failed to resemble its founder. We all cringe at celebrity Pastor failures, scandal’s in the church, abuses, political hijacking of the church, indifference to human suffering have honestly caused people to leave the church. There is one data point that is shocking – faithful church attendance is measured by those who attend 1.7x in 30 days. That is touching the church twice in 30 days – large gathering or small group. Really!
In the sermon on The Mount Jesus stated “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” (Matthew 5:13). Malachi 2:3 is a bit more graphic, “Because of you I will rebuke your descendants; I will smear on your faces the dung from your festival sacrifices, and you will be carried off with it.” Ouch!
The Church Is Still The Bride of Christ
Jesus does not view the church simply through a doctrinal, moral, ethical, or sociological lens; He views it through a covenantal lens. Author and speaker Frank Viola states; In Genesis 1-2, the Bible opens with a woman and a man. In Revelation 21-22, the Bible closes with a woman and man. The opens with a wedding, and it ends with a wedding, it opens with marriage and ends with marriage….The Bible is essentially a love story.”[1] Notice the wedding metaphor in Exodus 6:6-7 when Moses spoke to the children of Israel leading them into their destiny; I will take you out; I will rescue you; I will redeem you; I will take you to me.
Fast forward from Exodus to Christ’s ministry in the New Testament. John 2:20 reports the Temple had been under construction for 46 years and according to Rabbinical report there was no building as spectacular as the Temple. Yet part of the scandal of Jesus’ ministry was that he called this beautiful monument a den of robbers and He cleansed it with a whip and over-turning the money changers tables. The difference of perspective is still lost today. The Rabbi’s failed to see the Glory of God had left – Jesus’ observation was a worship center that was nothing more than a religious program void of substance.
Because of the blood of Jesus Christ and our being united with Him we have become the temple of God. That quite honestly is an outrageous claim! Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 this very fact. “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.” The Incarnation meant that God was with us. Through the death of Christ on the cross, we have become that place where God dwells. The church is the temple of God, embodying the presence of God on earth. The question is can others see this reality in us? God is not interested in dominating a domain. He is interested in partnering with people. The tangible presence of Christ is manifested through us!In spite of the avalanche of trouble, change, and the irreverence, the church is still standing and walking with a limp but walking nonetheless! At this intersection of history what does it look like to love God and love our neighbor? I believe it looks like worship, sabbath rest, and insatiable spiritual hunger. Practice hospitality, give honor, love enemies, sacrifice, and celebrate God’s goodness together!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
As summer comes to a close, the pandemic continues to grip the United States, forcing pastors to consider what it means to lead online or hybrid church services into the fall of 2020. At the top of the list of concerns for the leaders is how to do Kids and Student ministry. One half of ministry leaders are struggling with this area of church work. Additionally, 44% of spiritual leaders are struggling with how to conduct a hybrid church format. Add another layer of disruption to this conversation 35% of spiritual leaders are facing burnout.
I personally can relate to these statistics. I have had my dark days recently that has swept over me like a flood. This season of history has been a very real disruption. Many ministers have felt like they did not sign up to all of sudden become a digital pastor. So, I think a lot of spiritual leaders are being forced into positions where they either have theological reservation or a lack of practical skill. They’re being forced to operate out of a weakness and against their preferences and convictions. And that gets draining!
Personal branding and efforts to have large audiences is not where many efforts are being focused. I feel like many leaders just want to love on their attendees and make sure they are OK! Yet we are faced with the notion that faith runs the risk of diminishing in some Christians. We do not want that to happen, but it will! All the more that our prayer ministry efforts are to increase, not decrease. This is a spiritual battling!
Could it be there is a theological reexamination that is taking place in people’s thinking? It is difficult to live in a James chapter one frame of mind – “Count it all joy…” I have engaged many conversations with people who are angry, confused, discouraged, and disillusioned. Loss of jobs and relationships that are being strained. Do not be over-whelmed or discouraged. I do not believe that struggling with God is not a sign of losing faith. It’s a sign of deepening faith. Wrestling with God is a gift and leads to further maturity. I think with skillful leadership, this can be a sign of growth, but it is hard work to continually revisit that week after week and live through it.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Jesus luminary of the last century. His faithfulness to Jesus Christ at a time the church in Germany was failing has stood the test of time. Author Gaylon Barker writing about this period of history suggests that Hitler did not want to just control Germany politically; he wanted to control the hearts and souls of the citizens. Assuming this is correct, Germany was in both a spiritual battle as well as a political battle at the same time. This would eventually lead to the darkest period of human history with the extermination of more than six million Jews.
Apathy allowed the take-over of the German Evangelical Church. Once Hitler gained control of the church by means of weak clergy they sought to modify the Bible by removing the Old Testament, revise the liturgies, and remove all non-believing ministers who did not support the Aryan movement.
In a 1934 Synod the Confessing Church was born. Bonhoeffer signed the Declaration of Barmen – a manifesto that declared the church was to be loyal to Christ and not the State. This document was written by Karl Barth and Early Church Theologian. From this meager beginning an underground seminary was born to equip ministers and laity to stand against the power of Nazism. Seminary life would consist of prayer, Scripture study, Confession, and daily living together. This small beginning believed in the millennial reign of Christ, not the reign of the Reich.
A young historian named, Wilhelm Niesel heard about this seminary and left Berlin to see for himself what was going on in Finkenwalde, Germany. Questioning the intensity of such discipleship training Bonhoeffer took Niesel on a rowboat journey to Oder Sound. On top of a hill from the shoreline you could see and hear the German airfield with military flights leaving to destroy population centers. Bonhoeffer stated to his guest, “This must be stronger than that! The Reich is dead – the gospel of Christ and Bonhoeffer’s passion still lives.Knowing that whatever is measured is rewarded – the real question is what value are we willing to place upon discipleship in the face of our national pandemic?
Covid seems to be the gift that keeps on giving! Here are some data points for review.
•23% of families have been severely impacted – There is a need for holistic family systems training.
•Top Pastoral emotions for the week: 18% anxious, 14% tired, 35% hopeful, 48% state that Kids and Youth Ministry are top priorities.
•78% of parents are stressed because of COVID.•Children’s education shows 77% hybrid; 17% virtual only; 6% in person only
•Church Kids & Youth programs show 27% are operating in person only. With the public narrative being polluted and intellectual dishonest Parents and Churches are stressed. However, do not miss the gap between what churches are offering and what parents are facing. That gap is real and pressured packed for many.
With this data information what can be done in a church context to impact our children? So that we do not miss the obvious; simply inserting a “plug & play” facility-based” program into a digital platform will not work. Interestingly teaching children to become leaders and make a difference in their community is a gold-mine of opportunity for innovation. Set action goals on specific community-oriented activities. Screens Discipleship is fast becoming method to accelerate goal completion.
In conjunction to our children, the question that needs a response is; How are we equipping Parents to have better conversations with their children about the social/national disruption that is dominating media? Parents are not the hinderance to influencing our children. Best strategy is to include and equip parents during this disruption.
Perhaps the Kids and Youth departments in churches could host webinars or similar learning platforms on current issues, discipling children, technology for parents, or how to make Mental Health & Anxiety discussible at home. Gen-Z’ers are the most connected digitally and yet the most disconnected socially.
Our lives Pre/Post COVID will remain hybrid! Screens and in person interaction will continue to be part of the national rhythm of daily life. Because this pandemic is an accelerator of problems that were already present, there has been a 40% increase in counseling agencies “hotline” numbers. Ironically there has been a 50% reduction of child abuse cases during COVID in some states. This is not to say abuse is occurring less, but that children are not in touch with counselors or coaches that can see the warning signs.
Facility-centric has become the dominate model for Gospel Ministry
One thing this crisis has revealed is how facility-centric the dominant model of ministry has been for generations in the Western Church. Take away our buildings, and we’re all a little lost. One trend developing before our eyes is the home as the new center of life. In the last six months, work, food preparation, entertainment, school, and shopping are now more home-based than ever. And for 6 months, that’s been true of church.
Not everything will shift in the direction of the home. How long will the current shift last is anyone’s guess? However, there is no denying a shift has occurred. Leadership responsibility is to understand a shift has occurred therefore, new methods and directions of operations must be added to maintain audience and effective communication of our Gospel message.
So that we do not miss the 900lb elephant in the room, let’s remind ourselves of the church’s mandate; “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 NIV. If I am hearing this mandate correctly I hear a Christ-centric focus.
Our national quarantine has accelerated marital problems that were brewing in the home and a new phenomenon – appropriate end-of-live celebrations has been radically altered to 10-15 people in a service while live-streaming the ceremony. This has left a hollow feeling in people’s soul. Add to this list, parents who are very stressed over their children’s education – virtual Vs. classroom. Human connections that is Christ-centric is needed for meaningful impact. Keeping Christ in our focus is more crucial now than ever.The national snapshot of the Kingdom of God is that only 50% of churches has reopened with some precautions at week #17. Many churches will not reopen until January 2021. This is everyone’s concern. There is no trophy for being 1st to fully recover pre-pandemic attendance numbers. Christ-centric focus recognizes the intense pain and difficulties by engaging people in the moment of their difficulty. This ministry focus will look and sound different but will be effective. WHY? The human element is still the focus of why we exist.
Even pre-COVID, it was becoming clear that attractional churches were past peak and more charismatic churches were growing. Why is that? Passion over Polish is more captivating to Millennials versus Elders by over 25% according to the Barna Research Group.[1] Millennials long for a deeper expression of the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
But the COVID disruption and mass move to online, has meant most churches quickly discovered that what ‘worked’ in terms of in-person weekend services didn’t translate online, and many pivoted to shorter services, less music and more engaging, interactive formats to engage people. It’s still uncertain what the future design of church services online or in-person will reveal, but if this crisis is the accelerator and disruptor many think it is, then a return to a format that had stopped resonating deeply before is likely not the best move.
What’s happened so far in the crisis isn’t innovation, it’s adaptation. Most of the innovation lies ahead. Do not become trapped in your “personal echo chamber”. “Everyone wants it this way” is not an effective response to the profound disruption of this global pandemic.
While in Seminary, my classmates and I would joke about having 3-illiterated points, a poem, prayer, and AMEN! That style of performance was in serious decline pre-COVID. This is a great time to evaluate church along the line of these thoughts …..
anonymity to a sense of belonging
engagement of the heart, not just the head.
more variety of services than three songs and a message
more passionate expressions of worship
additional space during the service for prayer
There is one key thought that has emerged during this disruption, People want to know; Can you help me? Do you care about me? Can I trust you? The Gospel has always been about touching a heart before we impress the mind.
[1] Christian Millennials Are Most Likely Generation To Lean Toward Charismatic Worship. https://www.barna.com/research/worship-preferences/ ACCESSED 15 August, 2020.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Since we are seeking affirmation of our bias, we have never had more ways to accomplish this than now. Digital Babylon is designed to give you what you want, and it is apparent that we like it this way.
So many pastors feel the pressure from their members to reopen and reopen fully. And that’s predictable. People always crave what they’ve known. Think about that for a moment. Even when it comes to food, you’ve never craved anything you haven’t tried.
Leader, you are going to be highly motivated to return to the way things were. That is what you know. Those who had success in the past are going to be highly motivated to recreate that methodology and practice.
Leader, this is your vulnerability, you are open to hearing only what your personal echo chamber is telling you.
Church people are going to love in-person worship because, for the most part, that’s all they’ve known. As a leader, you are going to love it because that’s basically what you’ve led. All your skills, training, and Seminary experience point you back to it. Do not misunderstand my comments; I am not announcing the death of facility-based church activities.
In addition, you are probably surrounded by people who will tell you you’re right, that others are wrong, and add to that the fact that algorithms that control your social media feed will automatically find you more content that agrees with you, and you can convince yourself you’re right. Here’s the irony: in an online culture run by algorithms, you don’t actually get more choices, you get fewer (article: Declining Church Characteristics in 5 years).You should open yourself to a variety of other leaders that will give you a different way of thinking and seeing. There is always another way of leading as a Minister. Let this truth sink into your spirit-man; “What is measured is valued!” At this intersection of history, the echo chamber is not what we need. Fresh thinking and honesty in what we are measuring; “You come” or We Go!” how do you measure the value of spiritual growth and infiltration of the community systems with the power of the Gospel?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Thanks to COVID-19 most every church now has some form of online presence. The church world has infiltrated “Digital Babylon” in ways that could have only been dreamed about last year. However, there is a significant concern that is emerging at this point of (week #17) of our COVID journey.
It’s just that, in the future, declining churches will see it either as an afterthought or a lesser form of ministry. I know there are genuine theological questions that have yet to be answered. And we’ll figure that out as we go along. If that statement bothers you, just read the New Testament. The Gospel moves forward, and the leaders figure out what it means in real-time.
Do not fail to notice that people’s lives move forward daily regardless of circumstance. People are living more digitally now than ever. Businesses are figuring out new models and methods to maintain and/or increase their bottom-line. Consider Starbucks is slated to close 200 stores that are losing retail sales yet while online sells have soared. DavidsTea is realigning their company to become more of an online wholesaler of fine teas and products with their 222 stores in Canada and US.
Why would infiltrating Digital Babylon be seen as a lesser expression of faith in Christ or an afterthought? If our mind-set is settled upon “facility-based” expressions and practices of faith as the ultimate and most divine, you will perceive any other method as intrusive and nonessential. This global pandemic has accelerated the flaws in religious practice and therefore will be the blame for what has happened in the faith community. However, to those who see today as an opportunity will thrive and seize the moment for Kingdom expansion.
Perspective is key – what is measured reveals what is valued!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Small Mindset Shifts May Lead To your Greatest Season of Growth
I have been following the data trail of our national pandemic shut-down and re-open very closely. I am hearing a lot of leaders and volunteers that are declaring they feel STUCK!
Additionally, spiritual leaders are still feeling that ministry feels like it is in a holding pattern. I would argue something very different. This season that we all are experiencing is not a time to feel stuck! This is the wrong way to view this moment.
What’s the shift?It’s seeing this as a season of openness and possibility rather than gridlock and inability.It’s believing that you’re uniquely positioned to lead change in your ministry, precisely because the world has just changed.
I’ll admit that can sound like a bit of motivational hype. Perhaps, like me, you find yourself more skeptical of good news after two months on lockdown. Let me assure you this is not just wishful thinking. Research on organizational (and congregational) change reveals that leading change is indeed difficult. However, several leading scholars claim that the most difficult aspect of leading significant change in individuals or ministries is getting people out of their existing rut and opening their heart and mind to a new way of doing things.[1]
If you’ve been around church for any length of time, you know getting people out of a mental or behavioral rut is not easy. Change experts would agree each of these ways of thinking or acting is frozen. Further, the experts would tell you that the first and most difficult step of bringing about change is what’s known as unfreezing.[2] Unfreezing means getting a person or group of people to be open and consider a new way of thinking or acting. This concept of unfreezing is absolutely essential for any ministry leader who has wanted to lead some sort of change but so far has been unable to do so.The pandemic means that much of our deeply held thinking about the “right way” to do church or youth ministry are currently unfrozen. Viewing your leadership and ministry in the current season through this lens means the pandemic isn’t simply a barrier—it can in fact be an opportunity.[3]
[1] This theme runs through the work of several influential scholars in organizational development and organizational psychology, including Kurt Lewin, Edgard Schein, and Karl Weick. For further reading, see Lewin and Schein’s articles in Warner Burke, Dale G. Lake, and Jill Waymire Paine, eds., Organization Change: A Comprehensive Reader (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009).
[2] The term unfreezing comes from Kurt Lewin, “Quasi-Stationary Social Equilibria and the Problem of Permanent Change,” in Organizational Change: A Comprehensive Reader, eds. Burke et al. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009).
[3] The genesis of this article came from writer Jake Mulder on behalf of the Fuller Youth Institute.
What you measure as a leader represents what you value! So, what is your value statement currently? Are you measuring input or output? Are you measuring “facility-based” activity or discipling people to go into all the world? Is the success of the Gospel measured by the number of attendees and viewers or is it in the quality of discipled foot-soldiers?
It is my humble opinion that leaders that measure only attendees to online, live, small group gatherings will grow frustrated as time moves forward.
Find ways to engage new metric measurements. Track engagement. Discover how to measure real growth in faith. Figure out how to measure what is really going on in people’s lives (This could help).
Data is not the mountain to conquer or altar on which to worship. Rather, data is to assist in making informed decisions and pivots.
Will growing churches of the future become digital operations with physical addresses? If that becomes true, leaders that are unwilling to transition will experience increasing difficulty in church leadership tomorrow.
Your Decisions Today Determines Your Life Tomorrow
Is the physical church going to return post-covid? YES! As long as there are people there will be a need for human connections. Is in-person church the whole future? That is a much different question isn’t it?
Some Spiritual Leaders are declaring VICTORY with attendance that is 30%-40% less than pre-covid numbers. I recognize today is a difficult day, but somehow I am not able to understand how that a loss of these percentage levels is a victory.
It seems the current “normal” attendance is somewhere between 20%-40% less. While this will certainly improve there is a growing chorus of voices that believe there will be a level of permanent loss. This reality is being reported by the Barna Group stating that 49% of leaders are now openly making this declaration.
If we bet the farm that everyone will return we may set ourselves up for an ineffective future. However, if we embrace the larger opportunity of Live and Digital we most likely will reap a new harvest of Kingdom impact.
The real issue behind this discussion is the matrix that defines success. Is attendance in facility-based worship the primary matrix that defines our accomplishments? Are we measuring input versus output? What is the end goal that we strive for – Attendees or Disciples?
Let’s be clear, no person can predict the future with any sense of accuracy. I respectfully remain open to the idea that I am wrong. However, there are biblical activities and behaviors that are done consistently over time will produce a harvest. We are commissioned to “GO MAKE DISCIPLES!” That is a different matrix measurement that brings eternal significance!
I want to begin this podcast with a challenge to pray for our faith leaders across America. The pressure is intense and very real for these leaders. Everything we have ever known about church and its practice has been stood on its head. Would you leave a comment below and let’s togetherbuild a prayer force on behalf of our spiritual leaders.
Spiritual leaders have been trained to lead from an incarnational position– being present in a room with worshippers. Spiritual leaders are being forced in ministry models they are not equipped to accomplish. My seminary journey did not prepare me on how to build an online audience. The top concern for faith leaders is how to build a Youth and Kids ministry as a hybrid model – Live and digital. This added pressure is leading to secondary pressures; 34% of leaders are discouraged and 35% and sensing burn-out.
Keep in mind that this pandemic is an accelerator of weaknesses. It reveals our short-comings faster. Add to this narrative that only 1-in-8 spiritual leaders feel they are Shepherds (ministering to the hurts and high moments of life). Add to this 7-in-10 spiritual leaders believe their role is to be the primary teacher/speaker. This tends to exacerbate the problems. All previous expectations and performance measures do not necessarily apply currently. WHY? Attempting to perform “facility-based” ministry in a digital world misses the one glaring truth that everyone currently faces; We are all facing the same emotional pressures. Another program or series fails to speak to the emotional hurts and needs of people – “Do you care about me?” We all desire to have the human touch at this moment in history. Ministers are not exempt from this very real need! Consider the following data set that reveals the emotional state of being for spiritual leaders.
Emotional data set Week #16 for Spiritual Leaders:
•32% feel exhausted
•22% feel frustrated
•6% feel courageous
•3% feel successful
•1% feel understood
Make no mistake, our COVID journey is a revealer of our skill-set in ways that you might not realize. Pre-COVID the standard for measuring church attendance in America was 1.7x in 30 days was considered faithful participation. While spiritual leaders are all wrestling with the new hybrid church model, real questions yet remain in spite of the pandemic or any other crisis circumstance. Here are two piercing questions that seek solutions: 1.What do the people you serve need and how can our church facilitate this fact? 2.How is our church forming and shaping people for Kingdom purposes inour world?
How do we begin to respond to the questions that I just asked. I want to offer some suggestions that point in a productive direction for such a time as this. My suggestions begin by making a commitment to renew or for the first –time teach in an attitude of Biblical Spirituality. For example teach Peace In An Age of Fear by using the nine Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Make prayer contemporary by teaching and leading prayer in three ways; Cry of the Heart, Cry of the Church, and Cry of the City. Advancing the Kingdom of God requires practitioners in Evangelism – Alpha Online is an excellent tool that is adaptable both in live settings and Zoom platforms. How are you seriously impacting the subject of RACISM in an ongoing basis? Arrabon is an excellent platform for small groups to deal with racism as an ongoing dialogue. Last andcertainly not least, a thorough study of the Josiah’s prayer and actions forrepentance should be considered. His grand-father, Manasseh and his father Amon were very evil in their leadership over National Israel. Josiah ( 2 Kings 22) became king at 8 years of age and would lead the nation back to God and His law. Repentance cannot be over-looked for such a time as this.
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As of week #15 in the COVID-19 journey there is only 50% of churches that have re-opened with protective cautions. Just let that data point settle into your thinking for just a minute. Honestly, things are not going as well as initially thought. After allowing this fact to settle in consider also – 4 weeks ago 3% of pastors stated they would consider waiting until 2021 to reopen. In week #15 that number of pastors has grown to 15% – basically 1-in-9 pastors are now saying they will not open until 2021.
As you drill down into the data that is being tracked you will notice additional struggles. For example….
•88% of Pastors believe there will be a disruption of “Fall Outreach/Back-To-School” strategies.
•44% of Pastors are still struggling with the whole idea of the Hybrid Church – Live & Digital. February 2020 the Digital Church was at the bottom of the list of Pastoral concerns. Two weeks later the nation was shut-down and Digital Church was literally born over-night as a top concern.
•11% of Pastors feel they are equipped to lead during this national disruption.
There is an interesting dialogue that is emerging. First of all, Pastors are lamenting the fact that buildings are not being fully utilized. A real sense of loss has crept into the minds of Faith Leaders. If God is not limited to Dates, Times, and Space should we feel that we have lost something? When your mind opens to this truth, you begin to examine the role of buildings, classrooms, ushers, technology enhanced illustrations, etc. Said another way, How would the Gospel of Christ advance if we did not have buildings, technology, programs, and topical series?
Has Technology and programmatic strategies over-taken genuine human interaction? Are we measuring input instead of output? In other words is our message COME instead of GO? We have convinced ourselves that “Our Stuff” is necessary to change lives. Honestly, it is nice but not necessary!
Going back the Hybrid Church concerns, there is a 900lb elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. Social Media is not about announcements of sermon series, activities, upcoming events – “Look at what we are doing!” Social Media Ministry is about maturing people in their faith journey using digital spaces to accomplish this goal. Do not feel the pressure to repeat “facility-based” services on social platforms. Facility style services done on social platforms are not necessarily the optimal method to truly connect with people.
Your greatest resource to help are the Millennials and Gen-Zers. They live in the social platform world, everyone else is the late comers to the discussion. To repeat what I stated earlier, in February of this year digital church was at the very bottom of the list of concerns – 2 weeks later the nation is shut-down and the digital church world was born over-night.
So that I can go on record, I believe it is highly probable for churches to see a massive growth surge post-covid. This was true, post-911. The reason this growth surge of faith did not last post-911 was a failure to make a real human connection. Programs was the solution versus human touches. If post-911 is an indicator, we need to prepare NOW for growth that can be sustained. What do we need to change in our messaging and methods to communicate a genuine care and concern for a person’s story?
Some suggestions to energize the Human Element style of faith connections might be Zoom Bible Studies that are real and raw minus the production bells and whistles. Perhaps it is time to go “analog” by writing cards, letters, personalized notes of encouragement and demonstrate genuine care. Most of all “experiment” with new ideas that add the human value into your presentation.
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You have been living under a rock if you have not noticed the layered disruptions of 2020. Pandemic, Economic, Racial, Anarchists, Rioting, Intellectual Dishonesty of our Media, and Re-opening; these layers are enough to cause severe and perhaps permanent damage. Make no mistake the atmosphere of public discourse is very toxic and emotionally charged. Unfortunately, in the American Educational system it appears that we have lost our ability to practice “critical thinking skills.” This is the ability to research information from all sides of an issue and to critically think about the trajectory of our decisions once enacted. What is the trajectory of racial discussions in the American experience? Moreover, what trajectory is the Christian church on.
Below are some data sets that were assembled in 2019 by the Barna Research Group and Racial Justice and Unity Center. These data sets will speak for themselves in terms of enlightenment. This is not a judgmental article, rather it is more about information that can and will guide decisions and actions.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
What is your level of comprehension regarding what is happening in our world, nation, city, neighborhood? There are layers of disruption that has and still is occurring; Pandemic, economic, educational, Racism, rioting, Anarchists, intellectual dishonesty of our media, and for some death and dying. Are you in touch with the emotional impact these disruptions are having on people you serve? There are some definite warning signs that failure is emanate. Here are just a few.
Expecting Everything To Go Back To Normal – If you are tempted to wait it out until things “get back to normal”, you are acting from an entitlement mentality. Even after the pandemic is over and we can get ack to some familiarity, things are not going to be as they were before.
You Expect Others To Solve your Problems – If you are waiting on government or denominational leaders to solve this problem you are operating from a position of high risk. God has placed you in a position of leadership – so lead! You need to be humble enough to assess your community and various realities and make decisions on what you are seeing.
Expect Church To Happen Only Inside A Building – If the activity of God through you as a spiritual leader can only in a building, then you are missing out on what God really can accomplish.
Poor Communication – This pandemic has forced churches to shift communication styles very quickly. In fact, it has been amazing to watch. Social media platforms, digital tools are here to stay. The churches that will survive and thrive into the future are those that are using communication to ultimately drive activity throughout their entire organization. Communication is going to have a seat at the senior leadership table of thriving churches in the next normal.
Insider Focus – Churches that have always been solely focused on those who are already attending have been on the brink of extinction for a long time. The recovery period will accelerate the decline of churches exclusively focused on those already attending. You and I need to double down on our efforts to connect with people who don’t follow Jesus and to lovingly see them get connected to his message. Churches that are just focusing on the insiders, that are more worried about the “keep” than the “reach,” will find themselves increasingly marginalized and unable to survive what comes next.Financial Issues – In the coming days we are going to hear of difficulty in the financial operations of the church. Either our debt load is too large in the face of declining attendance, our strategy is building focused less on humanity, or our need for large gatherings with minimal social impact. Money pushed a vision. The real question is what vision is needed that necessitates our financial support.
What if the real problem is not medical but cultural!
With so much uncertainty in our world presently, why is there such a push to return to NORMAL? Is it possible that nostalgia has set into our spirit with record breaking speed? It has only been 4 months and yet it seems like 4 years at times – when will all of this end? The layers of disruption cannot be ignored – Pandemic, Racism, Anarchists, Destruction of cities, Back-To-School, Media Dishonesty! None of us are Superman/Superwoman! The social pressure, psychological pressure, and spiritual pressure cannot be ignored. The combination of so many issues can cause us to long for what we had instead of what we are facing. Here are 3 key insights that should give pause and reflection.
Things are not normal – it may be a while – Current data on attendance says that churches are 25% – 60% of attendees have returned to church facilities for worship. There is a serious question that demands an answer; Are we looking a medical issue or a cultural issue? What if the signs of declining attendance pre-dates COVID by 8 years? That being said, our real problem is culturally related not COVID. Look at the data chart below.
Crisis is the great accelerator. What may have taken 10 years to develop appears over-night during a crisis. The more we cling to the past only makes thriving in the future that much more difficult.
Are we building focused or people focused? – Since resources are not unlimited where are we allocating these resources. If our mission is to fill a building, then continue forward with your strategy. If your mission is to impact people then COVID has given all of us an opportunity to rethink our strategy and budget allocations. Beware of the trap of investing large amounts of resources into areas that are not producing currently.
Not gathering in a building does not mean we cannot gather – The church does not shine the brightest when we complain the loudest in the marketplace. Are we striving for a “zero-sum game” all or nothing? Is the church building the only way to gather? Pastor Greear of Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina recently told his church; “We are going to gather, it’s just not going to be in large groups of 500 to 1000 on the weekend in our facilities. ”Instead of The Summit Church being 12,000 people meeting in 12 different locations on the weekend, now we are going to be about 15,000 people meeting in about 2,400 locations.”Stop looking at COVID as an intermission. Stop thinking about how your future requires going back. Move forward toward your future. Rethink your mission!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The Best Thing You Can Do As A Leader Is To Learn From the Past, Not Live In it!
How is the church re-opening going? The national tracking data shows that churches are experiencing 20%-60% return to pre-COVID attendance. Truthfully, any sense of “old normal” will probably not be returning quickly. That is not be a prophet of “doom & gloom” rather, it is to speak of the phenomenal layered disruptions that everyone is experiencing – Pandemic, Social Distancing, Masks, Racism, Violence, and Anarchists. Patience is the key life-style principle that should be exercised in abundance. We are re-opening against 14+ weeks of isolation, work-at-home schedules, intellectual dishonesty of our news outlets, a poisoned social narrative, and out-right defiance. This is the short list that is more than capable of discouraging anyone to return to the old-normal of our past.
So that we do not miss the 900lb elephant in the room let’s be clear; there is no trophy for being the first to reach 100% for arriving back at your old-normal! Truthfully the church world was ignoring reality of societies perception of church attendance. Pre-pandemic faithful church attendance was classified as 1.7x per month. Millennials and Gen-Zer’s were leaving the white church (not the black the church) experience. Pre-pandemic data shows many churches building a massive following without having a massive social impact (Programs over Human Relationships). The massive technology shifts within our daily lives has radically altered our relationships, workflows, and social norms. This is nothing but a massive cultural revolution. The pandemic was the open can of gasoline that has accelerated this cultural revolution (Barna Research).
Going back to normal only works if; Normal was working before the pandemic. Secondly, does normal even exist. It is hard to return to something that does not exist. Carey Nieuwhof Ministry recently wrote about the allure to return to the past in a post-pandemic world. It has been suggested that……
Your skillset was designed for the Old Normal. You have perfectly prepared for a world that does not exist as before.
Your past is not what makes you panic. It is your future that causes the panic. The past is nostalgic the future never is.
Your past success makes you the most motivated to preserve it. In 1903, Horace Rackam, President of the Michigan Savings Bank famously told Henry Ford’s lawyer not to invest in the Ford Motor Company. His argument: “The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty – a fad.”
Horses and carriages had transported people for thousands of years—literally since Old Testament times. It was rational to believe that this mode of transportation wouldn’t disappear overnight. Until, of course, it did.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Layered Disruptions is the mark of 2020. In turn this has increased the pressure of performance and pressure on our most sacred relationships. In week #17 of our COVID journey there are a number ofpoints to discuss regarding Pastoral Vulnerability.
Vulnerability is something that ministers do not do very well. There is one generational thought of yester-year – “Do not let people see you sweat!” Another thought is vulnerability exposes weakness and people will not follow weakness. On the other hand every detail of life is displayed and that becomes reckless and manipulative. There is a real disconnect that is occurring..
Ministerial health has been surveyed weekly since the national quarantine began. When Ministers were asked, “Do you feel close to God?” – 90% said they felt close to God. However when asked, “Have you felt isolated and alone in the last week? – 50% of ministers stated they felt isolated in the last week. There is a disconnect from being close to God and yet isolated at the same time.
The idea that “I was built for this moment” is exposing some cracks in our emotional armor. There are three areas in which this is showing up; 1.Personal Friends – Ministers tend to have many acquaintances and few true friends. The real question; who are you calling this moment for emotional support and who will give you real honest feedback?2.Vulnerability In Leading – The pressure of ministry has exponentially increased. If I show weakness people will leave. 3.Ministerial Confidence in Their Calling – The pressure has been so heavy that many are beginning to question if they are even called to lead in this environment.
Vulnerability is a key issue for all of us. Understand there is a difference between Privacy and Secrecy. We should not share private matters and their associated details to a watching community. Yet there is a need to share in some context for healing to occur with a trusted person/spouse. To share the larger issues is to demonstrate humanity versus never saying anything about personal struggle – I’m Good! The complete opposite of privacy for the purpose of healing is secrecy that intends to keep silent and withhold darker habits and issues. It is difficult for healing to occur in this environment.
There are three BIG QUESTIONS we all need answered; (1) Can you help me? (2) Can I trust you? And (3) Do you truly understand? Let’s face it, we are all living in the face of COVID-19 and social unrest at levels that surpass the 1960’s. There is a subtle cry and tension point between Christ’s response to the hurting father; “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes…” The hurting parent cries out, “Lord I believe but help my unbelief.” Mark 9:23-25
God ministers through our weaknesses not our strengths!
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We all knew something was not quite right but were unsure of where to direct our focus and emotions. Our global pandemic has forced what was already present in people’s lives to the surface – “I am not happy in my work-life experience!” The Mental Health America group reports a 370% increase in depression and anxiety since January 2020. Life feels like a pressure cooker!
The combination of many factors has pushed forward the notion for many people, “Should I consider a new career? Writer and Director for International Business Development at People Keys Dr. Brad Smith, has put together 10 warning signs when you should consider a new career. Here are the 10 signs you are ready for a career change now:
You are furloughed, either temporarily or permanently. It doesn’t get any more clear or real than this. You need a new way of making income.
You have serious doubts about your current position, company, or long-term financial outlook. Start something on the side now you enjoy that you can eventually move into full time.
You feel physically or mentally drained most of the time.
You wake up in the night or in the morning with anxiety or worries over your job.
You are losing self-esteem and think less of yourself. Chances are, it really isn’t you, but being in a bad place or working for someone who is not supportive leads you to feel less confident in yourself. It’s time for a change.
You have said things to yourself, such as, “If it wasn’t for the money I would already be gone.” You are ready for a change.
You are self-medicating or finding other ways to cover your unhappiness.
You feel like a split personality, one at home and one at work, or while you are performing your job duties. You don’t feel the two align, ever!
You have lost all excitement about your work or profession.
You have read this article up to this point. Unless you are doing it for educational purposes, you probably wouldn’t be reading this unless you knew it was time.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why, so few people engage in it.” ~ Henry Ford
“I not only use all of the brains that I have, but all I can borrow” ~ Woodrow Wilson
The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read” ~ Mark Twain
We all would like to have more time to learn and to learn at a faster pace. The “someday/maybe’s” holds more people from their fullest potential than anything I know. Author Jim Kwik suffered a severe brain injury as a child. This affected his ability to learn so much so that an elementary teacher stated that his brain is broke. The kid with the “broke brain” stigma stayed with Kwik for years. Obviously he became an overcomer in developing habits and life hacks that aided in his amazing recovery. He shares many of those insights in his book Limitless. He wrote about an acronym F.A.S.T.E.R. that is a great tool worth sharing if you desire to grow and learn faster against all odds.
F is for Forget – The key to laser focus is to remove or forget that which distracts you. …
A is for Act – Traditional education has trained many people that learning is a passive experience. You sit quietly in a class, you don’t talk to your neighbor, and you consume the information. But learning is not a spectator sport. The human brain does not learn as much by consumption as it does creation. …
S is for State – All learning is state dependent. Your state is a current snapshot of your emotions. It is highly influenced by your thoughts (psychology) and the physical condition of your body (physiology). …
T is for Teach – If you want to cut your learning curve dramatically, learn with the intention of teaching the information to someone else. Think about it: If you know you have to give a presentation on what you learn, you will approach how you learn the topic with the intention of mastering it well enough to explain it to someone else. …
E is for Enter – What is the simplest and most powerful personal performance tool? Your calendar. We enter important things on our schedule. … Do you know what a lot of people don’t schedule? Their personal growth and development. If it’s not on your calendar, there’s a good chance it’s not getting done. …
R is for Review – One of the best ways to reduce the effects of the forgetting curve is to activelyrecall what you learned with spaced repetition.”
As the churches of American continue to re-open their doors we are discovering that many people have yet to commit to returning to regular live church services. In fact it is almost a guessing game for some leaders. Barna Research has been polling the faith community for decades. They have put forth a special effort during our pandemic journey on a weekly basis to reveal what pastors, various faith leaders, and congregants are saying and feeling. Because we are living through the disruption of COVID-19 and then add on top we now are dealing with Racism in America. This compounding impact of social unrest is causing church leaders (1 in 9) to feel their congregants’ faith will and/or is diminishing. Also 43% of leaders now feel there will be a long-lasting decline in church attendance.
I want to interject some personal thoughts on attendance. In my life-time beginning with my pre-teen years church was offered…..•4x weekly – mid-week prayer, Friday evening Youth, 2x on Sunday (a.m. & p.m.)•Pre-COVID faithful church attendance was 1.7x per month. •Is church attendance the correct matrix to measure the activity of God?
The compounding disruptions of the faith community should awaken us to be concerned about how are we showing up as the church in helping people with trust? Trust in government, relationships, and church?
We hear a lot about the Millennials and Gen-Zer’s leaving the church. We should nuance this say they are leaving the white church not so much the black church. If we can get beyond our stylistic likes and dislikes for a moment, I think we can all agree that black worship is emotionally engaging and relational. That seems to be a winning combination for these generations.
Truthfully, as humans seeking understanding and longing for something to believe in, we desire to feel that our life counts and that we belong in a relational community. I believe there are three key conversations that need to occur from church leaders to congregants:1.How are we instilling trust in Civic Leadership and Praying for them?2.How are we instilling confidence in relationships?3.How are we building the Biblical image of the Church/Kingdom of God up?
We still are dealing with the 2nd major disruption – Racism in America. I want to offer 6 bullet points of thoughts.•Research the demographic of your community’s’ school district to get a grasp of the ethnic diversity in your community. This alone will guide strategy to reach across the divide.•Show up at ethnic community opportunities as a LISTNER! Then act like a servant to meet needs.•Love People – Love casts out fear!•Choose Jesus not a “side.”•Do not give up your birth-rite as a Christian for racial posturing.•Every Leader needs a Pastor in their life.
Everyone is an expert presently because they have an FB, Twitter, IN account. Do your homework to get at the truth. Allow data to guide your actions and conversations. Do Not use data to become the decision, only a guide for decisions!
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“I’m a firm believer that we all have incredible superpowers that are waiting to be awakened.
I’m not talking about the ability to fly, create iron-clad armor, or shoot lasers from your
eyes, but real-life practical abilities like flying through books, iron-clad memory, laser focus,
boundless creativity, clear thinking, mindfulness, superior mental attitude, and more. We are all
superheroes in one way or another.
Just as every superhero has powers, so do they have arch nemeses. Enter the supervillain.
Think the Joker to Batman, Lex Luthor to Superman. The villains we face may not look the
same as they do in the movies, but they’re still the bad guys—the ones you, as a superhero, need to vanquish and hold at bay. Modern-day supervillains get in our way and make life harder, keeping us from our potential. They hold us back and rob us of our productivity, prosperity, positivity, and peace of mind. And it’s up to us to recognize and defeat them.” Jim Kwik
We are all faced with various distraction that keep us from reaching our fullest potential in life. Many of them ae spiritual but others are our on doing. There are 4 key Supervillains that get in the way of our potential and giftings. These have been referred to as the 4 Modern Horseman of our age.
First, we’re DELUGED with an overload of information. Get this: “Compared to the 15th century, we now consume as much data in a single day as an average person from the 1400s would have absorbed in an entire lifetime.”
Second, we’re DISTRACTED by all this digital stimulus. “Instead of relaxing into the downtime that we might experience when waiting in line, waiting for a bus or an appointment, etc., we pull out our phones and train our distraction muscles.”
Third, we’re experiencing DEMENTIA or a “breakdown of cognitive abilities” as a result of our overreliance on technology. “There’s research that says our brains are more like a muscle, rather than a hard drive that fills up. That the more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the more it can store. The question is: Are we making those choices consciously, or are we acting out of unconscious habit?”
Fourth, we’re losing our power of DEDUCTION when we can so quickly turn to digital sources ofinformation to let us know how we should be thinking about something in our lives. “The upshot is that deduction—an amalgam of critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity that is an essential skill for being limitless—is becoming automated.” Jim Kwik
We are now into our 15th week of the COVID journey in our world. We have data that is showing the various highs and lows on this 15-week journey. What is emerging is the Hybrid Church – a combination of In-Person and Online church services. For me this has been a fascinating study of the changing emotions of church leaders. For example…..
•Week #1 – 50% of Pastors believed that Covid-19 would increase the faith of worshipers.
•Week #15 – 24% of Pastors believe that Covid-19 will increase the faith of worshipers. This is a 26% drop of optimism in 15 weeks.
•11% of Pastors are now saying that faith will decrease in the lives of worshipers. This was not even a thought 15 weeks ago.
•Week #1 – 10% of Pastors stated their overall attendance would decline as a result of Covid-19.
•Week #15 – 47% of Pastor state their overall attendance will decline as a result of Covid-19.
We need to realize that pre-COVID the Millennials and Gen-Zers were already getting their spiritual content from a variety of churches. Covid did not create the opportunity – they were already in the digital marketplace. The truth of the matter is that all Pastors realize on some level the need to have a growing digital presence coupled with In-Person services.
What is most intriguing presently is that some American Pastors are now asking after 15 weeks of our COVID journey; “Didwemissour opportunityaschurchesandleadersforrepentanceand reimaginingthechurch? The trending of data seems to indicate thatchurches are attempting to just get through this crisis without any thought of what then church has become.
Consider the often-overlooked fact that “Faithful Church Attendance” pre-COVID was only 1.7 times per month. Let this sink into your spirit – less than two times in thirty days was given to attending the Body of Christ. Now that we have had 15 weeks of new habits it is not hard to see that church attendance is going to suffer. We were barely hanging on before this pandemic. Pastor Saul’s of Christ Church in Nashville, Tennessee stated they are only running one-third (650) of their attendance currently. However, there online attendance is in the thousands.
What is the Lord of the Harvest saying to us as Faith Leaders that is new and fresh and not old and same? This is a window of importance for the souls of mankind not just the existence of a local (little “C”) church. Rather it is time to reshape the BIG “C” Kingdom narrative!
Digital Technology, COVID-19, and How we have displayed church has brought us to a crisis discussion of Discipleship! Can we effectively make Biblical disciples in a digital church format? The question itself represents a tension between how we have traditionally operated church and technologies presentation of how church can be done. A closer examination of the Biblical pattern of disciple-making and study of our current methods can open the door to new-innovation. However, make no mistake how church will be accomplished moving forward will change. ”NORMAL” left 15 weeks ago.
I close this podcast with a reminder that leaders on all levels of society are fatigued and borderline discouraged. Even the anarchists are fatigued suffering from “outrage fatigue” and “Out-rage exhaustion.” You cannot keep a clinched fist forever. Darkness cannot dispel darkness – only LIGHT! That LIGHT starts as soul-care for the leader and then the church and society. Learn to be GOOD to yourself!
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Author Rollo May states in his book, The Courage To Create: “The acorn becomes an oak by means of automatic growth; no commitment is necessary. The kitten similarly becomes a cat on the basis of instinct. Nature and being are identical in creatures like them. But a man or woman becomes fully human only by his or her choices and his or her commitment to them. People attain worth and dignity by the multitude of decisions they make from day by day. These decisions require courage.”
Now that we are 15 weeks into our COVID journey what decisions have you made to grow yourself and expand your ability. Courage is required no matter what version of yourself you choose to display. It is never too late to stop, reflect, and make a decision to realign your life in the direction of true values – Faith, Family, Service to others.
“For as he thinks within himself, so he is…” Proverbs 23:7a NASB
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
You can learn to be, do, have and share with no constraints. I wrote this book to prove this to
you. If you are not learning or living at your true potential, if there is a gap between your current reality and your desired reality, here’s the reason: There is a limit that must be released and replaced in one of three areas:
• A limit in your Mindset—you entertain a low belief in yourself, your capabilities, what youdeserve, or what is possible.
• A limit in your Motivation—you lack the drive, purpose, or energy to take action.
• A limit in your Methods—you were taught and are acting on a process that is not effective tocreate the results you desire.This applies to an individual, a family, an organization. We all have our own unique story ofstruggles and strengths. Whatever your situation happens to be, here’s the best part: You’re not alone. I’m going to help you become limitless in your own way, within the three-part framework you’re about to learn: Limitless Mindset, Limitless Motivation, and Limitless Methods. Kwik.
The author states that his model will help you “un-limit” your capability and potential. He states it this way:
Mindset (the WHAT): deeply held beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions we create about who we are, how the world works, what we are capable of and deserve, and what is possible.
Motivation (the WHY): the purpose one has for taking action. The energy required for someone to behave in a particular way.
