Soul Force= (Energy x Focus x W.I.N) Consistency
What is “Soul Force” you ask? It is the core energy that manifests itself daily in your life work and passions. This begs the question; “What are you passionate about?” What motivates you to get up and start your day? What is it that you do that you cannot believe they pay you to do this? That is “Soul Force” energy.
If Soul Force could be placed into a math equation it would be SOUL FORCE = (Energy x Focus x W.I.N.) Consistency (What’s Important Now = W.I.N.). Consider the fact passionate energetic work requires ENERGY first. Secondly, you must bring a FOCUS to your work. Thirdly, you must prioritize what is important versus what is urgent. Once these things are in alignment you can use the “Exponential Qualifier” that will either reveal your true Soul Force or the lack of Soul Force.
If you could somehow get you Energy level to 100 x Focus at 100 x W.I.N. to 100 = that would be 1,000,000. Not bad! However, the Exponential Qualifier must be added. What if that was 100. You need a science calculator, but the answer is infinity. YES, the answer is that you would have infinite Soul Force. That level of passionate effort looks amazing, yet it is not practical for humans to show up daily with that level of passion yet alone attempt sustainability.
Let’s make this equation more practical. Consider that your Energy, Focus, and W.I.N. is only at 10 (10 x10 x10) = 1000. Add to this equation that your consistency is at 100 – always showing up day after day without fail, always trying, what would the answer be in our equation?
1(300 “0’s”) = (10 x 10 x 10) 100. That is crazy – 300 zeros? YES! The power of simple daily habits done consistency every day yields unbelievable results over the course of your lifetime. What is the point of these thoughts? Start with small daily habits and do them every day. My daily “5” habits are: Bible, Prayer, Reading, Writing, Exercise. Leave a comment below and share your daily habits.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
[1] Brian Johnson. The Soul Force of Consistency. Optimize.me Accessed 4 September 2020.
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