Personal Growth

I want to give you 5 insights  on Personal Growth.

Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better – Here is one fact of life – with each passing day we are growing older. That does not mean that we are getting better. Think about this…

  • Stay inquisitive, if you stop asking questions you start to lose your interest on life.
  • As you grow older, set the bar of excellence higher. Don’t slow down.
  • Keep others in your focus. Do not become self-absorbed.
  • Stay in the present – Stop looking backward, keep a forward look on  tomorrow.

Growth means change – If you do not change you do not grow. If you do not grow, you are not really living. In order to grow you have to give up security for a season. What needs to change in your life TODAY? Do you need to give up ideas that you do not believe in any longer? Perhaps certain relationships have lost their purpose and goals that need to be realigned. Consider…

  • What do I need to learn today what I did not know yesterday?
  • What do I need to let go of that I held onto yesterday?
  • What do I need to change that I was doing yesterday? 

Growth is the great separator from successful people and those who don’t – So what does it mean to be AVERAGE? Average is good isn’t it? Consider these insights on average…

  • Average is the top of the bottom and the bottom of the top
  • Average is run-of-the-mill
  • Average is mediocre
  • Average is the lazy person’s cop-out
  • Average takes up space for no purpose
  • Average is passing away one’s life with time instead of passing away one’s time with life
  • Average kills time instead of working it to death

Growths highest reward is not what we get from it but what we become because of it.

For growth to be maximized it must become strategic – The most important project that you will ever undertake in life is your own life. It is sad, but people plan their vacations better than they plan their life. Being strategic is nothing more than having a consistent system or pathway by which we achieve growth goals. Being strategic considers the following:

  • Where do I need to focus my growth? Strengths, Decision making, Faith
  • How will I measure my growth?
  • How can I grow daily? The secret of your success is based upon what you do daily.

Growth is joy – Dolly Parton stated that once you find out who you are, then do that on purpose. What does that mean to me?

  • I want to make a difference
  • I am called
  • I want to use my gifts
  • I do not want to stop growing
  • I have a strong sense of responsibility
  • I love new challenges
  • I will create a lasting legacy

Paul Harvey stated that you can tell you are on the road to success because it is uphill all of the way.


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Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

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