What does a thriving church look like in an upside world?
Barna Research has measured Flourishing Church characteristics for years. They possess years of research data to give us a snapshot of growing and thriving church communities. This data is not based upon programmatic consideration. So many times, we base success in church upon the shoulders of programs, models, and verbiage. The short version is “Do what I am doing and get what I have obtained. This is never totally true for every church. There are cultural, geographical, and ethnic influences that denies a cookie-cutter method to growing churches.
This “easy-method” approach keeps us from understanding the deeper principles of scripture and life generally speaking. Barna Research has assembled 15 dimensions of thriving churches that are worth the consideration. The expression of these dimensions allows for cultural, geographical, and ethnic influences to shape the expression and manifestation of these dimensions. At the heart there should be an obedience to the principle not the expression. This gives opportunity to lead from a position of data-driven decisions instead of the latest trends and methods. Consider the following infographic.

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
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