Dissonance in its original musical sense, describes an unpleasant harsh sound. Dissonance refers to a lack of harmony. Dissonant leadership produces groups that feel emotionally discordant; in which people have a sense of being continually off-key. Anger, fear, apathy, or even sullen silences are signals of dissonance at work. This type of emotional energy at work in the leadership team produces an emotional toxicity. Dissonance dispirits people, burns them out, and sends people packing for greener pastures. The real unfortunate outcome of a dissonant environment is that you tend to bring home unhealthy emotional toxicity which poisons the very safe place that you most need.
Resonance musically creates a pleasant environment that all can appreciate. Harmony prevails! There are two primary categories associated with resonant leadership: Personal Competence focuses upon the management of ourselves and Social Competence focuses upon the management of relationships. Resonant leaders possess self-awareness and self management as part of their personal competence. Take notice of the following:
- Self-Awareness
- Able to read one’s emotional signals and recognize their impact upon a group
- Involved in self-assessment and psycho-metrics
- Self confidence – possessing a sound sense of one’s self worth
- Self-Management
- Able to keep disruptive emotions and impulses under control
- Able to display honesty and integrity
- Able to adapt to changing situations or overcoming obstacles
- Ready to seize upon opportunities
- Seeing the upside of life
Regarding social competencies of the resonant leader take note of the social awareness and relationship management skills:
- Social Awareness
- Sensing other’s emotions, understanding their perspectives and taking active interest in their concerns
- Keeping emotionally aware of the work environment around them
- Servicing others needs over their own needs
- Relationship Management
- Motivating others to excel
- Being a person of influence
- Developing others’ competencies through feedback and guidance
- Being a change catalyst – leading in new directions
- Maintaining a web of healthy relationships
- Promotes TEAM-WORK!
The choice could not be clearer for ministers. Dissonance crashes the existing culture. Resonance assists people in feeling great about the change that is occurring and assists them in their development to become effective participants in reaching our world for the Glory of Christ.

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