Our digital world causes us to learn hard skills just to keep abreast in the speed of life. As a result we are becoming weak on crucial soft skills. Here are 5 Soft Skills to prepare you for 2020.
LISTENING – Our techno-world causes us to become shallow in our relational skills. Give your full attention to people when they are talking to you. Act like you genuinely care for the person. Learn the art of “Active Listening.”
SELF COMPASSION – It is important to admit that you don’t always have an answer. Be open for feedback. This will strengthen the “learner attitude” in you. Be comfortable with the unknown.
EMPATHY – This is perhaps the greatest soft skill needed today. STOP for one-minute and put yourself in the other person’s shoes and attempt to feel what they feel. This will radically change how you lead – guaranteed!
VULNERABILITY – As a leader, if you are not willing to open up, do not expect others to open up to you. Don’t hide your concerns. Don’t manipulate people to get them to answer the questions the way you want them to respond. Show your team that even you do not have all of the answers.
HONESTY – It’s embarrassing to even list this soft skill. It is blatantly apparent that our world is starving for honesty. Honesty builds trust so that others will be honest in return.
Make 2020 your greatest year!
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