When we use the word “worship”, usually the picture that emerges is people in church singing, perhaps hands raised. Worship is usually considered to be the first 20 minutes of a church service. Unfortunately, worship is reduced to a category of just singing. The ancient language of the Bible reveals so much more than singing.
Consider the Old Testament story of the Exodus 7:16 where Moses spoke to Pharaoh, “…. Let my people go so that we may worship/serve me in the wilderness.” Upon closer examination we come to understand the “Avad” is so much more than singing – it is more akin to singing while we are serving. Simply stated acts of service is worship.
In another scripture reference of Exodus 34:21 it is declared that six days you shall “avad” but on the seventh day you must stop working – Sabbath rest. Our English rendering of this passage is that we are to “work” for six days and rest every seventh. The word behind the translation is “avad”. Our work is more than merely physical/mental labor. According to Hebrew tradition our occupation should be viewed as serving others in a manner that honors God.
Think about the implication of that: God does not want us to worship Him 20-30 minutes once a week and then work the other six days. His desire is that we serve/worship every day even as we work. When you think about this expanded understanding about biblical Hebrew understanding, what is one thing that you would change in your mindset today?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
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