The Focus Shift

he late Zig Ziglar stated years ago you can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. The key question that emerges from this thought is are you a Soloist of a Conductor? Do you want everyone to serve you or are you there to serve others? It is true that one is too small of a number to achieve greatness. Consider the following five (5) challenges to shift from Soloist to Conductor.

Going Slower So That you Can Go Further – We have often heard the adage, “It is lonely at the top!” The reason that it is lonely is because you took the journey by yourself. Leadership is about making careful thought out steps so that you can guide others to come behind you and succeed also. Healthy organizations are not about the one person who leads them. Rather it is about everyone who is in them.

Recognizing That You Need Others – It is extremely difficult to to make beautiful music as an orchestra when you are a one man band. Notice the difference between the two attitudes below.

A Completing Culture creates wins for everyone. When people lead without taking the time or making effort to understand those who are trying to follow, the results will either be tragic or a comedy.

A Completing Culture creates wins for everyone. When people lead without taking the time or making effort to understand those who are trying to follow, the results will either be tragic or a comedy.

Help Others To Become Better Everyday – You must go slower to go farther. This only happens when you realize that you need others, you must understand others, and that you want others to shine more than you. Here are three questions that I have referred to in previous Podcasts.

  • Do you care about me?
  • Can I trust you?
  • Can you help me?

We have a leadership hole today. Poor examples of leadership are swaying people away from it. The John Maxwell Company surveyed  High School Seniors and found that 95% do not want to become a leader. The time is NOW to offer a different model of leading. Add value daily to people so they will add multiplied value to others!


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Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Leader Shift

There is a leadership axiom that says; Fast is faster, forward is shorter. Thomas Edgley also stated that if we do not change we die. We must learn leadership to be successful. For years the principles of management have been taught. The premise has been dependent on stability and known factors. Management has taken stability for granted. Whereas leadership provides principles that work in the face of the unknown. Things are not as stable as we might like. 

In The face of uncertainty, people who conform pull away to a safe place to protect themselves. Adaptable leaders who make leadershifts lean into uncertainty  and deal with it head on.

Paul Karofsky states, “Leaders by definition have followers. Followers need direction. Direction requires decision-making. Decision-making requires consideration of options. And consideration of options involves dealing with uncertainty.”If you are aspiring to become an effective leader you will need to learn to become comfortable with uncertainty and make shifts continually.

Are you ready to shift as a leader? You will need to deal with the tension between the stability that gives security and the adaptability that opens up opportunity.

Here is a list of seven practices on how to leadershift:

  1. Continually Learn, Unlearn, Relearn
  2. Value Yesterday, But Live In Today
  3. Rely on Speed, But Thrive On Timing
  4. See The Big Picture As The Picture Keeps Getting Bigger
  5. Live In Today But Think About Tomorrow
  6. Move Forward Courageously In The Midst of Uncertainty
  7. Realize That Today’s Best Will Not Meet Tomorrow’s Challenges

This series of podcasts are going to focus upon a number of shifts that leaders will need to make if you are going to reach your full potential.


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Courage To Lead

The courage to lead is a willingness to take risks for the good of an unknown future. The risks are REAL! It is much easier to tinker with the monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports, but to make decisions with an eye to the distant future is a lot more difficult. Such decisions may cost you dearly in the short-term. It may even cost jobs and revenue.

The courage to lead means that we will operate our enterprise at a higher standard than mere law – we will obey a higher standard of ethics. What happens when we are pressured to violate that ethical standard. It takes courage to speak up and offer direction that is counter to the current business standards.

Courage to lead in the Infinite Game is all about the actions that we take. There must be a willingness to completely revision how the world operates. To illustrate this fact consider CVS and their decision to stop selling cigarettes.

Hanging in the lobby of the corporate offices is the motto for the company; “Helping people on their path to better health.” This motto was revered and lived out from the e-suite to the lowest level employee. However at the conclusion of a strategy meeting someone stated the elephant in the room, “Don’t we sell cigarettes in our stores?” In February 2014 CVS made the decision to stop selling cigarettes in all stores. This set off a chorus of loud Wall Street voices announcing the end of CVS. Facing a loss of $2 billion, it was assumed this revenue would go to other stores. However, there was a down-turn in total revenue sells in the states where CVS operated. The their shares of stock took an initial hit, they bounced back stronger that prior to their decision.

