If the people you seek to engage have choices, they are likely to make a choice in the direction of their self-interest.
So, the question becomes WHEN?
Consider the High School student that lights up a cigarette on a Friday night – is it in their self-interest to do so? Perhaps! Consider the person 40 years later if it was a good idea to be influenced by peer pressure to start a lifetime habit that leads to expense, illness, and poor health. Was it worth it? The answer would be NO!
When we attempt to offer a way to change behavior, we are really attempting to change their time-reference. In this Week of Passion, we are not inviting people to merely stop doing “that” and start doing “this”. We are asking, “All things being the same and given your life circumstances presently, how meaningful and purposeful will your life be by not accepting the offer of Passion Week?
The offer of a crucified Christ is not; “Do you think this is a good idea?” Instead, When will the offer of a crucified Christ be the change you need to make?
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