SA Leadership Podcast Episode #175

Leaders Who Motivate

The big question becomes, “How do you motivate people?” In the bookCoaching For Improved Work Performance, the author suggests five reasons that people do not perform in the way they are capable. Here are those five reasons.

•People do not know what they are supposed to do – this is a mission issue.
•People do not know how to perform – this is a training issue.
•People do not know they are supposed to do something – this is a soul issue.
•There are obstacles that are beyond people’s control – this is a leadership issue.
•People may not care enough to do excellent work – this is an attitude issue.
Appreciate The Power of Motivation

We do not lose weight because of a lack of knowledge, rather we lack the motivation. Motivation helps you to know what to do so that you can do it. It assists in helping you break bad habits, and knowing how to excel. I am always amazed at the power of positive words spoken at the right moment in a person’s life. I have witnessed amazing actions and accomplishments. Take the time to speak a positive word that will motivate.

Belief In Your Team

If you believe in your vision, believe in your cause, then you must believe in your Team! At some point as a leader you must demonstrate trust in the people that are around you, working with you, and making commitments to follow you. Remember there are no “I’s” in TEAM! One is too small of a number to accomplish greatness!

Understand The Difference Between Motivation and Relationships

Your ability to motivate people is directly related to your ability to influence people. You can’t motivate people that you feel negatively about them,. Good leadership from a distance may impress people, but great leadership up close is what will impact.

Walk The Talk

The old adage is true, ”If you are not going to walk the walk, then do not talk the talk.” Why is this adage so powerful? The answer is simply, people do what people see. Actions are far more powerful than words.

Show People They Are Important

Ask people their name and then create a mental hook that will help you to remember it. Write down their quotes and share them with others. Tell other people about their success. Once you have connected with their heart you can then ask for their hand.


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Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!


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