6 Keys For Successful Ministry

Every Minister is looking for the right KEY to unlock the door to success in their church. keyyyysThomas Rainer recently reported on the state of the North American church and Christianity 2014. He stated that 72% of people surveyed do not believe that the church is an institution that influences the American culture.  Within the next 12 months 50,000 churches will look for a new leader and 4,000 churches will close their doors permanently. WOW!

So that we do not miss the obvious – there are no short-cuts to success! However, there are six keys that will lead to successful ministry and a fulfilled life of ministry. These six keys are:

  1. You do not GROW in a day but grow daily – You have to be willing to invest in yourself before you invest in others. You cannot lead anyone or church beyond your THINKING! Question: “How would your effectiveness change if you sacrificed dollars spent on a hobby or entertainment?”
  2. Connecting the world we hope for to the world as it is – The minister lives between these two tensions. If I have hope only in this life I am among men most miserable, the biblical writer states. Yet the reality is we do live in this world! Engage this world with a message that challenges beliefs and hopes – raise expectations to a preferred world to come. Our primary goal is persuasion.
  3. Think strategically – this assumes that you have a vision and mission for your ministry and that you know how to excite others about this vision and mission. What is the vision for your community? What are the missional action steps to accomplish it? If you do not know where you are going, any road will take your there!
  4. Build a legacy NOW – Start writing your obituary today on how you want to be remembered. You must be INTENTIONAL and PURPOSEFUL in this area of life. Do not let others write your legacy – It is your life!
  5. Understand your community – What organizations and  individuals can you connect with to make a difference in your community. How do these connect? Consider joining the Chamber of Commerce. This is a great way to connect with all levels of the community to see the linkages and connections.
  6. Focus your energy – With the noise of our world begging for a piece of our time, you must be disciplined and stay focused on the BEST and surrender the good! Stay true to your calling in life.

Your definition of success is different from others. However, these keys are universal and they affect the outcomes of leadership. You can ignore these keys, but you cannot ignore the pain when failing to heed them. I would love to hear your thoughts. LEAVE a comment below, share your thoughts. Let us learn together!



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