Method (the HOW): a specific process for accomplishing something, especially in an orderly, logical, or systematic way of instruction.
Author Kwik’s definition for un-limiting is “The act or process of casting aside inaccurate and restrictive perceptions of one’s potential and embracing the reality that, with the right mindset, motivation, and methods, there are no limitations.”
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I looked again. I saw a huge crowd, too huge to count. Everyone was there—all nations and tribes, all races and languages. And they were standing, dressed in white robes and waving palm branches, standing before the Throne and the Lamb and heartily singing: Salvation to our God on his Throne! Salvation to the Lamb! Revelation 7:9-10 Msg.
In continuing the discussion of ministerial pressure into week 14 of our COVID journey, I want to focus upon some observations regarding Racism. I want to review some new insights emerging that is getting lost in the context of destruction. I want to begin my thoughts with the opening scripture. So that we do not miss the 900lb elephant in the room – Heaven is going to be a phenomenal racial blend! This fact is undeniable and inescapable. No legitimate bible scholar will deny this truth claim.
That being said, there is a question worth considering; “Are we more apt to stand around the Throne of God to worship versus being seated at a table of discussion to have real conversation on racism? Revelation 7:9 will occur, but how will we get there on the road of life? We surely cannot believe we will mystically arrive without having experienced life and conversation together? Could our educational system be part of the beginning problem that denies discussion at an ethnic table? One of the salient truths that has become real for me is that it is possible to get a PhD and never study black culture. Yet, It is impossible to get a GED without studying white culture. It is my opinion that education ill prepares us for living and relating in an ethnic world.
Consider Simon the Cyrenian that was pushed into service on Jesus’ behalf – carry this cross (Mark 15:21)! This often-overlooked passage of scripture is rich content. Simon is from the continent of Africa – modern day Libya. He was pushed into service of carrying Christ’s cross simply being at that place and that moment in time.
The thrust of language in discussing Simon the Cyrene indicates he was “seized upon and thrust into service.” The cultural intersection of that moment is too rich to pass by it without noticing this fact. Romans, Jews, and Cyreneians. Have we thought about this verse through the lens of diversity. Perhaps in the white community we should ask….
•Where am I lacking knowledge on ethnic diversity?
•What is it that I am not seeing that others see in ethnic diversity?
•Am I humble enough to ask in the first place?
We need to get outside of our own “Echo Chamber” to actually hear and see with clarity. If I have learned anything during this COVID journey is that our media outlets lack intellectual honesty. I am very careful in the news that I digest. The basic rule of thumb is if you cannot show evidence of your claim, then I am not reading or listening to your narrative on a continual basis. Echo Chamber reporting is “Antithetical” to God’s narration. Just because a crowd repeats erroneous claims often does not suddenly make them true.
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While he was a prisoner, the Apostle Paul was the first to suggest the limitless possibility (through Christ) long before author Jim Kwik. Think about Paul’s words as a prisoner being physically limited dares to suggest limitlessness in Christ. Note a comparison by author Kwik from his book Limitless.
“The Hero’s Journey is the perfect structure to lend power and purpose to your personal story. In Limitless, you are the superhero. One of my core beliefs is that human potential is one of the only infinite resources we have in this world. Most everything else is finite, but the human mind
is the ultimate superpower—there is no limit to our creativity, imagination, determination, or ability to think, reason, or learn. Yet this resource is also among the least tapped. All of us can be the heroes of our own story, dipping into the well of our potential every single day and never having that well run dry. But so few of us approach our lives this way. That’s why I wrote this book—to help you realize that no matter where you are, or where you’ve been, you absolutely can free yourself and go from limits to liberation. That might be the only ‘extra’ you need to transition from ordinary to the extraordinary world.”
~ Jim Kwik from Limitless
I failed to mention that author Jim Kwik suffered a brain injury while in Kindergarten. During his elementary school years, he became known as the “kid with the broke brain.”
The Moral Arch of the Universe bends towards Justice – Dr. King
Just when you thought that re-opening your church was going to be a breeze, only to find out that you are up against 13 weeks of changed habits in church attendees lives and just when you are about to gain some traction all of a sudden we are faced with RACISM in America. So what is the current data set of our COVID journey?
We see that only 28% of churches are actively involved in Racial Injustice solutions. Have you made a statement about racial inequality? – 68% of churches have issued some statement. With COVID-19 sucking the life out of spiritual leaders then pile on racial unrest there were only 3 positive attributes that faith leaders are feeling currently – 11% are hopeful, 8% are motivated, and 7% are determined. Outside of these attributes, leaders are a mixture of anger, discouragement, frustrated, and lonely.
Nationally known Faith Leaders are being crucified for daring to speak up about Racism in America. Silence is not an effective solution.
We are living in a perfect storm scenario in that we are trying to get our churches operational and now we are thrust into a national debate on facing prejudice for the marginalized in our society. The Pandemic shut-down was like the 2.4-mile swim as the first leg of the triathlon. Now we are being asked to go on a 112-mile bicycle race, only to realize there is yet a 26.2 mile run that follows. I cannot say that I am surprised by the emotional roller-coaster that faith leaders are experiencing.
In my previous Podcast I highlighted the unique conversations that parents are attempting to have with their young adolescent Teens about racism, riots, and burning businesses. Yes there is a real need for a wholistic Family Ministry that has not previously existed. How can churches reinvigorate the human factor back into the church life and help parents with tough conversations?
We are living in a perfect storm scenario in that we are trying to get our churches operational and now we are thrust into a national debate on facing prejudice for the marginalized in our society. The Pandemic shut-down was like the 2.4-mile swim as the first leg of the triathlon. Now we are being asked to go on a 112-mile bicycle race, only to realize there is yet a 26.2 mile run that follows. I cannot say that I am surprised by the emotional roller-coaster that faith leaders are experiencing.
We are living in a perfect storm scenario in that we are trying to get our churches operational and now we are thrust into a national debate on facing prejudice for the marginalized in our society. The Pandemic shut-down was like the 2.4-mile swim as the first leg of the triathlon. Now we are being asked to go on a 112-mile bicycle race, only to realize there is yet a 26.2 mile run that follows. I cannot say that I am surprised by the emotional roller-coaster that faith leaders are experiencing.
In my previous Podcast I highlighted the unique conversations that parents are attempting to have with their young adolescent Teens about racism, riots, and burning businesses. Yes there is a real need for a wholistic Family Ministry that has not previously existed. How can churches reinvigorate the human factor back into the church life and help parents with tough conversations?
It is interesting that pre-George Floyd the emotional state of faith leaders was one of frustration yet with a whole lot of hopefulness. Today positivity is less than 10% with a whole lot of frustration, anger, and disappointments. There is much room for improvement on positivity.
•At the top of the list – we should pray for our Spiritual Leaders and their family. It is difficult to engage critical conversations from a position of being tired and weary. We pray for Revival!
•While others are attempting to sanitize the marketplace of historical icons that are not to be worshipped or revered, rather we are to remember – Don’t do that ever again!
•We are to pass on the heritage of God’s “hesed” love for all of man-kind. This love is never failing and unending. This is the opposite spirit of hatred that is being demonstrated.
•Living out the principles just stated we join ourselves with those like-minded people to multiply our impact and voice to a watching world.
All of this said and acted upon, we realize there is pure evil in our world that is destructive and that it does not matter who is hurt in the process. It is difficult to impossible to achieve meaningful conversation and plans with angry destructive voices.
The Moral Arch of the Universe bends towards Justice – Dr. King
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First, let’s note the fact that 1 pound of sugar is 454 grams of sugar. If the average person consumes 150 pounds a year, that’s roughly .41 pounds per day or 185 grams of sugar per day.
Note1: 500 years ago, when we were consumed only 5 pounds of sugar per day, that was, if my math is correct, .14 pounds per day or 6.35 grams per day.
Note2: 1,000 years ago, when we consumed roughly ZERO pounds of sugar per day, that was, if my math is correct, 0.0 pounds per day or 0.0 grams per day. 🤓
Let’s see how fast it all adds up.
Can of coke = 44 grams
Oh, wait. You’re going for the healthy juice alternative, right? Let’s say you grab an Odwalla Lemonade Pure Squeezed All Natural.
According to CalorieKing you just got: 41 grams of sugar.
Or, maybe you’re giving your kids “healthy” fruit juice.
That apple juice has 37 grams of sugar.
And, very importantly, as this site points out: “So, if a child has apple juice with breakfast, low-fat chocolate milk with lunch, a sports drink after school and lemon-lime soda with dinner, they could consume 130 grams of sugar in drinks alone. That’s more than five times what pediatricians recommend for a child’s total daily sugar intake.”
130 grams that fast?
We’d only need 55 more grams of sugar in all the rest of our food to hit the 185 gram daily threshold that’ll lead to the 150 POUNDS of sugar that leads to chronic not-awesomeness?
It adds up.
Obviously donuts and candy bars and cookies have a ton of sugar. But so does yogurt and salad dressing, and ketchup and pasta sauce and, well, pretty much everything that was made in a factory that you’re eating out of a jar or a box.
Which is yet another reason why Michael Pollan tells us “If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t.”
NOTE: This is a reprint article from Brian Johnson – Philosopher/Optimist Coach.
“Sugar is a toxin. It fuels diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and cancer. At the current dose we consume, more than 150 pounds per person every year, sugar and its derivatives kill more people than cocaine, heroin, or any other controlled substance around.One report aptly describes sugar as ‘candy for cancer cells.’ It accelerates aging and inflammation in the body and subsequently fuels tumor growth. It is now clear that if you lower your sugar intake, you reduce your odds of developing cancer.”
Did you know that 500 years ago we did not consume sugar. By 1700 we consumed 52 lbs. of sugar per year. 2020, we are consuming 150 lbs. of sugar on average per year. YOWSERS!
According to UCSF’s Sugar Science site 74% of our processed food contains sugar. In fact there are 61 names for sugar. Food processors are attempting to hide this fact in plain site of the consumer. Here is a list of all 61 names for sugar:
9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language,standing before the throneand before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. 10 And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Revelation 7:9-10 NIV (Emphasis Added).
Heaven is going to be a multi-ethnic space – period! It has been stated that we are more eager to stand around the Throne of worship than sit at the table of dialogue! If heaven is going to be a multi-ethnic space then why is it so hard to engage meaningful conversation that leads to real solutions? Consider the current data trends during our COVID journey together.
18% of Pastors state they are “fully capable” of leading during this racial/biological season of American history.
28% of churches are actually involved in meaningful “social injustices” – attempting to work toward solutions.
These two data points reveal a deeper theological reality. First of all, why are there not 100% of Pastors that are fully capable of leading in such socially threatening times? Second of all, because Christ died for all of mankind, why is there not a higher participation of involvement in the arena of social injustices? To respond; “I don’t know how!” or “I don’t understand!” falls woefully short. So that I am not misunderstood I am not propagating a “social justice works faith.” However, the gospel of Christ, when fully lived out impacts social justice as result of the cross first not as an addendum.
Could it be that North American Christianity has been viewed through the lens of “Whiteness?” Allow me to illustrate this fact with my own educational journey. My journey was 14 years in length of formal education without ever sitting under a multi-ethnic professor and only required to read a very small handful of multi-ethnic authors. Sadly, my story is the same for multi-ethnic students attending the same Universities and Seminaries with me. A core study of Christian Higher Education is Systematic Theology. This genre of study fails if only one ethnic group is doing all of the talking. Back to Revelation chapter 7:9-10 – Heaven will be populated as a multi-ethnic space that no man can number the size of it. Perhaps we need to start looking through a different lens to allow the full message of scripture to emerge for such a time as this. Which lens are you looking through?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
If You Don’t Change Your Method You Risk No One Hearing Your Message
I am writing this Blog Article as a 45-year veteran of Gospel speaking and teaching. I have experienced a number of “CRISIS” moments in this life journey. The most impactful crisis moments have all centered on gospel mandates and my actions or lack thereof. I made significant changes in my leadership behavior at these crisis moments to align my ministry more with Scripture versus popular thought. Step-by-step these crisis moments of scriptural mandate have caused my spiritual awareness and behavior to be more sensitive to the voice of God through scripture. Do not misunderstand my words – I am not claiming “super-saint” status. I am claiming that a life lived with God’s Word as a driving centerpiece of behavior and learning, your spiritual senses will increase.
That said I came to a conclusion years ago (over 25yrs.) the Church’s operational functioning in society will look and operate very differently at the sounding of the Trumpet of Christ’s second return. As a student of ministerial leadership during this pandemic shut down to the restart of church, for the first time in over 25-years of leading in the faith community, I believe the church in now facing a very critical moment of transition and change. The paradigm of doing church in a box on Sunday’s has been stood on its head – the church has been forced to go to the people on Sunday, not the other way around. What is at risk if we fail in this moment? If methodology does not change we are risking no one listening to our message.
The choice in front of people today is “Analog” Vs. “Digital” church. Digital is not primarily a platform for cool graphics and announcement bumper videos with movie clip illustrations to support a presentation. Pause for just a moment and allow the Millennials and Gen-Zers to speak to all of us. Digital is about relationships first and foremost, radical retail transition is second. It is all about relationships, it is about the human touch accelerated because of digitral technology. It is about “being church” versus “doing church.” Churches going digital is not solely about content distribution. Think for just a minute – going to church was the only option to connect with faith during the week. In fact it was once the highlight of the week! What if the church started going to people? What would happen if we made our church sticky? What would change in our leadership model because of a desire to be sticky? Is the front-door of the church over-rated? My heart tells me that people would desire to be part of that church because it touched them at the point of human need and suffering. To change or not to change is a very real question that demands an answer.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Martin Luther King Jr. once stated that it is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian American is 11:00am on Sunday. Progress is slow on racial reconciliation in this country, particularly given recent events. But why do lingering divisions exist in the Church, the very communities built on the promise of forgiveness and reconciliation? Finding racial unity in a congregation is a complex task that requires a deep recognition of racial differences in how Christians understand and practice their faith.
Consider the following snapshots that were prepared between Barna Research and Navigators in 2015
These snapshots are not designed to elevate one group of worshippers over another group as though they are superior. Careful examination of the data in 2015 reveals there is a real need for improvement no matter the ethnic origin. However, it must be concluded that white congregations have much to learn about spirituality being “soulish”. Black worshippers feel their faith and it is expressed openly. I am not suggesting that any group of worshippers should emulate the style and expressions of other worshippers and force that style to become normative. Can we agree the miracles of scripture and the hope of Heaven will cause a bit of excitement in our soul? How do you keep that quiet? How do you remain expressionless while serving a Mighty God?
For reconciliation to work in the Faith Communities of American it seems we must own our need for a deeper and meaningful growth in our worship expression. We must also accept the fact that white and black worshippers are starting the dialogue from different starting points of belief and expression. Question: If Faith-Life in Christ does not matter, then what matters?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Critical thinking is defined as active use of a person’s reasoning ability to identify and analyze arguments, ideas and situations to reach rational conclusions or decisions. Critical thinking also involves developing reliable evaluations before believing something.
Critical thinking is the process of synthesizing gathered information to decide on a course of action. About.com argues that in order to think critically, a person should be open minded and able to differentiate between reason and emotion. The process involves reflective thinking, problem solving, and arguing from knowledge or evidence. Successful critical thinking requires skills such as observation, evaluation, analysis, interpretation and inference, and it has a place in all academic disciplines and professional fields.[1]
Writer Will Erstad states that even if you want to be a better critical thinker, it’s hard to improve upon something you can’t define. Critical thinking is the analysis of an issue or situation and the facts, data or evidence related to it. Ideally, critical thinking is to be done objectively—meaning without influence from personal feelings, opinions or biases—and it focuses solely on factual information.[2]
Skills Needed
There is no set standard of skills in which to develop to become a better Critical Thinker. It really depends upon the circumstances of the moment and the author you choose to listen to at the moment. Erstad seems to offer a fair appraisal of what a Critical Thinkers skill set would look like. Here are 6 skills to work on.
Identify the situation or problem and the factors that are influencing this issue. Ask Who is doing what? What seems to be the reason for this action? What is the end result or how could this change?
Research the issue to learn the competing arguments of PRO and CON in the debate to gain context in the moment.
Identify biases that exists. Who does this benefit? Who suffers as a result of this action? What is the agenda behind this information? What is the language pattern of the debate? Am I being swayed to an alt-position or am I being led to truth?
What inference(s) are you drawing as a result of the data set in front of you? What is being presented as important truth may in fact turn out to be secondary truth.
Determine the relevance of this issue. Am I attempting to solve a problem or am I observing a trend? What does this mean to me at this moment and what action should I take or deny?
Productive Curiosity can be healthy if the end goal is change. If not it is a rabbit-hole!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I asked a question earlier; What does 9/11 and COVID Pandemic have to do with the Graduating Class of 2020? The answer; They were all born in the 9/11 era in which we faced terrorism on American soil. It was a global Terrorist concern. This class graduated with a Global shut-down due to COVID-19. It is a Biological warfare concern coupled with Racism.
Just let this fact sink into your spirit for just a minute. Gen Z-ers is the generation that will be most impacted by COVID-19. That being said, pause and think about how we are currently attempting to re-open our church and its various ministries. Here are some probing insights and questions to reflect upon.
Parents are stressed out! They were thrust into a scenario of becoming overnight schoolmasters to make sure their child’s digital homework was being accomplished so that can pass their grade or graduate. They have been thrust into a digital work-at-home strategy. There is a lack of children’s activity!
At the same time they are very concerned about putting their child into large group activity. Yes, there is pressure and stress. Consider also that as of December 19, 2019 there was no real online option for Family Ministry. It is needed more now than ever. The North American Church has not made this shift of ministry. For example, how is the church helping Parents with conversation with their 12-14 year old’s regarding the riots, looting and fires in our 24/7 news cycle? How do you keep toddlers socially distant? What happens when there is no Summer Camps to attend? Yes, Parents are a bit stressed!
Question: How do you put the heart of humanity and church into a digital format? All of us are social creatures, especially our children. We have come to learn once again that old fashion pen-to-paper is one of the most effective means of communicating heart, concern, and genuine care for another person.
Consider that 3 of 5 Pastors state their engagement with children and youth has declined. Only 1 in 3 churches have a digital plan that is operational for children and youth. If your church has such a plan, you are clearly in the minority – Congrats are in order, however. Moving forward, our digital platforms are here to stay and should improve. The power of reach has become obvious. If the church does not provide the necessary resources to survive in our new reality, Parents will Google for help. The problem with that, however, is they may not be getting the best help or biblically based help.
In Mark’s Gospel narrative of the Bible, chapter 9 tells of a parent’s concern for his son. There are two key insights in this narrative, The parent pleads for help and yet acknowledges the Disciples were powerless to help. Jesus is the answer for the world today – He heals the concerned father’s son. The disciples ask why they could not perform that miracle. Jesus simply responded that some things only come through prayer. A new Spiritual Authority is needed to face desperate times!
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During our National Quarantine I felt strongly impressed to invest in my spiritual development and growth. I have accomplished this through reinvesting my time in the Biblical languages – Hebrew and Koine Greek. From this there has been a fresh awakening in my soul coupled with a deeper comprehension of the Gospel. This National Quarantine coupled with rioting has caused me to re-evaluate Biblical Discipleship. It all begins with a clear message – Jesus Christ is Lord.
American Gospel is actually a 2-hour presentation. This is a 40 minute portion of the entire program. I can only invite you to view, learn, and pray for a fresh desire to learn and be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Christians today are Biblically malnourished—severely so. A dearth of Biblical preaching is the No. 1 reason the evangelical movement is so spiritually anemic. (John Macarthur)
The Bible foretold times like these. The Old Testament includes this prophecy: “‘Behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord God, ‘That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord’” (Amos 8:11, NKJV). Lamentations 2:9 seems to indicate that prophets will not be able to find a vision from the Lord. In others the Deity of God will become obscure not because He withholds himself, but because the people have rejected Him.
The Apostle Paul likewise foresaw an era that would be marked by a severe shortage of God’s Word. He predicted that a time was coming when people in the church “will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). As you study the context for Paul’s instruction what you see is a stubborn resistance to the gospel message. Paul describes three features that indicates a restless craving for novelty. (1) Listeners would grow weary of sound doctrine (2) People will amass teachers to suit their own desires (3) They will do this to satisfy their “itching ears” – a satisfying message that is pleasing to hear. In other words, they want a gospel without the cross.
The primary question is “Are we experiencing a modern-day famine?” The implication is not that people are incapable of hearing with their ears. The issue is the passion of life have drawn people away from God to such an extent they cannot hear him any longer. Coupled with this fact, is the challenge for Ministers that speak regularly to their attendees. The Bible is a message about the Gospel! Christ declared that all that had been written in the Law, Prophets, and Gospels were about Him. The American church has allowed novelty to creep in to such an extent that sermons are being referenced as TEDx Talks. For a thorough review I strongly encourage you to watchAmerican Gospel – Christ Alone.
It is interesting to note that Paul understood this gospel famine was already at work in his day. We can declare no less for our day. In fact, the spirit of this famine is strong. Present Christ to as many as you can, as often as you can, for as long as you can.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
As the world moves toward re-opening, a remarkable opportunity is also opening for leaders to re-claim and re-shape the culture of their team and organization. With crisis comes opportunity. Using the 5 Levels of Leadership from John Maxwell as a model, leaders can take intentional actions to fully engage their teams as they return to the new normal of business.[1]
Level 1 in the 5 Levels of Leadership is called Position and means that your influence is entirely dependent on the fact that you are the boss; you have the title. This is not an effective way to lead and why we encourage leaders to enjoy the fact that someone saw leadership potential enough in you and gave you the title and move quickly to Level 2. Level 2 is called Permission and is where leaders are investing in relationships to increase their level of influence with the people on their team. Level 2 is the starting place for the culture you enjoy as an organization.
Consider these Level 2 actions to reclaim and reshape organizational culture:
Connect intentionally with every person on your team
Talk openly about the crisis and what you learned as a team
Share personally about your journey during the crisis
Collaborate with the team on a new standard of excellence
Communicate with clarity your purpose and mission
Confirm and verify your core values – add or change as needed
Level 3 in the 5 Levels of Leadership is about producing results together with your team. A strong team culture is cultivated when you generate results together.
Consider these Level 3 actions to reclaim and reshape organizational culture:
Reflect on learnings from the crisis and design new operating procedures for the team
Consider what’s now possible
Rethink roles and responsibilities to serve clients better
Rethink team dynamics to serve clients better
Communicate the value that each individual brings to the work you do
Get small wins early to build momentum over time
When crisis or adversity occurs, leaders have a fantastic opportunity to rethink how they communicate with their team, how they serve others.
Previously I have discussed the pathway of Mercy as a plausible construct to change the narrative from anarchy and lawlessness. Mercy is a compassionate love and care for others. God so loved that He gave us His Son Jesus Christ to die for us. That brand of love displayed on the cross is the heartbeat of mercy. We are to become living illustrations of God’s hesed love. The Mercy Pathway begins in our heart, is expressed in the home where we have our most cherished relationships, to the Church which becomes the collective voice of God’s passionate love and care for others, and finally how that society can become revolutionized by this brand of divine care and regard for others.
Tucked away in the New Testament is a one chapter twenty-five verse narration of a run-away slave named Onesimus. In what can only be a “Divine Moment”, Paul the prisoner, led Onesimus to salvation. It is in this context that Paul writes a letter to Philemon to receive Onesimus back not as a slave but a brother in Christ; “I appeal to you for my child Onesimus, whose father I became in my imprisonment. (Formerly he was useless to you, but now he is indeed useful to you and me)……”(vv.10-11).
“In Philemon, Paul built his case on the relationships that emerge in Christ. It is a Christian defense against the institution (of slavery). While others argued for the brotherhood of man,31 (Stoic Philosophers) Paul rooted his thoughts in the “in Christ” relationship. All “in Christ” were united, and they participated in a common task of knowing Christ. Right thinking people wish the best for their families, and right-thinking Christians wish the best for their spiritual brothers and sisters as well. Thus, manumission (release from slavery) of slaves logically proceeds from the message of the gospel. All persons are equal, and in Christ that equality can be freely expressed (Gal 3:28). “What this letter does is to bring us into an atmosphere in which the institution of slavery) could only wilt and die.”[1]
Slavery was collapsing in the Roman Empire. Christianity accelerated its demise. These twenty-five verses paint an amazing picture of Mercy being lived out fully in the New Testament Church. Keep in mind that Mercy is a compassionate care and love for all as illustrated in Christ Jesus. “28 yThere is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave7 nor free, zthere is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And aif you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, bheirs according to promise”. [2]
31 The Stoic philosophers took that approach, and it is a valid argument. Its weakness is that Christians know more than that.
I am convinced the journey of MERCY is an appropriate answer to the social unrest that we witness in our cities. Lawlessness is not an answer to lawlessness. I would argue for mercy because this journey begins in the hearts of humanity first. The etymology of mercy must begin with original languages. I begin with the Hebrew Old Testament.
To understand meaning we must first understand the trajectory of a word. Where or to whom is it pointing us toward. I would draw attention to a noun form of mercy (re’hem) and a verbal form of mercy (re’hum). The noun form is used of a mother’s womb suggesting that God’s compassionate unfailing love is upon the formation of life and the gentle care of growth. The verbal form of mercy is “merciful” implying that you and I can be merciful after the order or illustration of God’s unfailing tender love for us. There are 13 occurrences of the verbal form (re’hum) in the Old Testament that shows a trajectory of how we are to follow God’s example. Here is a list of these references: Exodus 34:6; Deuteronomy 4:31; 2 Chronicles 30:9; Nehemiah 9:17, 9:31; Psalm 78:38, 86:15, 103:8, 111:4, 112:4, 145:8; Joel 2:13; Jonah 4:2. I would strongly suggest that you first write these verses out. Highlight the referencing of “merciful” and/or “compassionate.” Write out the action that is being done and or the action being asked of us to perform. Use your responses as a prayer model between you and God.
Our journey of mercy begins with our heart and then moves to the Home. It is in the context of our home the unfailing love of God is on display. What is the current state of the home? Consider some basic changes of the home since 1970.
Homes are bigger and family is smaller
Home updating gone wild – we are remodeling everything
Entertainment centers everywhere – every room has a television (Computers also)
Our home has become a cocoon. Usually the only time you see people is when they cut their lawn
Dinner to go – who has time to fix meals and sit with the family.
Add to this list of changes the fact 23% of children live in single parent homes in America. We lead the world in this category as of December 2019 according to Pew Research.[1]
The narrative of racial injustice is stifled if not blocked because of so much strife, struggle, and brokenness within our most important institution – the Family! Let’s be clear about a key biblical truth in Matthew 23:23. The Holy Trinity of Action – Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness are declared to be the “WEIGHTIER” matters of community behavior. Acting out this trinity keeps us grounded and centered as citizens. When we are not in alignment with God’s words, it is extremely hard to get into an alignment with our world.
If you are going to remodel your home do these – JUSTICE, MERCY, FAITHFULNESS!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
At the close of week 10 of the national quarantine and now attempting to reopen the doors of the church, we are experiencing the Good, Bad, and Ugly. WOW, we are witnessing disruption layered on top of disruption. Amad Arbery, George Floyd, Antifa, Anarchist, Confused Media – What are we to make of all the confusion? The pre-existing storyline for the church community was the difficulty of re-starting the church while people have had 10 weeks to start new habits. There is a spike in the fatigue of spiritual leaders. The Sabbath Rest could not be more important than NOW!
As you examine the data set that concluded week 10 of our national quarantine, we are now seeing that 72% of churches are going to maintain a hybrid format in their churches – Both live sanctuary services as well as Live-On-Line. Pre-COVID, online services were more of a novelty. Now they are a necessity.
There is not only an investment being made into creativity of the online church, but how that experience can be transferred into the church at large. As a side note, it is being reported that 5%-8% of churches will continue an online only option for their congregation through the summer months.
We are now seeing clearly that restarting the church is not as simple as opening the doors. Depending on the location of your church in America successful restarts are between 10% – 29% capacity of the church building is being viewed as a success. Keep in mind that we are only 3-4 weeks for some churches into a restart. There is still a national feeling the church will fully recover, however, that recovery is proving to be far more complex.
When it comes to restarting the Children and youth Ministry it is relatively split between starting back in July while others are opting to start once school begins in the fall. As you drill into this category of data it is revealing that 10+ weeks of new habits are now part of the routine in people’s lives. People will not change those new habits suddenly.
Layered on top of an already heavy load of restarting our churches is the issue of Amad Arbery, George Floyd, Antifa, Anarchists, and a confused media. This combination of issues is enough to break any good leader. There is a lot at stake currently. With that said there are a few things that I would point out. First of all, I am writing daily bog articles on the history of enslavement and possible pathways of nurturing a new narrative. August 2019 marked the 400th anniversary that enslavement began at Jamestown, Virginia. While progress has been made, it feels like we are a thousand miles away from our goal. I have been writing about the influence of MERCY upon our heart first, then our home, to our church, then to our society. There is no exclusivity on MERCY, but everyone must respond and allow its influence to change us at the heart level .
Let me be clear, history does not give us a positive illustration of outcomes when lawlessness is used to combat lawlessness. History does give us some illustrations of peaceful protest that can impact a nation.
Consider Gandhi’s life in leading India to liberation. Gandhi would declare, “Be the change you desire to see.” However, January 30, 1948 while standing on the steps to enter a building for prayer 3-shots rang out and Gandhi’s life ended.
Martin Luther King who was greatly influenced by Gandhi’s life’s work also followed the path of peaceful resistance. While sitting a jail cell in Alabama a reported asked, Dr. King do you hate the white man?” to which King responded, “I don’t hate any man! Hatred is to great of a burden to bear!” Yet on April 4, 1968 Dr. King was shot by James Earl Ray and would die later in the hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.
The impact of both men still lives on to this day. I would contend that MERCY must be the pathway to change the narrative to give us new opportunities to hope. Mercy is something the anarchist will never understand.
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I am convinced the journey of MERCY is an appropriate answer to the social unrest that we witness in our cities. Lawlessness is not an answer to lawlessness. I would argue for mercy because this journey begins in the hearts of humanity first. The etymology of mercy must begin with original languages. I begin with the Hebrew Old Testament.
To understand meaning we must first understand the trajectory of a word. Where or to whom is it pointing us toward. I would draw attention to a noun form of mercy (re’hem) and a verbal form of mercy (re’hum). The noun form is used of a mother’s womb suggesting that God’s compassionate unfailing love is upon the formation of life and the gentle care of growth. The verbal form of mercy is “merciful” implying that you and I can be merciful after the order or illustration of God’s unfailing tender love for us. There are 13 occurrences of the verbal form (re’hum) in the Old Testament that shows a trajectory of how we are to follow God’s example. Here is a list of these references: Exodus 34:6; Deuteronomy 4:31; 2 Chronicles 30:9; Nehemiah 9:17, 9:31; Psalm 78:38, 86:15, 103:8, 111:4, 112:4, 145:8; Joel 2:13; Jonah 4:2. I would strongly suggest that you first write these verses out. Highlight the referencing of “merciful” and/or “compassionate.” Write out the action that is being done and/or the action being asked of us to perform. Use your responses as a prayer model between you and God.
History has demonstrated lawlessness is never an appropriate solution to lawlessness. It is however a vicious revolving door that leads to no-where. If we are serious about a response to slavery and the injustices that occurred coupled with the injustices of other ethnicities, we must begin with our heart first. Embrace God’s illustration of MERCY first in order to know what our response should be toward others. August 2019 marked the 400th anniversary of enslavement in American history. Progress has been made, yet it feels a thousand miles away from us yet. What if 2020 became a year marked by mercy? It begins in my heart. The next step of the journey of mercy is the HOME!
10 And as Jesus2 reclined at table in the house, behold, many gtax collectors and sinners came and were reclining with Jesus and his disciples. 11 And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, h“Why does your teacher eat with gtax collectors and sinners?” 12 But when he heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. 13 Go and learn iwhat this means: j ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For kI came not to call the righteous, lbut sinners.” [1]
European Colonists Purchased & Enslaved Africans in Jamestown
August 2019 marked 400 years since the beginning of enslavement at Jamestown, Virginia. The Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863, but only after the start of a grisly Civil War and centuries of inhumane treatment of black people. Even after black Americans’ federal legal status was changed, the 15th Amendment wasn’t ratified until 1870 and the civil rights movement didn’t climax until the 1950s and 1960s. Despite real progress through the years, America is at yet another cross-roads or is it circling the same Round-About?[1]
Consider some data points of American thought as of late 2019.[2]
Just over 50% of practicing Christians believe the history of slavery continues to impact black Americans today. 72% of black practicing Christians believe this to be true.
Two-thirds of Millennial practicing Christians believe the impacts of slavery are still with us today.
There is a general belief among practicing Christians that hardships are more prevalent among minorities and they are undeserved.
Practicing Christians are more likely to say they have a long-term friendship with someone of a different ethnicity.
The majority of practicing Christians believe that forgiveness means repairing relationships.
The million-dollar question remains where do we start? It is sad to see how public discourse has been severely damaged, how that reconciliation is hindered by evil intent, and that lashing out on any level is appropriate. That said we are not left without HOPE! As a believer in Christ Jesus I believe the model of Mercy holds the Key to injustices. That begins with an inward journey of the meaning and experiences of Mercy in our life. From the heart Mercy flows to our Home so that we can see how Mercy functions in our most sacred relationships. Out of the Home, Mercy flows in and through the Church. It is here we join forces together to speak and live out the principles of Mercy as Christ followers before a needy community. This should ultimately equate to a community wide impact that touches our world by means of a compassionate and merciful response to the hurts of others.
I will write further on the Biblical understanding of Mercy in the next article.
[1]Where Do We Go From Here?” Reimagine Group & Barna Research Group (Ventura, CA. 2019) p.6.
If there is a serious interest in understanding May 26, 2020 George Floyd, you really need to return to August 16, 1619. What happened in 1619? The slave ship San Juan Buatista bound for Veracruz was attacked by another ship named White Lion. The White Lion landed at Jamestown with the very first slaves in the New World. This is where the story begins for Americans.
My personal story began as a young white, naïve Anglo-Saxon Junior High School student who just wanted to play basketball during the Martin Luther King era. To my parents’ credit they never allowed offensive language to be spoken about any ethnic people group in our home.
Consequently, my best friends were black. We just wanted to play basketball! I was invited to eat an evening meal at their home, and we invited them into our home for a meal. Race or color was never a topic of discussion in either home. Honestly, as young teenage boys we were confused by the riots of that day, and honestly we never really understood what racism and rioting all was about. It was not until I attended Fort Wayne Bible College and prepared my first College level research paper that I chose to write a comparison paper of Dr. King and Nelson Mandela.
As a white Anglo I walk through our neighborhood and never worry about being profiled. I confess that I do not understand being looked at with suspicion in the marketplace. I have never experienced the humiliation of drinking from “colored only” fountains, riding in the back of the bus, or lynching’s. So where are we to begin working through a biblical response. Ezekiel 9, God calls us to lament and grieve over the abominations and injustices in the land. A clear abomination began in 1619 with the first slaves arriving at Jamestown. Ultimately, the story of Civil Rights is not just a black issue – it is a national issue that we should all own.
There are two resources that have been an influence upon my thinking. The first was wrote in 2001, Letters Across The Divide and secondly, The God Impulse: The Power of Mercy In An Unmerciful World– 2018. Also, in 2019 there was a joint research project by the Reimagine Group and Barna Research Group, entitled, Where Do We Go From Here. This research outlines the journey of Mercy and its function in the hearts of individuals moving out to ultimately touch a world. In the coming blog articles, I will write about what I have learned. Believe me, I have so much more to learn on this topic.
I have been participating in a national survey on the Pulse of the Church during COVID-19. This has been real-time data that is gathered from over 10,000 churches. Without a doubt this has been one of the most interesting studies of real-time thought and corresponding behavior that I have ever studied. The Barna Group, Carey Nieuwhof, and Gloo Technologies have been the primary drivers of this research on the State of the Church 2020.
This past week as I was reviewing the current data sets of information there was something that caught my eye. When churches were asked, “What is the greatest priority for your church this week?” it was interesting to note that preaching a gospel message of hope and encouragement took a back-seat to Hand Sanitizer and Live Streaming Technology. By comparison when church attendees were surveyed, their response was in stark contrast. Over 80% of parents stated they were experiencing feelings of being over-whelmed. Hit the PAUSE BUTTON! Stop for just one minute and allow this information to get into your spirit being. How is it possible that during the same week in America the primary message and need is 180 degrees out from each other?
I simply cannot answer that question. However, I can trust what I know according to scriptures. Jesus Christ did not come to earth as the Son of God – Son of Man to enhance the religious structures of the day. He was a different spiritual leader, with a very different message, touched people in radically different ways, and yes, He over-turned the money changers tables. Jesus invited people to Come and See, Come and Be With Me, Come and Be My Disciples. As the Son of God, He demonstrated the miracle working power as visual proof to a doubting world. As the Son of Man, He wept and ministered to the broken.
If you listen carefully to those in your circle of influence, you will hear people discussing, “I am over this quarantine! We are finding out that statement is not interrupted to mean that I am fully ready to re-engage life pre COVID. So, what is the problem?
Before we go full spiritual tactical on people let’s pause for a moment to analyze what has transpired pre-COVID to the present.
We have faced a 24/7 news reporting about COVID that has been inconsistent. Millions are going to die versus fewer people will die of COVID versus the annual Flu/pneumonia.
We have witnessed a complete economic shutdown. Many people have lost jobs due to companies shutting their doors for good.
Churches closed their doors hardly without a single question being asked. Church attendees has experienced multiple online church services and ZOOM technology for small group meetings.
Education has been shut down in the traditional sense. Parents have been thrown into a completely new rhythm for the family operations – No job or working at home, No child-care, grocery shopping via “Click Shopping,” Marriage relational stress for those not prepared, etc.
Netflix Binging
Mental Health Concerns
Now that our nation is re-opening, the early indication is that churches are experiencing a wide array of hesitation about returning to church. Stop and think about this, we all have been living with error messages that our sensory receptors have been screaming at us – ERROR, ERROR, ERROR! Ten weeks of shut down and quarantined is not normal. Allowing people to work at their pace is KEY. Simply opening doors for business does not mean an immediate return. What do we do?
First of all, recognize that “normal” has shifted. Our social equilibrium is radically off-balance. Time is needed to regain our footing and comfort level for social re-engagement. Let’s be honest, pre-COVID, we all were taking a lot for granted. A wise theology professor once stated to me, Do not doubt in the darkness what God has shown to you in the light! Meaning…
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a]38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40 NIV.
With tender loving care we will all get through this historical moment.
So that we establish a basis for this Podcast, the data sets are from the Barna Group’s study dating back to 2000. This is a 20-year research to measure national trends. YES, these trends may look different in your location, but when taken as a national view, these figures do not lie.
So let’s understand the magnitude of this research. Barna Group has been gathering survey data on the long-term shifts that have occurred in the United States over the last several decades. In this report, we explore data collected among 96,171 surveys over more than 20 years, giving us powerful insight.
Consider the categories that were determined as a result of this study.
Let’s start by looking at how Americans relate to Christianity, using three segments: practicing Christians, non-practicing Christians and those who are not Christians.
Practicing Christians identify as Christian, agree strongly that faith is very important in their lives and have attended church within the past month.
Non-practicing Christians are self-identified Christians who do not qualify as practicing.
Non-Christians are U.S. adults who do not identify as Christian.
The first and perhaps most significant change is that practicing Christians are a shrinking segment of the entire population. In 2000, 45 percent of all those sampled qualified as practicing Christians. That share has consistently declined over the past 19 years. Now, just one in four Americans (25%) is a practicing Christian. In essence, the share of practicing Christians has dropped by nearly half since 2000.
It is interesting to note that the declining numbers split between being a Christian but not attending Church and dropping our totally – attendance and identifying as a Christian. This shift in part is what is giving rise to atheism and agnostics in the American belief systems.
Another interesting reality that cannot be blamed on Covid-19 is that one-third fewer people are attending church than in 1993. Church attendance apexed in 2009-2010 and has been in decline since that time. When you examine this fact closely you see a rise of Millennials and Gen-Zers, along with church scandals, and what role does politics play in the church.
If church attendance trends are analyzed by generation, interesting patterns emerge. Declines in church attendance took place among Elders (14 %) and Boomers (13 %), especially after 2012. That’s remarkable considering it’s a common assumption that people become more religiously active as they age. While health ailments could impair the ability of some Elders to make it to weekly services, that is less likely to be the case with Boomers.
Consistency of Bible-Reading Has Remained Steady for Nearly a Decade
Those who are committed to the spiritual practice of reading the Bible have stayed extremely consistent over the decades. Despite some ups and downs over the years, nearly the same percentage of U.S. adults today.
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Those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice – we remember and we honor your sacrifice and the families who lost loved ones so we could live as a FREE NATION!
From a meteorological point of view Clouds are a natural phenomenon to be observed, studied, and analyzed. Clouds contain rain, electrical forces, and are good predictors of what the weather is going to be on any given day. Cloudy days obscure the sunshine which in turn causes our spirit to become downcast. We want to see the sunshine.
What if I told you that cloud(s) from a biblical perspective can actually give clarity? It is does not make any sense to us to believe that something that is obscure and hinders vision could actually give clarity. In the Old and New Testament clouds held a much loftier place. They could often be associated with God’s presence, His power, and even His guidance. The Hebrew noun ʿanan means “cloud, mist, or covering.” It is almost always translated as “cloud” and may derive from an original root, ʿanan, meaning “to cover or to appear.” The verb form of ʿanan means “to have something appear” or “to bring clouds.”[1] This term occurs 147x in the Old Testament alone.
Exodus 19:9 is a key passage to learn how something that appears to obscure our vision and yet it gives vision. “And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Behold I am coming to you in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak to you and may also believe you forever’” (ESV). As you continue to read into v.16 you notice the cloud was thick, there was thunder and lightning and loud trumpet blasts. The people reacted with fear at the sight of this mountain, thick cloud, lightning and thunder. The bible is quite explicit in the details that is reported.
It is important to understand the context of need prior to the cloud experience. This was national Israel that had come out of Egypt and already had witnessed amazing miracles of God. Yet this nation was at a crisis point, they needed guidance. They were no longer slaves. As you read the following chapters to 24:3 Moses reports all that had been given to him by God and the people responded, “…all the words of that the Lord has spoken we will do.” Following their commitment Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy elders went up to the mountain. God continued his instructions.
What is the key take-away: When spiritual leaders prepare to meet with God, new direction will be given and there will be reciprocal obedience. The process between preparation and stepping into the cloud (Ex. 19) and new direction given (Ex.30) is referred to as “Spiritual Authority.” Crisis moments of life require not just a sermon, but new direction!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
There will be healthy and robust discussions about the impacts of Covid-19 for years to come. There are, however, certain things that COVID-19 did not cause. For example, COVID did not cause church attendance to decline in America. From 2000 – 2020 of those individuals who are “Practicing Christians”[1] has dropped by almost half in 2020 (From 45% – 25%). The pandemic is not the culprit. Upon a closer examination of our nations faith trends we can definitely say that Covid-19 did not cause a rise in agnostics and atheism from 11% in 2003 to 21% in 2018.[2] This cross current of belief and conviction is part of the explanation of why the Christian faith is being eroded. What can be said with certainty is the cross currents of belief in our country is directly related to a decline of visible incarnation of Jesus Christ in worshippers and our decline in the study of Scriptures. COVID-19 did not cause this!
So, what has COVID-19 given us? To start with we have been the recipients of a complete pause of our daily/weekly routines. The whole world hit pause and the whole world became digital overnight. At the writing of this article we are nine (9) weeks into our national quarantine and now beginning to open up our businesses and community rhythms. We have had plenty of time to think, reflect, and pray. The initial question that arose early in this quarantine was, “How will I do what I was doing post COVID?” The data points that I have used in the previous paragraph are not new in the church world. The real challenge has been are we going to pay attention to it. So, the real question becomes, “How am I going to change so that I can do what I was doing before COVID-19”? There is a fast difference between these two questions. The first question assumes that in fact we will be able to keep doing what we were doing. The second question is more introspective. It challenges how am I going to change so that I can do what I was doing before the pandemic. The outcome will be drastically different. The sound of the sermons and the urgency of calling to action will be very different post COVID.
