“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored” – Aldous Huxley
“Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight” – Helen Keller
“Doing more of what does not work will not make it work better” – Charles Givens
Grab your journal and write your response to these ten (10) reflection questions.
- Am I willing to admit my limitations, deficiencies, and opportunities?
- What is the value of understanding my strengths, as well as my shortcomings?
- Have I been ignoring the facts lately? What are the current outcomes of this behavior?
- Am I regularly tempted to take short-cuts? Being a world-class influencer, can I afford to take short-cuts?
- List the consequences of taking shortcuts?
- What is it important to do the right things the first time and avoid shortcuts?
- What is the value in viewing my daily activities as an investment in the Bank of Real Life Experiences?
- In becoming an expert, what is the value in not skipping the most useful and satisfying part – the learning and the growing?
- Am I willing to go through the failures to get to the success?
- What is the value of failing fast, regrouping and taking another shot at my goal?
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