Your physical being is the foundation on which you can excel in your spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being. Make the connection!
“Drinking water, we have found, is perhaps the most undervalued source of physical energy renewal. Unlike hunger, thirst is an inadequate barometer of need. By the time we feel thirsty, we may be long since dehydrated. A growing body of research suggests that drinking at least sixty-four ounces of water at intervals throughout the day serves performance in a range of important ways. Dehydrate a muscle by as little as 3 percent, for example, and it will lose 10 percent of its strength and 8 percent of its speed. Inadequate hydration also compromises concentration and coordination.” Bk. The Power of Full Engagement
If your physical habits are wacky, you risk every other aspect of your life being wacky as well. I have always found it interesting at how that God is blamed for our poor life-style habits. As i write this blog, I am experiencing a new season of life in which I have discovered new life lessons. Changing my physical habits have dramatically impacted other areas of my life. I have been averaging 6+ miles of walking daily, drinking 60+ ounces of water daily, and have changed eating habits (No it is not the latest diet craze). What has been the outcome? I am experiencing greater clarity spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.
It’s time for a tall cool glass of water!
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