How do we find the courage to lead?

Simon Sinek offers two (2) possibilities.

  1. We can wait on a life altering event that shakes us to the core of our being and challenges us on how we are living our daily lives.
  2. We can awaken ourselves to the possibility of a just cause and surround ourselves with like-minded people. Identifying worthy rivals that challenge us and pushes us to higher level of excellence.

When you consider that humans are messy and imperfect, understand there is no perfect model of an infinite minded company or leader for that matter. Even when we make strides to live out the infinite minded game, we can falter and slide into the finite game. This is where it takes courage to lead and recognize that we have strayed from our purposes. Courage is required to get back on the pathway of our Just Cause.

Let’s get real for just a moment. Our lives are finite, but life is infinite! We truly are finite players in an infinite game called life. We are born and we die, yet life continues with us or without us. We win and we suffer loss, but we get back in the game because there is always tomorrow or next season. No matter how much money we make, no matter how much power we acquire, no matter how many promotions we obtain, none of us are declared the winner of life! 

So in this final episode of examining the Finite versus the infinite perspective, take some time to evaluate the infinite perspective in your family, faith work, career, and friendships to see if you have lost sight of the long view in life. Make the corrections and have the courage to lead no matter how loud the voices are around you. Stay true to the higher ethic, your guiding north star!


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Game Theory Resource Books

Game Theory for Business by  Paul Papayoanou 

Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

List of Games in Game Theory –

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Existential Flexibility

If you are not willing to blow up the status quo in your organization, someone else will. A great illustration of this fact would be Walt Disney. He was the first to create animated cartoons with synchronized music and sound. He sold and borrowed on everything to create his Just Cause – allowing people to step out of the work world and step into the world of creativity. Disney created theme parks that showed yesterday and tomorrow. In the words of Buzz Lightyear – To infinity and Beyond!

So what exactly is Existential Flexibility? It is the capacity to initiate extreme disruption to a business model or strategic course in order to more effectively advance our Just Cause (Go back and review Episode #259 for the discussion on Just Cause). The finite-minded player resists change and new ideas while the infinite-minded played revels in them. Key distinction.

This FLEX can be very disruptive to the current way of doing business. Yet, if you do not FLEX and blow up your own enterprise, someone else will. Wouldn’t be awesome to have a conversation with George Eastman founder of Eastman Kodak. The digital world completely engulfed Eastman Kodak. Their Just Cause perished due to a lack of change. Sadly they owned many of the digital technology patients and made millions from their sale. Yet on January 19, 2012 the New York Times summed up Kodak’s demise with these words; “Eastman Kodak, the 131 year-old film pioneer that has been struggling for years to adapt to an increasingly digital world, filed for bankruptcy protection early on Thursday.”

While this FLEX can be disruptive and unnerving at times, Keep in mind that your JUST CAUSE is the northstar to guide your forward motion. It is at this point that I have questioned and studied extensively the questions of, How would the non-profit Faith Community act differently if they truly lived out the infinite-minded idea? What decisions would we make that are different than how we presently are making. Better yet what is the JUST CAUSE for the faith community or any other non-profit?

Consider that non-profit growth today is coming from a brand new arena. Churches and organizations that are on the verge of extinction are handing over the assets to another non-profit that is flourishing. The goal is to keep a faith initiative alive in that neighborhood without placing the assets on the auction block.

My question is what happened to the JUST CAUSE? Without it what is the guiding northstar? This should cause all of us in the non-profit world to ask questions about the current health and trends of our operations. Are we truly operating within an infinite-minded perspective with goals beyond our life-time. Perhaps the finite-minded focus can subtly creep into our operations. Are we in competition with other non-profits? Are we attempting to be declared the winner in the non-profit arena?

It is interesting that Kodak faced the disruptive nature of the digital technology they created! Their own creation became their down-fall.


Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE

Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Game Theory Resource Books

Game Theory for Business by  Paul Papayoanou 

Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

List of Games in Game Theory –

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Performance Vs. Trust

In Podcast Episode #257 I listed four key areas of the Infinite minded leader. Previously we have begun a deeper look into these four areas by starting with our “Just Cause,” followed by “Will and Resources.” In this podcast I want to examine what it takes to have “Trusting Teams.” 

