Big Church Vs. Social Tribalism

Leadership Power and Authority Is Being Defused

In case you missed it, we are shifting or have shifted in some cases to a network world. To use a historical illustration, think about the Catholic Church and The Reformation with Martin Luther. The 95 Thesis nailed to the front door of the church at Wittenberg, Germany started a decentralization of power and authority away from an institutional church to the people. Today, technology coupled with our pandemic disruptions, social racism, economic pressure, and election outcomes is all serving to defuse the authority of the church once again either in how we consume religious practices and content to how people are interacting with faith and belief in a digital world.

Our ability for global travel coupled with the Internet 2.0 is radically changing the volume of content that is available. Pastors, you do know that Gen-xer’s, Millennials and Gen-z’s are fact-checking your sermons in real-time for accuracy and who else has spoken on this sermon series? This reality was unheard of fifteen years ago but is now part of the worship experience in churches.

Consider Sociologist Max Weber’s three types of authority[1]. There is a Traditional Authority that is more of a Monarchy type of authority. This is followed by Legal Authority that includes Presidents, Congress, and big denominations. Finally, there is Charismatic Authority which focuses on the Charisma of a personality and their ability to attract followers outside of formal authoritative structures. Technology is allowing everyone to become a commentator and pundit. Our current President demonstrates the power of circumventing normal news channels to get a message to the masses via Charisma. The vertical authority of Legal Institutions is being eroded by the power of horizontal conversations of charismatic voices on the Web.

The unique challenge of Pastoral Ministry today is that Boomers and Gen-xer’s are leading Teams that are comprised of Millennials and Gen-zer’s. That is a difficult mix to say the least. So, what can be done to lead in an era of Social Tribalism? I believe that Sociologist Max Weber is missing a fourth level of authority – Spiritual Authority! Spiritual Authority is simply God grabbing our heart and shaping the passion of our voice and the sound of words in our content. Regurgitating everyone else’s content is not Spiritual Authority. The Apostle Paul gives clarity to Spiritual Authority in the Bible book, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 ESV; And I, when I came to you, brothers,[a] did not come proclaiming to you the testimony[b] of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling,and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men[c] but in the power of God; 4:20 ESV For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power.

You may become drawn toward Charismatic Authority, but your spiritual transformation will only come through Spiritual Authority. There is something powerful about leaders who press in toward God and seek His presence through brokenness and tears, emerging with new authority that is not ours!

Is it possible that our pandemic shutdown and social distancing has opened up people to various new authorities? Are we beginning to watch the decentralization of all things BIG to all things TRIBAL which is more small community connected? How are spiritual leaders supposed to lead in the face of rapid changes culturally? Here is what I know, severe crisis and disruptions cause people to respond when confronted with pressure they did not create. Modern Evangelism has been defined as, watching people move from one idol to another idol because of crisis pressure and then stand in that gap with spiritual authority. 

Joel 2:15-17 (ESV) is a right now present word for our COVID world! “Blow the trumpet in Zion; consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly; 16 gather the people. Consecrate the congregation; assemble the elders; gather the children, even nursing infants. Let the bridegroom leave his room, and the bride her chamber. 17 Between the vestibule and the altar let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep and say, “Spare your people, O Lord, and make not your heritage a reproach, a byword among the nations.[a] Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?’” Today is a day of great HOPE and FAITH in Christ Jesus!

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.

[1] ACCESSED 17 November 2020. Barna Podcast.

35 Weeks of COVID-19

Leadership Insights Learned In 2020

I have not met anyone that disagrees 2020 has been an unwelcome guest in our lives. Our daily- weekly rhythms have been disrupted. We have learned new concepts – Social Distance, Shelter-in-Place, Essential Workers, ZOOM, etc. We have witnessed the hypocrisy of social mandates that have allowed Liquor Stores to remain open while churches were shut down; Allow limited seating at eateries with masks yet allow social protesting without masks; allow Grandpa to take his last breath without the presence of a loving family. Yes, 2020 will leave several emotional scars on our lives for the remainder of our days.

There are so many Leadership insights that I could highlight from 35 weeks of COVID-19 Pandemic. I will limit my insights to a handful of lessons learned. Here is my selection.

Leading Beyond The Blizzard

Seven days after our national shut-down Andy Crouch of Praxis Journal wrote (March 20, 2020) COVID-19 is not just something to “get through” for a few days, weeks, or months. Instead COVID-19 should be treated as an economic and cultural blizzard, winter, and beginning of a new “little ice-age” – a once in a lifetime change that is likely to affect our lives and organizations for years. What is amazing this article was wrote while everyone else was declaring that we would be back in our churches in a couple of weeks.