The downside to survey data points is that it cannot give us the “HOW” or “WHY” regarding a specific issue. It simply reports what is trending over a period of time. The impact of this data will change from community to community. However, what is inescapable is that Christianity’s impact is slowly deteriorating. YES, there are a number of “bright-lights” nationally that give us great hope. However, at the community level is where the real impact of the gospel is lived out.
1 Chronicles 12:32 has become a global rallying cry; “Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do….” NASB.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
As we begin to emerge from our National Quarantine there will be a number of mental health issues that we all will need to address on some level. Many people will come out of this season healthy and invigorated. Others are going to come out of this season stunned and even shocked at how different life feels and looks. “Normal” will not return, history shows us this very fact following other pandemics and major crisis points in history. What is certain is that all pandemics conclude, and all crisis pass. What remains uncertain is whether all will emerge mentally healthy and stable!
The week leading up to Mother’s Day 2020 is a glaring reminder that under the surface things are unstable to say the least. Amad Arbery is a victim of racial hatred that led to murder and Darrin Patrick, Mega-Church Leader apparently ended his life at a gun range. Let’s be clear, racial bigotry on any level is not acceptable! Church Leaders that are placed on national pedestals without true and real safeguards is not healthy for the minister or the church.
Call To Action
With the Arbery and Patrick stories that brought us to Mother’s Day 2020, I simply cannot remain silent. I am offering an 8/30 Self-AwarenessCoaching Experience (8 hours in 30 days) for Faith Leaders and your spouse as a bonus, by utilizing 2 World Class Tools. This will be a one-on-one experience. So, I am asking for your response….
If you are a Religious Leader and/or Staff Pastor I am asking you to prayerfully consider my offer to you and your spouse when you click the link below.
If you are an attendee at any worship center then I am asking you to….
Pray for your leadership team daily for the next 30-days
Prayerfully consider making an investment into the health of other Religious Leaders by paying it forward. Click the link below.
I am compelled to action! I am a Faith Leader just like you! I have vested my life into Kingdom purposes to Make A Difference, With People Just Like You, Who Are Making A Difference!
I am not asking you to TRUST me – I am asking you to TEST me!
Ghostwriter and contributing editor for Inc. Magazine, Jeff Haden has written a number of articles on how CEO’s and other department Supervisors are to relate to employees and vice-versa. This has provoked thought on faith-based initiatives and how Pastors should relate to those they are attempting to lead. While there are similarities there are many subtleties in applications. The relationship within for-profits corporations is based upon performance – paycheck rewards. In non-profits the relationship is far more communal/relational and not paycheck rewards driven. There are ten things that faith-based leaders should provide for those serving them.
Churches are not manufacturing facilities in that we are producing shapes, colors, and designs. We are shaping people for Eternal Kingdom purposes. Therefore, engagement and satisfaction is based upon ownership. Do your leaders own the vision? Have they bought into you as a leader first? When that happens, leaders will obtain a sense of satisfaction that will be based upon their freedom to be responsible for the outcomes. Autonomy and independence plus freedom breeds’ innovation and dreams.
Clear Expectations
The old adage is true: If you do not know where you are going, then any road will take you there! The one true litmus test of casting clear vision and expectations is the ability to write it down on paper. If it cannot clearly be communicated in writing, then we are daydreaming. In the book, The Advantage, the author obsesses over the fact that communication must be ridiculously redundant. When in doubt communicate!
Purposeful Goals
While the corporate world is controlled by the bottom-line, non-profits should be controlled by a higher purpose. The leaders we train need to know their effort serves greater purposes than “branding/marketing” agendas. To leave a footprint in life is a great accomplishment. Legacy building starts today!
A True Sense of Purpose
The Latin meaning for our word “religion” is ligare’. This implies my effort to link back to a creator or that, which is bigger than myself. Vision needs to be tied to a greater community good. We are not just in the Brand Building business – we are in the Influence Building business. The highways and hedges mentality is worthy of time and resources to implement community-influencing strategies.
Provide Significant Input
The pathway to exchange ideas should be wide-open, accessible and honored. Pastor honor those who offer suggestions about the work they are involved in. Understand they are thinking about the what and where we are doing and headed. Those ideas that seem to be in left field are great teaching moments to assist those people through a “critical thinking” process, helping hem to evaluate their ideas differently. This is serving them and adding value to them. The absolute last thing you would do is to criticize their idea. They will shut down immediately.
Pastor you need to understand that people volunteer for more reasons than being rewarded. They want to follow someone they admire and can trust and in turn know they are admired and trust is reciprocated. Connections are made on a personal basis not just a professional basis. Ask them about their family, children, or hobbies, this will build rapport. Relate to them as human beings and not just workers.
As Pastor, people are looking for consistency in conduct, policy, and behavior. They will take tough-mindedness if it is consistent. The more that workers understand why decisions are made the less likely they will consider they are being treated unfairly or assume favoritism.
Private Criticism
No one is perfect – no even pastors! We all need constructive criticism, not public rebuke. Good feedback is always done privately and with dignity. Always have in mind the other person’s growth and influence capability; this will keep personal attacks to a minimum.
Public Praise
Everyone does something that is praise-worthy from time to time. Show appreciation and recognition. Catch people in the act of kindness. The “Five-Minute Manager” book that came out years ago suggested that five minutes be taken to start each day to either call, email, or send a personal note of thanks and appreciation for a job well done. Small acts of appreciation pay large dividends.
Preferred Future
Every area of work within life should have an opportunity of advancement. Pastor, develop the people around you. You cannot influence a community if you cannot influence your closest workers and allies. Invest in other people’s success. Resource them and give opportunities for learning. Don’t go to seminars by yourself; take others with you on the learning journey.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
D. He offers sacrifices of thanksgiving and calls upon the name of the Lord (116:17).[1]
What has the Lord done for you lately? There is only one response that is worthy of God’s expressed love for us – “My loyalty to God!”
Journal Notes
List God’s answered prayers in the last 30 days
Write out your PRAISE to the Lord
What are the unfinished commitments you have made to the Lord?
What tweaks need to be made to raise your level of service to the Lord?
What are the 10 statements of praise that you have in your heart for today?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
We need to begin these insights by stating there was already an interruption that was being felt in the church world pre-pandemic. The church world was on a pathway of disruption with or without Covide-19. That said Barna Research has been on the fore-front of this study. Churches in Canada, USA, and United Kingdom have been part of a weekly snapshot of what Leaders and attendees are thinking in real time. Let’s examine 5 insights that we know currently after 7 weeks of quarantine.
Leaders are doing well and feel reasonably equipped to help people – 51% of Pastors stated they have been extra time for their devotional life while 49% have it difficult to maintain their devotional life. 30% of Pastors state they feel well-equipped to help people while 64% state they feel somewhat prepared to help people. This quarantine has pushed mental health concerns to the forefront. As a church I do not feel that we should forfeit meaningful conversations with people that could honestly help, under the notion that we are not licensed Mental Health Counselors. Here are a couple of suggestions….
Who am I? is a powerful conversation that can lead to What is my identity? Am I adequate? Am I worthy? Am I special? Am I unique?
The second question is AmIsafe? This question can lead to Can I trust the world and environment around me? Are things predictable? Is this situation fair and balanced?
The research is clear, we have some improvements that need to be madein engaging others in meaningful conversations that will be impactful in people’s lives. The church is a great place to allow humanity to be on display – caring and helping others.
Online Attendance has Increased. What Does That Mean? – In the second week of quarantine 45% of churches reported increase attendance over the normal attendance of attending church. However, as the weeks of isolation have continued there is a serious discussion on how to count online attendance.
By week 7 church attendance has somewhat moderated as churches are still attempting to figure out how to count attendance. 60% of churches are using a multiplier of 2.5 people per devices being connected, while others have started using online connect cards to count actual numbers of who is watching in the home.
This discussion brings us to the real issue; Has the church been called to measure “Content Presentation” to “Listenership/Attendee” or are we tasked to Make Disciples which would be an entirely different metric?
Virtual Giving Is Lagging Behind Other Forms of Engagement – 37% of churches are reporting lower giving, 31% giving has remained the same, and 25% have increased in giving.
Many Congregations Offer Community Support Amid Crisis, But Some Have Yet to Organize – This item has remained steady throughout the last 7 weeks primarily due to the fact churches that were already engaged have continued to do so. Churches that were notengaged remain detached – 25%.
PastorsExpressHopeForTheirChurch’s Future – During the first week there were 15% of pastors that indicated they would not be able to survive an extended period of quarantine. Currently only 1% are not confident they will survive.
In closing there is much we don’t know yet. How will the online methods of worship and liturgy continue to evolve? When will the finances of both organizations and individuals recover? What will be the mental and emotional toll on leaders and churchgoers who have faced loneliness, anxiety and grief? Should congregations plan to approach additional periods of social distancing as the world continues to fight the disease? How can churches best partner to help the vulnerable in this time?
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
When life pushes you over, stand up and push back even harder. Where there is a fork in the road and choices to make, make the ones your future self will thank you for. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13.
Today, start…
1. Choosing to be YOU. – Wearing a mask wears you out. Faking it is fatiguing. The most exhausting activity is pretending to be who you know you aren’t. No matter how loud their opinions are, they do not choose who YOU are. Choose yourself even if nobody else is choosing you.
2. Being positive. – You can’t live a positive life with a negative attitude. Heaven on Earth is a choice we must make, not a place we must find. Let every day be a dream you can touch. Let every day be a love you can feel. Let every day be a reason to live. Life is too short to be anything but positive.
3. Letting go. – The only thing that makes it a big part of your life is that you keep thinking about it. The biggest step in changing the world around you is to change the world within you. Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Just live in the present, concentrate on the things you can control, and take one small step at a time. Live fully in the present! Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord – Acts 3:19 NIV
4. Picking yourself back up. – Where you are in life is temporary; where you end up in life is permanent; how you get from here to there is entirely up to you. So don’t give up. Sometimes when things go wrong it’s because they would have turned out worse if they had gone right. Be careful what you seek in life! Be glad some things do not work out and that God has saved you from yourself.
5. Taking action. – The happiest and most successful people are usually those who have broken the chains of procrastination, who find satisfaction in doing the job at hand. They’re full of eagerness, passion, and productivity. You can be too. Remember, success in real estate is about location, location, location. Success in life is about action, action, action.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Here are some common triggers for heartburn: Tomato based products, high citrus foods, garlic, vinegar, onions, chocolate (that hurts), coffee (that really hurts), high fatty foods deep fried, carbonated drinks, certain spices. Of course we have to look at the lifestyle habits that can cause heartburn also: eating large meals too fast, laying down right after eating, eating close to bedtime, stress, anxiety, exercise immediately after eating.
What if I told you there are Spiritual triggers for “heart-burn.” Consider Luke 24:30-32; “When he was at the table with them, he took the bread and sblessed and broke it and gave it to them. 31 tAnd their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And uhe vanished from their sight. 32 They said to each other, v“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he wopened to us the Scriptures?”[1](emphasis added).
What was the effect of this heart burn for the Emmaus Road disciples? Immediately, they rose from the table of presence and went to Jerusalem and witnessed of the risen Lord. I will take this type of heart burn all day every day! Isn’t this type of heart burn at the foundation of discipleship? Pastors do not speak to be speaking – their heart has been set ablaze with a fresh word from God to the people. Disciples are equipped enough to recognize the presence of God in our culture that makes them “counter-cultural” citizens. This type of heart burn causes us to share our faith “for such a time as this!”
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
We are in a season of endurance and transformation. That requires understanding your role, finding your pace, and communicating understanding so there will not be misunderstanding.
One is too small of a number for greatness! A relay race starts with one but you cannot remain there. Your purpose is to build bigger, better, and more influential team members behind you.
Your success is dependent upon others. You need a team that will run stronger and go further than you are capable of. The leadership Law of Accountability states that you count on others when it counts.
The Teams success will depend on you. They need your skill to raise their performance. Raising your skill is not a “sometimes maybe” effort – IT IS A DAILY EXERCISE!
The goal is more important than the role. There are times that you need to lessen the role in order to accomplish your goal. No one is so great that they do not need others.
Individual talent will get you on a team, but it is TEAMWORK that will keep you on the team.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Many leaders have “Uphill Dreams” but practice “Downhill Habits.”
While writing this article we are eight weeks into our national quarantine. This period of time is quite revealing. In the faith community we have moved from the majority of pastors stating this crisis will only last two weeks and we will be back in our churches. In the first two weeks 15% of pastors stated they were not confident their church would survive. That 15% if applied nationally equals just under 50,000 churches. That figure has now improved to 3% of pastors saying they will not survive – cautious optimism. The faith community in America was in a panic mode over the idea of having a digital Easter – this was “anathema” in many circles. We are now in process of re-opening our country which means that churches are now planning for a return to church in our buildings. It is interesting to see the impact of the Covid effect upon our thinking – we may not be as ready to return as we thought. There is a guarded hesitancy in people’s minds at the present. The good news is that we will eventually get there, just not in the way we imagined.
Everyone wants to know what our world will look like post pandemic. The answer is: nobody knows with clear certainty. Since everything worthwhile is uphill this is a great time to evaluate the negotiables and non-negotiables in our life. Are we attempting to take everything uphill? Can we lighten our load while going uphill? What that will look like will be different for each person and church. Jesus is our illustration on the non-negotiables. He taught eternal principles, was a servant leader, He wept-touched-held-grieved-fed-discipled-impacted religious systems-infiltrated community power structures to name a few items. Christ was human and Divine at the same time – Son of God – Son of Man! I must live in this flesh and blood body infused with the eternal Savior of the world. That is worth the uphill climb.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
In the book The Courage Quotient author Robert Biwas Denier states, “If we choose courageous roles or think of ourselves as filling courageous roles, we are more likely to act boldly when the need arises.” He relates a story of a young boy, Lin Hao. “A perfect example of this is the action taken by nine- year-old Lin Hao in Suchuan, China. On May 12, 2008, Sichuan was struck by a magnitude 8.0 earthquake that left buildings flattened and more than 69,000 people dead. Among the most tragic losses on that day were the countless children whose school buildings collapsed. Lin Hao was in such a school and was able to rescue two of his second-grade classmates from the rubble before saving himself. When asked about his courage, this young boy simply explained that he was the hall monitor and that it was ‘my job’ to save the other children. Lin Hao quickly became a symbol of virtue in China and led the opening procession of the 2008 Olympic Summer Games.”
How do you see yourself and what role of courage are you attempting to display to the world? When you come across a story like Lin Hao’s you can’t help but think of other illustrations in history. For example, what about Victor Frankl a Psychotherapist that survived Auschwitz. How about United States Vice Admiral James (Bond) Stockdale that survived 7 years at the Hanoi Hilton. How about ____________(Insert Your Name)_______________, survivor of the 2020 Global Pandemic. What is your testimony? What version of courage are you displaying to the world?
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me – Philippians 4:13
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Joshua in the Old Testament records the words of the Lord following Moses’ death; “6 iBe strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. 7 Only be strong and jvery courageous, being careful to do according to all the law kthat Moses my servant commanded you. lDo not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success1wherever you go. 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but myou shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? nBe strong and courageous. oDo not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” [1]
The Hebrew word for courage is emas and there are 41 occurrences of this term in the Old Testament. This term is predominately translated as courage or courageous. The context for Joshua was a change in national leadership. This was a crisis moment for Israel, the Promised Land was set before them. Which force would prevail – Fear or God Words (v.8)? If these verses were applied to a mathematical equation it would be:
COURAGE = Application of God’s Words
Simply stated, the greater our application to the God’s Word the greater our ability to crush fear out from our lives. What was at stake for Israel – Promised Land inheritance! What is at stake for us post-Covid – Revival and Discipleship strategies that have never been attempted. King Jesus’ arrival is getting closer! Notice the three occurrences of “strong and courage.” When applying God’s words, it is helpful to understand the trajectory of the words. The origin of action starts within a person choosing to take their comprehension of God’s words to new levels coupled with application (v.8). The result; FEAR is conquered. The courageous person walks, acts, and sounds differently than a fearful person.
Here is one question and one statement of fact.
QUESTION: What is one micro-step that you can take today that will improve your study of scripture by 50%?
FACT: History records that all previous pandemics have come to an end.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Some wake up to an alarm. Some wake up to a calling – Unknown
8 Characteristics of A Calling – When it is your calling, you won’t have to chase it. You will be captivated by it.
Your Calling Matches Who You Are – No one is ever called called to so something they are not suited to do. Self-awareness is vitally important in finding your calling. I am including a list of 9 questions that all impact your calling.
Your Calling Taps Into Your Passion – Impacting your world is difficult. If you lack passion your energy will fizzle. Talent, Skills, experiences, and opportunities all align with calling, but passion provides the fuel to pursue that calling.
Your Calling Is Important To You, But It Is not About You – A true calling is never about the person called. Nelson Mandela stated once what counts in life is not the fact that you have lived. Rather, it is what difference we have made in the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
Your Calling Is Bigger Than You – A calling always involves something that feels big, something that is bigger than you. In fact it may seem impossible! Yet you are compelled to get out of your comfort zone and attempt it. Your Calling Changes Your Perspective – You simply see the world differently. You once saw obligations and responsibilities. That shifts to seeing options and opportunities.
Your Calling Gives You Purpose – Business is the enemy to effectiveness – we would rather boast about our business. In fact our metrics proves this point. Seth Godin states that instead of planning our next vacation, perhaps we should spend time on life so we do not need to escape the one we are leaving.
Your Calling Helps You To Overcome Obstacles – Grit, Discipline, and hard Work are all insufficient. Your calling matters. David Ramsey says that a higher calling matters when you care deeply about your WHY. Understanding your WHY will overcome all of your obstacles and reasons to quit.
Your Calling Brings Fulfillment – Nothing in life is as rewarding as fulfilling your calling – NOTHING! Your calling changes everything – it is the missing piece of the puzzle that you have been looking for.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.comMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
The biblical Hebrew cultural motif on age refers to 60 as old age, 70 the hoary head, and 80 special strength. In 1stSamuel chapter 8 we find a perspective of an aged leader who could have been disappointed in his old age, but he remained faithful. We learn in earlier chapters that Samuel was disappointed in Eli’s sons because they chased after lust and lasciviousness. We learn also that Samuel’s sons disappointed him because they misaligned their use of money. However, Samuel remained faithful in the face of these disappointments in his old age. Notice 1 Samuel 8:4-7; “Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at pRamah 5 and said to him, “Behold, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. uNow appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.” 6 But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the Lord. 7 And the Lord said to Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, vfor they have not rejected you, wbut they have rejected me from being king over them”.[1]
Notice the following trajectory of reason….
Notice the Elders Calling Samuel “old.” This is like one old person calling another old person OLD!
Samuel’s sons were disappointing because of their misaligned thirst for money.
The Elders desired an earthly king to replace and Eternal King.
God comforted Samuel, “…. they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me…”
What do you do in the face of sudden change in life that diminishes your hopes and dreams? After 8 weeks of our national quarantine, we are starting to emerge from our social distancing to engage society once again. Make no mistake about our reality, we are emerging to a different country today than on January 1, 2020. This global event has marked us as a society. There are new challenges that we all are going to face. It will take months if not years to fully understand the impact of this global pandemic. However, there is a great lesson that we can learn from Samuel in the Old Testament. Even though he saw disappointing days in his life span, he remained faithful to the God. That is our ultimate challenge today. We’re going to see many difficult days, however, intentionality in our faith is what matters the most. Even though generations of people may disappoint, our eyes are fixed on eternity and a loving God. Samuel also teaches us the power of flexibility. Not every dream or hope that we have in life is going to be fulfilled. Even though Samuel was disappointed with previous generations and his own sons he remained flexible to follow the voice of God. That flexibility and trusting an almighty God will save us from misappropriated dreams and hopes. We do not always understand the plan of God, but we know that the plan of God is always correct. Remain flexible, remain hopeful, and always remain intentional in the development of your faith.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
It has been stated that “Crisis seeds new thought!” Now that we are eight weeks into our quarantine lifestyle, we all have had plenty of time to watch, look, and listen to a wide array of church services, teachings, Zoom conferences, etc. I have observed the original panic of everyone taking church to the digital format to adaptations of what church was pre-quarantine, and now re-creating that version into digital presentations. The piercing question is “What is the church for?
I believe the answer to the “Should” vs. “How” discussion was answered in the gospels. Consider these words; “…. Therefore, go and make disciples…. And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”Matthew 28:19a-20a NIV. “How Christianity” is steps beyond whether we should or should not do something. The imperative force of the translation moves us not just to an occasional four step program, but to a lifestyle of discipling. Discipleship is not a destination that ends in a diploma. It is a journey that moves us in the direction of eternity. The disciples of Jesus Christ had the unique perspective of watching a teacher who embodied the substance of His teaching[1].
Christ’s disciples caught what Jesus was embodying and we see this in Acts 2:42-47. In this passage we witness Worship, Word, Ministry, and Mission. These themes were repeated all throughout the New Testament churches. This metanarrative is what gave the New Testament church disciples structure for their beliefs and meaning for their experiences. This narrative gives us a new metric to focus upon – Discipleship to Christlikeness instead of content to listenership.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
While attempting to make sense of our global pandemic some have used the motif of winter, blizzard, and ice-age to frame the dialogue for comprehension of what is happening to our world. Mark Sayers, author and Pastor in Melbourne, Australia suggests the framework should center on Interruption versus Disruption. Consider the following definitions.[1]
Interruption – It is a late 14th century term that implies to break in upon action already occurring. A pause, a temporary cessation. KEY QUESTION: “How do I get through this pandemic so that we can do what we were doing?”
Disruption – It is a late 15th century term that implies a bursting apart, forcible separation into parts, to shatter. KEY QUESTION: “How do I change what I was doing so that I can lead in a new world?”
Pause for just a moment and realize that these opening words are in fact a glimpse into the magnitude of what has happened in our world. It is stretching our beliefs, convictions, and world views about ourselves and global leadership. We are searching for a verbal framework in which to deposit our thoughts so that our story can be told and heard. For purposes of the debate of which motif best frames our thoughts, I believe Pastor Sayers gives us a usable way in which to have conversation; is this pandemic an interruption or disruption?
The Key questions above expresses the real issue; get through this pandemic so that we can go back to normal or realize that normal is gone and I must prepare for a new world. The tension between an interruption versus a disruption expresses polar extremes. History teaches us that somewhere in between extremes is where reality will land. I am not a prognosticator to tell you that I have this pandemic figured out. Any person that tells us they have it figured out should be viewed with suspicion. What is helpful is to consider some faith-community data points pre-Covid and real-time data points. The comparison should give us a context for conversation.
In 2011 the Barna Group stated the North American church had a drop-out problem; 52% of 18-26 years of age (High School Seniors – College – College Graduates: Raised or became attendees in church). This research was placed in the book You Lost Me, by David Kinnaman. Today that same category reports that 64% of 18-26-year old are dropping away from faith[2]. Pre-Covid, it was reported that young adults were spending on average 2767 hours per year on digital screens (that is equal to 346/8hr work days) for their entertainment and social networking. On average this age group spends between 150-190 hours per year on spiritual development in church or on screens.[3] The conclusion for Faith in North America is that families (because of their increased pace of life) and churches seem to have lost their way in discipleship.
So where are we in real-time? It is being reported from weekly Pastor and Church surveys by the Barna Group since the quarantine began that young pastors (Those that stayed with church at the time You Lost Me was wrote in 2011) as of May 4th, 2020 have a serious lack of confidence of surviving in the ministry post-Covid. In fact, the data reports a 23% gap of confidence between young pastors and those over 45 years of age surviving after the pandemic. Women in ministry are the most vulnerable in terms of their survivability – their confidence is being seriously shaken about their future in ministry. It is now being reported that 20%-32% of churches are at risk of keeping their doors open. These churches are small to medium in size that have lost attendees and finances with no reserve to lean on.[4]
Returning to the original question, Is this an Interruption or Disruption? This definitely is more than an interruption. Disruption? This is going to depend on the local churches to assess their faith history and goals. The various data points mentioned thus far impact certain regions verses others, The interpretation and call to action is going to look and feel differently regionally. We should all assume that change is necessary in order for the mandate of the gospel to be fulfilled. The passion for the fulfilling of the Gospel mandate will determine the extent of the disruption.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
“Michael Jordan embraced his failures. In fact, in one of his favorite ads for Nikem he says,”I’ve missed more than nine thousand shots. I’ve lost more than three-hundred games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the fame-winning shot and missed.’ You can be sure that each time, he went back and practiced the shot a hundred times” (Dweck).
Here is that Nike AD……
Again, a fixed mindset belongs to the person who sees failure and proof positive they are “no-good.” The growth mindset sees failure as an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to become a better person. Embrace your missed shots and GROW!
Teddy Roosevelt stated, “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Feeling a little stress and/or overwhelmed? Let’s get some perspective!
Let’s assume that you are able to rocket yourself into outer-space – somewhere around the moon. You turn and look back at earth, that amazing blue ball. Do you see yourself on that blue ball? Can you find your BIG-BIG-BIG problem yet?
Now let’s turn toward the sun and imagine we could throw the earth into the sun – go ahead and throw it, watch it disappear. How many earths would it take to fill the sun? 1.3 million earths – WOWzers! That BIG-DEAL-OF-A-PROBLEM, have you located it yet from this perspective?
Now imagine the sun, scaled, as a grain of sand in a space that is 40x the wideth of earth. That would be the perspective of our sun in comparison to the Milky-Way. Now how big was that Big-Deal-of-a-problem?
Now if the Milky-Way is represented by the head of a pin and you held that pin up to the sky, you would realize that our Milky-Way is only one among the thousands of galaxies in outer space. Has your head exploded yet? Where did you say that problem is located?
Do not misunderstand my thought. I am not making light of problems and issues that we all face in life. However, the creator God that made all of the heavens is a God that I am confident can solve all of my pitiful problems! Go ahead and ask him – He is capable! In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth – Genesis 1:1
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Let’s take an inventory[1] of reality 7 weeks into the Covid shut down…..
Empty Churches
Church stages are serving as production studios
How do we count online attendance – 10 second visit or 30-minute visit?
National data shows that financial support for churches is all over the map
How do we re-start our life, job, church, city?
Post economic slump which impacts discretionary money for faith-initiatives is a rising concern
A growing conviction that we are experiencing something that is far greater than could have been imagined 7 weeks ago
This information is part of a growing body of research that is being collected in real from pastors and churches in America, Canada, and the UK. I feel there are some salient points to summarize the current reality. First of all, we need to embrace the fact we have lost our leverage points of typical church planning. We are using technology to reproduce a semblance of church as it has been known. Do not misunderstand my thoughts, Churches are doing an amazing job against all odds. Yet, deep inside all of us there are more questions than we currently have answers. We will be discussing this for months to come.
In my spirit being I am hearing the Lord calling us as Pastors/Teachers/Faith Leaders to a place of Spiritual authority. This is a place that you cannot plan for as normal. Consider Moses being called up to the mountain to step into a cloud – Exodus 19. Notice the trajectory of these words about a nation in transition from slavery to the promised land……
Vv.1-6 – God speaks
Vv. 7-8 Moses reports and the people respond
Vv.9-10 God calls Moses into the cloud on the mountaintop
Vv.11-15 Consecration of the Priests and people
Vv.16-25 Moses goes up, Moses comes down to get Aaron, Both go up, God speaks, Moses comes down to speak to the people
Isn’t it ironic that God asks Moses to step into a cloud in order to see more clearly and for God to transfer his power upon him? Israel was a nation in transition. This nation needed more than just words. They needed a power encounter with the living God. The second insight that I am hearing in my spirit being is an awakening – a move away from consumer faith based upon perceived wants toward actual life and eternal needs. Your voice will sound very different when speaking the truth claims of scripture when you emerge from the cloud.
There is always a RENEWAL that can occur from personal crisis. This is a season to drop the façade and step into the cloud so that God can speak and impress new marching orders upon our hearts and mouths. Personal renewal precedes corporate change.
Step into the cloud of obscurity to see the brightness of Christ post-covid.
[1] Cary Nieuwhof & David Kinnamon Podcast, Churchpulseweekly.org – ACCESSED 5 May, 2020.
If your actions inspire people to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are a transformational leader.
I believe in training in leadership. I have vested my 40+ years on Faith-based work of which 34 years investing in others to become leaders. However, so that we do not miss the elephant in the room, let’s understand there is a huge difference between trained leaders and transformational leaders.
I have provided a chart for comparison between being a trained leader versus a transformational leader.
There are 5 actions that are common in all transformational leaders – Do these!
Possess A Clear Picture of What Transformational Leaders Do – Transformational Leaders….
See things others do not see
Say things others do not say
Believe things others do not believe
Feel things others do not feel
Do things others do not do
Peter Marshall stated once that a different world cannot be built by indifferent people.
Focus on Your Own Transformation Before Leading Others To It – As leaders you and I have to be changed to bring change. We teach what we know, but we reproduce who we are. The first person that must be changed in the transformational process is YOU! Take Positive Action Based on your Internal Change – Everything in life is UPHILL – all of the way. Transformation requires and uphill walk. Everyday. All the way. Most people would rather Talk – Think – Plan – Survey – Study – Rest. Gandhi stated once that an ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching. Courage is required to leave the familiar to set off on a better way!
Create An Environment That Promotes Positive Change – Jim Collins stated that leaders who are passionate about transformation are the only leaders who can bring transformation. These leaders spread their “Value-Based” teachings knowing they will make a huge difference in people’s lives. Consider the following….
ATTITUDE – Colors everything in your life
COMMITMENT – Separates doers from dreamers
COMPETENCE – Shortest path to credibility
FORGIVENESS – Live with a light heart
INTEGRITY – Leads to a life of wholeness
PERSONAL GROWTH – People who keep learning always will have a future
RELATIONSHIPS – the quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life
Commit To Making A Difference With Others In Your Community – Transformation always follows the same pattern;
TOP-DOWN – Leadership influence filters down, not up
SMALL TO BIG – Mass movements begin with a few people
INSIDE OUT – Inner values determine outward behavior
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.comMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Organizations as Living Organisms Systems and Fluidity in Motion
Perhaps your life work has been in the context of an organization. This org has charts, systems, protocols, hierarchical structures that must be followed, and where systems trump personnel. The very nature and reason for existence in an organization is that someone first “organized” it. Since that is true, changes within the org must be approved before adaptation, because someone organized it and organization is after all the objective.
Perhaps your life work has been in a different “org” called organism. Organisms constantly change. In biological organisms we see cell development that replaces other cells. There is an inherent adaptation to environment for survivals sake while remaining true to the original DNA that gives it the right to be called an organism. For example, there are numerous strains of the flu virus, adaptations within vegetation and various other illustrations, Uber, and Netflix.
If you engage with a culture and you are part of an organism, you’ll do better in understanding the cultural system that it lives in. This truth points out the tension between maintaining systems and procedures versus adaption and reinvention to meet new environmental shifts. In other words, the org chart is insufficient within organizations in shifting environments. Change becomes extremely slow to the point of missing opportunities. On the other hand, as you engage culture as an organism the ability to rapidly change can be quite fast and nimble. The tension in this circumstance is that change can be too fast, and it becomes novel to change versus meaningful change to meet a rapidly changing environment.
It is apparent that an organism is more resilient than organizations. However, there remains a question of the guiding NorthStar. Surely organizational structures and the novelty of rapidly changing as organisms is not the end purpose of life is it? Keep in mind that culture is the driving force. All historical crisis, including our current crisis forces a reset in re-evaluate our impact on culture versus our systems. So, what is the NorthStar? John’s Gospel 1:1 gives us our beginning; “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The trajectory of this verse is a “was, is, and will be” that is embedded within the language of the writer. From this verse, you expand the “mega-narrative” of the Bible to see the adaptive nature of an eternal message being applied to a changing culture. In a nutshell that is our NORTHSTAR! The 2020 Pandemic is our opportunity for serious reflection not upon our systems (Important? YES), not upon our ability to pivot to digital technology (Important? YES), but rather the true impact of our NorthStar is the eternal impact upon our communities. The “was, is, and will be” trajectory of God’s Word drives systems and adaptability. SO, which org are you?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
It might seem to speed up or slow down, but the energy of time and the outside world conspire to keep things moving from yesterday to tomorrow. Given that nothing is ever going to be the same, and that backwards isn’t an option, our only choice is forward.
Covid-19 did not just show up and declare itself to be the worst experience ever. We have seen this sort of crisis and many more are recorded in history. Ironically there is one piece of wisdom that is true in every crisis that has ever occurred. I know, you are probably thinking at this point that I am suffering from isolation syndrome. This is a claim that I do not make lightly yet I make it confidently. What is that piece of wisdom? MOVE FORWARD!
In fact, let’s go all the way back in time to Moses, Israel, and the Red Sea crossing. That story is located in Exodus chapter 14. God had made a way for Israel to escape Egyptian slavery. Pharaoh had a change of heart he pursued Israel with hundreds of soldiers and over 600+ chariots he set out to correct what now was a perceived error in letting Israel go.
Consider Israel’s dilemma now. They were released from the strong hand of Pharaoh by the mightier hand of God, they moved forward out of Egypt on that basis. Now they hear the noise of chariots and see the rising dust cloud of Pharaoh’s soldiers in pursuit. Israel’s observation followed by speech often sounds like us in 2020. What is this that is happening? Are we all going to die? Who is allowing this to happen? Will we ever be able to get “back to normal”? Israel desired to be free from slavery, yet when faced with an uncertain future their default position was to revert back to the way things were – Slavery! They blamed shifted their dilemma on to Moses – “Didn’t we tell you to leave us alone so that we could serve the Egyptians?” (Exodus 14:12).
Consider Moses the Leader of Israel and his humanity showing through. He attempts to do what any minister would do in the face of an emanant threat; “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord…..” However, it would appear that Moses and God had a conversation before crossing the Red Sea. In Exodus 14:15; “The Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward….” The translation indicates a conversation that is not recorded in scripture. All we see is the outcome of God stating two things, (1) Tell the people to go forward and (2) Moses lift up your staff and stretch your hand over the sea……” You really must hit pause at this moment in the narrative. The plan is to go forward? YES! Mountains on either side, Pharaoh coming behind, there was nowhere to go accept forward! HOW? Raise your staff Moses and stretch your hand over the sea.
Insights On Moving Forward
There is a conspiracy of circumstances coupled with the motion of time to keep us from resting on yesterday
Forward is our only direction for Christlikeness
Do not become paralyzed by an uncertain future
Leadership in the face of an uncertain future requires obedience to unconventional actions steps that God communicates
Miracles happen when we trust and obey
Crisis blows up the box we have been attempting to get out of – Forward with Christ is our only hope
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit – Isaiah 11:1.
This passage of scripture is loaded with incredible meaning. Consider three (3) words of motion in this passage.[1]
STUMP (ge’za) – this term represents life after a glorious state – a stump is an image of a tree that once existed in this location.
SHOOT (ho’ter) – The picture is one of emergence, coming forth. There are 2 occurrences of this term in the Old Testament; Isaiah 11:1, Proverbs 14:3
BRANCH (net’ser) – This is a picture of that which is bright and green indicating something beyond emergence to that of flourishing. There are 4 occurrences in the Old Testament.
We cannot overlook the force of translation, “…will come forth…” From Isaiah the author of these words is speaking “post exilic”. He sees after the fact. Pause and let this sink in for just a moment. Isaiah’s audience is Judah. He speaks as a revivalist warning Judah to repent or become like Israel to the north that was being led into captivity. In essence Isaiah went to the mountain top to look beyond their location and frame of mind, came back to report that God’s people will be cut down to a stump. However, I have good news to bring, A shoot will emerge, and a branch will flourish from what seemed to be dead and lifeless. Isaiah was not just writing about a future restoration of Israel. He was writing from a Messianic Prophetic view. Captivity was bad and it changed everything they were familiar with. Yet, something greater was yet to come.
Covid-19 has changed our perspectives on life and our future. We did not see this coming, but it came forcefully and suddenly. As an aged minister I see OPPORTUNITY for a greater advancement of the gospel today than I have seen in a very long time. It seems there is a lot of discussion on getting back to normal or preparing for a new normal. I do not desire either one. Pre-Covid, in religious communities we spoke of “getting out of the box.” The box no longer exists! If the “new normal” post-Covid is simply the old normal 2.0, I am not interested! Isaiah was not preparing the people for post-captivity nationalism. He was preparing them for an entirely new nation – a Christ-Follower nation! The stump was what previously existed. The shoot was the emergence of a new way. The branch was not just a new way, but a way that would flourish.
Oh, before I go, Jesus the Nazarene, He was the shoot and branch of Isaiah’s prophesy. Nazareth means “shoot springing forth.” Shootsville![2]
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
We are 6+ weeks into Covid – it is time for some perspective on life
In his book, This Book Will Make You Dangerous, author Tripp Lanier stated; “A while back, astronomers found a tiny section of the night sky that appeared to be empty. And ‘tiny’ means the size of the head of a pin if you held it out at arm’s length. If you were to hold that tiny pinhead up to the sky, then that little, tiny portion of the sky appeared completely void of celestial light. So, they focused the Hubble Telescope up there, and let it absorb light for ten days.And in that tiny, tiny dark part of the night sky, which looked completely empty, they ended up discovering 3,000 galaxies.”
Just let that sink into your spirit being for just a minute. After you have taken time to let that sink in, let me give you some words from a different author that makes Lanier’s words and discovery seem smaller yet. Listen to his words; In the beginningGod createdthe heavensand the earth.2 Now the earth was formlessand empty,darkness was over the surface of the deep,and the Spirit of Godwas hoveringover the waters.3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.Genesis 1:1-5 NIV.
I need to pause and fill my coffee cup for the 3rd cup of the morning! WOW’zers! In what appears to be a pin-head size of darkness we discover 3,000 galaxies. Then we read the Bible to learn that GOD created that little discovery by man. Talk about perspective?
When you go to the local Barista the next time and they did not get your coffee fixed the way you like it, or the grocery bagger smashed your loaf of bread, or someone cut you off in traffic just remember, you are not that big of a deal! Perspective clarifies the important so we can discard the urgent! Live life FULLY and COMPLETELY from the perspective of the author of all things.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
We hear of professional golfers who study with coaches to make even slight alterations in their stance or grip, hoping to achieve another fifteen yards off the tee or better control around the greens. How much more should we study the Word to see how our posture might intensify our praying?
1. Bowing
To bow is a physical expression of honor and allegiance. The action of bowing is associated with worship. Even just the bowing of our heads communicates to our mind that we’re addressing the One to whom we’ve pledged our complete loyalty. When the Lord came down in a cloud around Moses on Mount Sinai, “Moses made haste to bow low toward the earth and worship” (Exod. 34:8). King David, centuries later, said, “As for me . . . I will bow down in reverence for You” (Ps. 5:7). Bowing is an appropriate posture of prayer.
2. Kneeling
Many other biblical references speak of dropping to our knees in prayer. Solomon’s monumental prayer at the dedication of the temple was given while he “knelt down in front of the entire congregation of Israel” (2 Chron. 6:13). Daniel, even at the risk of death for defying the king’s order against praying to anyone other than the king himself, continued kneeling three times a day at the open window of his home, “praying and giving thanks before his God” (Dan. 6:10). And one day, we’re told, “every knee will bow” before Christ—”in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Phil. 2:10)—even those who refused to kneel before Him.
3. Lying Prostrate
Sometimes bowing our heads or bowing on our knees still doesn’t quite reflect the devotion we intend. When Ezra the priest gave an all-morning, public reading of the law to the returned exiles in Jerusalem, “they bowed low and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground” (Neh. 8:6). Jesus, agonizing in the Garden of Gethsemane before His torture and death, “fell on His face and prayed” (Matt. 26:39). And when John later saw Him in His resurrected, glorified form — as described in the apostle’s Revelation on the island of Patmos — he admitted he “fell at His feet like a dead man,” totally prostrate before the power of God (Rev. 1:17).
4. Lifted Hands
Many prayers from Scripture were made with uplifted hands. The idea of folding our hands, while meaningful, is actually more recent in history. But the Bible does talk about raising our hands—”the lifting up of my hands as the evening offering” (Ps. 141:2). Paul said, “I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension” (1 Tim. 2:8). Both Solomon and Ezra, whom we mentioned earlier, prayed while falling to their knees and lifting their hands—at the same time—a position of total, physical worship and praise.
5. Lifted Eyes
While closing our eyes is a good way of limiting distractions and maintaining focus in prayer, a common biblical expression was lifting the eyes toward heaven, like when Jesus “raised His eyes” before praying at the tomb of Lazarus (John 11:41), or when “looking up to heaven” as He blessed the five loaves and two fish before multiplying them for the crowd of five thousand (Luke 9:16).
6. Silence
Beyond physical postures, what we do with our voices in prayer is also important. Sometimes the best thing we can do in prayer is be still and know that He is God, without saying a word (Ps. 46:10). When awed and amazed, one is often in silence. When Hannah prayed in anguish for God to give her a child, “she was speaking in her heart, only her lips were moving, but her voice was not heard” (1 Sam. 1:13). No one could hear her silent prayer, but God heard and answered.
7. Lifted Voices
Along with lifted hands and lifted eyes, the Bible also exhorts us to lift our voices to the Lord in prayer. “Give ear to my voice when I call to You,” David prayed (Ps. 141:1). “My voice rises to God, and He will hear me” (Ps. 77:1).
8. Crying Out
“Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud” (Ps. 55:17). This crying out is a frequent descriptor of prayers spoken in the Bible. Jesus, we’re told, during His life on the earth, “offered prayers and appeals with loud cries and tears to the One who was able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverence” (Heb. 5:7). Various translations of the original words for crying out carry the idea of shrieking in pain, or making a sound like an animal in danger, or wailing with deep emotion of spirit. It’s intense and loud. Heavy and heartfelt. Nearly half of the times when John’s Revelation talks about words being spoken in heaven, they’re explicitly identified as a “loud voice”—20 times in its 22 chapters.
Again, posture isn’t everything. It’s not mandatory or specifically prescribed. But we all can identify the difference, can’t we, between the prayers we make while flat on our backs, fighting sleep—and the prayers we make while deliberately kneeling, or raising our hands, or speaking aloud.
Our body sends signals to the rest of our system, reminding us we’re truly in His presence. Truly dependent on Him. Truly His servant. Truly worshipful. And if anything can help us stay this anchored and concentrated on Him, can it really be insignificant?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The Hebrew verb palal means “to pray,” or “to intercede.” It comes from the root, pll, which carries the idea of “intervening” or “interposing.” One who prays “interposes” himself or herself between God and some other thing, condition, or person. The Bible assumes that people will pray to their God, since they are dependent upon Him for everything (our sin makes prayer even more of a necessity). The power of prayer is simply amazing because it changes not only the world, but also the person praying. It touches not only the supplicant, but also the very heart of God. During Solomon’s dedication of the Temple, Solomon spoke of the power of prayer (2 Chr. 7:13–16). Through prayer (palal), people who are called by the Lord’s Name can move God to hear them, forgive them, and heal them and also their land. Prayer must be accompanied by humility—a serious search for God and a genuine rejection of evil. Only if these attitudes and actions are present will prayer be heard—and only when this kind of attitude accompanies prayer will it be effective. Abraham prayed for Abimelech with this attitude, and God heard him (Gen. 20:7). Moses prayed for the people of Israel (Num. 21:7), and God heard him. Hannah prayed to have a child, and God heard her (1 Sam. 1:19, 27). Elisha prayed for his servant, and God heard him (2 Kgs. 6:17–18).[1]
New Testament
All believers want to know how to pray effectively. The place to begin is with Christ’s teaching and example. Christ’s dependence on His Father expresses itself in repeated prayer, culminating in His prayer after the last supper and the agony of Gethsemane, followed by His prayer from the cross (John 17). The parables on “prayer” (proseuchē in Greek) are another important source of Christ’s teaching. These parables emphasize persistence (Luke 18:1–8), tenacity (Luke 11:5–8), simplicity and humility (Luke 18:10–14). A significant source of teaching about prayer is the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9–13). The requests given in the Lord’s Prayer are concerned first with God, His kingdom and His glory[2]
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
What happened to the walls of church? The general understanding of church boundaries has been defined by the walls of a physical location – “There is my church….” The Covid Pandemic has single-handedly redefined faith boundaries. Before you judge my intent and motives, pause with me and consider some salient truth.
