SA Leadership Podcast Episode #174

Leaders Are Readers

Good Leaders Produce, they have a propensity for growth. They continually add valued to other people and that alone brings a measure of success to the team.

Question: What is the difference between a Good Leader and a Great Leader?

•They are servants first.
•They help people succeed .
•They are inspirational –they stretch you.
•They initiate growth in others.

Servanthood, Other’s First, Inspirational, Initiating Growth –this is quite a heavy list if you aspire to greatness. Instead of the question I just mentioned, I would propose a different question; “How do Great Leaders sustain greatness?” My answer is the thesis of this podcast –Great Leaders are readers!

Consider the following comments……

•The average American citizen only reads ONE book per year.
•CEO’s in America read an average of 44-48 books per year.
•There are some aspiring leaders that are reading one book per week.

If you aspire to greatness and you are an average reader, you are falling behind. The truth of the matter is that you and I are not good enough to remain average. You are either advancing or falling behind in life.

Consider these five attributes of sustainability.

Make Time To Read Daily

Start your day with a daily dose of inputting knowledge that stretches your abilities. A common denominator for executives is they feel they are too busy to keep up with their reading. In one Ivy League institution it has been verified that readers are likely to earn an income that is 5x greater than those who do not read.

Reading Is Habitual

It has been stated that Rick Warren reads a book each day. Abraham Lincoln one of our greatest Presidents and with only one year of formal education attributes his success to reading. To become a relevant leader you must become an effective reader.

Reading is Foundational To Growth

Dr. Suez stated; “The more you read, the more you know, and the more places you go!” Developing a personal growth plan is REQUIRED!! If you desire to improve your place in life, then you must become an effective reader. What are you willing to give up to make more room for books in your life?

Reading is The Pathway To Learning

Michael Angelo at 87 years of age stated “I am still learning!” The day you stop reading is the day you stop leading. The ultimate purpose of reading is to share what you are learning. Otherwise it becomes self-indulgent!

Here are some hard truths about striving for greatness. If you are not learning you have no business leading. If your daily posture is a learning growing posture then you influence is in decline.

Place Value On Intentional Reading

Here are four reasons for intentionality:

1.Inspirational –Read to be inspired by the accomplishments of others.
2.Clarification –Gain knowledge in the areas that you are struggling with.
3.Confirmation –Grow your existing knowledge by reading like-minded thinkers.
4.Information –Become a knowledge specialist.



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Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!


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