Authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz suggest in their book The Power of Full Engagement, suggest that cycles of full throttle training coupled with cycles of rest are important to take your ability to the next level. Notice what they say, “Nature itself has a pulse, a rhythmic, wavelike movement between activity and rest. Think about the ebb and flow of the tides, the movement between seasons, and the daily rising and setting of the sun. Likewise, all organisms follow life-sustaining rhythms—birds migrating, bears hibernating, squirrels gathering nuts, and fish spawning, all of them at predictable intervals. So, too, human beings are guided by rhythms…. The concept of maximizing performance by alternating periods of activity with periods of rest was first advanced by Flavius Philostratus (A.D. 170–245), who wrote training manuals for Greek athletes. Russian sports scientists resurrected the concept in the 1960s and began applying it with stunning success to their Olympic athletes. Today, ‘work-rest’ ratios lie at the heart of periodization, a training method used by elite athletes throughout the world.”
If increasing your performance is the goal in life – there are no shortcuts in achieving this goal. Simply stated you must balance your sessions of intense work with seasons of rest. I might add that rest is not doing chores (cutting the lawn, washing the car, painting the house, etc.). Rest is defined as a verb – cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength. When the same word is defined as a noun – an instance or period of relaxing or ceasing to engage in strenuous or stressful activity.
What does an exhausted person of faith look like? What is their potential in that condition? If we desire to live our fullest lives then we must align our activity with the rhythms of life. This is a powerful piece of content yet it is simple content. Unfortunately, it is overlooked far too often. STOP – take an inventory right now. Look at the intensity versus rest cycles. What is one thing that you can change today?
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