The metric system of how church is measured has radically changed
“What gets measured gets rewarded” was the old mantra – what was measured was skewed
Church attendance metrics have been redefined
“Look we are ‘LIVE’!”
This is only a sampling of thoughts that could be wrote. Here is what I know as a 40+ year veteran minister, I have vested much of my ministry in challenging the church to get outside the walls of the church, get outside of the box, and other mantras. This global pandemic has pushed us all outside of the walls and box of the church. We have moved from the shocking reality of not using our building, to pivoting our activity to go online, to what will a digital Easter look like, to how much longer will this last! The walls of the church that defined who we are and what we believe has turned to a liquid reality.
I am not declaring this fluid state to be all bad, but I am declaring this to be an opportunity to think differently about the boundaries that have defined our faith. As I write this article, the biggest discussion of churches in North America, Canada, and the UK centers on how to measure church attendance in a digital world[1]. We have measured content production and participants in the Worship Center. We are now attempting to determine what is an acceptable count total – 1 minute of engagement time or staying for the full online service? STOP! We still are measuring content to participant engagement. That misses the point of one the most crucial commands of the New Testament church – GO MAKE DISCIPLES! How do we make disciples and bear one another’s burdens if we are not truly building community? Perhaps it is time to rethink what is rewarded and what is measured. Perhaps it is time to stop measuring a day and event to start engaging people daily.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The true measure of leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less. The Law of Influence
Leadership position does not give someone leadership authority. Having a title is not the same as having influence or moral authority. Harvard Professor Sharer states that moral authority is not easy to define, but you know it when you see it and when you don’t. A lack of moral authority in leaders breeds distrust, creates cynicism and kills initiative throughout an organization. A lack of moral authority can bring down a nation.
John Maxwell states moral authority is the recognition of a person’s leadership influence based on who they are more than the position they hold. It is attained by authentic living that has built trust.
I want to give 4 Key Insights to the pathway to moral authority.
Competence – The ability to lead well – Competence is the key to moral authority. Author George Davis states that authority is not something we buy, are born with, or is delegated to us by our superiors. It is however he states something that we earn from our subordinates. You must prove yourself first, then you can lead. IN the book Developing The Leader Within You 2.0, there are five levels to consider;
Position – People follow because they have to
Permission – People follow because they want to
Production – People follow because you demonstrate competence
People Development – People follow because you make them competent
Pinnacle – People follow because you have a reputation for excellence
Courage – Moving forward in the face of fear – Courage….Encourages people during difficult times; Enables people to maximise their potential; Helps leaders find their voice.
Every leader who possesses moral authority has had to stand alone at some point in time. Such moments make leaders!
Consistency – Doing well all the time, not just sometimes – Andy Stanley in his book Visioneering, “Nothing compensates for a lack of moral authority. No amount of communication skills, ealth, accomplishment, education, talent, or position can make up for a lack of moral authority. We all know plenty of people who have these qualities but who exercise no influence over us whatsoever, WHY? Because there is a contradiction between what they claim to be and what we perceive them to be.
Character – Being bigger on the inside than the outside – Moral authority is a result of right intentions, right values, right beliefs, right actions, right relationships, right responses. Our intentions must be right, our heart must be good. Put down some strong roots of…
Integrity – align values and actions
Authenticity – I will only teach what I believe (passion), what I experience (Confidence), What I live (Authenticity)
Humility – This is the everyday choice to credit God for your blessings and credit others for your success.
Love – You must love people, respect them, value them. People can always tell when these things are not true. Love them enough that you care about helping them.
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Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in the 1969 wrote about her observations of terminally ill people in her book, Death and Dying. Her book came into existence because of a lack of training in the medical schools on the subject of various phases of acceptance in terminally ill patients. Her work was never intended to be prescriptive, rather, these were observations of a general progression from the shock of bad news all the way to a level of acceptance of a new reality. The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we are losing or have in fact lost. They are tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling. They are not stops on some linear timeline in grief. Not everyone goes through all of them or in a prescribed order. The hope is that with these stages comes the knowledge of grief ‘s terrain, making us better equipped to cope with life and loss. At times, people in grief will often report more stages. Just remember your grief is unique as you are. These 5-stages are merely a mosaic of the journey of people whose lives were moving in one direction and now a sudden shift in life’s direction has radically altered previous held dreams.
Author David Kessler had the privilege to co-author 2 books with Ross; Life Lessons and On Grief and Grieving. Kessler has authored a new book, Finding Meaning; The Sixth Stage of Grief. In this book he has added Meaning as the sixth stage of grief. Kessler writes from a perspective of suddenly losing his 21-year old son. His writing is from a perspective of living life in a way that brings honor to those we have lost. He makes a distinction between attempting to find closure versus living with meaning that honors. This adds to the mosaic of radical change that has occurred which brings people to how do I find meaning and live out that meaning in the face of new realities.
In a recent “Church Pulse Podcast”, there was a discussion that many pastors are experiencing aspects of the now 6-stages of grieving: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, and meaning. A California Pastor commented, “I do not know what grief stage I am in at the moment. Everything has changed.” Covid-19 will be remembered for the radical change in how the end of life has been celebrated due to “Social Distancing.” There is a sense that Covid-19 end-of-life services has denied us a right to close this chapter in life. Truthfully, this pandemic is not about, “How do I get through this event so we can get back to normal?” Rather, I believe it is about; “How do I change in order to thrive in a new world after this event?” Living honorably in a new world that is already giving us a new meaning to life is our goal!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Have you ever watched a sunrise or sunset? Have you ever camped out under the stars and have been amazed at the number of stars? As you hold a newborn baby are you in awe in that moment at the miracle of birth?
The Hebrew word that is translated “awe” is “yirah”. The actual meaning of this word is respect, reverence, worship and fear. This word is used in Proverbs 9:10, “The fear (yirah) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”The implication is that we are not to be afraid of the Lord as though we are scared. We are not to imply the Lord is waiting to crush us and we cannot escape (There is certain amount of truth of this fact in judgment due to our rejection of His offer of salvation).
The next time that you stand on the oceans shore realize your emotion is not one of fear in that moment. Rather you are awe-struck at the size and power of the ocean. You feel yirah! In that moment you feel reverence for a creating God. That is what scripture declares as the beginning of wisdom and knowledge. Do you “yirah” God in that manner?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
It seems that we are in a count-down mind-set anticipating the return to our jobs and places of worship. As we anxiously anticipate this return are we in touch with the Mental Health of our congregation, our Teams, and ourselves? Let’s face the facts, we have been practicing “social distancing” while our faith is structured on community. Isolation is difficult to maintain during pandemics. Old habits and thinking can easily creep back into our minds and habits.
Consider the following; two in five young adults around the world report anxiety about important decisions (40%), uncertainty about the future (40%), a fear of failure (40%) and a pressure to be successful (36%).[1] Additional insights reveal that the majority of Pastors are “Somewhat” confident regarding their congregations needs. Yet the majority of faith leaders say they are offering one-on-one discipleship for their people. Regarding the churches leader’s perception of their own well-being during this pandemic 21% stated they are doing well which is down from 37% in a 2016 State of The Pastor Report by the Barna Group.
Let’s take a deep breath for just one minute while we are in this pandemic together! There is solid evidence of anxiety and fear in our young adult population, a majority of spiritual leaders say they offer one-on-one discipleship, yet those same leaders are “Somewhat” confident of the congregations needs, add to this the leaders own sense of well-being is decreasing. Is there a congruency of data? At a surface look the answer would be NO. However, if we consider the mental health issues for prolonged exposure to a traumatic and sudden change of American behavior and way of life, then perhaps the data is congruent.
As we prepare for a restart of our congregations we should be careful to not over-look the mental health of everyone (Leaders to attendees). It is easy to get caught up the social distancing measurements of every 3rdseat and every other row; how do we ingress and egress from the building, how do we receive offerings – do we allow everyone to touch the plate? Yet, I get it, this is a different world and we are using different descriptors of our new normal. I am convinced the elephant in the room will be the mental health of everyone. God has wired us to record everything about our daily lives. Presently our brain is sending error messages that what we are experiencing is an error. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud suggests that we need to reset our sense of connectedness, reset our routines, reset our sense of needing to control, and reset our mental space by increasing personal spiritual practices.[2]The Spirit of The Disciplines – Understanding How God Changes Lives by Dallas Willard is still worthy reading material for such a time as this.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
[2] Dr. Henry Cloud as sighted in an article, The Mental & Emotional Health of Pastors and Their Congregants Amid Covid-19, by David Kinnaman President of the Barna Group. April 15, 2020.
We are very deep into the Global Pandemic – Covid-19. When you pause to simply look around the religious landscape, you will see a very different expression of faith in America. That may be stating the obvious since this pandemic was thrust upon everyone suddenly and forcefully due to the spread of the coronavirus. Because I have been a life student of Faith and discipleship for over forty years, I have taken the time to observe the central Indiana faith community weekly. Everyone is digital so that task is not difficult to do. I have observed churches moving from shock at the suddenness of this change, to the online church coupled with its awkwardness, to the restlessness of people wanting to restart their lives, to the reality of restarting a nation and how do we restart our churches?
In all of this transition we are measuring the church metrics through a different lens. According to the Barna Group[1], they state that 32% of churches have served their communities through food distribution programs. Research shows that an additional 35% of churches have partnered with other agencies in community food distribution and assisting the elderly population by means of grocery shopping, doctors’ appointments, etc. Measuring “church attendance” is not as simple as food distribution. Pastors reported that attendance post-Easter increased for 59% of churches; 21% of churches stated their attendance remained the same; and 20% of churches reported a decline. When you examine this metric, you will see a wide variety of how these numbers are arrived at by churches. There are three ways of measuring attendance. First we are counting the number of views to our service, secondly the actual attendance is measured by those who watch the full service plus the “comment engagement” activity, and thirdly attendance is measured by multiplying by a factor of 3x (Average family size) the number of devises that connect to the service regardless of how long they stay engaged.
This all sounds complicated doesn’t it? Perhaps we are making it more difficult than it should be. So, we return to the gospel mandate in a digital world. The mandate has not changed and will not ever change no matter the platforms used to “do church”. Could it be that our efforts to measure unique devises, Facebook engagements, and individual IP addresses is only measuring “Content to Consumer” metrics? If this is what we are doing then we must ask the question, Is the mandate of the church to only measure content to consumers? What if the question was “Are we actually converting views into actual relationships with Christ and community? If that becomes the question then our responsibility in a post Covid-19 world is a 7-day per week responsibility and not just weekend metrics. This measurement would radically change all other measurements.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
AuthorCarol Dweck states, “Do people with this mindset believe that anyone can be anything, that anyone with proper motivation or education can become Einstein or Beethovan? NO, but they believe that a person’s true potential is unknown (and unknowable); that it’s impossible to foresee what can be accomplished with years of passion, toil, and training.”
The point here isn’t that we can do anything. Again I repeat Dweck’s words that our potential is unknown and unknowable and the only way to see what that potential might be is to invest in years of PASSION, TOIL, and TRAINING.
A person with a fixed mindset would not entertain the idea of years investing into something that will not return immediate gratification. They simply see hard work with a high possibility of failure as “See, I told you that I do not have the right stuff!”
Growth Minded people see the investment of years is how a person will ultimately discover their real potential. Dweck states, “In one world, failure is about having a setback. Getting a bad grade. Losing a tournament. Getting fired. Getting rejected. It means you’re not smart or talented. In the other world, failure is about not growing. Not reaching for things you value. It means you’re not fulfilling your potential.”
Realize that MINDSETS are beliefs! They are quite powerful. You have the ability to change your mindset. So, how are you approaching your potential (raising children, career, friendships, etc.)?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
The global Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 is just like any other significant crisis that has ever occurred in history. The best analogy is that of a hurricane. There is the preparation leading to the destructive force of a hurricane. This gives way to the “eye-of-the-storm” which is a false sense the storm is over. Following this the backside of the hurricane hits with additional force and greater destruction. Many times, after a hurricane has passed the sun will shine brightly as though nothing has ever happened. However, in the brightness of the sunshine, the visible reality and extent of destruction slowly and shockingly settles upon people. You are now living in hell on earth. The mental-emotional impact upon people can become crushing, leaving scars for the rest of their lives.
“Many survivors of trauma have experiences that haunt them for the rest of their lives, experiences they can never forget. They may struggle for many years with considerable psychological pain. The new psychology of posttraumatic growth does not deny this fact, rather, simply recognizes that there is another side to the coin – that in the midst of great psychological pain there can also be a new recognition of one’s personal qualities and a deeper and more satisfying connection to others.
Three existential themes are at the core of posttraumatic growth. The first is the recognition that life is uncertain and that things change. This amounts to a tolerance of uncertainty that, in turn, reflects the ability to embrace is as a fundamental tenet of human existence. The second is psychological mindfulness, which reflects self-awareness and an understanding of how one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are related to each other as well as a flexible attitude toward personal change. The third is acknowledgement of personal agency, which entails a sense of responsibility for the choices one makes in life and an awareness that choices have consequences.”[1]
Abraham Maslow once stated about self-actualizers, “the most important learning experiences . . . were tragedies, deaths, and trauma . . . which forced change in the life-outlook of the person and consequently in everything they did.“ We are preparing and anticipating being released from the lockdown of our Covid-19 new world behavior. With the flattening curve of the number of new incidents and deaths and the hopes of releasing the social constraints we are only in the eye of the storm, the calm before the new realities settle in on us. That chapter is only now being discussed. Change in our mind-set and behaviors are being forced upon us.
Think about the thousands of funeral services that did not occur due to social distancing and the fear of spreading the Coronavirus, Think of the thousands of “Celebration of life” services that will occur to bring closure to families and friends. How do you restart a nation? Better yet, How do you restart church? Will there be temperature checks for entry into larger gatherings? Will we wear masks and gloves? What about our children’s education? What about the economy? Author Stephen Joseph’s book, “What Does Not Kill Us” is a powerful title to remind us of our own self-awareness, “I have survived”. Tragedies and trauma can make us better and we can emerge as new versions of our self.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
From the time of creation, the seventh day was set aside as a day of rest (Gen 2:2); it was a time to celebrate, to rejoice in work accomplished, and to praise the Creator. Today, most Christians and Jews observe every seventh day as special, whether they recognize Saturday or Sunday. The Hebrew word shabbat, “Sabbath,” is formed from the root shabat, meaning “to cease,” “to desist,” or “to rest.” In the Old Testament, while ordinary work ceased on this day, sacred activities were encouraged, and feasts or festivals sometimes coincided with the Sabbath. The religious high point of the year was the Day of Atonement, which was also called a shabbat shabbaton, “a Sabbath of complete rest,” yet there was a great deal of religious activity carried out by the High Priest and other Levites (Lev. 23:32; 16:31).[1]
The need for Israel to focus upon God one day per week was absolutely necessary to keep them from being so preoccupied with their work. Numbers 15:32-36 shows us the seriousness of breaking the Sabbath – death! Additional worship unto God was expected by offering two one-year old male lambs were to be sacrificed on the Sabbath. Even the land was to rest every seventh year.
When you transition into the Biblical New Testament, we see Christ and his disciples observing the Sabbath. However, Christ would teach the Sabbath was created by God for man’s good and not his oppression. Christ would declare that He was Lord over the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-28). The true “Sabbath” of God, true rest in and with Him through Christ, is the goal and purpose of every believer. With joy, we strive to enter that rest (Heb. 3:10, 11; Rev. 14:13).
The Covid-19 Pandemic has radically altered how we do business and church. No one is exempt! The suddenness of this pandemic has forced a surge of nervous energy to simply cope with a new reality. Six weeks into this crisis, we are still nervous, yet we remain busier now than ever. There is a new reality that is going to settle upon every person, home, business, and church. History tells us that every significant crisis brings about social change that will not look like the “old-normal.” However, there is an ancient truth that is just as real today as it was in Genesis 2:2 when the sabbath is first mentioned – Shabbat! Stop the nervous energy and shut down, form a Sabbath day of true uninterrupted rest. It is perhaps the most important spiritual, mental, and physical thing you can do for yourself during this pandemic and post-pandemic.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
The Lord is my Shepherd is perhaps the single most recognized phrase from the Bible. “Generation after generation, both Christian and non-Christian alike, have taken comfort and encouragement from David’s portrayal of God as a faithful and compassionate Shepherd. This despite the fact that the majority of people living in urban and suburban areas have never seen a flock of sheep, let alone a shepherd tending his animals. Such is the power of the shepherd image in Scripture”.[1] What do we understand about the role of a Shepherd in the biblical context? The Shepherd was responsible for leading the flock to pasture and water, shelter, protection, care, and healing in the case of sickness or injury.
There is an interesting transition in the life of David that takes place in Psalm 78:70-72; “He chose David His servant and took him from the sheepfold, from following nursing ewes, he brought him to shepherd Jacob His people, Israel His inheritance. With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand.” The skills learned from a nomadic lifestyle are now brought to the table of leadership discussion to lead National Israel. Today this transition asks, How do you shepherd in a National/Global pandemic?
In response to the question, Max Dupree states the first responsibility of leadership is to define reality. So, what is reality currently? A pandemic can be compared to a hurricane. There is a ramping up of preparation and endurance until the front of the “eye-wall” has passed. Then a momentary reprieve before the back side of the storm passes. Then calm and many times sunshine appears as though nothing has occurred. Yet devastation is everywhere. By all indications, Covid-19 has peaked and now is in decline. We are all anticipating getting out and becoming social once again. HOWEVER, the back side of the storm is about to pass.
Extensive research in disaster mental health has established that emotional distress is ubiquitous in affected populations. Ubiquitous simply refers to that which is omni-present; it is everywhere you look. Covid-19 has consumed our daily life! Prolonged traumatic exposure leads to PTSD-like systems. For example, when you have trouble sleeping, anxiety, substance abuse, relational difficulty, lack of purpose, forgetfulness of key facts, anti-social behaviors, and loss of ambition to name a few.
In preparation for our return to socialization we would be wise to pause and consider our own mental health. At a minimum we should set aside some time for reflection about how are we honestly feeling today. As a next step we can take a mental health screening assessment. This screening is completely anonymous and no personal information is required. If needed, schedule a medical visit with your physician. Physical issues can be masked as mental/emotional issues.
I believe the most important issue of mental/emotional health is to set “Bright Line” parameters on your daily routine. Effective daily routines begin the night before. Here are some suggestions to consider.
Shut down all computer/entertainment screens one hour before you go to bed.
Go to bed at a consistent time nightly.
Get out of bed at a regular time daily – Sleep lost is never gained.
Eat Healthy – Feed the body properly so the mind can function efficiently.
Exercise – walking is one of the most-simple yet effective exercises you can do for yourself.
Do not “binge-watch” entertainment – over-stimulation of the mind is unhealthy.
Have a set time for bible reading – prayer – writing – reflection
Learn the discipline of 90-minutes of deep work cycles without interruptions – Stop trying to conquer your mountain in a day.
Learn the discipline of journaling – This is not “Dear diary………”
Learn to eat cake! – Be good to yourself.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Our differences can make a positive difference – Maxwell
A few years ago in Harvard Business Review they gave a definition of TEAM. “A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.” (Katzenbach & Smith, “The Discipline of Teams”. March-April 1993).
To underscore an important truth, our differences really can make a difference in our teams, organizations and personal lives. Here are three powerful truths about team diversity.
Diverse Teams Fill in The Knowledge Gap
Diverse Teams Fill in The Perspective Gap
Diverse Teams Fill in The Experience Gap
Consider these six barriers to diversity Fear of Conflict – All great relationships that last over time require productive conflict in order to grow. This is true in marriage, parenting, and business. Conflict does not have to be taboo.
Insufficient Personal Work – It has been reported that 75% of white people don’t have any non-white friends. It is reported that 65% of black people don’t have any non-black friends. Do you think that personal work is required? More specifically it requires humility, intentionality, time, love, and energy.
Unwillingness To Deal With Prejudice – From an unknown source; “The world is like a hand and all of the people its fingers. If you hate and destroy one group of people, you lose a finger, and the grasp of the world is less.”Arrogance – Some leaders are so confident in their own genius that they can’t imagine other people adding value to their work – the less similar they are, the less they can contribute.
Personal Insecurities – The best antidote for personal insecurity is to think about helping other people and putting them first.If your insecurities surface because of other’s strengths of differences – start working on them. If not, then the team and your leadership ability will suffer greatly. Failing To Be Inclusive – If there people in your charge that do not feel included, they will disconnect and will not bring their best talents and gifts to the table.
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Every team needs a leader. Every country needs a leader, and the family of God needs a leader. Jesus Christ is that leader. The Greek word for “leader” literally means “the first one to lead the way.” It is derived from archē which means “the first,” and ago which means “to lead.” To express this idea of leadership, archēgos is a low frequency Biblical word occurring only four times and is generally translated in Acts 3:15; 5:31 as the “Prince,” and as “the author” (founder/trailblazer) in Hebrews 2:10; 12:2.[1]
If the trajectory of the word, the direction of action or the example in which to follow, means “go first”, then how would we apply this in leading through a global pandemic? At the top of this list is the notion the only reason a leader should be a leader is because their driving passion is to help other people. From the local civic leadership position all the way to the national level of civic leadership we are watching these leaders demonstrate genuine care for the citizens or in some cases enforce heavy-handed regulations. Citizens are being awakened to genuine care and what it looks like – these leaders are going first.
Here are three practices that are necessary to be a “Go First Leader”.
Believe In Yourself – I have met successful leaders in which some people did not believe in them. However, I have never met a successful leader who did not believe in themselves. Understand this belief starts on the inside then expresses itself outward to others. You must become bigger on the inside before you can become bigger on the outside.
Set Expectations For Yourself First – If you wait for your congregants to establish expectations, you’re not leading. Spiritual Leaders must establish upfront where the congregants are going, what vision you expect them to accomplish, and what it means to be part of this church. This means establishing expectations for your own work—and living up to the expectations you set first.
Keep Your Commitments First – To be a successful faith leader, you must continually make commitments. Commitment is key. But the first and most important commitment that any leader makes is to him or herself. A commitment to integrity. A commitment to responsibility. A commitment to selflessness.
Effective pandemic leaders communicate often, demonstrate resolve to find solutions to difficult problems, and communicate genuine concern for the people. Evaluation of civic and faith leaders are based upon the people answering three questions internally; (1) Do you care for me? (2) Can you help me? (3) Can I trust you?
The Bible states in 1 Samuel 3:1; “Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord in the presence of Eli. And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; There was no frequent vision”.[1](Emphasis added). To any scholar of the Bible, the underscored phrase is anathema! Perhaps this verse is the backdrop to Proverbs 29:18; “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.”[2] The prophetic vision and law in this passage should be viewed as one-in-the-same in this passage. In other words, without the foundation of God’s Word embedded within our spirit, the spirit of home, the spirit of our children, and our hope for eternity, individually we will cast off God’s voice as a restraining spiritual force in our life.
It should be noted that “prophetic vision” has an additional meaning in the Hebrew culture. It not only included “forth-telling” of God’s words already in hand, but also “fore-telling” of that which is to come [Scripture is clear on punishing false prophets]. This phrase can be illustrated in the diagram below. The study of words impacts the individual either upon the person, outside-in the person, moving completely through the person, below the person, and inside – out from the person. “Prophetic vision” assumes a position of reception of the vision (circle) from a source outside of and higher than the person (arrow). My prayer of application of this fact would be; “God give me a vision that is bigger than my systems but in alignment with your Word – AMEN!
The Covid-19 pandemic has radically altered our weekly routine. For many this has caused a very real sense of anxiety. The definition of anxiety; Heightened sense of vulnerability and a diminished sense of power. Business models are shifting and being realigned. Educational models will perhaps see the biggest shift at the college level. Churches are re-evaluating the Great Commission mandate and the outcome in my opinion will be a renewed focus on discipleship. Without sounding like a prognosticator, according to the CDC[1] here is the reality of the pandemic’s impact on America as of 4:00pm, April 16th:
Total Cases: 632,548
Total Deaths: 31,071
Indiana Cases: 8955
Make no mistake this pandemic has been sudden, and the outcomes have been tragic in terms of human suffering and pain. Yet, this is an opportunity for deep reflection regarding the trajectory of our life, family, and faith. As we evaluate our trajectory may it never be said “….the Lord was rare in those days; There was no frequent vision”.
[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.
In the book of Genesis, we see God walking through the garden searching for His people. Particularly the verse reads that man and woman “heard the sound of the Lord God as He was walking in the garden” (Genesis 3:8). One of the Hebrew words for garden is pardes, a word that Rabbi’s use to study the scriptures. Rabbi’s use pardes as an acronym for the four levels of understanding the meaning of every story in scripture. These four levels of comprehension are:
P’shat – the literal or surface meaning of the story.
Remez – The implied meaning of a passage. This word means “hint” so it goes beyond the literal meaning to the symbolic meaning of a story.
Drash – The deeper meaning. This is how a story connects with other stories in scriptures.
Sod – The hidden meaning or mystical meaning. This refers to the teaching that comes from a story through inspiration or revelation.
The letters PRDS create the Hebrew word “pardes”. The Rabbi’s say that studying the Bible is like being in God’s garden or paradise. As you study the Bible you are walking in the garden of God. Just like the Genesis story – God is calling you!
As we move through a radically different daily routine in this national and global quarantine, surely, we realize that we have been handed an amazing gift. The gift of a slower pace so that we can reflect upon God’s words. Is your current life pattern still helter-skelter that is filled with meaningless activity? Please understand this pandemic is a global pause and this pause has given us the gift of time for reflection and learning deeply the scriptures once again. It is a time for re-connection with family. It is time for reflecting on our life trajectory – where are we really headed? It is a time to consider God’s calling and my current life goals. It is time to walk through God’s garden – Do you hear Him calling you?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Mark Divine is a retired Navy Seals Commander. What you may not know is that he left Wall Street (where he received his MBA and CPA credentials) at age 25 to try out for the Seals. STOP! Let that piece of awesomeness sink into your spirit – that took courage! He started in BUDS class #170 with 185 “studs”. Nineteen finished! Commander Divine distinguished himself as a leader among leaders in that group of nineteen.
In his recent book Staring Down The Wolf, Divine writes, ““You may know that the analogy of the fear wolf comes from a Native American tale of a negative wolf that resides in the minds of humans. This wolf operates from fear, is hungry for drama, catastrophizes, and has incessant negative self-talk….But there is also a second, positive wolf residing in the heart. This one has an appetite for love and connection, is not addicted to drama, and is optimistic and focused on others.
In the context of being a former Wall Street MBA, CPA, Navy Seal Commander, Mark Divine uses Native America folklore to illustrate the importance of feeding your life with activity that points you in the direction of your fullest potential. You are stronger than you realize. You have the ability to go further than you imagined. Long before Native American folklore, there was another man that walked the earth and declared, ….for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” — 1 John 4:4 ESV. John’s contemporary, Paul would write from prison, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13 NKJV.
Covid-19 is our modern “Fear-Wolf”. However (Romans 8:31-39 NIV), states; 31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things?If God is for us,who can be against us?32 He who did not spare his own Son,but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?33 Who will bring any chargeagainst those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies.34 Who then is the one who condemns?No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of Godand is also interceding for us.35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?36 As it is written:
“For your sake we face death all day long;we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”[a]
37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b]neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Author Carol Dweck states, “For twenty years, my research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value…..”
You may be asking yourself how can a simple belief have that kind of power to transform? The author suggests this all starts with a belief that either your qualities are carved in stone or a fixed mindset. The growth mindset however, suggests that you believe your qualities can be cultivated through application and experience.
A person who believes their mindset is fixed would also believe they are born with a certain swagger – you either have it or you don’t. From this perspective your life experiences either prove you have it or you don’t. This in turn produces a type of fear that we do not want to be perceived as an idiot or that we are first class screw-ups.
The growth mindset is much different. There is a belief that by means of hard-work, diligent persistence, coupled with years of passion and training for the long haul of life, that in fact you can achieve a large amount of swagger. So which is it for you? Fixed or Growth? Carol Dweck states, “The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it even (especially) when it is not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.”
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
They say that in times of crisis people show their true character. Anyone can be cooperative, patient, and understanding when things are going well, and life is good. But it is the noble man or woman who can behave with grace and compassion and even kindness when times are very, very bad.
Japanese culture and ways of thinking cannot be adequately addressed in a short space, but this Japanese proverb reflects an important and shared ideal: “Nana korobi ya oki” (literally: seven falls, eight getting up) means fall down seven times and get up eight. This speaks to the Japanese concept of resilience. No matter how many times you get knocked down, you get up again. Even if you should fall one thousand times, you just keep getting up and trying again.
Take a moment to pause and think about some facts. Covid-19 is not the worst crisis known to mankind. We need only look back just a few years ago at the H1N1 virus. It was estimated that between April 2009 – April 2010 there were 60.8 million cases with 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths in the America alone. Globally there were over 250,000 deaths in the first year.[1]The results of the Spanish Flu 1918-1919 were one-third of the global population was infected. It was reported there were 675,000 deaths in America.[2]
We will get through the Covid-19 pandemic. How do I know? God is still on the throne and in charge of all things. This pandemic will reveal the “Growth Mind-Set” leaders versus the “Maintainers.” How do I know? Every crisis before has revealed the innovators in a post-crisis world. These will be the new leaders that emerge. If Covid-19 is your first time to get knocked down or your one-hundredth time, I say to you respectfully – GET UP! In the face of difficult odds, this is your time for resilience and personal growth. Winston Churchill stated; “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” This is your opportunity for growth, development, critical thinking, writing, creating, exercising, reading, home projects, family time, devotional-meditative time, relationship building, and walking into your dreams and hopes one micro-step at a time, daily!
The Lord told Samuel to “anoint” (mashach) David to be King in Israel (1 Samuel 16:3). At that time David was a shepherd boy, but he turned out to be Israel’s greatest king. The Hebrew word “mashach” means to anoint to smear with oil. The oil used in this process was the most holy anointing oil prepared according to a special formula (Exodus 30:22-33). This formula consisted of myrrh, cinnamon, aromatic cane, cassia, and olive oil. This oil was used to anoint Aaron the High Priest, and Prophets.
Why anoint someone? God instructed Samuel to anoint David because He looked into David’s heart. Samuel’s anointing of David with oil resulted in the Spirit of the Lord entering David’s life with power for that time in history. The anointing was an outward sign of God’s examination of what He saw in David’s heart. Do not miss the words of 1 Samuel 16:13; “….and the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward….” God enabled David to accomplish God’s plan “for such a time as this.”
Do we need an anointed voice today? Look at Peter’s use of Psalm 2:1-2 (NLV) in applying it to Jesus the anointed one.
The name Jesus means “Anointed One”! Today we have been anointed in Jesus Christ by means of the Holy Spirit – “You have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all have knowledge” (1 John 2:20). As spiritual leaders of congregations and Priests of our home homes recognize that your place in this Covid-19 pandemicis to be the anointed voice over our congregations and on behalf of our families. For this season, you have the anointing of heaven in the power of the Holy Spirit to speak God’s truth into this pandemic and over our nation. Do not worry about getting out of the box of traditionalism – there is no box currently to get out of. We are all in the same position – uncharted territory!
Your personal autonomy and self-reliance may be restricted to prevent the spread of this global virus, but your anointed message from heaven should not be muzzled. SPEAK!
When we use the word “worship”, usually the picture that emerges is people in church singing, perhaps hands raised. Worship is usually considered to be the first 20 minutes of a church service. Unfortunately, worship is reduced to a category of just singing. The ancient language of the Bible reveals so much more than singing.
Consider the Old Testament story of the Exodus 7:16 where Moses spoke to Pharaoh, “…. Let my people go so that we may worship/serve me in the wilderness.” Upon closer examination we come to understand the “Avad” is so much more than singing – it is more akin to singing while we are serving. Simply stated acts of service is worship.
In another scripture reference of Exodus 34:21 it is declared that six days you shall “avad” but on the seventh day you must stop working – Sabbath rest. Our English rendering of this passage is that we are to “work” for six days and rest every seventh. The word behind the translation is “avad”. Our work is more than merely physical/mental labor. According to Hebrew tradition our occupation should be viewed as serving others in a manner that honors God.
Think about the implication of that: God does not want us to worship Him 20-30 minutes once a week and then work the other six days. His desire is that we serve/worship every day even as we work. When you think about this expanded understanding about biblical Hebrew understanding, what is one thing that you would change in your mindset today?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
You do not lead by hitting people over the head – that’s assault, not leadership – Dwight D. Eisenhower
Consider the following comparisons on what Directing Vs. Connecting looks like. This is an “AHA” moment.
7 Insights on making this important Leader Shift
Humility – Let People Know You Need Them
Good Leaders are aware they need others and they make it known. There is no downside to humility. It keeps your ego in check, it connects you with your Team, it draws people into the center of the vision, and it better positions you to fulfill the vision.
Curiosity – Ask People QuestionsBob Buford’s book Halftime is still a classic because it pushes you to answer the question, “What kind of second half are you going to live?” The only effective way to answer this question is to ask yourself many questions. Develop the craft of asking questions.
Effort – Go Out Of Your Way To Connect
Oprah Winfrey once stated that the big secret to life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there of you are willing to work. Can you look at yourself in the mirror and know that you have done your best?
Trustworthiness – Be Someone Other Can Count On
Pay careful attention to these four arenas; Integrity in my life, Consistency in my actions, Competence in my work, and Acknowledgement of my failures.
Generosity – Give First, Give Continually
Albert Einstein is reported to have said, A person first starts to live when he can live outside of himself. Stephen King once stated…“The human is brief when placed in time’s wider perspective is something that we all know.I am asking you to consider it on a more visceral level….What are you going to do? Well I will tell you what you are not going to do, and that’s not take it with you….We come in naked and broke. We may be dressed when we go out, but we are just as broke….Should you give away all that you have? Of course you should….All that lasts in this world is what you pass on. The rest is smoke and mirrors….”
Listening – Open The Best Door To Connecting With People
Become an active listener. Stop interrupting! Start asking questions for clarity and learning. “Like apples of gold in settings of silver Is a word spoken in right circumstances” Proverbs 25;11
Encouragement – Give People Oxygen For Their Soul – In the Smithsonian there is an exhibit that shows the personal effects of Abraham Lincoln the night he was shot. One of the items was a newspaper clipping that began, Abe Lincoln is one of the greatest statesmen of all time….” It is reported that he carried this article as a reminder that in the face of unbelievable criticism there was at least one person that believed in him. The power of words cannot be underestimated – it is oxygen for the soul!
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.comMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
How did the resurrection of Jesus Christ cause a pivot that went global? There are three pivots that took place. These pivots exposed what religion had become and by means of Christ’s life and death we see a new and different way to pivot.
How we view other Christians – This pivot was a refreshing breath of air, since the religion of the day had become an enterprise of rule keepers and punishment of Sabbath breakers. All of a sudden, the community of Christ referred to each other and “brothers & sisters”, welcoming all converts into their homes as family members. The trajectory of relationships was upon “whosoever” versus the religious elite. This relational community expanded beyond the nuclear family definition to accommodate every race and social strata who now declared their allegiance to a resurrected Christ.
How we spend our money – There are many things that could be said in this pivot discussion, but let’s start with a basic premise found in the following scripture passages; Matthew 19:16-30; 25:31-46; Luke 12:33; 14:33. Caring for others is the emphasis. The trajectory of money and resources in these passages indicates an ongoing intentionality of abundant generosity that is outward focused in the 1st century church. Failing to obey carries consequence in judgment (Matt 25:31-46). It is important to emphasize the trajectory of these scriptures is not in the direction of social power positions but in the direction of the silent voices with no one to speak on their behalf. The question for evaluation is how much of our church budgets indicate the intensity of this biblical trajectory? How much is spent on mortgages and salaries?
How we study the Bible – The key pivot passage of scripture is Matthew 28:16-20; All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.e19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,f baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,g20 and teachingh them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with youi always, to the very end of the age.”j[1] Early Christians eagerly soaked up the word of God like a sponge. There are 2 trajectories to consider. First of all, I am a disciple (translated pupil or student of). This does not conclude in an earthly destination with a certificate or diploma that declares, “I Am A Certified Disciple.” The destination here is Heaven, the ultimate graduation. Secondly, knowledge leads to actionable service to the world based upon the commands of Christ. Christ’s commands are what leads to servanthood living. Discipleship is more than a simple step program that is offered as a one-time experience. Discipleship is biblically centered and should be a standing value within the church. We can say that we value discipleship making however, remember that culture eats vision for breakfast. Is the disciple-making trajectory obvious? Is it easy to participate in?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I did a Google search this morning on “Covid 19 Pivot” and discovered there were 36,4000,000 hits on this subject. The topics ranged from the pandemics’ shifts to Business’ pivoting, to Centers of Worship pivoting, to families pivoting, and to daily routines pivoting. It seems that pivoting is on everyone’s mind.
As I have perused the search topics, other digital platforms, webinars, teaching calls, and various news outlets this week, there seems to be three types of pivots ….
Refrainment Pivot
Repositioning Pivot
Realignment Pivot
Refrainment Pivot – It is obvious that as the spread of Covid-19 swept across the globe, the rules of social engagement were refrained. It is called “Social Distancing”. Other terms or phrases that have emerged are, “Essential Workers”, “Tele-Doctor”, “Lock-down”, “Click-Shopping” “New Normal” and many others. The bottom line is we have been limited and, in many ways have had our daily routines radically disrupted. The necessary limitations are to prevent an even greater disaster. Refrainment Pivots are necessary at times for the greater good.
Repositioning Pivot – This type of pivot is a reaction to being refrained. The normal operations of business are radically altered; therefore, the models of business engagement must pivot for survival’s sake. Because of my life investment in ministry, I must say that I am encouraged in the vast pivots that have been made in all of our communities of faith. We have come to realize that having a digital presence is now the new normal. Brenden Burchard stated after the first announcement of shutting the nation down, “Over-night the world has become digital.” The emphasis being upon necessity.
Realignment Pivot – There is a present moment aspect in which things become realigned simply because of the suddenness of the refrainment pivot that was thrust upon all of us. The REAL realignment is yet to occur. The many prognosticators that are starting to discuss what the New World will look like and how we will now respond post covid-19 are really not sure what to say. All of the opinions are based upon what we previously called “normal”. The only thing we can state with certainty is that all national or global crisis that have ever been faced all conclude with change taking place. There will be changes! The extent of these changes has not been formulated in our minds yet; we are still very much in the refrainment and repositioning pivots. There is a delay in what will be realigned due to our lack of comprehension of what is important and not what is urgent. That said REALIGNMENT is coming!
Tomorrow’s article will focus on Resurrections’ Realignment Pivot that changed the world.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Change is the one thing that we all can agree upon that is the most consistent in our life. You see the story of our life is most like a video versus a photograph. The video more accurately portrays our life.
The success of our life depends on our adaptability to new circumstances. Why is this so? God has placed us in a world of time; every second, every minute, every day holds the arrival of that which is brand new. Consider these three building-block insights….
Cowardice is our natural default position in the face of the unknown – “We have never seen this before”, “I have never experienced this before”. Cowardice is contagious along with terror and fear.
Change is best managed by acquiring COURAGE! According to “Common Sense Media” courage is said to be; “…. the ability to do something difficult even when there’s risk. Courageous people do and say what they think is right despite opposition.”
Courage is to be proactively cultivated through ancient biblical wisdom. It should be noted that every time the biblical phrase, “be strong and courageous” (chazek v’ ematz) occurs in biblical literature indicates that someone’s life is about to go through a major change.
The force of direction of the Hebrew, “be strong” indicates an action or force being applied from the outside – inside direction. Think of physical exercise. It is an outside series of movements that will strengthen the internal physical muscle group and over-all strength.
The force of direction of the Hebrew “courageous” indicates and action that originates from the inside and moves outward. The thrust here is moral courage to take a moral stance.
The more that life changes, the more we must depend on those things that never change!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
The Judean desert landscape around Jerusalem and Jericho has a number of dry riverbeds. The Hebrew language call them “Wadi’s.” A wadi is a dry riverbed in the midst of a barren wilderness. Even though a wadi is in the desert area, they are highly susceptible to flash flooding from rains in the high mountain regions.
It is generally understood, the story in scripture of the foolish man who built his house upon the sand is referring to a wadi – Matthew 7:24-27. Because of the flash floods, sand gathers at the bottom of a wadi. Your best protection is to build and stay on high ground. Flash floods are too unpredictable and little lead time to get out of the way of the rushing water.
Life is like that at times isn’t it? Rains come, the water rises, and the ground beneath our feet is washed away. Scripture states an obvious truth to any person who will listen – Build upon the rock above the wadi. Where is your home located? Remember your values will eat your life vision for breakfast. What you do testifies your values.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
The author is one of the leading researchers in the field of motivation and is a renowned Professor at Stanford University. This is a book that explores serious science to assist us in the understanding of why we do what we do.
There was an ancient writer by the name of Paul from Tarsus that once stated, “The things that I know I should not do, I do. The things that I know that I should do I do not do.” He went on to declare that he was wretched and asked who could save him from this body of death (Bible Romans 7:15-20).
The essence of her book focuses on two mindsets; Fixed Mindset versus a Growth Mindset. What is the difference? The short answer is that a Fixed Mindset states that our self-worth is on the line and that failure is to be avoided at all costs. With a Growth Mindset we embrace the challenge of new opportunities because we know that we are capable of reaching our highest potential and that failure is simply not “going for it and learning along the way.”
Make no mistake, the difference between these two mindsets is HUGE! What about your mindset at this very moment? Are you fixed and gripped in fear of failure? Are you more daring in your acceptance of new challenges because you realize that your potential has not been fully achieved and it is within grasp.
Here is the short of this blog – You can change your mindset – Carol Dweck.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Whenever you visit Galilee in the north of Israel you are drawn to amazing beauty of the Sea of Galilee. One of the obvious things missing to a Westerners eyes is the lack of resorts and 5-star Hotels that potentially could be lined around the water’s edge,
Lately I have been drawn to the preciseness of the Hebrew language all over again. My graduate study focused upon the study of Greek. Hebrew took second place. Notice the Hebrew word for water is mayim, this term comes from a root word mem which is defined as “chaos”.
One of the first century gospel writers, Mark stated; 45 wImmediately he xmade his disciples get into ythe boat and go before him to the other side[1]….” Notice the translated term “made” used by Christ. He literally was forcing his disciples to get in the boat to set sail to the other side. From a Hebrew standpoint Christ was sending his disciples into CHAOS. Ironically, chaos is exactly what occurred when a severe storm arose threatening their survival. The narrative goes on to tell us that Christ came walking to the disciples on top of the “chaos” (water). Notice His words “…. Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid.”
The image of a Savior walking on top of chaos communicates that He is in charge. We know that all storms in life come to an end. The Covid-19 pandemic will end. Knowing that a crisis reveals a person the question to ponder is; “What chaos are you facing today?” Your answer does not lay within you. Your response by faith is to realize there is a Christ who walks on top of all chaos! Believe Him.
w For ver. 45–51, see Matt. 14:22–32; John 6:15–21
A Crisis Reveals The Leader – It Does Not Make The Leader
For the most part I believe we are beyond the initial “freak-out” emotions of the start of this pandemic. We are settling in to the “new normal” of daily life. Think for just a minute about your daily routine 3 weeks ago versus now. There have been many pivot points necessary for survival and simply just to have some normalcy.
Here are three quick hit ideas about Leadership When It Matters Most…
A Crisis Moves Us
When something bad happens it never leaves us the same – a new normal emerges!
The important question to ask is; “Is the current movement being imposed upon us positive or negative?” Am I doing better? Am I doing less?
When a crisis first hits the movement is always negative! We are caught by surprise, unprepared, did not see that coming.
The good news is that we are all in this together. We are all making adjustments. Now that we are 2-3 weeks into this crisis it is now time for some decisions that need to be made right now!
Are we going to allow what is happening to me modify what is in me? A crisis reveals the leader, it does not make the leader. If who you are on the inside is solid, Christ-centered, and calm – do not allow the fear of the day take this away from you.!
A Crisis Reveals Who The Real Leaders Are
That is a fact!
There used to be a TV program from the late 1950’s called “To Tell The Truth.” A celebrity panel questions contestants in an attempt to determine the actual person associated with a story.
Coivd-19 is playing this game with us in real time – Will the real leader stand up?
