In case you have not noticed, the world is made up of PEOPLE! That said as a leader you must….
- Value People – place a high value upon others, show them worth as God’s creation. There is enough criticism and put down in this world. Bestow worth and honor on others.
- Believe In People – I find it interesting that out of all the options that our Creator Mighty God had at his disposal, he chose human instrumentality. Believe in people, they will amaze you at their insight and comprehension about how life functions.
- Unconditionally Love People – Be the first to mend fences and set right bad relationships. Judge-mentalism and love cannot function in the same sentence.
While we love people, there are a special inner circle of people that we cultivate more intentionally. What are the qualities of this inner circle of influencers? Here are six suggestions to consider in developing the type of people for your inner circle.
- A Spiritual Lift – Who prays for you?
- A Attitude Lift – Who encourages you?
- A Mental Lift – Who Teaches you?
- A Growth Lift – Who stretches you?
- A Success Lift – Who adds value to you?
- A Support Lift – Who unconditionally loves you?
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