Mental-Emotional Health

Overnight families were faced with managing parenting, house cleaning, work-at-home schedules, e-learning for the children, etc. Pastors were forced into the Digital Church Production mode, online giving, ZOOM small groups, and facilities with no one present. These unique pressures have sky-rocketed mental/emotional health issues. Currently Ministers are facing emotional health concerns that are 10x greater than any other point in history. Family counseling is desperately needed. Leadership Coaching is at an all-time high, yet there is a serious reluctance on the part of ministers because of looking weak. Innovation in “Family Ministry” is needed where weekend marriage retreats fall woefully short.

Traffic Light Habits

David Ferguson wrote about three types of people that have been created in the COVID-19 journey. He uses the traffic light analogy. RED LIGHT people are very cautious, stay distant from others, and shelter-in-place. YELLOW LIGHT people will venture out with caution and concern. GREEN LIGHT people are “peddle-to-the-metal” types that question if all of this is even real. He goes on to write that what started out as a medical concern has now turned into habit forming behavior. Red Light people now prefer to stay at home and work, exercise at home, and watch church services on their schedule. Yellow Light people enjoy the small group watch party idea of community and relationship building over the large crowds. Green light people are ready to get back into large crowds as though nothing has happened. Ferguson’s analogy has become a great way to under why the “PHYGITAL CHURCH” (Physical-Digital) will now be part of the faith expression of people moving forward. The average church on campus is averaging 50% of pre-COVID attendance nationally. Church is no longer a one-size fits all approach.

Learned Helplessness

Dr. Henry Cloud states that any crisis thrust upon us that we do not create can lead us to a loss of control. When the reality of this fact is not dealt with, Cloud suggests our daily habits become a pattern of “Learned Helplessness.” We stop responding at all and simply check out on our future by drifting into passivity. We wait for the “old normal” to return so we can restart our living once again. Unfortunately, we lose when attempting to either wait for or recreate the past.

One Solution For Our Future – REPENTANCE!

There are two Old Testament Characters that instruct us for such a time as this. First of Moses demonstrates leaving the people in the valley while ascended the Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. Upon his return from the Mount Sinai, Exodus 34:29-35 gives us the account of the people’s reaction; “…. his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord…. they were afraid to come near to him…” Exodus 24:29-30. In the face of significant crisis and the loss of national identity, Moses demonstrates for us the need to be in God’s presence to such an extent that it is obvious to the worshippers that the man or woman of God has been in the presence of God and is now speaking a fresh word from Heaven.

The Second Old Testament character that speaks to our need is King Josiah. 2 Kings 22-23 gives us the narrative of the King thoroughly destroying any and all symbols of idol worship and evil that had been performed in the Temple of God. Even to the burning of the bones of dead false prophets so there would no marker to ever return back to their memory or recall. As you read 2 Kings 22-23 you cannot help but notice the extensive work of repentance and removal of all things that have dishonored the Lord. What is most striking about King Josiah’s story is the Lord’s response in 2 Kings 22:20; Therefore, I will allow you to die and be buried in peace. You will not have to witness all the disaster I will bring on this place…” God honored the repentance but did not stop the coming destruction. Are we at such a crossroads in America?

Welcome To The “Phygital” Church of Jesus Christ

Where Technology Intersects Discipleship

What in the world is “Phygital” church you ask? Thank you 2020 pandemic for shoving in our face the longing to be in church physically and yet digitally was our only form of worship for months. Welcome to the new Physical-Digital Church – Phygital! Our national pandemic journey has made the use of technology prominent. ZOOM Conference calls are king! Live streaming has taken on a new significance, and socially distancing ourselves in our churches is just weird. After all, we are social and relational animals.

Beyond hybrid terminology what is really at stake in 2020. My answer to this question has remained the same for over 30 years of my gospel ministry – Make Disciples! While it remains true that certain platforms are to be preferred over others, the mandate of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 has not changed. It simply demands a response from churches and their leadership teams. Conducting physical and digital services is not the gold standard of measurements. Developing people into Christlikeness is the gold standard of measurement.Consider the following infographic that asks during this pandemic have you or your household been engaged with church in 13 categories. 43% responded NONE![1]

When you factor into this narrative another sub-classification that has emerged during the pandemic; New Dropouts, you begin to sense the novelty of conducting physical socially distant live services and streaming platforms is not the measurement in and of itself. As of mid-September 1 in 5 regular worshippers (pre-pandemic category) have not connected with church on any platform.

