What are the Attendees Thinking About?
I have been participating in a national survey on the Pulse of the Church during COVID-19. This has been real-time data that is gathered from over 10,000 churches. Without a doubt this has been one of the most interesting studies of real-time thought and corresponding behavior that I have ever studied. The Barna Group, Carey Nieuwhof, and Gloo Technologies have been the primary drivers of this research on the State of the Church 2020.
This past week as I was reviewing the current data sets of information there was something that caught my eye. When churches were asked, “What is the greatest priority for your church this week?” it was interesting to note that preaching a gospel message of hope and encouragement took a back-seat to Hand Sanitizer and Live Streaming Technology. By comparison when church attendees were surveyed, their response was in stark contrast. Over 80% of parents stated they were experiencing feelings of being over-whelmed. Hit the PAUSE BUTTON! Stop for just one minute and allow this information to get into your spirit being. How is it possible that during the same week in America the primary message and need is 180 degrees out from each other?
I simply cannot answer that question. However, I can trust what I know according to scriptures. Jesus Christ did not come to earth as the Son of God – Son of Man to enhance the religious structures of the day. He was a different spiritual leader, with a very different message, touched people in radically different ways, and yes, He over-turned the money changers tables. Jesus invited people to Come and See, Come and Be With Me, Come and Be My Disciples. As the Son of God, He demonstrated the miracle working power as visual proof to a doubting world. As the Son of Man, He wept and ministered to the broken.
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