Motivational leadership is going to have a hard time in this current environment. Leaders are needed to not only know the way, but, show the way. The infatuation with digital technology and the clumsy efforts that we all are doing presently will give way to solid leadership that allows the values of the organization to emerge by means of technology.
The MESSAGE is more important than the use of technology – it is only a tool to reveal the core of why we exist. Transformation into Christlikeness!
A Crisis Tests A Leaders Confidence
There is NO COVID-19 playbook
All of us are attempting to refine our message and what platform will help us communicate effectively.
Leadership requires many shifts of methodology and systems.
I am currently offering a PODCAST SERIES on the Maxwell book Leadershifts. Here is the link to first episode this series – LeaderShift. This series is located at www.shepherdsadvantageinc.com – You can scroll to discover each episode.
If the people you seek to engage have choices, they are likely to make a choice in the direction of their self-interest.
So, the question becomes WHEN?
Consider the High School student that lights up a cigarette on a Friday night – is it in their self-interest to do so? Perhaps! Consider the person 40 years later if it was a good idea to be influenced by peer pressure to start a lifetime habit that leads to expense, illness, and poor health. Was it worth it? The answer would be NO!
When we attempt to offer a way to change behavior, we are really attempting to change their time-reference. In this Week of Passion, we are not inviting people to merely stop doing “that” and start doing “this”. We are asking, “All things being the same and given your life circumstances presently, how meaningful and purposeful will your life be by not accepting the offer of Passion Week?
The offer of a crucified Christ is not; “Do you think this is a good idea?” Instead, When will the offer of a crucified Christ be the change you need to make?
If I have seen farther than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants – Isaac Newton
John Maxwell articulates four stages to move from being a personal producer to an equipper of others – Ladder climbing to Ladder Building.
Ladder Climbing – “How High Can I Go?”
Glen Turner stated the hardest challenge of getting to the top of the ladder was to get through the crowd at the bottom. This stage is really about growing and developing your fullest potential. Here are some thoughts to measure your ladder climbing capabilities.
8 thoughts……
Make sure your ladder is on a firm foundation of integrity and character
Is your ladder leaning against the correct building for your purposes
Do not step on others in order to climb your ladder
Do not skip steps on the ladder for short-cuts
Step back occasionally to evaluate and reflect
Do not step on others on the way down your ladder
With each restart back-up the ladder – improve your effort
Value the people who are holding your ladder
Ladder Holding – “How High Will Others Go With A Little Help?”
Pastor Kevin Myers at 12 Stones Church stated, “Leaders should want far more for their people than from their people.”Here are five essential ladder holding thoughts.
It all begins with servanthood attitude
You must be available
You will attract people who want to climb
Ladder holding is a pre-qualifier for discovering potential
Over time, ladder holding multiplies effectiveness
Ladder Extending – How High With Others Go With A Lot of Help?”
Chris Hodges stated that a dream is a compelling vision you see in your heart that is too big to accomplish without the help of others. When you start holding the ladder for others, you are actually helping them go to higher levels. This level is all about being a mentor. Here are some thoughts about being a ladder extension for others.
You need a testimony of success in your own life
You must possess the correct skills – I.e. relational, attitude, leadership communication
Maturity – you should be ahead of the person you are mentoring
Humility required
Ladder Building – “Can i Help Them Build Their Own Ladder?”
Ladder building is all about giving another leader permission, equipment, and empowerment to build their own ladder. Sam chand’s books are influential in this discussion; Who’s Holding Your Ladder?, What’s Shaking Your Ladder?, Who Moved your Ladder?If you want learners to follow directions, provide the WHAT. If you want followers to lead others, give them the WHY!
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.comMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
William Shakespeare once asked, “What is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell so sweet.” I believe his point was that who you are is more important than what you are called. When it comes to Jesus, who He is matters as much as His name.
The name of Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshua, meaning “salvation”. Think about the Luke 19:9, “…Today salvation has come to this house.” Jesus – Yeshua was literally standing in the house. Biblical pun.
Consider Exodus 15:2; “The Lord…has become my salvation.” Isaiah 12:2; Surely God is my salvation…”
We all have a name. Our name identifies us and for some, it defines our credibility and our reputation. Scripture makes it clear there is only one name that can shine light in the darkness, bring hope to the hopeless, and heal the brokenhearted. That name is SALVATION. How would your name change if your identity and reputation were built on the name of Jesus?
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’“ Dr. King once said to an audience in Montgomery, Alabama in 1957. It is hard to believe that it has been 63 years since this question was asked.
Currently in our nation we are witnessing unprecedented generosity and good-will toward each other. The need is great, and the heart of America is shining through. AWESOME! The context of the original speech was an America that segregated people and limited their access and possibilities. We were gripped by an ideological pandemic of segregating people groups as an acceptable way to act in America.
Today, we are gripped by a biological pandemic that is literally costing thousands of people’s lives. Who started it and Why are issues for global leaders to sort out? Yet we are serving our fellow man in amazing ways.
Faith-based organizations have been guided by ancient words from the 1st Century in Matthew 28:16-20 NIV; “16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
The Faith-Communities pathway and the content that drives our purpose is embedded in these ancient words. Do you hear what it is saying? Do you see how this persistent and urgent question can be answered? Do we understand the answer to the question, “What are you doing for others?” demands an infinite-minded response. In other words, the strategies we choose are bigger than the days of our lives.When this pandemic passes from us, my prayer is that we will live out BIG “C” (Church/Kingdom) behaviors. I do not want to go back to little “c” goals (Religious “isms, territorial/turf debates, placing an eternal God in a box).
“Life’s most persistent and most urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” – Dr. Martin Luther King
Author Tom Rath’s most recent book entitled, Life’s Great Question,” is a direct response to Dr. King’s question. On April 4, 1968 Dr. King was fatally shot and his life on earth ended. Yet, his often quoted question remains with us as relevant and very contemporary.
In Rath’s book he states; “Knowing who you are—and who you are not—is essential. But it is only the starting point. All the talent, motivation, and hard work in the world will not bevalued or remembered if it does not help another human being. … Real growth is the product of following your contributions more than your passions. Simply asking, ‘What can I contribute?’ leads to a better path and result than starting with yourself. This applies far beyond the realm of careers.” A growing body of evidence suggests the single greatest driver of both achievement and wellbeing is understanding how your daily efforts enhance the lives of other people.
It is also noteworthy to realize when we are making meaningful contributions to others’ lives leads not only to improved work outcomes but also leads to enhanced health and wellbeing. WOW! What a work perk! Understand that meaningful work accomplished daily leads to better health and well-being. Please take notice, I did not say busy work!
Realize that we all are participating in a global pivot that is flushing out this great question of life; “What are you doing for others?”
Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level
Over the last few weeks we have been examining the book Unbeatable Mind. Author Mark Divine states there are three questions that must be answered in order to fulfill the most important question in life, Who are you and Why are you here on earth? Here are the three questions;
Passion: What fires me up and motivates me to get out of bed in the morning?
Principles: What is it that I truly value in life?
Purpose: What is the one thing that you have been placed on earth to do?
If your desire is to live an uncommon life that matters you must answer the Why am I here question first. Learn to remain content with where you are while executing simple strategies for getting to where you desire to go.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
TRUISM: You cannot lead effectively if your goal is to be a people pleaser. Every leader will face tough times and it is in these times that reveals the true nature of what is on the inside. Every change, every challenge, and every crisis requires a tough call, and the way those are handled is what separates good leaders from the rest.
How do you know when you are facing a tough call and need to be at your best as a leader? You will know when the decision is marked by these three insights.
Tough Calls Demand Risk – Larry Osborne once observed about highly effective leaders is how little they have in common and yet have one particular thing in common; effective leaders are willing to take a risk. You cannot afford to play-things safe and please people at the same time. Progress in a crisis will require certain risks. Are you willing to make those type of decisions?
A Tough Call Brings With It an Inward Battle – It has been stated that all the significant battles are waged within self. Often these internal battles occur far from the spotlight of leadership and casual observers are not even aware of what is happening. Pastor/Leader Charles Swindoll stated; “Courage is not limited to the battlefield…The real tests of courage are much quieter. They are the inner test, like remaining faithful when nobody’s looking, like enduring pain when the room is empty, like standing alone when you are misunderstood.” You must win this inner struggle first!
A Tough Call Will Distinguish You As A Leader – It does not do any good to complain about how tough these days are while we lead various enterprises. Former New York City Major Rudy Giuliani stated, “When the right person is the leader, he does better during tough times.” When there is a rapid shift of momentum, a good leader will give direction and courage to keep moving forward.
Winston Churchill stands as a historical personality of making tough decisions in the face of a protracted WWII. In his famous speech he said…“But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth[e] last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour.“
What does PEACE mean to you? Some people may define peace as a “stress-free” day. To others peace may be what is felt while looking at the beauty of a sunrise or sunset. The ultimate question is not defining the term but rather, are you pursuing peace?
In ancient Jewish traditions, peace was more valued than truth. Rabbis would argue in situations where peace and truth were in conflict with each other that peace is the first step in any resolution. Consider the Hebrew term for peace, SHALOM. This term implies being wholly unified with God and others. Andy Stanley has stated that you as an individual are more important that my view. How many times have we witnessed situations in which being right was of greater importance than people?
Peace WITH God, peace OF God, and peace with EACH OTHER. This sort of peace attracts people to the truth.
The question to ponder today; Does my life demonstrate peace like this? How can I attract people to God TODAY through the peace that I am displaying?
19 From the west,s people will fear the name of the Lord,
and from the rising
of the sun,t they will revere his glory.u
For he will come
like a pent-up flood
that the breathv
of the Lord drives along.a[1] Isaiah 59:19 NIV
Recently I have become reacquainted with the beauty of the Hebrew language. So much of this language is based upon word pictures and symbols. It is as though each word conveys emotion and experience, not just information. Isaiah gives us an emotional perspective of God showing up as one who guides the flood-tides by His breath. The image of crashing ocean waves is what comes to mind for me.
The question of WHY or SO WHAT is valid at this point. One textual rendering of this verse allows for the breath of God driving our enemies away from us. All of a sudden, the power of God (pent-up flood…) showing up to fight against our enemies now means something more than mere crashing waves.
When the “breath of Heaven” motif is brought into first
century Christianity we see two distinct places where this shows up; the dove
descending at Jesus’ baptism and the day of Pentecost. In both illustrations we
see the Holy Spirit tearing open the heavens and swooping down upon Jesus,
identifying him as the Messiah. We then see the Holy Spirit tearing open Heaven
again and coming down upon the upper room congregation. Both illustrations demonstrate
the breath of heaven showing up with purpose and power.
What does this mean for me personally today? A determined
Spirit is accessible at a time that I need Him most. TODAY is a good day for
His breath!
Have you ever thought about the expectations of your organization? Think about this for a moment. Are you expected to “hold the line?” Maintain the course? Change direction? Get out of the box? Blow up the box? (John Maxwell). Without sabotaging your organization and the good people you work with, ask yourself right now what zone are you in? At times we hear it said, “I am in the zone?” Which one?
Coasting Zone – Do as little as possible
Comfort Zone – Do what you have always done
Challenging Zone – Do something new that you have not done
Creative Zone – Think new thoughts that you have not thought
The million dollar question is how so you shift from maintaining to creating? The process is an INSIDE – OUT journey
Maxwell has identified seven mental blocks – here they are;
Find The Right Answer – There is always more than one answer
That Is Not Logical – Thomas Edison stated there ain’t no rules around here…
Avoid Ambiguity – Life is messy, contradictory and it is a paradox
Failure Is Bad – Creative people do not avoid failure
Do Not Become Foolish – Standing up for something is to stand out from something
I Am Not Creative – The only block to creativity is disbelief
Here are seven principles to apply for creativity
Build A Creative Culture – If you lead an organization or department, promote creativity. Josh Linkner gives us an example of A.P.R.I.L. to illustrate how an effective creative culture can be cultivated.
Make Everything Better – It has been stated that creativity is not the finding of a thing, but making it better after it is discovered.
Make Plans But Look For Options – Learn to plan ahead: Predetermine your actions; Lay out your goals; Adjust your priorities; Notify key personnel; Allow time for acceptance; Head into action; Expect problems; Adjust your plan; Daily review your plans. Place High Value On Ideas – Harvey Firestone stated that ideas are the greatest asset of mankind.
Listen To Different Voices – Creativity can thrive when a subject is approached by different perspectives. Learn to ask the God who made you to keep remaking you!
Take Risks – Nick Saban’s creative risk of shifting a tested quarterback to an untested quarterback in the 2nd half of the game against Georgia. Alabama won 26-23. Live On The Other Side of Yes – Living on the other side of YES is where abundance and opportunity lives. In short seize the moment!
In the book The Creative Priority, author Jerry Hirshberg states, “No one in an organization sets out to stifle creative thought. Yet, a traditional bureaucratic structure with its predictability, linear logic, conformance to accepted norms…is nearly a perfect idea killing machine.
Isn’t comfortable
Nevers gets up before dawn
Can’t get the job done
Isn’t the American Dream
Has no guts
Never dares anything great
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Garry Brackett Executive Director Shepherds Advantage Inc
I don’t about you, but I have been doing some introspection during our national quarantine. I have been giving attention to my salvation confession of faith. I have started this reflection at the point of my salvation as a very young sixth grader. Moving through time in this journey of reflection I have been repeatedly reminded of the ancient wisdom that repentance is so much more than feelings of regret and being sorry. Ancient wisdom has reminded me that t’shuva is an action word that implies turning back.
Again, t’shuva (Hebrew) is more than feelings of guilt or regret – while there are those emotions – it is more about making a course correction in your life. It is about turning away from where you are currently headed and turning back toward God.
Salvation is point action that starts us on an entirely new trajectory of living. However, there are a number of “U-Turns” that are required. Think about it this way. Have you ever had your GPS to tell you to make a “U-Turn” after missing the correct turn you needed to make? If you “Turned-Around” you were living in the definition of t’shuva. There are times that we need to make spiritual U-turns.
Our spiritual U-turns involve a change of course in your life. Theologian Abraham Heschel states that a t’shuva in a man or woman’s behavior is also about a change in God’s judgement. When we t’shuva, God promises to take control of the wheel and direct us toward His will and ways.
During our national quarantine, I feel that God is calling nations, civic leadership along with institutions in the public sectors and non-profit sectors to t’shuva – turn around walk in the direction of God’s calling!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Garry Brackett – Executive Director – Shepherds Advantage Inc
Recently I read the book by David Brooks, The Second Mountain. During his
explanation of what the Second Mountain. Generally speaking, he says this
mountain is all about RELATIONSHIPS! Early in the book he writes, “… it’s worth remembering that
the concept of altruism was invented only in the eighteenth century. Once
people decided that human nature is essentially egoist and selfish, then it was
necessary to invent a word for when people weren’t driven by selfish desires.
But before that, what we call altruism—living for relationships—was just how
people lived. It wasn’t heroic or special.”
Altruism did not
exist until the 18th century – let that sink for just a minute!
Without the word
before the 18th century people were generous, kind, and selfless.
Let’s role clock
of time backwards and review a time before
Instagram selfies. Before celebrity culture. Before the “hyper-individualistic”
mentality. During our current pattern of “Social Distancing”, let’s put others
first – #AltruisticLife
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps
people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be.
Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key
Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Garry Brackett – Executive Director – Shepherds Advantage Inc
One’s Good For Time The Other’s Good For People
This is a distinction that is made in Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
He tells us that we can
be “efficient” with time and tasks but that we need to focus on being
“EFFECTIVE” with people. Covey goes to state, “While you can think in terms of
efficiency in dealing with time, a principle-centered person thinks in terms of
effectiveness in dealing with people.”
It is possible to
be efficient with our relationships and yet be totally ineffective at the same
time. Let’s face the facts, relationships can be messy and yes, they require us
to be “FULLY PRESENT” – body, mind, spirit to make this relationship effective.
Now that we are
experiencing a national quarantine, instead of scrolling our technology, use it
to stay connected in effective ways. For example, my wife and I are using ZOOM
to tele-talk with our children and grand-children.
This is a great
time to establish new relationship habits.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Garry Brackett – Executive Director Shepherds Advantage Inc
During this season of quarantine as a nation – “Scary Times” is a description that I have heard numerous times recently. Because each of you are important and your life counts, I wanted to give you hope in the following 10 action steps to succeed in Scary Times (Dan Sullivan’s insights)
Forget about yourself; focus on others – Quarantines and uncertainty can drive people into themselves causing feelings of isolation and helplessness.
Forget about your commodity; focus on your relationships – Uncertain times can cause people to feel frightened about their jobs. I know our jobs are valuable to us, however, I would suggest that you build your relationships – Family, Friends, Team Members, Suppliers, Clients, and Customers more deeply. You will increase your worth in your job and potential jobs.
Forget about making the sell; focus on creating value – Exist to add value to people who will multiply value to others.
Forget about your losses; focus on your opportunities – Sometimes the things we have disappear when taken for granted. For some they may never get over this fact. Rather than focusing on the losses of life, turn your attention to the rapid changing world of opportunities that becomes available today.
Forget about your difficulties; focus on your progress – New difficulties either defeat and reveal new strengths inside of us we did not know existed. Take advantage of this national quarantine as a time that you will grow more now than ever before.
Forget about the future; focus on today – It has been said if you want to make God smile tell him what you are doing tomorrow! Faith focuses our attention on the future in Christ Jesus. However Today is what really matters. This moment in time is what matters – what are you doing with it.
Forget about who you were; focus on who you can be – Do not get caught up in the game of allowing circumstances to define who you are. When things turn for the worse, depression and anxiety can set in. Operate from inside knowledge of hopes, dreams virtues, values. Take advantage from the external confusion to become more directed, focused and motivated to make a difference.
Forget about current events; focus on your responses – When things are going well we tend to think that we are in charge. It is self-defeating when things turn bad. Successful people know they are not in charge so they work harder at their response to difficult times.
Forget about what is missing; focus on what is available – Deficiencies are part of a crisis. Focus on the things at hand to gain small micro-wins. Connect with Podcasts, online resources, Zoom calls, etc.
Forget about complaints; focus on gratitude – Complaining attracts negative people. Be the bigger person – contact five people this week that have influenced your life and express gratitude for their investment. Go for a walk in the neighborhood – Gratitude Walk – giving THANKS as you walk.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level
Author Mark Divine states that being emotionally resilient and a survivor is crucial to the question, What is your why?” What are you willing to do to bring your why into reality? Along with these two questions add in positive self-esteem, positive attitude, optimistic outlook that I will succeed, and focus on others around you.
What is your answer to the million dollar question in your life, “What am I willing to do to make sure that MY WHY comes to fruition?” Take a few minutes tom write out your response to the following;
This is my WHY ______________________________________________________
Now that you have this in writing add in positive self-esteem, positive attitude, optimistic outlook that I will succeed, and focus on others around you.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
During this Covid-19 national quarantine have you got up a few mornings in a fog of stress, unable to focus because you are pulled in multiple directions? The stress of work, unsolved issues at home, unanswered emails, sickness, tiredness, financial pressure, and so many other things that are happening to us currently. These pressures can leave us feeling emotionally flat and unable to focus in the morning. This stress you are feeling today may seem like it is a modern dilemma, but I want to offer an ancient solution.
Literally for thousands of years, Jewish believers have spoken a prayer the minute they wake up that focuses their attention on God rather than the things of the world. This prayer comes directly from Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 4 “Hear, O Israel: dThe Lord our God, the Lord is one.25 You eshall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And fthese words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 gYou shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 8 hYou shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 iYou shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Shema is the Hebrew word that means to hear and obey.
When God says Shema, He is giving us an invitation
to listen, respond, appreciate, understand, act.
What do you hear God saying? Leave a comment below and let us encourage one another with the voice of God inside of us during this national quarantine.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Garry Brackett – Executive Director Shepherds Advantage Inc
In the last
article I discussed the Periodic Table of Elements and the Hebrew Language. In
this article I want to further unpack the idea that connections with other
people preserve our sense of virtue and worthiness.
Notice in
Genesis 2:18 that God declared, ”…it is not good for man to be alone.” This
declaration was not just about the prospects of matrimony. It is about how
lonely and miserable it would be if you were in fact the last person on earth.
Living alone (as in zero human interactions) can be quite miserable.
Do not miss the fact God delayed the creation of woman until Adam named the animals of creation. Realizing there are zero mistakes made on God’s part of the creation narrative. Therefore, Adam’s naming of the animals is significant. We are left to conclude that Adam named these animals based upon what he saw and upon what he is not. Humans are created more by what we are rather than what we are not.
Consider Adam’s
naming of Woman – “Esha”. The rough translation is woman or wife. It would
appear as if God asked the question, “Why did you give this name?” in Genesis
2:23. The English translation states, “…because she was taken out of man.” Because
language matters notice the Hebrew word for man in this verse changes from a’dam
previously now to isch. The implication of this word shift on the part of Adam
is he understands his authentic identity to be connected to Esha. This is more
than an acquaintance it is a deep spiritual soul level connection.
KEY TAKE-AWAY: Connecting
with other people by making commitments to serve with other people, establishing
obligations with other people, we are able to discover our true identity. It is
difficult to truly know who we are alone. Our connections, our relationships are
what shapes us!
Leave a comment
below and share what you are doing to stay connected during this quarantine.
Share this post on your social platform to encourage others
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
It has been quite some time since I looked at the Chemistry Periodic Table. It is my understanding there are 92 natural occurring elements and then the balance of the 118 total elements includes radio active elements.
The reason that I would make this distinction is that the study of the Hebrew Old Testament language reveals there are exactly 92 words that describe creation.
Interesting isn’t
According to
Hebrew language and culture, in order to get man out of the world, we must
connect and combine things to reach the fullest expression of our potential.
God gives us a world in which only connections yield practical results. Connect
ions with others help is to preserve our own sense of virtue and worthiness. One
is to small of a number to achieve greatness.
CONNECT with family,
work colleagues, and neighbors TODAY! All of us together are stronger than any
one of us alone.
Tomorrow I will focus on God’s declaration, …”It is not good for man to be alone…” and how authentic identity can be discovered.
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Leave a comment below with ideas on connecting with others during this national quarantine.
You cannot lead people if you need people. John Maxwell
There is a vast difference between conceding that change is inevitable and believing that change is essential. John Maxwell
Here are seven insights on shifting from Pleaser to Leader Change your expectations toward leadership – Learn to separate what is best for you versus what is best for the organization by asking these three questions (1) What’s best for the organization? (2) What’s best for other people within the organization? (3) What’s best for me? The order of these questions are important. If you need people to like you you will probably not be able to lead them.
Value people as much as you value yourself
Work to establish expectations up front – Assumptions are never a good method of operation in the leadership world. It always leads to unfulfilled expectations and disappointment. Think on these five statements:
Up-front appreciation places value on the person and increases the value of our time together.
Up-front expectations increase the value of any meeting.
Up-front questions are the quickest way for people to understand one another and thereby increasing the value of our time together.
Up-front discussion influences the way and direction we lead others.
Up-front decisions increase the value of our time together.
Ask yourself the hard questions before any potential difficult conversation
When a tough conversation is needed, do it right – Here are a few tips…
“Are you aware of………?”
“I need you to help me understand the situation?
“I heard you say………Am I hearing you correctly?”
Try for common ground
Arrive at an agreement on what is best for all parties involved
If you cannot agree on the issue and solution, stay open for at least one more meeting
Maintain a positive attitude
Understand the 25-50-25 Principle – 25% of people will support your efforts. you. 50% of people will be undecided. 25% of people will resist you. Balance Care with Candor – Care without candor creates dysfunctional relationships. Candor without care creates distant relationships. Care balanced with candor creates developing relationships. Care and candor are life the two wings on a plane; you cannot fly with only one wing. They must work together!
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Isn’t it interesting that as a challenge escalates the need for
team-work escalates. The true measure of successful leadership is not getting
people to work. The true measure of a successful leader is not getting people
to work harder. The true measure of a successful leader is getting people to
work hard together!
Team leaders know they do not have all of the answers, so they do
not insist on providing them. They do believe however, they cannot succeed
without the combined contributions of all members on the team. EGO is not a
prominent concern during a crisis.
Leaders Give Hope Do you realize that out of every crisis is an opportunity to be reborn? Understand that hope is the foundation of change. As a leader your first and last task is to keep hope alive. Author Jonathon Sachs states, “One of the most important distinctions I have learned in the source of reflection on Jewish history is the difference between optimism and hope Optimism is the belief that things will get better. Hope is the faith that together we can make things better. Optimism is a passive virtue; hope is an active one. It takes no courage to an optimist, but it takes a great deal of courage to have hope.”
Leaders Make It
You can always evaluate leaders by the size of the problem they are
willing to tackle. If you as a leader can’t make it happen for yourself most
likely you are not going to make it happens for others. Staying in your comfort
zone allows you to do what you know you can do. Move into your challenge zone
and you will attempt to do something that you have never tried. Understand that
making things happen will require risk.
Charles Parnell wrote; “Too many people are having what we might call ‘near-life experiences.’ They go through life bunting, so afraid of failure that they never try to win the big prizes, never knowing the thrill of hitting a home run or even taking a swing at one.”
Leaders Watch Their
Attitude is a choice. We cannot always choose what happens to us, but we can chose, what happens within us. Attitude is not everything, but it is the main thing that determines how we handle problems. During tough times attitude is a separator. Understand that your accepted bar of excellence is no longer good enough!
During Tough Times
Successful Leaders Trust God
“All I have seen
teaches me to trust the Creator or all I have not seen” – Emerson
”God is too good to be unkind, and He is too wise to be confused. If I cannot trace his hand, I can always trust His heart” C. H. Spurgeon One of my professors in College, Dr Jerry Bridges wrote in his book Trusting God, states, “God never explains to us what He is doing and why. There is no indication that God ever explained to Job the reasons for all of his terrible sufferings. As leaders, we are taken behind the scenes to observe the spiritual warfare between God and Satan, but as far as we can tell from Scripture, God never told Job about that…we must conclude that God had a much higher purpose in allowing Satan’s onslaughts against Job than merely using Job as a pawn in a “wager” between himself and Satan…the story concludes with a conversation between God and Job in which Job acknowledges that through his trails he is come into a new and deeper relationship with God…We may conclude that this deeper relationship was one of the results God had in mind all along”
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Here is an interesting definition of a crisis; “When you can’t say, ‘Let’s forget the whole thing.’” John Maxwell. It has been said the leaders first responsibility is to define reality. Peter Drucker stated, “A time of turbulence is a dangerous time, but its greatest danger is a temptation to deny reality.” Hanging on and hoping is not a strategy in tough times. Here are six rules for successful leadership in pre and post tough times.
See The Big Picture
Leaders see more than others see. Leaders see before others see.
Leadership is the business of seeing for others. Note these comparisons…
Followers see what is – Leaders see what could be
Followers think first of themselves – Leaders think of others
Followers see the penalties – Leaders see the rewards of success
Vision is the world’s most desperate need. There are no hopeless situations, only people who think hopelessly – Winfred Newman
Leaders Make Good
There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in
mind that in the end, the choice you make, makes you – John Maxwell
There are some decisions that you need to make before a crisis
occurs – Crisis are going to occur beyond the current national crisis that we
all feel.
Choices to make prior to a crisis…
1.VALUES – who am I
2.MISSION – what I do
what I must do
what I should do
Choices to make during a crisis… 1. COURAGEOUS decisions – What must be done 2. PRIORITY decisions – What must be done first “First things first, last things not at all” – Peter Drucker 3. CHANGE decisions – What must be done differently. Once you understand that transition begins with letting go of something, you have taken the first step in the task of transition management. “If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around” – Jim Rohn
Leaders Develop A
It has been said that a crisis must never be experienced for the second time. That said I want to share with you the acronym PLAN AHEAD which part of the JMT DNA. Feel free to share with as many of the leaders in your social network.
P – Pre-determine
your course of action
L – Lay out your
A – Adjust your
N – Notify key people
in your organization
A – Allow time for
H – Head into action
E – Expect problems –
motion causes friction
A – Always point to
your successes
D – Daily review your progress
Leaders Learn From
Bad Experiences
Here are some things that we can learn… •How to be more flexible •How to be thankful •How to be humble •How to stay calm •How to be more aware of forgiveness •How to network •How to have a right perspective
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level
Author Mark Divine writes that negativity can and will destroy performance, so it is vitally important to train yourself to move from negative thinking to starving those thoughts ad fee the positive thoughts. He goes on to write a four-step process on how this can occur.
Recognize or witness negativity
Stop the negative thoughts with positive power statements of affirmation
Redirect your thoughts with self-talk and imagination by focusing on positive and product thoughts that feed your current goals
Create a mantra for your new mental attitude.
The book cover shows Mark staring into the eyes of a wolf. He uses the analogy of the battle of two wolves battling for position in the mind. Which one will win? The one that you feed!
Installing mental positive habits require practice, practice, and practice some more. Never allow you mind to dictate who is in charge. Bring all thoughts captive…….
Strength and growth come through continuous effort and struggle – Napoleon Hill
When people begin their leadership journey they typically become enamored with the title and all of the perks associated with it. Reality always sinks into the present moment – people will not always or naturally follow you because of your title. That is more true today than ever! Millenials do not want a boss with a title they are seeking a coach to equip, encourage, and engage their lives daily. Unfortunately, I am keenly aware of the leaders that are stuck in yesterday’s management style of leading – Do what I say…” Notice the comparison table that I have provided for you in the show-notes.
Your Price Points
Reality – Leaders Recognize That Everything Worthwhile is Uphill – Max De Pree once stated the first responsibility of a leader is define reality. Let’s define it now – Everything worthwhile is UPHILL! There is a huge difference between what we can’t do and what we won’t do. POOR CHOICES, not a lack of talent and ability are the greatest hindrances to most people’s success. Navy Vice Admiral James Stockdale stated in an interview in Jim Collins book, Good To Great, “I never lost faith in the end of the story…I never doubted not only would I get out, but also that I would prevail.” James Stockdale was a prisoner at the famous Hanoi Hilton. His experience is known as the Stockdale Syndrome.
Example – Leaders Acknowledge They Must Climb The Hill First – The one thing that sets GREAT leaders apart from all others is they act before others and they do more than others. Great leaders will face their uncertainty and doubt and will move through it to pave the way for others that will follow. Because they are willing to pay the price and often pay more than others do, they can say with moral authority, “FOLLOW ME!” It is reported that Paul Harvey stated once that if you don’t live it, you don’t believe it. Understand that self-belief is more than positive words to myself or receiving them from others. Words of affirmation without the work of accomplishment are hollow. Your words of self affirmation must be authentic and it must be backed up successful action.
Consistency – Leaders Understand They Never Get To Stop Climbing – There are no elevators to the top! Bill Bradley a great basketball player that became a US Senator in his memoir wrote his mentors greatest advise; “If you are not practicing, remember someone somewhere is practicing, and given roughly equal ability, if you two ever meet, he will win.” It has been often stated that what people do and what they say they do are entirely different things. Words, Intentions, and actions must all be in alignment.
Consistency will establish your reputation, it will keep you in the game when all others quit, and consistency has a compounding effect.
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Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level
Author Mark Divine states that self-confidence of a SEAL is both a character trait and skill. The skill is to rack up small worthy and achievable victories on the way to mission accomplishment. In addition, it requires being able to reframe failures to find the silver lining. With these two skills, you will have the self-confidence to attack any challenge. Your confidence in your domain of expertise will grow as your success grows.
The word “CONFIDENT” in its original meaning means, “extreme trust.” This level of intense trust is gained through hard work. You must show up consistently, persistently, in a manner that you know whatever life throws your way, you can handle it.
Self confidence is both a trait and a skill. This means self-confidence can be taught and learned as a skill. Success and Stress are defined by choice. It is the small choices, not the big choices that make the difference between good and excellent.
Improving yourself is the first step in improving everything else – Unknown
“Goals will help you do better, but growth will help you become better” – John Maxwell
3 Shifts – 7 Challenges
Growth Outward to Growth Inward – Growth on the inside first is what will fuel growth on the outside latter. Do not get lost in the numbers and achievements.
Growth in Everything to Growth in Vital Things – You can’t learn everything so focus on what is R.E.A.L. – Relationships, Equipping, Attitude, Leadership.
7 Challenges
Embrace Change – Growth means change. It seems to be human nature to desire development but resist change at the same time.
Adopt A Teachable Spirit – How? Make growth your #1 priority. Ask questions that will help you grow. Journal what you have learned. Teach others what you have learned.
Love of Learning Over Fear of Failure – Action reduces fear and increases courage. Become a catalyst for transformation. Do not allow fear to bully your life.
Develop Relationships With Growing People – Stay close to the fire of other growing people. Few things are better in life than conversation with people who are growing!
Develop Greater Humility – Humility is not about denying your strengths, it however, being honest with your weaknesses! You can be confident and not desire to draw attention to yourself.
Believe in Yourself – What you believe about yourself will determine what you invest in yourself. Benjamin Franklin stated, “Empty the coins of your purse into your mind and your mind will fill your purse with coins!”
Embrace Layered Learning – One life lesson applied upon another and another, each gaining greater insight and depth, and weight.
GROWTH PERSPECTIVE: unlocks potential, feel better about yourself, Strengthen values and abilities, growth in humility and self-awareness, be an example to others.
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Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level
Mark Divine states that his purpose for the book is that you are capable of so much more than you think you are, but you have been kept in the dark about this potential your entire life. As a Navy Seal the author states that the principles of this book are not about being hard-core but rather about how to perform at your peak in any domain, whether you are a mom, dad, SEAL, student, or CPA.
The first premise of the Unbeatable Mind is that you must win the in your mind before you step into the arena of life. The simple truth is that you must control your mind and establish a winning mind-set before we fight in life’s game. Consider Divine’s five-steps to accomplish a controlled mind.
Focus your mind and stop it from running all over the place. In order for you and I to live the uncommon life we must master uncommon habits of life. Enter Spiritual Disciplines! I have read that we have a drunk monkey in our mind that runs from thought-to thought-to thought-to thought. FOCUS NOW!
As you discipline your mind you will connect with the internal witness of the soul. Think of it this way. You can either sit under a waterfall or step back a number of yards and admire the falling water. One perspective is that you are being pounded by water and noise, the other allows reflection and amazement. Stop the craziness of your life to listen to the internal witness – you may be missing out on a grand challenge and message.
Challenge your unfettered mind with with the supper food of positive regard and passion as a winner. Enter, “We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us…”(Ro. 8:37).
Activate a DAILY training plan to move you toward your internal vision for life – move toward my “just cause!”
Surround yourself with like-minded people that will help you succeed every time.
Forge resiliency and mental toughness to succeed at an elite level. This is mastering uncommon disciplines in order to live an uncommon life.
he late Zig Ziglar stated years ago you can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. The key question that emerges from this thought is are you a Soloist of a Conductor? Do you want everyone to serve you or are you there to serve others? It is true that one is too small of a number to achieve greatness. Consider the following five (5) challenges to shift from Soloist to Conductor.
Going Slower So That you Can Go Further – We have often heard the adage, “It is lonely at the top!” The reason that it is lonely is because you took the journey by yourself. Leadership is about making careful thought out steps so that you can guide others to come behind you and succeed also. Healthy organizations are not about the one person who leads them. Rather it is about everyone who is in them.
Recognizing That You Need Others – It is extremely difficult to to make beautiful music as an orchestra when you are a one man band. Notice the difference between the two attitudes below.
A Completing Culture creates wins for everyone. When people lead without taking the time or making effort to understand those who are trying to follow, the results will either be tragic or a comedy.
A Completing Culture creates wins for everyone. When people lead without taking the time or making effort to understand those who are trying to follow, the results will either be tragic or a comedy.
Help Others To Become Better Everyday – You must go slower to go farther. This only happens when you realize that you need others, you must understand others, and that you want others to shine more than you. Here are three questions that I have referred to in previous Podcasts.
Do you care about me?
Can I trust you?
Can you help me?
We have a leadership hole today. Poor examples of leadership are swaying people away from it. The John Maxwell Company surveyed High School Seniors and found that 95% do not want to become a leader. The time is NOW to offer a different model of leading. Add value daily to people so they will add multiplied value to others!
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
90% of How you do something is also Why you do something! This statement represents the blend of Willpower and Habits. This begs the question; “what do I aspire to accomplish or who do I aspire to become. Your response to this question is boiled down into the opening statement, 90% of how we do something is also why we do something.
In order to reach our fullest potential and to break bad habits we need to engage our A-I – Artificial Intelligence. Therefore we need to establish some algorithms that assist in the enforcement of sculpting the newest version of ourselves. This is accomplished by setting some “IF” – “THEN” algorithms. For example; “IF it is 5:00pm all electronic devices are shut off – THEN we can have true family time. IF it 5:00am I will engage devotions and meditations -THEN I will turn on electronic devices. IF I have been involved in 90 minutes of DEEP work – THEN I will get up and disconnect from electronic devices while stretching and walking.
On a separate piece of paper write your algorithms that will create your disciplines of the person that you desire to become. STOP aimlessly wandering and establish meaningful purpose. Reach your fullest potential by getting rid of the bad habits and establish new habits that lead you to the best version of yourself.
Over the past 8 weeks we have attempted to draw attention to the impact of electronic devices in our lives. There is so much that we are learning on a daily basis regarding the impact of our digital world. The outcomes are still unknown. What is known is our responsibility in this new digital world. We have the power to limit our exposure to digital technology. The way we communicate and interact with one another is radically different than just 10 years ago. On the current trajectory there will be problems socially and relationally.
To sculpt or being hacked is the question – only you can answer this for yourself! What algorithms will you activate to change the habits of your life?
David Wigington is an ordained minister with
the Assemblies of God he began his preaching ministry at the early age of
twelve. He is a frequent guest speaker at churches and conventions across the
country. Also, he has had a very active ministry in missions speaking in
numerous countries around the world. In addition he has authored several
articles for national publications.
At age 16 David was involved in an
accident where he lost his right arm in a meat grinder. His powerful testimony
of how God miraculously spared his life is an awesome witness of the grace of
God. God recently blessed him with a new bionic arm which values at
$76,000 but through a miracle by God, Dave paid nothing.
He served as a pastor of 3 congregations in Indiana and for 30 years served the Indiana District Assemblies of God in various capacities that included State Youth Director, State Missions Director, Church Ministries Director and in the post of Executive Secretary–Treasurer for 14 years of the 30. David resides in Avon, Indiana with his wife, Candy. Who is a representative of One Child Matters they have two adult married children and 5 grandchildren. They are traveling across the country speaking in churches and conventions. Candy presents a window for One Child Matters followed by David’s dynamic presentation of God’s word.
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There is a leadership axiom that says; Fast is faster, forward is shorter. Thomas Edgley also stated that if we do not change we die. We must learn leadership to be successful. For years the principles of management have been taught. The premise has been dependent on stability and known factors. Management has taken stability for granted. Whereas leadership provides principles that work in the face of the unknown. Things are not as stable as we might like.
In The face of uncertainty, people who conform pull away to a safe place to protect themselves. Adaptable leaders who make leadershifts lean into uncertainty and deal with it head on.
Paul Karofsky states, “Leaders by definition have followers. Followers need direction. Direction requires decision-making. Decision-making requires consideration of options. And consideration of options involves dealing with uncertainty.”If you are aspiring to become an effective leader you will need to learn to become comfortable with uncertainty and make shifts continually.
Are you ready to shift as a leader? You will need to deal with the tension between the stability that gives security and the adaptability that opens up opportunity.
Here is a list of seven practices on how to leadershift:
Continually Learn, Unlearn, Relearn
Value Yesterday, But Live In Today
Rely on Speed, But Thrive On Timing
See The Big Picture As The Picture Keeps Getting Bigger
Live In Today But Think About Tomorrow
Move Forward Courageously In The Midst of Uncertainty
Realize That Today’s Best Will Not Meet Tomorrow’s Challenges
This series of podcasts are going to focus upon a number of shifts that leaders will need to make if you are going to reach your full potential.
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
We have been examining the impact of digital technology on our habits and work flow. While we do not know completely the impact of digital technology on our lives, it is safe to say that we have all changed because of technology. Just look around you the next time you visit your favorite eatery. We have baked into our consciousness the need to stay connected, therefore we must keep our electronic devices at our side at all times. After all who wants to experience FOMO (Fear of missing out).
FOMO is so pervasive that our relationships, routines, social interactions, and our careers have “pickled habits” that are now ingrained into our brain. Science states that once a cucumber is pickled you cannot return to a cucumber. One of the first steps in conquering the impact of digital technology in our lives is to recognize that we are all pickled in some aspect of technologies effect in our daily routine.
The million dollar question is to answer what habits are we pickled? To discover these habits below is a “Pickle Audit” (courtesy of Brian Johnson). Follow this simple exercise to see what habits are now pickled. Remember you cannot unpickle a pickle. You can change your behavior once you see it’s negative impact in your routine.
The courage to lead is a willingness to take risks for the good of an unknown future. The risks are REAL! It is much easier to tinker with the monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports, but to make decisions with an eye to the distant future is a lot more difficult. Such decisions may cost you dearly in the short-term. It may even cost jobs and revenue.
The courage to lead means that we will operate our enterprise at a higher standard than mere law – we will obey a higher standard of ethics. What happens when we are pressured to violate that ethical standard. It takes courage to speak up and offer direction that is counter to the current business standards.
Courage to lead in the Infinite Game is all about the actions that we take. There must be a willingness to completely revision how the world operates. To illustrate this fact consider CVS and their decision to stop selling cigarettes.
Hanging in the lobby of the corporate offices is the motto for the company; “Helping people on their path to better health.” This motto was revered and lived out from the e-suite to the lowest level employee. However at the conclusion of a strategy meeting someone stated the elephant in the room, “Don’t we sell cigarettes in our stores?” In February 2014 CVS made the decision to stop selling cigarettes in all stores. This set off a chorus of loud Wall Street voices announcing the end of CVS. Facing a loss of $2 billion, it was assumed this revenue would go to other stores. However, there was a down-turn in total revenue sells in the states where CVS operated. The their shares of stock took an initial hit, they bounced back stronger that prior to their decision.
How do we find the courage to lead?
Simon Sinek offers two (2) possibilities.
We can wait on a life altering event that shakes us to the core of our being and challenges us on how we are living our daily lives.
We can awaken ourselves to the possibility of a just cause and surround ourselves with like-minded people. Identifying worthy rivals that challenge us and pushes us to higher level of excellence.
When you consider that humans are messy and imperfect, understand there is no perfect model of an infinite minded company or leader for that matter. Even when we make strides to live out the infinite minded game, we can falter and slide into the finite game. This is where it takes courage to lead and recognize that we have strayed from our purposes. Courage is required to get back on the pathway of our Just Cause.
Let’s get real for just a moment. Our lives are finite, but life is infinite! We truly are finite players in an infinite game called life. We are born and we die, yet life continues with us or without us. We win and we suffer loss, but we get back in the game because there is always tomorrow or next season. No matter how much money we make, no matter how much power we acquire, no matter how many promotions we obtain, none of us are declared the winner of life!
So in this final episode of examining the Finite versus the infinite perspective, take some time to evaluate the infinite perspective in your family, faith work, career, and friendships to see if you have lost sight of the long view in life. Make the corrections and have the courage to lead no matter how loud the voices are around you. Stay true to the higher ethic, your guiding north star!
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We have been discussing Digital Addictions and how we need to control their function in our lives rather than being controlled by them. This blog article will focus upon switching our default settings from heavy digital usage to developing opportunities for solitude.
To begin our thought we need to understand that Solitude is not loneliness, negativity, or isolationism. It has been said that we cannot see things in perspective until we cease to hug them in our bosom. So that we do not miss the obvious, times of solitude means the complete absence of digital distractions for a designated time period.
I am including a half-day Spiritual Retreat outline for you to follow. I am a strong proponent for regular Spiritual Retreats during the calendar year. I started this practice in my life over 20+ years ago. Time will not permit me to discuss the benefits I have received from these regular times of solitude.
One of the benefits of solitude is that Autobiographical coherence is achieved. This means that we connect with our recent past in order to reconcile unfinished business or problematic relationships for a preferred future. Stay grounded and connected to your present relationships and environment. Other benefits of solitude would be:
Emotional Balance
Moral Courage
While this year is still quite young, resolve to set aside specific times for Spiritual Retreats or even establishing micro-moments weekly in which you would be able to un plug from digital distractions to have some quiet moments of thoughtful reflection.
