Fallen Man Vs. God’s Theocratic Kingdom
When you step back and examine the long arch of time from the beginning of man to the Theocratic Kingdom of God at the Second Coming of Christ; Democracy is only a small blip on the radar of time and eternity. The Old Testament writer, Daniel had a perspective that can teach us how to survive the uncertainty of our day. Daniel wrote, “… the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will and sets over it the lowliest of men.” (Daniel 4:17b ESV). You cannot read the prophetic literature of scripture and miss that in the last days there will be a rise of totalitarian systems that will dominate the last days. We can only conclude that democracy will be diminished in the face of God’s prophecy. We can also say that Democracy is a fallen and limited system of governance.
Let’s be clear that God is the one who appoints or dismisses Political/National authorities. Dick Brogdon founder of Live Dead Missions states in his August 11 devotion book entitled Joy, It may seem that elections and coups result from the work of people and people do play a part, but the Bible is clear that God appoints both good and bad leaders for His own purposes. From a scriptural standpoint the old leadership axiom is true, we get the leaders we deserve! Leaders almost always reflect the culture and context from which they emerge.
God will select the lowliest to lead greatness. The world selects leaders according to componence. God selects leaders according to character. He takes great pleasure in selecting the humble and lowly to bring Glory to himself. Listen to the words of a humble teenage girl who so many years ago said; “He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts;he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate…” (Luke 1:51-52 ESV Mary’s Song – The Magnificat vv.46-55).

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