Significance Begins HERE

Self-knowledge is key to achieving growth. Adopting others’ definitions of success as our own is not a formula for growth. Our beliefs have a huge impact on how we perceive success and how we move forward. Our values and beliefs may not match those of people we think are successful and therefore we need to be aware of what is truly important to us to achieve success.

Societies are made up of many differing types of people, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Some types are more suited for particular tasks and by understanding this, we can open our minds to our own growth potential.

Diving deeper into differing types of people, we can appreciate those gifts each has and that appreciation and understanding empowers us with the knowledge of why people react in certain situations. Better understanding our environment and each other, we can work together toward a common goal.

Balance within us is crucial to our growth. We have strengths and weaknesses that require equal billing to increase our awareness and understanding. This means that focusing only on strengths and ignoring weaknesses causes an imbalance. Recognizing strengths and weaknesses, embracing them and then supplementing weaknesses with others’ strengths in a team effort is highly effective.

The importance to growth is to not hide behind weaknesses but to embrace them, strengthen them either through inner reflection or by supplementing them in a team environment.


Significance Begins HERE

This is one of those topics that I could write about all day every day. Goal setting, goal achieving, goals goals goals!

We all have goals. Each and every one of us. Some of us think we gave up a long time ago and don’t have any but we do. Every day we wake up with the goal to live another day. Ok, maybe that is a stretch but don’t we all have goals to some extent? And why is it so important to have goals?

The most successful people on this planet didn’t wake up one day with an idea and a few minutes later after they got dressed became successful… No way. They had an idea and they developed a plan. Within that plan there were goals – some big, some little – some attainable, some way out there.

And each day, they worked at it – chipping away, having triumphs and failures along the way but tweaking and re-evaluating and working toward goals. Goals!

We have had goals from the day we were born. Sit up. Crawl. Walk. Talk. Feed ourselves. Dress ourselves. Express ourselves. Make friends. Learn. Communicate. Develop relationships. Learn a skill. Get a job. Get married. Have a family. Buy a car. Buy a house. Take a vacation…. Many of these things are milestones that we can only achieve with a plan of action and goal setting.

Goals are objectives that you intend to achieve. Going through life without goals is like getting in your car and driving aimlessly expecting to arrive at your destination without a clue how to get there. If you had a roadmap or a GPS, you could have gotten there in a reasonable amount of time but because you just drove and drove – maybe you will eventually get there but at what cost? How much time and energy did you waste because you didn’t take a couple minutes to punch in the destination in your GPS?

Moving through life without a roadmap and expecting to reach certain milestones haphazardly is certainly one way to go but if you want to get somewhere quickly and with less energy and time, then set goals, work towards them and you will find yourself exactly where you wanted to be.


Significance Begins HERE

Enthusiasm is that place between perseverance and defeat. It is what makes someone stay motivated and keep going and others give up and quit. Enthusiasm.

So how does one get it and how does one keep it? Look at your own life experiences to times when you lost your desire to work at something whether it was a marriage, a career, or something less dramatic as painting a room. So you didn’t finish the room or you were too tired to touch up the trim. Maybe you don’t call it quitting because it is insignificant on the giant spectrum of life but with something like a marriage or career, the results could be disastrous.

Imagine you want something so wonderful – so out of reach – anything – a car, a career, a house, a spouse, a smaller waistline, whatever it is – imagine it. Do you feel energy inside you – don’t worry about how you will get it – just imagine it. The how isn’t important – release that from your mind. OK, you have that image now. Now think about that every day. That image. Keep that image alive. Every time you think about it you can add more detail to it. If it were a house, you can start to add furniture and accessorize the house. The color of the walls, the carpet or tile or wood flooring. The light fixtures. Every time you think about it feel the energy. That energy is enthusiasm.

So now you know what that feels like – let’s build on that feeling and keep it alive. You have a job to do, some task, and you aren’t feeling too motivated or enthusiastic about it. You can use self-talk to give you energy. You know that if you do it now you will be grateful later. You know that this task is the right thing to do and the benefits will outweigh the energy spent on the task now. Focus on the end result to build your motivation.

Sustain enthusiasm by understanding what the outcome is to your actions. Enthusiasm is an emotion that you show and feel and sometimes when you aren’t feeling so enthusiastic about something, you can pretend to be and the more you pretend, you trick your mind into believing that you actually are enthusiastic. It is a phenomenon that will help you sustain your enthusiasm when you aren’t feeling very motivated or full of energy.

Being enthusiastic about a task at hand will spill into other areas of your life and you will see that your positive enthusiastic attitude will lighten up a room. You will become that person others are drawn to.


