It might seem to speed up or slow down, but the energy of time and the outside world conspire to keep things moving from yesterday to tomorrow. Given that nothing is ever going to be the same, and that backwards isn’t an option, our only choice is forward.
Covid-19 did not just show up and declare itself to be the worst experience ever. We have seen this sort of crisis and many more are recorded in history. Ironically there is one piece of wisdom that is true in every crisis that has ever occurred. I know, you are probably thinking at this point that I am suffering from isolation syndrome. This is a claim that I do not make lightly yet I make it confidently. What is that piece of wisdom? MOVE FORWARD!
In fact, let’s go all the way back in time to Moses, Israel, and the Red Sea crossing. That story is located in Exodus chapter 14. God had made a way for Israel to escape Egyptian slavery. Pharaoh had a change of heart he pursued Israel with hundreds of soldiers and over 600+ chariots he set out to correct what now was a perceived error in letting Israel go.
Consider Israel’s dilemma now. They were released from the strong hand of Pharaoh by the mightier hand of God, they moved forward out of Egypt on that basis. Now they hear the noise of chariots and see the rising dust cloud of Pharaoh’s soldiers in pursuit. Israel’s observation followed by speech often sounds like us in 2020. What is this that is happening? Are we all going to die? Who is allowing this to happen? Will we ever be able to get “back to normal”? Israel desired to be free from slavery, yet when faced with an uncertain future their default position was to revert back to the way things were – Slavery! They blamed shifted their dilemma on to Moses – “Didn’t we tell you to leave us alone so that we could serve the Egyptians?” (Exodus 14:12).
Consider Moses the Leader of Israel and his humanity showing through. He attempts to do what any minister would do in the face of an emanant threat; “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord…..” However, it would appear that Moses and God had a conversation before crossing the Red Sea. In Exodus 14:15; “The Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward….” The translation indicates a conversation that is not recorded in scripture. All we see is the outcome of God stating two things, (1) Tell the people to go forward and (2) Moses lift up your staff and stretch your hand over the sea……” You really must hit pause at this moment in the narrative. The plan is to go forward? YES! Mountains on either side, Pharaoh coming behind, there was nowhere to go accept forward! HOW? Raise your staff Moses and stretch your hand over the sea.
Insights On Moving Forward
- There is a conspiracy of circumstances coupled with the motion of time to keep us from resting on yesterday
- Forward is our only direction for Christlikeness
- Do not become paralyzed by an uncertain future
- Leadership in the face of an uncertain future requires obedience to unconventional actions steps that God communicates
- Miracles happen when we trust and obey
- Crisis blows up the box we have been attempting to get out of – Forward with Christ is our only hope
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
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