Preparation places the focus on the process rather than the outcomes.
- The process includes PREPARATION for the things that help you win. This instructs you on what to do.
- The process includes SEPARATION from the things that cause you to lose. This instructs you on what not to do.
- The process helps you to learn to WORK at winning and not just wing it.
- When you wing it you live off your natural gifts but in fact you never develop them to a higher standard. You plateau at GOOD when you could have been GREAT!
- People who say, “I Wish” and people who say “I Do” are worlds apart.
There is a natural separation between the wishful thinkers and the active doers. This separation is what places the focus on moving from good to great.
- Instead of spending time with people – you invest in people.
- Instead of settling for outside approval – you strive for internal approval.
- Instead of being motivated by a situation – you are motivated internally.
- Instead of an occasional high performance – you have consistent high performance.
- Instead of paying the price someday – you pay the price every day.
“When you know you can do better on the inside, you have no right to do less on the outside.” (John Maxwell 2016).
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