“The thesis of this book is that what ails you and me has nothing to do with being sick or being wrong. What ails us is that we are living our lives as amateurs. The solution, this book suggests, is that we turn pro.”
Steven Pressfield suggests that Turning Pro is free, but it demands sacrifice. The author suggests that turning pro is not for everyone. He states that we have to be a little crazy to do it or even desire to chase after it. In may ways we do not chose to turn pro – it instead choses us.
What do we get by turning pro? we find our power. We find our will and voice, and we find our self-respect. We become who we always were but had, until now, been afraid to embrace it and to live it out. Do you remember where you were on 9/11? you will remember when you make the choice to turn pro.
The author suggests that many people are working and living in shadow jobs and careers. We do it because we have learned to provide money that in turn pays for the things of life. However, the passion is missing, because this is not who we saw ourselves becoming. We are either living in the past or dreaming of the future, while failing utterly to do the work necessary to progress our life’s purpose in the present.
Something that is boring goes nowhere! It travels in a circle. It never arrives at any destination. The repetitive nature of the shadow life and of addictions is what makes both so tedious. No traction is ever gained. No progress is ever made. We’re stuck in the same endlessly repeating loop of life.
All addictions according to the author have two primary qualities:
- They embody repetition without progress.
- They produce incapacity as a payoff.
When you fail you are off the hook to perform…”I tried, but…..I am glad that is over so that i can get back to normal!”
This book is a must read if you desire to accept the challenge of taking your life and goals to the next level. join me as we Turn PRO!
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