Suggested Reading:
Bored and Brilliant – Manusch Zomorodi
Lead Yourself First – Raymond Kethledge & Michael Erwin
If you are not willing to blow up the status quo in your organization, someone else will. A great illustration of this fact would be Walt Disney. He was the first to create animated cartoons with synchronized music and sound. He sold and borrowed on everything to create his Just Cause – allowing people to step out of the work world and step into the world of creativity. Disney created theme parks that showed yesterday and tomorrow. In the words of Buzz Lightyear – To infinity and Beyond!
So what exactly is Existential Flexibility? It is the capacity to initiate extreme disruption to a business model or strategic course in order to more effectively advance our Just Cause (Go back and review Episode #259 for the discussion on Just Cause). The finite-minded player resists change and new ideas while the infinite-minded played revels in them. Key distinction.
This FLEX can be very disruptive to the current way of doing business. Yet, if you do not FLEX and blow up your own enterprise, someone else will. Wouldn’t be awesome to have a conversation with George Eastman founder of Eastman Kodak. The digital world completely engulfed Eastman Kodak. Their Just Cause perished due to a lack of change. Sadly they owned many of the digital technology patients and made millions from their sale. Yet on January 19, 2012 the New York Times summed up Kodak’s demise with these words; “Eastman Kodak, the 131 year-old film pioneer that has been struggling for years to adapt to an increasingly digital world, filed for bankruptcy protection early on Thursday.”
While this FLEX can be disruptive and unnerving at times, Keep in mind that your JUST CAUSE is the northstar to guide your forward motion. It is at this point that I have questioned and studied extensively the questions of, How would the non-profit Faith Community act differently if they truly lived out the infinite-minded idea? What decisions would we make that are different than how we presently are making. Better yet what is the JUST CAUSE for the faith community or any other non-profit?
Consider that non-profit growth today is coming from a brand new arena. Churches and organizations that are on the verge of extinction are handing over the assets to another non-profit that is flourishing. The goal is to keep a faith initiative alive in that neighborhood without placing the assets on the auction block.
My question is what happened to the JUST CAUSE? Without it what is the guiding northstar? This should cause all of us in the non-profit world to ask questions about the current health and trends of our operations. Are we truly operating within an infinite-minded perspective with goals beyond our life-time. Perhaps the finite-minded focus can subtly creep into our operations. Are we in competition with other non-profits? Are we attempting to be declared the winner in the non-profit arena?
It is interesting that Kodak faced the disruptive nature of the digital technology they created! Their own creation became their down-fall.
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Multi-tasking is not a skill set that you want or need in your capabilities of leadership. You are not hard-wired to multi-task efficiently and safely. A person that texts while driving is said to be 6x more dangerous than a drunk driver. WOW!! That is a scary thought!
Let’s conduct a small experienement. You will need a Stop-Watch for this exercise. Here are the instructions to follow:
Count 1-10 and then record your time TIME:
Recite the Alphabet A – J and record your time TIME:
Now recite these two list alternating and record your time (1A, 2B, etc) TIME:
Did you notice a difference in your time. You simply are not wired to multitask efficiently and safely. The issue at hand in leadership is to get into a “Deep Workflow” that allows your best content/ideas to come out. Distractions destroy deep thought and workflow. It is also reported by neuroscience research that when you are in a deep workflow and are interrupted, it will take you 15-20 minutes to recover and get back into that deep workflow before the interruption. WOW again!
Here is a journaling suggestion to help you recognize when the interruptions occur and the circumstances that aid in working at a deeper level. Here are a couple of suggestions to assist your discovery.
First of all begin to journal your thoughts on when you tend to multitask. Is there a cause, time of day or day of the week that triggers multitasking behavior? Is there a limiting belief within yourself that you are convinced that multitasking is necessary for survival? What have you been taught that you need to unlearn in order to get into a deep workflow?
Secondly, journal your thoughts and circumstances of what is occurring when you do get into a deep workflow. Did you place electronic devices out of reach? Did you turn off notification reminders? Is there a place that allows you to work more deeply?
Multitasking allures us into thinking this is the ultimate way to peak performance. In reality it represses us and keeps us in the shallows. Our creativity is suppressed and the best version of ourselves never manifests itself to the world. It is time to remove the digital distractions, get into that special place that allows deep work to flow, and change daily habits that are hindering our best creativity.
In Podcast Episode #257 I listed four key areas of the Infinite minded leader. Previously we have begun a deeper look into these four areas by starting with our “Just Cause,” followed by “Will and Resources.” In this podcast I want to examine what it takes to have “Trusting Teams.”
In order to build Trusting Teams let’s understand the tension that exists. The tension is that we are a business and should act professional, not personal. Therefore, we need to drive performance, not make people feel good. If you have ever felt frustrated, angry, excited, abused, confident, or insecure, congratulations – you are officially human! There is simply no way to suspend our emotions while at work.
Feeling safe to express our emotions is not be confused with a lack of emotional professionalism. After all we are adults and have a responsibility to act with respect and thoughtfulness. Emotions/Feeling are at the heart of Trusting Teams. Let’s examine and illustration from the Navy Seals regarding Performance versus Trust. They understand that Trust comes before Performance, not the other way around.
The Seals have come to learn that performance can be taught. Trust is who you are at the core of your being. To become a Seal does not necessarily mean that you are the high achiever that outperforms all others. Take notice of the chart in the show notes. Seals will take low to medium performers with high trust. High performance with low trust is a toxic person that you do not want on your team.
Performance is about technical competence. How good someone is at their job. Do you have staying power? Can you remain calm while meeting deadlines? Trust on the other hand is about character, humility, and accountability. Do you bring a positive attitude with you to work. Having skills does not mean that you are reputable.
Why is it in the Navy Seals that a premium is placed upon the character of a person knowing this person has their back and yet in the business world we place more emphasis upon performance at the expense of character? When we pitt performance against character we create toxic environments in which trust is sacrificed. Performance actually drops in toxic environments. People will trust their leaders when their leaders do the things that make them feel psychologically safe!
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In recent blog articles we have focused upon conquering our digital addictions. In this blog I want to shift the focus to optimizing our life. We must start from a position of clarity about ourselves. You must be able to define yourself in order to know what must be changed or how something will be shaped, Consider three key areas of our life: Energy, Work/Service, and Love/Family.
In the show notes or on a separate page write out your assessment and response of these three categories against three arenas; Who are you at your best; #1 thing you need to stop doing; #1 thing you need to start doing. Set aside some time for reflective evaluation – breaking free from digital addictions requires this process.
I want to examine specifically the two types of currency that every organization has at their disposal – Will and Resources.
RESOURCES – This currency is easy to calculate and is tangible. We can calculate this by means of revenus, profit, cash flow, venture capital, private equity, store prices and so on. Resources generally come from outside sources like customers, investors and these represent the sum total of all financial metrics that contribute to the health of the organization.
WILL – In contrast, is intangible and harder to measure. When we talk about will, we’re talking about the feelings people have when they come to work. Will encompasses morale, motivation, inspiration and commitment, desire to engage, desire to offer discretionary effort and so on. Will generally comes from inside sources like the quality of leadership and the strength and clarity of the Just Cause. Will represents the sum of all human elements that contribute to the health of the organization.
All leaders whether operating from a finite or infinite mindset know that resources are essential. All leaders whether finite or infinite agree that will is also essential. Can you name me one CEO who thinks their people are unimportant. The tension lies in the reality that Will and Resources can never be equally prioritized. There are always circumstances in which one is pitted against the other, times in which leaders must decide which one to sacrifice. The question; “Which one will they choose?” Every leader has a bias!
Most of us have sat in corporate meetings in which leaders have gone over their agenda – it looks something like this: 1. Growth 2. Market Share and Demographic targets 3. Our People. This illustration shows there are at least two other items that are more important than “Our People.” How leaders list priorities illustrates their bias and their bias influences how decisions are made. Finite Leaders focus on score. These decisions impact people via layoffs and downsizing operations. It is easier to calculate the immediate savings when operating from a bias of SCORE!
Infinite Leaders look ahead to minimize profit lose versus sustaining human capital. The solutions may take longer but, when people are valued time is not always a priority. Thinking beyond the hard times, an infinite minded leader is willing to wait the quarter or the year or more savings to accumulate if it means safeguarding the people. These leaders understand that people drives discretionary effort, problem solving skills, imagination, and teamwork. These things are necessary for the future of the organization. The bottomline that we all understand is that when we lose experienced staff while waiting for new staff to be onboarded and acclimated to the new culture impacts productivity and profit margins. If you factor in low morale in high-turnover jobs it should make you a bit curious as to whether the money saved was actually worth it.
As a leader we can control how we spend and invest our resources. However, we have a lot less control over how our resources are made. Politics, economic cycles, market fluctuations, customer preferences, technological advancements, weather, and all other forces can create havoc on our ability to amass resources. On the other hand any organization can create an endless supply of Will. Leaders are in total control over the source of Will. Will is generated by company culture. We all understand that culture eats vision for breakfast!
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We are continuing our Blog series on Digital Addiction. In
this blog article I specifically want to draw attention to the cost of digital
addiction. You may be lured into thinking there is no real cost for using this
amazing technology. Think about this – If you simply used your technology
devices only 25 minutes per day you have give two (2) years of your life. The
truth of the matter as a society we spend on average three (3) hours per day on
our phones and that equates to eleven (11) years of our life attached to a
digital device. It has been said that a wealth of information leads to a poverty of
We all are paying the digital cashier with the currency of
our Attention, Time, Production, Meaningful Connections, Energy, and Happiness.
On average it takes only 6 seconds for a new email to be opened in the office
environment. If that interruption stops your “DEEP WORK” flow, it
will take you 25 minutes to return to that level of deep work. QUESTION: How
many interruptions occur in your daily routine? NOTE: It is possible to get
nothing done on any given day because of digital interruptions.
The costs are high. The challenge is to answer the question,
“Is it worth it?”
A Just Cause must be……. For Something – it must be affirmative and optimistic. This is something that we believe in versus something that we oppose. As leaders it is easy to rally people against something we oppose – even whipping people into a frenzy. Being for something ignites the human spirit and fills us with hope and optimism. Being against something is to vilify, demonize, and reject. Being for something invites everyone to a common cause. Being against something focuses our attention on what can be seen. Being for something focuses our attention on the unbuilt future in order to spark imagination and creativity. For example, instead of fighting against poverty, we focused upon the right of every human being to provide for their own family.
Inclusive – open to all who like to contribute. Human being s want to feel a part of something. We crave the feeling of belonging. In the heading of Inconclusiveness we are asking people to join something that is bigger than themselves. A well crafted statement of CAUSE inspires us to offer our time, experience, hands, and anything else that would help advance this cause. Simply stating that I want to make a difference or change the world is not sufficient. A just cause is more than just a vision statement. It is a collection of words that paints a tangible picture of the kind of impact we desire to make on people and exactly how the world will look because of our Just Cause!
Service Oriented – for the primary benefit of others. A Just Cause requires at least two parties – givers and receivers. In order for a Just Cause to be valid it must demonstrate the primary benefit of contributions go to people other than the contributors. This is not to be mistaken as charity. The ultimate goal of the infinite minded spiritual leader is to advance the work to generations beyond myself. Therefore, equipping becomes a major theme. We are not attempting to create dependents, but equip people in such a fashion that it ignites their passions to participate in something that will outlive themselves. The cause is bigger than the consumption of non-profit goods and services,
Resilient – able to endure political, technology and cultural change. A great illustration here is the Declaration of Independence. Equality, unalienable human rights are evergreen. Our Just Cause must have a lasting quality that outlives technology and trends. You must have na cause that is durable, resilient, and timeless.
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We are continuing our Blog series on Digital Addiction. In
this blog article I specifically want to draw attention to conquering our digital
addiction. The very first step in recovery is to admit that we are addicted.
Ironically, so is every other person in society. Be bold and step forward and
declare “I am addicted to digital technology.” It has been said that it is no
measure of health to be adjusted to a sick society (unknown).
Below is a list of digital devices and services. Beside each
of these, take a few minutes to journal why you may have unhealthy tendencies
in the use of these devices and services? Describe your addictive behavior.
Once you have completed this assignment now journal your
thoughts about any “bright lights” or boundary markers that you feel would be
helpful in the conquering of your addictive behavior (I.e. Digital Sunset). Write
out your thoughts clearly and concisely.
This is a simple exercise to bring us face-to-face with our own behavior. The disciplined mind is a victorious mind.
Just Cause – The key question is; “What is the big idea/cause for existing?” If we simply remain the same, that will lead to stagnation and death of your organization. Why would we expect anyone to follow us if our cause is “sameness.” Few non-profit organizations make their cause crystal clear to the community in which they serve. What we do as nonprofits and for-profits alike should be aligned to compelling cause that attracts others. There should be a higher cause than simply buy my product or attend my church. Your message is a word picture that shows others your passion and the size of your dreams.
People Over Profit – Infinite mindedness views the larger arch of life, not just the immediate payoff. The primary objective is to perpetuate your work into the future. Your focus is upon people development for the long haul, not short term payoffs. Since you are not looking to be declared WINNER, your passion and drive causes you to assess and utilize the assets of your business differently. Your objective is focused upon perpetuating your vision and passion beyond your lifespan.
Trusting Environment – It is sad to think this subject should be addressed. With the many illustrations of failure you would think that we would have learned some lessons by now. Yet, it is true that trusting environments are desperately needed. Our teams should feel safe to raise their hand and state, “I need help” without fear that their job may be part of the next round of layoffs.
Performance issues are more of a leadership issue than anything else. When the environment is safe and genuine our teams flourish and excel. There is a difference between “liking” your job versus “loving” you job. You don’t declare to the world, “I like my spouse” You would not say to your children, “Your performance is not acceptable, we are going to find you another home to live.” Trusting Environments motivates learning and acceptance not punishment for mistakes. KEY STATEMENT: Leadership is not about you being in charge, but rather caring for and developing those in your charge!
Keeping The Game In Play – This point has a longer view of time and its importance. Leadership decisions are evaluated through a different lens. The ultimate goal is to keep the game in play far beyond our lifespan. You have to admit with this perspective you see everything – personnel, assets, money, and objectives far differently than trying to win the game of life or be the first to market. Your company’s mantra will sound different, your team leadership has a different sound to it, you cast a very different vision than others.
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We are continuing our Blog series on Digital Addiction. In
this blog article I specifically want to draw attention to the reality of being
“ADDICTED.” To show you the magnitude of this industry understand that
companies are spending approximately $7 trillion annually on studying how to
attract you deeper and deeper into the digital world. That is a staggering
amount of money. For additional insight I am linking the 60 Minutes program on Brain Hacking. Take the
time to review this program.
I find it interesting that only Silicon Valley and Drug
Dealers refer to other people as “USERS.” Tristan Harris, a former Google
Ethicist stated of the digital engineers that they are Tabaco farmers in
t-shirts not just trying to get your lungs, they want your soul. It is an understatement
to say that we are literally overwhelmed by push notifications, chirps, burps,
and chimes.
Is it any wonder the Millennials and Gen-Z-ers are without a doubt the most digitally connected and the loneliest of all generational groups? Perhaps we have been hacked and we are addicts. The first step of recovery is to admit that we are addicts. We regulate by age the use of Tabaco and alcohol, but not dopamine and cortisol. To my non-profit collogues who prepare weekly teaching and sermon materials, I caution to us regarding the over-worked mind that has been hit by dopamine and cortisol multiple times daily. Is our mind clear? Are we writing and delivering our thoughts from a context silence and solitude? If our message is not compelling, all of the digital technology in the world will not compensate.
Stay focused upon words of our title – “Infinite Spiritual Leadership”. If we left our discussion solely in the realm business only, there would be no need to take this further into the spiritual arena of ideas. However, these podcasts are being built upon the Infinite-mindedness of the Spiritual Leader.
Understanding the meaning of “Infinite” in the context of leadership is a complete paradigm shift of thinking and acting. Especially in the spiritual context. The tension between the words Infinite and Finite have their origins in the most ancient of scriptural texts. When these terms are studied from a point of trajectory, what are some conclusions that can be made. Consider the following chart.
The BIG IDEA in becoming an Infinite Spiritual Leader is……..
Spending your life for a passionate cause that is bigger than your ability to accomplish in your life-time.
Since winning is not the objective, the development of people over profits is key.
You seek to build trusting environments where people can ask for help,
Perpetuating my vision into the future so that others can continue the work is the essence of winning.
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Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
The purpose of this series of blogs regarding digital addiction is not rail and complain about the use of technology. Our digital devices and service providers are nothing more than tools that can assist our life greatly. Throughout the history of man, tools have been used to assist human beings in their quality of life, So let us agree on this point.
But we must also come to terms that the use of this technology is controlling our lives, social interactions, friendship connections and even dating in ways that we could not have imagined. So, it is time to do a serious evaluation regarding the use of digital technology in our daily routine. Below are some instructions to evaluate your usage. Take a few minutes to create this worksheet on a blank piece of paper. Afterwards review what you have discovered about yourself.
Take a few minutes to list the various devises that you use on a daily basis that is not work related. Once you have completed this exercise, below the first list create another list of services that controls how you interact with others that is not work related (I.e. FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).
In a second column write out a brief description of the device and service provider beside each item listed.
In a third column write out a one or two description that describes why you need this device in non-work-related activity.
As you prepare for the New Year 2020, consider these 10 Spartan Qualities that Joe De Sena teaches in his book, The Spartan Way. Learn to live your life with a “long-view” in mind. Start working on these qualities one-step at a time.
Self-Awareness: Know who you are and who you are not. If you don’t, you’ll be confused daily.
Commitment: Stick to it because the world is filled with people who don’t. You’re better thanthat.
Passion: If you’re not passionate about what you do, you’re not going to be great at it. Take things seriously and learn to be passionate.
Discipline: Set your rules and stick to them. Be disciplined about it.
Prioritization: Deal with the important things—important being what you define asimportant—first.
Grit: Get gritty. Break out of your comfort zone. Do the hard, scary stuff. Find your passion and persevere.
Courage: This is the ability to stay focused and work relentlessly with both intensity and passion through virtually anything, especially through failure.
Optimism: See the world as you want it to be, not as it is. Be ever hopeful.
Integrity: If you’re not honest with yourself and others, then what are you?
Wholeness: Live the life of a complete and whole Spartan.”
WELCOME on this last podcast for 2019. I am so very excited about this podcast today. We are going to set a foundation of information that will help you make a significant paradigm shift in your leadership capability. I want to position you for success!
In the business marketplace of ideas the loudest voice on the subject of Infinite Leadership is Simon Sinek. If you follow his materials and public keynotes, he has been speaking on this topic for a couple of years. These speeches have culminated in his most recent book Infinite Leadership. I would highly encourage you to read it.
However, there is a larger discussion that centers around the topic of “Game Theory.” To start with let me give you my basic definition of Game Theory.
Game Theory is the study of how people, companies, and nations develop strategies based upon their perceived circumstances. I am including in the show notes additional links for a more in-depth study of Game Theory. Check it out!SO WHAT?, may be your question at this point and I can’t blame you for asking. Stay with me – turn you attention to a keyword in this podcast – INFINITE. To assume this word is also to include its opposite – FINITE. The tension between these two words cannot be overlooked in this podcast. So let me give a basic comprehension of these two powerful words and then we will give some illustrations on applying them to modern leadership theory.
Finite – It is understood to mean that which has defined and understood boundaries that limit. There is a hard conclusion.
Infinite – It is understood to mean that which cannot be fully defined or understood in terms of self imposed boundaries as though something could be contained and yet declared to be infinite at the same time.
In the book Finite and Infinite Games by Professor James Carse New York University wrestles with the tension between something that is Finite or Infinite in the context of daily life and business. This book seems to be the genesis of Simon Sinek’s writings and public speaking. However, there is still a greater comprehension to consider that comes from ancient history. This brings me to the other part of the title for this podcast – Spiritual Leader.
It is at this intersection that the God of scriptures comes into view. The meaning of something being finite or infinite becomes impactful when applied to “God versus man”. Faith systems require that we live in a finite world while espousing the principles of an infinite God. As human beings we are definitely finite. How do we comprehend that which is infinite from our limited perspective? This brings us to yet another tension – Incomprehensibility versus Knowability. We will explore this tension in upcoming podcasts. Also I am working on a study guide for you on how something can be incomprehensible and yet knowable at the same time. Watch for this resource.
I want to illustrate this so that we can begin to engage this new paradigm in leadership. There are times that we can add knowledge or reframe existing knowledge through a new lens. This is one of those times to view leadership through a new lens.
Keep in mind the tension between that which is limited versus that which is not. How would you develop your leadership? Consider the following;
Business Finite – concerned about competition and being number #1.
Spiritual Finite – concerned about latest methods and trends while attempting to keep up with other spiritual communities of faith.
Business Infinite – one question is asked; “How can I make Myself, my Team, and Products better tomorrow?”
Spiritual Infinite – One question is asked; “How can I make Myself, my Team, our Followers better so that our vision is perpetuated into the future?
What is obvious in these comparisons? What is missing in these comparisons?
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Starting with this last Blog Article of 2019 and beginning in 2020 I am going to focus upon Digital Addictions and how this impacts our daily work and our most important relationships. Watch for our upcoming blogs for more information that will shock you in some ways but will encourage you to make significant changes in 2020.
Study the infographic below to allow the power of the digital world to sink into your conscious thinking. Question: What do I need to change now?
Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better – Here is one fact of life – with each passing day we are growing older. That does not mean that we are getting better. Think about this…
Stay inquisitive, if you stop asking questions you start to lose your interest on life.
As you grow older, set the bar of excellence higher. Don’t slow down.
Keep others in your focus. Do not become self-absorbed.
Stay in the present – Stop looking backward, keep a forward look on tomorrow.
Growth means change – If you do not change you do not grow. If you do not grow, you are not really living. In order to grow you have to give up security for a season. What needs to change in your life TODAY? Do you need to give up ideas that you do not believe in any longer? Perhaps certain relationships have lost their purpose and goals that need to be realigned. Consider…
What do I need to learn today what I did not know yesterday?
What do I need to let go of that I held onto yesterday?
What do I need to change that I was doing yesterday?
Growth is the great separator from successful people and those who don’t – So what does it mean to be AVERAGE? Average is good isn’t it? Consider these insights on average…
Average is the top of the bottom and the bottom of the top
Average is run-of-the-mill
Average is mediocre
Average is the lazy person’s cop-out
Average takes up space for no purpose
Average is passing away one’s life with time instead of passing away one’s time with life
Average kills time instead of working it to death
Growths highest reward is not what we get from it but what we become because of it.
For growth to be maximized it must become strategic – The most important project that you will ever undertake in life is your own life. It is sad, but people plan their vacations better than they plan their life. Being strategic is nothing more than having a consistent system or pathway by which we achieve growth goals. Being strategic considers the following:
Where do I need to focus my growth? Strengths, Decision making, Faith
How will I measure my growth?
How can I grow daily? The secret of your success is based upon what you do daily.
Growth is joy – Dolly Parton stated that once you find out who you are, then do that on purpose. What does that mean to me?
I want to make a difference
I am called
I want to use my gifts
I do not want to stop growing
I have a strong sense of responsibility
I love new challenges
I will create a lasting legacy
Paul Harvey stated that you can tell you are on the road to success because it is uphill all of the way.
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Our digital world causes us to learn hard skills just to keep abreast in the speed of life. As a result we are becoming weak on crucial soft skills. Here are 5 Soft Skills to prepare you for 2020.
LISTENING – Our techno-world causes us to become shallow in our relational skills. Give your full attention to people when they are talking to you. Act like you genuinely care for the person. Learn the art of “Active Listening.”
SELF COMPASSION – It is important to admit that you don’t always have an answer. Be open for feedback. This will strengthen the “learner attitude” in you. Be comfortable with the unknown.
EMPATHY – This is perhaps the greatest soft skill needed today. STOP for one-minute and put yourself in the other person’s shoes and attempt to feel what they feel. This will radically change how you lead – guaranteed!
VULNERABILITY – As a leader, if you are not willing to open up, do not expect others to open up to you. Don’t hide your concerns. Don’t manipulate people to get them to answer the questions the way you want them to respond. Show your team that even you do not have all of the answers.
HONESTY – It’s embarrassing to even list this soft skill. It is blatantly apparent that our world is starving for honesty. Honesty builds trust so that others will be honest in return.
The genesis of being “self-disciplined goes back to the first century in a word group that means to be self-controlled, to exhibit control over desires and wants. It implies to gain control over areas of our life that will bring success or failure.
In leadership, we must first gain control over ourselves first before we can truly be effective in leading others. You stop short of your potential when you become unwilling to pay the price of success, Shortcuts in leadership never pay off. The KEY truth in life is that everything worthwhile is uphill! “Everything” is an all inclusive statement. “Worthwhile” is to imply the hopes, dreams, and goals of life. Anything and everything worthwhile in life is going to be uphill. This idea explains why self-discipline is so essential to a successful life.
I want to give you seven insights on living the uphill self-disciplined life.
Self-Discipline gives you the energy to go uphill – Self-discipline is what moves you from good intentions to good works. It is what separates words and ideas from actual results. Self-disciplined is what paves the road to results.Self-Discipline is the difference between temporary and sustained success – All of the knowledge on leadership is useless unless you have the discipline to enact them. Consistency is what will compound our efforts so that success shows up one day.
Self-Discipline makes habit your servant and not your master – I truly believe that we all have uphill aspirations. However it is the downhill habits that keep us from success. Downhill habits focuses upon:
Low-self respect
No improvement
Good intentions – no action
Proverbs 23:7 – As a man thinks within himself, so he is.
Self Discipline is developed, not given – The first step to developing self-discipline is awareness of where you are falling short. Self-disciplined people
Avoid Temptation
Know where to expend their energy
Understand the principle of pay now – play later
Make sure that you understand everyday what is most important.Self-Discipline is developed easiest in the areas of passion – Your passion is the fuel for your self-discipline. It is hard to stay motivated in the areas that are not your strengths. Your energy fades quickly when you strive for things outside of your passion zone.
Self Discipline and respect go together – Disciplined people will do the right thing first and then feel good. They are commitment driven. They will make principle-centered decisions. They are momentum creators.Self-Discipline makes consistency possible – We are prone to gravitate towards words like charisma, Excitement, innovation, and creativity. Consistency is just not that sexy of a word. What we fail to realize is that consistency compounds over time.
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Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Here are 5 Leaderships skills that you either need to learn or improve to stay relevant as a 2020 Leader.
Collaborative Mindset – The business world needs leaders with a collaborative mindset, one who works comfortably in a network environment and across cultural lines. HJow will you lead differently or improve this skill?
Team Development – The younger generations consider work to be an integral part of their lives. They desire an open feedback loop from their direct reports. They seek career guidance, relevant training, learning opportunities, and to have a work environment that promotes a strong sense of community.
Tech Savvy – Your technical and digital knowledge must keep up with the younger generations. You need a definite plan on how technology will be used in your business model now and into the future.
Globally Focused and Culturally Attuned – Know your market and the cultural rules of that market.Pay attention to the triple bottom line: People, Planet, and Profits.
Future Facing – Know market trends from a human-being’s point of view. Create a culture of invention, creative thinking, and multiple horizon thinking.
Helen Keller was once asked, “What is worse than being born blind?” She responded by saying that being born with sight and yet having no vision!
The ability to see first and further than others is a quality of great leaders. As a leader you need to see what others cannot see. As a leader if you cannot see ahead, your team never will. Here are three reasons that leaders need to see before others.
What you See Determines What you Can Be – John Maxwell suggests there are four kinds of people that leaders encounter…
• People who never see it—they are wanderers.
• People who see it but never pursue it on their own—they are followers.
• People who see it and pursue it—they are achievers.
• People who see it, pursue it, and help others see and pursue it—they are leaders.
You See Only What You Are Prepared To See – It has been said that we all live under the same sky, but we all do not have the same horizon. In the book Developing The Leader Within You 2.0, author John Maxwell states; If we want to possess a vision for our leadership, we need to prepare for it. We need to anticipate it. When we possess positive anticipation and are excited about what’s ahead, we’re highly motivated and we prepare diligently. When we do this consistently, our sense of anticipation becomes the catalyst for inspiration.
What You See Is What You Get – Said another way, Perception leads to reception! Leaders must be able to see a preferred future beforehand while everyone else is saying I have to see it to believe it.
Robert Woodruff past President of Coke stated of his days following WWII, I want every person in uniform to have a Coke for .05 cents no matter the cost. It is reported this was accomplished in his lifetime. A reporter while introducing Mrs Disney stated, I wished Walt could have seen all of this; to which she replied, “HE DID!”
Paul Martinelli uses a process that has been proven in his life many times. It is Test ⇒ Fail ⇒ Learn ⇒ Re-enter. If life knocks you down 6 times – get up 7 times! “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. He who looks outside dreams. He who looks inside awakens” – Carl Jung.
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Zig Ziglar’s words are as profound today as the day he first said it; “If you help people get what they want they will help you get what you want.” The heart of this statement is all about servant leadership – help others first! If your leadership model is all about getting people to do what you want them to do, Zig’s words are an aggravation to you rather than a challenge. WHY? These words expose a failed model of thinking that started in the business community in the 1970’s – Supremacy of The Shareholder. This is like saying the fans in the bleachers are more important than the players on the floor. In my opinion Empathy and Perspective are the two greatest topics that are missing in modern leadership.
One of the most outstanding books that I have read was published in 1970 by Robert Greenleaf, Servant Leadership. In this book Greenleaf writes…“The servant-leader is servant first. . . . It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. . . . The care taken by the servant-first [leader is] to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served. The best test, and difficult to administer, is: Do those served grow as persons? Do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society? Will they benefit or at least not be further deprived?”
Here are 5 daily guides to assist you in becoming a servant leader.
I do not rely on my title or position – I am grateful for the accomplishments I have obtained, but I do not rely on them to lead others. Respect is earned daily by delivering on my promises and by serving others.
I chose to believe in people and their potential – Caring for people is the right thing to do. The more that you see their potential, the more you will serve them.
See life from their perspective – Empathy and Perspective will serve you well as you serve others.
Adding to these thoughts is Eugene Habecker who stated “The true leader serves. Serves people. Serves their best interests, and in so doing will not always be popular, may not impress. But because true leaders are motivated by loving concern rather than a desire for personal glory, they are willing to pay the price.”
Create an environment of encouragement – When the leader serves others will follow your example. It is a natural response for people to repeat what they see – Leaders go first!
The leaders success is determined by you valuing others – Key take away – One is too small a number for greatness!
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Today is THANKSGIVING! My hope is that today will be filled with family, friends, and laughter. Most of all today is about recognizing thankfulness as the center-piece of the day. The holidays can be quite stressful for many people. Instead of family, friends and laughter, it has become dreadful, anxious, and depressing. Engage family and friends to list their blessings and use these as a time of reflection and joy.
Thanksgiving can be filled with a time of learning also. Here are some lessons from the Thanksgiving Table.
Plan Well – Thanksgiving day is not a microwave day. Advance planning is needed.
Keep Good People Around You – Life is pleasant in the presence of good company.
Meet and Exceed Expectations – My childhood memories were ones of being wowed at the dinner table preparation. Best china, silverware, glasses all worked together to create an amazing visual.
Establish Limits – Gluttony is not pretty. Set boundaries for yourself and stick with them.
Keep Perspective – Emotions can run high on these special days. Lead from a position of calm and candor.
Put Your Gratitude On Display – This is a day of thankfulness. Be a leader, communicate sincere thanksgiving to family and friends
It has been suggested that the single most important aspect of great leaders is to possess a “whatever-it-takes-mindset.” It seems at times that we have created a victim mindset in society. It has been said that a victim is someone who suffers loss at the hands of an other person’s actions. This leaves the person to whine and whimper about it until something good happens in their life. Whatever happened to the JKF days when the question was “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what can you do for your country.”
Here are 7 insights on developing a “whatever-it-takes attitude.
Disown your helplessness – “Whatever-it-takes” type of leaders are always looking for solutions. You never hear them say; “There is nothing we can do about this.” Consider these thoughts:
• Never make excuses.
• Create a can-do environment where people are expected to solve their problems.
• Model a whatever-it-takes attitude to your team.
• Provide training that enables team members to succeed.
• Challenge people to take responsibility for their performance.
• Make everyone feel valued and important as part of the team.
• Give solid feedback after team members try to tackle a challenge.
• Celebrate with team members who are succeeding.
• Give people increasing challenges to test their growth and give them wins.
Take the BULL by the horns – Theodore Roosevelt stated of himself once, There is nothing brilliant nor outstanding about my record, except perhaps one thing: I do the things that I believe ought to be done . . . and when I make up my mind to do a thing, I act. Ask yourself these questions;
What do I want?
What will it cost?
Am I willing to pay the price?
When should I start paying the price?
Enter the “No Whining Zone” – We all are going to have bad days in life. Our attitude cannot stop our feelings, but it can keep our feelings from stopping us. There is nothing attractive about a whiner’s complaints. The best antidote to whining is GRATITUDE! Express gratitude independent of your feelings, for small things, and in the midst of adversity.
Put on a new pair of shoes – This statement is all about seeing things from a different perspective. It is amazing at how a new pair of shoes perks up our attitude. Tim Hansel, author of Through The Wilderness of Loneliness suggests that;
It is difficult to receive when your fists are clenched.
It is impossible to embrace when your arms are crossed.
It is difficult to see when your eyes are closed.
It is hard to discover when your mind is made up.
A heart that has sealed itself off from giving has unknowingly sealed itself off from the ability to receive love.
Nurture your passion – It has been said that vision does not ignite growth, passion does! Passion fuels vision and vision is the focus of passion. Leaders who are passionate about their call create vision.
Exceed Expectations – In order to exceed expectations you must set the bar high for yourself. You cannot give what you have not obtained. Therefore, do not allow circumstances to persuade you of your bad luck. There is no such thing as luck. The fruits of life go to the prepared.
Never be satisfied – Stay hungry for more! The future will belong to the prepared – prepare yourself, your team, and others.
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At the most basic level of life, our ability to engage fully depends upon our ability to fully disengage. I actually believe that we are naive’ when it comes to the influence of digital technology impacting our daily lives. I am a firm believer in practicing “digital sunrise and sunset” daily. In other words I do not allow digital technology in my life until I have completed my morning routine of devotions and creative writing. I put away the digital technology in the evening to allow time for unwinding and relaxing. TRY IT you will be amazed at the positive improvement.
Authors Loehr and Schwartz state in their book, The Power of Full Engagement, “Television, for example, is one of the primary means by which most people relax and recover. For the most part, however, watching television is the mental and emotional equivalent of eating junk food. It may provide a temporary form of recovery, but it is rarely nutritious and it is easy to consume too much. Researchers such as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi have found that prolonged television watching is actually correlated with increased anxiety and low-level depression.”
Go for a walk, hang out with friends, read a book, write in your journal, meditate, get in the sauna – just unplug the TV!
In the book Cradles of Eminence, the authors explored the backgrounds of more than 400 successful people. They found that many of these noted people in American history that three-fourths of them came from poverty,broken homes, and difficult parents. They also noted that 75 of 80 writers and 16 of 20 poets watched traumatic psychological drama play out in the home. More than one-fourth of this group suffered from physical handicaps such as blindness, deafness and various other handicaps.
Why were these individuals able to overcome their circumstances while others are overwhelmed? Answer: They did not see their problems as stumbling blocks, but saw them as stepping stones. Albert Einstein stated that in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. Author Karl Popper states the best leaders are the best problem solvers.
Let’s examine 8 insights on problem solving.
Recognize a potential problem before it becomes a real problem – Good leaders position themselves and their team for success. What potential problems do you see? What is your game plan?
Get a clear picture of the problem – Assumptions is the mother of all mess ups. The best place to begin is with a crystal clear understanding of the problem. Moving from vague generalities to concrete understanding is key to effective problem solving.
Ask questions to help you solve problems – Who knows the most about this problem? Who knows what I need to know? Who wants to tackle this problem? Who needs to buy in and how long will this take? Have we earned enough trust to make these necessary changes? What questions do I need to ask myself?
Create a framework to examine problems and solutions – According to John Maxwell there are 6 critical areas to consider:
• Leadership: How does this problem affect our people?
• Personnel: Do we have the right people to help us with this problem?
• Timing: Is this the right time for a solution, and do we have enough time for it? • Vision: How does this problem affect where we’re trying to go?
• Priorities: Are my problems taking me or the team away from our priorities?
• Values: Are my values or my team’s being compromised by this problem?Value shared problem solving – The best problem solvers do not work alone. They will use the 10/80/10 method. 10% is the leaders ideas followed by 80% of the team working through solutions that concludes with the leaders last 10% input. Be aware of organizational silos – remove them to stop office politics. The greater good is everyone’s concern.
Always come up with more than one solution – Pursue multiple solutions; explore all opportunities; Embrace ambiguity; Celebrate the creative; Connect the unconnected; Don’t fear failing.
Cultivate a bias for action – Doing nothing is not an option. Your primary question is not Can I? Rather it is How can I?
Actively look for opportunities and lessons in every problem – Problems will force new solutions. It will force you to look in different areas of life for solutions. Said another way Develop the problem solver within you. Get outside of your comfort zone while staying connected to your passion zone.
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Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Your physical being is the foundation on which you can excel in your spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being. Make the connection!
“Drinking water, we have found, is perhaps the most undervalued source of physical energy renewal. Unlike hunger, thirst is an inadequate barometer of need. By the time we feel thirsty, we may be long since dehydrated. A growing body of research suggests that drinking at least sixty-four ounces of water at intervals throughout the day serves performance in a range of important ways. Dehydrate a muscle by as little as 3 percent, for example, and it will lose 10 percent of its strength and 8 percent of its speed. Inadequate hydration also compromises concentration and coordination.” Bk. The Power of Full Engagement
If your physical habits are wacky, you risk every other aspect of your life being wacky as well. I have always found it interesting at how that God is blamed for our poor life-style habits. As i write this blog, I am experiencing a new season of life in which I have discovered new life lessons. Changing my physical habits have dramatically impacted other areas of my life. I have been averaging 6+ miles of walking daily, drinking 60+ ounces of water daily, and have changed eating habits (No it is not the latest diet craze). What has been the outcome? I am experiencing greater clarity spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.
What is a Mantra? The basic answer is that a mantra is a
mind tool that can be used to shape the expression of potential and goodness in
a person’s heart. When it is repeated often it embeds itself into the
sub-consciousness of a person. A positive mantra can shape performance as in a
marathon runner nearing the finish line might repeat; “I think I can,” “I think I can,” “I think I can.”
Consider the scriptures instruction in Philippians 4:8, ESV:
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is
honorable, whatever is just, whatever is
pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise,
think about these things.” From the context of a prison, Paul
instructs us to rehearse and reflect upon things that are positive. Re-read
this passage again. You might be surprised to see the positive impact such
thinking can have upon your potential and attitude toward others and various circumstances.
So, I want to offer a Thanksgiving season mantra for you to
try. Let me know what happens when you repeat this mantra often from now to the
end of the year. Write your comments below. Share these thoughts with someone
else on your social media. Are you ready for this mantra? OK, here it is;
Because people do not mind change, they resist being changed I want to look at some insights on this thought.
People feel awkward and self-conscious doing something new – Let’s face the truth, we are more comfortable with old problems than we are with new solutions.. New solutions represent the unknown.
Author Marilyn Ferguson stated that it is not that we are afraid of change or so in love with the old ways rather, it is the place between these two points that we fear.
People focus upon what they initially will give up – Isn’t this natural? When we see change coming, our first question is what is this going to cost me or what will I have to give up? The truth of the matter is that for everything you gain you lose something (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
Leadership is more about helping people get over their fear of losing something that they will forego anything new – even progress. While everyone is different in this regard I feel that history and circumstance impacts here in a big way. Some people are hoarders and other people throw away things when they are not needed. Truthfully, baggage can have a negative impact. Why not let it go?
Bill Gates stated once that he recognized their products were going to become outdated. For him the only question was are we going to replace ourselves with something better or will someone else do it for us? Peter Drucker suggested that companies review every product they offer every three years and ask WHY?
People are afraid of being ridiculed – Being mocked or ridiculed can be a deterrent to change. The greatest illustration of the power of being ridiculed or afraid is Wilt Chamberlain and his experiment with underhanded free throw shooting. Rick Barry who was an 89% free throw shooter mastered the underhand technique. On March 2, 1962 Chamberlain did something that has not been repeated he scored 100 points in a single game – 28 of those points came from his underhand technique. However, Chamberlain went back to his old ways of shooting and lived out his career as a poor free-throw shooter. He would say that he just could not pull himself to stay with the new way – he felt like a sissy.
People personalize change and may feel alone in the process – John Maxwell at the age of 27 developed his “PLANAHEAD” acrostic that is quite useful on this insight.
Predetermine the change that is needed
Lay out your steps
Adjust your priorities
Notify key people
Allow time for acceptance
Head into action
Expect problems
Always point to the successes
Daily review your progress
The greatest enemy of tomorrow’s success is yesterday’s success!
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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz suggest in their book The Power of Full Engagement, suggest that cycles of full throttle training coupled with cycles of rest are important to take your ability to the next level. Notice what they say, “Nature itself has a pulse, a rhythmic, wavelike movement between activity and rest. Think about the ebb and flow of the tides, the movement between seasons, and the daily rising and setting of the sun. Likewise, all organisms follow life-sustaining rhythms—birds migrating, bears hibernating, squirrels gathering nuts, and fish spawning, all of them at predictable intervals. So, too, human beings are guided by rhythms…. The concept of maximizing performance by alternating periods of activity with periods of rest was first advanced by Flavius Philostratus (A.D. 170–245), who wrote training manuals for Greek athletes. Russian sports scientists resurrected the concept in the 1960s and began applying it with stunning success to their Olympic athletes. Today, ‘work-rest’ ratios lie at the heart of periodization, a training method used by elite athletes throughout the world.”
If increasing your performance is the goal in life – there are no shortcuts in achieving this goal. Simply stated you must balance your sessions of intense work with seasons of rest. I might add that rest is not doing chores (cutting the lawn, washing the car, painting the house, etc.). Rest is defined as a verb – cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength. When the same word is defined as a noun – an instance or period of relaxing or ceasing to engage in strenuous or stressful activity.
What does an exhausted person of faith look like? What is their potential in that condition? If we desire to live our fullest lives then we must align our activity with the rhythms of life. This is a powerful piece of content yet it is simple content. Unfortunately, it is overlooked far too often. STOP – take an inventory right now. Look at the intensity versus rest cycles. What is one thing that you can change today?
To keep myself on track, I need to remind myself of the importance of character and why it matters.
Since I am a person of faith, I have a number of biblical references to remind me of the importance of character and why it matters. Consider the following:
Our hearts can be deceptive (Jeremiah 17:9; Psalm 139:23, 24).
We can so easily seek leadership office for the wrong reasons (Matthew 20:17–28).
Character is the area that I will face the greatest attack (Romans 7; Galatians 5:16–24).
Character is foundational to Christian leadership (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:6-9.
talents and gifting (Romans 12:3–8).
It is so easy to slip into a life of hypocrisy and forget that we will have to give an account one day (Hebrews 4:13).
We naturally neglect character building and focus on other developments (1 Timothy 4:7–8).
We soon discover that strength of character is what will count in hard times (2 Corinthians 4:16–17).
Having good character does not ensure that you will be successful in life and leadership. But having bad character will eventually derail you personally and professionally.
I want to examine three compelling reasons why good character is so important.Good Character Builds Strong Trust – Kouzes and Posner explain the importance of developing trust in leaders – “In the final analysis only you can decide whether to take the risk of trusting others and whether the risks are worth taking. This means to have others trust you, you must actively take some initiative and can’t wait for others to make the first move. As many leaders explained, “Trust is a risk game. Leaders must be the first ones to ante-up.” Leaders always find the ante worth risking. Sowing seeds of trust with people creates the fields of collaboration necessary to get extraordinary things done in organizations.”
If my team learns to trust me I will get their attention. But if I initiate trust in my team, I will get their action (John Maxwell).
Successful Leaders Embrace The Four Dimensions of Character – These four dimensions are
Authenticity – Live openly and honestly in front of others
Self-management – We set leaders up for failure by telling them what they can do before they decide who they should become.
