A Discussion About Next Gen Leadership

I am not confused about who I am and my generational order. I am a Baby Boomer! I grew up with a strong ambition and work ethos. I argued with my dad about, “What do you mean that I am too young to work?” I passed the PGA qualifying school to become a Caddy at age 14. I was disassembling small engines completely and rebuilding them at 15. I started a lawn service at 15 before there were string trimmers for edging and only walk behind lawn mowers. Zero Turn Radius anything was not born yet. Yes, I was quite clear on my generational pecking order and ambition.
Millennials and Gen Z’s have only known a digital world. Therefore, they start from a very different place than all other generations. Millennials came of age as they crossed over from the 20th to the 21st Century. They have witnessed the advent of computers and the Internet. Gen Z’s on the other hand have only known social media, Uber, Cellular devices and wearable technology. Because of modern medicine’s ability to extend the average lifespan we now are witnessing 5 generations at the same time. In the corporate world and non-profit world, we are generationally illiterate.
Covid is not causing the mass exodus away from structured religion. This has been taking place for several years now. We are slow in acknowledging this radical shift of what and how church will be conducted in the coming years. The prevailing model of church will be disrupted to a much greater degree than what we are presently seeing. A protectionist mindset will not delay nor prevent the loss of Millennials from the church.
It is being projected that in 9 short years – 2030 that 75% of the workforce will be comprised of Millennials. The key question is will 75% of the church be comprised of Millennials? It is no longer viable to say of your church, “At least we have timeless principles ….” because soon enough you will look around your church and say, “…and we have no-one under 40.”
Generational transitions are part of the Biblical narrative. Consider Ecclesiastes 1:4 NKJV “One generation passes away, and another generation comes; But the earth abides forever.” Our present culture is like an afternoon shadow. Will the church be left behind or will we understand the “times and seasons” and harness the endless opportunities this new generation brings?
Millennials are talented, creative, and collaborators. They are driven by a sense of significance. They are world-changers and hard workers. This generation carries the fingerprint of God!
In the coming articles I will speak to the Innovative ways the church can embrace this generation and harness their energy to a bright tomorrow.