It Will Only Take A Minute

Author Tim Pychyl tells us that one of the most dangerous things we can tell ourselves when we are attempting to get important stuff done is “that it will only take a minute!”


You just fell into a rabbit hole that has consumed hours of your time. Before you laugh and suggest that does not happen to you; think about the last time you wanted to do a quick search and ended up reading non-sense and cannot remember where you started. You convinced yourself that IT WILL ONLY TAKE A MINUTE!

The more I see what digital technology is doing to our workflow habits, the more I am convinced that we must change how we allow this technology to control our lives. I am becoming quickly convinced that a digital “sunrise” and “sunset” makes a lot of sense.

Consider in a 2010 interview by the New York Times, Steve Jobs mentioned that he did not allow his children to own an iPad. Bill Gates subsequently also mentioned in a different interview that he limited his children’s digital exposure in his home.

IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE! Yeah, right!!!!!!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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