Significance Begins HERE

How many times have you heard someone say – I don’t want any drama in my life. That is a very trendy term right now and if you or someone you know is single and dating – that is tossed around like please and thank you! drama-alert

Everyone claims to hate drama but somehow we find ourselves in it way too often. Some of us are drama junkies and thrive for it as it gives us a sense of importance. Some us create it and then swoop in as the savior to “fix” whatever caused it. How would you like to learn how to navigate through drama with ease?

What is drama? It is defined as a situation that involves conflict leading to a climax.

Wow. Does that change your view of drama already?

We all know someone who seems to attract drama. Usually these people don’t really want that in their lives but due to some underlying trauma they have experienced in the past, the drama is like a comfortable place for them. They relive the trauma over and over through drama filled episodes and some of us get caught up in it again and again.

Drama in adults can be compared to the terrible twos. Some toddlers haven’t developed their communication skills when dealing with conflict and will typically act out with a temper tantrum. Imagine an adult who is unable to regulate their emotions and handle conflict and they act out with an adult temper tantrum that may include backstabbing, gossiping, and verbal abuse.

Drama exists in the movies for a reason – it is entertaining. It gives us a distraction momentarily. We are attracted to drama in the movies much like we are attracted to it in the real world even if we claim we aren’t. Drama is caused by a distorted thought and we always have the option, the choice, to engage or disengage in the events about to unfold.

  1. Stay away from distorted thinking and distorted thinkers is a start. If you don’t feed the beast, it will go somewhere else to eat.
  2. When someone is unloading on you, listen. Just listen. They are looking for an ear not your opinion. This will keep you from engaging in the situation, which can escalate the problem. Don’t talk – don’t discuss – don’t look for a solution. Let the energy die down before engaging in any conversation.


Significance Begins HERE

Decisions are a mental activity every one of us engages in on a daily basis.  458835a-i1.0 From deciding when to wake up, to what to eat, to how to spend our day, to where to spend our money, to whom to spend our time with… decisions are part of our daily life.

That doesn’t mean we are good at making decisions. Many of us make very bad decisions every day and only a few of us make good decisions consistently. Why is there such disparity in this? What keeps us from making sound decisions?

Did you know that you could virtually eliminate conflict and confusion by becoming proficient at making decisions? Once you make a decision, you will find all the people, resources and ideas you need every time.

Indecisiveness is a decision to not make a decision. This is typically fueled by the fear of failure. Low self esteem and succumbing to circumstances is why so many people make poor decisions.

If you have an idea, a desire, a wish, a worthy ideal, make the decision to achieve whatever it is you want. Once you make this decision, the people, resources, and ideas will be attracted to you because your belief in achievement will supersede your fears and circumstances. Your belief will be the catalyst that changes your behaviors, your actions, and ultimately your results.

Keep your focus on your visions, your worthy ideal. Refuse to worry about how it will happen – know that you are capable of anything you put your mind to and make the decision today to DECIDE WHERE YOU ARE WITH WHATEVER YOU’VE GOT.


Significance Begins HERE

Critical thinking is utilizing our higher faculties to understand and evaluate subject matter; or to put it simply “knowing how to think.”  critical-thinking1 When we were in elementary and secondary school, we were taught what to think. We were subjected to a lot of information and now, the trend is to teach to pass a test. We memorize what is needed, take the test, and then forget what we remembered. If we pursued higher education, most of us college graduates continued down the same path of learning what to think again for that anticipated test at the end of each semester. It isn’t until we pursue advanced degrees that we are then required to know how to think.

Consider this conclusion from the National Commission on Excellence in Education in its landmark report, A Nation at Risk, 1983:

“Many 17-year olds do not possess the “higher-order” intellectual skills we should expect of them. Nearly 40 percent cannot draw inferences from written material; only one-fifth can write a persuasive essay; and only one-third can solve a mathematics problem requiring several steps.”

This trend in education has taught us to mind dump everything we know when sharing information. When conducting masterminds or presenting our principles and ideas to prospects, take a moment and evaluate your approach. Are you unconsciously mind dumping everything you know in your allotted time or are you taking the time to help others develop conclusions and their own thought.

Critical thinking is a higher-order level of thinking. It is the ability to think for one’s self and responsibly make those decisions that affect one’s life. In addition, critical thinking is also critical inquiry: investigating problems, asking questions, and posing new challenging answers.

Consider the benefits of helping develop others’ critical thinking skills. They will be able to better understand your ideas and better accept your methodologies if they are able to understand, evaluate and conclude in a critical way. In addition, by developing your own critical thinking skills, you will be better equipped to share this your life changing information with your clients, co-workers, friends and family.

