“Optimalists tend to be benefit finders – the sort of people who find the silver lining in the dark cloud, who make lemonade out of lemons, who look on the bright side of life, who do not fault writers for using too many cliches. When a knack for turning setbacks into opportunities, the Optimalist goes through life with an overall sense of optimism.” Tal Ben Shahar
What are your thoughts on the comparison of Fault Finders Vs Benefit Finder? Which are you? Do you see opportunities in lemons or do you complain about the sourness of your circumstance?
What is the #1 thing that is stressing you out at the present? If in fact that it is really bothering you, we can be sure that you are in “fault finder” mode. Flip the switch to your benefit mode!
What are the top three things that you can appreciate in your current challenge? List them now while enjoying a tall glass of ice-cold lemonade.

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