It appears there are three key actionable steps that should be taken immediately.

  1. The 1 in 5 dropout group is the churches most important missional outreach presently. We need to connect and engage with this demographic. They were attending, but the pandemic has been so disruptive they have not been able to re-engage church and life in the same way.
  2. Rethinking our discipleship strategy is of the utmost importance. Programs and bling will not make disciples that are capable of withstanding our present day. Strong in faith and able to “self-feed” from scripture is our best hope.
  3. The Phygital church is not going away. Citizens in the digital realm are actually in Digital Babylon and they need someone to reach them. Native Content development and creativity is desperately needed.

To impress a sense of urgency, consider this infographic in closing[2]

[1] Barna & Stadia Research, Six Questions About The Future of The Hybrid Church Experience. (Barna Group Digital Format Ó2020). P. 9.

[2] IBID. P. 18.

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.

Motivation and Discipline


Growth is not an event!

Key questions:

Do you know what you need to improve? – REFLECTION NEEDED!

Do you know how you are supposed to improve?

Do you know WHY you desire to keep improving?

Do you know when that you are supposed to improve? Be aware of the “someday-maybe’s!”


GROWTH is an amazing process of life! Consider the following comparison


Consistency is a muscle to be exercised! When you model consistency and motivation in front of your team you equip them mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to follow your example.

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.

What Can We Learn From Exiles?

Have you noticed? It feels like we are living in Babylon! We are living in a modern-day pandemic that has radically altered our weekly rhythms. Life feels off-balance. What did Daniel and Ezekiel feel?

The importance of making Disciples for Christ could not be more urgent and more pressing than NOW! To impress a sense of urgency upon our work at this moment consider the millennials; 18-29 years of age. This group comprises 72.1 million (according to the 2019 statistics on US Population). This generation is being referred to as Digital Babylon! They are more digitally connected than any generation and yet the most distant generation when it comes to faith in Christ. They are the modern-day Exiles. Consider the faith practices of a segment of this generation that grew up in church.

  • Prodigals – 22% no longer are attached to church on any level. They have walked away.
  • Nomads – 30% still believe in God but not presently practicing their faith within a church community.
  • Habitual Churchgoers – 38% will attend church 1-2 times/month.
  • Resilient Disciples – 10% are faithful in all aspects of discipleship, testimony, and evangelism.

This is the generation that we will hand over the reins of spiritual leadership. There is no more compelling sense of urgency than NOW to turn our churches into disciple-making churches that are led by discipled pastors.

What can we learn from the Exilic Prophets – Ezekiel and Daniel?  Here are six insights.

  1. Exiles live for the sake of others
  2. Exiles take epic risks for the sake of what is right
  3. Exiles make prayer a mission
  4. Exiles live by the mandate of faithfulness and holiness
  5. God is at work for good, even in exile
  6. Exiles find their home in God himself, not institutions

These exilic prophets teach us to expect the course of World History interfacing with us personally and our faith traditions spiritually. Go and make disciples…. even in EXILE!

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.

Learning To Pause Allows Growth To Catch Up


Learn to say; “Time Out!” There is POWER in the PAUSE. Consider …..

Reflection turns experience into insight

Everyone needs a time and place to pause

Pausing with intention expands your thinking

Good questions are at the heart of reflection


By asking the right questions you will always get at the right answers in life! Consider the following questions to gain a greater sense of your own awareness ……

What is my biggest asset?

What is my biggest liability?

What is my highest high?

What is my lowest low?

What is my is my most worthwhile emotion?

What is my least worthwhile emotion?


Make it your TOP priority to schedule a time and place for personal reflection

Remember, hoping your way to reflection is not a strategy

Remind everyone that “We all walk with the limp we got” and that personal growth and change starts with personal awareness that is found in personal reflection and pausing.

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.

Value Yourself To Add Value To Yourself


The focus is upon the VALUE of YOURSELF! 

Consider the power of a positive self-image

Self-Image is the single most significant indicator to a person’s behavior

People are never able to outperform their self-image

Understand the difference of placing too high of importance upon other people’s perception versus our own perception

If you place to small a value on yourself, rest assured the world will not raise the price


Make the turn toward positive change.

Guard your self-talk

Stop comparing yourself to other people

Move beyond your self-limiting beliefs

It is hard to feel bad about yourself when you are doing good for others

Do the right thing even if it is the hard thing

Embrace a positive view on life based upon what you value


When you live out of a context of positivity, you show others a way in which to live positively. This is empowering for others.

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.