Thinking is a habit and like any other habit, it can be changed, it just takes effort and repetition – John Eliot
Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking, while you thinking in order to make your thinking better – Richard Paul
Get your journal notebook ready and write your reflections and insights to the following ten questions
- Why is it important for leaders to think in a clear, creative, critical manner?
- Am I thinking about my thinking while I am thinking?
- Do I see an opportunity to make my thinking better and clearer and cleaner?
- 5% of people think, 10% of people think they think, 85% of people would rather die than think (Thomas Edison). Which category fo you fall in?
- Once I come to a conclusion, how likely am I to change that conclusion even if the conclusion was based upon a bad idea or wrong information?
- Do I agree that focused thinking is tough mental work? Am I willing to do the tough mental work to become an effective leader?
- How can i enforce the habit of always thinking first about what is best for my Team?
- What is it important to be mindful of what we think and how we think?
- How does my emotional state impact my thinking process? How does my thinking process impact my emotional state?
- If I possess a negative perception of a Team Member, how does that impact our interaction and my decision-making process?
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.