Every few weeks or so, my children hand me a progress report. It tells me how they are doing in school, what their strengths are and if there are areas that need improvement. Imagine if you could get a progress report every few weeks or so on how you are doing in life! Wouldn’t that be helpful?
If I could special order a report on my progress, I would want to know how I was doing with my relationships specifically with my spouse, my kids, my extended family, my workmates, my friends, my neighbors and my acquaintances.
Then I would want to know how I was doing with my job. How was I progressing in my career and how could I improve. Some jobs do check ins and annual assessments but imagine knowing more often. That would be so helpful for me to receive that feedback.
After that I would want to know how I was doing with my goals. How was I hitting my financial goals? How was I hitting my personal development goals? How was I hitting my health goals and so on…? You get the point.
This would be so helpful to receive a progress report like my children do. So I was brainstorming with my mentor and he suggested I create such a progress report and he would gladly fill it in as often as I needed it. What a thought!! So we did. And it has been an incredible asset to me to see how I am progressing through those things I hold very important in my life. Those things I want to improve upon. Those things I have hit spot on and now I can create new goals and targets.
Progress always seemed scary to me in the past because to progress, you must change and I was like a lot of people, afraid of change, happy with status quo but I really wasn’t. My fear of change, my fear of progressing superseded my desire for change.
Now I can add my progress report to my overall life map. Now I have those frequent check-ins to review which helps me tweak my behavior. Now I know I will hit my goals faster and more efficiently because I am receiving that feedback that is helping me progress to the next level.
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