Recently I read the book by David Brooks, The Second Mountain. During his explanation of what the Second Mountain. Generally speaking, he says this mountain is all about RELATIONSHIPS! Early in the book he writes, “… it’s worth remembering that the concept of altruism was invented only in the eighteenth century. Once people decided that human nature is essentially egoist and selfish, then it was necessary to invent a word for when people weren’t driven by selfish desires. But before that, what we call altruism—living for relationships—was just how people lived. It wasn’t heroic or special.”
Altruism did not exist until the 18th century – let that sink for just a minute!
Without the word before the 18th century people were generous, kind, and selfless.
Let’s role clock of time backwards and review a time before Instagram selfies. Before celebrity culture. Before the “hyper-individualistic” mentality. During our current pattern of “Social Distancing”, let’s put others first – #AltruisticLife
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
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