How did the resurrection of Jesus Christ cause a pivot that went global? There are three pivots that took place. These pivots exposed what religion had become and by means of Christ’s life and death we see a new and different way to pivot.
How we view other Christians – This pivot was a refreshing breath of air, since the religion of the day had become an enterprise of rule keepers and punishment of Sabbath breakers. All of a sudden, the community of Christ referred to each other and “brothers & sisters”, welcoming all converts into their homes as family members. The trajectory of relationships was upon “whosoever” versus the religious elite. This relational community expanded beyond the nuclear family definition to accommodate every race and social strata who now declared their allegiance to a resurrected Christ.
How we spend our money – There are many things that could be said in this pivot discussion, but let’s start with a basic premise found in the following scripture passages; Matthew 19:16-30; 25:31-46; Luke 12:33; 14:33. Caring for others is the emphasis. The trajectory of money and resources in these passages indicates an ongoing intentionality of abundant generosity that is outward focused in the 1st century church. Failing to obey carries consequence in judgment (Matt 25:31-46). It is important to emphasize the trajectory of these scriptures is not in the direction of social power positions but in the direction of the silent voices with no one to speak on their behalf. The question for evaluation is how much of our church budgets indicate the intensity of this biblical trajectory? How much is spent on mortgages and salaries?
How we study the Bible – The key pivot passage of scripture is Matthew 28:16-20; All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.e 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,f baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,g 20 and teachingh them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with youi always, to the very end of the age.”j [1] Early Christians eagerly soaked up the word of God like a sponge. There are 2 trajectories to consider. First of all, I am a disciple (translated pupil or student of). This does not conclude in an earthly destination with a certificate or diploma that declares, “I Am A Certified Disciple.” The destination here is Heaven, the ultimate graduation. Secondly, knowledge leads to actionable service to the world based upon the commands of Christ. Christ’s commands are what leads to servanthood living. Discipleship is more than a simple step program that is offered as a one-time experience. Discipleship is biblically centered and should be a standing value within the church. We can say that we value discipleship making however, remember that culture eats vision for breakfast. Is the disciple-making trajectory obvious? Is it easy to participate in?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
e Da 7:13, 14; Lk 10:22; Jn 3:35; See 13:13; 17:2; 1 Co 15:27; Eph 1:20–22; Php 2:9, 10
f Isa 49:6; Mk 16:15, 16; Lk 24:47; Ac 1:8; 14:21
g Ac 1:8; 2:38; 8:16; Ro 6:3, 4; Gal 3:27; Col 2:12
h Jn 14:26; Ac 2:42
i Dt 31:6; 1 Ki 8:57; Hag 1:13; Mt 18:20; Ac 18:10
j Mt 13:39; 24:3
[1] The New International Version. (2011). (Mt 28:18–20). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
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