Your audacious life goals are fabulous. We’re proud of you for having
them. But it’s possible that those goals are designed to distract you
from the thing that’s really frightening you—the shift in daily habits
that would mean a re–invention of how you see yourself. – Seth Godin
Here’s the truth…
Becoming the type of person you want to become — someone who lives by a
stronger standard, someone who believes in themselves, someone who can be
counted on by the people that matter to them — is about the daily process you
follow and not the ultimate product you achieve.
- Why is this true? Because your life today is essentially the sum of your habits.
- How in shape or out of shape you are? A result of your habits.
- How happy or unhappy you are? A result of your habits.
- How successful or unsuccessful you are? A result of your habits.
What you repeatedly do (i.e. what you spend time thinking about and doing
each day) ultimately forms the person you are, the things you believe, and the
personality that you portray.
The most common mistake that people make is setting their sights on an event,
a transformation, an overnight success they want to achieve – rather than
focusing on their habits and routines.
The Apostle Paul stated it this way; “ I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14 ESV. The idea of pressing into something first of all indicates a deliberate action – “I PRESS…” Someone or something is not pushing you, rather you are initiating the action upon yourself by the power of choice within you coupled with the power of God guiding you. However, understand, you act upon your deliberate choice.
There is a simple 3–step pattern that every habit follows. I call this pattern the “3 R’s of Habit Change” and it goes like this…
- Reminder (the trigger that initiates the behavior)
- Routine (the behavior itself; the action you take)
- Reward (the benefit you gain from doing the behavior)
This sequence has been proven over and over again by behavioral psychology researchers.
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