In the last article I discussed the Periodic Table of Elements and the Hebrew Language. In this article I want to further unpack the idea that connections with other people preserve our sense of virtue and worthiness.
Notice in Genesis 2:18 that God declared, ”…it is not good for man to be alone.” This declaration was not just about the prospects of matrimony. It is about how lonely and miserable it would be if you were in fact the last person on earth. Living alone (as in zero human interactions) can be quite miserable.
Do not miss the fact God delayed the creation of woman until Adam named the animals of creation. Realizing there are zero mistakes made on God’s part of the creation narrative. Therefore, Adam’s naming of the animals is significant. We are left to conclude that Adam named these animals based upon what he saw and upon what he is not. Humans are created more by what we are rather than what we are not.
Consider Adam’s naming of Woman – “Esha”. The rough translation is woman or wife. It would appear as if God asked the question, “Why did you give this name?” in Genesis 2:23. The English translation states, “…because she was taken out of man.” Because language matters notice the Hebrew word for man in this verse changes from a’dam previously now to isch. The implication of this word shift on the part of Adam is he understands his authentic identity to be connected to Esha. This is more than an acquaintance it is a deep spiritual soul level connection.
KEY TAKE-AWAY: Connecting with other people by making commitments to serve with other people, establishing obligations with other people, we are able to discover our true identity. It is difficult to truly know who we are alone. Our connections, our relationships are what shapes us!
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Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
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