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Layered Disruptions is the mark of 2020. In turn this has increased the pressure of performance and pressure on our most sacred relationships. In week #17 of our COVID journey there are a number ofpoints to discuss regarding Pastoral Vulnerability.
Vulnerability is something that ministers do not do very well. There is one generational thought of yester-year – “Do not let people see you sweat!” Another thought is vulnerability exposes weakness and people will not follow weakness. On the other hand every detail of life is displayed and that becomes reckless and manipulative. There is a real disconnect that is occurring..
Ministerial health has been surveyed weekly since the national quarantine began. When Ministers were asked, “Do you feel close to God?” – 90% said they felt close to God. However when asked, “Have you felt isolated and alone in the last week? – 50% of ministers stated they felt isolated in the last week. There is a disconnect from being close to God and yet isolated at the same time.
The idea that “I was built for this moment” is exposing some cracks in our emotional armor. There are three areas in which this is showing up; 1.Personal Friends – Ministers tend to have many acquaintances and few true friends. The real question; who are you calling this moment for emotional support and who will give you real honest feedback?2.Vulnerability In Leading – The pressure of ministry has exponentially increased. If I show weakness people will leave. 3.Ministerial Confidence in Their Calling – The pressure has been so heavy that many are beginning to question if they are even called to lead in this environment.
Vulnerability is a key issue for all of us. Understand there is a difference between Privacy and Secrecy. We should not share private matters and their associated details to a watching community. Yet there is a need to share in some context for healing to occur with a trusted person/spouse. To share the larger issues is to demonstrate humanity versus never saying anything about personal struggle – I’m Good! The complete opposite of privacy for the purpose of healing is secrecy that intends to keep silent and withhold darker habits and issues. It is difficult for healing to occur in this environment.
There are three BIG QUESTIONS we all need answered; (1) Can you help me? (2) Can I trust you? And (3) Do you truly understand? Let’s face it, we are all living in the face of COVID-19 and social unrest at levels that surpass the 1960’s. There is a subtle cry and tension point between Christ’s response to the hurting father; “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes…” The hurting parent cries out, “Lord I believe but help my unbelief.” Mark 9:23-25
God ministers through our weaknesses not our strengths!
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Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
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