In order to build Trusting Teams let’s understand the tension that exists. The tension is that we are a business and should act professional, not personal. Therefore, we need to drive performance, not make people feel good. If you have ever felt frustrated, angry, excited, abused, confident, or insecure, congratulations – you are officially human! There is simply no way to suspend our emotions while at work.

Feeling safe to express our emotions is not be confused with a lack of emotional professionalism. After all we are adults and have a responsibility to act with respect and thoughtfulness. Emotions/Feeling are at the heart of Trusting Teams. Let’s examine and illustration from the Navy Seals regarding Performance versus Trust. They understand that Trust comes before Performance, not the other way around. 

The Seals have come to learn that performance can be taught. Trust is who you are at the core of your being. To become a Seal does not necessarily mean that you are the high achiever that outperforms all others. Take notice of the chart in the show notes. Seals will take low to medium performers with high trust. High performance with low trust is a toxic person that you do not want on your team.

Performance is about technical competence. How good someone is at their job. Do you have staying power? Can you remain calm while meeting deadlines? Trust on the other hand is about character, humility, and accountability. Do you bring a positive attitude with you to work. Having skills does not mean that you are reputable. 

Why is it in the Navy Seals that a premium is placed upon the character of a person knowing this person has their back and yet in the business world we place more emphasis upon performance at the expense of character? When we pitt performance against character we create toxic environments in which trust is sacrificed. Performance actually drops in toxic environments. People will trust their leaders when their leaders do the things that make them feel psychologically safe!


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Game Theory Resource Books

Game Theory for Business by  Paul Papayoanou 

Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

List of Games in Game Theory –

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Two Currencies

I want to examine specifically the two types of currency that every organization has at their disposal – Will and Resources.

RESOURCES – This currency is easy to calculate and is tangible. We can calculate this by means of revenus, profit, cash flow, venture capital, private equity, store prices and so on. Resources generally come from outside sources like customers, investors and these represent the sum total of all financial metrics that contribute to the health of the organization.

WILL –  In contrast, is intangible and harder to measure. When we talk about will, we’re talking about the feelings people have when they come to work. Will encompasses morale, motivation, inspiration and commitment, desire to engage, desire to offer discretionary effort and so on. Will generally comes from inside sources like the quality of leadership and the strength and clarity of the Just Cause. Will represents the sum of all human elements that contribute to the health of the organization.

All leaders whether operating from a finite or infinite mindset know that resources are essential. All leaders whether finite or infinite agree that will is also essential. Can you name me one CEO who thinks their people are unimportant. The tension lies in the reality that Will and Resources can never be equally prioritized. There are always circumstances in which one is pitted against the other, times in which leaders must decide which one to sacrifice. The question; “Which one will they choose?” Every leader has a bias!

Most of us have sat in corporate meetings in which leaders have gone over their agenda – it looks something like this: 1. Growth 2. Market Share and Demographic targets 3. Our People. This illustration shows there are at least two other items that are more important than “Our People.” How leaders list priorities illustrates their bias and their bias influences how decisions are made. Finite Leaders focus on score. These decisions impact people via layoffs and downsizing operations. It is easier to calculate the immediate savings when operating from a bias of SCORE!

Infinite Leaders look ahead to minimize profit lose versus sustaining human capital. The solutions may take longer but, when people are valued time is not always a priority. Thinking beyond the hard times, an infinite minded leader is willing to wait the quarter or the year or more savings to accumulate if it means safeguarding the people. These leaders understand that people drives discretionary effort, problem solving skills, imagination, and teamwork. These things are necessary for the future of the organization. The bottomline that we all understand is that when we lose experienced staff while waiting for new staff to be onboarded and acclimated to the new culture impacts productivity and profit margins. If you factor in low morale in high-turnover jobs it should make you a bit curious as to whether the money saved was actually worth it.


As a leader we can control how we spend and invest our resources. However, we have a lot less control over how our resources are made. Politics, economic cycles, market fluctuations, customer preferences, technological advancements, weather, and all other forces can create havoc on our ability to amass resources. On the other hand any organization can create an endless supply of Will. Leaders are in total control over the source of Will. Will is generated by company culture. We all understand that culture eats vision for breakfast!