Humility – Stop believing your own press reports
Courage – Courage is what makes character possible
Character Makes You Bigger On The Inside – It has been said that what we achieve inwardly will change outward reality. Success leads to the greatest failure – PRIDE. Failure leads to the greatest victory which is humility and learning. Develop the person of character within you by doing these three things;
Embrace good values
Practice self leadership
Value people
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I believe that scary leaders emerge for two reasons:
They are not able to communicate Empathy to those they lead
They have lost Perspective of the lives of those they lead
Scary leaders can show up in a variety of ways. Let’s look at seven types of scary leaders:
The lead-by-fear leader. Under this scary leader, criticism is common. Threats of demotion or job loss are common. Team members don’t work for the organization’s vision but for the fear of humiliation and salary loss.
The selfish leader. This type of scary leader relishes the spotlight. They take credit rather than give credit. They hoard responsibility and information. They want everyone looking at them and relying on them. They hate when team members get acknowledged for their work without mention of them.
The micromanaging leader. The micromanaging leader struggles to trust others. Because of this, he or she is in the details of everyone’s work. They think that they are ensuring quality work, but they end up slowing everyone down. They hinder, instead of propel, their teams.
The emotionally unpredictable leader. You never know how the conversation will go with this type of scary leader. One day, everything seems great. The next day, or maybe the next hour, they’re irate. What happened? No one really knows. Suddenly, everything is wrong. Team members walk on eggshells, not knowing what will set the leader off next.
The over-confident leader. Confidence is good. Over-confidence can be scary. Over-confident leaders tend to dismiss differing opinions, even from trusted sources. They take excessive risks. They assume that past success means future success. Their confidence convinces team members to make or go along with bad decisions. And worst of all, they rarely see themselves as over-confident.
The under-confident leader. Over-confidence is scary. But so is under-confidence. Under-confident leaders are unsure of themselves, constantly questioning their own ability in an unhealthy manner. They tend to be overly concerned with others’ opinions. They focus on the negative, struggle to make decisions, and let past decision define them. Needless to say, under-confident leaders struggle to gain a following.
The visionless leader. This type of scary leader has no idea where he or she should take the team. They allow their team to wander aimlessly. Team members tend to get either get frustrated or bored.
The ethical and biblical mandate requires us to manage well those we lead. A leader who strives to be the best steward of his or her team will rarely be classified as a scary leader.
So don’t be a scary leader. Serve and steward your team well.
The one commonality for all leaders is that life is filled with pressure. Pressure will cause us to act in different ways than we might otherwise. When this happens our priorities can become confused and distorted. Consider these insights.
We overestimate the importance of most things
Too many priorities paralyzes people
When small demands are given too much attention, BIG problems occur
Making everything a priority means nothing is a priority
Someone once said, “An infant is born with a clenched fist; an adult dies with an open hand. Life has a way of prying free the things we think are so important.” If you want to develop the leader within you, don’t wait for tragedy to realign your priorities. Become proactive about the process starting today. Begin by acknowledging the following principles (John Maxwell)
Working smarter has a higher return than working harder – Disciplined of the time that everyone else wastes can give you and edge (Dan Kennedy). When you do this you will be able to accomplish what you have delayed because of the lack of time. You can’t have it all – Could it be that once you figure out what it is that you really want, your leadership becomes clarified and your decisions become more focused and narrow in scope. Clarity is a wonderful thing in leadership. If it is fuzzy and we are busy doing what everyone else is doing, our leading is going to be equally fuzzy and frantic. You cannot do everything. Get focused! Strive for crystal clear priorities – you really cannot do everything.
The good is always the enemy of the best – Most people can prioritize between good and bad or right and wrong. But what happens when you are faced with two good options? There are times when the good must be sacrificed for the best. This is why clarity is so valuable to the focused leader. Since you cannot do it all – choose wisely the best. Proactive beats reactive – If you do not think this is not true, think about how much is accomplished then week before you go on vacation. Meetings, emails, phone calls, and completion of assignments all get done the week before vacation. It is amazing to watch!
The important needs takes precedence over the urgent needs – The Pareto Principle has not been fully embraced. 20% of your priorities will give you 80% of your production if you spend your time, energy,talent and money on 20% of your priorities. Question; Who are the top 20% of your staff? Spend 80% of your time investing in them for an 80% return on production. All employees/team members do not impact your organization equally. Therefore, equip this 20% to impact the next 20% below them which increases production and return on investment. Rinse and Repeat!
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
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Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
“Every one of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors has an energy consequence, for better or for worse. The ultimate measure of our lives is not how much time we spend on the planet, but rather how much energy we invest in the time that we have. The premise of this book—and of the training we do each year with thousands of clients—is simple enough: Performance, health and happiness are grounded in the skillful management of energy.”
~ Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz from The Power of Full Engagement
Authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz has put together a tool box based upon research and their consulting with the highest athletic performers. At the heart of their work is this big idea; “Energy not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance.” WOW!
Here is what I believe to be core insights to Loehr and Schwartz’s writing.
“Principle 1: Full engagement requires drawing on four separate but related sources of energy: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Principle 2: Because energy diminishes both with overuse and with underuse, we must balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal.
Principle 3: To build capacity we must push beyond our normal limits, training in the same systematic way that elite athletes do.
Principle 4: Positive energy rituals—highly specific routines for managing energy—are the key to full engagement and sustained high performance.”
No matter your life calling and deep work, we all can apply these insights to obtain a higher performance in our work. What is one thing that you can do right now?
How do you develop the leader that is resident within you? If you have never done anything to enhance this capability, the good news is that you can start today. What is it going to take? Let’s begin with the basics, What is the definition of leadership? Leadership is influence – nothing more and nothing less. Said another way, Leadership is the ability to obtain followers (James C. Georges).
These definitions are but the beginning of the discussion. Consider that in 1938 TIME Magazine name Adolf Hitler their Man of The Year award for having the most influence. Every person influences! Sociologists tell us that the most introverted among us will influence 10,000 people in their life-time. You have influence in this world. Recognition of this fact and what you do about it your responsibility.
To assist us in understanding the power of Influence I want to discuss the 5 Levels of Leadership that John Maxwell developed over 30 years ago. This is still relevant for today. Here are the 5 levels.
POSITION (Rights)- People will follow you because they have to. This is the entry level of leadership. Know your role & job description thoroughly.
PERMISSION (Relationships)- People will follow you because they want to follow you. Care more about the person than the rules – value people! PRODUCTION (Results)- People will follow you because of what you have done for the organization. Initiate your growth plan – take responsibility.
PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT (Reproduction)- People will follow you because of what you have done for them. Embrace the notion that people are the most important asset. Take other people on the growth journey with you. PINNACLE (Respect) – People will follow because of who you are and what you represent. Focus your attention on the top 20% of the most influential people around you. Leverage your influence to advance the organization.
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
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Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Preparation places the focus on the process rather than the outcomes.
The process includes PREPARATION for the things that help you win. This instructs you on what to do.
The process includes SEPARATION from the things that cause you to lose. This instructs you on what not to do.
The process helps you to learn to WORK at winning and not just wing it.
When you wing it you live off your natural gifts but in fact you never develop them to a higher standard. You plateau at GOOD when you could have been GREAT!
People who say, “I Wish” and people who say “I Do” are worlds apart.
There is a natural separation between the wishful thinkers and the active doers. This separation is what places the focus on moving from good to great.
Instead of spending time with people – you invest in people.
Instead of settling for outside approval – you strive for internal approval.
Instead of being motivated by a situation – you are motivated internally.
Instead of an occasional high performance – you have consistent high performance.
Instead of paying the price someday – you pay the price every day.
“When you know you can do better on the inside, you have no right to do less on the outside.” (John Maxwell 2016).
Here is the top 10 list of small things done consistently will lead you on the pathway to greatness. In our last podcast we focused upon the small things you could do personally. Today, our hit list will focus upon what you can do for others.
Share Your Leadership – Give your team opportunities to grow in their careers while gain self-confidence by sharing your leadership duties with them.
Reward Others – When people when they do great work, be sure to recognize and reward that effort. Remember, you get what is rewarded.
Insist On Accountability – When there is an agreement to take on a task, hold people accountable for their commitments. Without it, you risk the possibility of the task not getting accomplished at all.
Coach Others – The difference between a good leader and great leader is the ability to teach and coach others. If greatness is the goal, be the kind of leader that sets the pace for your teaching, coaching, and teachable points of view.
Encourage Belief – We all know what it feels like when you have lost confidence in yourself. Be the kind of leader that empowers others through encouragement and genuine care for others success.
Do Not Judge – Before you assume, learn the facts. Before you judge, understand. Before you speak, think!Leverage Past Experiences – The best leaders consciously think about their experiences and rethink what they know and what they need to learn. The greatest leaders teach from their experiences while telling compelling stories that help other people in their decision making skills.
Write Thank You Notes – Letting people know how much you appreciate them and the work they are doing will leave a legacy of goodwill behind that effort.
Give Credit Where It Is Due – Regardless of your title, it is vitally important for workplace morale for you to acknowledge proficiency, hard work, and initiative. Thanking them privately is not always enough. Write a letter for their personnel file or give public recognition in front of others will help demonstrate their efforts have not gone unnoticed.Help Make Dreams Come True – The leadership adage is true – Help others achieve their dreams and they will help you achieve your dreams.
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Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
The only way to guarantee losing is to quit right now. There are only three reasons that you should ever quit anything.
Quite something you do not do well to start something that you do well.
Quit something you are not passionate about to do something fires up the passion within you.
Quit something that does not make a difference to pursue something that does make a difference.
Do not just leave a place for the sake of leaving. Rather move toward something else. Keep a forward moving mentality – always moving forward instead of always leaving something.
The winning habit is a persistence in the following four ways.
Winners persist through time – Tough times never last. Tough people do! (Robert Schuller)
Winners persist through failure – Failure teaches you what does not work
Winners persist through criticism – Do not turn a deaf ear to criticism. Discover truths in valid criticism
Winners persist through rejection – Rejection stimulates reflection and that will always make you better
Many books and articles have been written about Self Actualization. How do we achieve the highest expression of ourselves. Surely it is a goal to achieve our highest potential. So how do we do this? This podcast will be one of two podcasts that I will devote on achieving your greatness by means of the simplest of actions. True greatness consists in being great in little things daily. I believe that each person has the potential for greatness. We can achieve the highest expression of our unique selves. By working on this process you will discover areas to improve in your leadership capability and perhaps what is hindering you from achieving greatness.
Here is the Top 10 list of simple things you can do daily.
Be Transparent & Open – It is easier to notice our shortcomings when we are open and willing to be honest with self examination of our truest motives and personality. (Birkman Assessment Link in the Show Notes)
Build Bridges of Trust – You need the trust and support of your people to succeed as a leader. Instead of tearing down bridges of trust, build others up.
Be Willing To Take Risks – Lead by example, be willing to take risks and encourage your team to do so as well. Failure is our best teacher. You do not have to be great to take risks, you just have to risk to be great.Celebrate Your Victories – The pace and complexity of our business world makes it difficult to step back and celebrate the wins. CELEBRATE! This will energize the batteries and give time to catch your breath.
Don’t Try To Do It All Yourself – Delegation is the #1 tool of great leaders.Hire the right people, train them well, then delegate your organizations work to them.
Make It A Habit To Respect Everyone – Be the kind of leader that other people admire. Respect people, trust people, and have the confidence in yourself to lead with heart.
Don’t Blame Others – In order to make a positive impact in the face of problems, learn to own your mistakes! When you blame others, you give up the right to make a positive impact.Make Key Relationships A Priority – Good relationships do not just happen – they take time and patience. Make a positive impact on a life by making it a priority.
Praise Others For Good Work – To praise other people is to recognize and appreciate the work and accomplishments of other people. Only kindness will reveal the greatness of the soul of a leader.Listen To People – A leaders greatest impact is to give full attention when others speak. People want to know that you are listening, paying attention to what is being said, and show compassion.
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
In recent years, a very popular Broadway play has been Hamilton. Hamilton was hand-picked by George Washington at the age of 20. One of the chief setbacks of Alexander Hamilton was his insecurity. His insecurities made him…..
Push his loved ones away
Always wanted to be in control
Possessed great fear
In Hamilton’s youth he had great tragedies as a child and hurts that he never fully overcome or healed.
Forgiveness is essential to hurts we have in life
The greatest progress in personal growth comes when we choose to forgive
It is amazing that so many of our hurts come from the unforgiveness toward our parents.
In his book Eyewitness to Power, David Gergan states that Richard Nixon was one of the most brilliant men he had ever worked for. However he writes that Nixon was also the most insecure and that was probably a major contributor to his downfall.
A Secure Person Will Let You Inside Their Circle
An Insecure Person Will Not Let you Inside Their Circle
Think too much about themselves
Overly concerned about how they look, sound, and feel
You need to be comfortable in your own skin
Seldom Develop People
No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all of the credit for doing it – Andrew Carnegie
Insecure people lower the ceiling
Little people make other people little
Fail to make hard decisions
If you need people, you cannot lead people
If you need constant affirmation you cannot risk making a decision that makes others unhappy.
Leadershifts To Become A Secure Leader
Put other people first
Make a difference in other people’s lives
Be the best possible version of yourself that you can
The language of ownership sounds very different than the language of a victim. We do not naturally or easily make the claim, “I am a victim.” However, we need a reality check from time to time to perhaps see that in fact we are victims and we are speaking that language as leaders.
I want to share 4 insights around the question, What language do you speak?
Intentional Living Starts With Intentional Thinking
The most important gap between successful people and unsuccessful people is the thinking gap! What you say on the outside starts with what you think and feel on the inside. Have you heard someone say, I didn’t mean to say that.” The truth is they have in fact been thinking and feeling it for a while on the inside.
Living Language Vs. Death Language
Words has the power to grant life or death to another person. Our words are windows into the soul of a person. They reveal what type of person we really are. Keep in mind that others are evaluating our leadership capability through 3 questions: Do you care for me? Can you help me? Can I trust you? Your leadership language is answering these questions and will determine your overall effectiveness.
Victim Thinking
Victims not only think that life is hard, but they think that everyone is out to get them. Under this mindset are the thoughts that I am not responsible for myself. Notice the difference in thinking patterns in victims versus survivors…
Illustration: Horatio Algers Award to under-privileged students with a 3.57+ grade average.
Owner Thinking
The key word along with ownership is RESPONSIBILITY. There is as belief they are not only responsible for themselves but they are responsible to other people. This is the language of empowerment. Victor Frankl, Holocaust survivor longed for a Statue of Responsibility. Click on the link to view this amazing sculpture from an artist that was traumatized by the murder of his mother at the hands of a step-father. Take just a moment to review this 3 minute video.
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There are certain qualities of great leaders that all seem to exhibit. They certainly seem to be visionaries – seeing opportunities before others see them. They also are not afraid to act upon those opportunities – they thrive on “making things happen!”
On a more deeper level there are certain DNA qualities of great leaders. Here are seven qualities that are embodied in great leaders
SELF-STARTERS – They start early, start first, and stay fast. There is something to be said about helping others first before other people realize there is a need that needs attention. Being first to start gives you a distinct advantage over others.
WORK-HARDER – Find your passion and it is easy to work harder. Passion does not even feel like work. Realize that everything worthwhile in life is UPHILL!
STRONG-DESIRE – Great leaders want to win more than anything at times. They hate losing. Realize that everyone will lose sometime. Great leaders do make a habit of losing and they will not settle for average. Kevin Myers stated; Most of us have uphill goals, but we have downhill habits.
PROVE THEMSELVES – There is something to be said about the drive inside of you that desires to prove that you have the right stuff. You are not afraid of putting it on the line. TIP: Prove yourself before you attempt to prove others. Pay attention to the difference between “I think” verses “I know.”
PRESS FORWARD – There are going to be difficulties in life. You must press forward in spite of those difficulties. We all experience them. The difference is that some never get back up. If life knocks you down six times – get up seven times!
VALUE OPPORTUNITY – Attempting to stay secure allows opportunities to pass by you to someone else. I am not saying that security is not important, but I am saying that opportunities can be better than security at ages and stages in life.STAY CREATIVE – Creativity starts with good questions that probes the unconventional – which leads to seeing possibilities – which leads to creative solutions.
Age and experience can become a detriment to a person’s growth and vitality. If we are not careful we can become part of the “Been there – done that” crowd. Rather say; “I am going and doing that!” How do you keep a beginners mindset?
Ask questions
Do not worry about an image to uphold
Keep learning rather than looking good or smart
There are no preset rules to follow
Intentionally Learn Something New Everyday
Get the dictionary out and learn a new word everyday. Use flipboard.com to learn new things on a daily basis. Figure out a way to keep fresh thinking in your life, your home, your company. Ambrose Bierce stated, “There is nothing new under the sun, but there are a lot of old things we don’t know.”
Make Failure Your Friend
Start by embracing failure and understanding the value of failing. Are you running from your failure or running toward it. Consider this statement: I would hate to see who I would have become if I did everything correct and never failed.
Be Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Eric Hoffer stated; In a time of drastic change, it’s the learners who inherit the future.” The simple truth of the matter is that if you are learning your are changing. Here is a sobering truth that Harvard Business Journal and others have said, your Bachelor’s Degree only has a 5 year shelf life.
Keep Asking Questions
Good questions are the keys that opens of opportunity. Are you an answer person or a question person? Let me say it another way; you know you are getting old if all you do is give advice instead of asking questions. It is curiosity that keeps you going when others are stopping.
Get Out Of The Box
Most people will stay within the confines of their world (their box) without ever discovering how big the world really is. Understand that your VALUES are constant – your beliefs radically change through the years. Your values are the motive behind purposeful action! James Clear has developed a list of core values. I would suggest that you pick 3-5 and master them to guide purposeful behavior.
Curiosity leads to questions
Imagination leads to discovering options
Creativity leads to solutions
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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable serviceMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
I recently had the privilege to listen to a presentation by Ralph de la Vega now CEO of the De La Vega Group. I must admit that he presented his life in a colorful way that simply captivates you. As an immigrant he was born in Cuba and his family had an opportunity to leave right after the revolution in Cuba. The family arrives at the airport to leave for America and the security personnel made a life changing statement; “Only the boy can go!” due to complications in the paperwork the parents were not permitted to leave and as parents they had to make a split second decision to allow their son to go ahead of them alone. It is hard for me to imagine the difficulty of such a decision to allow a child to go ahead of you alone to a new country – new everything. What was anticipated to be only a few weeks turned into 4 years before he would see his family again.
His education started in mechanics because that is what a guidance counselor told him that he would be good for that type of work. However, his grandmother told him to not allow anyone to place limitations upon his abilities. From the turning point he would go ahead and become the CEO of Bell South Latin America. During his early days in this position he would face 5 Presidential changes and the currency value plummet causing this company to go from $1 billion to $250 million overnight in net worth. The solution was to merge the 11 enterprises of Bell South Latin America into one company. They would turn this division around in one-year.
In the third phase of his leadership he would lead the merger of AT&T and Cingular in the largest cash purchase in history. This move would position AT&T to get in on the ground floor of the iPhone technology, Ralph de la Vega would be instrumental in explosive for AT&T. His leadership integrity was such that the Board of Directors bought into the idea of the iPone solely on the conviction and belief that Steve Jobs was going to be part of something revolutionary. AT&T would set a record one quarter earning of $50 billion and lead the company 9 years in a row for customer satisfaction.
What are the takeaways From Ralph de la Vega’s life story? To start with Ralph’s enthusiasm is riveting. SHARE your hopes and dreams with those you lead – Show (What do I want them to see) – Help (what I want them to do) – Amplify (What I can imagine) – Relate (What I want them to feel) – Enjoy (What do I want them to love).
Dream big and believe in yourself
Hoping is not a strategy
Be willing to unlearn what you have learned to embrace new things
In his 70’s John Maxwell successfully completed a half marathon – 13.11 miles. There are five lessons learned from this experience that can challenge any leader in any organization. Let’s examine these insights.
Spontaneity is the foundation of youth
It seems that as we age we are not as spontaneous
It is easy to get stuck in your ways and not dare
When is the last time you did something for the first time?
Walk yourself into opportunities before you talk yourself out of them
Right is the best time – TODAY MATTERS!
Provide a FIRST for someone who has provided firsts for you
Do something for someone that they will not of cannot do for themselves
Who do you know right now who would be abundantly blessed if you provided a first experience for them?
Mark Cole did this for John by serving as his coach through the run.
Set yourself up for a win
John had 3 goals for this run: have a good experience, finish, finish in 4 hours
Leadership requires a strategy – What is yours?
If you do not know where you are going any road will take your there!
Ask: CAN I? HOW CAN I? Once you ask the second question, you have already decided to participate.
Know how you are doing will keep you going forward
You can always make adjustments when you know where you stand
Keep a scoreboard to visualize your wins and how to adjust
It is harder to quit when you know you are winning
Quitting usually comes right before the biggest breakthrough
The best stretches are the ones out of your comfort zone
The best stretches are the hardest ones
You need to be in an environment where everyone is ahead of you
When you are out of your comfort zone, connect with someone who is on their comfort zone
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Did you know that Scott Adams created Dilbert in 1989. Assuming that he has wrote a comic strip every day
since January 1, 1990, he has created 10,000 Dilbert’s. I do not know about
you, but that is fascinating to ponder.
How about Charles Schulz, author of Peanuts comics who has wrote over 17,897 comics in a row. How did
he and Scott Adams do this? DAILY
Seth Godin has written over 10,000 daily blog articles –
Scott Adams once stated that Goals are for LOSERS. Obviously, he was being dramatic to make a point. He would go on to write, “…Goal oriented people exist in a state of continuous pre-success failure at best. Systems people succeed every time they apply their system as they intended. Goals oriented people tend to fight discouragement. Systems people feel good every time they apply their system. The key difference is applying your energy in the right direction.”
So that we do not create unnecessary argument between goals
people and systems people, let’s turn our focus upon the W.I.N. – What’s
Important Now! This is the zone in which you can thrive!
There are 6 functional changes we need to make in order to keep Millennials engaged in the marketplace.
Millennials do not work for a paycheck, rather they work for a purpose.
They want purpose to be intermingled in their job. They want their work to matter
APPLICATION: Connect their purpose in life with the purpose of the organization. Ask them what they care about, then connect them with what the company cares about.
Millennials are not pursuing job satisfaction, but development.
They seek personal affirmation and improvement.
APPLICATION: Ask them what they want to do and then get them into a position that fulfills that answer.
Millennials want to take responsibility faster than they want to give it.
Millennials are impatient – they want freedom to get the answers themselves.
They seek empowerment on the job. In the past we have required experience before empowerment.
Most leaders delegate tasks rather than give authority. When you give tasks you create followers, when you give authority you create leaders.
APPLICATION: Follow the 10/80/10 rule. As a leader be on the task the first 10%. Let them move forward with the project for the next 80%. As the leader return for the last 10% to evaluate the work.
Millennials Do not want a boss, they want a coach.
Millennials do not want command and control, nor do they trust structured leadership, titles, levels, etc.
They seek someone to walk beside and with them.
The best ideas is the goal, not just the bosses ideas.
APPLICATION: Keep constant communication with millennials.
Millennials do not want annual reviews, they seek constant conversations.
This is referred to as “management by walking around.” Ken Blanchard
APPLICATION: Get out of your office and engage Millennials in what they are doing on a daily basis.
Millennials want cultural compatibility.
They want to come to work and yet feel at home.
They seek work/life balance. They do not want to be placed in a box, they seek flexibility in their schedules.
APPLICATION: Value Millennials, they desire to feel valued more than anything./
RECAP: 71% of Millennials are the least engaged generation at work. You are going to have problems when two-thirds of your workforce is disengaged. Start with reinventing yourself as a leader. Odds are your experience will lead to the wrong solution. WHY? You are attempting to solve modern problems with yesterday’s methods. Start NOW! It is never too late.
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Recently, I had the privilege to listen to Alan Mulally share his life journey that has shaped him into the renowned leader that he has become. In his own words he stated that he came from meager beginnings. As a young boy he bought a bicycle from Montgomery Wards and was paying $1.50/week on that bike. He started out delivering TV Guides in his neighborhood. This would turn into a Papoose motor scooter and a full paper route that led to becoming a Dilan’s Grocery bagger to cashier to management, to college.
His college education started at the University of Kansas, KU School of Engineering and MIT Sloan School of Management. He would move into a career at Boeing and would become CEO and gave oversight to the 700 series of Planes from the 730 – 787 before becoming CEO of Ford Motor Company. He aided in the complete turn around of Ford from a $17 billion deficit to a $2 billion profit. He retired from Ford in July of 2014.
While listening to his story there are a number of takeaways that I would share with you.
From his TV Guide Route to Ford Motor Alan stated the customer was always before him. His goal was more than satisfied customers, but loyalty as a result of quality products. The quality of the product was possible because of the investment and belief in the workforce.
Stay open to hear the hard truth of a matter. Mulally states that you cannot manage a secret. Accept the truth of the matter, embrace and own it.
You must embrace reality – you cannot turn around a company that is $17 billion in the hole and not be real about the trajectory of that company.
Great leaders are only as great as the people around them. Leaders need a great team. Communicate your appreciation and then show it to them in a tangible way. Remember the leadership mantra; You do not get what you want, you get who you are!
Create an environment of continuous learning for your team.
Gold Medal winner Lanny Bassham begins his book with this quote; “I am well aware that there are many fine self-improvement books available. Psychologists, motivational speakers, religious leaders and business professionals write them. A competitor writes this one. The Mental Management® System is not based on psychology; instead, it is 100% based on competition. I did my apprenticeship in the arena of Olympic pressure. My credibility is not based on the course I took in college; it’s in my gold medals and the medals of my students. It’s not theory; it’s simply what works. My goal in this book is to share with you the mental techniques that I have discovered and used to win.”
The author weaves 7 Steps to Mastery throughout this book. Let’s consider some insights into these steps.
Carefully Choose Your Path – A teacher asked the class; who in this class will win Olympic gold? A student stated that he did not know that answer, but concluded who would not win Olympic gold – Lanny Bassham. Lanny was not good at many sports. However, he found his path via RIfle shooting competition. You cannot master everything – so choose your path carefully and master that path in life. Study Your Chosen Path – Learn from the best in that field of interest. Mastery is not about mechanical repetition to the exclusion of the entire mental process. Also this is not about becoming the lone ranger – learn from others! Select your coach wisely!
Outwork Your Competitors – Learn from the current champions in your path! Watch what they are doing – learn from their habits. You will quickly learn that bursts of deep work done frequently is more productive than long days that sacrifices those you care for the most. Establish smart work habits! Develope A Singular Focus – Do not become the “jack of all trades” and yet master nothing. There are a thousand voices begging for a piece of our attention. Achieving Mental Mastery begins with a laser focus on one thing not many things. What do you want to be remembered as; a person who accomplished many awards or a person who developed others?
Take An Unused Path – It has been observed that 95% of the victories occur with 5% of the participants. What have these winners have figured out. Obviously, you must expand your habits and thoughts beyond the status quo. Take the time to learn from others and how they have figured out a different path. Tiger Woods approach to golf comes to mind to have accomplished those victories. He brought physical exercise and mental coaching to the game at new levels. Learn From Failures – Failures are some of the most important learning exercises that you will experience. Stop beating yourself up! Settle your mind to ask what is the number one lesson that I can learn from this failure?
Trust Instead of Try – Master the fundamentals and execute them flawlessly, victory is the result, not the other way around. Groove the daily habits into your inner being and master those – winning will occur!
I leave you with this quote by Lanny Bassham;
“What’s your game? Golf? Sales? Shooting? Singing? Parenting? Managing? Coaching? Teaching? What percentage of what you do is mental? I have asked that question to hundreds of Olympic athletes and PGA Tour pros. They have all answered that their game is at least 90 percent mental. The top five percent agree that elite performance is 90 percent mental. Then I ask them the second question. What percentage of your time and money do you spend on training the mental game? The answers are always similar: very little or less than ten percent. Now that just doesn’t make sense. All say the mental game is 90 percent of their sport but they almost ignore training this vital area.”
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The Leadership Pipeline concepts usually center around various architectural systems that enable companies to perform at a more efficient level of influence in their industry according to the Leadership Pipeline Institute. For example, these systems can range from…..
Accounting systems for efficient control of expenditures, expansion, and exploration
Human Resource systems that set boundaries and growth markers within a given company
Succession plans on how the next leader will be chosen
Managerial layers of function and responsibility within a company
Well, I think that you get the idea. You would think these suggestions of systems are basic 101 Corporate Leadership, However, many of these systems are nonexistent or feeble at best.
The title of this blog begs the question and definition of Leadership. I do not believe that anyone would argue against the need for efficiency of operation that maximises the use of resources. Is this the definition of leadership – systems, proficiency, stewarding resources? Is there something that is missing in that definition? My answer is YES!
HU is not an official element on the periodic table. The HUman element is more than proficiencies and performance measurements. The Human Element is more emotional and relational than quarterly performance markers. It is about the journey of LIFE in the context of other human beings in which laughter, tears, and accomplishments are shared on the human level of relationships.
As a leader, here are some questions to ponder.
Are performance markers more important that relationships?
Have you bought into the adage, “Leadership is lonely at the top?”
Describe your relational skills?
Define leadership?
Assisting people in reaching their potential _______________________. Fill in the blank.
Do you consider people to be too sticky?
Leave a comment, share an opinion in the comment section below.
In Daniel Goleman’s book, Focus, states that realizing the strength or weakness of our attention is at the core of EVERYTHING we do! Therefore, he refers to our ability to focus as the “hidden driver of excellence.” You might recognize Daniel Goleman’s work in an earlier successful book titled, Emotional Intelligence.
I want to continue the discussion on Focus by examining by examining what he calls Smart Practice. He writes, “Anders Ericsson, the Florida State University Psychologist who spawned the 10,000 hour rule of thumb states that you don’t get benefits from mechanical repetition, but by adjusting your execution to arrive closer to your goal.”
According to Professor Ericsson there are four (4) keys to purposeful practice. Keep in mind that we are discussing the ability to improve our Focus.
GOAL – We need to know how we would like to be able to perform on a high level. We need a specific goal for that training session. Success does not arbitrarily show up – we must move in the direction of our hopes and dreams.
FOCUS – During practice while moving in the direction of our dreams, we must be super-focused. Battling distractions is a full-time job as we previously stated. You must win this battle with intentionality. STOP DISTRACTIONS! Without focusing, you are not getting better!
FEEDBACK – You need immediate feedback on whether you are hitting your desired goal or not. How will you know what adjustments need to be made in your practice routine? Again this third aspect requires careful planning to get the proper feedback so that you can move in the direction of your dreams.
EXIT COMFORT ZONE – All growth occurs OUTSIDE your comfort zone. That is the only place where our body can adapt to the stress of leaving homeostasis (Leaving familiarity so that new skills can be learned. There are NO shortcuts in this process.
Before that we can even get better, we must believe that in fact we can get better! This requires that we see that in fact we can deliberately train our capacities to perform at extraordinarily high levels.
In closing, it should be recognized this type of training can only be sustained for 4 hours a day. Therefore, proper time to recover and rest is vitally important. Surfing the Web, answering text messages, looking at push notifications, and all of the other digital distractions are not appropriate methods of rest and recovery.
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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable serviceMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Are you attempting to control the WHAT and HOW of your Team? If so, as the Leader you are probably the bottleneck in your organization. Perhaps it is time for you to release the HOW of work to your team so they can do it better than yourself. Empowerment to do a task is a “Force Multiplier.” Here are 5 insights on stopping the bottleneck.
Accept the reality you do not have all the best ideas. Your competence and experience may have helped you to rise in leadership responsibility, but it may be the very thing that stunts organizational progress. Stop over-relying on your ability. You may not have the best and brightest ideas for the current situation. Your past experience does not necessarily make you an expert today.
What is your personal growth plan? Leaders can over-play their experiences of the past and inhibit new lessons and insights from our modern day. Yesterday ended at midnight! Today is your best opportunity for personal growth and development. A diversified growth strategy increases your ability for critical thought. You are able to realize that other people can do a task better than myself.
Your Team will bring fresh ideas. If you have to direct every detail, your team is simply waiting to be told what to do next. Stagnation occurs! Your Team becomes passive rather than proactive. Teach your Team to think for themselves. They will embrace the ownership issue and will begin to bring fresh thinking to the table of discussion.
Your Team will be stretched to accomplish more. Isn’t it frustrating when people only do the bare minimum? This may be due to a lack of motivation that comes from empowerment to make better decisions. When you Team members feel empowered to make decisions and they are valued, motivation increases. When leaders let go of the HOW the teams dreams actually become bigger.
Future Focused. Leaders should be ahead of the Team when it concerns future direction. When you are busy managing the HOW, you can easily loose sight of the WHAT. Managing the daily how-to marginalizes creative time to see bigger dreams. Define your WHAT. Release the HOW. You elevate the leadership and empowerment of the Team as a whole.
The genesis of the article come from John Maxwell and Carey Nieuwhof
It is CRAZY to realize that our focus can be so in touch with some things to the exclusion of others. Approximately 50% miss the gorilla and the two other transitions that take place. How can we miss something so obvious? Bow does that get past us? The real question is what are we currently missing in the lives of our Team Members that we should pay attention to?
That experiment was conducted by two leading cognitive psychology researchers: Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons. It’s one of psychology’s most famous experiments. Here is a more indepth video on The Invisible Gorilla.
Well, for our purposes Today, let’s just say that when “distractions” appear it is most people’s full-time jobs, there’s no room to focus on anything meaningful!! When we combine the 4+ hours the average person spends watching TV with the 4+ hours they spend on their smartphones, DISTRACTION IS A FULL-TIME JOB!! Daniel Simons states, “The key is that when you’re focusing your attention on one aspect of your world, you don’t have an unlimited amount of attention to devote to other things.” Something is going to suffer because of your inattention.
Author Goleman writes about the distraction being seen as far back as 1977 when Nobel Prize winning economist Herbert Simon wrote about the coming information rich world. He warned that what information consumes is the attention of its recipients – Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention. The million dollar question is how to properly rest your mental muscle for greater performance?
Stephen Kaplan at the University of Michigan discusses the power of nature in what he calls “attention restoration theory.” This restoration occurs when we switch from effortful attention, where the mind needs to suppress distractions, to letting go and allowing our attention to be captured by whatever presents itself. Therefore, experiencing nature walks has an amazing effect upon mental restoration.
So that we are clear and not misleading, the active ability to FOCUS our attention is essential to excellence. But so is the ability to turn that part of our mind off and allow for a more open awareness of life around us.
Seneca, over 2,000 years ago wrote, “The mind should not be kept continuously at the same pitch of concentration, but given amusing diversions.” The largest lens for our FOCUS encompasses global perspectives as well as the needs of others around us.
Is it just for me, or for others?
For the benefit of a few, or the many?
For now, or for the future?
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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable serviceMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Here’s the quick story from the book: “‘Select your purpose,’ Gandhi challenged, ‘selfless, without any thought of personal pleasure or personal profit, and then use selfless means to attain your goal. Do not resort to violence even if it seems at first to promise success; it can only contradict your purpose. Use the means of love and respect even if the result seems far off or uncertain. Then throw yourself heart and soul into the campaign, counting no price too high for working for the welfare of those around you, and every reverse, every defeat, will send you deeper into your own personal resource. Violence can never bring an end to violence; all it can do is provoke more violence. But if we can adhere to complete nonviolence in thought, word, and deed, India’s freedom is assured.’
The historian J.B. Kripalani, who became one of Gandhi’s closest co-workers, has said that the first time he heard Gandhi talk this way he was so shocked that he went up to him and told him point-blank: ‘Mr. Gandhi, you may know all about the Bible or the Bhagavad Gita, but you know nothing at all about history. Never has a nation been able to free itself without violence.’
Gandhi smiled. ‘You know nothing about history,’ he corrected gently. ‘The first thing you have to learn about history is that because something has not taken place in the past, that does not mean it cannot take place in the future.’”
Here is the principle for living today: Just because something hasn’t taken place in the past doesn’t mean it can’t happen in the future.
I believe the insights to building strong healthy families are the same insights to building strong healthy teams. Here are 5 insights worth reflecting on and implementing.
Express Appreciation For Each Other
The ability to appreciate each other comes from the ability to understand how your team members are designed. Are they Expeditors, Communicators, Dreamer/Designers, or Detailed. Everyone on your team will exhibit one or a combination of these traits. As a leader are you aware? Remember that for every negative comment it takes four positive comments to counteract.
Structure Your Life To Spend Time Together
Create company traditions. These add the value of continuity to the Team. Create special events that honor and recognize people – birthdays, graduations, times of loss, special outings, and days off for hitting target goals.
Deal With Crisis In A Positive Way
Every team will face difficulties. At times it is easier to avoid the problems all together rather than work for difficult solutions. M. Scott Peck’s book The Road Less Traveled, states, “It is this whole process of meeting and solving problems that life has meaning. Problems are the cutting edge that distinguishes between success and failure.”
Follow this process:
Attack the problem not the person
Get the facts
List the options
Choose the solution
Look for positives within the problem
Never withhold appreciation and positive regard
Communicate Continually
It was reported a number of years ago in the Dallas Morning News that married couples that have been married 10+ years only have 37 minutes of meaningful conversation per week. Do not allow the home track record to become the work team track record also. Effective communication starts with “active listening.” Do not talk until you are certain of the subject.
Share The Same Values
Common values will strengthen any team. People will not stay on your team when their values are not in alignment with the team’s values. Grow together, share life together, build confidence in your team members, and make a contribution to other people’s life.
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In Arizona there is an epic crater, in fact the first crater to be recognized as such. The asteroid was 160 feet wide. The resulting crater was 500 feet in depth and one mile wide
This short clip should inspire you to contemplate the small distractions that leave giant craters in our daily pursuit of excellence. AuthorsJake Knapp and John Zeratsky put it this way, “Small distractions create much larger holes in our day. We call these ‘time craters.’ In one of our favorite studies, Gloria Mark of the University of California, Irvine found that it takes people twenty-three minutes and fifteen seconds to get back on task after a distraction.”
You may think that you are a premiere multi-tasker or that these small distractions taking you away from the highway of what is important is no big deal THINK AGAIN!
Get your laser-focus on! Get on task. Go make a difference in your world today.
When it comes to success many adults act like children during a road trip. They continually ask, “Are we there yet?” Understand that part of the answer stems from impatience about success and the other part stems from not knowing the landmarks leading to success. This brings me to an old adage that a college professor hammered into us; “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there!” The first question you need to answer is, “Am I headed there? Your goal is not a destination, rather it is a journey. If you find yourself somewhat unsure of your location, look for obvious markers that would indicate that you are heading the correct direction. PRINCIPLE: Success landmarks are internal not external.
It has been said that for everything you gain, you lose something. Or for everything you gain, you pay something. In order to reach your success landmarks will require commitment and persistence. You must give up something of value. Speaker Ed Cole stated, “All of life is lived on levels and arrived at in stages.”
Ultimately we must understand there are significant trade-offs that must be made in order to move in the direction of your dreams. Here are six trade-offs that must be made.
Achievement Vs. Affirmation
If you are seeking affirmation from your peers you must understand this is fickle and fleeting. Charles Lindbergh stated once that success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, rather by the opposition he has encountered and the courage to maintain his struggle against overwhelming odds.
Excellence Vs. Acceptability
Competitive excellence requires 100% effort all of the time. If you are not careful you will become satisfied with 92% or 95%. A new standard of acceptability is set at that moment. Excellence is always a choice! Quality is never an accident, it is always the result of high intention and skilful execution. It represents the wise choices of many alternatives.
Personal Growth Vs. Immediate Pleasure
You cannot dedicate yourself to pursuing pleasure and make genuine progress in your personal growth at the same time. There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going.
Future Potential Vs. Financial Gain
Many things in life have a far greater worth over money. Money gives you options in life but it does not necessarily add value to your life. Henry David Thoreau stated if you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams and endeavor to live your life that you have imagined, you will meet with success in unexpected common hours.
Narrow Focus Vs. Scattered Interests
Being able to focus your attention almost exclusively on what you do best is a privilege you earn, not a right. At some point you must narrow your focus from being a general practitioner to a specialist.
Significance Vs. Security
Security is what we all crave. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs reminds us of giving up in order to go up to the next level. Tom Brokaw stated that it is easy to make a buck – it is harder to make a difference. Bob Buford’s book Halftime suggests that life has two parts. In the first part we are getting, gaining, and acquiring. The second half is risky because it has to do with living beyond the immediate. It is about making a difference with people who are making a difference. This second half is about LEGACY – what will you leave behind!
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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable serviceMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
The authors of Make Time, Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky write, “Look, we love technology. But there is a very serious problem here. Combine the four-plus hours the average person spends on their smartphones with the four-plus hours the average person spends watching television, and distraction is a full-time job.”
Wow! Did you catch that statement – 8+ hours per day of our phones and Television! That is in fact a full time job. How do we ever get to “deep level work?” Answer; WE DON’T!
Believe it or not but the use of technology in our everyday lives is still relatively new. We do not fully understand the consequences of our behaviors. I can say with certain accuracy that 4+ hours of phone usage and 4+ hours of television daily is not in our best interest personally and for our society. There are big issues in our world that demand responses that are larger than FB adds, Tweets, and Snapchats.
Jiddu Krishnamurti once wrote, “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
Mark Twain wrote, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time topause and reflect.”
It is time to take action and learn the discipline of a digital sunrise and digital sunset. NO technology before deep work in the morning. No technology 1-hour before sleep!
Write your comments below. I am interested in your thoughts!
Learn to turn adversity into advantage! Keep moving forward in the direction of your hopes and dreams.
When you talk to leaders about success it will not be long until the two greatest detours that leaders face will surface, they are Fear and Failure! When you really take the time to analyze it, these two issues are deal-breakers. You must keep moving forward on the journey, making the best of the detours and interruptions, turning adversity into advantage. Otherwise fear causes procrastination! So, FACE your fears! Consider the following:
60% of our fears are unwarranted
20% of our fears focus on the past
10% of our fears are petty
Only 4-5% of our fears are real
Consider these 6 insights on Fear…..
Admit your fears – do not hide from them.
Accept fear as the price tag of progress – fear will not positively affect the outcomes.
Develop a burning desire within – the hero and the coward feel the same fear. The hero turns it into fire.
Focus on the things that you can control – what happens IN you is more important that what happens TO you.
Put some wins under your belt – Vince Lombardi stated – Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing!”
Feed your faith, not your fear – have a “can do” attitude.
FAILURE – You need to learn from it! It has been said that successful people will make mistakes, but they do not quit. Here are 10 guidelines to reframe your failures.
Appreciate the Value of Failure
Do Not Take Failure Personally
Let Failure Redirect You
Keep A Sense of Humor
Ask Why, Not Who
Make Failure A learning Experience
Do Not Allow Failure To Keep You Down
Use Failure As A Gage For Growth
See The Big Picture
Don’t Give Up
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While enjoying my awesome cup of coffee this morning made by my Aeropress method (No they are not a sponsor, but I would highly recommend this method) I came across some thoughts that awakened in me the changes that are occurring all around us. For example, the era of the Gutenburg press is now coming to a close with the death of bookstores and the emergence of digital books. Think about the transistor radio that allowed children to listen to pop music without their parents knowing. Better yet, you had to attend the movie theater to see the latest blockbuster. Now you can access thousands of songs and watch the same in the movie industry by means of “Live-Streaming.”
The point is that we tend to relish in conveniences of the moment without realizing our need to adapt to new ways of thinking and behaving. Things change! Consider some of the benefits according to Seth Godin:
Computers connect us–to resources, to truth and to each other (which can mean folk-truth instead of actual truth)
Medicine is truly a science, not a series of half-understood superstitions
Musicians and writers can find an audience without a gatekeeper
We’ve changed the narrative about fairness (even though we’ve just begun to make progress)
It has never been easier to spread an idea or start an enterprise
Access to information, just about all of it, is cheap and fast
If you care enough to learn something, you can.
The challenge of this blog is to become a Systems Thinker! This way of thinking about life’s trajectory is to reframe what we are looking at and where this potentially can take us. It is generally accepted that six components make up Systems Thinking. I will be writing more about these in the coming blog articles. For now, allow me to list them for future discussion.
Leave a comment below and share your thoughts about the “LONG VIEW” of life and what is changing in your world. Let’s start a discussion!
Nothing in your past guarantees that you will continue growing toward your potential in the future!
