Upgrade Your Brain
While he was a prisoner, the Apostle Paul was the first to suggest the limitless possibility (through Christ) long before author Jim Kwik. Think about Paul’s words as a prisoner being physically limited dares to suggest limitlessness in Christ. Note a comparison by author Kwik from his book Limitless.
“The Hero’s Journey is the perfect structure to lend power and purpose to your personal story. In Limitless, you are the superhero. One of my core beliefs is that human potential is one of the only infinite resources we have in this world. Most everything else is finite, but the human mind
is the ultimate superpower—there is no limit to our creativity, imagination, determination, or ability to think, reason, or learn. Yet this resource is also among the least tapped. All of us can be the heroes of our own story, dipping into the well of our potential every single day and never having that well run dry. But so few of us approach our lives this way. That’s why I wrote this book—to help you realize that no matter where you are, or where you’ve been, you absolutely can free yourself and go from limits to liberation. That might be the only ‘extra’ you need to transition from ordinary to the extraordinary world.”
~ Jim Kwik from Limitless
I failed to mention that author Jim Kwik suffered a brain injury while in Kindergarten. During his elementary school years, he became known as the “kid with the broke brain.”
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