The Leadership Pipeline concepts usually center around various architectural systems that enable companies to perform at a more efficient level of influence in their industry according to the Leadership Pipeline Institute. For example, these systems can range from…..
- Accounting systems for efficient control of expenditures, expansion, and exploration
- Human Resource systems that set boundaries and growth markers within a given company
- Succession plans on how the next leader will be chosen
- Managerial layers of function and responsibility within a company
Well, I think that you get the idea. You would think these suggestions of systems are basic 101 Corporate Leadership, However, many of these systems are nonexistent or feeble at best.
The title of this blog begs the question and definition of Leadership. I do not believe that anyone would argue against the need for efficiency of operation that maximises the use of resources. Is this the definition of leadership – systems, proficiency, stewarding resources? Is there something that is missing in that definition? My answer is YES!
HU is not an official element on the periodic table. The HUman element is more than proficiencies and performance measurements. The Human Element is more emotional and relational than quarterly performance markers. It is about the journey of LIFE in the context of other human beings in which laughter, tears, and accomplishments are shared on the human level of relationships.
As a leader, here are some questions to ponder.
- Are performance markers more important that relationships?
- Have you bought into the adage, “Leadership is lonely at the top?”
- Describe your relational skills?
- Define leadership?
- Assisting people in reaching their potential _______________________. Fill in the blank.
- Do you consider people to be too sticky?
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