Critical thinking requires advanced listening skills. Lecturing to others is a passive activity that does not inhibit audience participation. To critically evaluate needs, it is necessary to present ideas and then allow the group to develop conclusions – openly discuss and debate these new ideas. Allow the group to think deeply about your ideas and in turn, value what they think and feel. Share these ideas in an environment that allows them to think their ideas matter. Ask them to make connections and recognize patterns in the new ideas you are presenting. These techniques allow your group to begin to develop trust in themselves and their thoughts, which in turn develops their critical skills.

At the conclusion of your discussion, to further develop critical thought, ask your participants to write out the most significant thing they learned AND what single thing they would like to learn more about. This is immediate feedback about what they are learning and what they still need to understand. When presenting – encourage questions and praise the questioner with these examples: “Good question” or “I am sure others want to know that as well”. When your audience asks questions, this is a great indicator that they are thinking critically.


Shepherds Advantage Leadership Coaching

Significance Begins HERE

On Wikipedia, comfort is defined as a sense of physical or psychological ease and a lack of hardship while uncomfortable are people lacking in comfort. I disagree! I am hung up in the word “lacking”. I think people who are comfortable are lacking. Let me explain.

When you go along in life and stay within the lines, always on the safe side of the street, not taking risks and staying under the radar, you think you are comfortable. You don’t ruffle feathers, you don’t cause problems, you avoid drama… Ha!

That is not the life I want to live. Not that I desire to ruffle feathers and be that obnoxious guy no one wants around. Far from it. I want to be the person that takes the risks, that lives in that uncomfortable zone because that is where I am growing – taking life by the horns. Experiencing new things. Having new adventures. Dreaming big dreams and better yet, living the life I desire.

Comfort is a place where boredom sets in. I define comfort as eating TV dinners in front of the television night after night with nothing worthwhile to say to my spouse while my kids are glued to their fantasy role playing video games because our life is BORING! And Comfort is where I think those people live that are afraid of going for the big promotion because they live in fear that they aren’t good enough.

Good enough. Ha! I don’t subscribe to that philosophy. We are all good enough. In fact we are better than good enough. Good enough is not an option with me. Did I always think this way? No. I lived in comfort until one day a mentor pushed me. I didn’t know he was my mentor at the time. He was just my friend and he pushed me to dream bigger dreams. He pushed me to want more out of life. To go after the big fish.

I have physical and psychological ease because I am reaching for the stars and I am going to do whatever it takes to get there! My mentor pushed me and changed my thinking – he said – even though you don’t believe it now, trust in my belief in you. That was motivation enough for me – I trusted in his belief that I could and wow did my life change. My mentor got me out from in front of that television and off the couch to living life! And the best part is now I am mentoring others to achieve their dreams. Comfort is not my goal – I’ll take uncomfortable any day!


Intentional Living Begins Here

If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts. ~ Albert Einstein shutterstock_111462035

I love that quote! Change is that scary word that most people shy away from. I don’t want to change. Why should I change? Why doesn’t everyone else change to accommodate me? If I change, then I will be out of my comfort zone. Why change something that isn’t broken?

Change. Asking someone to change is like expecting the sun to not rise. Isn’t it a pointless request? Change comes from within. Change is something we do with ourselves. Only we can control us, no one else. So why ask, expect, anticipate, anything from someone else?

Let’s focus on how to change us. First why would anyone want to change themselves? Is it because they don’t like the outcome? Have you ever had a conversation with someone and you really want to change their mind about something? You try so hard to convince them that your point of view is right and theirs is wrong! Can’t they see that? I mean do they realize just how foolish their ideas are? Ha!

Cause and Effect. Facts and Theory. Yin and Yang. If you don’t like the end result, then you need to change the actions. If the facts don’t fit the theory, in other words, the end result of the facts is not the theory then the facts must change. Your actions (cause) create an end result (effect). If you don’t like the effect, change the cause. If you want a particular effect, but aren’t getting it, then change the cause.

It is really simple but we complicate it because we think it is everyone else that needs to change and not us. Stop. Take a breath. Read that again. It is really simple. We want a different end result. We need to make a change.

If you want to convince someone you are right and they are looking at you like you have three eyes… stop. Look within. Why do you want to convince anyone of anything? If someone cannot see your point of view for whatever reason, if someone is doing something that you do not like, if someone or something is not what you expected… then look within. Look at what you are doing, thinking, saying,… take the blame off others and look at your actions and make the necessary changes and adjustments to achieve the end result you so desire.


Intentional Living Begins Here

Behavior defined can be a physical thing one does such as a morning routine and it can be non-physical such as replaying negative thoughts all day long.   A few behaviors are instinctual and built in while the rest are learned through meeting needs. What this means is that our behaviors are motivated by our needs and therefore we can be manipulated as well as manipulate to have our needs met. student-behavior-impact1

So when we have negative behaviors and we want to change them, we find it isn’t always so easy because these learned behaviors that we exhibit are actually rather complex.