An old Irish proverb states that you’ve got to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather is! At the outset of this podcast let us learn that Growth Is Change – after-all if you do not grow you do not change! Growth is a choice – choosing to grow is a decision that can really make a difference. In other words how have you changed lately? In the last week? In the last month? In the last year? Can you be specific?
10 Steps To Reach Your Potential
Choose A Life of Growth – The only way to improve the quality of your life is to improve yourself. If you want your organization to grow, you must grow as a leader.
Start Growing Today – It is not what you are going to do that counts, but rather it is what you are doing now. Growth is your responsibility!
Be Teachable – Coach John Wooden stated once, “It is what you learn after you know it all that counts!”
Focus on Self-Development Not Self Fulfillment – Self Development always draws you toward your destiny. Self Fulfillment only gratifies in the moment. See the LONG VIEW!
Never Stay Satisfied With Current Accomplishments – Rick Warren stated the greatest enemy to tomorrow’s success is today’s success!
Be A Continual Learner – It has been said that most of us learn something everyday in order to keep ahead of what we forget. Daily learning is the essence of being a continual learner.
Concentrate On A Few Major Themes – C.S. Lewis stated that every person is composed of a few themes! Write out your themes on life – mine is people focused and leadership development in a non-profit context.Develop A Plan For Growth – You must be able to articulate your growth plan in writing or you are daydreaming. Write it out for each week exactly what you will learn. Set appointments with yourself and keep them!
Pay The Price – Discipline is required and that can be uncomfortable. Growth is always worth the price you pay because the alternative is a limited life of unfulfilled potential.Find A Way To Apply What you Have Learned – Jim Rohn once said to not let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action!
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What can a General in the Marine Corp of the 20th Century teach Faith-based Leaders in the 21st Century? This leadership nugget will not be discovered without intentionality in searching for the principles of leadership that enhances the leading skills.
First of all, General Krulak was a highly decorated Marine who served our country with distinction and honor. His style of leadership was more of bottom up versus a top-down method of leading. What became Krulak’s Law simply states;
The foot soldiers on the front line
Interacting with local people
Do more for nation building and
Counter insurgency than leaders at the top!
In the Faith community we are not so good about walking slowly through the crowd and engaging the people. We are good about mountain-top communication with an Almighty God. We are more than ready to ask our followers to engage our plans, systems, and visions! How do we apply this military application to the Faith community? Here are a few ways to apply General Krulak’s law.
Touch a heart before you ask for a hand. People do not care about how much you know until they know how much you care. Each Christmas General Krulak would deliver homemade cookies to the soldiers in the outposts around Washington D.C.
The closer you get to the front line the more power you have over your brand. Walk slowly through the crowd. Get to know those who labor among you. Vision is better caught than taught.
Systems falter and fail without the human element. Get real, not superior! The Biblical terms for various ministries all have their root meaning in the terms of “Servanthood.” Over-deliver on your care and love. After all, 15% of the One Another commands of the Bible reference our humility in serving.
On the success journey, the first part of the trip is just as important as the last part. Think with me for just a moment – what separates motivated people from all others? The answer is they have goals! They identify what they want to accomplish to fulfill their purpose and maximise their potential. The goals that you set become your roadmap for life’s journey.
Consider these five insights about the power of goal setting Goals draw out your sense of purpose – It has been suggested that 50% do not pay attention to their direction, 40% do not even know where to start, and only 10% know what they want and how to get it.
Goals give you “GO” – Industrialist Andrew Carnegie stated once; “You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb himself.”
Goals show you what to do – All of the motivation in the world is useless if it’s wasted on things that do not matter.
Goals get you focused on improvement not activity – Stop clinging to the idea that success is a destination rather than a journey. The key to fully reaching your potential is to continually improve yourself.
Goals create mile markers – Goals not only give direction, but they help you to see progress.
The Success Process
Your dream determines your goals
Your goals determine your actions
Your actions create results
Results bring you success
Use this process as a worksheet to assist putting your thoughts to paper to visually see your thoughts. This will help you refine them, make adjustments, and plan your journey more effectively.
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“Optimalists tend to be benefit finders – the sort of people who find the silver lining in the dark cloud, who make lemonade out of lemons, who look on the bright side of life, who do not fault writers for using too many cliches. When a knack for turning setbacks into opportunities, the Optimalist goes through life with an overall sense of optimism.” Tal Ben Shahar
What are your thoughts on the comparison of Fault Finders Vs Benefit Finder? Which are you? Do you see opportunities in lemons or do you complain about the sourness of your circumstance?
What is the #1 thing that is stressing you out at the present? If in fact that it is really bothering you, we can be sure that you are in “fault finder” mode. Flip the switch to your benefit mode!
What are the top three things that you can appreciate in your current challenge? List them now while enjoying a tall glass of ice-cold lemonade.
When our attitudes outdistance our abilities, even the impossible becomes possible!
This statement is born from the 1960’s by then President John F. Kennedy who challenge a nation to put a man on the moon within the decade of 60’s. Against all odds July 16, 1969, Neil Armstrong took one step onto the Moon’s surface and declared; “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!”
This moon landing became a reality because of a change of attitude. Therefore, when our attitudes outdistance our abilities, even the impossible becomes possible!
The old adage is more true today than ever; Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude. When the power of a dream is coupled with the right attitude, landing a man on the moon is possible. Consider…….
A dream without a positive attitude produces a daydreamer.
A positive attitude without a dream produces a pleasant person who can’t progress.
A dream with a positive attitude produces a person with unlimited possibilities and potential.
Who and where you are today result from our attitude.Your current attitude is a choice. A quote from former Celtics player Bill Russell says, The game is scheduled, we have to play it – we might as well win!
Here are seven insights to possessing a great attitude.
Belief in self – When you believe in yourself, you’re free to focus on improving yourself and reaching your potential. Rarely does a person succeed when they do not believe in themselves.
Willingness to see the best in others – I’ve never known a positive person who didn’t love people and try to see the good in others.
Ability to see opportunity everywhere – No matter the circumstances positive people see opportunities everywhere. Lois Wyse, founder of Wyse Advertising used to state to her girls, Always say yes, because nothing ever happens to people \who say no!
Focus on solutions – People with a positive attitude focus their energy on solutions, not problems! Any person can see a problem. Positive people maintain a solution mindset. It has been said that most of the things worth doing in the world have been declared impossible before they were done.
Desire to give – Giving is the highest level of living. These people focus their time and energy on what they can give to others rather than on what they can get from others.
Persistence – Success will always allude people who buy into the statement, If you don’t succeed try something else. Dreams that become reality do so because people stick to their ambitions.
Responsibility for their lives – Positive people are willing to take responsibility for their own lives. Unsuccessful people duck responsibility.Successful people understand that nothing positive happens until you are willing to step forward and take full responsibility for your thoughts and actions.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude!
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“…psychologists today differentiate between positive perfectionism which adaptive and healthy, and negative perfectionism, which is maladaptive and neurotic. I regard these two types of perfectionism as so dramatically different in both their underlying nature and their ramifications that I prefer to use them entirely different terms to refer to them. Throughout this book, I will refer to negative perfectionism simply as perfectionism and to positive perfectionism as optimalism.”
What is the difference between a perfectionist and an optimalist?
To start with the optimalist embraces the constraints of reality where the perfectionist rejects the constraints and holds themselves to impossible standards that result in failure and pain. In short perfectionists reject everything that deviates from their flawless, faultless ideal vision. As a result whenever they do not meet their own unrealistic standards, they suffer. On the other hand the optimists accept and make the best of everything that life has to offer.
There is one fact of life that we all face – Failure happens! We are going to experience negative emotions. That is inevitable.If we want to experience the joy of the Hero’s journey we must say YES to all that we have learned and do our best with what we have gained in life.
Perfectionism and optimalism are not distinct ways of being, an either-or-choice, but rather they coexist in each person. And while we can move from perfectionism toward optimalism, we never fully leave perfectionism behind and never fully reach optimalism ahead. The optimalism idea is not a distant shore to be reached but a distant star that guides us and can never be reached. As Carl Rogers pointed out, the good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination. Author Tal Ben Shahar – The Pursuit of Perfect
About the author: Tal Ben- Tal Ben-Shahar, Ph.D., is the New York Times bestselling author of Happier. He taught the most popular course at Harvard University and currently teaches at the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel. He consults and lectures around the world to multinational organizations, the general public, and at-risk populations. He obtained his Ph.D. in organizational behavior and his B.A. in philosophy and psychology from Harvard.
We’re all laboring under our own and society’s expectations to be perfect in every way-to look younger, to make more money, to be happy all the time. But according to Tal Ben-Shahar, the New York Times bestselling author of Happier, the pursuit of perfect may actually be the number-one internal obstacle to finding happiness.
Applying cutting-edge research in the field of positive psychology-the scientific principles taught in his wildly popular course at Harvard University-Ben-Shahar takes us off the impossible pursuit of perfection and directs us to the way to happiness, richness, and true fulfillment. He shows us the freedom derived from not trying to do it all right all the time and the real lessons that failure and painful emotions can teach us.
In The Pursuit of Perfect, Tal Ben-Shahar offers an optimal way of thinking about failure and success–and the very way we live. He provides exercises for self reflection, meditations, and “Time-Ins” to help you rediscover what you really want out of life.
People in leadership communicate in a variety of ways. Some lecture. Others bark out orders. Some assume their people already know what to do. And yet others hide out in their office, refusing to communicate until follower track them down and ask directly. These communication styles are unproductive. They all lack one thing – a failure to connect. For leaders to be effective and move their teams forward, they need to connect with team members. WHY? You first have to touch people’s hearts before you can ask for their hand! The old adage is true – People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care!
Ways To Connect
Be Relational, Not Positional – Barking out orders is positional. It assumes your employees will rush to obey simply because you are in charge. Do not lose sight of the fact that leadership is INFLUENCE first and foremost. People will ultimately follow you because they want to. Key question: have you taken the time to get to know the people you work with outside the office? Who are they, what are their dreams? Knowing this information allows you to tailor your communication on a very personal level.
Take The First Step – Many leaders make the wrong assumption that connecting is the followers responsibility. After all, I am the boss and it is their job to figure out what I want. Effective leaders make the first move in connecting and offering guidance always. This in turn empowers and encourages the team.
Be Authentic Offer Real Help – Do not act like you care – CARE! Believe in the values of your Team. Make sure that your words are authentic and match your behaviors. You gain credibility with your Team
So what is the right picture of success? How do we get started on the correct pathway? I believe that two things are required for this journey: 1) the right picture of success, 2) the right principles for getting there.
The picture for success isn’t the same for any two people because we are all creatively different. However, the process is the same for all people. This reason lies within the fact there are universal principles that do not change.
Consider this definition of success: Success is….
Knowing your purpose in life
Growing to reach your maximum potential
Sowing seeds that benefit others
You can see by this definition of success that it is more about the journey rather than the destination. You will never exhaust your capacity to grow toward your potential or run out of opportunities to help others. When you see success as a journey, you will never have a problem of trying to arrive at an elusive destination. Consider the following insights on Growing to your potential.
Concentrate on one main goal – No person has ever reached their potential by stretching themselves in 20 different directions. Reaching your potential requires focused intentionality. Once you have decided where to focus your energy, you now need to decide what you will give up. You cannot reach your full potential until you leave something behind. What is it?
Concentrate on continual improvement – David Glass one time chief Executive Officer for Walmart was asked who he admired the most. His answer was Walmart founder Sam Walton. He stated, “There’s never been a day in his life, since he has known him that he didn’t improve in some way.” Each day you can become a little bit better than you were yesterday. Small deliberate steps will move you closer to your potential.
Forget the past – Jack Hayford once stated, “The past is a dead issue, and we cannot gain any momentum moving forward toward tomorrow if we are dragging the past behind us.” For those who desire to live in the past, let me remind you that yesterday ended at midnight. Think of Booker T. Washington – born into slavery; Helen Keller – blind; Franklin D. Roosevelt – Polo. It is more about what you overcome!
Focus on the future – Your potential lies before you – whether you are 8, 18, 48, or 80 years of age you have room to improve yourself. You can become better tomorrow than today. The old proverb states; “He who does not look ahead remains behind!”
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give!
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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable serviceMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
What was the most beautiful thing someone has ever said to you? Take a moment and revisit that experience… What do you see? How do you feel? It could have been just one sentence—one single sentence that changed you for a moment, or maybe even a lifetime.
There is more to our language than strict grammar and spelling. There is a real power to it, sort of magical. Our language dances with our imaginations. It creates an incredible range of emotions and feelings, which quite often make the difference between someone loving their life and sabotaging it.
Let’s look at three maxims on influencing…
How you describe someone when they are not around tells me more about you than it does about them.
What does the water cooler conversations sound like – Grace filled or Gossip filled? Who models appropriate speech in your organization? What does that sound like? Based upon the speech of your organization, how would you define the culture of your work environment? What is the one thing that we can do today that will give a 50% increase?
Whatever you neglect will deteriorate.
When you review the history of your organization do you often reflect upon yesterday as the “Glory Days?” What is different then versus now? What is the number one area that is being neglected today in your organization? In your personal life? In your family?
You cannot hide your heart. Whatever fills, spills!
Your leadership is a direct outgrowth of your intake. What are you feeding your mind? Our minds are being attracted to so many digital marketing ideas and stimuli – well at some point we must turn off the noise and shut down the devises. We must be intentional about the content that we allow into our inner being. Learn to practice a digital sunrise and sunset. Take charge of your life.
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The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way – Robert Kiyosaki The principles of living greatly include the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and trail with humility – Thomas Monson
What does it take to meet failure and disappointment with courage and cheerfulness? Do I have what it takes?
What is the value of reflecting on setbacks and disappointments?
What is the true source of my disappointment?
Have I allowed disappointments and setbacks to cause me to grow bitter and despondent?
How does a strong work ethic enable me to push through moments of disappointment and self-doubt?
Can I recall a bad thing happening in my life that put me on the path of something very positive happening in my life?
Can I think of an example of when someone’s success came after their disappointment? What can I learn from their illustration?
Do I have reasonable expectations concerning my results and the results of my Team? Am I a pie in the sky leader? Am I aiming too low?
Am I prepared to be disappointed by someone I admire?
When experiencing disappointments do I quit or put my head down and plough through?
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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable serviceMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
If you think that you can win, you can win. Faith is necessary for victory – William Hazlett I hate to lose more that I love to win – Jimmy Connors
You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win – Zig Ziglar
What are the attitudes and actions that separate the contenders from the winners?
Do I visualize myself as a winner? Do I literally see myself standing in the winners circle?
If I am my best effort and I leave everything on the field, isn’t that the true measure of a winner?
Am I enthusiastic about winning today? How will I share my enthusiasm?
How would I feel if my coach displayed a nonchalant attitude about winning? Would that motivate me to work harder?
What role does character play in my desire to win? What does it mean to show class and what role does it play in my desire to win?
How do I feel about a coach that displays an attitude of losing?
What will I do today to instill in my Team a stronger desire to win?
On a scale of 1-10, how intense is my competitive enthusiasm to win today?
Does a bad break cause me to work harder of do I lose heart and quit?
Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt – Special Olympics Motto You’ve you got to get to the place in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing – Arthur Ashe
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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable serviceMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
All engines need a tune-up at regular intervals. It does not
matter if we are talking about a lawn-mower engine, Cadillac, or Lear Jet –
engines need to be serviced. Without it they will not perform at their best.
This blog is about considering reflective questions that
will assist you in tuning up your leadership capabilities. Peter Drucker stated
that leadership is not about making speeches or being liked. Leadership is
defined by results not attributes. Great leadership is about combining your
skills and talents to produce results.
Set aside time and a journal and respond to the following 10
reflection questions.
What will I do today that will stretch my team
to reach their potential?
On a scale of 1-10 how would my team rate me as
a leader that achieves results?
Am I distinguishing between “busywork” and “accomplishments?”
DO I encourage my team to do the same?
How does my sense of self-worth and
self-confidence impact my daily performance?
What does a “High Performance” day look like for
me personally? For my Team?
Have I sought feedback from my peers?
Do I plan my day early in the morning or evening
for the next day? Which works best and why?
How are you maximizing your time today?
What are the three (3) most pressing things that
I must focus on? What is my action plan?
I write out my personal growth plans for the next twelve (12) months?
If a man for whatever reason has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself – Jacques Cousteau
In this last podcast of this series on putting your dreams to the test, we come now come to the significance question, Does My Dream Benefit Others? In other words are you willing to invest your life for this dream? In his book Half Time, author Bob Buford writes, “the first half of life has to do with getting and gaining, learning and earning. The second half is more risky because it has to do with living beyond the immediate.” This book is about changing your game plan from success to significance.
I Want To Do Something Significant For Myself – This statement when read for the first time sounds selfish. Actually, it is not as selfish as you might think. How can you help someone else if you have not invested in yourself first. This is the first rule of leading well – you must have a personal growth plan for yourself. If you cannot articulate this plan in writing, you probably are only day-dreaming. The accomplishment of a significant dream only comes when a person has something to offer. It is difficult to invest in others when you are not investing in yourself!
I Want To Do Something Significant For Others – Here is a two part question that sets up an illustration about Mother Teresa. First the question; “What are you doing to invest in yourself, and what are you doing to invest in others? Let’s face it, success can cause people to be selfish. If you are not careful you will become a schemer in attempting to get from people rather than giving to people. In the book, Mother Teresa – Come Be My Light, reports in a letter she wrote about the potential success of Missionaries of Charity organization – “I don’t know what success will be, but if the Missionaries of Charity have brought joy to one unhappy home, made one innocent child from the street keep pure for Jesus, one dying person die in peace with God, it would be worth while offering everything for just that one, because that one would bring great joy to the Heart of Jesus.”
I Want To Do Something Significant With Others – Tom Brokaw once stated that it is easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference. People who want to achieve a significant dream with others must be able to help people embrace the same dream. When that happens it is a wonderful gift for all. If we can share a dream with others, it expands both their possibilities and our own.
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“Religious meditations often involve explicit and effortful regulation of attention…The mind wanders quite naturally, so bringing it back to focus narrowly on one’s breathing builds mental discipline. When neuroscientists observe people praying or meditating, they see strong brain activity in two parts of the brain that are also important for self-regulation and control of attention. Psychologists see an effect when they expose people to religious words subliminally, meaning that the words are flashed on a screen so quickly that the people aren’t consciously aware of what they’ve seen. People who are subliminally exposed to words like God or Bible become slower to recognize words associated with temptations like drugs or premarital sex. It looks as if people come to associate religion with tamping down these temptations says McCullough, who suggests that prayers and meditation rituals are a kind of anaerobic workout for self-control.”
I love this quote and the image that prayer can be an anaerobic workout for self control. The faith community has known this for years. We go to the gym to exercise our body and we sit in silence and solitude to meditate to build our mental and spiritual muscles.
Meditation and prayer is not just about communication and the Creator. One study found that three hours of meditation practice leads to improved focus and self-control in your daily life.
I have discovered these benefits years ago in my life personally. I start each day with a plan block of time that includes reading, prayer, and meditation. The focus and calmness of each day is noticeably improved.
TODAY is a good day to begin the discipline of prayer and meditation!
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours – Henry David Thoreau
Achieving a dream is about more than just what you accomplish. It is about who you become in the process – John Maxwell
There is always a huge gap between the birth of a dream and the achievement of a dream. The question that you have to ask yourself is whether it will be a fulfillment gap or a frustration gap. One is rewarding, the other frustrating and difficult.
Here are six (6) insights to finding fulfillment in the gap.
Fulfilled people understand the difference between the dream and it’s realization – If you have answered the Reality Questions positively your dream is achievable. However, the ideal picture that you have in your head is not. It is vital that you understand this if you want to be fulfilled while striving for your dream. If you don’t you are destined for frustration. Fulfilled people understand that the size of the dream determines the size of the gap – The bigger the dream, potentially the more fulfilling it is. If you are going to live in the land of MOAG – Mother of All Goals – then you need to expect the mother of all gaps.
Fulfilled people keep dreaming while making the journey – This is possible by allowing yourself to keep dreaming. Dreaming is an important part of the process of inspiration, motivation, and fulfillment. Fulfilled people appreciate each step forward in the journey – I know a businessman that owns a Kubota Tractor dealership. When i would ask him how he is doing his response was always, “Everyday is a holiday and every meal is a banquet!” did he arrive at his dreams? NO! He was fulfilled and appreciate every step in the process. John Wooden – 8 National Championships – declared the journey to be the most important of days in his life, not the victories.
Fulfilled people make new discoveries while living in the gap – You have the potential to make many wonderful discoveries in the pursuit of your dream. None will be greater that what you discover about yourself. Did I make the dream or did the dream make me becomes an important question. In the end it is not our dreams that we conquer. It is ourselves! Fulfilled people buy in to the natural law of balance: Life is both good and bad – Optimists tend to believe that all of life is good. Pessimists tend to believe that all is bad. The reality is neither are correct. Life is both!Only people who accept and embrace the truth are able to find fulfillment. You must be proactive in good times and bad times. Successful people do what is right no matter how they feel, and by doing right, they feel good.
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“Another simple old-fashioned way to boost your willpower is to expend a little of it on neatness. As we explained in chapter 7, people exert less self-control after seeing a messy desk than after seeing a clean desk, or when using a sloppy rather than a neat and well organized Web site. You may not care about whether your bed is made and your desk is clean, but these environmental cues subtly influence your brain and your behavior, making it ultimately less of a strain to maintain self-discipline. Order seems to be contagious.”
Now I ask you, “Is that amazing or what?’ The tidiness of our environment affects our willpower.
Does your desk need to be tidied up a bit?
did you make your bed this morning?
Is your house clean?
We may not be consciously aware of it, but research shows that environmental cues subtly influence our brain and our behavior. Let’s invest a bit of our willpower to clean up our environment so that our willpower can grow through an orderly environment.
The mere possession of a vision is not the same as living it, nor can we encourage others with it if we do not, ourselves, understand and follow it truths. To be blessed with vision is not enough, we must live them! – High Eagle
Author of Life’s Little Instruction Book, says there are two rules of perseverance: Rule #1 Take one more step. Rule #2 When you can’t take one more step, refer to Rule #1. That is exactly what it takes to achieve your dreams; the will to take one more step when you have convinced yourself that you can’t do it!
If you are going to accomplish your dreams then you will need to live our these seven (7) insights on moving closer to your dreams.
Recognize that quitting is more about who you are than where you are – Most people stop themselves from reaching their potential. People who achieve their dreams do not have an easier path than those who do not. The one guarantee for failure is to stop trying. H.E. Jensen stated, “The man who wins may have been counted out several times, but he didn’t hear the referee.”
Improve your vocabulary – Saying that you believe in yourself will not guarantee your success, but saying you don’t believe in yourself will guarantee your failure. Bill Boeing, Founder of Boeing Aircraft in 1916 had a quote mounted on a plaque at the company headquarters; “It behooves no one to dismiss any novel idea with the statement that it can’t be done. Our job is to keep everlastingly at research and experiment…to let no new improvement in flying …pass us by.”
Recognize that waiting for everything to be right is wrong – If your ship does not come in, swim out to meet it. WHY? Our dreams do not move toward us, we must move toward our dreams. It is time to quit waiting for……
Someone to change
The right person to come along
The kids to leave home
An absence of risk
The pain to go away
Change Your Thinking – Successful people do not think about what must be done. They focus twice as much on what they have accomplished and how they are capable of accomplishing what they set out to do. John Wooden stated, “Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.” Successful people simply think differently – they keep thinking, learning, and moving forward. The resources for your dream stop at the moment you do – Many times we feel that we must have all of the resources in hand before we venture into our dream. When that type of thinking occurs we neither have movement or resources. It has been said that effort only releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.
Practice The Rule of Five – List or create five things that can be done daily that will move you toward your dream. Daily means – EVERY DAY!
Remember that when you have exhausted all of your possibilities, you haven’t – If you want reach your dream, you can’t give up. Even if every avenue looks like a dead and you feel that you have exhausted every possibility, you haven’t! Jack Dempsey stated that a champion is one who gets up when he can’t.
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“The essence of this strategy is to lock yourself into a virtuous path. You recognize that you will face terrible temptations to stray from the path, and that your willpower will weaken. So you make it impossible – or somehow unthinkably disgraceful or sinful – to leave the path…. If you do not want to gamble at a Casino, you would be better off not going to a Casino and walking past the tables while expecting your friends to stop you from gambling.”
Pre-commitment is mainly an offensive weapon! Do not take your credit card to the department store. Plan your meals by the week so that you will not determine what you will when it is past dinnertime with nothing prepared. Stop buying junk food in small packages – keep it out of the kitchen all together. Planning to have children – starting a savings fund of about $10,000 to ease the financial burden of having a child.
Play more OFFENSE and stop claiming about your failures to everyone around you!
Always remember that striving and struggle precede success, even in the dictionary – Sarah Breathnach
Dreams are quite personal, aren’t they? The sacrifices associated with our dreams are also quite personal. Have you ask yourself the cost question; “Am I willing to pay the price for my dreams?”
Every dream has a price tag that has been paid before success. What will you pay for your dream? We do not have the privilege to sit with each other to engage the question on a personal level. There will be unique price tags that each of us will pay. There are five insights that are true for every person who pursues their dream.
The Dream Is Free, But The Journey Isn’t – All dreams begin with joy and excitement of accomplishment. You are not thinking about the cost at this stage. But at some point you have to make a transition from believer of the dream to buyer of the dream. No dream comes into reality without someone paying for it.
The Price Must Be Paid Sooner Than You Think – As soon as you start the journey toward your dream price, becomes an issue. WHY is that? Dreams confessed create conflict; dreams begun create a crisis. Dream believers are in abundance, dream buyers are rare! The sooner you pay the price for your dream that greater the rewards and dividends later in life.
The Price Will Be Higher Than You Expect – John Maxwell has stated that in all of his conversations with successful people he has never heard anyone say “Getting to the top was much easier than I anticipated.” Paul Hogan, the actor that played Crocodile Dundee responded to the question about his success with this answer; “The secret to my success is that i bit off more than I can chew and started chewing as a fast as I could.”
The Price Must Be Paid More Than Once – This point may be a big surprise to you. In fact the price tag for dreams may be paid multiple times. In fact let me say that we will pay regularly for our dreams. But realize that the greater the price, the greater the emotional return. You cannot get to the mountain top by carrying everything with you. You have to release many things and let them go – that is part of the price!
Is It Possible To Pay Too Much For Your Dream? – The cost of our dreams can be quite high. That does not mean that any price paid is worthwhile. Some things are just too costly! You do not want to ruin your health or sacrifice your family or compromise your values. Think about it this way; make a short list of things that you will protect at all costs. This will be a guide to let you know when the price is too high.
Ralph Waldo Emerson; “Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe your critics were correct. To map out a course of action and follow it to the end requires courage.”
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Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney
“Now that we have surveyed the problems caused by lack of glucose, we can turn to solutions and to cheerier topics, like good meals and long naps. Here are some lessons and strategies for putting glucose to work for you: Feed the beast. By beast, we don’t mean Beelzebub. We mean the potential demon inside yhou or anyone spending time with you. Glucose depletion can turn the most charming companion into a monster. The old advise about eating a good breakfast applies all day long, particularly on days when you’re physically or mentally stressed. If you have a test, an important meeting or a vital project, don’t take it on without glucose. Don’t get into an argument with your boss four hours after lunch. Don’t thrash out serious problems with your partner just before dinner.”
Glucose is the key to willpower? Seriously!
The authors are suggesting that no glucose, no willpower. YES, they are suggesting that the quickest way to loose willpower is to let your glucose levels get low. Answer; eat nutritious meals before tackling difficult tasks or serious discussions. Foods like vegetables, cashews, fruits, fish, meat, – good fats.
You thought healthy eating was about being on a diet! Consider healthy eating being part of strong willpower in your life.
Rediscovering The Greatest Human Strength by Baumeister, Roy F., Tierney, John. Penguin Group 2011.
“The result, after dozens of experiments in Baumeister’s lab and hundreds elsewhere, is a new understanding of willpower and of the self. We want to tell you what’s been learned and about human behavior, and how you can use it to change yourself for the better. Acquiring self-control isn’t as magically simple as the techniques in modern self-help books, but neither does it have to be as grim as the Victorians made it our to be. Ultimately, self control lets us relax because it removes stress and enables you to conserve willpower for the important challenges. We’re confident that this book’s lessons can make your life not just more productive and fulfilling but also easier and happier.”
Baumeister is a leading researcher on self-control and Tierney is science writer for the New York Times. Together they write and improving willpower is the surest way to a better life.
Willpower is what gets us through. People with high willpower:
Get more done
Achieve greater success
Are above average in their abilities
Stand out from the crowd
We will explore this book over the next few posts. Leave a comment below and share your thoughts about your personal journey regarding will power.
It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you can do alone – Andrew Carnegie
A dream is a compelling vision you see in your heart that’s too big to accomplish without the help of others – Chris Hodge
If you desire to realize your dream, you need a team to help you. It is hard to list all of the ways a team can help you. Here are a few suggestions to consider…
My team makes me better that i am.
My team multiplies my value to others.
My team enables me to do what I do best.
My team allows me to help others do their best.
My team gives me more time.
My team provides me with companionship.
My team helps me fulfill the desires of my heart.
My team compounds my vision and effort.
My team empowers me to realize my dream.
It is not enough to have a dream – you need a dream team!
To Recruit a Dream Team – Transfer The Vision.
Transfer The Dream Logically
If people do not believe they will not buy into the dream. Communicating the dream logically is the first step in gaining credibility with people. You need to demonstrate that you have a grasp upon the situation that you are describing. Secondly, you must have a sound strategy. Strategy breaks down a vision into manageable parts. This communicates this dream is attainable.
Transfer The Dream Emotionally
When you can present your dream logically people will most likely stop resisting. In order for people to connect, you must connect emotionally.
What people do not feel they do not buy into. Show people your dream from their perspective. Appeal to their senses! Show people your heart. People will but into the dreamer before they buy into the dream itself. To transfer a dream emotionally let them see your heart. Sharing your hope tells the story of your dream.
Transfer The Dream Visually
Make your dream visual – bring it to life! If people cannot see the dream, they will not buy the dream. Coach John Wooden perhaps did this the best by transferring his dream of integrity and excellence to every person who played basketball for him.
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How does a leader build trust? By demonstrating competence, connection, and character. People will forgive an occasional mistake in execution if they can see that a leader is still growing. They will grant time to connect. But they will not tolerate character lapses.
CASE STUDY – King Solomon
Study Questions
After reading Proverbs 16:8-18 What are the leadership implications of the writer’s statement that it is better to be poor and righteous than rich and unjust?
What are the characteristics ascribed to kings in this passage of scripture? List as many as possible
If you are working on something that is really exciting, you do not have to be pushed. The vision pulls you – Steve Jobs
The question, “Does my dream compel me?” is really a question about PASSION. This is a difficult question. How can I know if my passion is sufficient to carry me through to the realization of my dream?
Passion is a critical element for anyone who wants to achieve a dream. WHY? Because it the starting point of all achievement. The road to any dream is cluttered with detours, problems and disappointments. It is on this road where many dreams die. This is why passion is so important. Here are three key truths about Passion.
Passion Pulls Us Up – Enabling Us To Overcome Adversity
Anytime you attempt to accomplishment something of value, you will face adversity. Between the dream’s inspiration and its manifestation, there’s going to be a lot of perspiration. Poet William Ward suggests: Believe while others are doubting – Plan while others are playing – Study while others are sleeping – Decide while others are delaying – Preparing while others are daydreaming – Begin while others procrastinate – Work while others are wishing – Listen while other are talking – Smile while others are frowning – Commend while others are criticizing – Persist while others are quitting.
Passion Pushes Us Out – Giving Initiative
To succeed in life, we must stay within our strength zone but continually move outside our comfort zone. We naturally resist this kind of outward movement. As we get older we tend to get complacent. That is a problem because it kills passion. It reduces us to average. It clips our wings and keeps us from soaring no matter how much we may to do otherwise.
George Bernard Shaw stated reasonable people see all of the reasons for not doing something. Passion however, makes us unreasonable. It prompts us to get out of our comfort zone and cross the threshold of our doubt.
Passion Positions us Well – Giving Us The Greatest Odds For Success
Dr. Schweitzer observed that success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be a success. If we do not follow our passion in life, we will be in a difficult place, one that will not serve us well.
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Reality…is the enemy of fantasies but not of dreams – Rudy Ruettiger
Dreams by definition are not supposed to start with reality. They are supposed to be fantastic, incredible, and out of the box. After all they are birthed from hopes, desires, and possibilities. They are after all the products of imagination and creativity. But this poses a problem. Is a dream worth pursuing if it has no chance of becoming reality? I do not think so!
If your dream depends a lot on luck, then you are in trouble. If it depends entirely on luck, you’re living in fantasyland. Ralph Waldo Emerson stated that shallow men believe in luck whereas strong men believe in cause and effect. Ann Landers says it this way, Rose-colored glasses are never made in bifocals. Nobody wants to read the small print in dreams.
The more unrealistic your dream, the more you will be tempted to depend upon things that you cannot control to make it become a reality. If your talents do not match your dreams and you fail to recognize it, then you are destined to work but not win. Here are three insights to help you build upon your strengths
Building on Your Strengths Activates The Law of Least Effort
This is about finding your true purpose and your true area of excellence. Your effort becomes much easier and you are more excited about your dream. The single biggest mistake in leadership is that we help others see the potential of obtaining goals without helping them to see who they are first. We strive for the goal without training the person.
Building On Your Strengths Enables Consistently Good Results
Dreams do not come true because a person does something well once in a while. Success is not an event – it is a lifestyle! Dreams are accomplished when someone performs with excellence day after day.
Building On Your Strengths Gives You The Highest Return
Greer Garson, winner of the 1943 Academy Award or best actress stated, Starting out to make money is the greatest mistake in life. Do what you feel you have a flair for doing, and if you are good enough at it, the money will come. Successful people always put their time, energy, resources into their strengths because they receive the highest return from it.
Here are 5 questions that demand an answer from you if your goal is to succeed in your dreams.
What is my dream?
What is my starting point?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
What are my current positive and negative habits?
How long must I practice these habits to reach my potential?
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“Give us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for” – Peter Marshall
“If you have a clear vision, you will eventually attract the right strategy. If you don’t have a clear vision, no strategy will save you” Michael Hyatt
Here are 5 insights on bringing your dream into focus.
A Clear Dream Makes A General Idea Very Specific
The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this; decide what you want. (Ben Stein)
In deciding what you want requires that you will be specific with measurable goals. ILL. Move from “I want get out of debt – to – I will pay off all credit cards by December 31st this year? Or I need to improve my leadership – to – I will read one leadership book every month.
A Clear Dream Doesn’t Become Clear Without Effort
When Michael Hyatt took over Thomas Nelson Publishing he tells about a retreat that he took with just pen and paper. He wrote down all of the problems that he was facing to better understand the solutions for growth. Learn to ask good questions, utilize good resources, learn from other people’s experiences, and interview key people. The key idea is to land on a process and method that will work for you. EFFORT is required.
A Clear Dream Affirms Your Purpose
In clarifying your dream you will discover that your purpose becomes more clear. If you have already answered the ownership question to verify that your dream is really your dream, you should be encouraged that clarifying your dream will reinforce your work. It is transformational when your dream and clarity are aligned, your work becomes transformational for you and others.
A Clear Dream Determines Your Priorities
New lifestyle habits must emerge to keep your clarified dreams alive. You will learn to say yes to the things that advance your dreams and NO to the distractions that keep you from accomplishing your dreams. Clarity of vision beings clarity of priorities!
A Clear Dream Gives Direction & Motivation To The Team
Your dream will require the participation of others. Targets that are not hit usually are the result of fuzzy goals. Author Ed Rowell says a dream is a better future in need of an architect who will show others how to make it a reality. If you are a leader, you must become the architect. You must draw the picture with clarity so that your team will know where they going and why. Followers do not give their best to something they do not understand. People do not stay on course for something they cannot see. Nobody becomes motivated by something they kind, sorta believes in.
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John Maxwell teaches the Law of The Lid in his 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. This laws states that you cannot lead beyond your current capacity. If you are currently a 4 and yet desire 6’s – you must grow yourself to be become a 7. This reinforces the leadership maxim that “Everything rises and falls on Leadership!” Understand this maxim is not 80%-90% of the time. It is 100% of the time.
The Daily Five suggests that if you had a tree to chop down and you take an axe and swing it fives times daily at the trunk, that tree will fall eventually. What is the tree in your life that you desire to conquer? What is your dream in life? Where is your axe? What tools are you using? Use them daily for success!
First, Lead Yourself
Before you can lead others, you must lead yourself. If you would not follow you, why would others follow you?
Mahatma Gandhi stated that we should be the change we desire to see in others. People do what people see.
The Law of Magnetism suggests that we attract who we are not what we want. We teach what we know, but we reproduce who we are.
Second, Add Value To People
Zig Ziglar stated that if you help people achieve their goals, they will help you obtain your goals.
When I stop valuing people, I risk manipulating people.
Start by making yourself more valuable today so that you add value tomorrow.
Third Study Leadership Daily
Thankfully we are living in an era in which we have access to some of the best leadership thinking in the world by means of digital technology.
Learn from deep thinkers not just what is trendy. Deep thinkers help you build a solid foundation that endures. Trendy thinking is like a sugar high!
Visit Presidential Libraries. David Gergen’s book Eyewitness To Power gives insights to four Presidents leadership.
Leaders do not grow in a day rather, they grow daily. What is your growth plan? If you cannot articulate it on paper, your are probably day-dreaming.
Fourth Practice Leadership Daily
What are you doing to train others in the craft of leading?
Do not waste your time on individuals that will not practice the disciplines of leadership.
Practicing leadership gives you confidence in your leadership abilities. It helps you to have a mastery of the issues.
Fifth Intentionally Grow Daily
Put yourself in a place where others are better than you are.
Put yourself in a place where you are challenged for growth.
Your focus should be forward. Your attitude should be affirming.
Wake up excited to do something significant.
Get into a place where failure is affirming.
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As we begin a New Year – New You dialogue, we are examining what it means to have the right Culture for your team. Culture is a visualization of what we value as a team, so people can see what you personally value. There is no confusion – absolute clarity is achieved.There is a crucial question that must be asked; “Why do you want to be a leader?” There truly is only one answer – Add value to people! What? Did you really think it is about the perks and privileges? This New Year – New You dialogue is about re-examining the true essence of being a leader.
Most people do not lead their lives, they simply accept their lives and call it fate! Many people never come to terms with the correlation of personal action and results. To them there is always this mystical force that I cannot know or control that keeps me from being my optimal best.
It is time in this New Year – New You dialogue to stop accepting your life and start leading your life. Here are 4 insights to consider if you are serious about intentionally leading your life.
There is nothing in your life that is beautiful, lasting, and worthwhile that is easy.
Our digital age has distorted reality. We believe that everything significant is instant.
Relationships are one inch deep and one mile wide. Lasting relationships take more than Likes, Shares, and Tweets.
Life is worthwhile when…
You Learn
You Try
You Stay – do not quit!
Digital Technology doesn’t replace the human element – HU
Achievements are not accidental.
Many people have uphill dreams and downhill habits.
You cannot coast uphill.
Achievement is not always success, while reputed failure often is. It is honest endeavor, persistent effort to do the best possible under any and all circumstances. Orison Swett Marden
Willful Choices.
Consistency compounds! No one ever rewarded consistency for one weeks effort.
Stephen King, one of the great authors of our time was asked, How do you stay inspired to create? He responded by saying that creativity fortunately shows up for me every morning at 7:00am. Stephen King writes an average of 2,000 words per day. Willful choices!
Consistency doing the right things over the course of life compounds into significant legacy’s.
Become the author of your life.
Stop reading your life and start writing your life.
Is your life a page-turner? A yawner? A cliched story you’re tired of repeating? Every life is a story. The story of your life doesn’t have to read like a bad novel, filled with guilt, anger, and hopelessness that limit your understanding of the past and close off possibilities for the future. Even ordinary lives have the elements of great literature, and we can revise trite or destructive story lines to craft a new narrative of courage, fulfillment, and imagination.(See the book, The Story of Your Life, by Mandy Aftel).
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As we begin a New Year – New You dialogue, we are going to examine what it means to have the right Culture for your team. Culture is a visualization of what we value as a team, so people can see what you personally value. There is no confusion – absolute clarity is achieved.
There is a crucial question that must be asked; “Why do you want to be a leader?” There truly is only one answer – Add value to people! What? Did you really think it is about the perks and privileges? This New Year – New You dialogue is about re-examining the true essence of being a leader.
There are 4 insights that I will give you in this podcast on how to add value to your team members. First, I want you to ponder the quote by Stan Belyshev; “How many people will be better off because of who your are and what value you can add to their life?” Adding value to your team is actually a compounding work. Your effort to add value compounds through your team to other people that you will never meet. “Multiplied Value” is the image to grasp!
I go back to my opening question, Why do you want to be a leader? Leadership done correctly, compounds and multiplies like no other work. Leadership legacy is not about brick and mortar, rather, it is about helping people obtain the dreams and goals within themselves while partnering with you in a vision that is too big to obtain by yourself.
We can only value people to the degree that we value ourselves.
We see people not as they are, burt as we are. The cardinal sin of modern day leadership is to not value the people they are serving.
Intentionally love people, Intentionally believe in people’s potential, and Intentionally show unconditional love for your team. Practicing this daily will increase your desire to connect with your team rather than correct your team.
Perhaps you need to establish a bedrock truth for your team – There is NO ROOM on this team if you do not love people!” When you stop loving people, you risk manipulating people.
You must make yourself more valuable
When was the last time you learned something new for the first time?
Adding value to your team members requires that you get better. You cannot give what you do not have.
What is your “Growth Plan” for this year? What I know by experience is, if you cannot articulate it in writing you are only daydreaming. The old adage is true – If you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there.
You have to keep growing, learning, and developing. You must drink deeply in order to give out abundantly!
Know and relate to what other people value.
Learn to walk slowly through the crowd. Listen carefully as you talk to people – you will learn what is on people’s hearts, struggles, dreams, and passions.
One of the great challenges of leadership is to learn to take your cues from the people you are leading.
Care enough to actively listen to them.
Passive listening allows for distractions and interruptions.
You are never really focused on the person in front of you.
Your personal significance gets in the way of effective communication.
The biblical passage of Matthew 22:36-40 comes to mind.
The greatest thing that God values is “Loving Him heart, soul, and mind.”
The next greatest thing that God values is to love people in the same way that you love yourself.
If you really want to soar in the coming year, end-of-the-year planning is not just about getting your strategy straight and your financial house in order. You also need to get your head right and that means tuning up your spirit, renewing your mental resources, and recommitting to your deepest values.
When you have a team member or potential team members stand in front of you what do you see? Are you filled with questions or thoughts of….
WOW, I am glad they are not on my team!
I hope they don’t ask to join my team!
They are failures!
Do you see how they dress – so tacky
I want to suggest two powerful questions that will change your focus on how you view your team. These two questions will also change you action plan in dealing with your team members and how you are casting vision.
Who are they?
While literally observing your team members, do you as a leader really know who they are? Do you know their hurts, fears, struggles, and dreams? There are two great axioms of leadership;
Do not ask for a hand until you have touched a heart.
You do not get what you want as a leader, you get who you are.
If you continually ask for help and make demands upon your team without ever showing care for them as a person you risk the following:
Loss of engagement
Loss of productivity
Allow mediocrity to settle in
Every leader must come to terms with the idea that employees are evaluating you through the lens of the question – Do you know me? People desire relationships. This is where the millennials are changing the workplace by their desire to be relational. They are not looking for a boss or paycheck. They are looking for relationships and conversations.
The second axiom is, you do not get what you want you get who you are. Therefore, we reproduce our relational traits attitudes and all. Said another way, we must personalize and then model the behaviors we ultimately seek for our team. Said yet another way, people do what people see.
The second question to ask when observing another team members is, “Who can they become?” This is a question about another person’s potential. A leaders perspective then becomes, “How can I add value to this person?”
All individuals ask the same basic questions about our lives. “When my life is through did I leave a footprint that shows I helped someone! This is an issue of significance and legacy. I left something behind for others – I left my world better than I found it. I personally do not think that people wake up in the morning and declare “I want to be average” or “I want to climb my way up to middle management.”
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