The Law of Connection
Definition of The Law
People in leadership communicate in a variety of ways. Some lecture. Others bark out orders. Some assume their people already know what to do. And yet others hide out in their office, refusing to communicate until follower track them down and ask directly. These communication styles are unproductive. They all lack one thing – a failure to connect. For leaders to be effective and move their teams forward, they need to connect with team members. WHY? You first have to touch people’s hearts before you can ask for their hand! The old adage is true – People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care!
Ways To Connect
Be Relational, Not Positional – Barking out orders is positional. It assumes your employees will rush to obey simply because you are in charge. Do not lose sight of the fact that leadership is INFLUENCE first and foremost. People will ultimately follow you because they want to. Key question: have you taken the time to get to know the people you work with outside the office? Who are they, what are their dreams? Knowing this information allows you to tailor your communication on a very personal level.
Take The First Step – Many leaders make the wrong assumption that connecting is the followers responsibility. After all, I am the boss and it is their job to figure out what I want. Effective leaders make the first move in connecting and offering guidance always. This in turn empowers and encourages the team.
Be Authentic Offer Real Help – Do not act like you care – CARE! Believe in the values of your Team. Make sure that your words are authentic and match your behaviors. You gain credibility with your Team
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