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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Game Theory Resource Books

Game Theory for Business by  Paul Papayoanou 

Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

List of Games in Game Theory –

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Infinite Minded Spiritual Leadership

A Just Cause must be…….
For Something – it must be affirmative and optimistic. This is something that we believe in versus something that we oppose. As leaders it is easy to rally people against something we oppose – even whipping people into a frenzy. Being for something ignites the human spirit and fills us with hope and optimism. Being against something is to vilify, demonize, and reject. Being for something invites everyone to a common cause. Being against something focuses our attention on what can be seen. Being for something focuses our attention on the unbuilt future in order to spark imagination and creativity. For example, instead of fighting against poverty, we focused upon the right of every human being to provide for their own family.

Inclusive – open to all who like to contribute. Human being s want to feel a part of something. We crave the feeling of belonging. In the heading of Inconclusiveness we are asking people to join something that is bigger than themselves. A well crafted statement of CAUSE inspires us to offer our time, experience, hands, and anything else that would help advance this cause. Simply stating that I want to make a difference or change the world is not sufficient. A just cause is more than just a vision statement. It is a collection of words that paints a tangible picture of the kind of impact we desire to make on people and exactly how the world will look because of our Just Cause!

Service Oriented – for the primary benefit of others. A Just Cause requires at least two parties – givers and receivers. In order for a Just Cause to be valid it must demonstrate the primary benefit of contributions go to people other than the contributors. This is not to be mistaken as charity. The ultimate goal of the infinite minded spiritual leader is to advance the work to generations beyond myself. Therefore, equipping becomes a major theme. We are not attempting to create dependents, but equip people in such a fashion that it ignites their passions to participate in something that will outlive themselves. The cause is bigger than the consumption of non-profit goods and services,

Resilient – able to endure political, technology and cultural change. A great illustration here is the Declaration of Independence. Equality, unalienable human rights are evergreen. Our Just Cause must have a lasting quality that outlives technology and trends. You must have na cause that is durable, resilient, and timeless.


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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Game Theory Resource Books

Game Theory for Business by  Paul Papayoanou 

Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

List of Games in Game Theory –

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Infinite Minded Spiritual Leadership

Just Cause – The key question is; “What is the big idea/cause for existing?” If we simply remain the same, that will lead to stagnation and death of your organization. Why would we expect anyone to follow us if our cause is “sameness.” Few non-profit organizations make their cause crystal clear to the community in which they serve. What we do as nonprofits and for-profits alike should be aligned to compelling cause that attracts others. There should be a higher cause than simply buy my product or attend my church. Your message is a word picture that shows others your passion and the size of your dreams.

People Over Profit – Infinite mindedness views the larger arch of life, not just the immediate payoff. The primary objective is to perpetuate your work into the future. Your focus is upon people development for the long haul, not short term payoffs. Since you are not looking to be declared WINNER, your passion and drive causes you to assess and utilize the assets of your business differently. Your objective is focused upon perpetuating your vision and passion beyond your lifespan.

Trusting Environment – It is sad to think this subject should be addressed. With the many illustrations of failure you would think that we would have learned some lessons by now. Yet, it is true that trusting environments are desperately needed. Our teams should feel safe to raise their hand and state, “I need help” without fear that their job may be part of the next round of layoffs.

Performance issues are more of a leadership issue than anything else. When the environment is safe and genuine our teams flourish and excel. There is a difference between “liking” your job versus “loving” you job. You don’t declare to the world, “I like my spouse” You would not say to your children, “Your performance is not acceptable, we are going to find you another home to live.” Trusting Environments motivates learning and acceptance not punishment for mistakes. KEY STATEMENT: Leadership is not about you being in charge, but rather caring for and developing those in your charge! 

Keeping The Game In Play – This point has a longer view of time and its importance. Leadership decisions are evaluated through a different lens. The ultimate goal is to keep the game in play far beyond our lifespan. You have to admit with this perspective you see everything – personnel, assets, money, and objectives far differently than trying to win the game of life or be the first to market. Your company’s mantra will sound different, your team leadership has a different sound to it, you cast a very different vision than others.


