The Bible states in 1 Samuel 3:1; “Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord in the presence of Eli. And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; There was no frequent vision”.[1](Emphasis added). To any scholar of the Bible, the underscored phrase is anathema! Perhaps this verse is the backdrop to Proverbs 29:18; “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.”[2] The prophetic vision and law in this passage should be viewed as one-in-the-same in this passage. In other words, without the foundation of God’s Word embedded within our spirit, the spirit of home, the spirit of our children, and our hope for eternity, individually we will cast off God’s voice as a restraining spiritual force in our life.
It should be noted that “prophetic vision” has an additional meaning in the Hebrew culture. It not only included “forth-telling” of God’s words already in hand, but also “fore-telling” of that which is to come [Scripture is clear on punishing false prophets]. This phrase can be illustrated in the diagram below. The study of words impacts the individual either upon the person, outside-in the person, moving completely through the person, below the person, and inside – out from the person. “Prophetic vision” assumes a position of reception of the vision (circle) from a source outside of and higher than the person (arrow). My prayer of application of this fact would be; “God give me a vision that is bigger than my systems but in alignment with your Word – AMEN!

The Covid-19 pandemic has radically altered our weekly routine. For many this has caused a very real sense of anxiety. The definition of anxiety; Heightened sense of vulnerability and a diminished sense of power. Business models are shifting and being realigned. Educational models will perhaps see the biggest shift at the college level. Churches are re-evaluating the Great Commission mandate and the outcome in my opinion will be a renewed focus on discipleship. Without sounding like a prognosticator, according to the CDC[1] here is the reality of the pandemic’s impact on America as of 4:00pm, April 16th:
Total Cases: 632,548
Total Deaths: 31,071
Indiana Cases: 8955
Make no mistake this pandemic has been sudden, and the outcomes have been tragic in terms of human suffering and pain. Yet, this is an opportunity for deep reflection regarding the trajectory of our life, family, and faith. As we evaluate our trajectory may it never be said “….the Lord was rare in those days; There was no frequent vision”.
[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.
[2] Ibid.
3] ACCESSED 17, April, 2020.
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