Did you know that Scott Adams created Dilbert in 1989. Assuming that he has wrote a comic strip every day since January 1, 1990, he has created 10,000 Dilbert’s. I do not know about you, but that is fascinating to ponder.
How about Charles Schulz, author of Peanuts comics who has wrote over 17,897 comics in a row. How did he and Scott Adams do this? DAILY RITUALS!
Seth Godin has written over 10,000 daily blog articles – DAILY RITUALS.
Scott Adams once stated that Goals are for LOSERS. Obviously, he was being dramatic to make a point. He would go on to write, “…Goal oriented people exist in a state of continuous pre-success failure at best. Systems people succeed every time they apply their system as they intended. Goals oriented people tend to fight discouragement. Systems people feel good every time they apply their system. The key difference is applying your energy in the right direction.”
So that we do not create unnecessary argument between goals people and systems people, let’s turn our focus upon the W.I.N. – What’s Important Now! This is the zone in which you can thrive!
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