Words Have Meaning
2024 – A Year of Holy Spirit Empowerment
We have examined a number of biblical facts regarding the Holy Spirit according to John The Baptist, grammatical insights, and The Day of Pentecost. Now it is time to look at the Praxis of The Holy Spirit. Praxis by definition is the process in which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, realized, applied, or put into practice as a new norm. This is a 16th century term that originates in Greek Culture and later became influenced in Medieval Latin culture. Notice the Illustration below by Peter Roennfeldt in his writing of: Holy Spirit Praxis: “A Frame For Contextualization.”
Words Have Meaning
2024 – A Year of Holy Spirit Empowerment
Holy Spirit Praxis
We have examined a number of biblical facts regarding the Holy Spirit according to John The Baptist, grammatical insights, and The Day of Pentecost. Now it is time to look at the Praxis of The Holy Spirit. Praxis by definition is the process in which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, realized, applied, or put into practice as a new norm. This is a 16th century term that originates in Greek Culture and later became influenced in Medieval Latin culture. Notice the Illustration below by Peter Roennfeldt in his writing of: Holy Spirit Praxis: “A Frame For Contextualization.”

Take your study deeper. What actions have you taken while remaining to biblical mandates that have resulted in new behaviors and comprehensions?
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