I did a Google search this morning on “Covid 19 Pivot” and discovered there were 36,4000,000 hits on this subject. The topics ranged from the pandemics’ shifts to Business’ pivoting, to Centers of Worship pivoting, to families pivoting, and to daily routines pivoting. It seems that pivoting is on everyone’s mind.
As I have perused the search topics, other digital platforms, webinars, teaching calls, and various news outlets this week, there seems to be three types of pivots ….
- Refrainment Pivot
- Repositioning Pivot
- Realignment Pivot
Refrainment Pivot – It is obvious that as the spread of Covid-19 swept across the globe, the rules of social engagement were refrained. It is called “Social Distancing”. Other terms or phrases that have emerged are, “Essential Workers”, “Tele-Doctor”, “Lock-down”, “Click-Shopping” “New Normal” and many others. The bottom line is we have been limited and, in many ways have had our daily routines radically disrupted. The necessary limitations are to prevent an even greater disaster. Refrainment Pivots are necessary at times for the greater good.
Repositioning Pivot – This type of pivot is a reaction to being refrained. The normal operations of business are radically altered; therefore, the models of business engagement must pivot for survival’s sake. Because of my life investment in ministry, I must say that I am encouraged in the vast pivots that have been made in all of our communities of faith. We have come to realize that having a digital presence is now the new normal. Brenden Burchard stated after the first announcement of shutting the nation down, “Over-night the world has become digital.” The emphasis being upon necessity.
Realignment Pivot – There is a present moment aspect in which things become realigned simply because of the suddenness of the refrainment pivot that was thrust upon all of us. The REAL realignment is yet to occur. The many prognosticators that are starting to discuss what the New World will look like and how we will now respond post covid-19 are really not sure what to say. All of the opinions are based upon what we previously called “normal”. The only thing we can state with certainty is that all national or global crisis that have ever been faced all conclude with change taking place. There will be changes! The extent of these changes has not been formulated in our minds yet; we are still very much in the refrainment and repositioning pivots. There is a delay in what will be realigned due to our lack of comprehension of what is important and not what is urgent. That said REALIGNMENT is coming!
Tomorrow’s article will focus on Resurrections’ Realignment Pivot that changed the world.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
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