A Discussion About Next Gen Leadership
Generational Trend: Millennials follow relationship not authority!
Millennials no longer respond to power and authority in and of itself. The days of ”because I said so” and “do as I say, not as I do” are vanishing. Authoritative power does not connect – relationships do! Power as we have understood it is decaying. Power does not buy what it used to in the past. Being in charge is not what it used to be.
John Maxwell’s book “The 5 Levels of Leadership” was obviously ahead of its time. Maxwell relegates Position/Authority at the bottom of his list of five. Notice the following.

Millennials resist most traditional structures because they were raised in a learning environment that embraced collaboration!
Ask yourself this key question: How would I lead if I had no organizational authority?
Leadership is not being in charge, but rather caring for those under your charge – Simon Sinek
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