SA Leadership Episode #059

Seizing Significance Opportunities

Significance Begins HERE

Every generation gets an opportunity to make a difference, but the people of that generation have to seize that opportunity. John F. Kennedy often was quoted as saying “There are those who look at things as they are and ask Why? I dream of things that never were and ask, WHY NOT!”

Opportunities do not multiply because they are seen. Opportunities in life multiply because they are seized. This is why living with a sense of urgency is crucial. The saying “you can make a difference at any time, but the best time is now” is what drives people who possess anticipation and live with intentionality. There is no time like the present. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Yesterday is too late. Intentional living is a lifestyle, a way of thinking, there is something more that I can do.

Ralph Waldo Emerson stated “you cannot do a calling too soon for you never know how soon it will be too late.” I want to give you five ways to seize opportunities.

Be the first to help someone – Ask yourself this question; who were the first three people to step into your life during a crisis or special need in your life? If I am right, you probably cannot remember the name of the second or third person. WHY? The only people that really make a difference are the first people to step into our life.

The people who most often make the biggest difference are the people who are first to step up and help at a time when if makes a difference.

Take a risk when the potential for significance is high – This is an area in which people most often regret the chances they failed to take, not the chances they took that failed. Do not allow fear of risk to cripple you into immobility. Nothing ever is accomplished without a certain amount of risk!

Do what you know is right even with no promise of return – We tend to judge opportunities by the potential return. That for the most part is sound business practice. However there are things in life that present themselves and we know they are right. What we do not know is the outcome and where this will lead. Remember the return on giving is always higher than what we give.

If you maintain a sense of urgency and obey your instinct to do the right thing, especially when it plays to your strengths, it may very well have a higher return than you could have imagined.

Give to your peers at a time when it makes a difference – Condoleezza Rice after her career in the highest places of government when back to the classroom to teach college freshmen. She qualified her decision by stating; “The classroom is the molder of the opinions of lives of people. I came back because if I can change a nineteen year old’s life, that is much more significant than what I was doing because I get them on the front end.”

Plant seeds of intentionality in children – One of the most important things that we can do is pass along to the next generation what we have learned. Think about the impact of Dr. Seuss and all of the wonderful statements in those children’s books. Think about the impact of these children’s messages if imparted upon the whole world. Statements like:

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.”

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting! So get on your way!”

Jim Collins once stated that you can only have transformation if you have transformational leaders!


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Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

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