There are two types of motivation – the motivation to approach something and the motivation to avoid something. When we desire something, we are motivated to approach it therefore receiving positive reinforcement or feedback. When we avoid something, we are motivated to move away from it or we will receive negative reinforcement or feedback. This is pretty simple. We understand that when we eat something sweet, most of us have a pleasant experience and when we eat something sour, our faces pucker and we try to avoid that experience again.

But let’s look at those things we approach or avoid because the thing doesn’t create that behavior, we do. Some people desire the adrenaline rush of jumping out of an airplane. It is exhilarating – it is something they repeat again and again as it has a positive affect on them and they desire that and are motivated to seek that experience. Some people avoid even the thought of getting on an airplane due to their learned fears that it will absolutely crash and they will die no matter what statisticians say – forget purposefully jumping out of a perfectly good airplane! Did the airplane create these behaviors? No! We learned them. And each of us react differently to different things, experiences, tastes, smells, thoughts, etc. All because of our own personal thoughts and behaviors.

So how do you change your behaviors? Your thoughts? Let’s say you want to become a public speaker but you are petrified of speaking in front of people. How can you overcome this fear, build confidence, perform and knock it out of the park? You have to change your behavior so that you are motivated to approach public speaking effortlessly without turning into a sweaty mess.

Practice. Anything you try for the first time will be clumsy and awkward, maybe even difficult. By practicing your speech – over and over again until it is so engrained in you and flows off your tongue as if it is just another story you are telling a friend, you build your confidence to speak to several friends or a small group… until you are ready to speak to a large audience. Practice.

Shaping. Practice your speech and ask your audience (family members, friends, mentor, coach) for feedback. Try giving it several different ways. Break down the speech into bits and mix it up. All the while correcting your approach and delivery until you shape your presentation and performance.

Chaining. Very good and effective speeches, keynote talks, sales pitches… are complex. They are made up of many components within the speech to get you to the end result you desire – sell a product or service, teach a thought or program, build rapport with your audience, create new clients, whatever your end result is, your speech has to be built on a frame and chaining is how you piece it together so there is a natural flow, a rhythm that mesmerizes the audience. Think about a really good comedian who gets up on stage and tells little stories for the whole set and the last story wraps up and circles back to the first story – bringing the evening to a close so naturally and you give a standing ovation because you were mesmerized by how good he was – he practiced, shaped each story or joke, chained them all together and brought it to a close.

By using these techniques, you can change an old behavior that you don’t want for a new one that you do want. Whatever you want to change, practice your new desired behavior, shape the new behavior by approaching it in different ways and ask for feedback all the while tweaking it, chain all the components of the new skills you are now mastering together and now you have successfully changed your behavior.

80/20 Rule

Vilfredo Pareto

Start TodayThe 80/20 rule sounds like a mathematical formula and in some ways it is but don’t fret, this isn’t a lesson on statistics. The rule came from an Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, who stated that 80% of the Italian income was earned by 20% of the Italian population. 20140418-095204

What this means is that 80% of your outcomes come from 20% of your inputs. To put this another way, 20% of your activities equate to 80% of your happiness. Instead of focusing on income, we will focus on your overall well being or happiness factor.

To prove this theory, look at the distribution of wealth and lately with the shrinking of the middle class, this is even more apparent that a small portion of the population controls the majority of the economy. Look at business, the top earners are a small percentage of companies and earn the largest portion of income. And if you look at your own habits, you most likely spend most of your income on few things like your mortgage, car payment, food and you probably spend most of your time with a few people each day.

So how can you use the 80/20 rule to maximize your outputs? Let’s look at John Maxwell. He talks about the fact that he is only good at a few things. Therefore, he doesn’t waste his time with those things he cannot do or does not want to do. By focusing on what you are good at – those few things; and not waste time on those things you are not good at, you maximize your efficient self and are able to improve upon and increase your skillset on what you are good at and what you love to do.

Malcolm Gladwell speaks of how to become an expert; the common thread is spending 10,000 hours perfecting one’s craft. If you spread yourself across the board, become a Jack of all trades, master of none, than your efficiency rate decreases and no longer will the 80/20 rule work in your favor.

Take a moment and consider what you love and what you are really good at and then list out those things that cause you to waste time and decrease your efficient self. If you are able, hire someone to do those tasks that fall on that list. Share duties with your children, spouse, roommate, significant other, co-worker, team members etc. Trade your time and skillset for theirs. You will find that focusing on those 20% tasks, the 80% yield will be worthwhile.