15 Diseases of Leadership

SA Leadership Podcast Episode #179

Leadership Teams are called constantly to improve and to grow in rapport and wisdom in order to fully carry out its mission. Yet like any body, human or organizationally, it is exposed to diseases. These diseases can weaken any organizations effectiveness. This will be a 2-part podcast series. Here are the lasteightof these diseases.

Existential Schizophrenia

This is the disease of the double life. This produces fruit of mediocrity and emotional emptiness. When you are more focused upon titles you fail to see ordinary people all around you that have ordinary issues in their life.

Gossiping Grumbling, and Back-Biting

Coffee pot conversations seem innocent at the beginning. This is the disease of the coward who lack the courage to speak directly and openly instead of staying the background to speak. Gossip is a form of terrorism.

Idolizing Superiors

When you court the favor of superiors you become an opportunist possessing the quality of lethal selfishness. For the leader this disease if quite real in that you may court the submission of others that leads to unhealthy complicity.

Indifference Toward Others

When we lose the servant’s heart of becoming least instead of desiring to be the greatest we open ourselves to competition and jealousy versus sharing and caring. There ought to be an attitude of excitement seeing others excel beyond my capabilities.

Downcast Face

This is the glum melancholic that finds it difficult to be optimistic and joyful. I want happy people in my life. It is highly beneficial to have a dose of humor in our life.


When material possessions fill a void in our life we are led to believe the next purchase will satisfy and the cycle never ends. Possessions burden us with more and more work to maintain our stuff versus building lasting and meaningful relationships.

Closed Circles

When the clique becomes more powerful than our shared identity, the cancer of self-centeredness sets in on the team. “Friendly-Fire” becomes an insidious danger. Every Kingdom that is divided against itself is laid waste.

Extravagance and Self-Exhibition

Do not ever turn your position into personal gain and obtaining greater power.


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Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!


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