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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Game Theory Resource Books

Game Theory for Business by  Paul Papayoanou 

Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

List of Games in Game Theory –

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Infinite Minded Spiritual Leadership

Stay focused upon words of our title – “Infinite Spiritual Leadership”. If we left our discussion solely in the realm business only, there would be no need to take this further into the spiritual arena of ideas. However, these podcasts are being built upon the Infinite-mindedness of the Spiritual Leader.

Understanding the meaning of “Infinite” in the context of leadership is a complete paradigm shift of thinking and acting. Especially in the spiritual context. The tension between the words Infinite and Finite have their origins in the most ancient of scriptural texts. When these terms are studied from a point of trajectory, what are some conclusions that can be made. Consider the following chart.

The BIG IDEA in becoming an Infinite Spiritual Leader is……..

Spending your life for a passionate cause that is bigger than your ability to accomplish in your life-time.

Since winning is not the objective, the development of people over profits is key.

You seek to build trusting environments where people can ask for help,

Perpetuating my vision into the future so that others can continue the work is the essence of winning.


Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE

Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Game Theory Resource BooksGame Theory for Business by  Paul Papayoanou 

Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

List of Games in Game Theory –

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Infinite-Minded Spiritual Leader

WELCOME on this last podcast for 2019. I am so very excited about this podcast today. We are going to set a foundation of information that will help you make a significant paradigm shift in your leadership capability. I want to position you for success! 

In the business marketplace of ideas the loudest voice on the subject of Infinite Leadership is Simon Sinek. If you follow his materials and public keynotes, he has been speaking on this topic for a couple of years. These speeches have culminated in his most recent book Infinite Leadership. I would highly encourage you to read it. 

However, there is a larger discussion that centers around the topic of “Game Theory.” To start with let me give you my basic definition of Game Theory.

Game Theory is the study of how people, companies, and nations develop strategies based upon their perceived circumstances. I am including in the show notes additional links for a more in-depth study of Game Theory. Check it out!SO WHAT?, may be your question at this point and I can’t blame you for asking. Stay with me – turn you attention to a keyword in this podcast – INFINITE. To assume this word is also to include its opposite – FINITE. The tension between these two words cannot be overlooked in this podcast. So let me give a basic comprehension of these two powerful words and then we will give some illustrations on applying them to modern leadership theory.

Finite – It is understood to mean that which has defined and understood boundaries that limit. There is a hard conclusion.

Infinite – It is understood to mean that which cannot be fully defined or understood in terms of self imposed boundaries as though something could be contained and yet declared to be infinite at the same time.

In the book Finite and Infinite Games by Professor James Carse New York University wrestles with the tension between something that is Finite or Infinite in the context of daily life and business. This book seems to be the genesis of Simon Sinek’s writings and public speaking. However, there is still a greater comprehension to consider that comes from ancient history. This brings me to the other part of the title for this podcast – Spiritual Leader.

It is at this intersection that the God of scriptures comes into view. The meaning of something being finite or infinite becomes impactful when applied to “God versus man”. Faith systems require that we live in a finite world while espousing the principles of an infinite God. As human beings we are definitely finite. How do we comprehend that which is infinite from our limited perspective? This brings us to yet another tension – Incomprehensibility versus  Knowability. We will explore this tension in upcoming podcasts. Also I am working on a study guide for you on how something can be incomprehensible and yet knowable at the same time. Watch for this resource.

I want to illustrate this so that we can begin to engage this new paradigm in leadership. There are times that we can add knowledge or reframe existing knowledge through a new lens. This is one of those times to view leadership through a new lens.

Keep in mind the tension between that which is limited versus that which is not. How would you develop your leadership? Consider the following;

Business Finite – concerned about competition and being number #1.

Spiritual Finite – concerned about latest methods and trends while attempting to keep up with other spiritual communities of faith.

Business Infinite – one question is asked; “How can I make Myself, my Team, and Products better tomorrow?”

Spiritual Infinite – One question is asked; “How can I make Myself, my Team, our Followers better so that our vision is perpetuated into the future?

What is obvious in these comparisons? What is missing in these comparisons?


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Game Theory Resource Books

Game Theory for Business by  Paul Papayoanou

Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

List of Games in Game Theory –

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!