Conquer The Inside First

It has been said that we must travel on the inside first before we travel on the outside. Why? The journey of growth and success is first an internal one.  The person you lead is yourself! Can we really lead effectively without self-discipline.

This podcast will examine national Israel’s inability to possess a promised land according to the Biblical narrative Numbers 33:1-49. In this narration we see that Israel became a nation of drifters for 40 years in the desert wilderness. No land to call home and they traveled on rocky land called the Negev – ”Rocky land.”

They could have made this trip within 2 weeks, yet it turned into 40 years. The real reason boils down to  preparation. The nation was simply not ready to step into their future blessing.

How about yourself today? How is your self-discipline? “Plato once stated the first and best victory is to conquer the self.” Here are 5 actionable steps that anyone can take to become a person that is disciplined and ready.

Develop & Follow Your Priorities – Let’s face it – all leaders are pressed for time. However, successful leaders have a plan. If you can determine what is really a priority and then release everything else – It will be easier to follow through on what is important.

Make A Disciplined Lifestyle Your Goal – To be successful self-discipline cannot become a one-time event. It must become a life-style. Develop systems & routines for crucial areas of long-term growth and success goals.

Challenge Your Excuses – Can you name several excuses why you cannot be a self-disciplined person? If you can, then realize these have become barriers to your success. All excuses need to be challenged if your desire is to go to the next level.

Remove Rewards – Take away the rewards until the goals has been met. Mike Delany stated once that businesses need to differentiate between shirkers and workers. You do not reward both groups of people equally.

Stay Focused on Results – Anytime that you focus on the difficulty of work you are likely to become discouraged.

Dan Cathy of Chik-fil-A stated that if you get better, your customers will demand that you get bigger. The old adage is true – Get Good First!

If your actions challenge people to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are a transformational leader that is capable of changing a nation – for such a time as this!


Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE

Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher – SUBSCRIBE

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Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

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Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

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