This is about insecure leaders that have a hard time making effective choices on behalf of their organizations. Quite honestly they fail to make the hard decisions many times. Here are three truths that you must wrestle with in order to become an effective leader.
- If you need people, you cannot lead people
- On the one hand we want to declare that yes we need people. However, I am referring to needing people to do your bidding.
- There is a real difference in needing people and leading people to the fulfillment of their dreams.
- If you have the need for affirmation, you cannot risk making a decision that will make people unhappy.
- A leader that gets caught in this trap will always follow the latest polling data and focus group content to keep things steady.
- Here are five hard choices that you need to make about your leadership and team members.
- Put others first – does that need commentary?
- Make a difference in other’s lives – why is it so hard to understand as a leader that when you help other people accomplish their dreams they will help you accomplish your dreams?
- Show up daily as the best possible version of yourself – stop showing up grouchy and grumpy. Stop being over-bearing with rules and regulations and start loving your team members as humans.
- Express gratitude and reject entitlement. You are not the center of your universe.
- Be misunderstood for the right reasons.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.