Nike sports popularized the phrase JUST DO IT in July 1988. It is one of the most iconic phrases ever in advertising. However, author Tim Pychyl is one of the most leading authorities on the science of procrastination. He writes that “Just Do it” sounds cool, it is not always the best motivational tactics when you feel over-whelmed or doubtful about being able to “do it.”
Here is a better phrase – Just Get Started! The goal is not the finish line, but rather the starting line. With this as your focus, your odds of completion just got exponentially higher.
I know this to be true when I battle that whiney voice that shows up in my head from time to time telling me I can’t do something or I don’t belong.
Writer Ben Shahar suggests a 5-minute ramp up on days that he is not necessarily inspired to write. Once he gets going on his 5-minute drill, he suggests that it is like Newton’s Law of Physics kicks in and he begins to crush it all because the BIG MO shows up after you start. Creator of the Spartan Race Series, Joe De Sena says the same thing. The Spartan Race is not actually doing it, it is showing up to the starting line.
What are you procrastinating on today? Just get started and you will end up just doing it!
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