During this season of quarantine as a nation – “Scary Times” is a description that I have heard numerous times recently. Because each of you are important and your life counts, I wanted to give you hope in the following 10 action steps to succeed in Scary Times (Dan Sullivan’s insights)
- Forget about yourself; focus on others – Quarantines and uncertainty can drive people into themselves causing feelings of isolation and helplessness.
- Forget about your commodity; focus on your relationships – Uncertain times can cause people to feel frightened about their jobs. I know our jobs are valuable to us, however, I would suggest that you build your relationships – Family, Friends, Team Members, Suppliers, Clients, and Customers more deeply. You will increase your worth in your job and potential jobs.
- Forget about making the sell; focus on creating value – Exist to add value to people who will multiply value to others.
- Forget about your losses; focus on your opportunities – Sometimes the things we have disappear when taken for granted. For some they may never get over this fact. Rather than focusing on the losses of life, turn your attention to the rapid changing world of opportunities that becomes available today.
- Forget about your difficulties; focus on your progress – New difficulties either defeat and reveal new strengths inside of us we did not know existed. Take advantage of this national quarantine as a time that you will grow more now than ever before.
- Forget about the future; focus on today – It has been said if you want to make God smile tell him what you are doing tomorrow! Faith focuses our attention on the future in Christ Jesus. However Today is what really matters. This moment in time is what matters – what are you doing with it.
- Forget about who you were; focus on who you can be – Do not get caught up in the game of allowing circumstances to define who you are. When things turn for the worse, depression and anxiety can set in. Operate from inside knowledge of hopes, dreams virtues, values. Take advantage from the external confusion to become more directed, focused and motivated to make a difference.
- Forget about current events; focus on your responses – When things are going well we tend to think that we are in charge. It is self-defeating when things turn bad. Successful people know they are not in charge so they work harder at their response to difficult times.
- Forget about what is missing; focus on what is available – Deficiencies are part of a crisis. Focus on the things at hand to gain small micro-wins. Connect with Podcasts, online resources, Zoom calls, etc.
- Forget about complaints; focus on gratitude – Complaining attracts negative people. Be the bigger person – contact five people this week that have influenced your life and express gratitude for their investment. Go for a walk in the neighborhood – Gratitude Walk – giving THANKS as you walk.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
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